HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-02-13, Page 1fY. ►.i t Stl
VOL. XLII.---NO. 21.23
• lee,!^1rr♦ , n
At Our Store
Feb. 13th
"You are Cordially Invited)"
1 Ws doff
7.30 p.m.
All the newest wrinkles
will be demonstrated by
an Eastman Expert.
Bring a negative with
he mil Stem
"Eyesight Tented Free"
------ d
1 glasses supplied when needed at
reasonable prices.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESi' TE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Offioe over Msioolm's Grocery.
LOST -On Patrick, Edward or Joseph-
ine streets or in the Picture Hou: e, on
New Year's eve, two pearl rings, one
very valuable. Finder will be rtward-
ed by leaving at TIMES office.
Wm, Maxwell, of
who intends leavir
will hold a clearing
stock, implements
on Tuesday, Februt
well has a good lists
count of the large s
wi113 commence pr
John Purvis will b
the Bluevale road,
g for Leamington
luetion sale of farm
nd household effects
ry 18th. Mr. Max -
of stock and on ac -
le, the auctioneer
raptly at 1 o'clock.
the auctioneer.
The Dominion C
erect a $65,0011 fat
nners, Limited, is to
ory in Chatham this
ChrisIie's roce.ry
Lake Herring
By Dozen or
Like everything ,
else, herring are
graded and
accordingly. We
can confidently re -
comm 11,1 the kind
we are :'ellen;; Its
N. t quality'..,
Try Them..
„ t ,
Wear Gaeer's Shoes and. Rubbers,
g Hurry up for Hot • t argains
at Isar ••
"Dig Clean S. ev • Sale." Come
withthe crowd. You will save
money guying at their GREAT_ I+Y
Died in M nt Forest.
Lawrence H, Ye an, for fifty years
a chemist and drug ist in Mount Forest,
died on Friday in his seventy-second.
year, after a long illness. Mr. Yeo-
man servea the unicipality on the
School Board and a Council. He was
a life-long Liberal and in religion a
Methodist. Mr, eoman came origin-
ally of a United Aire Loyalistefamily
at Belleville.
Lots WANTED -I will pay the highest
cash price for all kinds of saw logs.
Get prices at office. J. A. MCLEAN.
Death of J mea Dennis.
Mr. James Denn s, one of Wingham's
respected residen s passed away on
Tuesday, after a f _w ,weeks' illness, in
his 73rd year. T deceased was born
in Cornwall, Engl nd, and came toCan-
ada when six vea of age, settling in
Lambton County, where he resided un-
til twelve years o when be came to
this section. He was married to Caro-
line Rush, and is urvived by his widow,
four sons and ree daughters. The
children are all arried and living in
Wingham. The funeral takes place on
Friday afternoo at 2 o'clock to Wing -
ham cemetery.
select from at lowest prices.
Northern L ague Hockey.
There was a ver good attendance at
the Northern Lea ue game of hockey
played in the rink on Friday evening
between the local and the team from
Listowel. The ho e boys were winners
by a score of 9 to . The line-up;-
Wingham Goal, E. Groves; point, F.
McLean; eover, H Schaefer; rover, I•
Johnston; centre, . Elliott; left, M.
Telfer; right, C cLean.
Listowel -Goal, Zinder;point, Spence;
cover, Clark; rov r, Hamilton; centre,
Ament; left, Wil on; right, Hangler.
Referee .. Loot of Palmerston.
We want your cream at the Wing -
ham Creamery. ---
Busines )lege Notes.
Owing to some versight the report
of the last meetin: of the Literary So-
ciety were omitt d last week. On
Thursday, Jan. 301h, a very ,successful
meeting was held. A splendid program
of readings, recite ons and music was
furnished. The fe ture of the program
was the comic; engs rendered by
Messrs. Elliott and aylor. A number
of H. S. students re present and on
Friday afternoon a number from the
college attended t e H. S. Literary.
