HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-01-16, Page 6• a FIlto W' i If a I I:+. I'.;' •! A N GARY 16, 1913 CANADA'S TRADE. IA WONDERFUL DISCOVERY MEN SLAVES OF FASHION. Canada's total trade for the twelve I months of the past year passed the WI- - lion -dollar mark by a little over rive and a half million dollars. Final or detailed figures will not be available for some weeks yet, but the returns i•ectihed so tar by the 'trade and Commerce and Customs Departments show that the • billion-dohar marl: has been passed. .As compared with the Dominion's trade : for 1.911 this represents a gain of overly I.$9,000,0Uu, or 23 per cent. Imports for the past twelve moa:ths totalled approximately $651,000,000, while ex-' ports amounted to nearly $352,t.+00,000, The gain in imports is nearly til40,000,- . O�sOU, while exports increased be nearly ! 5l9,th. O,O'!U. Only one country in the world rivals Cauada in the perm utage ;. of trace growth during the past few years, namely, Argentina. By the end! u at: • ot the hncai year it is expected e, that ted Canada wilt have reached tone place among the countries of the world in re• spect of total trade. The Dominion's trade has doubled within the past six years and trebled within the past thir- teen , ears. i The principal gains in exports during the past car hesevt n in exportsort, of agriculture, mines and ta,anulaetures, ' The increase of exports of agriculture • has been over 25 inilisoas, in mines over 12 millions, and in manufactures over millions. Exports of tae forest and of animals and ttte.r products have shown a falling ot} of several millions, Clue, doubtless, to the iacrs a: ed demands of the home market. Persons troubled with partial paral- : ysis are often very much benefited by massaging the attected parts thorough-' ly when applying Chameerlain's Lm- a teheve.rheu- matic h u i Tins liniment also meat. uratic pains.—For sale by all dealers. MR. POSTER'S FINE SPEECH. An eminent scientist, the other dad, gave his opinion that the most won- derful discovery of recent years was the discovery of Zam-Buk. Just tici:lt! As soon as a single thin layer of lam-Buk is applied to a wound or a sore, such injury is insured against hh'od poison! Not one species of microbe has been found that Zam•Buk docs not kill! Then again. As soon as Zam-Buk is applied to a sore, or a cut, or to :e'en disease, it stops the smarting. Teat is why children are such friends e' Emu -Birk, They care nothing for t!; seieace of the thing. All they know is that Zam-Bak stops their ps!n Mothers should never forget ,gain. As soon as Zam-Iluk is ap- plied to a woan'i or to a diseased 1'a me, the cells beneath the skin's sur- fe me et) stimulated that nem 1 idly tissue is clltlekly formed. This ' eintr of iensh hea°thy tissue from: .. !^:mss -'-.•tit's -e ret cf healir. ;. • it a en t. ;, time form w s ed is worked d r , t re ,oriel' e and literally casts off t' • _ t tissue above it. This is (.:• one-. eik cures are permanent. ,y 'he other day Mr. Marsh, of ;Icei•nier Ave., Montreal, called the .'ata-Bai Company and told ell • :car over ts, eaty-f ve ;•e:rs l; • an a martyr to emzems. Ilis et one time so covered t that he had to sleep in + : ' 's ago was t" et to '^t, and in a few • : u; it cured him. To -+i ty—•tlya�r t vee•'•.; after his cure of a discs; o !1: Mid for twenty-five years ---he snit cured; and has had no tract of ..:F return of the eeemea! All druggists eel' `!sans-Buk at 5Oc. hos, or we will send free trial box if yen sent: this advertisement and a le. rta:nn ttr Eery return postage). Ad- drec. ?rite -holt Co., Toronto, I'm not very much on religion myt;elf ma'am, but I always respect it in others. The six-year-old son of Lorne Jackson of Mount Forest was thrown off a sleigh, breaking his neck. .`: OR. A. W. CHASE'S RAS AR131d POWDER is sent direct to the diseasedarts b • the I reproved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops drop- pings in the throat and permanent - y cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. 25c. a box ; blower free. Accept no substitutes. All dealers or Edmaneon, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto, ' t — Government journals say Mr Leostex is a splendid speaker, and we really think his speech of 190u was one of t the very best eser made on th' naval 11 question. Read this: "The first and greatest o jecdon which I have to a fixed mono; c tribu- tion is that it bears the aspect o hiring eomebody else to do what we o •r+elves aught to do; as though a lean, the fath- er of a atnilr, in lusty 1:-'altis a'.d etrength, should pay his neighbour some- thing per month for ;oohing sifter the welfare and safety of his home instead of doing that duty himself. That seems to me, when you work it out, to be a oasic objection to this form of aid. It toes still further than that. Suppose eon contribute this year your sum, and next year your equal sum, and there- after year after year. After ten or twelve, or twenty. or thirty years, you will have paid out an immense amount of money. You will have been pro- tected in the meantime: but in Canadaitself there will b:+ no a:yts struck, will a thereresidue will be no rc,.. I4. 