HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-02-20, Page 1•
VOL. XLXI.—NO. 2124
Contains such ingredients as
Postassium Iodide, Sodium Sal-
icylate Oil of Wintergreen and
Colchicine -all of which ingred-
ients have been and still are used
by the most experienced physic-
ians in treating Rheumatic ail-
If you suffer with Rheumatism
do not hesitate to use Rexall
Rheumatic Remedy.
You will probably experience
relief after taking a. few doses.
You may need no more than one
bottle to completely put you on
your feet again. Because of the
vast difference in human consti
tutions it is, of course, manifest-
ly impossible for anyone to for -
tell j
thein I
youto, results in
your case. But we feel certain how long
that if your disease really is
Rheumatism, that you may ex-
pect splendid results from this
treatment. If you do not get
these beneficial results.
we want you to let us re -
find your money.
Price of Tablets 50 cts.
Price of Liquid 50c. &
"Instead of buying Patent Medicine
buy Rexall Remedies."
1 W. McKibbon
77so Stone
"Eyesight Tested Free"and
glasses supplied. when needed at
reasonable prices.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Offioe over Malcolm's Grocery,
Died in auphin.
Word has been r eived here of the
death of John Burg ss, a former Wing -
ham boy and well -1 own in this vicin-
ity, having spent is early years in
these parts. He 1 t here eleven years
ago for the West hd has since lived in
Dauphin, Man. After an illness of only
eight days of pneumonia he passed away
in Dauphin hostel 1 at the age of 32
years, and was ried in the Dauphin
cemetery, the fu ral taking place from
the Presbyterian hurch. He leaves to
mourn his loss a other, Mrs. Burgess
of town and thr e sisters, viz., Mrs.
Piller of Wingh ; Mrs. Martin of
Wingham • Junctio and Mrs.'Martin of
Glenfard Station.
WANTED -A n ber of good green
cedar poles. Le gths-30,. 35 and 40
feet, with 7 int tops. Apply to H.
CAMPBELL, Ma ager Electric Light
Christie's Crocery.
Lake Herring
By Dozen or
Like everything
else, herring are
graded and packed
accordingly. We
can confidently re-
comm nd the kind
we ,,re selling as
No, I quality.
Try Them.
Wear Gaeer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Hurry up fol
at I
Hot Bargains
Clean Sw ep Sale." Come
with tete . crowd. You will save
money buying a their GREATLY
DERBY SHOES for Men, New
Spring Styles. Read our ad,
last page.
on Mr. W. J. Howson
town this week on b
sew Lord's Da J Alliance.
Hospital Su • criptions.
The following subs ripti$ns have been
received by the trearer of the Wing -
ham General Hos • tal towards the
building fund: -W, . Fyfe Harris,
Sask„ $5.00; A. E. G Ifiin British Col-
umbia, $25.00; Jas. B. ' man M. P., $30
Geo. Town Wroxeter, ',5.00; John Young
Winnipeg, $10,00.
We are again ready to receive cream
,at the Wingham Creamery.
Women's nstitute.
The regular mont
Social branch of the
will be held on Feb
the home of Mrs,
street east.) Subj
"Making the Most
en by Rev.?Mr. Col
to be responded to
snow. All membe
ested are cordially
A. Bone, Secretar
y meeting of the
Women's Institute
27th at 3 p.m. at
os. Hall, (Victoria
et for this meeting,
f Life," to be talc -
ins, also Roll Call
y the pleasures of
s and others inter-
nvited to be present.
GOING WEST? Travel C.P.R. and
buy your tickets from RITHIE & CosENs,
Town Agents.
• Children's
The Annual•mee
the Huron County
ty was held in the
Thursday evening
business was tran
this year were elegy
ident, Abner Cos
the Clergymen of
John2F. Groves; T�
Owing to the teat,
Secretary Elliott,
able,+.to be presen
hold a concert in t
to raise funds for
id Society.
ng of the branch of
hildren's Aid Socie-
ouncil Chamber on
last, when routine
acted and offices for
ed as follows: -Pres-
s; Vice Presidents,
ingham: Secretary
easurer, C. P. Smith.
b,eiigJnte, County
of Goderich, was not
It was decided to
o near future in order
arrying on this work.
FOR SALE -Comfortable home, well
located in Wingham. All modern con-
veniences. To be sold quick as propriet-
or is leaving town. Apply at TIMES
Died in N.rth Dakota.