On Thursday even g, Feb." 6, a very
successful "At elo e" was held by the
Literary Society o the college. About
sixty members'an invited guests were
present and after short program of
music and recitatio s they enjoyed them-
selues dancing un 1 the wee sma' 'oors.
The next meeting .f the Society will be
held Thursday eve ing, Feb. 13th, at 8
p.m. The public . ordially invited to
Baptist Ch • rch Damaged.
. Shortly before . i c o'clock on Wednes-
day evening of ast week the Baptist
Church was fou d .to be on fire. The
alarm was promp ly givenand the fire-
men were not vng in having three
streams wate at work. The fire is
supposed to have started from the fur-
nace as the fur ace had been lighted
that day, so as t heat the building for
the mid -week ss vice. The fire was a
hard one to extin : uish as the walls were
not solid brick a d the fire made its way.
up to the roofhe building • was very
badly • damaged : nd all the contents
were destroyed. The fire insurance ad-
juster was here, . n. Friday and awarded
insurance of $6 0.00 on the contents
and $1140.00 on t e building. This will
almost cover the damage, but it will
not repay the co gregation for the in-
convenience and, t ouble of making the
repairs. The con regation has secured
the C. 0. F. hall here regular Sunday
services and Sund y school will be held
until the church wilding is repaired.
The ladies"of the- . WT. U. very'ltend
ly severed the fire en with hot coffee,•
sandwiches and . ns >lvhich were very',,
much •appreciated ,by the en as the
night was Bold un .s,toymy.
WANTED-At the Wingham General
Hospital, a relit), Ie maid. One Who
knows how toc •Apply to ,1VIIss
MATTHEWS, •Sup ntandent.
. - t
Another Sale of Men's
Shoes ! Saturday night at
8 o'clock. Read our ad.
on last page.
Lord's Day
A meeting will be
day) evening at
Presbyterian Churcl
the Lord's Day All
will Jae Rev. D. W.
large attendance
other churches ha
regular prayer mee
that all might have
hearing Rev. D. W.
important subject
held this (Wednes-
ght o'clock in the
in the interests of
ance. The speaker
Sinder of Elora. A
expected as the
e withdrawn their
ing for this week,
the opportunity of
inder on this very
`The Lord's Day
Rich prices prices for rich cream
the Wingham Creamery.
New Teleph
During the past
local manager of ti
has installed telep
Residence telepho
John McRitchie, 2
F. R. Howson, 225
F. Buchanan, 228;
Business telephone
Subscribers should
these subscribers
The telephone busi
Wingham under th
of Mr. Binkley.
nes Installed
ew days Mr. Binkley
e Bell Telephote Co.
ones as follows: ---
es for D. Bell, 222;
; A. J. Walker, 224;
R. A. Dinsley, 226;
J, A. Mills, 229
-E. C. White, 227.
make a „ record of
n their directory.
ess is growing in
able management
Meeting of
A public meetin
of Wingham will
Hall on Friday ev
when the question
discussed and part
ence to the repairi
Mr. T. Harry Jon
Brantford; Mr.
Good Rads office
presenting the Ca
be present and de
ratepayers are a
of the ratepayers
held in the 'J'own
ning of this week
f good roads will be
cularly having refer -
g of Josephine street.
s, City Engineer, of
ray, a Government
and Mr. Tooey, re-
ada Cement Co will
ver addresses. All
ed to attend this
HOUSE Fort SALE. -House oppoite
.the Park, containing eight rooms pane
try and washroom. Good cellar.,Hard
and soft water. For p erticularsapply
at Hough's Grocery. Phone 167.
Promoti Exams,
Uniform Promot' n Examinations for
the Public Schools f Huron will be held
this year on April 1 th and 18th. Papers
will be prepared f the the Junior and
Senior divisions o the Second and
Third book Classe and the Junior
Fourth Class. Tea hers are to send to
their Inspector bef e Easter the exact
number of pupils i each class that will
write on the pro otion examinations.
