HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-12-26, Page 5TIIE WINGHAM TIMES, DECEIIBH,R 26 1912 GIIR1STN1AS SUGGESTIONS BY McGEE & CAMPBELL Below we offer a few sug- gestions for early Christmas shoppers, Neckwear of all kinds, always a popular gift; Shirts plain and fancy, Silk Knitted Neck Scarfs in all colors; Hosiery in Silk, Cashmere and Worsteds; Mitts and Gloves lined or unlined; Braces, Arm Bands and Garters, all in Fancy Boxes; Collar Cases; Silk Umbrellas; Bath Robes; Handkerchiefs in Silk, Linen and Exceldas; Sweater Coats and many other lines just as suitable. Buy your Christmas Presents early. Get the first choice and have your worries over. McGee & Campbell AGENTS, WINGHAM. •+444444+•+G+•••404+4444• 4440.4••0+++••++•••+•4404+• G 4. • a 0 0 4 • • P A 6 4. .g P 0 4. 4 • 4. a • 6 F 4. 4 4 4 0 4 d �i • 4. 4 4~ 4. e: 0 a 9 4 a h 46 t3 • O a O 4. + b a • + 4 4 • 4 • • + FUR SETTS FUR LINED COATS, SWEATER COATS • • • • • • • 4 -• • • • 4 • 4. 4 .4 • • • • .+ .• •• 4 .4 4 • .• • 4 4 4 • 4 • 0 4 v 4 + 4 RISTMAS SHOPPING Coin. d see what we have for you to buy in suitaht:. ,'fts for everyone. Christmas buying canbe ne here where we have, many new novelties to show you. HANDERCHIEFS in Christmas boxes, initialed and plain. JABOTS in Christmas boxes, in lace and chiffon. FANCY ELASTIC BELTS in Christmas boxes. MEN'S KNITTED TIES in Christmas boxes, 25c, 50c, 75c and $I.00. MEN'S SILK TIES in Christmas boxes. MEN'S SILK KNITTED MUFFLERS in Christ- mas boxes. MEN'S SILK HOSE in Christmas boxes. - MEN'S FANCY BRACES AND ARMLETS in Christmas boxes. LADIES' FANCY WHITE WAISTS in fancy 4 e boxes. •FANCY AVIATION "APS, Ladies' and Misses' • $[.00, $I.25, $t.50. •e FANCY CUSHION TOPS. o FANCY WHISK HOLDERS. •+• CHILDRENS' PURSES 25c. 0010EtUOII. Notice of the appointment of W. I: Kelly, J. P., as police magistrate of the town a Goderich at a salary of $800, to be paid by the town, in place of John Butler, removed, was received Friday, At a meeting of the town council a resolution was submitted pro- testing against the town paying hint the salary, the population not being the felt 5,000 required by law to compel them to do so. 4 Makes very heavy Christmas Gifts. Mink Setts, a • Petsian Lamb Setts, Sable Setts, Mink Marmot •Setts, Grey Lamb Setts, Grey Wolf, in newest + styles all guaranteed. Fur Lined Coats—We • • have a large stock of Fur Lined Coats, with best •+• Canadian Rat Lining at $65 bo, Canadian Coon •• quilted linings, our prices are right. Sweater e Coats—In red, blue, navy, Blazier's for Men, • Collared Coats Mink Collared Coats in fur and ;• Women and Children, from $1.25 to ti5.Oo. .• ° • • • i We • want I, ow . • $T, HELENS. [Intended for last week] Mr. E. Phillips diedon Saturday morn- ing. He was 78 years old. The funer- al to Green Hill cemetery on Monday afternoon was very largely attended. The Rev. Wm, Maclntosh is spend- ing some time at Montreal. Rev, Mr. Thume of Palmerston occupied his pul- pit last Sunday. Elliott Miller has gone to New Ontario. Quite a number from here attended Fat Stock Show at Guelph. Geo. Miteheson has moved to the vil- lage. J. Baker has taken a job of taking out Jothan Farier's maple, beach and elm. There are quite a number of Xmas trees around here. WHITEGRt7ECH. Walter Lott is leaving Mr. Deyell's farm near Zetland, and moving onto the Robt, Henderson farm, Mr. Robt. Rolstonis leaving the Henderson farm and we understand he intends going to New Ontario. Mr: Rolston