HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-02-20, Page 4Not •1 e f? s 1 is r. be ei 4 THE WiNGFIAM TIMES FEBRUARY 2'), 1913 TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABL.ISB 111873 THE WIN611A111 TIMES. R. S. iiil,l,IOTT, PUDLISIIER AND PeoriarnR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1913 EDITORIAL NOTES The Congressional committee invest- igating the Money Trust in the United States found that by a system of inter- locking directorates 180 men controlled $25,325,000,000 of the nation's wealth. In Canada the number of money kings is much smaller and their power is much smaller and their power is relatively much more absolute. The banks, the railways and the spoon-fed manufactur- ers constitute the real governing body of this country. Their chief work con- sists in handing themselves fresh favors privileges and bounties under cover of our democratic institutions, with a set of timid or greed binded politicians and a party binded press making no protest against the ceaseless robbing of the common people. Grain Growers' Guide. Men without training, men without any special trade, flock to the cities and put up with almost unspeakable hardships in order to stay there. They would be much better off in the country villages, where there would be some chance of getting a job on a farm. But the lure of the city seems irresistible. These people with their families would rather put up with a ten by twelve room in a city than live in reasonable comfort in the country. One wonders whether the lavishness with which charity is dispensed in the big cities has anything to do with it. No one likes to see his fellowman suffer from hunger or want, and yet, when that hunger and want is brought on by the man's own action, is it the right thing to be charitable? The best kind of charity for the organizations in the cities which care for the poor would be to constitute themselves a sort of employment bureau for finding work for the fit and able on farms. The work is there for them, if they will go out and get it. —The Canadian Farm. The Ottawa Citizen on Friday had a column editorial in which it returns to the attack on Sir James Whitney; this time in regard to his tax reform speech in the Legislature recently. It says in part:—"If anything further had been required to show the utter folly of the attitude of Sir James Whitney on the question of the tax reform, it was sup- plied by his speech. There needs to be no greater proof of the necessity of a change in provicial leadership than the words of the leader himself. They re- veal either an ignorance of plain facts or an indifference to real issues. "If the amazing statement of Sir James re- presents the sum total of his knowledge on these great questions, he is clearly incapable of leading a great party. If, on the other hand, his use of such state- ments isa blind to cover loyalty to other interests than those of the tax -reform - asking public, the deduction is even clearer. In either case, it is such in- stances as this that are making the name of Sir James a byword and jest, a synonym for that antiquated kind of conservatism that sought to do no harm by doing nothing at all." Mrs, Eisenhauer of Scarsdale, N. S., gave birth to quadruplets, and all are doing well. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Willey,an English couple en route to New York to take a ship for Southampton,were turned back at Morristown because they had resided in Canada only nine months. AGED PEOPLE cannot properly masticate solid foods and digestion is often upset—they do not receive the needed nourishment to make strength and preserve health, but if aged people everywhere could only realize the .tr.ngth.sus• taming nourishment in Scott's Emulsion they would take it after every meal. It possesses the nourishing ele- ments of cod liver oil, the vital powers of the hypopliosphites of Ihue and sada and the curative qualitiesof glycerine, All so perfectly combined that nature immediately appropriates them to create atrength--nourish the organs and build the body. It relieves rheuma- tism and ailments due to declining years. It adds to the span of life. Refuse substitutes far SCOTT'S. es ea e.: Doane, Toronto, Ontario 12-63 A MOTHER'S DUTY TO HER DAUGHTER Requires That Her Blood Supply be Kept Rich, Red and Pure. Every mother who calls to mind her own girlhood knows how urgently her daughter is likely to need help and strength during the years between school days and womanhood. It is then that growing girls droop and become fragile, bloodless and nervous. Nature is calling for more nourishment than the blood can supply and signs of dis- tress are plainly evident in dull eyes, pallid cheeks, aching backs, a languid step, fits of depression, headaches and a dislike for food. These signs mean anaemia—that is bloodlessness. The watchful mother takes prompt steps to give her girl the new, rich