HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-12-19, Page 8S 1tiE 'II.MES DECEMBER 19, 1912 IVIINOR; LOCALS, Towu of Wingham —The TIMES wishes all a Merry Christmas. Apples for sale very cheap at the Wingham Creamery. —Ne;nt Wednesday will be Christmas. Do your shopping early, For Diamond, Wedding and Engage - Ment Rings go to KNox'S. —Owing to want of apace several items are crowed out of this issue. —Buy your railway tickets from IIB. Elliott, Town Agent for the G.T.R. —Visit Marshall's plain price store before selecting your Christmas gifts. —Turnberry and East Wawanosh. Council minutes are held over until our next issue. —Provincial Constable Phippen has 1 purchased Mr. Robt. Johnston's South -African parrot. —Messrs. Kerr and Bird are holding a big dissolution of partnership sale. See their advt. in another column. —The Wingham Dance Orchestra will furnish music for the ball which is to be held at Wroxeter on Dec, 31st. —Mr. John McBurney, of Kinloss has sold his farm to Messrs Wm. and Chas. Thompson, who reside near Walkerton. —A. meeting of the A. 0. U. W, will bo held on Friday evening of this week, 20thinst., in the C. 0, F. ball. Business of importance. —Provincial Constable Phippen has a number of singing birds, suitable for Christmas gifts which he will sell at reasonable prices. -Mrs. (Dr.) W. R. Hambly will re- ceive on Friday afternoon, December 27th and afterwards on the first Wed- nesday of each month. Take a look in S. Gracey's Furniture Store before you decide on your Xmas Presents. We don't keep everything. But we keep a few things. Come and see what you can get for a cash deal, — On account of the excellent concert to be given in the opera house this (Thursday) evening by the High School Students, Mr. L. Kennedy will close the Picture House for the evening. FUEL ECONOb1IZER—Saves money for coal users. Reduces waste by decreas- ing ashes and clinkers. It makes the coal last longer and saves much hard work. For sale by H. E. ISARD & Co. --Peter Corrigan, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Corrigan, of Holyrood, died in New York on December 5th. The remains were brought home for in- terment in the Holyrood cemetery. —.Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Holmes, 1 Dunn avenue, South Parkdale, formerly of Wingham, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Vera Aloha, to Dr. Archibald W. Forbes of Toronto. The marriage is to take place the latter part of this month. —On the 6th of January next voting en locol option will take place in one city, 21 towns. 32 villages and 36 town- ships, and the number 9f licences in- Whea is '274. Voting lel' rel;: sl will take place in six towns, six villages and nine townships. —At the close of the county council session in Goderich, Reeve Leckie, of Brussels, was presented with a gold - headed cane and pipe, accompanied by a kindly -worded address from the coun- cillors. Mr. Leckie is an old warden, and has served many years on the board. —Dr. E. H. Cook, Veterinary Surg- eon is moving his office into the Dr. Macdonald office on Centre Street, stoat to St. Paul's Church. Dr. Cook will be in his new office on Friday of this week. Day and night calls will re- ceive prompt attention. Telephone number is 250. BY-LAW N0. 660, 1912, A By -Law to prohibit the sale by retail of spirituous, fermented or other manufactured liquors in the Munini- pality of the Town of Wingham. Strong Preaching. A reverend gentleman having got in- to difficulty with his congregation, found it necessary to hand in his resig- nation. On the eve of his departure he preached a farewell sermon and sought to improve the occasion by firing a part- ing shot. `You ungrateful and Godless people,' he began, severely, `it is clear that God does not love you, for I have buried none of you since I have been here; and it is certain that you don't leve one another, for I have not married any of you. It is equally plain that you do not love me,for you have not gs;:id my lastquarter's salary. However, I shall be irdependent of you all. I have obtained a position as chaplain of a gaol.' And then he coolly gave out tine text—`I go to prepare a place for yen.' Tho Municipal Council of the Town of Wing - ham enacts as follows: - 1. that the sale by retail. of spirituous, fermented. or other manufactured liquors is and shall be prahibl• ed in every tavern, inn or other house or placeof public entertain - meet in the said Municipality, and the sale thereof, except by wholesale, is and shall be prohibited in every shop or place other than a house of public entertainment in the said Municipality. 