1 there e.wtl be no preparation of tee soil, or begin- ning of the growth of the product of defence. Yet some time or other, no one can doubt that :.`iii eeources and with a population Cr::: tress:' increasing, we must and will have in this country a naval force of oil• ,:..a for our coast and home defence." Mr. Borden now im• = c.., cannot or- ganize an adequate as to twenty-five or fifty years. We peei•er the sturdy Canadian spirit of Mr ;'c st•.r's speech of 1909. What is taking' the ginger out of the Conservative. Children Cry FOR FLE LNER'S CASTOR i A ONE HOUSEWIFE'S RESOLUTIONS. Resolved that I will Mee to the ways of my househola aeth. the meal way of spinning nail weaving. `..at in studying the Pure Food question and selecting such fuel for the hotlythat shall give My family radiant h-a:t!i n: d vitality. That I will cors/dee carefully the in- come and apportion the e:;penditures thereto, not with regard to the stand- ards set by false pride aa'l show, but by common sense. No more "keeping up with Lizzie!" That I will devote eerioue study to Household Efficiency,: trio irg to succeed in my "business" with the zeal of the man who is such aspecialist in this line. That I will, however, not narrow this down to petty tyranny. being a "model housekeeper" at the expense of temper comfort and freedom: but wilt regard homemaking as a Vim Art. That I will have forethough and sys- tem and scientific management, not for- getting that joy bas its ],Pace in life, but arrange that part of the family budget may go for theatres and hospi- tality. That in the fascination of my own business I Will not isolate myself, but will co -o ei te classify i fy my Exp e ti - meats for the benefit of other house- keepers, and never forget the larger home, the city, which needs woman's wisdom, oiisel ishncss and economy. "You'd better go to sleep again; Dame Portune has been ringing up the wrong man." Thus. Fraser, a Michigan Central hi.'keman, was killed by an engine ltd Mo t e•ose yards, near Niagara Falls. Mr. Lewis Toole, Mount Albert, was elected President of the Ontario Agri- cultural and Experimental Union. Here is a remedy that will cure your cold. Why waste time and money ex- perimenting when you can get a pre- paration that has won a world-wide re- putation by its cures of this disease and ? It can al.v�. y •s be depended upon? onis p known everywhere as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and is a medicine of real merit. For sale by all dealers. An English correspondent of the New York I ribune says that during the last year the process of making wood pulp into "silk" has been perfected, and that several big fir(::., are now turning nut large nuantities of the substitute, one of the firms employing1t i hands Absolutely pure silk. :lays this writer, can no longer be found 'on the market, and wood pulp makes an almost per- fect substitute. 170 e'$ '1'ttl+. foroffer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. C'HENEY & CO., Loledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. I. Cheney for the last le years, and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi- ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. W.tf.UING, KINNAN t M.trVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Pricec. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for ce,nstip- ation. "What can we do to save George? He'd give his eyi'-teeth if she asked him fie. it: and :hc''.< almost sure to ask:" "The years come and go. We cannot stop them. But we can rob them of their sting by growing constantly younger in thought and more lenient in our judgments '' Electric Restorer for Men phosphonoll restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension; restores vita and vital;tp, Premature dr'cav and all c'aual eea ine., averted at once, lPhoophonol will make v on a new ratan. Price 83 a bee. or two for any ar! ire..,, The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catitanrtnes. Oat. According to European figures the fatalities now attending aviation hardly exceed one death for each 1110,(40' miles flt,:vxa, at compared with one for each Lime miles three years ago. Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable Drench regulator: never i.i s. 