HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-01-16, Page 5THE WINGIAM TIMES, JANUARY ii; 11.1 i 440144,0044; 0400,04.4 oo 40404*04:^0044444.00 4,0404,t.4r30 44'4444>4°©044440 44400 0.01,oe4, E044 4,„ ,w. 4 Mc 3 SEE & CAMPBELL • •4 O Going 6 $10,000 Stock of Clothing, Men's Fur- nishings will be Slaughtered at Once. d Sale Commences Thursday, January 9th 0 "1 All Accunts Must be Paid at Once, Don't Miss This Opportunity O 0 and no more Goods will be Charged. e McGEE •O • •4 •4 CAMPBELL 4 N 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 • •♦ • • • • • • • • 3 4 4 • a e 0 n 0 0 0 4 0 4 a 0 0 O 0 b O 4 a • 0 0 0 . • 0 0 4 0 • 4 •0 4 4 4' 0 • O A O 0 0 0 400400400044004040000400®3 4C000000000.00v4440044.4400 *.....'...4 44.............4 c004"0N^040440040e•4>4040,00E •••••••.••••••••••••4G+00• OO.444.400444.44•••••e0400. • a iStock ReducingPrices on• • • • •ithe F oIIowin Winter Goods f.• u •C. .• • honey Saving Prices to all 4 Who Buy Now. • 0 • • • • a FURS—We are offering the finest selection of fine Furs, medium priced qualities in Marmot Muffs, Stoles, Collarettes, 20 per ceot. discount for CASH. Grey Goat 20 per cent off our stock, finest quality, cheap fur, which • we can offer you, Muffs $4.25 and Stoles $4.00, 4 o• LADIES' FUR LINED COATS—We have the big - :,gest range in all sizes in Ladies' Fur Lined Coats, with • the black broadcloth shells, in Northern and Southern • Rat lining, No. 1 skins,.15 per cent off every Fur Lined • Coat in our store: prices $30.00 to $55.00. A O - LADIES' QUILTED LINED FUR COLLARED ;COATS -25 Ladies' Fur Collared Coats to clear at a a cut off of 15 per cent. on any coat. Ladies' and Child- Ven's Cloth Coats in Black and Fancy Tweeds, all sizes in /this seasons newest styles, 2 per cent. off all this seasons w Coats. • • 4- e 15 LAST SEASON'S CLOTH COATS—In broken sizes, with 5o per cent. off any Coat, • • • MEN'S OVERCOATS—To the men or boys who ale thinking of buying an Overcoat. Ask to see our big • '+ stock at 20 per cent off for CASH. Watch our windows this week for up-to-date goods and good workmanship. All kinds of trade wanted, We want your Fowl. IHANNA Sr cO. f• • • • PHONE 70.• •�A4*No**4*4444*4444.114!•44 44.444444.44444444444 *444,; r A • 4 h • s . • 4 • • �• LUC ILNO W. Mrs. Macdonald, a woman of about eighty years, living just north of the village, was found dead in her house on Friday. She had been living alone for years, and it is believed that she had been dead for two days. TEES W ATE It. Mr. David Paisley, who has sold his farm on the 10th concession, is moving into town. Mr. R. E. Campbell, druggist, with his wife and family, were in Leaming- ton recently visiting his brother George, principal of the high school in that town. Mr. Thos. Melvin, of the Fenian Raid veterans' event, went down to Toronto recently to receive his grant of $100. Mr. William Iliscox returns to his studies in Toronto University this week. William Skilling, of Victoria College, returns to his theological studies shortly. Miss Myrtle Redburn goes back to her school in Port Arthur after spending the holidays at her home here. HRUSSELS. On Saturday morning, January 4th, about 10.30 o'clock, Mary McKenzie, relict of the late James D. Shurrie, of Morris township, was beckoned away to her home in the skies. She had not been very rugged for some time and yet was able to go about un- til the Tuesday previous to her demise. Mrs. Shurrie was born at Middle River, Cape Breton, 85 years ago, and came West with her parents to Culross town- ship in her early girlhood. 56 years ago she was married to Mr. Shurrie in East Wawanosh and they resided in Morris for over 40 years, her husband prede- ceasing her by 23 years. Four years ago Mrs. Shurrie, son and daughter came to Brussels. The children . are:— John, Morris; Mrs. Waiter Sharpe, Goderich; Hannah, deceased 20 years ago; James and Miss Rebecca J., at home. tILIII VALE An oyster supper will be given by the Women's Institute in the Presby- terian church on Friday, Jan. `Lith. The supper is in aid of the new Hospit- al for consumptive children which is be- ing opened by the National Sanitarium sociation The work conducted by this Association has been so successful that the numberof deaths yearly from tuber- culosis is, in Ontario alone, one thousand less than it was a decade ago. As the new Institution is to be devoted to children it makes a special appeal to the hearts of the people. A good pro- gram will be given after the supper, and a donation table will be held at which useful and fancy articles will be on sale. The ladies will be glad to re- ceive all kinds of saleable articles to help on this good cause. An effort is being made to organize