The papers will e addressed to the
teacher and mail d about six days be-
fore the examine on. The memory sel-
ections for 1913 a e the same as for 1912.
WANTED --Good general servant.
Family of two. Apply at TIMES office.
Advance 0 fice Change.
A business ch nge took place in
Wingham last we whereby the Wing -
ham " Advance n wspaper will see a
change of editors n the 1st of March.
Mr. Theo. Hall, o has been editor
and proprietor of he paper since the
spring of 1898 has sold the business to
ex -Mayor Geo. S .tton, who will con-
duct the business under the name of
the Wingham Pu dishing Co. In Mr.
Hall, the TIMES .+s found an excellent
neighbor, willing t t all times to give
•us assistance wh same was required
and in all our bus ess dealings we have
found him honor le. We •shall miss
;him and are sorry to see him leaving
the newspaper bu iness to enter: in the
business of mann ing an orange grove
in California. M . and Mrs. Hall and
family have nla e many friends in
Wingham who wi 1 be sorry to hear of
ti-iem leaving our own,, and, they wilt
take with them t. their new home the
very best wishes . a host of friends.
We are pleased tt welcome the new
editor to the new; taper work. While
inexperienced in t is line of work, Mr.
Spottonstiouid so.1 make himself fam-
iliar with the det Is of the business
is•find that as well
and in a few mon
as pleasures, that are many worries
Connected with to publishing of a
country newspa.'r. The new editor
has best wis s for success,
• cheap Feed for Hogs and Cattle.
We have'two car loads of corn on
hand; elseplehty of eats mid other feeds.
The Late John W son, V. S.
The late John Wilson, V. S., whose
death was briefly record d in these cal•-
umns last week was b. n at Bolton,
near Toronto, and was a on of the late
James Wilson, one of t .e early resi-
dents of East Wetwanosh the subject
of this notice coming t this section
when he was a lad. He s ent his young
manhood on the farm an for several
seasons was engaged wit his brother,
Gavin, in the threshing .usiness. In
1884, the deceased gradua ed from the
Ontario Veterinary Colle .e and com-
menced the practice of is profession
in this town and Contin ed the same
until last spring when h sold his prac-
tice to Dr. Gook. Dr. ilson had been
very successful in his rofession and
his advice and opinion w ere sought by
many people in differen parts of Ont-
ario. Of late years he adevery sum-
mer made successful pr •' essional trips
through the Western rovinces, Dr.
Wilson was one of ngham's most
popular citizens and wa held in high
esteem by the people o 1 this commun-
ity. He was a progre ive and up-to-
date citizen and had gnat faith in the
future of the town an had assisted in
many ways to improve the town. He
was the type of citizen that any town
can ill afford to part w th. He was of a
very liberal turn and in many ways
helped the poor and n.edy, Dr. Wil-
son was very much int •rested in the es-
tablishing of the Hig School in Wing -
ham and was for sora " years a member
of the High School B ard. He was also
very much interested n Hospital work
and was liberal in his ssistance- to the
Wingham Hospital anwas for years
and at the time of his death, a member
of the Hospital Board In politics he
was a pronounced Li eral and was at
all times ready to do etive work in the
interests of the party. He was an ad-
herent of the Baptist
attended since the el
gregational Church
Church which he
sing of the Con -
few years ago.
Dr. Wilson married/, Miss Annie Currie,
daughter of the latJeRobert Currie, who
survives, with a family of three sons
and twodaughtersl viz: Clarence, who
.is .attending Toro.e o University, and
Arthur, Currie, An lie and Helen, at
home. Four broth rs and two 'sisters
also survive, viz:- Gavin, Turnberry;
William, George, A drew, Mrs. Robt.
