HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-01-23, Page 1THE WIN
VOL. XLII.—NO. 2i1
Cherry Black
Cough Syrup
Will Cure that
• Cough
Your money back it
it should fail
A large bottle for
50 Cents i
J. W. McKibbon
"Eyesight Tested Free" and.
glasses supplied when needed at
reasonable prices.
C. N. Griffin
I nsiraoce
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Offioe over Meloolm's Grooery.
An invitation as been extended to
Rev. James Arg •, of Lobo, to become
pastor of the P. sbyterian Church at
The reports t the recent annual
meeting of the .outh Kinloss Presby-
terian congreg: tion showed that the
new church, w ich cost nearly $8,000,
is nearly paid in full. The pastor's
salary was rais d to $1,000,
A great co, ference will be held in
Toronto next summer, which will be
attended by o er 4,000 persons, repre-
senting every : resbyterian congregation
in Canada, ac, ording to a motion pass-
ed at the re lar monthly meeting of
the Toronto resbytery held last week.
Christie's Grocery
Bleaches, Cleanses, Purifies
It is claimed that Omo is one
of the best eleanerson the market.
Those who have used it speak
highly of it and recommend it
for all that it claims. Per packet
5 lb, pails Gillets • Cause
Soda 85e.
- 1
oiled sods
Nothing Beats Mand Dutch
Soap. It removes dirt, stains, leaving the bands perfectly
white and smooth Try a cake
Wear t reer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Women's In
The Women's I
regular monthly
Jan. 30th, at 3 p.
H. B. Elliott. Su'
Colds," by Dr, H
roll call to be reap
from Longfellow.
ladies interested
titute Meeting.
stitute will hold their
eating on Thursday,
at the home of Mrs.
ject, "Prevention of
3. M. Adams. Also
tided to by quotations
Members and all
e cordially invited to
select from at lowest prices,
Curlers a
A rink of Whigi�
of Messrs:"A, BVI
chell,y David Forth
art, e f 'Lucknow,
for St. Paul and
bonsplel in that c'
will gag�a attend
nipeg deirin the"
The party was ticl
Town agent for t
am curlers, composed
Crawford, Wm. Mit-
e and David Stew -
eft on Saturday last
ill take part in the
yathis week. They
he bonspiel at Win-
'st week of February.
etedby H. B, Elliott,
e G. T. R.
TATION CO., THE C. P. R. Tickets to
any place in the world.
Town Agents.
At the Bell furni
nesday afternoon` -o
John Angug, 'son o
met with in bad so
known manner hi
contact " ith the
the fou fingers
that it gas necess
The acei nt is a
man, but one -for
is his left hand,
ure factory on Wed -
lot week, Master
MN:. W. Angus,
ident. some un -
left hand came in
anding machine and
ere so.radly injured
ry,.a amputate them.
one for the young
nate thins that it
-WANTED-A good
girl. Apply to Mrs
bon, Centre street.
general servant
Walton McKib-
Married iWingham.
Mr. G. 14IcGuire expressman, of To-
ronto, and, Mis Annie Gallagher,
of Belmore, war united in marriage
in Sacred Heart hurch on Wednesday
of last week at 1 o'clock a. in. The
ceremony was erformed by Rev.
Father Blair. A er dinner, which was
served at the ho e of Mr. W. Forgie,
the happy couple eft on the afternoon
train for Detro t and other points.
They will make eir home in Toronto.
WANTED -A sales 1 y with two or
three years experie a in general dry
goods; also a you girl to learn the
business. A l ith references to-
n pp y
J. A. Irwin. Clinton, Ont.
Special Co ext Party.
Miss Maude C. Br ley presents Helen
Wyrick Shafor,Det it's peerless enter-
tainer; with 3, Edw n Jessop, late con-
ducter and Bass sol ist, Royal English
Bell Ringers. E. ates Charlesworth
Alto, late soloist,B 11 Ringers, (the only
male alto heard in anada for 13 years),
and E. Alexandra adley,Lyric Sopra-
no. We call attent n to,the handsome
window cards now out and guarantee
the public an unu ual treat in solos,
trios and highly de ightful numbers by
the entertainer. 0 ra house, Wingham,
Friday evening, Ja nary 24th. Plan of
hall at Mciiibbon' drug store.
Loos WANTED --I will pay the highest
cash price for all kinds of saw logs.
Get prices at office. J. A. i1ICLEA .
