The Wingham Times, 1913-02-06, Page 6z'IIE .wmata Tars FEBIWAI) (, 1911 • TCi'• O". ... 7,'rw3[�`I#ti�F•-bA.KAl fCcy(i+-�f1'l?`,•R'i'i�..JT.t• - TiG =•iL.MCM,W7pIVM"M'A.�}K, pryyp. t,'11!,!14•1_i a.. a i - •E- ��!i7 I ( fi`il• i yam"*• -'-a s •.. , -�.c7 i t. j 1 ill.. 111 '110.71111,D Pfh Illi 'ijiji�Iflll' p til` h # a '+f •... : ,...a>_ ®i - • • .....'tom.=t`}e.e �.?+e.M, ='1 i9k Vol iii r,l• oerf--- A v11;�P lf,.:-;1:::;itt:tiilif.I.it; e.„,...."--soZ.-_-_--.......---- ill 1 nii11 ., .0 411.y+n n •' ata 9, CF7 , F ''--e,K•, �. ,.I�•, ,A',((,,.,jljj �"'1� i Q, ,,R r r ,�+�17� �A 9r �' Gi iw.a.:.T„:11 i7;'! p11V.:.. les A p id. le c lc•:� r. is a: ii r .r id , :.aeRui u"." t`raI•r boy, and mot i,M°ae ,s res' rz.3 is usually weer f �ia-x WWe S� :'V, ti 3 �noTa -rn and colds. The chill -7.'` a�w .Lymaiaa�L��$y for, if c ,eat W: �E coughs and C::. al., u;, iyc .?? A with the inn',) W :?';r..7.1 — ::1 that they ^-.11i sufferers 577.,7....1 D..e seed e..n allsiost COI 1, ata . tcrzcste lit 11123 Greater gReriniek..t u;;�� • • sfiT .s.'.tSs the irritation which causes C. sR ,dxib_g;q C<-£' b Ct_'.. a': s S a...g-.sy and 9i"a...•uC A R a C:.,l' t2bc .:'.efts a°n W ,e.untyr.szesi t.:f sizo.ple bgredi- r va3.ue, Dr. S.77.....7.•,? }� �,.'..:�✓^ :'i �1Af Linseed c � .`;�•� T yt'. Kr,^.,i d`re is r�i111?iY'- 4�+. Ly e. �xF•a:Wiwits a _teat ent 11 i t p: asi' nt to they i.aste. chih:c n de - it on this as because Of s; ,.: cu t :l 1 s IW�,I t ai2o-20,s them. hti'ns °sit >,, t?. ,R "dr1v, iicine most b ator. e c istey t : osse'a r':. , x x a it a ctere for croup F: r 1 c •fae s° ey ' 3J yi - : ��.".gin G^isuit4, sumsom af" "L T', .• ^ f $dui, •: rw;ne oars the portrait and cls otot A. f * t " :nous r.oca'n± Book 63e. All dealers, or, I -tet 'eae.„ s .Masse .: u.; �i c _r ,I,.'1'oreato. Shipping Eggs by Parcel Post. Under the new parcel post system in- augurated in the United States with the beginning of the year, it has been made possible, among other things, to ship eggs .iC mail.This is a great ad v ant - age, particularly in the matter of eggs intended for hatching. For local deliv- ers fear table purposes it will be an easy matter to send eggs under the new system in almost any number, but in sending eggs a considerable distance the law provides special regulations as to ; e...id.re . They muss be wrapped separately and surrounded with e::cel- sior, cotton or other suitable material, and pacl.ed in a container made of dou- ble corrugated pasteboard, wood, or r.th;c r suitable material. in such manner as to place each egg on its end and topreventthem from striking against each other or against the top of the container, There must lso be an outer cover of double corrugated paste- board or similar material, and the par- cel labelled "Eggs:" Eggs so packed will be b �• accepted the United p y postal department for shipping any dis- tance. Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fail;. These pills are exceedingly ' werful in rsCl;Iu ing the .pinerative portion of thea female system. Refuse ill cheap imitations. Dr. de vnn'n are Sold at 55 a hex, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drag Co., St. Catharines, Out, Ernest Dailey. fifty-eight ars of age, formerly of Barrie, dropped dead on Beverly Street, Toronto, as he was adjusting the bridle of his horse. r r. I THE AGES OF MAN. (McLandburgh Wilson in New York Times.)' While relatives all bid him hail He comes into this tearful vale And with a weak and puny wail, s' .° ReP lr�. In youth the world delightful seems, H, has h s high exalted dreams, And while, he follows shining gleams Aspires. He finds to make his visions true He has to root as porkers do, And with his heart aid brain and thew Perspires. But quick his fleeting sands will run, And when his toiling day is done, Then man, when sets his little sun, Expires. If nobly he has lived his life, And battled fairly in the strife, His memory, with goodness rife, Inspires ;_3, a idle hears into concrete fence p' is VERY farmer finds himself now and then with a few idle hours in which both himself and his help must. look for "odd jobs" to keep them busy. Use these hours to make concrete fence posts. You can make a few at a time, storing them