HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-01-02, Page 13,7
VOL. XLI.-=NQ. 211:1
all a
1, W.
"Eyesight Tested Freed
glasses supplied when needed at
reasonable prices.
C. N.
Coupled with
Issuer of Marriage
thretata 6
Offloe over Maloolm's Grooery.
Christie's Grocery
Wish You
The Season
• •
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
[By Frederick Harelde Beach]
I steal along the p
With shamed he
To shelter from u
A store -tied pur
Iv'e got to we
For wife pres
blic ways,
d hanging low,
friendly gaze
le bow.
r the thing youyseh,
nted it to mei
I dare not turn m trousers up
Though streetse 9 e runnin'yvet:
My gorgeous stick are openwork,
Pink cheeU4 on iolet.
I've g.tto we r the blame things
Mys'.ter gav:methem,sweetdunce,
I dare n
My han
Is pret
I've go
My love
longer . ow my nose
the pub c view;
erchief of pale old rpie
'1y frinted with tilde.
to us + the ttfg, you know,
oiti5e -in-law to show
1 don't mind thi . s that can't be seen,
Like orange u . ershirts,
Suspenders or p amas green
The thing that eally huts
• Is wearing here all men may see
The things t ie women gave to me.
TATION CO., THE C. P R. Tickets to
any place in the world
Town •Agents.
Local 0
A public meeti
local option will
Hall, Thursday
tion Meeting.
g in the interests of
e held in the Town
vening, January 2nd.
Prof. Hallam, of Toronto and Alderman
McQuaker, of 0
speakers. Mr.
well-known bari
to, has been eng
solos at this mee
cordially invited.
en Sound, will be the
oward Russell, the
ne soloist, of Toron-
ged and will render
ing. The public are
Mrs. George S
of Clinton, died i
nesday, Dec. 18t
for some time.
years of age, and
who survives her,
ton for 35 years.
Swarts, was the
ily circle. The d
known here, havi
her son, Mr. J. E
arts, an old resident
that town on Wed -
She had been ill
rs. Swarts was 79
with her husband,
had resided in Clin-
The passing of Mrs.
rst break in the fam-
eased lady was well -
g frequently visited
NOTICE—Having purchased a hard-
ware business in another town, all ac-
counts owing us must be paid at once.
—Richardson and Rae.
Choir Leade
The members o:
drew's Presbyter
very pleasant time
and Mrs. J. W.
day evening last,
for the purpose of
their kindly feelin
Geo. W. Cline.
upholstered in lea
tie pin were pre'
who tendered his
members of the c
r Remembered.
the choir of St. An -
an Church spent a
at the home of Mr.
IcKibbon, on Thurs-
the gathering being
the members showing
to the Leader, Mr.
beautiful easy chair,
ther and a beautiful
ented to Mr. Cline,
hearty thanks to the
oir for their kind re-
FEI•:D CORN—A carload of the very
choicest Amercan feed corn will arrive
this week. This car is the best quality
of dry corn. See us for prices. J.L.
Pretty Decen, ber Wedding.
On Thursday, De .• 26th, the weather
man did his best to .ring sunshine for
another of those h ppy events which
have enlivened out town during the
past few months.
At twelve o'clock noon, the wedding
march was played is the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Well good, and following
its strains, their daughter, Lauretta,
was unitedin marri ge with Mr. Frank
Howson, one of ou promising young
business men.
The ceremony was perforated by Rev.
Wm. L. Rutledge D. D. The bride was
assisted by her sist ', Miss Elizabeth
W e llwood of New Yo 'k,while the groom
was ably supported , his brother, Mr.