will be very much missed in Whitechurch. Mr. Thos. Moore has had the apples delivered to Whitechurch. They are stored in the creamery. A lot of eight- een barrels was badly frozen and not over four barrels of good ones will be saved out or the eighteen. Packers paid 75 cents per barrel and will likely be out money at that price. Annual meeting of Creamery Com- pany on Friday afternoon of this week. Mr. Geo, Wilson is getting his mill in shape for chopping, and people of this district will be pleased when the mill is running. + + a + 0 4 + • s e 4 a • s • ERE SSELS, Thos. Friendship, jr. of Teeswater, formerly of Brussels, was recently mar- ried to Miss Mary Chestel, of the same place. We wish them many happy and prosperous years. It is said Thomas Newsom will be ap- pointed Bailliff of 'the 4th Division Court as successor to the late Eneas Crich. We wish him a pleasant occup- ancy of office. The Ament sawmill staff are now busy in the bush cutting logs, wood and bolts. P. Ament has timber on the McCaughy and Manning farms in Morris and Geo. Turnbull's in Grey. Councillor Ament & Son, of Brussels have leaved the sawmill and cooperage shops' of the former's brother, Wm. Ament, in Seaforth and will take charge for the coming year, the proprietor in- tending to visit the West, wherehe has business interests. a THE DOMINION BANK SIR EDMUND 9, OGLER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. P. mermeWS, VIOE-PRESIDENT, C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. Capital paid up Reserve Fund Total Assets 34,900,000 $5,900,000 373,000,000 Financial Headway of the sure and permanent kind is rarely made wtthout the assistance of a Savings Bank Account. It stimulates saving, keeps the money In absolute safety, increases it with interest, and provides the ready cash to take advantage of the business opportunities which come ones way. WINGHAM BRANCH: N. EVANS, Manager. GO.RRIE. Very sudden was the death of Mrs. R. McGill, on Sunday, Dec. 18th. Though for some time past she had not been well, yet the last week she had been much improved, and the family was looking forward to a glad re -union at Christmas time. On Friday previous, Mrs. Mc- Gill had been busy about her household duties, and in the evening about six o'clock was straining the milk, when suddenly she complained of a pain in her head. Her daughter rushed to her side, but in a moment she was uncon- scious from apoplexy, and passed away, having never recovered consciousness. iMrs. McGill was 67 years of age, and was born in County Cavan, Ireland. About 48 years ago she and two other sisters, Mrs. Geo. Strong and Mrs. Dane, came to Canada, and 14 years ago she was married to Robert McGill. They took up their abode on the 12th con. of How - ick. Eight years ago they retired and settled in Gerrie, Mrs. McGill was a member of the Methodist church. She leaves her husband, one son, William, of Turnberry; two daughters, Mrs. R. Ferguson, of Howick, and Etta, at home. All kinds of tradewanted.4 your1 • q & i • ,.r • PHONE 70. • -4444.444444.4444••4•,•44•• •4••••••••••••••••••••••444I 4 tends putting on a number of improve- ments to barn and probably will build a new modern house on this old hom e stead. EAAT WAWA IC0873 The last meeting of the council for 1912 was held on Dec. 16th. Members all present. Minutes of Iast meeting read and confirmed communication from Joseph Johnston received asking per- mission to cut some trees opposite his property, lot 33, con. 