until needed. Tien when you want a fence in the new field, your posts—everlasting, concrete posts— are all ready to use. The making of fence posts is only one of scores of every -day uses for concrete on the farm described in the book, "What The Farmer Can Do With Concrete" NO ,6—°• his 160 page book will be sent to you free upon request. You do not have to agree to use cement or place yourself under any other obligation. Just send us your name and address. Address, Publicity Manager Canada Cement Company Limited 512 HERALD 1WUILDING, MONTREAL TATHT'N you buy cement, te»tembar that the farmers of Canada lr V have found Thad "Canada" Cement is best. Look for the label on every bal and barrel, • • 4.. • IIQMF.- 11 1,re;t.i. (Edwardrltowland Sill.)_��� There s a little city in the hills; White are its roofs, dim is each dwell- ing's door, And peace with perfect rest its bosom fills. There the pure mist, the pity of the sea Conies as a white, soft hand, and reach- es o'er And touches its still face most tender- ly. Q.: ew Unstirred and calm, amid our shifting years Lo! where it lies farfrom the clash and roar, With quiet distance blurred, as if thro' tears. Y p4k:.P 0 heart, that prayest. so for God to send Some loving messenger to go before And lead the way to where thy longings end. M :z Be sure, be very sure, that soon will come His kindest angel, and through that still door Into the infinite love will lead thee home. It's Worry That Kills. T Nothing so wastes the vital nerve force as worry. Nothing so certainly retards restoration to health. Get out into the sunshine, be cheerful, use Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food to rebuild the wasted nervous system, and you will be surprised how quickly there will be a char '' f• r the better. This ad- vice will be uetter than gold to you if you will but follow it. • a In street accidents in 1912 some 532 persons were killed in New York °-.2 •- ar,-..Ni-. In after years it may come to pass that a spendthrift hasn't the cents he was born with. There is no better medicine made for colds than Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edy. It acts on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions, aids expectoration; and restores the system to a healthy condition. For sale by all Dealers. The wise man puts his troubles in pawn, then proceeds to lose his ticket. Some California onion growers are throwing away their crops owing to over production. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S !A The efforts of women to make them- selves beautiful are;;t.ut vain attempts —even when successful. To make a jelly more nourishing mix with milk instead of water, but be care- ful not to have the mill; too hot or it will curdle. Do you know that more real danger lurks in a common cold than in any oth- er of the minor ailments? The safe way is to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a thoroughly reliable preparation, and rid yourself of the cold as quickly as possible, This remedy is for sale by all dealers. Human nature is much the same the world over. If a man promises to do bet- ter than he has done in the past, don't hold your breath until he does it. Here is a message of hope and good cheer from Mrs. C. J. Martin, Bone iU, .iso tixrt'r.:=r of ail,:;€ eeu c!•i'rirti; ;.. i€lrti.i was cured of stun:twit :rti:',. ; nd constipation by ',eta after five years of er; iii ., ,. i recornmrmds these t;.hlet,i to Mite l,ublia. Sold by all Deal- ers. Some men expect a receipt in full when they pa:• a debt with a promise. Ne'.v York •:; ants to change its pro- bation bureau on the ground that a now. constituted is inad.gt•at.1 for dealing with Iia elect a.. I.Ol1ei' -hildren Cry CASTOR FOae FLETCHER'S tl A 'I he age of th,' whale is ascertained by the see. std number of y:=hale-bones iu itq mouse. Records !.4how that this sea animal In.s retained life for over 400 years. For a sprain you will find Chamber- lain's Liniment excellent,. it allays the wain, removes the soreness, and soon restores the parts to a healthy condi- tion. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by all Dealers. CARTS 1VER a Sick headache and relieve all the troubles Inci- dent to a bilious state of the system, Such 58 .Dizziness, Nausea, b Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain'in the Side &e. While their matt remarkable success has ecu Shown in Curing 1 Headache, yet darter's Little Liver Pals are equally valuable in Constipation, curing andpre• venting this nnnoyinqcompplaint while they also correct all disorders orttae stomach, stimniatetho liver and retaliate the hovel'. Iivenif theyonly cared Ache they wonid b e almost priceless to thosowho suffer lrom this distressleg complaint; buttortue natelytheir goodness/tors notendhere,andtbose ablelunsotmany Rave thatti ey willonotlbdW1. ling tado without them. Lutafter aileickhead ACHE is the bane of so many lives that bore is where we make our great boast. Our pills curelt while others do not. Carter's Little Liver bills aro Very small Anel very easy to take,_ OnoottveatIllsmakeadose, Theparostrictlyvegetable and do not grior i ih but by their gentle action please Su who ��,,,��CARTza lilit16I111 Co,, RAX togie,�,,,■ 1114Y 12,,,e/WAIM. j, x+'11► < .arm (la Grden TURKEY GROWING TiME • They'll Be Fine Along About Thanks- giving or Christmas Day, Turkeys can be grown with less care and attention than any of the domestic fowls except geese. But unfortunately on almost all farms turkeys are al- lowed the range of the farm, no mat- ter how large. anti this causes trou- ble. In the first place, they are apt to make their nests where they tire hard to find, and after the young ones are batched they will be over too much territory to be good for the little ones before they are a month or two old. After that time unlimited range can be A FIND !3PEOIMEN. allowed unless they are disposed to go into places where they may come to harm, says a correspondent of Farm Progress. To raise turkeys in the way that causes least trouble and always in- sures the ralaing of the largest flock is as follows: First fence off with a small meshed high woven wire fence—say seven or even eight feet high—several acres of land. It is better if some of the land Is covered with brush of almost any sort and, if possible, some open land and running water on it.. In -such in - closures, If there are good places for them to make their roosts, the turkey bens can make their own nests and sit on their eggs where laid. And when they have batched the liens and young ones can remain in the inclosure and roost there and be fed there till the young ones are three months old. With the same arrange- ments along these lines we formerly raised large numbers of turkeys at a minimum cost and sold them at a due profit. After they got half grown and had become edible we trained them to come to the honseyard and roost in a large tree to s ave them from possible potti9 thieves. We have always fed our very young turkeys on crumbled hard bolted eggs For a few days and afterward well baked corn bread and a little wheat, then' cracked corn and finally whole corn. 00..00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 /THE HOME PARTNER. A seldom mentioned but most Important member of an agri- cultural partnership is the wo- man. If she wasn't on the job to keep the household in order and the food supply coming reg- ularly and plenteously, the pres- ent day serious disturbance over the high cost of living would be replaced by a starvation panic that would paralyze, for once she. quit the job the hired man and the foreman and the "big boss" would. all hit the pike for the nearest town or,city in short or- der.—Long Island Agronomist 000 Gleaned From Law Books. In the great majority of the states two witnesses are necessary to the va- lidity of the will, in a few states three witnesses are required, and in a few others, where the will is written en- tirely in the handwriting "of the testa- tor, no witnesses are required. Some states require the addresses of wit- nesses to be inserted after their names, and this is good' practice even where not required. The law of New York and probably of others provides that each owner of two adjoining tracts of land, except when they otherwise agree, shall make and maintain a just and equitable por- tion of the division fence between such lands unless one of such owners shall choose to let his lands lie open to the use of all animals which may be law- fully upon the other's lands and does not permit any animals lawfully upon his premises to go upon lands so lying Open. The public holidays that have be- come firmly established as such by eastern are Christmas, New Year's, Memorial or Decoration day, Fourth of . my and Thanksgiving day. These a man working by the month may claim an holidays without aireeting his salary. excepting, of course, in cases of necessity where his services are re- quired on such days in order to avoid or prevent loss to the employer.'