Richard Howson of T ronto. The gown
which rendered the b ide most fair, was
of cream crepe silk, immed with real
lace, both from West hina. She car-
ried a shower bouque of cream roses
and lilies -of -the -valley The bridesmaid's
costume was.of pink repe silk draped
with pink chiffon clot • and her bouquet
was of pink roses. ollowing the cere-
mony, Mr. Frank H "1 added to the en-
joyment of all by 'rendering a solo
in his splendid style. After the forty
guests, most of wltont were immediate
relatives, had partaken of dinner, the
party drove to the G. T, R. depot to
mingle with showers of confetti the best
of wishes and heartiest of congratula-
f tions for the lfaiipy couple, Arnong
the many useful and handsome presents
highly prized eighty-year-old Clock
the gift of the room's grandmother
and also there a severs] unobtrpsive
cheques and grey nbacks, all of which
in a measure nidi *ate the esteem with
which the bride td groom are held by
friends and relati es. After a ten days'
trip to Toronto, ontreal and Quebec.
Mr. and Mrs. 1 meson will return to
Wingham where hey expect to make
their home. ; . .
Read Willis & Co.'s Adv. on page 8
Car Loa
Mr. A. M. Craw
the Ford antomobi
car load of 1913 m
Saturday last. In
touring cars and
rrawford reports t
so will see a large
use In this section.
r Three H
/Mr, J. D. McEw
Morris, met with
nesday evening,
horses were killed
let the horses out
er and they went
to the track and w
by the engine on t
London. There w
and a one year of
were injured, but
will recover. Fort
Mr. McEwen's hea
is he has lost three
less than $300,00.
of Autos.
ord, local agent for
s, received his first
del of Ford cars on
the lot are two fine
a run -about. Mr.
at the coming sea -
umber more cars in
rses Killed
n, of the 1st line of
heavy loss on Wed -
hen three of his
Mr. McEwen had
of the stsble for wat-
own the road and on
re killed being struck
e evening train from
re two sucking colts
Two other horses
it is thought they
nately it was not
y horses, but as it
nimals worth not
prices paid for all
Extra Goo
Mr. Jas. Elli
an extra good re
ing the past sea
sent to the Blue
is the record for
ED.—Highest cash
kinds of live poultry,
hone 10.
Cream Record.
t, of Turnberry made
ord with his cows dur-
on, The cream was
le creamery and here
eight cows for six
Value '
627 $321.64
This record showthe return which
can be obtained frim good cows.
TIPLING & MILLS are prepared to buy
all kinds of first-class grain, also a
market for any quantity of first-class
hay and straw at their warehouse G.T.
R. Station.
�� —
Hockey Club ' e -organized.
The Wingham H
organized for thi
following officers:
Dr. J. P. Kenned
Van Stone; Hon.
Spotton, J. W. Mc
Management Com
L. Mitchell, Harr
T. Elliott; Secret
Treas., R. Brooks.
arrangements wit
the use of the rin
hockey club last
mises to be very
winter. The Clu.
composed of Win
Lucknow of the
some good games
boys are looking
al support of our
local club played
Listowel on Christ
by a score of 5 to
. key Club has been
season with the
Honorary President,
President, C. G.
ce Presidents, Geo.
ibbon, B. J. Doyle;
ittee, Jas. Phalem,
McLean; Manager,
ry, R. A. Currie;
The Club has made
Mr. Stephenson for
, and as we had no
ear. the sport pro -
popular during this
is in this District
ham, Listowel and
rthern League and
i11 be played. The
.r the loyal and liber -
towns people. The
friendly game at
as night and lost
Strong boy wan e'at once.—Kerr &
A Pretty H me Wedding.
At high noon n Thursday of last
week, a very pre ty wedding took place
at the home of Mr. William Moore,
Shuter Street, hen his daughter, Miss
Edith Pearl, w joined in wedlock to
Mr. Alexander McDougall, of Ham-
ilton, and form rly,of Wingham. The
ceremony was p rformed by Rev. D. Per-
rie, in the pres nce of a number of in-
vited guests. he bride looked beaut-
iful in a gown f white ivory duchess
satin with over dress of lace, and car-
ried a bouquet f bridal roses. The bride
was given awa by her father and was
unattended. T e wedding march was
played by Mis4 Jennie Matheson and
Miss Mae Mo re, sister of the bride
rendered that eautiful solo "Because."