5 Filed. An ex- tension of time was given the contractor on the Toll Drain, it having been impos- sible to have completed this contract this past season . The sum of $185.53 was ordered to be refunded to the E. Wawanosh ratepayers of the Un. S. S. No. 5, Auburn. A misunderstanding having occurred between the clerk and trustees over the requisition for amount required by said school section. The collector was given time till Feb. lst next to return his roll for the bal- ance of taxes remaining as yet unpaid. A large number of accounts were paid which will appear in the financial statement, when the Council then ad- journed. @InURls. Mrs. Sholdice sr, of the West gravel road, has not been enjoying very good health of late. She is over 80 years of age. We hope she will soon improve. of merit. Tax'Collector Turnbull made nearly a Ii. -S. Elliott. clean sweep of taxes before the cSr. lose of Jr. II,—S. Gallaher; December 14th when 5% was added. Cloakey, R. Barrett, Only about $100 was unpaid out of a Gannett; C. Elliott. sum of $22,674. A. Bishop made about the same clear up in the North. Mrs. A. Laidlaw and daughters, Miss- es Mary and Margaret, have left for a holiday visit to California and will be away for a. month or more. Mrs, Laid- Mundell;G. Elliott; M. Finlay;E,McGee. law has a brother out there. It will be A. Geddes, Assist. a fine trip and we wish the ladies an A. I time and a safe return home. Ivie Cousins and wife have taken up residence on the farm formerly owned by Angus Shaw, 5th on. It is said W. A. Shaw, of Vancouver, B. C., in - A. Porterfield, Cl erk. utU1✓vAe.,E. The shareholders and patrons of the Bluevale Cheese and Butter Company held a very successful annual meeting in the Foresters' hall on Wednesday afernoon of last week. The reports pre- sented showed the butter factory to havd had a very successful season. The following Directors were elected:— Jas. Elliot, Arthur Wheeler, Arthur Shaw John F.McCracken and Wm. El. sten. Arthur Shaw was elected as Pre- sident. Mr.Jno.Burgess, who has for many years been the able and efficient Secretary, tendered his resignation and Mr. S. Paul was elected as Secretary - Treasurer. Report of Bluevale School, month of December. Senior Room, subject ex- amined in Art and Arith. Names with percentage below. Sr. IV. - M. Grey 800; C. Diment870; C. Curtis 890; L. Melburn 600; W. Shaw 727; E. Wilburn 600, M. Blat.k 427; C. Black 407 L. Breckenbridge 447. Jr. IV. --W. Holmes 537; John Gray 500; L. Elliott 74; C. Jewitt547. Sr. III. --A. Fraser 467; II. Haney80; M. McGee 527; P. Smeltzer 62; L. Nicholson; E. Churchill 32; L, McKin- ney 33. Junior III.— C. McDonald 68; H. Messer 56; E. McKinney 59; A. Smelt- zer 68; R. Breckenridge, L. A. Posliff, Prin. The following is the report of the Junior Room of S. S. No. 4, Bluevale, for the month of Dec. Names in order M, Curtis, B. C. Elliott; 13. Pt. IL—J. Watson; A. McKinney. Sr. L --J. Breckenridge; H. Watson; Ii 41cDonald; C. Elliott; M. Finlay. Jr. I. --A. Cook; J. Grey; J. Black;E. Nichol; C. Gannett; C. Messer; W. 1LELGR.IVR. The annual Christmas entertainment of Trinity Church Sunday School was held on Friday evening, 20th inst, and as usual was most successful. A splen- did programme which was heartily ap- plauded by the large audience was given by the young people of the church as- sisted by Blyth Choir. The Cantata "Santa Claus and the Star Queen” was splendidly performed by the Sunday School and teachers. The part of Star