Word was recei d here on Saturday
e vening of the de h that day of Mr.
George Davidson, brother of Messrs.
John, W. H. and Isaac Davidson, of
this town. The deceased gentleman
was suddenly stri 'ken with apoplexy.
He was in his 62 d year and formerly
resided in Wingh m, leaving here near-
ly thirty-five yea s ago for North Da-
kota. Last su er he spent three
weeks in Wingh m visiting with his
brothers. sir. D • vidson is survived by
his widbw and on daughter. Mr. W.
H. Davidson left .n Monday morning
for Fairdale to at ' .nd the funeral.
Cheap Feed fo Hogs and Cattle.
We have two ca
hand; also plenty
By gettingyour f
save you time and
ing a clearing sal
low prices.
loads k.3f corn on
oats and other feeds.
ed from us we can
work. We are hav-
of shorts. Get our
N & Bl '' EL13BANK.,
The Fores . of Canada.
Mr. A. Hnechte , Inspector of Dom-
inion Forest, Fish and Game Reserves,
gave an interesti • r lecture in St. And-
rew's Preslsyterie Church on Tuesday
evening of last w•ek on. 'The- Forests
of Canada." Ie is a man of
widest kno •1egpracticalexper-
d and•ex ex-
ience in the subj et of forestry and his
talk, illustrated t ith coloured pictures
true to life was i deed very- good. He
dealt with the au eject in all its phases,
such as the prieval forest and its
treatment by the arly settlers; the ben-
efit of the forest • mankind -it furn-
ishes wood, fuel, a • ings, prevents floods
hinders erosion, s elters from storms,
gives health leer tier. protects the
game and the fish, nil- gives the coun-
try aestheticfeatur,.. How the forest
can be best protected ; the woods after
lumbering; protectio against fire; im-
proved methods of Inhering; forest
planting. The colore ploturea shown
were of forests, lakes, , iver's, waterfall,
trees flowers, birds a d wild animals in
the woods, boating, t shing, hunting,
fire -fighting, lumberini, and forest plan-
ting. Mr. Knechtel is n cid Huron boy
being a brother of Ms's. Rev l D. Perrie
of this town. •
WANTIm-At the"'
.Hospital, a reliabl
knows how to eoc
MATTiu WSs Super">
ingham General
maid: One who
Apply to Miss
A well -attended
terests of the Lord'
held in St. Andx
Church on Wednes�
week Rev. D. W.
the speaker and
talk on the work be
kneeting in the in -
Day Alliance was
sw's Presbyterian
ay evening of last
(aider, of Elora was
ave an interesting
ng done by the Al -
WANTED -A good get oral servant
girl wanted at once. Apply to Mrs.
Richard Clegg.
County Co mittee Here.
A meeting of the Huron County Road
and Bridge Corn ttee was held in
Wingham on Frida last. The mem-
bers of the Commi tee inspected the
prairie road south o Wingham and also
inspected the iron bridge in Lower
Wingham, near the electric light power
house. County Cl rk Lary was also
here for the meeti
knowledge of hoof
own hand writing
D -With some
ping. Apply in
P. 0. Box 125,
Championsh , Hockey.
At Palmerston on
Mpunt Forest team
ton by a score of 13
leaves Wingham an
for the championsh
League. Home an
played and Mount
here Wednesday n
The game promises
the season and the
a large attendance.
onday evening, the
on from Harris -
to 11, so that this
Mount Forest tied
p in the Northern
home games will be
•rest team will be
ht of this week.
to be the best of
oys are looking for
Death of A ` am Morton.
There died in Br pton, Ont., on the
19th inst., Mr. • dam Morton, well-
known to many of he citizens of Wing -
ham and surroun ing neighborhood.
He was born in Dar el Ayrshire', Scot-
land. Al the time o his death he was
in his 87th year. e came to this
country with his fatal y in 1852, settled
in the Township of hinguacousy, in
the County of Peel, in which County he
taught school for a gr at many years.
He was a great tea -her, many men
now prominent in Ca da were pupils
of his. After retirin from the teach-
ing profession he wa engaged in the
Real Estate are' In urance business.
His wife predeceased im a year ago.
He leaves behind h m two children,
Mrs. Andrew Morton, of Searann-Coil-
le, Dunoon, Scotland, and Mrs. J. A.
Morton, Barrister of this' town. Mr.