Another Pi • neer Called.
Another of the arty pioneers of this
section passed awy. on Wednesday af-
ternoon of last W ek at his home on
Carling Terrace i the person of John
Stein, aged 82 y ars. Mr. Stein had
been in feeble h alth for some time.
lie was born in Ireland and came to
Canada in yotm manhood. He had
for many years b • en a resident of East
Wawanosh. but late years had lived
retired in Wing m. Mr. Stein was
held in high estee and his death takes
away another of he pioneers of this
section. In religion Mr. Stein was a
Presbyterian and I polotics a Liberal.
Mr. Stein's nest wi a died sixteen years
ago and he is sury ved by his second
wife and nine chi] Iron, viz;- Robert,
James,A.lbert and illiam in the West;
Andrew, of Ashfiel r ; John of Kincar-
dine; Mrs. C. J. Ri ton], Morris; Mrs.
James Purdon and i Ira. Wm, Purdon,
of5' os 'the Hera k o funeral o
West Wawanos antook
place on Friday of • rnoon to Wingham
FEED Con!' -A. carload of tate eery
choicest Amerean feed corn will arrive
this week. This ear is the best quality
of dry • corn. See us for prices. J.L.
Awde. ,
Exceedingly low pricesf o r
Stub Proof Rubbers for Farmers,
Teamsters, etc. Read our adv.
on last page.
Winter Nights
On Sunday night
dist Church, Rev.
preach the second of
on The Pilgrim's
"The Wicket G
ith the Great
xt, in the Metho-
Dr, Rutledge will
series of sermons
regress, Subject:
te-Burning the
First Hoc ey Game.
The hockey gam. between Lucknow
and Wingham, ad-ertised for last Fri-
day night was pos poned on account of
soft ice and will •e played in the rink
on Friday evening of this week. Game
is called for 8 o'c ock sharp and there
will be skating a I er the game, Band
will be in attends ce.
Our big sale will be continued to the
end of January. For the last two weeks
we will make deeper cuts in prices of
Furs, Sweaters, Gents Furnishings,
Hosiery, Claps, Tams, Heavy Rubbers,
Sox, etc. Now for bigger bargains than
ever for two weeks. All accounts must
be paid before the end of January.
Marble W rks Sold
Mr. B. H. Coc rave has old the
Wingham Marble orks to Mr. Thos.
Johnston, of Peisle , a brot 4r of Mr,
Robert Johnston, of this own. Mr.
Johnston, jr.h' and Mr. M. Bird, of
Paisley, haveibeen in t n for the past
few days in coli nee on with the trans-
fer of the business
In the Land, of th Lions or a Lion let
L ose.
Tire lions that a used are not tame,
they are plainly ery ferocious. The
action works up t a climax where the
only way out is th death of the big
brute. Wednesd ' , Thursday and Fri-
day, January 22, 2 and 24 at the pic-
ture ou ter pictures will be
house. 0 u
shown. Admission l0cts.
Two car loads of good hard pea coal.
The kind that burns $6.35 per ton at
the car. Leave orders at R. R. Moon-
ey's tin shop. -R. J. CANTELON.
The Righ Spirit.
Under the above
forth Expositor of la
good friend, ilr. H.
of the Wingham Tin
member of the town
years, wasa candida
of Wingham at th
But as Mr. Elliott a
believer in the
should seek the me
the man should se
ed to reach the g
is given by Mr El
sible address whit
if more candidate
Elliott's example a
of electors would s
tion of such condu
great deal better n
in most municipali
heading, the Sea-
t week says: "Our
Elliott, Editor
es, who has been a
council for several
e for the xeeveship
recent elections.
ems to be a firm
ane that the office
,•rather than that
the office, he fail-
]. The explanation
ott himself in a sen -
he issued himself.
would emulate Mr.
d a greater number
ow their apprecia-
t there would be a
nicipal government
les than there now
I car extra - feed Corn se station 2
more to arrive next week, to be sold
quick for cash. ' Also car No. 1 feed
Oats 38 cents per bushel off car, car to
arrive Jan. 20th.-TIPLING & MILLS.
St. Andrew's Pr byterian Church.
The annual repo for last year of St.