Queen being especially well done, and Santa Claus of course is always pleasing to the children, the singing of little Mil- dred and John Perdue of Clifford was much enjoyed. The ladies drill was very much admired while the "back- ward drill" by the little girls convulsed the audience with laughter. The sing- ing by the Trinity church choir of Blyth in anthems and solos was heartily ap- preciated and enjoyed while Miss Helen Cummings recited very acceptably. In recitations, dialogues, ete,each one per- formed his or her part very creditably, and the Sunday School is to be congrat- ulated on the great success of the enter- tainment, proceeds amounted to about fifty dollars. A High -Clara Concert. The Directors of Turnberry Agricul- tural Society have made arrangements for a high-class concert which will be held in the opera house on Tuesday evening, Jan. 14th, 1913, The follow- • ing well-known artists will furnish the program:—Geo. Neil, Scottish Vocalist; Flora McIver Craig, concert soprano; Miss B. May Rance, elocutionist; Eddie Piggot, singing comedian. To further improve the Wingham fall fair funds are needed and the directors are taking this means of increasing the funds of the society. The concert will be a good one as all the artists are the best pro- curable. Plan of hall will open at Mc- Kibbon's drug store on Tuesday, Jan- uary 7th. Ald. Jas, McKay of Hamilton, becotn- ing overheated in a fur coat while play- ing Santa Claus at a church entertain- +ment, took a chill and died during the , night, Astb.3aEmN Cat r'r WHOOPING COUGHS SP.t.Snor;c cinu: BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLN . EtTASL,£„CD 1S78 A sirnee, sato and afrerth•e treatnr.'-.t ter br••••• eh!•a trc,•ldes, wi.buat (4 ,ing t' .. .!..,...•:: v:N, drnt's. Us..tl with s..Cu:.S.i •.'t:.;.'tl •,... •. the -. r car. Ind Pau avte..)'ic 9; : •a•, it^,•:::.' the 60,•' tl:rtr.t. 8,.d Ctal.• t..c c.-'.a'..s•W ia:; Y•'st�Vl ti,a'ts. Cn:.nlcre It !'r:.'c:•••r to n.oR•e:•a ,r is young el, dren :mu a ,t4.)N to n••It,rets 5r1.,. i Asttnnt.. Send ne,^• tit f•:r;.. cur:. -tire P nn! -1 t. t Ai t,PUGtUiST.. 7-rr cr, tasrr t. rs is r•. AN•rlstwllc •tl.r;(.AT ., fid �v.Ie61y. TAI: Li:TSz,t ,t;t r''r:ae tt lei "�` throat. ztn& We :•:•.,� e. ,., ehcr rive andc. p; gnat d, uk.tist ur :roar us, 14e. In stamps. Vapo Cresolei:e •moo. 6� CertkorthSt., N.Y. 'Awning 4CdinQtrealtn.4 et.0•••4.4•••4••••••4re 4 n • O + + . O v? 4 • • 4r 6 a • + • • •• e • • 4, O • • . • • • • + a + 4. HANDKERCHIEFS --In plain Hem Stitched Liner, Fan.;y Embroidered or Initialed, 3 for 25c, 2 for o a 25C, 3 for 5oc, 6 for $1.5o. Children's s Plain or a Fancy Handkerchiefs, 5c or 6 for 25c. Fancy ..0 • • Excelda Handkerchiefs, ioc or 3 for 25x:, • NEW NECKWEAR—A large assortment of New Silk a Collars and Ties, prices are 25c 35c, 5oc and 73C. o HAND BAGS—Made by the Julian Sale Leather Goods • Co. Most reliable makers, every bag guaranteed, g values are the best, lots to choose from, prices are • c50c, 75c, $lana, $I.25, $1.5o up to $2.75. v See our special bargain at $ i.00. . .4 • LADIES' FANCY BELTS—Nicely boxes. embroidered o o elastic with carinal steel buckles. Special value o 9 0.040 4044.44•Oo••o+•a4••444 • CHRISTMAS PRESENTS • GREAT VARIETY T ISARD'S We are ready for the CHRISTMAS TRADE with all the NEW GOODS for Men, Women and Children. ATTRAC- TIVE VALUES in useful Gift in both stores. Make your selection early and get first choice. • + • 4. • • • • • 4. 4. 