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The Wingham Times, 1913-01-23, Page 8
WIrW1Aivi TIMES JANUARY 23, 1913 GRANTS TO HOSPITALS The following is a list of the grants given by County Councils in Western Ontario to Hospitals. COUNTY WATERLOO $'2,5 0t' 00 : 3 WELLINGTON $2,880.00 3 TOTAL AIST. No. OF OF GRANT HOSPITALS BRUCE $2,000.00 SIMCOE $2,000.00 PERTH GREY LAMBTON OXFORD HURON $700.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 Awr OF" NAME or HOSPITAL GT. TO EACH HOSPITAL Berlin Hospital.. ...... $1,250.00 Galt Hospital $1,250.00 General Hospital Guelph $951.00 St. John's " " $999.00 Fergus Hospital . $936.00 Walkerton Hospital . $1,500.00 Kincardine Hospital ,. $500.00 4 Collingwood Ilrspital.... $500.00 Orillia Hospital .... $500.00 Barrie Hospital . ...... $500,00 Midland Hospital . $500 00 Stratford Hospital . $700.t'0 1 1 2 $600.00 3 Owen Sound Hospital. $1,000.00 Sarnia Hospital .., $1,000.00 Woodstock Hospital $1,000,00 Ingersoll Hospi al ... $500.00 Clinton Hospital .... $100.00 Wingham Hospital .. $2:10.00 Goderich Hospital ...... $250.00 Although the assessment of the County of Huron is very much higher than any of the other counties, its assessed value being the second highest in the Province, its contributions to .Hospital maintenance is the lowest. MINOR LOCALS. -Samuel Henry, for forty years a -Get your printing at the '[ IMES of- fiee. -A good line of $1 fountain pens on sale at the TIMES office. -Concert in the opera house on Fri- day evening of this week. J. Edwin Jessop, Basso soloist, in the opera house Friday evening -Now is the time to send the TIMES to your friends or relatives at a distance. Mild weather during the past week and both branches of river have over- flowed their banks. -After the first of May next Gode- rich will be the only "wet" spot in the ',riding of West Huron. -Hear Helen Wyrick Shafor, De- troit's peerless entertainer in the opera Louse on Fribay evening. resident of Kincardine, died on Sunday evening. He was 63 years of age, and for a long time kept a book store and was also express agent. -About 35 members of the A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul's Church were entertained by Mr.and 141rs.J ames Golley,2nd line of Morris, on Monday evening and all re- port having a very enjoyable evening. -The Wingham Dramatic Club are now busily engaged working on a new play, entitled, "Kathleen Mavourneen," a domestic Irish drama in four acts, which will be presented to the people of Wingham in a few weeks. This promises to be one of the best ever put on by the Club and should be well pat- ronized by the citizens. AWDE In 19th, to Mr. N Wingham, on January and Mrs. J. L. Awde; a You can buy your railway tickets son. for a long or short trip from H. B. Ell- HINDE.--In Harriston, on January 191h, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Ilinde; lett, Town Agent for G. T. R. a daughter. -Mr. W. J. Henning has sold his REIC In Wroxeter, on January 9th, tailoring business to Messrs. Moon & 1 to Mr, and Mrs. Con Reis; a son. White, who are now in possession. Nses:mo n A scrutiny of the local option bal- LITTLE- ARMSTRONG At the Manse, lots cast in Clinton will be held before Teeswater, on Jan. 9th, by the Rev. W Judge Doyle on Tuesday, January 28th. j A. Bradley, 13. A., Robert E. Little of Teeswater to Miss JessieArmstrong of -Travel via the Grand Trunk Rail- i Dumfrieshire, Scotland. way, Canada's