HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-01-16, Page 8HIE IV IN. G.tiAne TDAES JANUARY 16, 1913 MINOR LOCALS. CONSTIPATION CURED BY BABY'S OW N TABLETS. —Division Court will be held in Wing-' tram to -day (Thursday.) —Huron County Council will meet at •Goderich on Tuesday, January 28th. --Make your next trip via G r. R. and buy your ticket from II. B. Elliott Town Agent. • Minutes of Turnberry and East •Vawanosh Council meetings are crowd- ed out of this issue. Wingham Dance Orchestra furnish- ed music for a ball at Belgrave on Wed- nesday, January 15th. - Big concert in opera house, on Fri- day evening, January 24th. Plan of hall at McKibbon's drug store. —Regular monthly meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland will be held next Monday evening. —W. Proudfoot, M.P.P. slipped on the icy pavement at Goderich last week and sustained a badly sprained wrist. —Mrs. Johnston, of Victoria Mines, Algoma, widow of the late John John- ston, formerly of Turnberry, is serious- ly ill. - A meeting of the A. 0. U. W. will be held on Friday evening, January 17th, in the C. O. F. ball. Important business. —Rural mail delivery is being estab- lished in sections of South Huron and the following post offices will be closed: —Hillsgreen, Blake, D:•ysdale and St. Joseph. The marriage of Kathleen Evelyn McGillicuddy, daughter of the late D. McGillicuddy and of Mrs. McGillicuddy, of Toronto, formerly of Goderich, to Wiliam Walter Cary, of Calgary, Alber- ta, took place in Toronto last week. - Over one million dollars is being spent by the Grand Trunk on new mo- tive power for the middle division. Fifty-six new lccomotises will be plac- ed in commission in Ontario within the next two weeks. Fifteen of them will be used for switching, and the rest for fast through freight work. Mr. H. W. Middlc'mist, the Toron- to engineer who is engaged by the in- terested municipalities as to the cost of completion of the Ontario West Shore Railway from Goderieh to Kincardine, expects to have hitt report ready in about ten days. The municipalities will hold a meeting and decide whether they will complete the road or not. PERSONALS. Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother can use to 'elieve her little ones from consti, ion and all other stomach and of r troubles. They act as a gentle laxa 've, are plea- sant to take and are a.solutely safe. Concerning them Mrs. P illipe StPierrre 5t Perpetue, Qu , ; ays: "My baby was badly constip t < and was cross all the time, Nothi I gave her seemed to do her any good till I began Baby's Own Tablets. They are the best medi- cine in the world for little ones and quickly relieved my baby." The tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Sir James Whitney has announced that the Legislature will be called to- gether on Tuesday. February 4. The improvements to the chamber are well under way, and it is expected that the contractors will have finished in ample time to have the place put in order. The Cabinet is working daily on the leg- islative program. Master Earl Aitchi.'en spent Sunday at his home in Biuevale. Mr. ,John Leathorn is spending a few (lays with friends in ; :tford. Mr. Bert Elliott, of S.::-katoon Sask., is visiting with relatives in town, Miss Lizzie McTavish. of Ripley, is the guest of Miss Mases ret Huston. Mr. Jes Gilti..e:. , c._ e n. ,'ask. is visiting at his pareira: home in Turn - berry. `qtr. J. N. Pickle. of C cross is visit- ing with friends in L1:,towel. Toronto and Oshawa. Mr. M. R. Beckwith i.00e gone to Ay- lmer where he has ;lee..l ted a position in a bakery. Mr. Clare Aden;: , .f Torouto is spending a few days zt his parental home in town. Mr. Geo. Mct'roekt a of 'z'orost. Alta., visited with his cousin. Mies E. I'osiiff, of town last week. Mr. H. H. Wight—ear:. ef Fort Wil- Bem is visiting i,:tt. ftleals in Wing - ham for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Ursa. of Toronto are spending a few wee crith relatives and friends in Wing:left_ and district. Miss Bella Wilson, of'1':;:nberry, left on Tuesday for Iron C:ty, Georgia to visit with her brother. Mr. Jas. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson. It is ., sariy twenty- five years since she last o:v: her broth- er Tbuell- In Brussels, on January 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thuell; a son, MARRIED BAPTIST• IIAIGII At the home of the bride's parents, Con. 0, Kinloss, on Jan- uary 1st, at 4 p. m., by Rev. Mr. Dun- can, of Luckr,cw, Dorothy Ann. Haigh to George Baptist, of Teeswater. D SHERIRIE- In Brussels en Jan. 4th, Al I K€ rzie, relict of the late James D. Shurrie, aged S5 years and 5 days. RONALD—In Stratford, on Jan. 5th, Lsura Goodsell Ronald, beloved wife of John D. Ronald, formerly of Brussels, in her 79th year. �1cNr:zri—In Kinloss on Dec. 20th., 1512, ,'Gilliam McNeice, aged 86 years and 10 days. GILIIFS- In Luckr.ow, on Jan. 7th. 1913, Robert Gillies, aged 74 years. MCMICHAEL—In Seaforth, on Jan- uary 18th, Joroes McMichael, in his 90th year. Only 36 per cent, of Alabama's 3,1- 224 e,utomobile chauffeurs are white. "Well, the holidays are over, perhaps now we'll get rid of that tired feeling." AND h stractorr • College Hogue art3ut ANNUAL MEE LING. The annual meeting of the Turnberry Agricultural Society will be held in the Council Chamber. Wingham, on Friday, January 17th, 1913, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the election of officers, hearing , reports and any other bnsiness. All interested are requested to attend. WM. MAXWELL, H. B. ELLIOTT, President. Secretary. GOOD GOODS KING BROS. PRICES RIGHT FURS! FURS! FURS! Logs IVited,' Highest cash p ce paid for all kind,, o!f Saw Logs delivered aVVhitechurch Saw Mill. JAS. MSC N Proprietor. dP Phone—Ring 15 on L'e V• ' ..•30040•4+o.0••O000-v.: Railway Fare Free We'll pay your fare for the ropnd trip for a distance of 15 miles, if , you ` 11 purchase during the,sale $2" worth or ovt r. Be sure and buy your return tickets for thirty days. PtiMic Soh AT odor &Hermon Successors to ROBINS' STORE WING H.AvL ez W:Ds:w Our Guarantee C We assure each and every pur-` chaser absolute • satisfaction. We guarantee every . statement herein made. 9 Jang.;: .,:. DVIIS _alurday hani JD Tai G 1 illi, at 9 o'clock] a o.7.8a S 47) 0 'I':.is is nt.'• :in ordinary Sale, but an extraordinary Sale. Let g nothing keep you away. It will be the opportunity of a lifetime to 0 buy up to date Fall and 'Winter Merchandise at less than old shelf- 0 worn goods would cost elsewhere. n .a Hit;AD ! These are only a few sample prices showing bow goods ;' will he sold --:prices never before heard of on such high grade Cloth- ..> ing and Men's Furnishings. Corhe and see for yourself, for what your . `' eyes see your heart must believe. • • MEN'S FALL OVERCOATS a FUR COATS Single Brested Fly Front Style ✓ Reg Price ;910 to $ts, sale price $11.7: Reg. price 1'2 to 11. sale price a *,a0 i I.eg. Price 11: to 12, sale price o 7.50 Russion Bear '9 • Res.. price $25 O. for... .....$17.50 ® 20.0. " .. . 15.00 NEN'S SIfI.TS cs ® Worsted in new shades of brown Reg, Price $14 to 810. sale ......$9 85 10 to 12, " ,,,.. 8 20 ti to 10, • • 6 00 7 to 8, " ,,,5 Oo 64 The Presbyterian Budget The system of giving by the Presby- terians of Canada has b( ,n revolution- ized, states Mr. D.C. hlairlregornf the GerreraI Assembly Board of Finance,by the introduction of the budget system. For the church year of 1012 the board is attempting to raise t 1.1oi0,0On, and for the coming year 51.20 ,e30 to carry forward its great missionary,education- al, social and benevolent work. In summing up the wok'h. Mr. Mac- Gregor states: 1. Never before have the heart and conscience of the Church been so im- pressed with the g;xeatotss of the task of holding Canada for Christ and of evangelizing the 14,000.0110 of heathen:, responsible. for which she i9 2. The Budget System has been ap- proved by results. Many congregations which heretofore gave very little to the schemes have greatly increased their givings through having a definite sum a7• tortioned to them as their share. :. The essential unity of the work of the Kingdom was strikingly presented in the spectacle of represealtatives of each department advocating the claim of the whole *oil: of the Church. The work is now in the hands of the leaders of the various congregations. If there is failure here, there will be fail- ure airureall a'ong the line. To the extent to which Lie congregation or individual fails, to that extent will the whole Church fall. • • e • • 4 BOYS' BLOOMER SUITS Tweeds in dark patterns 1kg. Price $i to $0. sale..... $8 95 4 to 3. .. ,. ... 