- Breeder's Gazette. HOUSEHOLD SUGGESTIONS. Medi ' e stains canalmost always be dissolved by alcohol. Use paper bags for covering pitchers with food in them. ' When washing windows add a small. quantity of bluing to the water. Don't let a coal stove -get red hot sud- denly if you want it to last. It should get hot gradually. To keep sleeves up when washing dishes get a pair of bicycle clips and attach to the rolled up sleeves. 'To remove white spots left by hot dishes on the dining table, use cam- phorated oil, rubbing it in well. A paper bag or a quart jar slipped over the food chopper will prevent crumbs flying about when bread is be- ing ground. When you spill tea on the table cloth cover the stain with common salt. When the cloth is washed the stain will he gone, To have geraniums bloom in winter pinch off all the buds until the first of December, and water thoroughly once a week, A housekeeper can save time by us- ing casseroles of attractive earthen- ware in which food may be both cook- ed and served. Never let ashes accumulate in the WANTED A live representative for WINGHAM and sur.ounding Distrrct`tosell high-rlass stock for THE HURL NURSERIES More fruit trees will be planted in the Fall of 1911 an d Spring of 1912 than ever before iu the history of Ontario, The orchard of the future will be the best paying part of the farm, We teach our men Salesmanship Tree Culture and how big profits in fruit'growing can be made. Pay weekly, permanent employ- ment, exclusive territory. Write for particulars. STONE V WELLINGTON TOiiONTO. .r 1 'i 7 l ru Ff (ii yiri F ' ," ,r, yy j U4'« .. - am l'raiLu R ,,,,:c,1,,,, , r yg t�, 01. ti " k (4 N J . "Fruit -a -lives" O'HatI H!.1 "Yx t•I0Gii McaeisNR, gsa. Sr. STEPHEN, N,II. Jan. rgth, rgII,. "I wish to tell you of the great good. "Fruit -a -lives" have done for me. For years, I was a martyr to Chronic Consti- pation and Stomach Trouble. I was. greatly run down and my friends feared I had Consumption. I tried numerous doctors and all kinds of medicines, but received no relief until advised to try "Fruit-a-tives" by Mr. McCready of St. Stephen, and am pleased to say that I now enjoy excellenti health. "Fruit- s-tins" Fruita-tives" are the best medicine made, and I strongly advise my friends to use them". - HUGH McKNNA. "Fruit-a-tives" is the only medicine• that will positively and completely cure Constipation. This wonderful compound of fruit juices acts directly on the liver, causing this organ to extract more bile from the blood, and to give up more bile to move the bowels regularly and naturally. 5oc a box, 6 for ,a.5o, trial 'size, z5c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price' by Fruit -a -lives Limited, Ottawa. ash pan of thecooking range. They absorb the heat before it reaches the oven. To clean mica in stoves take it out ar slightlyndrdiluted.hlwash If the bla k doesit ithenot come of readily let it soak in the vin- egar a little while. A pinch of soda in the fruit jar af- ter being washed will sweeten it. This, ' of course, is to be put in the jar before being scalded or rinsed out, leaving it sweet and free from color. INING AND STATION We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, We will keep the best and sell at WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER. PLAYIU G CARDS, etc stock in the respective lines reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS— CIRCULARS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING': INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require:in the printing line. Su"bsoii.ipt ons taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office' STONE BLOCK Wllrlgham, Ont.