0 • • • • • • • • • 4. 4j 0 a m • Wor er 's Store Hunters end Trappers WILL. GET THE Best Market Price. Honest Treatment, Correct Assortment, Quick Returns. by shipping their Raw Furs and Skins TO RtVILI,QN FRERES T*ADIHG GOMPAHY. LIMITED t*TAaLIsH[D 1729 the old reliable Firm of the Fut Trade t34 oh t 133 McGill St., Montreal Ask tae otx Free Prks List WILL PAY ExPRtS! CHAR+EN at 5oc. 4. TABLE LINEN SETS—Beautiful Sets of Table Linen, a consisting of one Cloth 2 x 2% yards, one dozen o a Napkins to. match, new handsome embroidered design. Special at $5.00,• a • g KID GLOVES—Best English and Italian Kid Gloves, long or short, colors, Tan, Black, White, Brown, o° e Grey. All prices. Special Xmas bargain at 75c. a a DRESSING SACQUES—Kimonas, Fancy Sh awls, o• House Dresses, Silk Net Waists, Silk Aut.) Scarfs, 6 a• Muffers, Sweaters, Wool Caps. Fur Gauntlets, s • Muffs, Stoles, Throws, Caps, Coats, Fur-Linel c. 40 Coats, Curtains; Fancy Rugs. terra `y 0 • + 4 e + + Meri's Store MEN'S SILK TIES—Handsome patterns in new styles o • of Neckwear, pretty designs in shot silks. Prices o • 0 are 25C,' 35C, 50C, 75C. • MEN'S BRACES —In fancy boxes, fine quality w_bb, e • good patterns, 5e0c, 4. o MEN'S F''tR CAPS—Persian Lamb, Astracan, German o • Otter. See our leader at $5.00.o • MUFFLERS—large assortment of Wo a1 and Silk, 1tuf- • tiers, new styles, 50c. KID GLOVES—Special values in Lined Kid Gloves. a See our fur lined also silk lineal. All pricks. 4 6 0 4. 0 0 4 4 .0 4 O + 0 v FUR COATS—Fur Lined Coats. Coats with fur c liars, o Silk Handkerchiefs, Sweater Co Its, Smoking 0 rf jackets, ancy Shirts, Silk Embroidered Seeks, ' • Silk Armlets, Boston Garter:, etc. •o • • 4 . E. ISAcoJ TWO STORES. a • e ,44.44..34,4964.4?404.-ae0a•40•4,40 e*.e.e+•.00.44••+44•4Oee.• ”" Two young men were badly injured through the explosion of a cutting box on a farm near Hanover. New Telephone Directory. The Bell Telephone Company of Can- ada is soon to print a new issue of its Official Telephone Directory for the District of Western Ontario including WINGHAM Parties who contemplate becoming Subscribers, or those who wish chan- ges in their present entry should place their orders with the Local Manager at once to insure insertion in this issue Connecting Commies Should also report additions and changes in their list of subscribers, either to the Local manneer, or direct to the Special Agent's Department, Montreal. The Bell Telephone Gompany of Gannda Fall Term From Jan, 6th, CENTRAL(/' UTRATFC RC. ONT.Tfie Do more for its students and gradu- ates than do other schools. Cour- ses are up-to-date and instructors are experienced. Graduates are placed in good positions. The three applications received to -day offer average salary of $1,133 per annum . Three departments Cott2rnerci&t, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Write for free catalogue at once. 0. A. MIcLACHIAN PRINCIPAL. "I - TOf .—. li=t itis -e1AMI _.—... • _ J ,lt a ... I ° ' r �; it ' (a 1])i ,, [q 9 gel:, , � ,,2. ,$ OA y� :ih gg) gI ar . ati.;;a;,„,:: i�'oi r7 Capital • Paid Up. .. .. ... $3,000,000 . Reserve and Undivided Profits. $3,500,000 Total Assets $45,000,000 • "�'HE incentive to thrift that a savings ` A account Ives you is even more valu- 7 g i able than the actual interest that accumu- lates upon the deposit. The habit of sav- ing assuring comfort in old age—is as easily acquired as the habit of spending. Bnnking service in the Savings Depart- ment of the Bank of Hamilton