Fay D. Morton and :42a , C
I. :Norton,
both of Soronto, are nildren of the de-
ceased. Mr. John A -Morton, of Leic-'
ester, Fngland., and Ir. M. W. Mor-
ton, of Brandon, Ma , are grand -sons.
Mr. Samuel Young o this town is a
nephew. Mr. and M s. J. A. Morton
left on Wednesday t. attend the funer-
al at Brampton.
Miss Neta Huffma
week attending the
Mr. and Mrs. Jas,
were visiting for ove
and Mrs. B. T. Jenk'
Mr. E. H. Bird le
visit with his mothe
ill at her home in W
Mrs. James Robin
Sask., is visiting at
parents, Mr. and
was in G eorge-
is in Toronto this
Spring Millinery
Fox. of Brussels
Sunday with Mr.
t on Tuesday to
who is seriously
on, of Briercrest,
e home of her
rs. Dougald Mc -
Mr. Walter Paters visited at White-
church for over Sun • ay with his bro-
ther, Mr. Frank P terson, who has
been seriously ill.
Mr. F. Buchanan i.
week attending the
the Ontario Grand C•
Templars of Tempera
Mr, Bert Elliott, w
ing relatives and frie
time,left on Mond
Saskatoon, accompan
iott, who will spend
in Toronto this
nual meeting of
ncil of the Royal
o has been visit -
ds here for some
y for his home in
ed by Mr. Eli Ell -
few weeks in the
Hon. A. B. McKee'. ie, District Attor-
ney, of Martinez, Ca ifornia was visit-
ing for a few days du ing the past week
with his parents, r. and Mrs. Geo.
McKenzie. Mr. Mc c enzie . has been a
resident of Californi since 1891, and
for the past three y :ars has held the
position of District A torney for Contra
Costa County. Hew . s accompanied by
his neice, Miss Nora McKenzie, daugh-
ter of Dr. Geo. AleK( nzie, of Concard,
Card of hanks.
We wish to thank •ur kind neighbors
and surrounding fri da for the bounti-
ful way in which t ey remembered us
in the time of sickness, It being so
unexpected, words f ailed to express our
feelings, when the purse of seventy-
four dollars 'was I resented. May we
one and all be fo nd worthy to again
shake hands in God . glorious Kingdom
when done with ea th's troubles and
sorrows. Mr. and ars. Irwin Elliott.
We want your cream at the Wing -
ham Creamery.
Letter Boxes in Use.
1 boxes provided by
artment arrived in
have been placed
various corners as
ES a few weeks ago.
ready for use by the
ollections are made
ay, at 1.15 and 9 p. m.
rid serve as a great
ny of our townspeople.
The thirteen lette
the Post Office De
town last week al
in position on th
outlined in the'Fmj
The boxes are no
public and two
daily, except Sun
These boxes she
convenience torn,
WANTED -A competent girl to do g
oral house work. No washing or it in- I
ing. Apply to Mrs. L. Kennedy.
Demonstratio a Success.
The members of t .. Wingham Branch
of the Woman's Ins c lute are to be con-
gratulated on the s cress of the bread
and pastry making d -monstration which
was held in the Council Chamber on
Tuesday afternoon. Fully hunch edlad-
ies of the town and district were pres-
able e of
the president, Mrs. H. B. Elliott open-
ed the meeting a introduced Miss
1 can McPhee, who ondueted the dem-
onstration. Miss cPhee is an honour
graduate of Househ Id Science of Mac-
Donald Institute, G 1ph and her work
here was very highs pleasing to the
ladies who were in attendance. Miss
McPhee uses Ogilvi- flour and in a very
clear manner showe : the ladies the easy
way in which the b :t of bread can be
made in four hours, and also showed
easy and convenient ethods in the bak-
ing of pastry. Miss icPhee's visit here
will not soon be for, otten by the ladies,
no doubt her metho' s of baking will be
be adopted by man ladies in this sec-
tion, The home -m ; de baking by the
members of the In, itute was in great
demand and the lad es realized a nice
sum of money for t is venture. Gath-
erings of this kind .hould be very help-
ful to the ladies.
Fen ,
R >� --Af t. March 1
I'U R NT t rst the
comfortable rooms in .the Meyer Block,
now occupied by thy+ 3oy Scouts. Ap-
ply to A, E. Smith,
Loos WANTED -I will pay the highest
cash price for all kinds of saw logs.
Get prices at office. J. A.:IICLEAN,
Died in Saginaw.