2. that the votes of the electors of the said Town of Wingham will be taken on this by- law by the deputy -returning officers herein• after named on Monday,the sixth day of Janu- ary, ono thousand nine hundred and thirteen, covin ncing at nine o'clock in the morning and continuing until five o'clock in the after - n€ on at the undermentioned places In Ward 1, at Wm Johnston's Tailor Shop, Josephine St. by W. J. Baines, Deputy -Return- ing UJiic r and E. A. Hammond, Poll Clerk In Ward 2 at Win. Ga' nett's Implement Shop, Jos. phine St. by A J. Alderson, Deputy - Returning Officer and P. H. Deans, Poll Clerk. In Ward 1•, at the Town Hall, by O. N. Grif- fin, Deputy -Returning Officer and A, C'osene, Po11 Clerk lo Polling Sub -Division 1 of Ward 4 at the Insurance Othce of Ritchie Sc Cosens by 3. W. Dodd, Deputy-hetnrning Officer and John Ritchi+, Poll Clerk. In Polling Sub -Division 2 of Ward 4, at A lbert Hell's house,Jusephine St. by T. J. Mc- Lean, Depth -Returning Officer and John Cloakey, Poli t lark. 8. That on the Fourth day of Jannary, 1913, at the ('lark's Office in the 5 own of Wingham, at the hour of clev« n o'clock in the forenoon the Mavor shall appoint in writing, signed by himself, two persons to attend at the final soin- min g up of th, votes by the Clerk, and one person toattend ateach)ollingplace onbehalf of the f ersons interested in and desirous os promoting the passing of this by-law. and a like number on behalf of the pet sons interest- ed i and de: irons of opposing the passing of this By-law 4. That the Clerk of the said Municipal Council of the Town of Wingham shall attend at the Clerk's Office at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon on the Seventh day of the JanuaiyA. L. 1913, to snninp the num- ber of votes given for or against this By-law. b. This by-law shall comp into force and take effect as fro m the First day of May next after the final pasting thereof. t cuncil Chamber December 2nd, 1912. Mayor. Cleric. NOTICE. 'lake notice that the obove is a true copy of a proposed by-law which has been taken into consideration by the h unwire' Council of the Town of Wingham and which 'will be floally Passed by the said Council (in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, as provide° by "5 he Liquor License Act,' and amendments thereto) atter one month from the first publics tion ti- ereof in th« Wingham Times, the date of which first publics ion w. s Thursday, the Filth day of December,A.D 1912, and that at the hour, day and places therein fixed for takiu the votes of the electors the polls will be hold JOHN F GROVES, Clerk. LOCAL OPTION BY-LAW NO. 16, 1912 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY A. By -Law to prohibit the sale of Liquor in the Township of 'Turn - berry. Mattie Kinney, a farmer, was killed almost instantly while operating a wood - sawing machine near Shipka. ATLRII: D , The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Turnberry hereby enacts as follows : 1st - That the sale by retail of Spirit - ions, fermented or other manufactured Liquors is and shall be prohibited in every tavern, inn or other place of pub- lic entertainment in the said municipal- ity, and the sale thereof, except by wholesale, is, and shall be prohibited in every shop or place in the said Munici- pality, other than a house of public en- tertainment. 