double track line and iDANE LAIRD. -At the residence of buy your tickets from H. Il. Elliott, ' the bride's mother, Mrs. Acheson Laird, Town Agent. `loth con., Howick, on Jan. 8, by the -Exeter temperance people will like- , Rev. J. Andrews, Miss Eva May Laird to Mr. Jas. A Dane, of Tezorton, Sask. lc• apply to the Council to make a re- 1 McVIc/sit- HUNTER. - At the resi- daction in the number of hotel licenses dence of the bride's parents, Howick, in that glace. by the. Rev. D. B. Dobson, on .January -Wm. Salkeld, G. T. R. agent at 15th: Mill Florence Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter, to Mr. Ripley has been transferred to Clifford ,James G. McVicar, of Smith, Nevada. and Mr. Mair, of Hanover will take charge at Ripley. -The best ever. Maud C. Bradley Concert Party in the opera house on Friday evening of this week. Plan of hall at McKibbon's drug store. -The hotel keepers of Kincardine will make application for a recount of the local option ballots. Local option ---- FARM --FAI:M FORLE. was carried in the lake town by 1 1-5 votes. North half of lots 15 and 16, conces- -Mr. Ted Murch had one hand badly `cion 1, 'Turnberry, containing 100 acres is burned while at work in the Western offered for sale. There are on the pre- mises a good ban arn, driving shed, pig pen and hen use. A good frame house with kite en attached. Two never failing wells. About 95 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation. Write or call on premises for particul- ars. P. ANDERSON, Box 1-18. Wingham P.O. ©ri4G90ev ••••••••©e•••••0444,4, 54*00• 0000•••••• ++84•••••4••••G• • 0• 0 • • • •0 • • • • • •4> •a • • •• • 4> • 4 • • O • • • 0 • • • • • n • • c' 0 0 4 4. a 4 4) i • 4 • 4 0 6 4. 4> 4 a • a 4 We have just finished stock -taking and find we have many broken lines and odd sizes in Winter Goods which we will clear out at SPECIAL PRICES. Come in and see what we can do for you before buying. Men's Overcoats, N1t,n's Fur Coats, Mens Suit', Men's 'Underwear, Men's Odd Pants, H -its and Caps, He-cvv Rabb, rs and Leggings, Sweater Coats and 1-1ttavv smocks. Ladies' Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur Lint d Colts, Ladies' Cloth Coats, Ladies' Muffs and Stoles, Girls' Fur S-tts, Girls' Winter Coats, Hosiery and Under- wear, Sha als, Wraps, etc. All Account are now made up. PRODUCE WANTED. PHONE 71. KING BROS. MEETING OF COU The Council of the County of Euro Council Chamber, it rich, on Tuesday th ars:. Accounts for placed with the cle Dated, January 14 DIED. STEIN -In Wingham, on January 15th, John Stein, aged 82 years. WALLACE. In Turnberry, on January 10th, Richard Wallace, in his 87th year. PAULIN. In Wiarto,), on January 15th. Jas. Paulin, formerly of Wrox- eter, aged 83 years. Foundry afew da saga Blood -poison- ing has developed and Mr. Murch has a very sore hand. ---The Listowel Gas Co. will discontin- ue business after the 1st of February. The use of electric lights made inroads on the company's business it is found not profitable to continne the making of gas. -S, J. Hogarth captured first prize for Exeter district in orchard competi- tion conducted by the department of a riculture. of Ontario. The district comprises Lanibton, Hurc,n,Gree,Bruce and Simeon. -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Robertson en- tertained the members of the White- church Rifle Club to a supper on Tues- day evening of last week. After a boun- tiful repast of oysters, fowl etc., had been served a very pleasant evening was spent. -Mr. Geo. Coutts, of :v ewdale, Man , in writing to subscribe for the TIMES says:- "I received atopy of your paper a week ago and it revived memories of 51 years ago in your town, when I then saw the log walls of the crossing hotel, standing without the roof, on the site of the present Queen's hotel." .