HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-02-06, Page 3TILE WINGIiA,M. TIMES, FEBRUARY fig 1913 ..W .yam,, The h � nd7writte � has : o business in siness otic: It is an unwarranted intrusion on a bucv man's time and patience. In the museums of the future, the pen will l': !::n : with the warming -pan, the ilunt-lock and the spinning -wheel. In the business office of today the ty pewritt r is -i estab- lished fixture. It is not only a new industry itself but it is the right hand of every industry under the sun The large corporation would be helpless without L. The single-handed man needs it most of all, It has a legitimate place wherever there is wr,ti;: = to be done or records to be kept, Let the Limited, �4 ed i4 -� o Typewrit t' handle your writing - especially your bonnets correspondence. It will pay for itself in the better, tagger husa::ess it will beget. Send for illustrated bool.'I't tr Monarch Depa tmo at r.� Remington Typewrite::,,,c :7.1 any. 18-20 Victoria Square, Montreal, Que. SPRING FASHIONS. Some of the early spring models in coats show a plaited peplum below the waist line. Silk corduroys are so soft and pliable they may be draped with ease. Wheth- er in a single color or two-tone, they are used for wraps as well as gowns. Vests to wear under the tailored suit are cut quite on the line of those worn by men, and are made of elaborate bro- cades, satin or other silk stuffs. Robespierre collars of brilliant colored satin in combination with the filmiest of laces and nets are extremely effective in giving a dressy touch to a simple gown or blouse. The reds and browns are especially pleasing in this neckwear. The Robespierre which exposes'cthe neck,, calls for a pretty bow or jabot to finish it at the base. To fashion a chic neck bow of black satin, cut two diam- ond shaped pieces and line them with white, outlining the edges with a nar- row knife -plaiting of black net. Join these two pieces with a knot of black satin. The fat pump bows of velvet or satin are always smart. To make these take a strip of velvet ribbon and fold it over to form two loops on one side and a loop and an end on the other. The centre is kept the same width as the ends and , finished with a band of the velvet. Rev. Benjamin Watkins, former prim- i cipal of Huron College, and rector of Trinity Church, Quebec, died last week in London in his 80th year. , Do not suffer another day with Itching Bleed - in or Protrud. ing Piles. No surgical oper- a t o n penation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and as certainly cure you. 60o. a box; all dealers, or Bdmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sample box free if you mention this paper and enclose 2c. stamp to pay postage. R. J. McCormick, of Brant county, last year ran a Shorthorn grade calf with its dam. All summer the calf and dam together were on pasture without other feed. After weaning in the fall the calf was fed some little oat chop in addition to other fodder. It was sold shortly befo.e Christmas time for over $70. The intention of the buyer, it is believed, is to put the calf in con- dition for next year's Winter Fair as a yearling. MINSZWmvemm+...uua..remK.a,.reww,aONs.na. Tho above is a picture of • "Chief Little Bow," who was probably the first inhabitant of CARMANGAY, where once the savage roamed at will, NOW the 'tanner tills the land. Railways, Wheat, Coal and Water CARMANGAY is a NATURAL RAILWAY CENTRL on account of the topography of the country. ° It is situated on the Little Bo River, and hasITIES anF UNLIMIT COAcIEosD SUPPLYto the` OF PURE WATER It has VASQUAN OUR PROPERTY is WITHIN the TOWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO BLOCKS from the centre of business Send for our illustrated booklet describing the property gore have to sell int arrnaftgay Work for your Money in the East, but invest it in the West 0' CUT OUT THE COUPON NOW RI! AND SEND IT TO US Weutti4 n Canada Real Estate Company Head Office. -•-S0$ TEMPLE BUILDING, Toronto, Ont: BRANCHES:. MOPITptAL QUE. HAMILTON. ONT. LONDON. O04T IS Sew 302 Lister Chambers ii D.miekN D. Cb...tw.s WESTERN CANADA RI AL ESTATE CO. 502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. Please send me without obligation on my part, literature containing facts, Sguiles and views, of CARMANGAY. Name • -.-..--- Address THE WANG HHAM ° TIMES twoOintroiti 3 •44444444444,44444444,0044444444444444440040004444044': 0 4 • 0 C 0 M i Ii. 4 • 4. s • '.19' ,,,' "* 14• •a } 33 y ,1 O.a -, 7 e t a s ` 't� s Mr. Frank . Pem�ae�- of the Pember Store of Toronto, o • will be in s 4. 0• Wi amtt/ C • ® -h1 • • .• ---at the--- a leBrunswick Hotel, 4. 0r:WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12th v 1: with a full display of hair goods and the largest in the Dominion. Switches, Braids, Puffs apd transform- ations manufactured by us free from the finest hair and best quality. PROFESSOR PEMBER 4' e• 4r • 4' t 4 s 4 4 • 4> 4 C 4 4> 4. 