Alexander Meleh it passed away at
6.30 o'clock last ee ening at St. Mary's
hospital after a t ree weeks' illness.
He was born in Wingham. Ont., 34
ears ago, and ha resided in Saginaw
since 1884 He w s a well known sales-
man for the Re 'ince Mercantile Co.,
and lived at 910 cCoskry street. He
was single and le yes his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ronald Phail; four brothers,
hu andJoseph Mc-
Phail; and three isters, Mrs. John C.
Case of this city, rs. George Richards
and Mrs. Lyman ellis of Los Ange i,
Cal. He was a ember of St. Mi: • . 's
church. The ab ye item is from a
Saginaw, Mich. aper. The deceased
gentleman's pa nts are former resi-
dents of Turnb -ry.
select from at lowest prices.
Dominion AIR nce Convention.
This year's Con ntion of the Ontar-
io Branch of the Dominion Alliance
promises to be one f the largest and
most interesting i the history of that
great organizatio . Sessions of the
Convention will be held in Massey Ilall,
Toronto, on Wedn sday and Thursday,
February 26th an 27th. •Single fare
return rates on al railways from all
points in Eastern nada will obtain on
the Convention pl• , good going from
February 21st to ebruary 26th, and
good returning any time up to and in-
cluding Monday, : arch 3rd. Of the
835 municipalities 'n the Province of
Ontario, 501 are n dry, or will be, as
a result of the roc nt voting, and the
movement throng out the Province has
certainly gained Itch in strength dur-
ing the twelve nths,
Married in' England.
At Shifnal, near
land, on the 23rd of
Jones, formerly of
ried to Miss M. Wi
and Mrs. Jones int
ham in the near I
Illustrated Le.
The illustrated I
have been held in
this evening (Tl
Morris of the Sabi
"Works of the Arl
has been postpone
Major Morris was
first officers in the
posted on the subj
be cordially invite
Birmingham, Eng -
January, Mr. Thos,.
Vingham was mar-
ifred Farnell. Mr.
nd coming to Wing-
ture and will reside
ure Postponed.
cture which was to
f Methodist Church.
rsday) by Major
tion Army on the
y in the Klondike"
until March 6th.
ne of the Army's
Klondike and is well
ct. The public will
Rich prices prices for rich cream at
the Wingham Creamery,
Very Succe ful Sale,
Mr. Wm. Alaxwel
road held a very sue
stock, implements,
ternoon. There was
of people, being the
ever held in this se
brought good price
heavy draught mare
mare, sired by Ma
Cows sold as high
sold at from 90e to
horses sold for $1840.
ceived the bids and
large number of artic
having the sale compl
of the Bluevale
ssful sale of farm
c on Tuesday af-
very large erowd
est attended sale
tion. Everything
One imparted
old for $365.00; a
cot sold $323.00.
$103.00 and hens
$1 each. Eight
John Purvis re-
considering the
es made a record,
ted at six o'clock.
A Business "hange.
4 business change .ok place in Wing -
ham this week whe, by the hardware
business of Messrs. ichardson & Rae
is to be transferred
of St. Marys as soo
completed. Richar
purchased a hardwa
gersoll and Mr. K.
this week for inger.
will take possessio
These gentlemen b.
zens and we are ye
their leaving Wing
prietor is a brothe
we are pleased to
sident of Wingham
have every success
o Mr. J. D. Rae,
as stock -taking is
•son & Rae have
•e business at In-
ae and family left
all where Mr. Rae
yemade e good lnchi-
sorry to report
am. The new pro-
of Mr. K. Rae and
elcome him as a re -
and trust he may
his new business.
Died in th West.
Mr. Murray Wilso of Turnberry re-
ceived word on Frida evening of the
death at Maryfield, S k., of hie broth-
er, Mr. Stewart Wils. , The deceased
spent his early life in urnberry and a
few years ago wen to. the went
and had been farming near Maryfield.
In addition to Mess s. Murray and
George Wilson of T nberry, the de-
ceased is survived by 'oiin and Richard
Wilson in the West; Charles Wilson,
Auckland, New Zeala d; James Wilson,
Georgia; also Miss '.ells Wilson, of
Turnberry, who was isiting in Georgia
and has returned ho - e on account of
her brother's death. The body is being
brought home for i torment, but up
to time of going to press particulars
as to the day of th funeral could not
be obtained.