Andrew's Presbyte •fan Church has been
printed and distrib ted among the mem-
bers. The reports .f the different bran-
ches of the Chula show that last year
was eine of the bes in the history of the
congregation. T . total contributions
in all branches fo 1912 was $4,769.70,
eompared,with $4 360,70 for 1911. The
increase in contri ,utfons for missions is
particularly grati ying. 'the contribu-
tions for mission in 1011 were $556.49
and this was i creased to �,.1,J,
During the year thirty-four members
were received in o fellowship with the
church, The nei ben removed from the
membership is , e largest in many
years, being lift eight.ht. Ofthis
ber eight were .. sled away by death
and thirteen fain ies,moved away from
w•thin the bound of the congregation.
The annual menti g of the congregation
for the adoption f reports, election of
managers and o ors and the transac-
tion of general b siness will be held op
Friday evening, . anuary 31st.
Lecture Next
Every lover of nature
Tuesday evening, Febr
joy the beautiful scene
of lantern slides, in St.
byterian Church. Le
livered by Mr, A. Kn
of Dominion Forest Re
should reserve
ry 11th, to en -
pictured by use
Andrew's Pres-
ure will be de-
htel, Inspector
Hear them in
If you love music,
and bear the Barnard
"catching on" well,
Their programme re
on their instructor, M
deserves the attend
Have you ever heard
Xylophones? The Ba
appear in the opera h
on Wednesday evening
e sure you come
Boys. They are
and no wonder.
acts great credit
. H. Aaron, and
ce of crowds..
e Ocarinas and
ardo Boys will
se, Wingham,
January 29th.
Cheap Feed for Hogs and Catty
We have two car loads ern on
hand; also plenty of oats and of r feeds.
By getting your feed from we can
save you timeand work. u o k. a are hav-
a clearing sale of shorts. Get our
Iow prices,
Local Option in H ron County,
Of the 26 municip: ities in Huron
County 14 have se_cur d local option,
while Godericha Win Bare, Brussels,
Exeter and "'roxeter and 'the Town-
ships of AVKillop and Stephen have
given large majorities . gainst licenses,
though of the neces , ry: three-fifths
to secur local option. There will likely
be campa gns this y'e r in Seaforth,
Blyth and mussels; al•o Hay Township
and these are the only laces that will
vote in January, 1914 The town of
Goderich can vote in 1' 15, and will like-
ly do so. After May, Huron County
will be over half dry.
Meeting of P esbytery
A special meeting o the Presbytery
of Maitland was held in St. Andrew's
Church, Wingham, •n Tuesday. The
business was to consi er a call extended
by the Whitechureb nd Langside con-
gregations to Rev. J. U. Stewart, of
Naples, in Middl sex county. Mr.
isaf forme
Stewart o resident of Goder-
ich and it is likely hat he will accept
the call., The tong egations of Syden-
ham and St. Vince .t in the Presbytery
of Owen Sound ha extended a call to
Rev. Mr. Math son of Riversdale,
North Kinloss an Bervie, Mr. Mathe-
son will likely ac ept the call.
Agricultural ociety Meeting.
The annual mee ing of the Turnberry
Agricultural Soci y was held in the
Firemen's rooms i , the Town Hall on
Friday afternoon ast and was well at-
tended which wot d go to indicate that
more interest is being taken in the
Wingham Fall F : it. The reports ,pre •
sented showed t at last year was one
of the best in th history of the Society. •
In the face of a heavy debt the society
last fall paid ou more money in prizes
than was ever aforeP ar connection
d i n
with a Wingha fall fair, and the in-
debtedness was slightly reduced. The
following office •s and directors were
elected for this year: Honorary Presi-
dent, J. A. M ,rton; Honorary Vice -
President, Joh J. Moffat; President,
W. J. Currie; st Vice -President, W.
J. Greer; 2nd ice -President, H. T.
Perdue; Directo .-John Webster, Geo.
Cruickshank, F ank Henry, Geo. T.