After the we ing dinner and the ex-
tending of he rty congratulations, Mr.
and Mrs. Mc ougall left on the after-
noon G. T. R. train for Hamilton and
Toronto. Th bride and groom are pop-
ular young p ople and they will have
the best wisi els of a large circle of
friends for a ng, happy and prosper-
ous wedded 11 e. Among the guests
present from distance were Mr. and
Mrs. Alex. icDougatl, sr., Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Pea ', Mrs, Duncan McDoug-
all, of Upderw od; Miss R, Matheson,
Tiverton;•Mr. nd Mrs. A Giles, Mr.
L. B. Morton,Ir. Millar, Mr. Ind Mrs.
C. r. Moore, o Toronto; Miss Peacock,.
of Barrie; Mr. Oliver Milts, Saskatoon;
Mr. and Mrs. . Chown, Clinton;. Mr.
and Mrs. E. L ndy, Blyth.
select from at low ,rices. •
V. 3, GREI• %
A nubile me
zens of Wingh
in the Town
evening for th
cussing the St
by-laws. All
asked to atte
ting of the citi-
m will be held
Tall on Friday
purpose of dis-
et and Jackson
ratepayers are
this meeting.
We have heard ome talk on the point
that Mr.. Vannor an should have been
given a hearing b the Council before
his dismissal, and "that summary dis-
missal by a Counc 1 in its dying hours,
has a decidedly ar itrary look, and will
lead many to t nk that there was
something else be ind the act.'' Coun-
cillor Elliott can h nestly say thatnoth-
ing other than loo ing to the best in-
terests of the to n influenced him in
the casting of his vote for the dismiss-
al of Mr. Vann. man. Nor have we
ever in any publ c position allowed a
petty difference of opinion to influence
us in the dischare of public duty. We
believe this is al.o true of the other
members of Cou cil who voted for dis-
Men in Munici.al Councils should not,
and usually do n. t, allow themselves to
be tied down to ny one clique or fact-
ion. Do your plin and honest duty,
should be the ai of every man in
municipal life.
Were the mem ers of the 1912 Coun-
cil elected to ho! office and transact
business only unti December 2nd, 1912,
or until their suc.•ssors were installed
in office? Why the difference in per-
forming a duty i December than if the
same duty were s erformed in July.
Other town o cials have been ap-
pointed in the d -ing hours of a Coun-
cil and we hear no complaint. Why
the complaint in the recent case?
Mr. Wyles, a ormer manager of the
Electric Light t' epartment was dismiss-
ed without a h aring. Did the Com-
mittee of that ear make a mistake?
Mr. Ransden also' a former manager
of the Electric 1 ight Department was
dismissed with.ut a hearing. It is gen-
erally admitted that the Committee did
not make a mi ,ake?
Did Postma er Fisher get a hear-
ing or any wa ning before he was noti-
fied to vacate the living rooms in the
post office but ding? Was that giving
a man British ustice and a fair deal.
The Chief . f the Fire Brigade at
Guelph was di missed without a hearing
on account of wearing at his men while
on duty. Did the Guelph authorities
deal unfairly with their Fire Chief?
Did the Wingl am Council deal unfairly
when the me bers of the Council had
at first had ta happenings on the 16th
of October wh n the Fire Inspector vis-
ited Wingham?
Did the the numerous Postmasters,
Collectors of lustoms and other officials
who have bee dismissed by both Lib-
eral and Co ^ervative Governments,
without a hear'ng, get British Justice?
County C1er1 Lane, of Goderich had
his commission o issue marriage licenses
withdrawn wit out any warning. Was it
a square deal?
The Postmas er at Winchester, after
serving in the . ifice for over sixty years
was dismissed ecently, and without
first getting a haring.
Vote for the candidate who will hors_
eitly look after ' OUR interests. It is
YOUR' duty to 'eke the selection of
men you think q alified to fill the var-
ious positions.
We are all part ers in the affairs of
the town and rat payers should see that
good men are plated as managers of the
affairs of Wingha .