Another Re dent Called.
Death has again ailed another of the
old and highly est emed residents of
Wingham, and we his week chronicle
the death of Marg. ret MacKersie, be-
loved wife of Mr. ohn Leathorn, who
passed away on Ionday morning at
her home on Dia; onai street after a
very short as
illness. The deceased
was born on the 29th of 'November,
1829, near the city of Glasgow, Scot-
land, and in her 14 h year came to Can-
ada with members of her family and
settled in the To • nship of Bathurst,
near the town of Perth. Five years
later she moved the Township of
Wilmot, Waterlo. County, and here in
1851, she was mar ied to her now ber-
eaved husband, a . where she contin-
ued to reside up t. fourteen years ago
when the family oved to Wingham.
Mrs. Leathorn wa a fine woman and
was highly esteem (1 for her many good
qualities. In reli:ion she was a Meth.
idist and until fail ng health, had al-
ways been faithf 1 in attendance at
church services an in the work of the
church. To Mr. • nd Mrs. Leathorn
were born nine chi iron. Two died in
childhood, John d Alice Euphetnia
and another dauliter, Mrs. Edward
died a few year ago. The surviving
members of the fa ily are: --Mrs. Abell,
Dunkeld; Mrs Ja c es Orr, Stratford;
Mrs. Robert Orr, I ersoll; Robt. Leath-
orn, Turnberry; J Leathorn, Van-
couver, B. C.; Geo. Leathern, Wing-
ham. The bereaved will have the sym-
pathy of the commit 'ty in their afflic-
tion. The funeral w ! I take place this
(Thursday) afternoo at 2.30 o'clock
for the Wingham c •metery. Service
will be held at the h se at 2 o'eleck,
The public meeti _ of Wingham rate-
payers, held in the 'ouncil Chamber on
Friday evening last which would go to
show that the people of the town are
interested in the attter of making
permanent improve ents to Josephine
street. Mayor Van :tone occupied the
The first speaker 'as Mr. T. Harry
Jones, City Engineer of Brantford, who
gave a veay interes. ng talk on road -
making and gave the experience of the
city of Brantford. His city had bad
experience in the va ices kinds of pave-
ments, such as Wes reemite and Bitu-
lethic. Last year a veral streets had
been paved with co crate and they ap-
peared to be giving good satisfaction.
Mr. Jones spoke v ry highly of con-
crete paving. He onsidered the other
kinds of paving m: terial as too expen-
sive for the town, He said that mac-
adam was not con•idered as a perman-
ent improvement : nd that the average
life of a macadam oad was five years.
The next speaker was Mr. W. A.
Toohey, Publicity • gent for the Cana-
da Cement Co. ! showed by lantern
pictures, many of the concrete road -
'ways built in th various cities and
towns in Canada . nd the United States.
Mr. Toohey stron ly recommended the
building of a concrete road, and quot-
ed figures -compile d by different munic-
ipalities, showin u the expense in main-
taining a macada road.
Mr. Gray, Goo. Roads Engineer for
the Provincial eovernment, was the
next speaker a d he explained the
work being done n the Province in the
various counties nder the County good
roads plan. He 'avored concrete as a
permanent road ay. He said that in
Kingston, a plat where excellent mat -
am road could be ob-
tinuing the building
erial for a macs
tamed, was disco
of macadam road
On motion of •uns. Isbister and Bell,
a hearty vote of thanks was tendered
to the speakers.
The Road an Sidewalk Committee
held a meeting on Saturday morning
when Air. Jones was interested to pre-
pare a report o the matter of making
the permane improvement on Jos-
ephine street. Late in the spring Mr.
Jones will v' it Wingham and take
levels and ga her further information
and will then repare plans and specifi-
cations covert g the work.
While the C until has not yet defin-
etely decided a to the kind of roadway
will be built o Y Josephine street, it is
generally the ght that concrete will
make the best oad. The Council will
likely take de lite action in the matter
at the next me ting.
Low Colonist Rates to Pace' Coast.
via Chicago and North W stern Rail-
way. On sale daily. iti rch 15th to
April 15th inclusive, fro all points in
Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Portland, Salt LaleseCity, Seattle, Vic-
toria, Vancouver, Nelson, Rosstand and i
many other points. Through Tourist!
sleepers and free reclining chair cars
from Chicago. Variable routes. Liber-
al stop -overs. For full information
as to rates, routes and literature, write
or call on B. H. Bennett, General Agent, I
46 Yonge Street, Toronto.
Legal Q estion.