is as sin- ,,rely offered to the man who deposits a _ r�-e,,.,e t e '' 1'''• „ few dollars a month as to those who de- `1��✓— posit thousands. . Head Office C. P. SMITH, Agent, W1nghani. HAMILTON . tends putting on a number of improve- ments to barn and probably will build a new modern house on this old hom e stead. EAAT WAWA IC0873 The last meeting of the council for 1912 was held on Dec. 16th. Members all present. Minutes of Iast meeting read and confirmed communication from Joseph Johnston received asking per- mission to cut some trees opposite his property, lot 33, con. 5 Filed. An ex- tension of time was given the contractor on the Toll Drain, it having been impos- sible to have completed this contract this past season . The sum of $185.53 was ordered to be refunded to the E. Wawanosh ratepayers of the Un. S. S. No. 5, Auburn. A misunderstanding having occurred between the clerk and trustees over the requisition for amount required by said school section. The collector was given time till Feb. lst next to return his roll for the bal- ance of taxes remaining as yet unpaid. A large number of accounts were paid which will appear in the financial statement, when the Council then ad- journed. @InURls. Mrs. Sholdice sr, of the West gravel road, has not been enjoying very good health of late. She is over 80 years of age. We hope she will soon improve. of merit. Tax'Collector Turnbull made nearly a Ii. -S. Elliott. clean sweep of taxes before the cSr. lose of Jr. II,—S. Gallaher; December 14th when 5% was added. Cloakey, R. Barrett, Only about $100 was unpaid out of a Gannett; C. Elliott. sum of $22,674. A. Bishop made about the same clear up in the North. Mrs. A. Laidlaw and daughters, Miss- es Mary and Margaret, have left for a holiday visit to California and will be away for a. month or more. Mrs, Laid- Mundell;G. Elliott; M. Finlay;E,McGee. law has a brother out there. It will be A. Geddes, Assist. a fine trip and we wish the ladies an A. I time and a safe return home. Ivie Cousins and wife have taken up residence on the farm formerly owned by Angus Shaw, 5th on. It is said W. A. Shaw, of Vancouver, B. C., in - A. Porterfield, Cl erk. utU1✓vAe.,E. The shareholders and patrons of the Bluevale Cheese and Butter Company held a very successful annual meeting in the Foresters' hall on Wednesday afernoon of last week. The reports pre- sented showed the butter factory to havd had a very successful season. The following Directors were elected:— Jas. Elliot, Arthur Wheeler, Arthur Shaw John F.McCracken and Wm. El. sten. Arthur Shaw was elected as Pre- sident. Mr.Jno.Burgess, who has for many years been the able and efficient Secretary, tendered his resignation and Mr. S. Paul was elected as Secretary - Treasurer. Report of Bluevale School, month of December. Senior Room, subject ex- amined in Art and Arith. Names with percentage below. Sr. IV. - M. Grey 800; C. Diment870; C. Curtis 890; L. Melburn 600; W. Shaw 727; E. Wilburn 600, M. Blat.k 427; C. Black 407 L. Breckenbridge 447. Jr. IV. --W. Holmes 537; John Gray 500; L. Elliott 74; C. Jewitt547. Sr. III. --A. Fraser 467; II. Haney80; M. McGee 527; P. Smeltzer 62; L. Nicholson; E. Churchill 32; L, McKin- ney 33. Junior III.