It is true that t ouncillor Elliott is the
paid officer of a umber of societies s1
companies and h is proud to think t t
the members of t ese organizations 1. . e
the confidence in him to place him in
the various respo sible positions, some
of which he has h Id for a number of
years. If the go d people of Wingham
elect Councillor E liott as Reeve he will
find time to give honest and faithful
service. We are of usually found ne-
glecting any dutyyy''
Councillor Ellio t has been supplying
the Town with hi share of the printing
for fifteen and half years and at a
price as low and i many cases lower than
other munieipalit es in the county pay
for the same el ss of work. The law
permits a news per man to serve in
the Council and at the same time do
printing and ad rtising for the muni=
eipality. We hop to spendmany more
years as a good ci izen of Wingham; re-
ceive our share f municipal printing,
and to do our ful share in boosting the
town, through th pres, and privately.
, Band ill Serenade.
The Wingham 'itizens E end will ser-
enade the citizei /of Wingham on New
Year's day. Th .proceed, reali.:ed from
the serenade wi go into the reasury of
the band for t1 nlrcbase of new music,
•etc. It is Sop 't1 that everybody will
give liberally ai`;tltrelp the band ke eping
up their good i'(eputation.
Candidates in Wi r ham and Neighbor-
ing Mun cipalities.
The municipal •urination meeting
held in Wingham on onday evening was
largely attended. t the close of the
hour for receiving ominations, Town
Clerk Groves announ ed that hehad re-
ceived the following ominations for the
various positions, viz..—
Fen MA OR.
William Bone, by J. . Mills and R.
George McKenzie, b Simon Mitchell
and Gilbert Stevens.
V. R. VanNorman, b Wm. Holmes
and D. E. McDonald.
C. G. VanStone, by R chard Anderson
and Dr. R. 0. Redmond
Geo. Spotton, by D. ell and Abner
Thos. Gregory, by W Bone and Geo.
Simon Mitchell, by Ale
Geo. Wraith.
H. B. Elliott, by Geo.
Peter McLaren.
D. E. McDonald, by V4
A. M. Crawford.
J. Walton McKibbon,
and Dr. R. C. Redmond.
x. Young and
McKenzie and
m. Holmes and
by H. Davis
Wm. Isbister, by H. ;Davis and C.
Alex. Young, by W. A i Currie and A.
J. Alderson.
W. A. Currie, by D. E McDonald and
J. W. McKibbon.
J. A. Mills, by H. E. sard and W.
A. Campbell.
D. Bell, by Geo. Spott n and W. A.
Geo. Spotton, by R. Clegg and J. A.
Wm. Holmes, by D. Bell and D. E.
Dr. R. C. Redmond, b W. F. Van -
Stone and George Wynn
Robert Day, by S. Mi chell and Gil-
bert Stevens.
Charles Barber, by filbert Stevens
and Robert Day.
D. E. McDonald, by Wien. Holmes and
David Bell.
W. J. Boyce, by D. Bell and William
A. E. Lloyd, by J. L. !Awde and J. A.
V. R. VanNorman, by; A. Fleming and
W. F. VanStone.
Thos. Gregory,
ore Spotton
g Y, gand
H. 13. Elliott.
John Glenn, by Fre. Davidson and
Wm. Guest.
W. J. Greer, by J. A. McLean and
D. Bell.
Ward 1—H. E. Isa d, by W. J. Greer
and A. H. Musgrove
Ward •?—Wm.Mo.re, by H.B. Elliot
and J, A. Mills,
Ward 3—Robert eattie, by D. Bell
and A. Fleming; A. Tipling, by J. A.
Mills and H. 13. Elli.tt; J. L. Awde, by
Wm. Fessant and C arles Cook.
Ward 4—Dr. A. J Irwin, by C. N.
Griffin and Wm. Ho mes.
In wards 1, 2 and , H. E. Isard, W m.
Moore and Dr. A. J. Irwin are elected
by acclamation. In ward 3, Mr. John
Galbraith has reeig d, and Mr. Beat-
tie resigned on Tuesay morning so this
will leave Messrs. "ipling and Awde
elected for Ward 3.