'I'itese pills are exceedingly powerful in r•ga..sting time reaerative portion of the female cvs.tein. Refuse all the:0 imitations. Dr, do Van's ate slid at Ka box, or three for 510. Mailed to any address. b %cobon Drug Co., St, Catharines, Ont. An American authority estimates the annual loss in the United States, as a result of the destruction of bird life, at Srtinr,nhiO,OuuO. Just how much may be done in the waydumage of insect where insects are not held in control by birds, is shown by the statement that the natural increase of one pair gypsy moths, if unchecked. would destroy the foliage of the whole I'nited States in eight years. A vigorous effort is be- ing made by national legislation to check the destruction of bird life. Freak Fashions That Eclipse Even Those of the Gentler Sex. • Women have up to now always been regarded as the most extravagant sex in matters relating to dress. This fmprnccfon, however, is old-fashioned. for men are known to be getting vain"r trail vainer in regard to their Personal appearance, and are spend- ing more money every year on their 'iress. It is the ambition of every young man nowadays to be fashionable, and men who a few years ago never gave the matter of their dress a thought spend hours over every detail. A el:,nce at the tailors' shops will show that the up-to-date lounge suit, instead :1 having just the susr'stion of i, waist. have a most clearly defined waist -line. Then again, gentlemen's hatters rill 1'II you that "howlers" and "ton - hats" change in shape every month or two. whereas formerly they re. m1nn d the Ramo in o nn ac1v every de- tail tail fn, years. 'Ph brond•hrimmed straw hat which satisfied the seaside young man last season, is now declared to be too meanly by a couple of inches. Even the common everyday Iounge snit has undermine immense changes. ' In order to satisfy the young man of to -dell• they must be made silk -lined and possess vnrinus eccentricities to -�••sfy indi u• s a vt a to d 1 .te.. one large shop has a lounge a snit on -how, made for a certain Youth. which has points to the waist- coat six inches long. Pointed waist- coats, it may he remarked, are the pr'vniline fashion at present. :111 trousers nowadays must be made very short. The reason for this, of course, is because there will be more opportunity for the young man to dian]ay his elaborate socks to ad- vnntase, With the demand for more change in dross naturally comes the increase in the price of clothing. The man who wants to look smart does not sum to mind this, tbongh; in fact, list as the fair: s„ t lova to spend much money on their apparel, so it aoerns that the young man of to -day fhillsiks, a. pride ' a the size of his dress In the old days menwere content to buy ready-made ties for fifty cents. Those days,a 1 nw•c•c •r have t b a .. passed d and it is the thins nowadays to have your own ide made up for you at anything from $3 to $4 each. Although the desire to he fashion- able and have the hest of things may be prevalent in every young man of to -day, it is not always possible for him to pay for them. It is the craze just at present for mon to wear soft hats, and they must be as original in shape as possible. Soft hats can he bout.•le. fir as little as 50 cents. Many "nuts," as the fashionable youth is called, are con- tent to swear these. But people who can afford to pay more for them do, indeed, pay more. Musical artistes, for instance, dear- ly love these hats, and the more un-• eomnnn they are in shape the better they like them. One star badly bitten by the soft hat craze has his hat made for him at $200 a time. Iu addition to the passion for fash- ionable clothes, the more degenerate members of the male sex have taken largely to "padding" and "making In the principal thoroughfares of every large town can be seen groups of corseted and painted young men, the tastes of e to cater for and '2lorsr ] these inverts, gentlemen's toilet and massage establishments have sprung up everywhere. A Necessary Preliminary, Queen Margherita of Italy once vis- ited the M:ontessori schools in Rome and during her brief stay requested a little girl who was engaged in put- ting in seder a box of cut -mit letters to srel' some words for her. The child did net )seed the request, but went on calmly dropping each letter into the right se'mpartment. An older person stat:.!ilea near, horrified at the child's iu'lifiere'nec, exclaime.i: "But. Rosa, you must pay attention! Tits: is the Queen I" "I know that,' the child answered regepectfully. . "But the Queen knows that i+cfere I begin to spell I must finish my work of putting the alphabet in order!" The Old, Old Scorpion. Seorpions are relies of prehistoric times. They have been in existence since the middle siluriat era, and through all tie changes in elivirun• moat in the ,nillir,ns of years which have e:apsed they have remained pram t:eally the same in structural eharac' ter, hi habit. There is little if any evidence that times. animal; in die past days of their history have oyer, alined a iiveliillteid by alga1st ether than those ensplt,yel at the presort day.