The Wingham Times, 1913-01-09, Page 6(i W INNS JANUAIIY 9i 1913 I he Debauched Constituency. From the Ottawa Citizen. Sir Richard Cartwright's "Reminis- cences" contain very much of interest to Canadian readers. His caustic char- acterizations of persons and things, however much they may be deplored by those who do not agree with his con- clusions, at least indicate a mind that dared to think for itself and express its ideas Such a quality cannot too great- ly exist in Canada, even though its op- eration wreck havoc now and then with the cherished and the accepted. But of all the strong statements made by Cartwright it is doubtful if there was one of more vital insignificance to Canada than his reference to political corruptions. He said: "My own ex- perience has been that when a commun- ity or a constituency has been thorough- ly debanched, it is almost as hard, nay, perhaps even harder, for it to regain a sound moral tone than for a woman who has gone astray." w Bad Cold in The Chest "I am happy to tell you that I used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pentine, and was promptly cured of a very bad cold in the chest," writes Miss Josephine Gauthier, Dover South, Ort. You can depend on Ir, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine to relieve and cure all inflammations and irritat- ions of the throat and bronchial tubes. The Lees in C tale Alone. During November between thirty and forty thousand dollars were, it is report- ed, paid in duty on Ontario cattle en- tering the United States by way of Port Huron alone. Thi . •,. .•.s that something like $125,010 worth of cattle were compelled to a toll of 27!.> '. in the form of customs taxation at this one port in one month. The shipments by way of Buffalo were doubtless larger still. It is not from Ontario alone that cat- tle have gone into the American mark- et,evenin the face of' the tariff meant to be prohibitive Chicago has drawn from us east as Montreal on one side and from as far west as Calgary on the other. Had Reciprocity been approved of a little over a year ago all the great cities of the United States would have been thrown free),.. 'Alen to cattle from all parts of Cr— .da, The rejection of Reciprccit7- des compelled Canadian cat- tle fee'srs not only to accept a less price for .e cattle they have sold in the Un- it • States, but to accept a reduction on at. those sold in the home market as well. It is probably µel! within the mark to say that Ontario cattle feeders alone have in the last year lost not less than 54,00b,000 by the vote of a year ago last September. Weekly Sen Ito 'ai mohi We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned. have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in sll busi- ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly u:on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family rills for constip- ation. Six men were killed and sit: ethers in- jured in a snowslide at Coal Creek mines, near Fernie, B. C. Wm. A. Whiting. a Tc._onte commer- cial traveller, was found dead in bed at the home of his brother, Rev. Richard Whiting London, Ont. Here is a remedy that will cure your cold. Why waste tinie and money ex- perimenting when you can get a pre- paration that has won a worldwide re- putation by its cures of this disease and can always be depended upon': It is known everywhere as C'hamberlain's Cough Remedy, and is a medicine of real merit. —For sale by all dealers. The Michigan Cetrta Railwan has presented the St. Thomas Y. M. C. A. with a 99 -year lease of a plot cf ground for a 85%,000 building. Robert Tagney. a Than; sford farmer died in a cell of a London police station MO hours after his arrest on a charge of drunkenness Saturday evening. An inquest is ordered. $ MIT AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AHD CHILD. •.IR•:.'Winnow's Senrittira tiilst'c 1199 u :set for over SIXTY YI;AIts by MILLftONS of AtOTImmlt9 for their CIIIL»R1 N w lxLs,+ TEETIIING, with PIIR1 I;CT Sr . Cli.'h. It liitOTrtES the CHILID, solrrrtNS t;te GUMS ALLAYS all PAIN; CL'stis WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRIIGIA. It is abe soluteiy bermless. Ise sure and a>.ie for "blr; Winsietv's Soothing syrup," and take no other curt!. Twenty -414- cents a battle. Three agricultural eollego9, to be on a very large scale, will be estab:ished dal different parts of Alberta. 'These are to be at Olds, Vermillion and Clareshoim, and will be ready for the reception of students in agriculture next fall. Two- year courses will be given at these col- leges, and the courses will correspond to the two first years in more preten- tious eten- t10n9 i stitutions of the same character. By the time the schools have been in operation for two years it is probable that a central agricultural college will have been instituted, at which the high- er branches of the work will be taken up, and where students will be able to graduate as iaehelors of Scientific Ag- riculture, teets ..;r CONTAINS lfA PlO ANIMAL OIton FAT' ,. P 03 ANY MENfRAL L)'ll ANS ^ p '. 