4> 4. • will also diagnose free of charge. all hair and scalp trobles, T and his advice may be relied upon. f �•4� 94>t+:10 -:>••*•*0440* 444,01-90.00.04,00, 40.0.04A04*+D®440 W ^i' • i aluot Evolved at K S WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY AND SILVERWARE. STATIONERY AND FANCY; GOODS amomamer ousamosearammaamsesureolar Watch and Jewellery Repairing promptly attended to KNOX'S Watch Repairing a Specialty.. Phone 65. . Opposite National Hotel Fi •40+04.440.4++0404+00+ 444•A4t++++•r 040.00 44044$I+l440 • AN OPPOR.TUNI it 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 4 4, 4, a 0 4 4, s • For a Live Man in Winghanx to make some clean, lone st me ner , giving infcrnwtion to those•who have rcqut.sttd it, tcgardir.g an vligir.til Vt est4 ern townsite-not subdivision. 'This is a gently man's proposition, and we W;:.111 t my nap c f gc.ac: star (Ir -E; who will nct misrff.rese-ct. Addis • Western Canada Real Estate Co. 502 TEMPLE BUILDING - TORONTO �. 4 40404 1+40044040440040004044 0,i0 ','•'> '4% 'W.. Grandmother's Cough Candy. This is an old remedy for the hacking cough of the little ones: Soak a gill of whole flax seed in half a pint of boiling water, and in another dish put a cupful of broken bits of slip- pery -elm bark, pouring over it enough boiling water to cover the dark; let these stand and steep (not boil, or be very hot) for two hours or more.. Then strain the mucilage that forms over the seed and bark, by squeezing through a piece of cheese cloth; put this mucilage into a saucepan, together with one and one-half pound of granulated sugar, ex- tracting all the moisture you can from the bark and seed. Stir the mixture until the sugar is dissolved, and boil it until it turns to candy. Before pouring it out of the pan, add the juice of two lemons when the mixture has cooked five or ten minutes, Pull the randy as you would any candy, or pour on to but- tered paper and just before it hardens cross off into squares to be broken apart as used, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S Canon Williams, of St. John,s Church Portland Street, Toronto, died last week The session of the Ontario Legisla- ture will open on Tuesday next at To- ronto. Mr. A. H. Musgrove, of this town, who is member for North Huron has been selected by the Whitney Gov- ernment to move the address in reply to the Speech from the phone. ++++++4.44:44.144.:7 +;4.++++++++r+ 4.4:+3•+•+.3.4 4 •tri' +44.+4+++4 4 IThe Times +. ClubbingList+++4h4.+ 4. + ,i. + s Times and Weekly Globe . .. 1.60 Times and Daily Globe 4,:,U 4. 4+ Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star.... 1.b5 3. + + Times and Toronto Vt eekly Sun .. • 1.75 "i' Times and Toronto Daily Star ' 2.30 + Times and Toronto Daily dews,. . • 2.30 •i• t Times and Daily Mail and ltmpire. . 4.50 + Times and Weekly Mail and Empire1,60 + ++ Times and Farmers' Advocate ......... 2.35 + + 'Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) 1,60 + T'mes ar tr Farm and fair` 1.80 Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press, 1,60 $' 4. • Times and Daily Advertiser . , . 2.85 4., Times and London Advertiser (weekly)... , . 1.60 td Times and London Daily Free Press lticrnirg 4. 4 Edition 3.50 •� Evening Edithn 2 00 a Times and Montreal Daily Witness 3.5.0 ; Times and Montreal Keel:1y Witness l.b; k Times and '6orld Fide 2 �'5 Times and Western Iirme Monthly ,• Winnipeg... , 1.1;0 + Times and Przebyteritin....................... 2.x,5 � Times and Westminster .. 2.25 ',I. 4. •i' Times, Presbyterian and Westminster 3 25 • 4> Times and Toronto Saturday Night 3.10 • Times and Busy Man's Magazine e... , , :'. 0. + Times and Home Journal, Toronto 1.75 Times and Youth's Companion .... ...... ........ 2.90 Times and Northern Messerrer..... ..., a..... 1.35 Times and Daily World .... 3.10 Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly)....... 2.90 '- Times and Canadian I'ictc.rinl.......,..... 1.Fd} k Times and Lippincott's Magazine 3.15 + Times and Woman's Borne Cotripaniar ..., .... 2.6f+ Times and Delineator '2. 0 •i. Times and Cosmopolitan t.Ci Times and Strand 2. 0 + Times and Success ;'.A5 Times and McClure's Magazine ' .(`0 + Times and Munsey's Magazine 2,55 Times and Designer .. _ • 1.85 4. 3 Times and Everybody's 2.40 + These prices are for addresses in Canada or wren,. + Britain. The above publications may be obtained by Times T subscribers in any combination, the price for •cli.v publica- + tion being the figure given above less $I.eo repre'sf ntirg 4. the price of The Times. For instance : The Times and Weekly Globe • .:. The Farmer's Advocate (y2.35 less $1.00). 4. making the price of the three papers $2.95. The Times and the Weekly Sun The Toronto Daily Star ( l.80less x$.'1.00). The Weekl3 Globe ($1.00 less 41.00) + + + + + F + + + 1 + p 4 the four papers for $,3.7o. If the alb icat on you vtant is not in ab:we list let us know. We - ,% supply almost any well-l.riown dian or American publication. These priLes c• re. strictly cash in rid 'ince t'z't 1.83 Wi 05 1.30 50 E fl (I 4 G + +i• a •0 4 Send subscriptions by post office or cypress order to, 1. a• z Tile Times Office a• Stone Block vs WINGHAM ONTARIO + , we n44+4.++!i+ 4•+++° 4A+.+++3t,3i++ 4n4• •t•+++++ 4:if ' 'k'4^A++.ri 1