Stapleton, and Miss Margaret, of East
Wawanosh. The 'unerai on Friday
afternoon, notwirh tending the very
stormy weather, wavery largely at-
tended. An impre sive service was
conducted by Rev. . S. Seer, of To-
ronto, a former pa tor of the Wing -
ham Congregation . Church and a par-
ticular friend of th' family. Mr. Seer
was assisted by Re . G. Victor Collins,
pastor of the Bap st Church. The pall-
bearers were thre ' brothers, William,
George and Andre , and three brothers-
in-law, Robert urrie, W. J. Currie
and Andrew Curri •. There were many
beautiful wreath:, etc., and among
them were one fr m Court Wingham,
I. 0. F., pillow, fr m Wingham Ilospital
Board; spray, fr.m the Women's Insti-
tute; spray, fr m Ladies' Hospital
Auxiliary. To t e bereaved will be ex-
tended the sineer • sympathy of the com-
munity. Amon those from a distance
who attended th funeral were Mr. and
Mrs. John Lane, sr., John Lane, jr.,
John Bosomort sr., James and Char-
les 13osomorth, f Elora; Mr. and Mrs.
Arch. Kennedy, Hespeler; John Inglis,
and Mrs. Wm. Inglis, and Mrs. Geo.
Inglis, Dundalk
Fon RENT=-•
comfortable ran
now occupied b•
ply to A. E..'S
1~"armers' Institute Meetings.
Supplement' ry meetings of the V.:•at
Huron Fame :' Institute will be held
Wingham T. wn Hall; 'Monday, Feb.
litn.' •
Blyth Indust y Hall,' Tuesday,
18th. •'1'
.Nile Oraiige all, Wednesday,
111th. ,
Dungannon • t 1 range Hall, Thursday,
Feb. 20th.
Friday; Fab. 2,
Feb. Mae.-
The delegtites
Scarf, of Durha
ter, of .Pleasant
es are expected.
Blyth, and R. 4.
on"The Care and
and by'Inspeetor
R. M, Young,'of
be chosen.
Afternoom and
fter March lst, the
s in the Meyer Block,
the Boy Scouts. Ap-
chanes' Institute Hall,
nald's Hall, .Saturday,
Or these meetings are
. C., Guelph; Whams
, and Mrs. W.J.:Hun=
ler 'addition •nddress-
rom F. Metcalf, of
.loan, ofPorters'.tiill
Marketiug of Fruit,"
om, of•Goderieh,'and
'arlbve; on silbjects to
veiling. n'leet;ngs- will
By getting your feed from us, We can beheld at each pl. ce. .••
' �°
save you time and work. We arehav- _ ._ �•
ing a clearing sale of shorts. Get our
low prices.., . Wat nm -,-Good g • servlint. No
l':lowjpN Sr.B1toetaxsANK.washin'gt: '.Apply tJrrs: P. bisher.
Notwithstanding t
er, a large numbe
friends gathered a
and Mrs. John Mar
on Monday to cel
Wedding. They w
Durham on Feb. 9
having come to T
After partaking
which everyone
Rev. E. H. Crol
master, calledu
of Belmore to
bride and groo
having previou
the King. Mr.
chosen words a
health, prosper
and Mrs. Mars
Mr. Robert B
sponded very
son of Mildmay
Marshall throu
proposed the
felicitous terms
calf replied. T
songs and stori
and many usef
were given to
The family gay
ers and Miss M.
tha, Messrs, D
presented them
of gold, a gol
thest brooch, a r
pearls and many
Mrs. Marshall h
the very highe
knew them and
ample of honor,
the community
one wished them
of the day and p
be spared for m,
e inclementweath-
of relations and
the home of Mr.
all, of Turnberry,
rate their Golden
re married in West
, 1863, Mr. Marshall
rnberry in Jan. 1857.
f a splendid repast to
did ample justice the
, who acted as toast -
n the Rev. Mr. Gibson
ropose the toast to the
of fifty years ago, all
y drunk the health of
Gibson, in a few well
ked all to drink to the
ty, and happiness of Mr.
