HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-01-30, Page 1THE WINGHAM TIMES. VOL. XLII.—NO. 2119 rRExALL RHEUM>ATIG REMEDY Contains such ingredients as Postassium Iodide, Sodium Sal- icylate Oil of Wintergreen and Colchicine—all of which ingred- ients have been and still are used by the most experienced physic- ians in treating Rheumatic ail- ments. If you suffer with Rheumatism do not hesitate to use Rexall Rheumatic Remedy. You will probably experience relief after taking a few doses. You may need no more than one bottle to completely put you on your feet again. Because of the vast difference in human consti- tutions it is, of course, manifest- ly impossible for anyone to for - tell just how long it will take to produce the desired results in your Case. But we feel certain that if your disease really is Rheumatism, that you may ex- pect splendid results from this treatment. If you do not get these beneficial results. we want you to let us re - find your money, Price of Tablets 50 cts. Price of Liquid 50c. & $1.00. • "Instead of buying Patent Medicine buy Rexall b emedies." Jt.W. McKibbon DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN 71Foe.42021, Store "Eyesight Tested Free" and glasses supplied when needed at reasonable prices. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER Insurance fireauts/VI Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Malcolm's Grocery. Advantages of Huron. A meeting of th tee of the Huron was held last wee house. The draf which had been p vised, and it was last revised print 000 copies, The ful, as it sets fo ages of Huron C stock raising books will be dis Britain, Europe executive commit- ublicity Association in Goderich.court- of the pamphlet epared was again re - decided to have this to the extent of 15,- ook will be most use - h the many advant- nty in fruit growing, d agriculture. The buted all over Great nd the United States. CO 1 COAL! Two car loads The kind' that the car. Leave ey's tin shop.— of good hard pea coal. urns- $6.35 per ton at orders at R. R. Moon - J. CANTELON. Christie's Grocery PHONE 59. OMO Bleaches, Cleanses, Purifies It is claimed that Omo is one of the best cleanerson the market. Those who have used it speak highly of it and recommend it for all that it claims. Per packet 10c. ' 5 lb. pails Gillets Caustic Soda 35c. For Soiled Haods Nothing Beats Hand Dutch Soap. It removes dirt, stains, etc., leaving the hands perfectly white and smooth. Try a cake 5c. Wear Greer's Shoes and Ru:Jeers. Wingham Cur rs Winning. The rink of Wing am curlers. with A. M. Crawford as kip have had a few days of good sport in St. Paul, Minn. eral games. Witt lis rink they won and won from Wh a score of 12 to 9. Winnipeg the first part in the Wioni t the big bonspiel hey have won sev- Hunter' Minneapo- a score of 14 to 10 ti's St. Paul rink by The players go to of next week to take eg bonspiel. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Big stock of select from at.lowest prices. W. J. GREER. Excursion t The White Star L excursion to Detroit 17th of June, returni ipg on June 19th. 7 moon excursion. Tl moonlight excursion the evening of June cursions are be;com more popular, and they make a very d Detroit. ne will run their this year on the g on June, return - is will be a full re will also be a from Goderich on 16th. These ex - g year by year with fine weather lightful outing. THE WORLD'S GREATEST TRANSPOR- TATION CO., THE C. P R. Tickets to any place in the world RITCHIE & COSENS, Town Agents. Huron Co The annual exhil Poultry and Pet St held in the town 1 week. There was poultry, numberin many different va potent to judge stn of the exhibits wa Messrs. T. Bower of this town were of the Executive decided to hold th tion in Goderich uary. my Show. tion of the Huron ck Association was all, Goderich, last splendid display of about 575 birds of ieties. Those corn- ed that the quality remarkably good. and F. W. Angus, elected as members Committee. It was next annual exhibi- e third week in Jan- -WANTED—A good general servant girl, Apply to Mrs. J. Walton McKib- ben, Centre street. Grand Trunk I A number of in the 'administration Railway System h: ing the past two w er well-known G Wingham have be Mr. L. Harold has erintendent of Tr eastern lines