— C. McDonald 68; H. Messer 56; E. McKinney 59; A. Smelt- zer 68; R. Breckenridge, L. A. Posliff, Prin. The following is the report of the Junior Room of S. S. No. 4, Bluevale, for the month of Dec. Names in order M, Curtis, B. C. Elliott; 13. Pt. IL—J. Watson; A. McKinney. Sr. L --J. Breckenridge; H. Watson; Ii 41cDonald; C. Elliott; M. Finlay. Jr. I. --A. Cook; J. Grey; J. Black;E. Nichol; C. Gannett; C. Messer; W. 1LELGR.IVR. The annual Christmas entertainment of Trinity Church Sunday School was held on Friday evening, 20th inst, and as usual was most successful. A splen- did programme which was heartily ap- plauded by the large audience was given by the young people of the church as- sisted by Blyth Choir. The Cantata "Santa Claus and the Star Queen” was splendidly performed by the Sunday School and teachers. The part of Star Queen being especially well done, and Santa Claus of course is always pleasing to the children, the singing of little Mil- dred and John Perdue of Clifford was much enjoyed. The ladies drill was very much admired while the "back- ward drill" by the little girls convulsed the audience with laughter. The sing- ing by the Trinity church choir of Blyth in anthems and solos was heartily ap- preciated and enjoyed while Miss Helen Cummings recited very acceptably. In recitations, dialogues, ete,each one per- formed his or her part very creditably, and the Sunday School is to be congrat- ulated on the great success of the enter- tainment, proceeds amounted to about fifty dollars. A High -Clara Concert. The Directors of Turnberry Agricul- tural Society have made arrangements for a high-class concert which will be held in the opera house on Tuesday evening, Jan. 14th, 1913, The follow- • ing well-known artists will furnish the program:—Geo. Neil, Scottish Vocalist; Flora McIver Craig, concert soprano; Miss B. May Rance, elocutionist; Eddie Piggot, singing comedian. To further improve the Wingham fall fair funds are needed and the directors are taking this means of increasing the funds of the society. The concert will be a good one as all the artists are the best pro- curable. Plan of hall will open at Mc- Kibbon's drug store on Tuesday, Jan- uary 7th. Ald. Jas, McKay of Hamilton, becotn- ing overheated in a fur coat while play- ing Santa Claus at a church entertain- +ment, took a chill and died during the , night, Astb.3aEmN Cat r'r WHOOPING COUGHS SP.t.Snor;c cinu: BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLN . EtTASL,£„CD 1S78 A sirnee, sato and afrerth•e treatnr.'-.t ter br••••• eh!•a trc,•ldes, wi.buat (4 ,ing t' .. .!..,...•:: v:N, drnt's. Us..tl with s..Cu:.S.i •.'t:.;.'tl •,... •. the -. r car. Ind Pau avte..)'ic 9; : •a•, it^,•:::.' the 60,•' tl:rtr.t. 8,.d Ctal.• t..c c.-'.a'..s•W ia:; Y•'st�Vl ti,a'ts. Cn:.nlcre It !'r:.'c:•••r to n.oR•e:•a ,r is young el, dren :mu a ,t4.)N to n••It,rets 5r1.,. i Asttnnt.. Send ne,^• tit f•:r;.. cur:. -tire P nn! -1 t. t Ai t,PUGtUiST.. 7-rr cr, tasrr t. rs is r•. AN•rlstwllc •tl.r;(.AT ., fid �v.Ie61y. TAI: Li:TSz,t ,t;t r''r:ae tt lei "�` throat. ztn& We :•:•.,� e. ,., ehcr rive andc. p; gnat d, uk.tist ur :roar us, 14e. In stamps. Vapo Cresolei:e •moo. 6� CertkorthSt., N.Y. 'Awning 4CdinQtrealtn.4 et.0•••4.4•••4••••••4re 4 n • O + + . O v? 4 • • 4r 6 a • + • • •• e • • 4, O • • . • • • • + a + 4. HANDKERCHIEFS --In plain Hem Stitched Liner, Fan.;y Embroidered or Initialed, 3 for 25c, 2 for o a 25C, 3 for 5oc, 6 for $1.5o. Children's s Plain or a Fancy Handkerchiefs, 5c or 6 for 25c. Fancy ..0 • • Excelda Handkerchiefs, ioc or 3 for 25x:, • NEW NECKWEAR—A large assortment of New Silk a Collars and Ties, prices are 25c 35c, 5oc and 73C. o HAND BAGS—Made by the Julian Sale Leather Goods • Co. Most reliable