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The Wingham Times, 1913-02-06, Page 8
C61d1 EFI IIS 1113111 .I�{Its �I II .11111 11111111. iIlly. elr:: rl..E ill Ili' in 01.1. CM C C THE WI TGIIAU 11111E4 FEBRUARY Gt 1913 MINOR LOCALS. - Get your auction sale bills printed est the 'LIMES Office. - In the Forest local option recount, the by-law was declared carried by a ?majority of four. - Wait for McDonald's big auction sale of dairy cows to be held about the 2nd Saturday of March. - The regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board will be held next Tuesday evening. -=--Buy your railway tickets from H. B. 'Elliott, Town Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway System. —Mr. A. MacEwen, Clerk of Morris township, has been appointed as one of the county auditors for this year. —We are pleased to report that our townsman Nr. A. L. Hamilton, whohrs let en seriou.,iy,ll, is now improving. - The supply of ice for use in Wing - ham next summer is now being harvest- ed. The ice this year is of extra good quality. —Fire in the engine -room of the Lucie. new furniture factory last week did con- siderable damage, but the factory was closed for only a few days. Mr- S. R. Brill, sleeve of Teeswater, hes been elected Warden of the Coon• -s- of Bruce. This is the first time the hon- our has gone to a represent'tive from. Teeswater. —Mr. Ned White, V. P.R. section fore- man at Kennelworth was killed on Sat- iday afternoun. He was walking on the track and was 'lit by the engine of the freight train. —We understard that Mr. William Clouse, of Arthi,r, and formerly of Teeswater, is takirg a position in Ben- nett's planing mill and will move his family here in the near future. — The County Chapter fi r Huron and Brine of the Royal Black Knights of Ireland, will meet in the Orange Hall. Wingham, on Friday afternoon of this week, commencing at 1 o'clock. — The public holidays during 1913 are us follows:- Good Friday, Mr• ell 21st; Victoria Day, May 24th; Den a, on Day, July lst; Labour Day. September let; Christmas Day, December 25th. —The annual meeting of the Wing - ham branch of the Children's Aid So- ciety will be held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, Jnnuary 13th. Fur- ther annonucement in our next issue. The TIMES has received the usualkind- ly invitation to attend the annual "At lIome"of the Huron Old Boys'Associa- tion of Toronto, which will be held in the Temple Building on Friday evening Feb. 21st. —The regular monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be heldTuesdayafter- noon, Feb. 11th, in the C. 0. F. hall. Meetingat three o'clock. to commence o lc. Will all the members please attend. All women made welcome. —A petition has been presented to the Stephen Township council by the local optionists asking that body to cut off some of the hotel licenses of the township, Dashwood, Crediton, Cent- ralia, and the Bend are the places to be considered. —Mr. W. J. Joynt has resigned his position as principal of the Palmerston 'Continuation School, and will act as as- sistant principala Victoria school, Tor - 'onto, Mr. Joynt is an old Huron boy, a former C. C. I. student, and a former principal of Blyth Public School. ---The following students recently en- tered the Wingham Business College, Commercial Department, ---Mr. Osbor- n', Port Elgin; Mr. Wynne, Harriston; Mies Gowdy. Delmore; Jlr. Baird, Glen- annan. Stenographic Department --- Miss Glancy, Cargill and Misses Gard- ner, Arthur. —Thomas Johnston, brother of Robt. Johnston of this town has bought out the marble and granite business of Mr. B. H. Cochrane of Wingham and has taken possession. His son, R. W. John- ston is here in charge of the business, Persons requiring anything in this busi- ness would do well to call and inspect our stock. — After the first day of May, 1913, there will be no liquor sold on the Is- land of Manitoulin. This state of af- fairs is the• result of a vote taken yes- terday under the Canada temperance act, which resulted in a decided win for the anti -liquor faction, and will mean the cutting off twelve licenses in differ- ent parts of the island. —East Huron Farmer's Institute will hold meetings as follows :---Bluevale, Thursday. Feb. 6th; Jamestown, Fri- day, Feb. 7th; Molesworth, Saturday, Feb. 8th. The speakers are David Bon - ix, of Rannock; Win. Scarf, of Durham: and Mrs. W. J. Hunter, of Pleasant. Meetings, in afternoon at 2 o'clock, in the evening at 7.30. Everybody wel- come. —Referring to Mr. A. Knechtel, In- spector of Dominion Forest Reserves, who will lecture in St. Andrew's Church on Tuesday evening, February 11th, the Hamilton Spectator says—"The Board of Education, at whose request the lec- ture was given, deserves the thanks of those interested in such phases of nati- onal life as are portrayed in the beauti- fully coloured and rare views that ill- ustrate the lecture; which was both in- teresting and instructive. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to ;A ection 55, Chap 2tk,of the Statutes of Ontario, 1. George ., that all persons having claims age' st the Estate of Ann Jane Anders° , deceased, who died on or about the 19t day of February, A.D. 1912, at the venship of East Wa- wanosh in the on ty of Huron, are re-' qquired to send ost, prepaid or to deliver to R. Va tone,Wingham,Ont., Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the 3rd day of March, A.D. 1913, their flames anti addresses, with full particu- lars of their claims in writing, and the mature of the securities icif any) held by them, duly verified by a statutory de- claration. And further take notice that after the said ,`fret day of March, A. D. 1913, the assets of the said estate will be dis- tributed by the Executors among the parties:entitled thereto, having regard B only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the estate will tot be liable for any claims not filled at the time of the said distribution. Plated at Wingham this 6th day of February, A. D. 1913. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. 0. ,Solicitor for the Executors —Two rinks of Wingham curlers were in London on Tuesday and also two rinks in Harriston. We have not learn- ed result of games to report in this is- sue. —On Thursday evening of this week the I. O. 0. F. will hold a social even- ing at their lodge rooms, Wilson block, There will be progressive euchre and lunch will be served. All members of the order are requested to attend. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. This year's first meeting of the Lit- erary Society took place on Friday last. It was a slilendid success, being one of the best on the Society's record. A number from the Business College were present, and, we hope enjoyed the pro- gramme. The next meeting will be held on Feb. 14th. A good programme is promised, and all visitors are wel- come. Two more students are now attend- ing High School, Miss Melissa Biell and Miss Evelyn McLaughlin. Both are in Second Form. A MOTHER'S PRAISE OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS. Mrs. Pierre Lambert, Paquetteville, Que., says: "I read/in the papers of what Baby's Own Tablets were doing for other children so decided to try them for my baby wtxo was suffering from constipation and, mach trouble. They worked like a ch m and now I always keep them in the house and recommend them to all my friends." Baby's Own Tablets cure constipation and indigest- ion; they expel worms, break up colds and allay simple fever and make teeth- ing easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. BORN. BRIDGES In Belgrave, on Feb. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Taos. Bridges; a son. WARWICK -In Morris, on Jan, 26th, Thos. Warwick, in his 87th year. HOFFMAN—In Howick, on January 25th, to Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Hoffman, a son, IYIARRIEA PRIEBE—FERGUSON---At the manse, New Westminster, on Jan. 24th, by Rev. J. S. Henderson, Mary H., daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferguson, and formerly of East Wawanosh, to M, Priebe, of CIoverdale, B. C. DIED. WILsoN- In Wingham, on February 4th, John Wilson, V. S,a ed s4 years, 7 months and 11 days. MORROW- In Morris, on January 30th, Sarah Garbutt, aged 77 years, 3 mon- ths and 11 days. Gene/gm—In Turnberry, on Jan- uary 27th, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gasemore. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 55 Cha .29 of the statutes o+ Ontario I. Geor e V P g l , thatall persons having claims against the Estate of Isaac Wright,deceased, who died on or about the 31st day of December, A. D 1912, at the Township of Turnberry In the County of Huron are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wing - ham. Ontario, Solicitor f. r the lixerutors, on or before the tcventyflfth day of February. 