At the close of th • nominations, A.
H. Musgrove, M. P P., was voted to
the chair and called on the candidates
in the order in whic they were nomin-
In order that the IMES staff may en-
joy the New Year l oliday, we go to
press this week sh rtly afternoon on
Tuesday, and it is ntpossible to give
any outline of the s eeches. The order
in which the candid tes addressed the
ratepayers was as f.11ows: —Wm. Bone,
Geo. McKenzie, V. . Vannorman, C. G.
Van Stone, Geo. S,.tton, Thos. Greg-
ory, S. Mitchell, H. 13. Elliott, J. W.
McKibbon, D. E. M Donald, Wm. John-
ston, W. A. Currie . nd J. A. Mills.
At the request of ` he ratepayers, Mr.
H. Campbell, the manager of the Elect-
• ric Light Departtn nt addressed the
meeting and explain d has position in
connection with the atters under dis-
The candidates ha 'e until 9 o'clock
on Tuesday evening i which to qualify
and We are not in a ..sition;to give the
names of the candid tes whose names
will appear on the 'ballot paper next
We are pleased to ee so many of our
ratepayers intereste ; in the affairs of
the town. It is the uty of every rate-
payer to see the bus': ess (1 the town
is properly eonduete . We are all part-
artners in the business 'end it is the duty
of every one of us tt do our full share
in the proper condn ting of the busi-
ness. The whole In tter is in the bands
of the ratepayers : Id they have the
choosing of men for the ditierent oflie
For Reeve—T. K. Powell and John
Mulvey. For Council ors—Arthur Wheel-
er, John Rutherfor , John Mcl3urney,
John J Moffat,Pete S.MeEwen and Jos-
eph Wellwood.
For Reeve—P, Scott and J. N.
Campbell. For Cou cillors—J. L Stone-
house, R. Buchana , R. Henry, Wm.
Robinson, Rich. Ir in, II. Deacon, W.
J. Currie.
For Reeve —John Shortreed, John F.
McCracken, C. J. C. mpbell, Wm.Elston.
Councillors—W.H. 'reser, Wm. Thueli,
Wm. Laidlaw, W, Henderson, John
Watson, Geo. Proct.r, W. Cunningham
and D. Johnston.
Choral Socie y Practice.
The Choral Society ill meet for prac-
tice in the Council C amber on Tuesday
evening, Jan. 7th. 'ractice is to com-
mence at 8 o'clock. All members are
requested to be pres nt.
WANTED --A good irl to do general
house work. No washing or ironing.
Good wages to compe ent girl. Apply
at TIMES office.
The committee app rated at the last
regular meeting of th Council met on
Thursday evening. A communication
was read, signed by all the members of
the Fire Company, in II'which regret was
expressed at the dis Ijssel of late Chief
Vannorman and they ould not recom-
mend any person. T e Fireman also ad-
vised the Council to g according to the
by-laws which made provision for lst
Lieutenant to be in charge during the
absence of the chief. They also express-
ed the belief that the 1913 Council
should make the p manent appoint-
ppointment of a chief. .
Moved by Coun. V nStone and Reeve
McDonald, that the communication of
Fire Company be ref rred to the whole
Moved by Coun. B ne and Milis in
amehdment that R. - . Dinsley be ap-
pointed Chief of the Fre Company.
On the yeas and n Fre
being taken,
the amendment carried on the following
division,Yea—Spottgt , Bone,Mills. Nay
—McDonald, VanSt4ne.
At the conclusion of the committee
meeting, a special meeting of the Coun-
cil was held and the report of the com-
mittee presented.
Moved by Reeve ' cDonald and Coun.
McKibbon, that rep rt of committee be
not acted upon and that provisions of
by-laws be carried nut.
Moved by Coun. i' lliott and Bone in
amendment that threport of the com-
mittee appointed to engage a Chief of
the Fire Brigade to .e confirmed by this
The amendment as carried on the
following division, I ea--Spotton, Bone
Mitchell. Mills, Elli.tt. Nays - McDon_
ald, VanStone, McKi Mon.