—Louden standard. Birds That Carry The'. Young, The wt• :denc•k, it is said, ha- ;men known to carry away her y nt'.li:_' v, Leh' threatened) with dewier. She .' eseg thou on 'her etre:td eramins theIIl bete,• ell tile toes ni,tI A hatuial,.t says numy 'v'i 1 sr, carry tl:'.ir yt. i,lb feetlitc: s touts. s in the osi'mim .:. turnieg bet':re' dawn. In fest. have it, means of frediimr tit -•,r ie except by carrying theist at thee' '• t •i' fee they eati;o t e' 'lvt. ti it i I to them. Always a t"la:icc, Theis, i:am/if-Mine ei ev= • . .t.,•: t.f the yea !''l tiro a(t•r'ti_t tt,r.. tic' ' nlil:il'-'e' etc• 01111 r•t,'!c tla• ht,at, i t the fail ,:n cultuiug, iii )ht' reefer -bate tart tiei" lee 31:1 ill t1+ • ; i, f:a:, iii e.ve. Ciera: I- I thieved I'd ,.:. ;. t m y'tiera:'iiia' -I tl••ll't rare mar drops. At the L*enuty Shap. She —I Want same wr'irikit' , He—What at'•,ut She—On how to remove the::. tun,,.*1 Wt.ee is l t1eTa 11 }' .ems withhe t t tg i, • .milady that ..ly. ire 't'1 ming pain in u v • Ming, hsg, abnor• e. re etc. On symptoms • • should be • tor all dim. :etion of the ,cis, derslie, Alta., writing YOU i ••ave received a ser Pills, for ith which I ty years. It . x completely viols for $1,00, 'Meet on receipt ..,i. era Co., Limited, A New Year Creed. I et me be a e little kinder, dr Let me be a little blinder, '1 o the faults of those about me, I et me praise a little n: ore; I.et me be, when I am weary, Just a little bit more cheery, I et me serve a Iittle better 7 hose that I am striving for. Let be a little braver Let me strive a Iittle harder do be all that I should be; p „ Let me be a little meeker With the brother that is weaker, Let me think more of my neighbor; And a little less of me. Let me be a little sweeter Make my life a little completer, By doing what I should do Everyminute of the eda• day; Let me toil without ou complaining, Not a humble task disdaining, Let me face the summons calmly When death beckons me away. BEST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AHD CHILD. buts. Wlxsaow's Soosnis° SYtitaP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of etovIIEas for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETIIING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS alt PAIN , CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHEA. It is at.. sotutely harmless Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle, A correspondent of Hoard's Dairyman describes his method of feeding alfalfa hogs. to ho .. The alfalfais h cut with a silo filler to one-quarter of an inch in length and a sack full of it is mixed with a pail of shorts and middlings, and the whole fed moist to hogs. On this feed the hogs thrive and make satisfactory gains. she t Wiled 30 Lbs Mrs. George Bradshaw. Hatlowe, Ont., writes: "I was troubledfor many Years with weak, watery blood and dropsy. I had nervous headaches, diz- ziness and sinking spells, and was, in fact, a semi -invalid. Doctors told me my heart and kidneys were diseased and gave me up. By using to boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I have been cured of many of my old complaints and gain- ed 36 pounds in weight." The London Economist estimates that the late war has cost Turkey $175,000,- 000, and that the total cost of the war, including that between Italy and Tur- key, and the expense of mobilizing Rus- sian and Austrian armies, will be not less than $400,000,000. Throughout Southern Minnesota, Northern Iowa, and the adjacent prairie territory, tress planted from twenty to forty years ago have, says Farm, Stock and Home, reached saw -log timber size, and their growth from now on will scarcely offset the decay that has al- ready set in. In other words, the tim- ber crop on many prairie farms is ripe MSiUTE SECURITY. e �g Genuine Cart r's a 1 d Gis Pills Unmet Boar Signature of 'awt,'a:s•'' Seo Teac•SImile Wmpeer Below. Very small ends as oast to take es rvgart ;CART ERS nx IVER 'PILLS. FOR il%AbACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR ZOOPIf LIVER. eon CONSTIPATION FOR $ALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION Getartaaa. MUsta.v. MAm4.. _- i mists I Sp'arely Vegetable,, (:>^.ro.....mr , CURE Sl i4 HEADAcPHZ. A LITERARY RIDDLE. Who Was It Wrote the Tragedy of "Troilus and Cressida?° Andrew Long hiss just propounded a puzzle in elrcumstantial evidence, "Who," he asks, "wrote 'Troilus and (Cressida?"' You may answer, as you please, Shakespeare or Bacon. If you nhIs'. tr' r Rama ac oris :1.udrew Lang comes back with the query, "Would Bacon have said that Aristotle lived before the 'I'ro,hm wined' Bacon was too learned a man to umke such a mistake, w'bieb would he as bad us placing Abraham Lincoln among the signers of the Declaration of Independence. I f y on answer Shakespeare, Andrew Lan;: shoots another query at you: •"file ntithur makes Ulysses and Am -Mlles mote 'an author' and discuss a pretty long and strange passage from that author, who was Plato, flow mold Shakespeare have read I'lato't" For Shakespeare knew no ,. (;reek, and In his day Plato had not ( et been translated into English, It is quite coneeivabie that Shake- speare might imagine that Plato and Aristotle lived many centuries before limber, but it is inconceivable that the ermuliii' Boom should fall into such an error Andrew Lang