makers, every bag guaranteed, g values are the best, lots to choose from, prices are • c50c, 75c, $lana, $I.25, $1.5o up to $2.75. v See our special bargain at $ i.00. . .4 • LADIES' FANCY BELTS—Nicely boxes. embroidered o o elastic with carinal steel buckles. Special value o 9 0.040 4044.44•Oo••o+•a4••444 • CHRISTMAS PRESENTS • GREAT VARIETY T ISARD'S We are ready for the CHRISTMAS TRADE with all the NEW GOODS for Men, Women and Children. ATTRAC- TIVE VALUES in useful Gift in both stores. Make your selection early and get first choice. • + • 4. • • • • • 4. 4. 0 • • • • • • • • • 4. 4j 0 a m • Wor er 's Store Hunters end Trappers WILL. GET THE Best Market Price. Honest Treatment, Correct Assortment, Quick Returns. by shipping their Raw Furs and Skins TO RtVILI,QN FRERES T*ADIHG GOMPAHY. LIMITED t*TAaLIsH[D 1729 the old reliable Firm of the Fut Trade t34 oh t 133 McGill St., Montreal Ask tae otx Free Prks List WILL PAY ExPRtS! CHAR+EN at 5oc. 4. TABLE LINEN SETS—Beautiful Sets of Table Linen, a consisting of one Cloth 2 x 2% yards, one dozen o a Napkins to. match, new handsome embroidered design. Special at $5.00,• a • g KID GLOVES—Best English and Italian Kid Gloves, long or short, colors, Tan, Black, White, Brown, o° e Grey. All prices. Special Xmas bargain at 75c. a a DRESSING SACQUES—Kimonas, Fancy Sh awls, o• House Dresses, Silk Net Waists, Silk Aut.) Scarfs, 6 a• Muffers, Sweaters, Wool Caps. Fur Gauntlets, s • Muffs, Stoles, Throws, Caps, Coats, Fur-Linel c. 40 Coats, Curtains; Fancy Rugs. terra `y 0 • + 4 e + + Meri's Store MEN'S SILK TIES—Handsome patterns in new styles o • of Neckwear, pretty designs in shot silks. Prices o • 0 are 25C,' 35C, 50C, 75C. • MEN'S BRACES —In fancy boxes, fine quality w_bb, e • good patterns, 5e0c, 4. o MEN'S F''tR CAPS—Persian Lamb, Astracan, German o • Otter. See our leader at $5.00.o • MUFFLERS—large assortment of Wo a1 and Silk, 1tuf- • tiers, new styles, 50c. KID GLOVES—Special values in Lined Kid Gloves. a See our fur lined also silk lineal. All pricks. 4 6 0 4. 0 0 4 4 .0 4 O + 0 v FUR COATS—Fur Lined Coats. Coats with fur c liars, o Silk Handkerchiefs, Sweater Co Its, Smoking 0 rf jackets, ancy Shirts, Silk Embroidered Seeks, ' • Silk Armlets, Boston Garter:, etc. •o • • 4 . E. ISAcoJ TWO STORES. a • e ,44.44..34,4964.4?404.-ae0a•40•4,40 e*.e.e+•.00.44••+44•4Oee.• ”" Two young men were badly injured through the explosion of a cutting box on a farm near Hanover. New Telephone Directory. The Bell Telephone Company of Can- ada is soon to print a new issue of its Official Telephone Directory for the District of Western Ontario including WINGHAM Parties who contemplate becoming Subscribers, or those who wish chan- ges in their present entry should place their orders with the Local Manager at once to insure insertion in this issue Connecting Commies Should also report additions and changes in their list of subscribers, either to the Local manneer, or direct to the Special Agent's Department, Montreal. The Bell Telephone Gompany of Gannda Fall Term From Jan, 6th, CENTRAL(/' UTRATFC RC. ONT.Tfie Do more for its students and gradu- ates than do other schools. Cour- ses are up-to-date and instructors are experienced. Graduates are placed in good positions. The three applications received to -day offer average salary of $1,133 per annum . Three departments Cott2rnerci&t, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Write for free catalogue at once. 0. A. MIcLACHIAN PRINCIPAL.