wi Montreal. The o ent of the Hamilt created, and will Gordon, who has agent at Toronto ilway Changes. ortant changes in of the Grand Trunk ve been made dur- elcs, and two form - T. R. Agents in n given promotion. been appointed Sup- Insportation of the h headquarters at ice of Superintend - terminal has been Se filled by Mr. J. H. or some time been LOGS WANTED—I will pay the highest cash price for all kinds of saw logs. Get prices at office. J. A. 11ICLEAN. Oddfellow' At the regular m Lodge, No. 119, Ind Oddfellows on Thu the following offic Malcolm Black, sels:—N. G., Ro A. S. Posliff; Rec. yes; Fin. Secy., W H. B. Elliott; Co War., Jas. Murra Fry; L. S. N. G , S., A. Bell; L. S. Chap., H. Hens Dodd; 0. G., J. G., J. Deyell; liott. At the c ness the membe ston's restaura served. Officers eting of Maitland pendent Order of sday evening last, s were installed by D. G. M., of Brus- ert Brooks; V. G., ecy., John F. Gro - J. Haines; Treas., ., John Amsbury; ; R. S. N. G., N. L. . J. Alderson; R. S. S., John Lamont; iffe; J. G., J. W. Cummings; R. S. V. . S. V. G., W..13. El - elusion of the busi- s adjourned to John - where oysters were FEED CORN—A carload of the very choicest Amercan feed corn will arrive this week. This car is the best quality of dry corn. See us for prices. J.L. Awde. Death of Mi The death of Mr took place on Tues. a prolonged illness, 130 Horton street, ceased had been a for many years, al esteemed by all w Matthews was a t the Talbot Street I took a keen intones the congregation, band. Mr. Phillip It ren survive—Rev. pastor of the Fir Brandon, Man. ; 0 ger of Boss', Limi Miss Elizabeth M dent of the Wingl and Miss Ida, at 1 which will be pri 1• riday afternoolt . Matthews. . Phillip Matthews ay, Jan. 21st, after at her residence, London. The de- esident of the city d was most highly o knew her. Mrs. voted member of aptist Church, and in all the work of Besides her hus- tthews, four child - W. E. Matthews, t Baptist Church, R. Matthews,mana- ed,Edmonton,Alta,; thews, superinten- m General Hospital me. rhe funeral, te, will be held on i t WINGIIAM, - ONTARIO THURSDAY JANUARY 30, 1913. $1 A YEAR I feared still demand, of cellent pared. address G. Helen Entertainer, we were Miss ANNOUNCEMENT No 4. Read it on Last Page. WILLIS & CO. �� County Orange Meeting. The annual County eetingof North Huron Loyal Orange Lodge will be held in OrangeHall, Ingham, on Tues day, February 4th. PERSO i ALS. HIGH SCH s OL NOTES. - If you on hand. come Shoes and you having Twice season stock WE FITS Shoes ren. produces . WJ __.,... o Fiirms C ( W. T, '+' taste smy hardwood and sonsA J. w n.4 10 10acr school store Six grave KNOT Morris, f be ROBERT gas, barn $chest, gravel farm. For further ■ Ritchioest REAL ppp C.f,li' Free Knox's Wed. Feb. known Montreal. annual as the last The thirteen W eliwood, fatally — WINGHAM Allan Cunard Donaldson Canadian Ttiuusnndsofamb;tiouayotuagpeople are ourlHon being Jlr j j• / . 1( � �+` V 44 ' A MONEY V VING SAL! Mrs. Alex. Rinto -visiting her sister in Paisley. Mr, N. Evans, of t was in Torontothis Mr. and Mrs. J. A. iting in Toronto fo week Mrs. John Tervit, visiting for over Su at Mitchell. McKibbon 's week attending the County Council. Mr. N. L. Brando here in charge of late Mr. Gracey. Miss M. Roulston i: guest of her sister, i\ omon, for a few days Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Toronto, were the gu s brother, J. Sunday. Mrs. R. Clegg i- parental home in I Clegg was a visitor over Sunday. Mr. Lawrence, of and Mrs. Naylor a Essex were here at ending of the late Samuel Mrs. J. H. Hisc Bks, •former well -know resident ham, was in town n ing the funeral f Gracey. Miss 0 Annie T ylor Ilton to take her position School teaching tall Miss Lottie L. entley, taken Miss Tayl is place Captain Mi t n, of been appointed as successor Pugmire, in ch rge of Army work in Wingham. meeting will b held in this (Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, cordial tended to the Public meeting. • - - Death o; Samuel In the very su Iden afternoon last o' Mr. Wingham has lo t one citizens. Mr Gr: cey of business on S turday was apparentlyJ i his usual About 11 o'clock he made that he hadn't a cry on Friday night • nd left 11 o'clock on Sat rdayfor home. He was