On motion of Coun. Elliott and Bone
it was provided that s ngle circuit tele-
phone be placed in ne chief's residence
and that new Chief having placing of
partly line phone now n his house in the
home of one of the Pi eman and that
Council be not further responsible for
payment of telephone in late Chief's
residence after theist .f Jannarynext.
Celebrated Golde
An event which few
vileged to celebrate w
Monday by Mr. and Mr
son, Centre street whe
vileged to celebrate t
ding. Mr. Robertson
Fifeshire, Scotland and
whose maiden name wa
Kenzie, and was born in
tario County. On the 31'
1862, they were united
Columbus, the late Rev,
people are pri-
s celebrated on
. David Robert -
they were pri-
it golden wed-
s a native of
Irs. Robertson,
Mary Ann Mc -
Columbus, On -
h of December,
in marriage at
Dr. King, per-
forming the ceremony. Immediately
after their marriage de young couple
moved to the 12th co cession of East
Wawanosh and reside OD that conces-
sion up to eight year& ago when they
moved to Wingham. he members of
the family are Mrs. 4. McBurney, and
Miss Tena, at home IJavid of Toronto;
George M., Mrs. H. 14. McGee and Mrs.
Wm. Arbuckle, of t e 12th concession
of East Wawanosh.
Monday a hap -
time was spent ttt the familyhomo
py p
and after dinner hat( been served, Mr.
and Mrs. Roberts i n were presented
with a purse of gol All the members
of the fancily, with their husbands and
wives were presen as well as Mr. and
Mrs. Alex. McK i nzie, of Columbus;
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kenzie, of Bolton;'
Mr, and M ; . ,,Deli and Miss Jam-
ima Me • ' 'iingham. Both Mr.
and ,ti are in their 78th
Y • • else •crele of friends
,yuaer years of hap -
The Home of Good 7
Shoes wishes each
of its many Friends
and Patrons
New Year
It is generally admitie •
taking everything into c
ation, farms in this Count;
selling below their actual. ,
value, and that a rise must
come soon The shrewd
investor will buy now.
South r lot 13, con 3, l5or
ris. 100 acres. gond from e
house and bank barn, Two
orchards, goa d fences, 6
acres fall wheat, 20 acres fall
plowed Will he sold cheap
to wind tp an estate.
(2) North of lot 47 and 48,
m orris, 11 storey brick house,
bank barn and drive shed.
On good gravel road and
near market. Beason for
selling, owner vi ants to buy
a larger farm.
Full particulars of above and
many others, at office.
Ritchie & Cosens
To the Electors of
Ladies and G
that personal ca
contest:: should b
not and never h
canvas of the ele
in Wingham for n
century and you
business and muni
sider me worthy o�
position of Reeve,
ence will be ver
My aim in the
will be tp at all t
interests of the t
sult of the voting
feat. Best wished
and prosp2rous N
Tingham: --
ntlemen, - Believing
assing in municipal
discouraged', is am
ve. made a personal
ors. I have resided
arty a quarter of a
know niy record in
ipal life. I£ you con -
your support for the
your vote and inllu-
much appreciated.
ture, as in the past.
mes work in the best
wn, whether the re-
means election or de -
for a bright, happy
w Year to you all.
obedient servant,
11. B. Elliott.
H. DA • IS
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern ,Lines
Ocean Steamships.
Thousands of ambitious -onus People
arabeing instruote3 m their horns*
Ott&Home stmty Dent. Yon may ANL
atCollegr'i 's On dt.ir. Naa w .•n•
ever'you Thirty . su + p. r.
-Jews,. Lara* st trainers rs ' e,' (t,titia.
Fater any day. Positions i;uarsnt.', d.
If yen wish to save r:.aad and i«ata.
While you earn, write 3or eart;eelsrs.
WIngl,um Rusiaess Colteg'�
tiro. SPOi'ho'v. Pt•caiaent �.