8 00 ir "Ifo stay aaivicos .. t eyed Zril•Sl s k loci iioma and skin .1 oraheF you ovait v. aolliiy to gine it a tV:r1 u €t ends pain end it otic box. all Druggists & Stores. To make pink sugar for garnishing put one or two tablespoonfuls of granu- lated sugar on a piece of writing paper and drop a little red coloring on it, rub- bing together with a wooden spoon. Dry this, and keep in a tin box, covered, or a glass jar in a dark place. Fruit juices may be used, or the vegetable coloring matter may be bought of the druggist. Mrs. A. R. Tabor, of Crider, Mo., had been troubled with sick headache fur about fiveears whenshe began tap- ing Chamberlain's Tablets. She has taken two bottles of them and they have cured her. Sick headache is caused by a disordered stomach for which these tablets are especially intended Try them, get well and stay well. Sold by all dealers. During the sixteen years that Hon. James Wilson has presided over th united States Department of Agricul- ture that branch has grown from a de- partment with 2,444 employees and an appropriation of $$3,272,002 to 13,858, with an appropriation of almost $25,000,- 001). -Whereas there are now 52,000 re- quests every week for Department pub- lications, there were but 500 in 1897, and in this period 225,000,000 copies have bees dist ibuted. IL Do not suffer another day with Itching Bleed- ing, or 1?rotrud- ing Piles. No surgical oper- ation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and as certainly cure you. Sic. a box• all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sample box free if you mention this paper and enclose 2c, stamp to pay postage, Women who marry for a home pay big rent. it takes all the fun out of doing a thing if you get paid for doing it.. It may be a case of double dealing when a couple decided to marry. If your children are subject to at- tacks of croup. watch for the first sy mu- tons, hoarseness. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child be- comes hoarse and the attack may be warded off. For sale by all dealers. The first is always a practicing game she never intends to play. Nature generates facts, but fiction ie manufactured by man. Prof. Weston. organist at the Ayl- mer Methodist church, has resigned and goes to Aurora in January. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST O R i A One-half the women in the world want to get thin; the other half want to get fat. Nothing worries a nagging wife so much as a husband who went get clad. Many a girl who wouldn't make a good wife for a boor man would make a poor wife for a rich man. Persons troubled with partial paral- ysis are often very much benefited by massaging the affected parts thorough- ly when • applying Chamberlain's Lin- iment. This liniment also relieves rheu- matic pains, --For sale by all dealers. A woman may know a man like a book, but she can't look ahead and see his finish. You can never tell how many friends you haven't until you run for office or try to borrow money. A married woman likes to talk of the days when she was single and had ;t good time. Electric Restorer for Melt* Phosphotlot restates etery nerve in the body ratans rte t. s c r caste is ere t 9 P P qq kk vim and vitality. Premature derav an.l t,1[ aexnal weakness averted at once. Pho4liilnel will make von a new man. Prico S a box. or two for e5. Mailed to a:nv ad.lrrss. Trhe 8cobeli Drug Co.. St. Catharines. Ont You can't judge h Iteoman by her looks when she looks as if she didn't know you were looking. Germany has an airship capable of carrying a ei v of eighteen men on a four -days' trip. On her trial voyage she droppM a third of a ton of explos- ives on a tinge raft and destroyed it. By the time ('anada's navy is built. Dreadnoughts will be an easy prey to milittt_y airships. WE WOULDN'T EAT THEM. Queer Dishes Popular With Folks In -Other Parts of the World. What won't human beings eat? Frogs, for instance, served up whole and fried in bread crumbs, are con- sumed with a relish in Cambridge- shire and Norfolk, Eng. Doesn't sound especially tempting, does it? And yet why should only the legs of this hoarse -voiced denizen of ponds and swamps prove edible? Many of us are fond of oysters, clams, crabs, lob- sters and yet will not endure the thought of a snail, although the daily consumption by polite Parisians of snails, fed on green stuffs, and on bran soak in wine, sometimes reaches 50 tons. Truly this is a little world of greet wonders! In Central Africa they do not shout "Swat the fly !" They eat the fly. They pound the insects together in a mortar and hake them in little cakes, which probably resemble our currant and fruit cake. Captain Amundsen, the explorer, found t d dofi flesh palatable, though u h rather tough, and seal flesh as good as first-class beef. Epicures during the siege of Paris did not object to well-nourished