preparing bath, when he s • ddenly passed away in : few Gracey spent his early farm in Essex c• my came to this sec ion and with Mr.Lawren •e, who Welland,the fir ' engaged ture and underta ing business ham and Blyth. After the firm dissolve, and tinned the busine.s in years ago who he sold In 1f105 Mr. Grady returned ham, after residi g in and Leamington. The man was an hone:able and was very exa t and dealings. H was his work as an u dertaker many homes he had been professional way,he alwayswell best of services. Mr. pounced views on some was always since . • ly honest pression of his vi ws. who was intimate t acquainted and spent many h ppy he had many time • 'expressed that death would c. me ligion Mr. Gracey was and a valued mem :er of Chnrch and in whi h he worker, being for .overs! her of the Board • Managers for a long time Se rotary politics he was a I iberal a few years ago . e of workers in the to vn. cellent entertain: r and entertainments i t the town Mr. Gracey was • member O.F., C.O.F. ant A.O.U.W. and fo some the Financial Se rotary ciety. Mrs. Gr: ey passed years ago and tl e deceased by three daught•rs, viz:—Mrs. C. King, of t tis town, Eva and Nora a home, also survive an. one sister, of Essex. he sincere 1 is with e Dominion Bank eekon business.held cLean were vis- a few days this of Turnberry was day with relatives•,.Is in Goderich this sessions of Huron of St. Mars was Y he funeral of the Olivet, was the rs. Richard Sol- this week. Carruth,of West sts o£ the for . Carruth, over visiting at her gorse!! and 1�1r. at Ingersoll for Welland and Mr. d Miss Naylor, of the funeral racey. of London, a of Wing- Tuesday attend- the late Samuel has left for Ham - on the Public in that city and of Blyth has here. Tilsonburg has to Capt. the Salvation A welcome the S. A. Hall commencing invitation is ex- to attend this - Gracey. death on Saturday Samuel Grace of her very best went to his place morning and gooc health, the remark good nights rest the shop about his to take a fell over and minutes. Mr life on father's and about 1879 he in companywere now resides in in the furni- in Wing- a few years the Mr. Gracey con- Wingham up to to Ball Bros. to Wing -2-1 Blyth, St. Marys deceased gentle- and upright man fair in all busi- very efficient in and in the called to in a gave the Gracey had pro- questions but in the ex- To the writer, with him hours with him, the desire suddenly. In re- y' a Presbyterian St. Andrew's was an active years a mem- and was -Treasure!. In and was until the most active He was an ex- assisted in many and district• of the I. O. fraternal years had been for the latter so- away a few is survived Thomas and Misses hour brothers Mrs. Nay - sympathy Reports are to be The first meeting ciety for this term last Friday, Friday, Jan. • cordially invited to — issued next week. •f the Literary So- So which was to be as been postponed . The public are .e present. i'' Dont fail to have your e s examin-until ed at Knox's Jewelry t e while Mr. Graham is here. Thi is a grand op- portunity of a free examination by a real specialist. -- ----"•- - — • Photo of Si Wilfrid. Many people have ade requests for a good photo of th Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, fo though hp was de- atthe last g: oral election he isReeve the admire' by hosts of Canadians of both p • rtes. To meet the the centr, 1 information office the liberal part , with offices at 53 street, Ott: wa, have had an ex- photograph of Sir Wilfred pre- It is in bl: k and white, 17 x 22 aches in size, and ill be mailed to any in Canada in tube, for15c. sent o the above addr:.s. GRANTS TO HOSPITALS. Died at Till nburg. Mr. Alvie Hewer,brother of Mr. J. W. Hewer, of thi. town, died at his home in Tillsonburg on Monday even- ing, following an ill ess of some nine weeks.with typhoid f ver. The deceas- ed gentleman had fo many years been one of the promine t residents of his town. Mr. and M s. J. W. Hewer were in Tillsonburg his week attending the funeral, Ingersoll, Januar To the Editor of the Dear Sir,—In yo you published a lis to Hospitals," I County t 's credited 00 to hospitals, $1 /10.00 hospital and $600.01 The fact is $2000.00 to hospit: the above namedtsPitals. to add that Irsoll's -grant to her hospt Yourruly, ------'----- Cheap