Robertssn. Fre Hardie, J.A. Brandon,
Jas. Henderson P. Gibbons, Wm. El-
ston; Auditors John A. McLean and
Robt. Currie. he wives of the officers
and directors w: re appointed as lady
directors. A h arty vote of the • .. a
was tendered t Wm. Maxwell, 1 ..0
has been Presid•nt for the past tea)
years and who h.s been for years a
member of the t oard, and who purposes
leaving this sect on in the near future
for Leamington. Mr. Maxwell has al-
ways been deeply interested in the
Wingham fall fa r and he will be very
Much missed by tis old associates on
the Board. It w s decided to ask for
permission from the ,Department of
Agriculture to eh age the name of the
Society from the urnberry Agricultur-
al Society to the 1 orth Huron Agricul-
tural Society. I was also decided to
add the Standing -fold Crop Competition
to the features o the fair. At a meet-
ing of the Direc ors after the annual
meeting, H. B. liiott was re-engaged
as Secretary--Tre surer. This is the
tenth year that Ir.. Elliott has held
this office. The ingham fair is grow-
ing favor and ith the hearty Inhg
a y CO•np-
eration of the pe, pie of this section the
fair can easily b made a greater suc-
cess. It was de .ided to hold the fair
this year on - hursday and Friday,
September .25th and 26th.
TheHottteBa k of Toronto takes over
La Eanque into •nationale, of Montreal,
On the .fourteen of January the
elections of the L' erary Society were
held, the following ffieers were elected:
President, A. Shaw 1st Vice -President,
Miss L. Edgar; 2n a Vice -President, S.
Donaldson; Secret ry, G. Muir; Treas-
urer, P. Muir; ss't Treasurer, A.
Henry; Marshal, J. A. McBurney (acct);
Press Reporters, les G. Sp'n'ler, J.
V. Dickson; Form IV Representatives,
Miss 0. Irwin, E. W. Linklater; Form.
III, Miss N. Smit , J. H. Currie; Form
II, Miss C. Mill , E. Helps; Form I,
Miss G. Robins() T. Armstrong. On
the sixteenth a eeting of the Execu-
tive took place. The executive was di-
vided into two c mmittees -one for the
musical part of the programmes, the
other for the li ' rary part. The first
meeting of the iterary Society will be
held on Friday, the 24th. The public
are cordially inv ted to be present.
Big clean up sale for the next two weeks',
Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Under-
wear, Ready-to-wear Clothing, Furs,
Curtains, Carpets, Tapestry Curtains
etc. Big cut in prices. All accounts
must be settled before the end of Jan-
uary. KERR Sr BIRD.
Address an•
A number of th
Massey. Harris C.
the District Agen
John street, on F
presented him w
watch chain and
was read by Mr.
Bels and the pros
Mr. John McCall
the presentation
ing was spent b
different towns.
of the address:
local agents of the
met at the home of
Mr. James McKie,
day evening last and
h a beautiful gold
ocket. The address
ohs Long, of Brus-
ntation was made by
of Lucknow. After
very pleasant even -
the agents from the
Following is a copy
Ingham Jan. I7, 1913.
Dear Friend cRie,-We, your friends
the local agents of the Massey Harris
Co. take this oc'asion to express to you
our pleasure a d high regard. You
have been ass, elated with most of us
for a consider le time, and that es-
sociation has be, n pleasant and profit-
We have alway . felt that you were
one with us, and at 'feeling has often
made success oasis r.
As a small token of our high appreci-
ationY f your ure ` orts in our behalf,and
as a token of ur sincere regar, we
ask you to acre it this gold locket and
, chain. We tru t that it may serve to
remind you of . r sentiments towards
y, u, and of our sincere wish that your
future will be '.right and prosperous.
Signed in beh If of the agents.
Rank of Hamilto Continues to Grow.
Unlike cereal
chartered banks
dons accretion o
capital as a res
one bank with a
Hamilton contin
annual business,
if somewhat not
the line. The t
tution now stan.
ing an increase
before when tho
732,137.81. Net
the business of
over those of th
$50,000. Net
just closed wer:
with $443,506.4
available for di
1912 amounted
compared with
received as p
stock, shows al
1911. The res
stands at $3,501
paid-up capital
other of our Canadian
which show a tremen-
deposits and paid-up
t of the combining of
other, the Bank of
es; as the result of its
to exhibit only natural
worthy, gains all along
tal assets of this insti-
at $18, 907.883.32, show -
f assets over the year
figure stood at $44,-
profits realized from
912 show an increase
year before of over
arnings for the year
$495,860.50, compared
for 1911. The total
tribution at the end of
to $816,820.59, which
he difference in amount
emium on the capital
o a healthy gain over
ye fund of the bank
,000 as compared with
mounting to 80,000,000.
Died in Port Elgin.