a Literary and Musical Society in Blue - vale. The trustees have kindly offered the use of the school house for the meet- ings and an organization meeting isfibe- ing held there on Wednesday night of this week. As there if not much re creation in Bluevale in the winter, a Society like this in which everyone could take part, would make life more enjoy- able. Arrangements are being made to have a piano. The commercial importance of Blue - vale has at last been recognized and we are now getting three mails a day. The morning papers arrive here before noon. A couple of rural mail routes will shortly be opened from Bluevale post -office. A very interesting meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Messer, on Thursday, Jan. 9. The President, Mrs. Peter King was in the chair. Miss Cora Messer read a re- port of the recent Provincial Convention held in Toronto at which delegates re- presenting twenty-two thousand of the best warren in Ontario dicussed topics of such vital importance as: -Immigra- tion, The Health of the School Child, The terrible problem of the Feeble- minded, Agricultural and Domestic ed- ucation in the Schools. Injustice of Canadian laws concerning women, and The responsibility of Society for Ne- glected children. Mrs. H. Diment then read an excellent paper on "How to keep well and happy" showing how the old conception of sickness as a visitation of Providence had given place to the Scientific Study of its causes which throws on, to a large extent the respon- sibility for his own health. She then showed how health and hap- piness can be preserved by such simple means as fresh air, sunshine, good food, sanitary conditions in the home and community, intelligent diet, regular rest, and recreation, and kindliness and optimism in one's point of view. The President enlarged on this subject of optimism by a paper on "The Bright Side," showing that in spite of the evil and wrong that are heard of every day and tend to give one a gloomy view of modern life. Ten times as much good is being done which does not get into the news reports because evil is unusual, therefore sensational, while good is so common as to cause no comment on the good works now carried on she laid special emphasis upon the campaign to stamp out the white plague. A disease which has brought sorrow to nearly every home, but which is gradually be - 'I ing driven out by the labors of gener- ous people. Another bright paper entitled "Odds and Ends" was read by Mrs. Messer, and the meeting discuss- ed plans for holding an oyster supper in aid of the work carried on by the National Sanitarium Association men- tioned in Mrs. King's paper. The next meeting will also be held at the home of Mrs. Messer when the Institute will be addressed by the Provincial delegate. The Women's Institute deserves the support of all women because it is working in the highest interests of the Nation and the home. No other society is so proud in its aims and at the same time so practical in its efforts. BELO,,It,LVa. The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Foresters' Hall on Tuesday afternoon, January 21st. There will be a literary program and talent sale. All members and lad- ies interested are invited to attend. W n'TEunURCH. A box social will be held in the Forust- ers'hall in Whitechurch on Thursday evening, Jan. 16th. A good program is being provided consisting of vocal and instrumental music, drills, dialogues, etc. Doors open at 7 30. Programme beginning at 8'oclock, Admission 25c. Everybody's come. John Brooks of Lindsay committed suicide without apparent reason. SPASMODIC CC: =DNA Coccus CRONCPIiTIS C. DUI COLDS ESTABLISHED 1e7s A simple, safe ani etlective treatment for bron- chial troubleS, avoiding drugs. Vaporized Cresolenc stags the paroxl ;os of whooping Cout;it and relieves Spasmodic Croup at once. Itis a BGON to sufferers front Asthma. The air carrying theantisepticvapnr, inspired with every breath, mattes breathing easy; soothes the sore throat and stops the cough, assuring restful nights. It is invahl:d,le to mothers with young children. Send postal for do-..r:p tive booklet. ALL DRUCCIST^ Try CRRSOL.ERE ANTISEPTIC TIIItoAT TABLETS forth. irritated throat. They are simple, effective and antiseptic. Of your druggist or from us, IUs, in stamps. Vapo Cresolene Co. 62 Cortlandt St., N.Y. Lccming Miles Building Montreal. Ctn. 3 Hunters and Trappers WILL GET THE Best Market Price, Honest Treatment, Correct Assortment, Quick Returns. by shipping their Raw Furs and Skins TO REVILLON FRERES TRADING COMPANY, LIMITED ESTABLISHED 1723 the old reliable Firm of the Fur Trade 134 and 196 McGill St., Montreal Ask for our Free Price List WE PAY