Feed for We have two car hand; also plenty of oats By getting your feed save you time and work. ing a clearing sale of low prices. HOwSUN - -- AUCTION 25, 1913. Wingham Times. issue of last week of county "Grants otice that Oxford nth giving only $15- to Woodstock to Ingersoll hospit- a, $1000.00 County gives s, each to Permit me CorporationPerhaps is $1,000 per year, W. J. Elliott. " Hogs and Cattle. loads of corn on and other feeds. from .us we can We are lav - shorts. Get our & BROCKLEBANK. -- — SALES. you have already heard of our BIG TWICE -A -YEAR SHOE SALE have, we know that you'll ' If yon have cot, tht hefe tO see wharf splend you can buy for litre move 11 congratulate yourself c read this antlouncewet a year at the cyto of ea( , s business, we clear out tl on hand and SCATTER ALL PRC TO THE WIND for h en, Women attd Chile The brat Shoes the county DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Bigcleanupsaleforthenextwoesmer Dress Goods, Hosiery, wear, Ready-to-wear Curtains,Carpets, etc. Big cutPinTapestry gprices. must be settled before uary. KERR & BIRD. Hospital Subs The following su Wingham Old Boys h as the first coniributi which the Directors o General Hospital are the purpose of buildin Hospital:—Dr. P. Ma $25; J D. Burns, Galt zie, Chicago, $5; J. D. Chesley, $5. OATS! OATS! A car will arrive at G. T. R. will be sold off the car friday at 39 cents per are in need of feed get oats. TIPLING _' . . Epworth Leag An Epworth Leagu held in the Wingt&t ch on Tuesday, Feb. noon session will bel, in evening session at 30. expected to take p. tare Langford, Kitcar. ne; Rivers, B. A , B. D , W. J. Kilpatrick, 13. A number of In titutes held throughout th< Wingham with very great sotcess. to arouse enthusia. m, increase terest and efficient of Y pie of the church. - . Address an • Presentation. There was a 1: ge friends and neigh ion Mr. Wm. Maxw 1, Bluevale T �esday evening .f last fa ewell to DIr.: nd Mrs. well, who left t is week 'Where they purp.se residing Mr. Maxwell as presented beautiful Bible tad Mrs. handsome silk s...wl. pang of friends •pent evening and all resent grit at the rem. al of Maxwell. They aveN of the Bluevale road years and were hl:hly community. Both have workers in the Pr sbyterian Bluevale and Mr. axwell been an Elder. Th it wish them many m •re hope to see them fr quently old neighborhood. I showing of the address read: Turnber , , Dear Mr. and Mrs. I. .xwell; Beforeyou leave u and neighbours on the tell you of their respe which you have held f. and to ask you to acee.t mementos of the old shared each others joy: You have lived in this n ever it was a settleme has seemed as if you part of it a and your fellow-pionee and forest. It is to m as you with brave and trio hearts tl its greatness. We are sorry than for you to see Wherever you go will 1 forget the old on: s kindness, n ss helpfulness : SALE— Gloves, Under- Clothing, Furs Curtains All accounts the end of Jan- __ -- iptions scriptions from e been received s to the fund rile Wingham stablishing for a wing to the staid, London, $5; Dr. McKen- ampbell, B. A. load of od oats on Thu day and on rsday and b el, If you some of these AND MILLS. Institute. Institute will be Methodist chur- 4th The after- at 2.15 and the The speakers Rev. A. J. Rev. G. W. Ripley, and Rev. A., Belgrave. have been District The object is the in- pee- the youngmorning gathering of oldbe at the home of road, on week to say Robt. Max for Clinton, in future.spiteabove with a Maxwell, a The happy com-� a very pleasant. expressed re- Mr. and Mrs. been residents for over fifty esteemed in the been faithful Church at has for years many friends will happy years and visit in the is a copy Jany 21st,1913. - your old friends boundry want to t and affection so many years, these gifts as imes when we and sorrows. igborhood since t and to us it ere as much a the fiends you : hewed out of n and women spirits, willing societies at our country 't has become c another home. ave friends, but in whose mem- andy for, WANTED A sal -s lady with two or hree years expe ienee in general dry ;Dods; also a yo g girl to learn the 'usiness. Apply ith references to— . A. Irwin, Clinto , Ont. "' -- High Gla s Concert. The concert give in the opera house n Friday