The following ap
day's Toronto Ma
may be of interest
ors:- W. H. F., -
insurance company
three -years' premi
the usual cash pre
two years, can the
note to be cancelle
second year? Ans.
icy is an agreemen
ared" and the corn
ible for me to say
without seeing the
seem probable tha
ed by the policy t.
note at the end of
ared in last Satur-
and Empire and
o some of our read -
u. - A mutual fire
ssues policies on a
m note system. If
iums are paid for
nsured require the
at the end of the
The insurance pol-
between the "ass -
any. It is impose -
hat the contract is
.olicy. It does not
the assured is allow -
cancel the premium
the second year.
Farmers' In itute Meeting.
Meetings undethe auspices
of the West Huron Farmers'
Institute were hel in the Council Cham-
ber on Monday of ernoon and evening.
The meetings we e very poorly attend-
ed and the farm '•s of this section miss-
ed a great deal o • valuable information
in not attending he meeting. It is too
bad that the far era do not take more
interest in meet ngs of this kind as
much in£ormatio that is of importance
to them is given out by the speakers.
Mr. R. W. You g, of Carlow, Presi-
dent of the Wes Huron Farmers' In-
stitute was chaff man at both meetings
and the Secret •y, Reeve Bailie, of
West Wawanosl was in attendance.
The speakers vere F. E. Millen,
0. A. C.. Guelp ; William Scarf, Dur-
ham; Mr. '`4V. J. unters, Pleasant, and
S Messrs. Ra
H. R. :•an and F. Metcalf, of
Blyth. The add,esses delivered were
among the best ver heard in Wingham.
This illustrates but one of
many styles we carry in stock
of "Empress" Shoes for Women.
This Napoleon Button is made
full Patent Colt vamp with per-
fora Lion, NI at Calf top with 15
buttons, Goodyear welted sole
with medium high, southern
heel, and is a beautiful shoe.
ms dor
W. J, wIGHTMAN,-1.et 20, t on. 4, west
Wy t-vagn.h, Ma acres, brick honso,large
1 .adak I:F rn gtc it as new. all other neves.
s. y but.u,ngs,,.ilo, good water. 25 acres
Imrdtvood burls 4 mites from Auburn,
Rural Telephone. 1','.t o7'cs, school
and citurehe. near at hand Good rea-
sons for selling
J. W. ST_>.CKHOU:sB.-Etst half lot 32,
conA, Hist Wawano h. fined buildings,
young orchard. two wells good fences,
10 aere•s hardwood ba.h, 1-2 mite from
school and church ono eu rads fr.m
store and post office with daily mail.
Six and one Milt miles ft -cm hlyth Bel•
grave or Auburn. Owner going wast.
1010X ESTATE. -south i lot 13, con. 3,
Morris, lite acres, fraena home and bank
barn, two orchards, good fences, 6 acres
fail wheat, tie acres ma11 plot, ed. will
be sold cheap to w:ted up est >te.
ROBERT MESSER,-North' lots 47 and
4,s, con. I, Morris, brick house, bank
barn and di lye shed, convenient to
school, : miles from Bluevale on good
gravel road Owner w mintst to buy larger ,
For further particular, regarding any of
bove-apply cn the l"eniiee+. or to.
[intik 86 Conn
C.P.R. Town Ticht Agency
Fon SALE Cow, due to calve in two
weeks; Heifer, fresh calved. Stable.
with accommodation for six horses. for
rental. Apply to A. Bell, at Park
Rev. George
for of Knox hur
a year's illness.
His Royal Higl
naught visited th
at Oshweken an
dress at Brantfo
Arnold. )
. B. I.
h, Guelph, died aft ee
ess the Duke oft Oil -
Six Nations Incises
received a civic ad-
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
2'tF,tttv:YndFitf suit etious youngpeGfllP
are being 1hNtrtiote.;. in their homes by
our HomoHomoStudyStudyDept rt i a may finish,
College if you d.,,ire Fey when
er you tvi.la. 7himty seats' Is's. c t
it nee. Las oeit ti tii;le•N • I e`tl:.tie,
Enter PesiticrsQUO s•r+tttdi.
If you wish to MVP beard aY.,i lP;aarl
while you earn, mRc' for parti.:tilvrn.
\Yin ham Business Collie
l; r
Geo. SPOTTON. President