The death o curred on Thursday lust
at her late ho e one mile east of Port
.Elgin, of Mrs
the advanced
deceased, w
Margaret Mc
Island of Mull
the family em
she was but s
settling in Yo
ship of King.
marriage she a
Vaughan Town
coming to Bruc
in the townahi
township the
was one of the
The funeral
Saturday after
of the Presbyto
which church ti
57 years a faitl
ber. The survi
family ere: Arc
of Manitoba, A
and Christina a
McGillivray of
of Toronto and
Hamilton, well-
Presbyterisln C
the deceased.
Gillivray were
the funeral.
Peter McGillivray, at
ge of ninety years. The
se maiden name was
illivray, was born'in the
Argyleshire, Scotland,
grating to Canada when
ven years of age, and
county, in the town -
For some years after
d her husband lived in
hip, County of York,
'in 1855, and settling
of Saugeen, of which
to Peter McGillivray
ost successful farmers.
rviee was conducted
oon by Rev. J. It.Mann
•fan Church here, of
o deceased had been for
ul and consistent morn-
ing members of the
ibald of
xa Donald An "us
home. Revs. 3. K.
aho, A.J. McGillivray
. H. McGillivray of
nown ministers of the
yell, are nephews of
Ir. and Mrs. Arch. Mc -
Port Elgin attending
Mrs, 1'
M . H.B. Elliot was visitingith
Mende in Palmersto last week.
Mrs. Alex. Rinto 1 is visiting with
her sister, Mrs. A. , Bird at Paisley.
Mrs. Haines, of Ho rood was visiting
for a few days at the ome of Mr W, J.
-Mrs. J. D. Burns of Galt has been
visiting for a few d: , s with Mrs. R.
Vans tone.
!Dlr. and Mrs. W , htman are here
from the West visiti ug with Mr. and
Mrs. A. Kelly.
Miss Mabel Pender has returned home
after several week . visit in Boston,
Montreal and Toron
Mr. Alex. Holm of Owen Sound
was visiting for a few days with his
brother, Mr. Wm. 1. olmes.
Mrs. Thos. Leak , of Palmerston was
visiting for over S nday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. , J. Pattison.
Mr. Robt. Wellw.od, of Vancouver,
B. C. was visiting last week with his
parents, Mr. and rs. Wm. Wellwood.
Mrs. (Dr.) R. A - new and Miss al ar-
jorie Agnew, of edicine Hat, Alta.
were visiting at r. John Agnew's
last week,
Mr. C. M. Wal er left on Saturday
on a trip to Califo is. He will return
home via Vancou •r and make his us-
ual business calls : t different points in
the Western Pro 'noes. Mr. Walker
was ticketed for s trip by H. B. El-
liott, Town Agent or the G. T. R.
A pretty wedding was solemnized on
New Year's day : Eyebrow, Sask.,
when Mr. David J. Hartley, of Edmon-
ton was married to Emily Isabelle,
youngest daughter of Mr. Paul Cleave,
of Killarney, Mani oba. at the home of
Mrs. T. M. Aithen sister of the bride.
Rev. R. D. Smith, resbyterian clergy-
man officiated. Th groom is former
Bluevale boy, a so of the late Rev. A.
Y. Hartley.
At a large and en husiastie meeting
in the school on Wed esday night, Jan.
15th, a society was farmed for literary,
social, debating and Musical purposes,
Mr. Bobt. Black was:voted to the chair
and performed his de ties in his usual
happy manner while Miss Alice Paul
acted as Secretary. '1 he following offi-
cers were elected: Hon. President,
Rev. J. E. Cook; Han. Council -Mrs.
McCall, Robt. Black, Mrs. Snell, Jos.
Smith, J. W. King, obt. Musgrove:
President, Alfred L. '.sliff; Secretary.
Miss Alice Paul; Tre. =urer. Mrs. Jas.
Masters; Correspon ing Secretary,
Clayton Duff. It wa- decided to hold
the meetings of th society in the
school house every W,dnesday night at
7.30 sharp. The mem.ership fee is to
be 15 cents for the te.r, non-members
to be charged 5 cents admission to each
meeting. A piano is . be engaged for
i the winter, if possible to be on hand for
' the first meeting. • ter an explana-
tion by A. L. Posiiff why the Nation- i
al Anthem, when s . g in public, is
seldom shown prope respect, it was
decided that "God Sae the King" be
sung at the beginnin
close of each meetin
mittee was appointe.
meats to bring a lee
some time during
insteaa of the
A small com-
to make arras
urer to Bluevale
he winter. The' Rev. Austi
business of the meet ng was interspers- superannuate
ed by a short progr m. "0 Canada" an American
was sung in chorus the words being age of sevent
written on the bloc :board. Leslie Mc- Wm. Gauthi
Kinney gave a moo -h organ solo, ('curie inflicted terri
Diamond sang "Ex- use M>" and Ernest and then court
i rn a ig t veryone y tf: w
he sang the comic .eotch songs, "1 ob-
ermoray" and "Kiliecrankie." Misses
Annie Spence, Lill +n McCall and Cora
M. Messer acted . s accompanists. A
large program corn ittee was appointed
to prepare for the first meeting, Jan.