3 00 c PANTS c0 Reg. Trice k:), to n, sale:... w 3 53 „ 4 " . . 2 90 2 35 ,o .. 2 " ... 1 35 0 2.3e " ... 1 75 v ']'weed pants Guaranteed, reg. 2.25 o for 1 25 o OVERALLS O • and striped, with elastic back es • "• Reg price $1.25, sale ... . . .. k9c 45 Double kneed overalls Reg price $1.25, sale h9c O 75c, '• ...... 59c ti 2 WORKING SHIRTS o, • Blne, black and striped 2 Reg. 75c for 39c reg $1 for75c o regular 85c for .. 40c BOYS' and YOUTHS' BOOTS 6 and OXFODS • • Reg. price $2.00 sale.... .... $1 35 +' 1 75 "..,. 1 '25 • " 150 " 119 FIRST QUALITY of RUBBERS o Reg, price 00c and 1 nu sale ... 74e 4 -..^ COME RIGHT NOW AN h THE BARGAIN STORE, p`s ry rt��bb9�vb?GfvSrAaaait aaaa SPECIAL BARGAINS in BOOTS SHOES aad RUBBERS `rte Mens' boots, tan and black, Blutcher cute. Reg. price $3 to $3 50, sale...... 82 25 y 4 to 4 25, 3 00 ‹, UNDERWEAR Mens' fleece -lined shirts and drawers sizes 34 to 44, reg. 50c to 75c. sale price 39c Boys' fleece -lined shirts e Reg. price 50c, sale. .. .. 25e Penman's best unshrinkable nat- ural woolshirts and drawers �' Reg. price $1 25 to $1 30. sale. . ;4lc " 1 00 to 1 25, " . , 62c MEN'S SWEATER COAAS o Reg price $2:;0 to $2 50, sale...$1 33, 1 50 to 2 (:0, " . , 1 25 e' " 1 27 to 1 io, " .. 03 o " 1 00 to 1 10, " .. 75 BOYS' SWEATER COATS ?, Reg price $1 to 1 25, sale .. ... 75c 1000 SHIRTS All makes, all colors, including black and white hairline stripes, coat styles, all styles Reg. $1, 1.25, 1,500, sale.... . 60e 3 Regular price 75c for ...49e , Men's pure wool socks o Good weight, double heal and toe • Reg 85c for...19c reg 25c for...15 c Men's Winter Mitts • First quality buckskin, wool • lined 9 Reg $1 and 1 25 for 72c regular fue to 75c, for 39c Q All Kinds of Caps Reg. price 75e to $1, sale, Ase • Derby Hats All the new fall shapes, Union made Reg, price $2 to $2.50 sale..... $1 43 p Felt hats,reg,$2 to $3, sale. ,... 1 35 tY All Binds of Ties Reg, price 23c, sale.. .... 2 for 25e D SAVE THE DOLLAR. x Opp. Presbyterian Church. 00®,,>4•ibdS44414.d04c144,GaaC•r v D Muffs, Sto es, S is and Fur -Lined Coats. Not - v irhst-'i t trig th' great advance on all Raw Furs we art pr, pre(1 give some of the greatest MONEY SAVING PRICES on all .Furs. We ask y .0 to c. me and compare our values and prices bt foie buying. `fose-y fJ Ui PRODUCE WANTED ladies' 86 Child- ren's Coats at Clearing Prices This year as in other years we are bound not to carry oyer any Coats, and in order to clear out every garment in stock we are giving some spe• cial inducements. Produce wanted, also all kinds of Raw Furs. Phone ;1. 13R0 Announce int Nu. 2 BIG SALE OF WOMEN'S NIGH -CLASS SHOES 62 pairs regular $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes ON SALE MONDAY NEXT, JAN. 20th AT 4 P.M. PRECISELY For $1.C7 Per Pair Nothing whatever wrong with these Shoes, simply a clearance of odds and ends before stock -taking. ALL SIZES IN THE LOT 2 1-2 TO 7. One - Shoe of each kind in Nct th Window. Take a note of the time 4 P. M. PRECISELY 'You will have just the same chance to get the pair you want if you are here at 4 p.m. sharp, as if you were here at 3 o'clock or even earlier. WE WANT YOUR TRADE Canada's field crops in 1912 totalled in value $509,000,000. The Eastern Ontario Dairymen's As- sociation voted in favor of establishing an annual national dairy exhibition, ap- pointing a committee to confer with re- presentatives of other bodies. MEETING OF NUR COUNTY I COU 1. The Council cf the Corporation of the County o 3uron will meet in the Council Chamber. in the Town of Gode- rich, on Tuesday the 28th day of Janu- ary. Accounts for settlement must be placed with the clerk before this date. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated, January 14th, 19I8. SPEGIAL GRUISE AROUND HIE WORLD Empresses of "Russia" and "Asia." (N,•.: < P.P. PaeiS'e Steamships) 'The Empress of Russia will h-avo Liver-. prod April let, eallina at (tibralter, Vii• i .tranche and Port Nai.l, proceeding via Suez, (tolomb0, Penang„ Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Naaasaki,Kolre and Yoko" ]:ania,arriving at Vancouver May ,tlst,itili. The Empress of Asia u ill sail from Liver- pool May ant, making{ similar cruise. Most direct count ctien for April 1st sail. mg is via "Empress of Britain" from St, ,ioltn, N.B„ March'21st. Bate for Entire Cruise $639.10 ltxeltisive of malnto inance between arrival time in England and departose of"Nmpros:4 of llussia" andstop•over at Bong Kong. Get partieulnrs from Vapid° .0 ('osens, Town Ago nts, 'Phone 125. J. li. Eeemer, station Agent, 'Phone DO IT NOW. NEWSPAPER BARGAINS The Wingham Times and The Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent to new sub- scribers to the 1st of Janu- ary, 1914 for $1.60. Sub- scribe now and get • full benefit of this good offer. Leave all orders at the TIMES OFFICE. WINGIIAM REV. W. J. MAYERS AND DR. BARNARDO'S MUSICAL BOYS Town Hall, Wi ' : ham Weddesday Ey ., Jan. 29 Popular Lecture.' on Dr. Barnardo's splendid Life W i 'k for the Children, with unique COLOURED PICTURE Novel and Attractive Musical Selections on Handbells, Bagpipes, Mandolines, Xylophones, Ocarinas, Cornets, &c., &e. Programme one yard long. Collection for the Barnardo Work. - COML AND SEE, HEAR AND HELP. Chairman, Dr. A. J. Irwin. Adnliasicn 25c and 35c, Children half price. Tickets at Mr. J. W. McKibbon's Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. easzcel for Ladies. I"•iC' rnilul ei.a..a Cl, fin I II 11 GREAT PROFIT . SHARING SALE For two weeks commencing Saturday, January 18, till Saturday, Feb. 1st, we will offer every arti- cle in the store at cost and some lines under; this is a genuine sale, no fake. Come and see. Below are a few of the lines offered. 1 1 I a a illi II IR;III 11 CI'IG�� Ladies' Quilted Lined Coat, Marmot Collar, was $20 now $15 't " " German Otter Col, " $24 now $19 MEN'S FUR COATS 1 Coon Coats, $100 for 875 Bulgarian Lamb $30 for $20 2 Corean Beaver $25 for $18 4 Calf Skin Coats $30 for 820 2 Siberian Dog $25.00 for $18 2 Astriean Lined, Fur Collar $14 for $10 2 Astrican Lined, Fur Collar $20 for $15. Men's Suits and Overcoats at 25% discount. 10 doz. Men's 'Leather Faced Mitts, was 60e pair, sale price 40c pair. 40 pair Men's Cloth Pants, worth 82.00 pair for $1.25 2 dc•z. Men's Overalls, 75e for 49c pair. 10 Black Overalls, $1,00 for 80e pair. RUGS AND LINOLEUMS 50 rugs including Union, Tapestry, Wilton's and Axminster, from 2-'�; x 3 yd to 31 x 4 yds at 25% off regular prices. 8 pieces Nairns Scotch Linoleum, worth 60e, for 50e per yard. 3 patterns worth 50c, sale price 45e square yd. These are all good patterns but must be cleared out to make room for spring stock. 2000 yds Crumbs,English print, reg. 12c for 10e per yard. • 150 yds Paillette Silk, 40 inch. wide, reg. 1.75 for 1,25 yd., several shades. 70 yds Paillette Silk . 36 inch, wide, reg. 1.25, for 90e, black and blue only. Every piece of Dress Goods in store at cost price. Ladies White Waists from 75c to $3.50, this is a snap. Ladies Gowns bought especially for this sale, worth 1,50, 1,75 and 2.00 for $1,25 each, Space will not allow us to mention everything here but ask to be shown goods. II eG '111' I: I,NI111I 11 " 11a II GROCERY SPECIALS Broom worth 35c for 25c, worth 45c for 35e worth 50c for 40c, Seeded raisins 3 pkgs for 25c, positively new goods. Maple Leaf Salmon '25c tin. Cascade Salmon, pink, 17c tin, n, Northern Coast Salmon 22c, 1-2 size lie. Saltana Raisins 3 lb 25c G. Sugar 20 lb sack 81 10. Yellow Sugar 20 lb $1.00. Oat Meal 8 lb 25c, Casemore's Honey 10e lb. Corn 9e can, Standard Peas 10c can. Tomatoes 2 cans 25c. Positively no goods charged at these prices, all kinds produce taken Putter, Eggs, Beans, Dried Apples. didY" A MILL Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGHAIV,1', ONT. ill III a 111 ti 1 11 II a.I !1. ypC�p�y, . I h riM. }r, Mir lZl0.lrgersl��{F}��Ii� .� I (+ } siYi♦(/ ffiiiif,,iddiiil414ld:1iiiiidii041C:iRii1tii11il�a 1:::ii..i.i��fiiii Lii�ilii.iiiiimiiii ',i