sewer rats. If we were only .ss squeamish, the problem of Mee and rats would find a. pleasant solution which would lesson house- hold expenses. And yet such is American shrewdness—there would soon be rat barons and a fly trust— and a am ' prices wouldsoar It ward A t avelestates that they Cape bushmen eat spiders, grasshoppers, white ants, moths and grubs; that anteaters are found in various parts of the world, while Australian natives relish snakes. Some one, anxious that the world should go better and men and women he happier living the natural life, wrote a book entitled "Why Not Eat Insects." According to his testimony caterpillars taste like almonds, spiders like nuts and ants with butter and sugar are an exquisite sweetmeat. Anton Fitz, an esteemed virtuoso on violoncello at the Court of Mannheim, died from immoderate indulgence in spiders, which he ate with a passionatezest because they tasted to him like lus- cious strawberries. Burning of the Vanities. Savonarola once marked his strong condemnation of luxury by collecting a large number of articles which he regarded as vanities during the carni- val to be burnt in the Piazza della Signoria, Florence, on Shrove Tues- day, 1497. In this "burning of the vanities" were included fancy cos- tumes, carnival masks, false hair and rouge pots, cards and dice boxes, books and pictures, together with casts and valuable sculptures of ques- tionable character. Built up into a pyramid of seven stages — signifying the seven deadly sins—the pile was burnt by lighting fagots placed in the centre, while children standing round sang hymns before the assembled crowds. First Encyclopedia. The most ancient known attempt at what is called in these days an "en- cyclopedia" was Pliny's "Natural His- tory." This old work, a very high authority throughout the middle ages, is really a remarkable production and well deserves the fame that for so many ages belong to it. Pliny, who died in 79 A.D., was not a naturalist, a physician or an artist and did not pretend to be the wisest man of his time, yet such was his interest in knowledge that he devoted the leisure hours of a busy public life to come piling the work which did a vast amount of good in the world and pav- ed the way for the comprehensive en- cyclopedias of the present time. Diminutive Aztecs. The feminine direct descendants of the famous Aztecs are tiny creatures, exquisitely formed and refined in fea- ture. They carry the head with the upbearing grace of the full-blooded In- dian; their skins are not red, but a clear, smooth copper color that shines like gold in the sun; their hair is coarse and black as ebony, and they are decorated with bright feathers and gay ornaments. These women make the most wonderful pottery that conies to us from Mexico, for they have kept the old Aztec forms and decorations in their art, ataycl they also weave won- derful baskets and do exquisite em- broidery. The island of Rhodes. Rhodes was the centre cf the culture al.d commerce of the Aegean in the dam; when the Aegean meant the heart of civilization and the island was the battleground of mighty arma- das and formidable legions irons the day: of Alexander the Great to Mo- hammed. The island is the most east- erly of the Lerenn group. It la abr. tt forty-five miles long by about twenty- two wide. The island has been i'aun- e-me for its beautiful climate from the earliest ages, Metaphorically Speaking. "Let us nip this monster in the hurl before it overwhelms its ae an e•r testa. hug tidal wave!" shouted the ,"mg politician. "Perhaps," sail an en,, , i i't: •.1 campaigner in the Leek of CI! baa. would la better to sin.hi..t r,t:t lair heftre it beeotn's n f' -t:,. ter." A Clever Hint. Mrs. A.—There are time; t.':rn i silt I were a gnat!. Mr. A.—For inet.tttet'? h•'l. I . mite .. ;Ivgin r'. d win.µ au,l think him rh:a:.l yi c•.•:tvi make my utile by gime iI,•a :r c;.r bonnet. VeryConeiderete. Mr. grim --I see that test i r.• ... pounced that you int,••.::.! a;.i: your rai•,ney to elt:lt•.t- Mr. (irons', -yes; It t'. ' - a •. thousand distant u'lntives of attending my turernl. Proof. Bill --Is ire cuusical? Jill—oh, yes; be blows h:a , c >, . horn. ... ..- .a.) IMF LEV A21011E TALK ?® NE U SF WAS SU NERVOUS. ._es of the nervous sytem are •seasons. All the organs of the sound while tat nervous t as all upset, on account of the end worry uu whichtall lot 1al to the wooeto i s look atter tics trouble: t to housekeeping, nod when the "ecolue unstrung the heart is else • ..auni s Heart and Nerve Pills is ' a uletu.utent that will cure all lervuus disorder as well as act .rt it sell, and for tsar t::!::ea ivu • ..tv recommend town to all , %s,,aten. ;l al. a»'ki.It, 1'errat Nova, Ont., • 1. .. 