--The Maud C. Bradley Concert Party which will give an entertainment in the opera house on Friday evening of this weelc is composed of leading artists. The high-class entertainment whichdraw h We company givesshould- crowded house. Secure your tickets at McKibbon's drug store. Mr.l.NeCo McConnell z e oL S the sale from Dr. Kennedy of a lot on Cathar- ine street to Mr J W. Rodd. The lot ;Idjoins Mr. I1odd's property and it is his intention to erecta houseupon it in the spring. Dr. Kennedy will also sell the Iot next to this. There are no bet- ter available lots in the town for resi- dential purposes. Logs FARM FOR S LE 100 acres. being centre part lot •12, con. 7, East Wawanosh, i acres clear- ed, acres fall wheat. 11 acres fall plowed, balance in gra s, well under - drained; 1 acres rclpard; 1 1-2 story frame house, kit fi and woodshed; barn (fee x 7Uwith st ie stabling, cement floors; windmill, w'th water in house and barn; 1 1-4 miles from post office, church and school. WM. WIGUTMAN. I;elgrave, P.O. t, ....._. a.. _ . REV. W. J. MAYERS AND DR. BARNARDO'S MUSICAL BOYS Town Hall, Wingham 1 RON COUNTY CIL he Corporation of will meet in the the Town of Gode- 28th day of Janu- ettlement must be It before this date. W. LANE, Clerk. ), 19I3_ anted Highest cash price paid for all kinds of Saw Logs delivered at Whitechurch Saw Mill. JAS. WitoSCN Proprietor. Phone -Ring 15 on Lire 611_ Institute kintiligs ,:,90•000••4•••••••04> •004) 4)04•0©)4©4`v048444G4G600.04 d O 4> • • Our Railway Fare Public al® Frei; e 4 4> 0 4 • We'll pay your T © fare for the roundI A trip fora distance . - Coopar Herman O of 15 miles, if " you ' 11 purchase C' during the sale $2(1 Successors to 4}► worth or me r. Be • • sure and buy your ROBINS' STORE es return tickets for WINGHA;S1 • thirty days. Meetings under the aus4 ees of the East IIuron Farmer: Institute will bo held a follow : Fordwich, Wy esd y, Feb. 5 Biuevale, Tursalay, Feb. 6 Jamestown, Friday, Feb, 7 Belgrave, Saturday, Feb, 15 The speakers are David Bovis, IKonnoch; W'a'rn. Scarf, Durham and W. J Hunter, Pleasant. Meetings at 2 and 7.30 p. m.. Musical program at evening meetings. Every- body welcome. Weth esday Lve., Jan. 29 Popular Lecture -tall. on Dr. Barnardo's splendid Life Work for the Children, with unique COLOURED PICTURE Novel and Attractive Musical Selections on Handbells, Bagpipes, Mandolines, Xylophones. Ocarinas, Cornets, &c., 1 ard long. ProgrammeOi e L &C. & C. Collection for the Bernardo Work. COME AND SEE, BEAR AND HELP. Chairman, Dr. A. J Irwin. Admission 25c and 35c, Children half price. TieLets at Mr, .1. W. M4Kibleon's 4) Guarantee 4 We assure each • and every pur- o chaser absolute 't satisfaction. We guarantee every 41 statement herein , made. e .s 0• a4. 