2nd—That the vote of the Electors of the said Township of Turnberry will be taken on this By -lay by the Deputy Returning Officers hereinafter named on the Sixth Day of January, one thous- and, nine hundred and thirteen; com- mencing at nine o'clock in the morning and continuing open till five o'clock in the afternoon at the undermentioned places, that is to say Polling Division No. 1, at the School House, W. T. Plot, Wm. S. King, D.R.O. Polling Division No. 2, at the Clerk's Office, Bluevale, John W, King, D.R.O. Polling Division No. 3, at the School House, Section 9, Alex, McPherson, D. R.O. Polling Division No. 4, at the School House, Section3, D. IL Wallace, D.R.U. 3rd—That on the 30th Day of Decem- ber, A.D., 1912, the Reeve of the said Township shall attend at Clerk's Office of the said Township at 10 o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at the various Polling places aforesaid, and at the final summing up ofthevotes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested in, and desirous of promoting or opposing the passage of this By-law respectively. 4th—That the Clerk of the said Town- ship of Turnberry shall attend at the said Township Clerk's Office at the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 7th Day of January, A.D.. 1913, to sum up the number of the votes given for and against this By-law. 5th—This By-law shall come into op- eration and full force and effect on and after the First Day of May, 1913, after the final passing thereof. Dated at the Township Clerk's Office, Bluevale, in the Township of Turnberry this the 18th Day of November, 1912. BALL—SPINKS--At Christ Churcll,Lon- drn, by the Rev. C. R. Gunn, on Dee, 11, Mrs. Sara Spinks, of Fordwich, to Rev. J. Bali, of Cedar Springs, formerlypas- tor of the Methodist Church, Fordwieh. `C;L.tCRWELL-'-FELL---In Stoughton, on Nov. 21st, by the Rev. Mr. Pratt, Miss Eliza, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dell. Orange Hill, to Mr. Edward Gladstone Blackwell, of Reward, Sask. DIED M(,iclionAEL—In Morrison December 14th, Archibald McMichael, non of Mr. Wni, McMichael, aged 21 years, 1 month and 9 days, aiy . GAVOT --In Kinloss, on Dec. 10th,Rach• cel liuehknan, wife of Mr. George Gaunt-, t,;( d 74 years. Your Vote and Influence respectfully solicited for Con Wm11-&ioe F Mayor for 1913 Your Vote and Influence will be appreciated by Councillor Elliott FOR Reeve For 1913 BUSINESS AND -SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the azed,401:7 Y,23.O.A.BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions, College in_•session front S:pt, 3rd. Catalogue :res. E.itcr any ti,.s:e. '. 1'estrrveit J. W y^ es.e.veit, Jr. .acipal C,..nt re1Accountant Cl•e-Principal DR. E. H. COOK, VETERINARY SURGEON Successor to Dr. Wilson. Dogs and Surgery a specialty. Residence an'l office in Dr. Macdonald's old residence on ' entre street, next to St, Paul's Church. Telephone 210. FARM FOR RENT. In the Township of Kinloss, a good one hundred acre farm in good state of cultivation and good buildings. Cement floor in stable. Apply to ROBT. HENDERSON, Wingham P.O. FARM FOR SALE. 150 acres, 15 acres bush and the bal- ance in a good state of c tivation, 4ac- res orchard, two framhouses and a bank barn. Clos to ie School House, Post 0ffice,Black-, h shop and Church and about five mi es from Wingham., There are about 50 acres of fall plough- ing done on the premises and 10 acres in fall wheat. Easy terms of payment. Apply to, R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. O. DO IT NOW. NUWSPAPI11 BANAINS The Wingham Times and The Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent to new sub- scribers to the Iet of Janu- ary, 1914 for $1.60. Sub- scribe now and get full benefit of this good offer. Leave all orders at the TIMES oFEi6E, WINGHANI NOTICE Take lrotice, that the above is a true eopy of Ji proposed By-law which has been taken into coilsiderationby the Municipal Council of the Township of Turnbery and which will be finally pass- ed by the said Council in the event of the assent of the Electors et hem ' g obtained Ined thereto after one month from the pub- lication thereof in the Wingham TIMES and ADVANCE newspapers, the date of which < was the6thday of December, A,D.,1912,and at the hour,day and places therein fixed for takin(e the votes of the Electors, the polls will be held. By JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. 