1. to telt tem ateif 1 !taut beat I :tun i\ i ve l'ilt .tavous i could ,,w,,.l}' let any - 0 me. omit at ek•I. vt:r ti'ltl .t 'aajt,.tui s :: i Nerve I. aura.,, did not v more as ti.cy couTletely " t •1st.lii. titttt and Nerve fills are til teal is, or n d (greet on arise, du cents pt., Lon, 3 boaee t. u..lLurn Co., Limited, Toronto, After a girl makes up her mind that shewon't marry a certain n man if he Y does ask her, she will never forgive him if he doesn't ask her. Dr. de ':.plea's Feaaaaie Pills A rei.abie French regulator; never fails. These pills aro exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at 56 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. The Soobell Drug Co., St. Catharine., Ont. !:,any a young man is up with the lark I .rause he kept the lark awake all night. A movement is being started to se- ' cute• mail boxes for the town of Walk- : erton, as many citizens have to walk more than half a mile to post a letter, which is an inconvenience that the peo- `ple have been enduring for more than half a century. HELPING IN THE HOME To keep vegetables fresh and crisp dip a muslin bag or cloth flour sack (atter ft is cleaned) in cold water, wring it lightly, put in the vegetables and hang where the air can strike it.:; ktat4+ If a teaspoonful of.cornstarch is add ed to six tt a. I oonfuls ut salt and mix - e l e,. w i I be but little annoyance ?t. n n t:ietitle in damp weather. 'laic n oe a tnc divine stains from spoon rul. with a rag dipped in sulphuric acid wa-h with soapsuds and polish with soft chae oie satin. Ii is out n difficult to get curtains of sl:h, 1.on0;te or similar fabric to hang tvet,lt. It a weighted tape is sewed into the lower hem of the curtains there to ill be no difficulty in this regard. A loaf of bread will keep fresh much anger if placed in a covered stone crock instead of a tin box. Wrap the bread in a large cloth to exclude air and keep the crock in a cool place. Aplain, broad hem is always an effec- tive finisish to a tea or tray cloth. It will stand repeated launderings, and is far better than using a cheap lace or badly wo, ked crocheted edging. It's easy to be economical when you have neither money nor credit. Every girl passes through that part of her career when she imagine that gold trimming improves a pipe or a fountain pen. Men are like trees: they grow either crooked or straight. Occasionaaly a distant relation is en- tirely too close. Alex. Davidson, of Seaforth, has re- ceived a "Home Rule Rifle" from his cousin, Thot. White, of Dubin, Ireland. It is a blackthorn baton, shaped like a knob on one end and a leather thong on the other. Its weight is one and a half pounds. CART S raLE 1V'ER UR E Sick Dead :elle and relieve all the troubles foci. dent ton bilious state of the system, each as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowelne:+s Distress after endue, fain in the Side &e. While them'. Most remarkable esteems has been shown in ming 3 C Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver PHs ale equally vnlaablo in Constipation,curingnadpre' venting this annoyingeomplatntwhitettrealso correct ail disorders of thestomarlm, etheutatethe lie rand regulate the bowels. Even if tbeyoaly HEAD Achethey would healmostl:c l' ekes to ticosetabo suffer from this distressing complaint; butferin. natelytied r goodness does notendhere and them able InsomanyLwas chstthey little ling to do without them. But after all el*k head � HE Is the bate of no many lives that here Is tubalit we matte our great boast. Out Obscure itwhile others do not. very totaTe. LiOneoortswoptlsmukeadose. They are strictly vegetable awl do hot gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. tom 1l1IDICAiZ CO.► m? Tat ,r - A ROYAL DEMOCRAT. Late King of Sweden Enlisted as a Private Soldier. Perhaps the most notable character• i.stie of King Frederick VIII. of Den- mark, whose sudden death occurred sonic weeks ago, was his entire lack of osterltatiollsness. He was one of the :v 1 most democratic of monarchs, and a man who, like his father, King Christian, whom he succeeded in 1906, preferred the quiet, simple life of a country gentleman to that of the court mind society. This characteristic mark - .41 his whole life. As a student at the University in Copenhagen he lived not in his fath- er's nalaee. hut in students' lodgings, er.d boaste:1 of the fact that as a boy be need to black his own boots. He cI oe' rd.nn his military training as a sim- ple soldier in the ranks, being in due i:I'ic' promoted to the rank of eel.."cant. and was probably the only, European monarch with such a re- His e• d •d it late Majesty. s e•, . K ' t however, h ever, care more for study than soldiering, parti ettlarly historical study, while he tool the deepest interest in edueationa questions. Indeed, he was often term 1:1 the "Royal schoolmaster of Eu tone." He not only always maintain ,•'1 that the meet important considera tion to a nation was the training e its ehilrlm''n. but he made a -practice eisitine the a .c ,. Of his country Y and examining the pupils, to whom he gave prizes. was intensely iutereveed ?'