blood her system is thirsting for by giv- ingDr. Williams' Pink Pills, which make new blood and transform unhappy anaemic girls into robust, bright-eyed young women. No other medicine has ever succeeded like Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, because no other medicine can make that new, rich blood which brings health and vitality to weak, bloodless systems. Miss Mamie Krouse, Cope - town, Ont., says: "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been a blessing to me. I had been a sufferer for almost two years from anaemia, and seemed, no matter what I tried, to be growing worse. I was very pale and seemed bloodless. suffered from frequent headaches, the least exertion would leave me complete- ly tired out, and I was very much dis- couraged and fretful. At last I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and got a half dozen boxes, and by the time they were used I was feeling much better. A few more boxes fully restor- ed my health and I have since been well and strong and able once more to enjoy life." These pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co , Brockville, Ont. The Experimental Farms Report. The report of the Experimental Farms for the year ending March 31st, 1012, is out. Of all the many publications is- sued from time to time by the Depart- ment of Agriculture at Ottawa this annual report is by far the most com- prehensive, as it deals with practically every phase of Canadian agricultural activity ranging from the cultivation of fruits and ornamental plants to the growing and preserving of corn for stock food; from the hatching and rearing of fowls to the rearing and feeding of cattle, sheep and swine; from the man- agement of bees to the protection of crops from insects and disease, and so on throughout the whole range of farm- ing. The first 230 pages are devoted to the reports of the officials whose head- quarters are at the Central Farm at Ottawa, the remaining 216 pages deal- ing with experiments and investigation being carried on at the ten Branch Farms and Stations distributed over the different provinces. As Acting Dominion Agriculturist, Mr. Grisdale deals with the work car- ried en at the Central Farm with live stock and crop rotations for various kinds of farming. He shows that the dairy herd consisting of Ayrshires, Guernseys, Canadians, and grades of these produced butter at cost ranging from 11.4 cts. to 24.4 cents per lb., and that the cows gave profits of from $13.80 to $98.00 during the milking period. His Royal Highness the Duke of Con- naught visited the Six Nations Indians at Obsweken and received a civic ad- dress from Brantford. Dr. Edward Pardee Bucke of London, prominent in sport, theatrical and soc- ial matters as well as in his profession, succumbed to pneumonia in his thirty- eighth year. LIVE STOCK MAIteezra Toronto, Feb'y 17.—Livestock busi- ness at the Western Cattle Market this morning was very quiet, with only light receipts in the yards. Only about 100 head of cattle, mostly of poor quality, were offered, and these were selling slowly at steady prices., A few hogs were offered for sale and were drawing $8.80 f.o.b., and $8.90 fed and watered, a little easier than last week The receipts at the yards were 5 cars containing 105 head of cattle, 21 hogs and 1 calf. Export $ 6 75 Butcher cattle choice 6 25 do medium... 5 25 Butcher cows choice 5 00 do medium .... 3 00 do common.... 2 50 do bulls 4 50 Feeders . 4 50 Stockers .... ........ 5 00 do medium .-...... 3 00 do light.... .. 2 75 $ 7 00 7 00 5 75 5 50 3 50 3 00 5 25 5 50 5 50 3 50 3 co Canners and cutters .. . 2 59 3 50 Milkers, choice, ... 50 00 70 00 Springers ..............50 00 70 00 Common and medium..... 40 00 50 00 Lambs ......... 8" 00 8 75 Light ewes .. 4 75 5 25 do bucks... .. 4 00 4 25 Hogs fed and watered .. 8 00 do f.o.b.... ..... 8 80 Calves 4 00 10 00 WINGIIAM MAIItMErT RLe,ronT+. Wingham, Feb. 19th, 11i13 Flour per 100 lbs 2 60 to 3 15 Fall wheat 000t0090 Oats 0 85 to 036 Barley.. 50 to 0 55 Peas . 1 10 to 1 10 Butter dairy ...... 0 22 to 0 22 Eggs per doz......... 020 to 0 20 'good per cord 2 75 to 3 25 Hay per ton .........11 00 to 12 00 Hogs.... 8 90 to 8 90 THE SIR EDMUND of the sure of a Savings in absolute cash to take ones way. DOMINION DANK D. OSLLR, M.P., PRESIDENT, W, D. MATTHEWS, VIOEPRESIDENT, C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. money ready come Capital paid up - - - • $5,000,000 Reserve Fund $6,000,000 Total Assets $76,000,000 Financial Headway and permanent kind is rarely made without the assistance Bank Account. It stimulates saving, keeps the safety, increases it with interest, and provides the advantage of the business opportunities which WINGHAM BRANCH : N. EVANS, Manager. THAT PRINCE ALBERT PLUM. (London Advertiser.) In Hon. Robert Rogers' land raffle, Mr. Donaldson, of Prince Albert, has drawn a fine prize. Think of getting for