evening sat by Miss Maude Bradley's Speci 1 Concert Party was ne of the best ev : given in Wingham. Wyrick Sha or, Detroit Peerless waste best elocutionist have ever hen . in Wingham, and er numbers were cry much appreciat- d, Her best num ter was "How the 'roggies go to Sle: p," Miss E. Alex- ndra Bradley, lyr c soprano, has won- erfully improved :ince her appearance n Wingham dor ng the fall of 1911, nd her numbers on Friday evening warmly app aided. J. Edwin Jes- op, basso, and C Yates Charlesworth, Ito, were not sty: ngers to a Wingham udienee and the fully sustained the igh opinion form d of them as singersIli n their previous visit to Wingham. Maud C. Br ley, at the piano, erformed her du'ies in a very pleasing tanner. -•-•-• LOST—On Patrick, Edward or Joseph - ie streets or in the Picture House,on 'ew Year's eve, two pearl rings, one sry valuable. Finder will be rtward-y, I by leaving at TIMES office. �_ ___ _ _ Ontario West 'hors Railway. meeting of re. esentatives. of the awns of Goderich : nd Kincardine, and ie townships of ' shfield and Huron, as held in Goder h last week, 'to re- .ive the reports t f H. E. Middlemist, a, of the stat of the Ontario Rail- ay and Municip .1 Board, on the con- tion of the uric. pleted electric rail- ay known as th Ontario West Shore. r. Middlemist 1 eros that the work P ne represents . value of 305 000, and $ . er $6110,01.0 is •aid to have been spent on it. The m nicipalities are curious P know where he money has gone to. ie railway bo rd has been asked to nduct a thole ugh investigation into g g e affairs of t e railway. The munici- !Wes mentis ea are now paying in- P Y g13 on' the bonds of the railway mpany to t e amount of $400,000, ving given t' eir guarantee to this count. Mr. M •dlemist estimates that will take ova three-quarters of a q Ilion dollars .complete the road be-ness Ben Goderi.' and Kincardine, in- ,ding the rol 'ng stock and equipment. �_ .. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP SALE— it big sale will be continued to the d of January. For the last two weeks will make deeper cuts in prices of rs, Sweaters, Gents Furnishings, tsiery, Caps, Tains, Heavy Rubbers, e, etc. Now for bigger bargains than ar for two weeks. All accounts must paid before the end of January. KERR & BIRD. Mr. W. L. Fraser. of the north half of lot 12, con. 1, Morris, will hold an auction sale of farm stock, and and implements, on Monday, February 10th. See bills for particulars. John Purvis will be the auctioneer. In order to close t e estate of the late Mrs. James Seo t, there will be sold by public auctio on Friday, Jan. 31st, at lot 32, con. ,East Wawanosh, the farm containin • 100 acres of land. There are 88 acres !eared and on the premises is a bar straw shed and frame house; 6 mi •s from Belgrave. There will also be s'Id at the same time some farm stock, im .laments and house- hold furniture. Sale is at 1 o'clock t sharp. Alex. Scot r, executor; James Henderson, suction er. -- — — Lakesid Game. On Monday eveni g last our local sep- tette of the Lakesi to League journey- Y ed to Brussels, wh: e, in the opinion of fans of that place, one of the finest ex- hibitions of hockey to the history of the rink was put up by the Brussels teams. Althoughg the am. did not decide who were to be the pro d possessors of the La Chapelle cup it made it evident that the keen competit on will be close and P good hockey will se presented at all times. The first i -w minutes of play chiefly centr d in front of Wing- ham goal but once the boys got awe Y the tables were a: on turned. For the rest of the first ha f of the play kept near the Brussel. end but in of the numerous snots poured on their defence and goal, e net seemed impos_ sible and at half ti e the score stood Win ham hold' the small end of g g stick. The inter ission had its good effect for scarcely had the rubber corn- menced to slide o e more when, after changing the scop to a tie Wingham gained a couble m.re leavingthem two in the lead. The •ams next interchan- god twogoals for ane and with a score? 6-3 it looked very right.for the visitors In the last avid fat 1 few minutes Brus- sels rallied all thei forces and after a I succession of lightn ng like rushes found themselves the vict.rs of a hard fought g battle by a narrow margin, the final score being 7-6. O E '1•Il E SHOE MA N _ _..