22. Next week, J n. 29, a debate will
be held on the im.ortant question of
city vs country life. Everything points
to a successful sea on for the new so-
efetl. The school' 'use has been made
bright and pleasan with large lamps.
pictures and deco ations. The piano
will add greatly to he pleasure of the
meetings. Everyo ae should join and
have a good time tl is winter instead of
leaving for the We t, Toronto and oth-
er places where no ' ing is going on.
There is likely to be a large crowd at
the oyster supper to be given by the
Women's Institute' on Friday evening.
This entertainroen • is in aid of the new
hospital for consu, tptive children now
befit„ furnished, he campaign ngoinst
tuberculosis ca ri� , . � National
t o r don 1 , t,
Sanitarium Asso iation is one of the
most vital impor once and money could
not bes ant t0 better advantage for
There's a best time to buy Shoes,
and that time is HIGFIT NOW!
We will commence our gleet Shoe
Clearance Sale on Saturday, Janu-
ary 18th,
We hold these sales but twice a
year, between seasons, when we
want. to close out one season's stock
before the next arrives -and it is
The Best Ti e
To Buy Shoes!
Every Fall and Winter Shoe goes
into this sale -Shoes for everybody
-nothing reserved,
Call early aid secure your size
and wbeu you wimple e the Shoes
with the prioes �uu'll be apt to take
more than one pair. Comte
Good Farms For
Sal 4
W T. WI(+HTMAN.—Lot "C. a on 4, West
wawar-n.:,, «td, sere,, ?,, :c2c house,iarge
1 Malt barn good as new, rill other neces-
sary bal.., n gs,.rtlo, good water, 25 acres
hardwood bu~h 4 utiles from Auburn
Rural Telephone Cont ottce, school
and church.. near at hand. Good rea-
sons for selling
J. W. STACRHOUNE. •-Hss4 half lot �,
en.4, East Wa,vanu It, good buildings,
young orchard, two w«l14 good fences,
10 acres hardwo,, I ba -h, 1-2 mite from
school and eltu eh am, 00 r.:ds from
store and post (Mice x1,12 daily mail.
eix and one halt tui1, s from iilyth. Bel -
grave or Auburn. Owner going West.
KNoy ESTATE. --s oath ld tut lIt. con. ;i.
Morris, WO acres, Irani, hon: t, and bank
barn, two orchards, good f,•u,•..., 8 aeras
fail wheat. 20 acre. ,-.11 Inoa'-a. Will
be sold cheap to wind up est.te
ROI;EI:T MF',—;North �: lots 97 and
4++, eon I, Morris, bring house, I, rel;
born and d, ice shed, convenient to
school, 2 mal... from Hluerale• oo gaud
gravel road Owner wants, to buy larger
For further pe:rticulars regarding any of
abnrr appy t o the prenn,es or to.
Ritchie & CHOU
1 Ticket Agency
Potter. of Dundas, a
Methodist minister and
s'ar veteran, died at the
r, a farmer, aged ti' years
le injuries upon hie wife
fitted suicide at (Irient.
W lbu d 1 1 ted b ti ay Russell Count„ .
the good of the ountry than in helping
this work. The e will be a good pro-
gram and a dont tion table at which use-
ful and fancy ar isles will be on sale.
Donations tor the sale of table will be
gratefully roc. ved by the ladies in
charge. -
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
Thousands Of ambitious n
� n young people
are being instructed in +their homes he
oar Rothe stud Unlet- vim relay fioieh
et College if von ,lF-i«, 1 ev when
ever you wish. Thirt,. Tem , 1szp,", .
acne t' v le s +n
r. ',twat era, er, tanad,.
Enter any day. Positions nuarauu (0.
Ifyou wish to save board and learn
while you earn, write for particulars,
wingha{n Business Colleg
(MO. SPOTTO','. President