all. Mr. Abraham and
rton of Harriston re-
propriately. Dr. Wil -
who had brought Mrs.
a very severe illness,
oast to the children,
d great-grandchildren in
and Mr. Ralph Met-
e evening was spent in
and other amusements
and handsome presents
r. and Mrs. Marshall.
them two Morris rock-
rgaret and Miss 13er-
vid, Wesley and Boyd
ith a well filled purse
headed cane, an amy-
ng set with rubies and
other gifts. Mr. and
ve always been held in
t esteem by all who
hey have been an ex -
eau and a blessing to
round them, Every
many happy returns
ayed that they might
ny years to come.
"My wedding d.e of fifty golden years,
Strange m'xture of life's loves
and hopes a d fears
How different i. our view point as we
Adown the v sta of the winding ways
Since that first }vedding day..
Still stands mytti chosen bridegroom by
my side.
Still is the sitar of love our constant
Our goodly son and daughters round
•tt, stand,
Who half so roud as we in all this
This blessed we ding day.
I bow my head
To the great
all our days
Still keep and gu
One, Till w
our earth's
We pray this we
n thankfulness and
ove Who's kept us
rd us Oh Thou Mighty
can come to thee,
ork done.
(ding day."
GOING WEST? Travel C.P.R. and
buy your tickets from Herm: & CoSENS,
Town Agents.
Kathleen N
The members o
are now working
een,"orSt. Patric
Irish drama in fou
held under the aus
Auxiliary of the G
near future. The
Club have distingu
former plays and v
as brilliant a succe
past. Watch for
the Dramatic Club
"Kathleen Mavour-
's Eve,that beautiful
acts, which will be
ices of the Ladies'
eral Hospital in the
characters of the
shed themselves in
promise for them
s in this as ,:fn the
arther pegiticulars.
eral house work.
ing. Apply' to Mrs
et t girl to do gen-
washing or iron-
. L. Kennedy.
Address and
On Tuesday Feb
of the Ladies' Aid
cieties of Knox ch
and presented one
Wm. Maxwell, w
Leamington, Esse
illuminated addre
Mrs. Maxwell, wh.
worker in both soc
Ladies' Aid and fo
W. F. M. S. in a
replied. The addr
Geo. Macdonald, a
by Miss Anderso
Dear Mrs. ,ltaxw
The meetings.o
Ladies' .Aid Soci
often met togeth
by the sadness
Yeti have been w
ning, always ,on
members in all ,
undertaken by ti
of Knox church.
express by'this gi
your helpfulness
many ways. You
our work here, ane
shins, but we kn.
avenues for doing
going and twe ail
accept for yoursel
wishes for happen
the community in'
your home.
Signed-t'Mrrs; E
Mary Collie. •, .,
4th, the members
and Missionary So-
rch, I3luevale, ]net
their number Mrs.
leaves shortly for
Co. with a beautiful
and table mirror.
has been a faithful
.ties, being Pres. of
many years Sec. for
few words feelingly
ss was read by Mrs.
d the gift presented
Following is the
evale, Feb. 4th 1913.
the Missionary and
ties in which we so'
are clouded today
f parting from you.
h us from the begin -
of our most active
ranches of the work
e Women's Societies
e therefore wish to
e our appreciation of
id valued services, in
loss will be felt en
in personal relation -
v you will find hew
good where you are
oin in asking you to
1 and family our best.
s and prosperity in
high you are to make
le Macdonald, Miss
Children's A Society.
The annual meetin of the Wingham
branch of the Huron ounty Children's
Aid Society will be eld in the Council
Chamber, on Thurs ay evening, Feb-
ruary 13th. Mr. G. . Elliott, ('ounty
Secretary will be esent and deliver
an address. All pe ons interested in
the work of the S eiety are nest-
ed to attend the me ting, ,
FOR SALE-Comfortab home, well
located in Wingham 11 modern con-
veniences. To be s quick as propriet-
or is leaving town. Apply at TIMES
Wingham Rink Winning.