__... �o® Sale f wIGIiTMAN.—Lot 20, ('on. 4, West arge • gosh, oo acres, brick other ecea. barn good as new, all neces- bur,mngs,silo, good water, 26sores �iPost office school churches, near at hand. Good rea- for selling. Eaast w wano,h89g ood builot d ngs, orchard, td0 bush, good 'from acres hardwood bush, 1.2 mile from and church and 00 rude from and post office with daily mall. and one half miles from Blyth. Bel- ul or Auburn. Owner going west, FtiTATE.—south jL lot 19, con. 3, 100 orchardsngood f houseand s, Sacres a t lo sell estate. yJill sold cheap to sold cheap to grind up cerate. bIE3BER.—North ?z lots 47and con. 1, Morris, brick hoose, bank and dare shed, convenient to miles from Biuevale on good road. Owner wants! to buy larger particulars regarding any of apply on the premises or to. n 86 owns ESTATE AND INSURANCE Town Ticket A cosy ` eye testing deuiinistration a Jewelery store from now coon 5th, by,k'. A. Graham the "sial -ow test" expert o visit toI i Wins is gham Graham's eahin rl, few days are usually so busy _ __ -ye -old son of Peev of Raleigh township, wa scalded in vat of boiling water CHURCH NOTES. H. DA%'IS ,ONTARIO Agent for Line Line Lines. Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. STUDY dyD pt. You Wingham , oys are Winners, n the league ame of hockey at Lis- vel, the Wine am boys won by a re of 6 to . Frank McLean of Wingham t -:m was hit on the head g the puck and received a very bad which prey nted him from further y for that ev ving. The first league ne was playe I here on Friday even - between L cknow and Wingham I was fairly « 11 attended. It was a the t game and tl eir was excellent play such both teams. l'he score was 9 to 4 hands Favor of Wi gham, The Citizens owes rd furnished .xcellent music. The ms were as fo lows:— necessary ms Vingham -Gua Elul Grover; point, osteo; cover point, H. Schaefer; don't er, M. Telfer; entre, Ted Elliott, Driesyour The annual 's gati will meeting of St. Andrew's Chu ch be held in the lecture room of t.e church on Fri- day evening rofe this eek. In St. Andrew's C urch next Sunday at both services, t• e pastor, Rev. D. Petrie, will preach s rmons of special interest to the youn s people. The Rev. Dr. Ru. edge will give the third of the series .f sermons on the Pilgrims Progress in the Methodist Church next Sund night. Subject: "At the Cross —S ripping for the Fight." Rev. D, Perrie, o is Moderator in the vacant charge Melleville Church Brussels, was in hat place on Mon- day evening attene ng a meeting of con- ,wing, Chas. D cLean; right wing, goodness Ponder, �ucknow—Goal, '�. McDonald; point, future Ferris; cover •int, tt. Robertson; sincere or, J. Harris; entre, S. Bowers; hoping t wing, R. John ton; right wing, A. Donald. teferee-•-Ranki , of Stratford. will always • veil, of That your lives may be blessed in the to as they have i the past is the eavernent. wish of us all. We sayfarewell that all is for e best, but afternoon "Moray a hairt will :yak in two largely Should ye no Come ck again". in been Your frien s on the 13oun:lry. a large circl • of friends is extended the family in their very sudden bey- Mai y beautiful wreaths were placed upo the casket by sorrow - ingfriends. ri e funeral on Tuesdayeater.;! to W gham cemetery was attend° . The services were charge of Re . D. Perrie, who has pastor to the deceased for the past nineteen y .ars. gregation when th matter of extend- ing a call was dist ssed. The meetint,+i was we_I attende• and it was decided to a hearty ; nd unanimous call .to Rev. A. J. Mann of Toronto, late of Woodville. The ail will be considered at the regular reefing of Maitland Presbytery early in March, mayfinituh es College if you desire Pap wht it -i / ever you wish. Thirty learn' ? er,,.i. line°. Largest trainers 'L ( mulct. Enter any day. Positions guarnnte°d. If you wash to save board and Iearb • while you earn, write for particulars. NO VACATION Wingham Business College GflO, SPOTTON, President t 0 0 h e a d i a s a a h 0 p it v e to tI w ce C. w di do ov ui to T1 co th pa te: co, ha an it mi tw cit Ot en wt Ft Ht So ev be toy sea the by cut pla gar ing an fas by in Bas tea V Joh rov left O. L W. TOV I Mc 0e In id Y. t. in y t 1 s