dues not pretend to ...ore time riddle the fraUllly says, "I sive it op ':�e York v World.td. rIS;(Y POSTAL SERVICE. In Russia the Government Opens All Suspicious Packages. t air• own service of mails is wen or- minlzoti. '('here is little doubt in the mind ''f the average person that when ue posts a letter it will reach its desti• nm:tinn him in other lands lie might well fear ter its safety. in Russia, for instance, may letter or parcel that is regarded with suspicion Is immediately opened not Its contents noted. A clever nue '•hint' gurus it up twain, so that the re- cipient does not know that it has been t,%nlpt'I•e'd with, In Impinud the mails are carried in L elet ges . drawn bseindeers. Inthe t e Milds ut the Caucasus the postman limas th post of danger. Ile must be prote'etcd against brigands and against rite weather, fur be often bas to climb autuutaius more than 12.000 feet high. Asiatic Russia, which is apt to be marshy, has the buffalo post, and, of course, the progress made is very slow. Buffaloes are more powerful than oxen, and they are also used In Siberia for I'llrrying the mail. • other postmen in foreign lands are the swimming postman of India and the skiing letter carrier of the Andes, For the latter place the Argentine goy- erumeut specially imports Norwegians. —Exchange. a Mexico's Smoking Mountain. r In 1537 I climbed two volcanoes in Mexico, Popoentepetl, or "the smoking mountain," about 17,500 feet, and Ori- zaba, the former the most famous be- cause within view from Mexico City and thus a source of especial pride and admiration , to the inhabitants, who have been loath to believe that any other of their mountains could be high- er. Popo has a really splendid crater, about half a mile across and 1,000 feet deep.The walls are generally verti- cal, rti- cal, but in one or two places it is pos- sible to descend. When workers are engaged in collecting sulphur machin- ery is used to hoist them up and down. From Popo's summit there Is a glorious prospect, not alone of the immense crater, but of the beautiful "White Lady" tlztaccihuath reclining a thou- sand feet below, of Orizaba on the far horizon and of the charming valley of elexico.—Annie S. Peck in Christian Derald. Wellington's Integrity. The Duke of Wellington was noted for Ills rigid integrity. Here Is an in. stance which occurred in reference to his large estate. Some farm adjoining his lands was for sale, and his agent negotiated for him for the purchase. Having concluded the business, he went to the duke and told him he had made a capital bargain. "What do you mean?" asked the duke. "Why, your grace, I have got the farm for so much, and I know it to be worth at least so much more." "Are you quite sure of that?" "Quite sure, your grace, for I have carefully surveyed it." "Very well, then; pay the gentleman from me thealau between what b ce btwen you have already given and the real value of the estate." Strong Circumstantial Evidence. A young wife was in tears a few mornings ago when her mother called, When asked what was the matter she replied that her husband was out late the night before and had been to a drinking party. "What makes you think he had been to a drinking party?" asked the mother. "IIe came home," sobbed the young wife. "wearing a phonograph horn for a hat."--hunsas City Star. More Careful Now. The young wife had given her hus- band a dance.. "You've improved won- derfully, Jack," she said as they sat gown, "Don't you remember how you used to teat` my dress?" "Yes," he replied. "I wasn't buying them theta" -•-Roston Transcript. Barks. The cissa In natural history being asked. the difference between it dog and a tree, the head boy answered, "A tree is covered with bnm!t, while a dog seem; to be lined with it." Noisy Sleep. llult tan;;rilya-here! What do you mean in waking me out of a sound PI, 410 ('►'lie'- liet',luse the sound was toe di:tressb,g.•-Boston Transcript. e4 04ea+6op44,04c.a4•00P 4'g,.,••o4**44,v+oc'+?060900,4'A04»ooIte, v Q .q til e S $3.00 WILL RENT A RIGHT TOUCH ARNOCH FOR ONE MONTH $15.00 WILL RENT A ONARCH 4 4 A A FOR SIX MONTHS V 4, • 4 4, a9 Illustrated Literature mailed upon Request Marno eh Department riingIov Typewriter Coiiijmoy, UMITED 18-20 t.,Victoria Spuare, Montreal, Que. Children Cry I Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S FOR FLETCHER'S TCHER S C A S T I� l I L'� A C Ate S T ®fes I A. PRINTING A r13 STATIONERY We have put in our office Stationery and can WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, a complete stock of Staple supply your wants in `WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYIT. G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in n the JobPri tI o g line and aII orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDINGti INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require:in the printing line. S bsoxiptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office taw Wiims STONE BLOCK Wingham, Oak