EXPRESS CHARGES LI ° I-WU TRUNK S EM' CALIFORNIA MEXICO FLORIDA AND THE SUNNY SOUTH The Grand Trunk Railway is the most direct route from all points East through Canada via Chicago, Detroit, or Buffalo. ONLY DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE. Round trip tourist tickets, giving choice of all the best routes,together with full information, may be obtain- ed from any Grand Trunk Agent. H B. Eor.t ,Tr, Town Passenger & Ticket Agent, Phone 4. A. It. O'NEtr., Station Ticket Agent, Phone CIO rommommosmosoms000mommodwin Fall Term Fram Jan. 6th. . �x ULif l HAL 0.TRATFORD ONT. Do more for its students and gradu- ates than do other schools. Cour- ses are up-to-date and instructors are experienced. Graduates are placed in good positions. The three applications received to -day offer average salary of $1,133 per annum. Three departments Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Write for free catalogue at once. O A. MOLACHUN PRINCIPAL. 00404.41.•••••••••••• " "> v13'004440446•••••••44P4,5, 4 . 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 4 • • ISARDS' JANUARY STOCK TAKING SALE • 0 0' 0' O A 4 a 4 a 4 03 ., 4 Sale commences Saturday, January 4th, and contiunes until stock is written in. Our object is to reduce the stock by several thousand dollars and in order to do so will make sweeping reduc- tions on all lines of Heavy Goods. Move quick and get your share of the BARGAINS. f 0 .i a 0 a o• 4 0 0 a 4 All Account are due and must be settled r; by Ca.skb ax nPte by ar3uary J 15 Ii, e LAD EB' CQ•> -CS.---Slade of Pa tin Kersey "Clotn, lined in IO a 0A O 0 0 a sleeves and waists, colors are navy, grey, gratin and black, regular value $10 to $12. Stock -Taking Sale price $7.75. aosuwasouvcsaa GIRLS' COATS.—Several lines of Girls' Coats, broken in sizes; plain cloths and fancy tweeds, fur Qutek Selling reduced to $4.50. Furs! Furs! Furs! e) O 6 O • 0 Buy your Furs this month and sate the discount. Big stock here to choose from. Pirsie.n Lamb, Sable, Mink Marmot, Fitch, Astraean, Coney, Seal, Grey Squirrel, etc. Fur Lined Coats for Men and Women at BARGAIN PRICES. .y°. • a Dress Goods and Silks • Buy your DRESS now while the PRICES are DOWN. ' All e the NEW WEAVES are here at MONEY SAVING PRICES. See e our yard wide Silk, regular value w 1.25, for $1.00. Cr .11mow.soloo.meow a 0 Men's Store Look in at our MEN'S W EAR and see how much money you can tnalze buying during our STOCK TAKING SALE, Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Sweater Coats, Underwear, Mitts, and Gloves. Overalls, Smocks, Hats and Caps. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, H. E. ISARD & CO TWO STORES. • O O A O e . 4 . 4' 4 O ° e O • 4 4 v • •• • O 41# 4 •60.00.904000004..04•••••00 *000006.06-00•4000666•06.0.0•0* The Proper Spirit. Something of the proper spirit was displayed by a municipal candidate in Lucknow before his election. A mutual friend came to him and said that a cer- tain party would not vote for him be- cause he, the candidate, "carried his head too high" to suit the voter. The candidate's reply is worthy of a place in the Book of Remembrance: "Go back and tell that fellow," he said, "that I don't want his vote. If I have to carry favor with him or anybody else by carrying my head between my paws like a dog, I will stay out of office." —Lucknow Sentinel. Sidney Simmons, nine years old, was burned to death in his father's home at Montreal, and the father almost lost his life in attempting to rescue him. A new railway, the Canadian Central & Labrador, is projected, to run from Cochrane across the hinterland of Que- bec to Cape St. Lewis. "Broadview Stock Farm" Shorthorns Herd Headed by Favorite Character (Imp.) For sale are two choice young Bulls with the best of breeding and out of good milking dams. Will be sold rea- sonable for quick sale. J. O. Fyfe, Prop. WINGHAM, ONT. harm Ik miles South of Wingharn. 060 4,4,4 a to 4 0 4 . 4 • • 4 • • • 4 4 0 a We have 4,500 bushels of good dry hard American Cern s • coming forward this week. This is extra fine corn and should move o out quickly if quality is waited. •• 4 4 04444 444444044.S44a•••• vW BRAN ••4 • • • • 3 articles of good value for anyone waating to secure feed at prices worth driving a distance to secure. 4 4 CORN, OATS CORN {•A4C06 OATS Good Western Oats for feed in stock now at 45c per bu. BRAN . . • • s . . . e a i0 •tons Bran, good clean sweet flaky Bran and we will clear o . oat at $22 00 per ton. e • • It looks like th ase prices would be attractive, at this se tson e • prices usually advance considerably. Come and see what we have e : for you. in feed. • • • • .• J. L. AW• • e r 444144.444.•444444*44444** *4444*444444*444444**4444e