0 I Salo 1. c ios Saturday Morniug, Jan. ; 1 Ith, at 9 o'clock, 0 • This is not an ordinary Sale, but an extraordinary Sale. Let Q • • nothing keep you away. It will be the opportunity of a lifetime to e • buy up.to date Fall and Winter Merchandise at less than old shelf- a ® worn goods would cost elsewhere. W. H. FRASER. P A• McARFF9tD President Secretary. cArZIPic SPEGIAL CRUISE AROUND Tilt WORLD 0 0 a • 0 • 4, READ 1 These are only a few sample prices showing bow goods will be sold --prices never before heard ot on such high grade Cloth- ing and Men's Furnishings Come and see for yourself, for what your 4 eyes see your heart must believe. 4> • 0 MEN'S FALL OVERCOATS & FUR COATS Single Brested Fly Front Style Reg. Price $16 to $18, sale price $11.75 4'' Reg. price 12 to 14, sale price 4 8.50 • Reg. Price 1n to 12, sale price • 7.50 ► Russion Bear Reg. price $25 20.00, for.. ..... 15.00 e Empresses of "Russia" and "Asia." (New C.P.R. Pacific Sttanwhip51 The Empress of Russia will leave Liver- pool April 1st, calling at Gibralter, Vil• lefranche and Port Said, proceeding via S.nc•z, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki,Kol,e and Yoko• hama,arriving at Vancouver May SIst,11111. The Empress ot Asia will sail from Liver- pool May lith, mating similar cruise. Most Ortet conn( etion for Al' ril tut sail ilia is via "Empress of Britain" from St. John, N.13., March'2ist. Rate for Entire Cruiep $639,10 Exclusive of ure�ofE4 time nEnand nalliance "mpr5a of Russia" 0031 stop over at Hong Kong. Get particiller.I front Ritchie & Covets, Town Agents, Picone 1.l,,. J. 11. Bogner, llitstion Agent, 'Phone+ wolemimiimemsomminivise NEN'S SUITS 4 Worsted in new shades of brown Reg. Price $14 to $10, sale ....$9 85 10 to 12, " ..... 820 8 to 10, .. 6 00 4 ,, 7 to 8; " ..... 5 00 .4 BOYS' BLOOMER SUITS a Tweeds in dark patterns . A Reg. Price 85 to $6, sale... .. $3 95 • " 4 to 5, " ... ... 3 On se PANTS s Reg. Price $5, to $5,50, sale... $3 85 4• " 4 ".,290 o ,," ... 2 35 2.50 '` 1 3,i ... 1 75 o • Tweed pants Guaranteed, rog. 2.25 o for 1 25 4 OVERALLS • Black and striped, with elastic o back 4) Reg price $1.25, sale .. . . 89c • Double kneed overalls Reg price $1.25 sale:....... i9e 59c WORKING SHIRTS O Bine, black and striped O • Reg. 75e for 39c reg $1 for... 75c regular 85c for .. 49e „ BOYS' and YOUTHS' BOOTS a and OXFODS o Reg. price $2.00 sale.... .... t;1 35 " 1 75 "..., 1 25 o 150 " 119 • FIRST QUALITY of RUBBERS o Rep., price 90e and 1 0) sale. ... 74c 0 SPECI AL BAR GAINS in BOOT n, SHOES and RUBBERS Mens' boots, tan and black, 6 Blutcher cut ci. Reg. price $3 to $3 50, sale...... $2 25 t. 4 to 4 25, " ..... 3 00 " 2 to 2 50, " . 1 69 UNDERWEAR Mens' Fleece•-ined shirts and p drawers 4. sizes 34 to 44, reg. 50c to 75c, sale :g price 39c a Boys' fleece -lined shirts Reg. price 50c, sale. 25c Penman's best uhshrinkablenat- ural woolshirts and drawers Jt Reg. price $1 25 to $1 50, sale86c o 1 00 -=to 1 25, " 62c MEN'S SWEATER COAAS • Reg price $2 00 to $2 50, sale$1 35 2 " 1 50 to 2 00, " 1 25 6 1 25 to 150, 95 0 " 1 00 to 110, " 75 ; BOYS' SWEATER COATS Reg price $1 to 125, sale... , 75c m • • • 0 • • 0 • • • • • • • • it • • All Binds of Caps • Reg. price lac to $1, sale. 455 • Derby Hats o A11 the new fall shapes, Union made -Reg. price $2 to $2.50 sale. $1 45 • Felt hats,reg,$2to $3, sale 1 35 0 ds of Ties All Tiain • Reg. price 25c, sale........2 for 25e s AnnounconientNo. 