Skip Crawford of
"Mac"Rochon of the
who has one of the
Manitoba bonspiel in i
draw, but no cowmen
city papers, as these
in until to -day. The
ive, the score standing
has what curlers call
composed of stars, all
eluding Cassidy, one c
in the world. - I
gingham, defeated
IVinnipeg Thistles,
est rinks at the
ednesday night's
was made in the
es were not sent
feat was decis-
17 to 4. Rocnon
"packed" rink,
f them skips,in-
the best players
We are again read to receive cream
at the Wingham Care thery_-„-
Assistance preciated.
The members of he Baptist Church
and adherents of t e congregation by
resolution at regul• r service desire to
express their sine re thanks for all
assistance rendere at the time of the
recent fire in thei church; for the
strenuous and long ontinued efforts of
the town fire briga a for the saving of
the building, and f r the kind express-
ions of sympathy nd offers of assis-
tance from other congregations. All
such expressions f good will are heart-
ily appreciated a d reciprocate
LosT-Monday night, b• ween the G.
T. Railway and t e ngham I3rick
Yard, a ladd's Lig .Town Sweater
('oat. Finder will be rewarded byleav-
ing some at Mrs. Grisdale's.
Expert Demo strator Here.
Miss Jean MeP ee, honor graduate
of Household Scie co, McDonald Instit-
ute, Guelph, and r pert demonstrator,
will demonstrate b ead and pastry mak-
ing to the ladies of Wingham in the
Council Chamber Tuesday, the 18th,
showing how ea y it is to make the
nicest and lighter bread in four hours,
also showing eas, methods of pastry
making. Miss cPhee comes here
highly recommen t ed from all parts of
Canada and is a p easing demonstrator
of the highest . der. Every lady iu
the town and surr nding coun try should
take advantage of this demonstration
and hear some f the latest and most
approved method of cookery. Meeting
to open at 23n p m. sharp, under the
auspices of th Woman's Institute.
Members and on -members heartily
welcome. At t e close of the lecture
the members of he Woman's Institute
will sell a quanti -y of home-made cook- i
ing, (bread and , astry, etc.). Admis-
sion 10e.
The County
met in the Ora
day of last wee
gates in attend
tine business t
the meeting th
county celebra
it was decided t
tion the coming
each Lodge to
most suitable t
the different
ounty L. 0. L.
dge of North Huron
ge Hall here on Tues -
with over fifty dole-�
nce. Besides the roe -1
t was brought before
question of holding a
on was discussed and
have no official celebra-
2t1) of July, but to allow
ttend the celebration
them. The reports of
ommittees were read
showing an in 'rease in membership
during the yea and that all the lodges
were in a sold t naneial position, each
lodge owning eir own hall besides
having money . n hand to carry on the
business. On e selection of a meet-
ing place, three places were proposed
for next meeti g, namely, Wingham,
Brussels and G rrie but the majority
of the delegat - decided that Wingham
was the most -ntral and it was chosen
for next meeti g.
The followin officers were elected;
-C. M., Bro. Stewart; D. C. M., Bro.
Groves; Co. R c: Sec.; Bro. Peacock;
Co. Fin. See., oro. Hayes; Co. Treas.,
Bra, Golley; C. D. of (J., l3ro. Nethery;
lst Lecturer, . o. Guest; end Lecturer,
Bro. Crawford. They were then in-
stalled by P. C. M. Greer after which
the brethern 1 tired to their homes
well pleased wi b the meeting and the
pleasant time s ent in Wingham
WANTED - A member
cedar poles. Lengt s
•feet, with 7tinch Vans ane cel
• Plant., ' ;;,
of/good green
40, 35 and 40
t Electriclto igl
'.. gots.. »- : se
Yes, you'll bit the mark exactly,
if you'll take advantage c.f flak
Great Shoe Opportunity
Yr u can buy Men's and Women's
83 00 Shoes for 88.00 any clay --but
you can't but them for $2,25 any
day. Yon can buy Men's, Women's,
Boys' and Misses' $2 00 Shies for
$2 00 any day -but y au can't buy
them for $150 any day.