some half-breed scrip 73 acres as- sessed by the city of Prince Albert at $73,000. It is a princely affair. Down east here we pay good coin for annexes and subdivisions highly adver- tised by western dealers, and later we sometimes find that our purchases are miles from human habitation. We pay suburban prices for wheat land or worse. To think of getting urban land in bulk for almost nothing, when we pas, three, four and five hundred dol- lars for a 25 -foot lot—that way mad- ness lies. Count the lots in 73 acres! Like Henry the Eighth of ofd, our de- partment of the interior disqenses lands to those who know the Open Sesame. It drops benefits, as it were, accidently like the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. The thing is to know just how to get in the way of its bounty, how to merit its favors. There's the rub. The vast mass of easterners are doom- ed to consume themselves in envy of such lucky fellows as the Donaldsons. It makes the ordinary investor green with envy. He feels starved by com- parision. The gods single out a few, while the rest of us keep to the noise- ess and sequestered vale. Three men lost their lives in a fire which destroyed the Matabanick Hotel at Elk Lake early Saturday morning. Four men and one woman were arrest- ed in Montreal on a charge of operating a white slave trust, their victims being Jewish girls duped by a mock marriage ceremony. TOWN PROPGRT FOR SALE The undersigned offs s for sale his three dwelling house on Diagonal street and also double ouse on Fran- cis street. These p perties will be sold cheap as I purpo a returning to the West. These wishing a home in a good location in Win.- ham see these properties. EUquire : t my residence on Diagonal street, or address B. T JENKINS, Wingham P. O. AUCTIO SALE of Valuable Prop rty in the TOWN OF INGHAM. Pursuant to power of certain Mortgage, whic the time of sale by P ale contained in a will be produced at lic Auction at the Brunswick Rotel in the (Town of Wingham on Monday the twenty -fou tit day of February, A. D. 1015, at two o'ctoc in the afternoon by 'frank McConnell, Ane oneer, the following valuable property, na Park Lot number Ten JosephineStr-et, Gov said Town of Wingha. Commencing at a pots ty feet fro.. the Sout lot; thence In Nort .et side of Mi nieSt in an Easterly directi Minnie Street, one h feet; thence in a Sou with Minnie Street, erly to the place of and seventy-four fee of way or passage at common with the ow time being of other Ten with or without riages oyer a piece of the land hereby co width of twenty feet Street in an Easterly and seventy-four teat. property a two ate dwelling 25x322 with also a small frame eta sly: That portion of on the Wee; side of rnmens Survey in the , deecrlbed as follows: one hundred and thir. -west corner of the said erly direction along the setfift7-five feet; thence n at right angles with ndred and seventy-four erly direction parallel fly'five feet: then West - ginning, one hundred :together with the right all times hereafter in er and owners for the ortions of the said lot horses, carte and oar - and on the South aide of 'eyed of the uniform xtending from Minnie fraction one hundred There is situated on the five -roomed frame n addition 15x24, and le TERM,' 10 per cent. of the p day of sale, and the days thereafter The ed subject to a reserve niers and conditions known on the day of sa the undersigned. Dated this 3rd day of R. VANSTO F SALE. rchase money on the alance within twenty roperty will be offer - bid. Further partie- f sale will be made or may be had from ebruary, A. D„ 1916. E, wiagham. P. 0. So icitor for the Vendor. '1/Y;j?' //7 ..!414.4 (:;(I> 61Ti16T'r, Rf) (INT ,...� 1 The best practical training school n Ontario. —Three departments, Commercial, 'Shorthand and Telegraphy. All courses are thorough and prac- tical. Teachers are experienced and graduated are placed in positions. 1 We give individual attention and tudents may enter aoy time, Write for free catalogue at once. D. A. filetACION PRINCIPAL. 151 Capital Fold Up $3,000,000. Reserve • $3,750,000. 'Y'ty. ,p Totae l! fseta ` '``t `t $43,000,000. The Saving Habit. MANY people who are MANY less than you, and whose necessary ex- penses exceed yours, have been saving for years and now have snug and com- fortable bank . accounts. Systematic saving was the foundation of many a large fortune. It is a habit that is easily acquired, affording more satisfaction and of- fering larger rewards than any other habit that you could form. You can open an account in this bank with one dollar, and every six months your savings will be credited with the highest current interest. C. P. SMITH, - Manager, Wingham. G' AND TRUNK SYSTEM ARE YOU GOING WEST ? The Grand /trunk' Pacific Rail- way is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg, Saska- toon, Edmonton. Fest trains leave Winnipeg at: 6.00 p.m. Daily 8.45 a.m. Daily Sunda�7CEpy —FOR= - Portage la Prairie Rivers Melville Regina Watrous Saskatoon Tolield Camrose Wainright Edmonton Smooth Roadbed. Electric lighted sleeping cars. Superb dining car service. H. B. ELLIOTT, Town Passenger & Ticket Agent, Phone 4. W. F. BunmeAN, Station Ticket Agent, Phone 50. NOW FOR YOUR Spring Suit OR Overcoat I have received a full line of the very latest styles of goods for Spring ' - Suit- ings for both Ladies and Gentlemen. Your order will receive prompt attention. E. G. WHITE The Tailor. Maxwell's old stand, opposite Rank of Hamilton. Phone 227 16116141111111111SMININIIIIIIIIINIMIII WINO NOW FOR A BIG HOUSE CLEANING SALE. Our Clearing Sale has been quite a success, but we have a lot of Winter Goods on hand yet, also quite a stock of broken lines and a few lines that we are going to clear right out. PRICES CUT DEEPER THAN EVER ON THESE LINES Underwear for Men, Women, Boys, Girls, Infants. Winter Hosiery for Men, Wo- men, Boys, Girls, Infants, Winter Gloves for Men, Women, Boys, Girls, Infants. Sweaters, Tams, Caps, Toques, Hats, Shawls, etc , Damask Cur. tains and Lace Curtains, Men's and Boys' Ready -to -Wear Suits and Overcoats, Lumberman's Rubbers and Sox, also Overshoes, Car- pets, Rugs, Linoleums and Floor Oilcloth. Buttons, Buttons, Buttons all kinds of Buttons. ALL THE ABOVE LINES AT 25 PER CENT OFF. ONE THIRD OFF ALL FURS Big Sale of Corsets Three new lines of Corsets, short waist, long skirt, 4 to 6 Suspenders, regular $1.25 for g8c, regular i.00 for 75c, regular 75c for 58c. Some 1.50 Corsets for r.00, some i.00 Corsets for 69c, some 75c Corsets for 49c. Big Sale of Hand Bags 4.00 Bags for 3.00, 3.00 Bags for 2.25, 2.00 Bag; for 1.5o, 1.50 Bags for 1.13 1.25 Bags for 84c, 1.00 Bags for 69c, 75c Bags for 49c. A quantity of Men's Shirts at 25 Per Cent. Off • All the above lines must be cleared out at once to make room for NEW SPRING GOODS THAT ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY NOW. FARMERS We want large quantities of Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, &c. Bring in your Seed Onions and Seed Beans now. KERR 0. BIRD Major W. R. Bell, an agriculturist and officer, well known in the west, died at Winnipeg. "Broadview Stock Farm" Sho horns Herd Headed by Favorite Characte (Imp.) For sale are two cl with the best of bre good milking dams. sonable for quick sal ioice young Bulls eding and out of Will be sold rea- e. J. G. Fyfl , Prop. WINGHADI , ONT. Farm miles South f Wingham. NOTICE TO REDITORS. Notice is hereby give pursuant to Section 55 Chap.20 of the Statutes . Ontario,I. Georgely , thatall persons haying cl ms against the Estate of Isaac Wright,decease.• who died on or about the 51st day of Decembe , A.. D 1012, at the Township of Turnber y in the County of Huron are re4uir= to send by poet prepaid or to deliver to B. Vanstone, Wing - ham, Ontario, Solicitor r the Executors, on or before the twenty -fit h day of February, 1913, their names and addressee, with full particlars of their claim in writing, and the nature of the securities if any) help by them, duly verified by a etatutry declaration, And further take n ice that after the said twenty -fifty day of February, 1915, the assets of the said estate ll be distributed by the Executors among he parties entitled thereto, having regard o. ly to the claims of which they shall then h ye notice, and the estate will not be liable or any claims not filled at the time of the ea d distribution. Dated this 29th day of .1 hoary. A, D. 1913. R VANSTONE, Wingham. P. 0., Solicit. for &aid Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 55, Chap 20. of the Statutes of Ontario, 1. George V., that all persons having claims against the Estate of Ann Jane Anderson, deceased, who died on or about the 19th day of February, A.D. 1912, at the Township of East We- wanosh in the County of Huron, are re- quired to send by post, prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone,Wingham;Ont., Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the 3rd day of March, A.D. 1913, their names and addresses, with full particu- lars of their claims in writing, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, duly verified by a statutory de• claration. - And further take notice that after the said 3rd day of March, A. D. 1918, the assets of the said estate will be dis- tributed by the Executors among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the estate will not be Mable for any claims not filled at the time of the said distribution. ' Dated at Wingham this 5th day of February, A. D..1913. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. 0. Solicitor for the Executors ..Se Arrived -at Just I� KNOX'S WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY AND SILVERVVARE. STATIONERY AND FANCY GOO -S Watch and Jewellery Repairing promptly attended to A. M. KNOX'S Watch Repairing a Specialty. Phone 65. Opposite National Hetel