3 Exceedingly low Prices in Sitib Proof Rubbers for Men For One Week Only Beginning on Saturday next, Jany 25th. Ending on Saturday, Feby 1st (Inclusive) Stub Proof Rubbers (just like this cut) with heavy felt sox included, in all sizes for men 6 to 11. For only $2.25 Per Pair Remember this means the Sox and Rubbers combined for price above Men's 4 hole, high cut Stub Proof Rubbers (exactly the same as shown in cut only in laced style) For Only $1.95 Per Pair Other Rubbers on sale on the ' same days as above mentioned. At Correspondingly Low Prices Note the dates Jan. 25 to Feb. 1 (inclusive) WILLIS .'. CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. 1000 SHIRTS All makes, all colors, including black and white hairline stripes, coat styles, all styles Reg. $1, 1.25, 1,50, sale....... 60e Regular price 75c for ....49c Men's pure wool socks Good weight, double heal and toe Reg 35c for...19c reg 25c for...15c Men's Winter Mitts First quality buckskin, wool lined Reg $1 and 1 25 for 72c regular 60e to 75c, for 39c for Ladies 11111■011•10.1111111•191ENNOW 931111111911 e 77 ..1l �I^n: il�l�l�a GREAT PROFIT SHARING SALE For two weeks commencing Saturday, January 18, u3 till Saturday, Feb. lst,,,we will offer every arti- i cle in the store at cost and some lines under; this is a genuine sale, no fake. Come • and see. Below are a few of { the lines offered. 11 ell • COME RIGHT NOW AND SAVE THE DOLLAR. d n THE BARGAIN STORE, Opp. Presbyterian Church. m 0 3 ;e3:+vfi'.+i•00444•••O••d+•••d4 •••40•••••4•••4,•44•0•4.•44«• iii e? is all NMI ..;ra lea 411 1 Ladies' Quilted Lined Coat, Marmot Collar, was $20 now $15 1 1, " " German Otter Col. " $24 now $19 MEN'S FUR COATS 1 Coon Coats, $100 for $75 Bulgarian Lamb $30 for $20 2 Corean Beaver $25 for $18 4 Calf Skin Coats $30 for $20 2 Siberian Dog $25.00 for 618 2 Astrican Lined, Fur Collar $14 for $10 2 Astriean Lined, Fur Collar $20 for $15. Men's Suits and Overcoats at 25% discount. 10 doz. Men's Leather Faced Mitts, was 60c pair, sale price 40e pair. • 40 pair Men's Cloth Pants, worth $2,00 pair for 51.25 2 dcz. Men's Overalls, 75c for 49e pair. 10 Black Overalls, $1.00 for 80e pair, RUGS AND LINOLEUMS 50 rugs including Union, Tapestry, Wilton's and Axminster, from 24 x 3 yd to 81 x 4 yds at 25% off regular prices. 8 pieces Nairns Scotch Linoleum, worth 60e, tor 50e per yard. jl 3 patterns worth 50c, sale price 45e square yd. These are all good patterns but must be cleared out to make room for spring stock. ell�l. ai iu 2000 yds Crumbs,English print, reg. 12';e for 10e per yard. 1;i 150 yds Paillette Silk, 40 inch, wide, reg. 1.75 for 1.25 yd., eiali: several shades. 70 yds Paillette Silk ; 36 inch, wide, reg. 1,25, for 90e, black and BG, blue only. ; Every piece of Dress Goods in store at cost price, ',tidies White Waists from 75c to $3.50, this is a snap. Ladies Gowns bought especially for this sale, worth 1,50, 1.75 and 2.00 for $1.25 each. Via; Space will not allow us to mention everything here but ask. to atMo be shown goods. . aiC e a 1 1 GROCERY SPECIALS Broom worth 35e for 25c, worth 45e for 35e worth 50e for 400. Seeded 'raisins 3 pkgs for 25e, positively new goods. Maple Leaf Salmon 25c tin. Cascade Salmon, pink, 17e tin. Northern Coast Salmon 22c, 1.2 size llc. Saltana Raisins 31b 25e G. Sugar 20 lb sack 51•10, Yellow Sugar 20 lb $1.00. Oat Meal 8 1b 25c. Casemore's I4oney 10e ib. Corn 9c can. Standard Peas 10e can. Tomatoes 2 cans 25c. Positively no goods charged at these prices, all kinds produ,oe taken Butter, Eggs, Beans, Dried Apples. �.; Successor to 'T. A. Mills PHO rGVE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. t,A4........s E6aL t 1..55 i Ris:cIMSMINIMEINEta A. MILLS . t