! .1t1:. siren. and always liked to make the aequaisite nee of tiny youngsters who attracted his notice. On one occasion, when wanting near Charlottenlund P,,stle, he saw a nurse playing with two English children—a boy and a e'rl, who wens twins—on the grass, He asked the nurse whose children they were. "That is a curious question," said th mune, in English, "for I cannot se:' why they should interest you." Thr King answered, also in English: "I am sorry that I have Leen inquisi- tive without �� ! ut i u ntrc luc' '* in:, myself to you. I am King Frederick, and my sister is Queen Alexandra of Eng- land." The nurse at once answered his questions about her little charges, and the King sent his compliments to the parents tf the twins who had interest- ed him. Iiiul; Frederick was extremely fond of travellers eicotrnito, and was rather fond of visiting Paris with his wife, Queen Lemise—who, by the way, is the tallest Queen in Christendom, being considerably over six feet in height. As a matter of fact, he and his wife gore the first foreign royal couple to visit the President of the Frerch Re- public in state at the Elysee. Although he was passionately fond of study, the late King was a keen business man, and succeeded, it is said, in more than doubling the large fortune the Queen possessed at the time of her marriage with him in 1869. From her maternal grandfather, Prince Frederick of the Netherlands, Queen Louise inherited $15,000,000, and she was also left a huge fortune by her father. As most readers are doubtless aware, the late King's second son, Prince Charles, who married Princess Maud, laughter of Queen Alexandra, was elected Ring of Norway in 1005. One •,f King Frederick's dreams was a Scandinavian union of Sweden, Nor- way, and Denmark for mutual protec- ion; but this remains among the as- irations which he did not succeed in ealizing. Care( p An Adroit Duke. The Duke of Gramntont was the most adroit and witty courtier of his day. He entered one day the closet of Cardinal Materiel without being an- nounced. His eminence was amusing himself by jumping against the wall. To surprise a prime minister in so boyish an occupation was dangerous. A less skillful courtier might have stammered excuses and retired, The duke entered briskly and cried, "I'll bet you 100 crowns that I jump higher than your eminence!" and the duke end cardinal began to jump for their lives. Grammont took care to jump a few inches lower than ,the cardinal and was six months afterward marshal of France. Keeping Dogs as Pets. The fashion of keeping little dogs as objects of luxury is not at all mod- ern. Both Greek and Roman women used to have small pet dogs, over which they made as much fuss as does a fashionable lady of to -day over her poodle. Even men, usually for- eigners, were not ashamed to stroll about the Rcman streets carrying clogs in their arms. It is said that Julius Caesar, once seeing some men thus occupied, sarcastically inquired of them if the women of their country had no children.—Ave Maria. The Word "Slave." The word "slave" is a word of bril- liant historical antecedents. Its orig- inal, the Russian "slava," means glor- ious and is the title of that race which subsumes the Russian, le. But when the Germans redu hosts of the Slays to servitude their !name, from malice o^ accident, as Gibbon says, became synonymous .with "ser - Lighthouses, The Greeks attributed the first light- houses to Hercules, and he was Consid- ered the protector of voyagers. It is claimed by some that Homer refers to lighthouses in the nineteenth book of the `Iliad." Virgil mentions a light sot a temple to Apollo which, . i='hlo far out at sea, warned and Ay. In;u•iuers.. - Smaller Tips, • ° First Vuiter-This Mset t wrist contains eight ins, the pa ;005 five and the fincers fourteen. S.eond Waiter --Well. I never found fiv.' "bones" in my palm. The Dragon Fly. The .iragon fly possesses eyes cr.m- po;eel of an aggregation of about 500 000 smaller eyes. 4+r+.�vr44.0•Ve-++w4,00•J00i+04vra. 0•. ". • •9 S9d 34,*.a,'iv4Av(;-*0 *R50104. C., • Oa C 0 a •A v •r $3.00 WILL RENT A 4 4 a ♦ a 44 fLIGHT • • FOR ONE MONTH •• i °o ♦ 0 4 • 101C YMNARCIVa a 0 a 4 I no" i 4., --- -- o $15.00 WILL RENT A F'OR SIX MONTHS a Sifid Easy Payment Plan Illustrated Literature mailed upon Request Monarch Department Piergigton Type ricer Coi'ijiany, LffTEV 18-20 .Victoria Spuare, Montreal, Que. •eO:4047;;CO4,3;030904•.9»101,'>v00 4C+w"e::•00•9<9G•n o Children Cry I Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA I CAS ORI.A, P �INTI�;G AND STATIONERY: We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILiET PAPER PLAYII'G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever to your wants in the Job Printing orders will receive prompt a Leave your order with when in need of before to attend line and all ttention. us LETTER HEADS BULL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require:in the printing line. Sulbsosiptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wingham, - Onto C- t