1519, their °amen and addresses, with lull nartielars of their claims in writinr, and the it.,tu'e of th securities (if any help by them, duly verified by a statutory declaration, And further take notice that atter the said twent'-lifty day of February, I913, the assets of 'he said estate will be distributed by the leserutors among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only tthe claims of wh oh they shalt then have notice, and the estate wilt not be liable for any ,claims not filled at the time of the said distribution. hated this 29th day of Tannary. A. D. 1019. R. VANSTONE, Wingham. P. solicitor for said Executor. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale his three dwelling houses on Diagonal street and also double house on Fran- cis street. These properties will be sold cheap as I purpose returning to the West. These wishing a home in a good location in Wingham see these properties. Enquire at my residence on Diagonal street, or address B. T. JENKINS, Wingham P. O. }!E CAME TO CANADA AO FUND A CURE New York Engineer Praises Canada's G i N PI LLS. In et never can tell when you are going to have a Kidney attack. It may be during a visit, on a journey,—any time. It 13 wipe always to have GIN PILLS with you., hand. and They are handy to slip into yat 1our travelling bag. Splendid for Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Rheum itiam and Lumbago. 29 Broadway, New York. "I bought some of your GIN PILLS at Victoria, B.C. last September. Your remedy 3 find, at 6o years of age, to give perfect relief from the Kidney and Bladder Troubles incident to one of my age. I urgently recommend GIN PILLS to friends as being the one thing that does tete good." I,. Lr. WOODFORD. It is worth a tripacross the Continent to find GIN' PILLS and to be cared of Kidney and Bladder Trouble, But don't wait till you are sixty, before you learn by experience the great good GIN PIILS will do yon. If you have the first signs, swollen joints or ankles, pain in the back, black specks floating in front of the eyes, take GIN FILLS at once. They will free you of these symptoms of Kidney and Bladder Trouble. 5oc. abox— 6for $2.5o. Sample free by writing National Drug end Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, Is3 00?+►Oi4i00444104:+o***4 00* 44$,4,4oo444$4 **-444+ 444 444444Pi44O4,Q0$•+ 4444ee'- " We have just finished stock -taking and find we have maul broken lines and odd sizes in Winter Goods which we will clear out at SPECIAL PRICES. Come in and see what we can do for you before buying. Men's Overcoats, Men's Fur Coats, Men's Suits, Men's Underwear, Men's Odd Pants, Hats and Caps, Heavy Rubbers and Leggings, Sweater Coats and Heavy Smocks, Ladies' Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur Lined Coats, Ladies' Cloth Coats, Ladies' Muffs and Stoles, Girls' Fur Setts, Girls' Winter Coats, Hosiery and Under- wear, Shawls, Wraps, etc. All Account are now made up. PRODUCE WANTED. PHONE 71. • KING BROS. • • • • 0 s • • • • • •4 4 4 0 4 0 4 e •a 4 4 4 o 0 4 4 4 a 4. 0 4, 0 4 4 4 cs 4 4 w 0 0 4 O .4 <S 0 0 4 e 4 0 4. 4> a 4 4 4 4 FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his 50 acre farm, being lot 31, concession 1, Morris. On the premises are a good bank barn, from house, well between house and barn, small orchard; all cleared and in good state of cultivation. Near Church, school and post office. Will be sold at once as I am going West. Get particulars on premises or address THUS, SPEERS, Bluevale P. 0. FARMW ANTED. Will exchange good town property for a good farm close to Wingam. Ap- ply by letter to Box 10 Times Office. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, being centre part lot 42, con. 7, East Wawanosh, 85 acres clear- ed, 8 acres fall wheat, 14 acres fall plowed, balance in grass, well under - drained; 4 acres orchard; 1 1-2 story frame house, kitchen and woodshed; barn 60 x 70 with stone stabling, cement floors; windmill, with water in house and barn; 1 1-4 miles from post office, church and school. WM. WIGHTMAN, Belgrave, P.O. Institute Meetings under th East Huron Far will bo held Fordwich, Wedn Bluevale, Thur Jamestown, Fr Belgrave, Satu The speake Bonis, Rannoch Durham; Mrs. Pleasant. Mee 7.30 p. m.. Mu at evening met body welcome. eetings auspices of the ers' Institute s follows : sd iy, Feb. 5 day, Feb. 6 day, Feb. 7 ay, Feb. 15 are David Wm. Scarf, 3. Hunter, ings at 2 and ical program figs. Every - W. H. FRASER. President. A.MoARFRi1R, Secretary. CANADIAN -. PAe'F•iC. SPLGIAL GRUISL AROUND THE WORLD Empresses