To -Day You Can
buy Shoes a` tneae reduced prices.
Prices are cutin the same propor-
tion on our eutit e Shoe stock, Men's,
Wow( n's and Cbildren's Sheol -are
all di -counted
The Reason?
Why, it's plain We want to
.los( "rut thea r-tin:tinder of orlr
and 1Vintcr sir etc, and get ready for
Sprier; and Summer bus; nem. We
went the money -we d'in't want the
You mast act quickly -for these
bargains won't last long,
. J. O J k
1Gooe Forms For/t(J
W ,t WICIIT?TAN.-Let 26. ` on. 4, west
v ••-aco,:h,'200 acres, 1•rrck house,Iargc
auk barn guuci to new, all other necta-
:,tn.utnRsi1o, ;:(10:1 a at er, 26 acres
hal dwoodbush. 4mies ft om Auburn,
h rel Telephone. Post uttce, school
and church.- near at hand Good res.
sons for selling
J. W. STACKHOUsE.-lt,s,. half lot 112,
c n.4. East Wa warm h, good buildings,
young orchard, t,vo wells coda fences,
10 acres hardwood. bu-h, 1-2 mile from
.'•Ono) and Chir')' an , 6u r. ds tr, nr
store cud post (Alice «ith daily mail.
is and taw halt miles fr..m ttlytb • Peer
grave or Auburn. Owner going West,
KNOX EaTATE.-youth1W lot 13. con. 0,
Morris, JOU acres, tram,- houseaud bank
barn, two orchards, good fences, 6 acres
fad wheat, 20 acres tall plotted. will
be .old cheap to wind up ratite.
1Y2arm. IiEti �N t
0 TME . , Eli.--lr or h ; lots 47 and
4s, con. 1, Morris, brick house, `tank
barn and eft ive shed, convenient to
school, 2 miles from tiluevale on good
,;ravel road. (Minor wants., to 1 uy larger
For turthPe particulars regarding any of
above apply en tin premises ur to.
OM 1 C3Solis
LC.P,S. Yn�vn Tick Agency
Fon SALE Cow, due to calve in two
weeks; Heifer, fresh calved. Stable,
with accommodation for six horses, for
rental. Apply to A. Bell, at Park
house. _ _
Rev. George W.
tor of Knox Chur
a year's illness.
A new Roman 1
be created for S
head -quarters at
Arnold. B. D., pas-
, Guelph, died after
atholic diocese 1 to
them Alberta, with
Agent for
Allan Line -
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
M�inrt� sten �h ���naN Me h omrn�.
M Rome i�,.Pt. Ton mnSl�vi
oureem� if .on a.mn v�. am.
. Thirty Yrs; rs�i
narcy L*n1�`L'f�ni�rrx
��y y. Posit uo� � iw
It9 ¢ Wish to Man Mmt�#tidnirn
while 9�enea, write ter piu�lrele�.
WinQbom Ropiness Calleg
GCO. 6VMTIlu, Ornn:ucnt
Thousands of limb:tious youn:;people
are being rostra'te•:_ m their homes by
Rome Stu- kV tr„tit. may finish
at College if -.ou deairr Fav when.
ever you wilt. 7•hir ry Y,-tu s' fi'sI t r-
ienee. Dolt ,t b' trart`tos t 'e t,ltuc:tt.
Eater any tiny. Posit lora guatanterd.
If you Nish to save beard and learn
while you earn, write fer particulars.
Wingham Business Celleg
GEO. SPOTTON, President