of "Russia" and "Asia." (New O.P.R. Pacific Steamships) The empress of Russia will leave; Liver- pool April 1st, calling at elibralter, Vil. lefranehe and Port Said, proceedinHvia Suez, Colombo, Penang, Singapore ong Bong, Shanghai, Nagasaki,Kohe and Yoko- hama,arriving at Vancouver May 81sti1919. The Empress at Asia will sail from Liver - col May 27th,making similar P 81 1 cruise. g Most directonn c r. a tion for April let sail- ing is via 'Empresa of Britain" front St. John, NIL, March 21st Rate for Entire Cruise $639.10 Beelusiveof matntainanec between arrival thus in England and departure warn press of Russia" and etop.ovet- at Hong Kong. Get particu1ra from Ritehie &' Cosena, Town Agents, 'Phone 128. J. H..Beemer, station Agent, 'phone 7. FARM FOR SALE. North half of lots 15 and 16, conces- sion 1, Turnberry, containing 100 acres is offe ed for sale o I, There are on the pre- mises a good bank barn, driving shed, pig pen and hen house. A good frame house with kitchen attached. Two never failing wells. About 95 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation. Write or call on premises for particul- ars. I, ANDERSON, Box 148. Wingham P.O. .,*004, 04{>044444e00.0004.000 • 4 O G 8' 4 4, P 4 A. FARM FOR SALE. 1 South half of lot 35, con, 9, East Wawanosh, wan° h I00 acres, 2 1-2 miles from Belgrave; 1 1-2 miles from school and post office; well watered, comfortable house, frame barn, strain' shed and stone stabling under both. For sale at a bargain. For further particulars apply on the premises. ESAIAS PEAHEN, • Marnoch P. 0. 04444.444©000&I • HERANTHE COOPER Great Sacrifice Sale, o oi 4 a • 0 * Our BIG SALE for the last few weeks has been a very great success financially and morrally for which we s are very thankful to you, but as our ne 'Spring Stock is acoming in and we have no place to put it, therefore we' 4 are forced to continue our sale to ger, and we decided to t continue it for a few weeks n er with bigger surprises $ o °o for you. From Thursday m rning the 6th of Feb. on. t. • We will sell our stock at our sale prices and to per cent. a o • off. Therefore be quick and do your buying right now. It t e is the greatest, opportunity on earth for you. Don't miss othe chance. • o d o°, o !Cooner & Herman 4 • • Opposite Presbyterian Church. • 44444000440400400000000004 0OG4.O000A400O040004404,{ +.,4.� • 4 4 a 4, 00003400 0.004000044,0012040 45Y 8' 0 4 4 Q G • 4 4 4. 4, 4 O a 4 v 0®A?O,A CORN, 4+444404044004404ee40044603 O BRAN. OATS, 3 articles of good value for anyone wanting to secure feed o at prices worth driving a distance to secure. • 0 CORN • O We have 4,500 bushels of good'. dry hard American Corn coming forward this week. This is extra fine corn and should move a out quickly if quality is wanted. OATS Good Western Oats for feed in stock now at 45c per bu. BRAN 0 .) 0 c? 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 60 tons Bran, good clean sweet flaky Bran and we will clear e • • oat at $22,00 per ton. , 0 0It looks like these prices 'would be attractive, at this season •v prices �, usually advance considerably. Colne and see what we have • i • for you in feed, •4 e a J L. 0 as f a 4, a 0 4O94p4ilA 14i►444'0444444044• 4s4s4as444s4es444444441N44. BIG SHOE SALE FOR MEN 46 Pairs High Grade REGULAR $4.00, $4.50 AND $5.00 SHOES ON SALE ON SATURDAY NIGHT At 8 O'clock AOR $2.47 PER PAIR Nothing whatever wrong with thesel Shoes but simply a clearance of odds and ends. • All sizes in the lot and one shoe of each pair on sale shown in South Window. WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE. Sole Agents ,,fruet for Ladies. 6w�C et.aa`=-daa�s3 e-''-aa_Tell373.. ea ,._ 25 Per Cent of all Men's Suits and Overcoats During the month of February we will give -FA.. off all Men's Suits and Overcoats of all kinds including Coon, Corean, Beaver, Dog, Calf, Artrician Lined, fur Collars, etc., we do not wish to carry over any of the these Coats and will give real bargains in same. Dress Goods Following our two week sale we find a Iot of remnants in Prints, Ginghams, Dress Goods, etc., which will be cleared out at bargain prices, Groceries Also a few dozen Cans Peas to clear at ioc can, Seeded Raisins 3 packages 25C, Sultana Raisins 3 lb. 25c. All kinds of produce wanted, Butter, Eggs, White Beans, etc. CI 11 111 �CiJE 011 Iii C C 0 0 ill nC ; A-mr. MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGEAM, ONT. I 110101101NMENBIEN iniffifillEgillingliffillifliffilil I