1912 CHRISTMAS 1913 NEW YEARS EXGURSION FARES Between all stations in Canadt, Fort William and East, and to Sault Ste Marla, Detroit. Mich., Buffalo and Niagara Falls, N. Y. SINGIZ FARE Good going December 24, 25, re- turn limit Dec. 26th, 1912. Also going Dec. 31, Jan. 1, return limit Jan. 2nd, 1913. FARE AND ONE-THIRD Good. going Dec. 21, 1912, to Jan. 1, 1913. Return limit Jan. 3, 1913. Minimum Fare, 25c. Full information from any O.P.R. Agent J. H. BEEr1iER, Agent, Wingham. P. AND TI UNK SYS EM CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR RATES SINGLE PARE Dec. 24, 25, good tor return Dec, 26 also Dec. 51, and Jan. 1, good for return Jan. 2, 1913. FARE AND ONE-THIRD. Dee. 21, to Jan. 1, good kr re-, turn Jan. 5, 1915, Between all stations in Canada. east of Port Arthur, also to Detroit and Port Huron,Mich„Buffalo,Biack Rock and Suspension Bridge. N, Y, Secure tickets and full particulars fro)n nearestand Trunk Agent, Cor u H. R. Et,atorf, Town Passenger & Ticket Agent Phone, 4. A. 0. O'Nznrt., Station Ticket Agent, Phone 50. 11 GOOD GOODS KING' PRICES B RO S . RIGIiT WHAT SHALL I GIBE This is the question that is foremost in everybody's mind at this time of year. There are only 11 more shopping days till Xmas. Our new store is filled with everything that is suggestive for useful Christmas Gifts. Make this store your headquarters, you will be assured of active service and economic values: mav MEN'S NECK - WEAR Neat new patterns in fine silk, four-in-hand, hook•ons and bows. Prices 25e, 50e and 75e. Extra Handkerchief 1 Values for Men, 2 for 25c and 3 for 25c. SILK MUFFLERS New shapes and fabrics boxed in Christmas boxes. Prices 50e to $3.00. Groves, Braces, Arm Holders, Sweater Coats, Hats, Caps, etc., Shirts, Collars, Cuff Buttons, etc. Cifls That Ladies Will Appreciate Fancy Collars, Belts, Kid Gloves long and short, Silk Gloves, Silk Waists, Silk Dress Lengths, Veils, Scarfs, Furs, Muffs and Stoles, Hand Bags. Special Handkerchief value 2 for 25c. PRODUCE WANTED.—Butter, Eggs, Beans, Fowl, Dried Apples. • Phone 71. KING BROS. PRODUCE WANTED WE WANT YOUR TRADE John Foster of Wyoming was fatally injured in an automobile accident, being thrown out and a sewing machine fall- ing on him. ° In a collision between freight trains at Nelles Corners, Fireman Locke was killed and eight others were injnred. Mrs. George Mason, aged sixty, was fatally hurt by stepping off a -moving street car in London. The American Hotel, at Niagara Falls, Ontario, was destroyed by fire. Loss $7,000, All the occupants escaped with- outIinjury, but several firemen were overcome by smoke. .,(,),• •40+00000-r+•04+,0001•r✓0c, :4000000000040000.1e4444,4r HURRY VP! 4 Only 2 weeks more till Christmas, The greatest event in the : o history of Wingham A big chance to save money, On account of o 0. late season, we are overloaded with stock which we are very anxious y to sell, and it is understood, while we are anxious to sell, you will :, e> buy it for any price at all, therefore leave your work aside and come 4, right now to our store and see what kind of bargains- we offer you, 0 ® you'll be real surprised; we will sell everything in our store at whole- v c sale prices, remember to come now, as we expect to be busy after• 4 f. wards. We have also great things for Christmas,Gifts and if you want I 0* to mail your your Christmas gift to your friend, come in and buy it o from us and we will pay the mail expenses. Again we say remem- m <, her us, and remember yourself, buying from us means more for o yourrclf than for us. 0 0 41 Below are only a few of r Special Sweater Coats, all -wool guaranteed, all, colo `« reg. $2.50 and $2.25, for ” reg. $5.00, for .4 ou peel prices . colors, reg, $3,00, $3.50 for gil 9 • - J - 8 eBoys Sweaters, reg. $1.00 and 75c, for0 A E' Overcoats, reg. $12.00 and $13.50, for $9.75 4 c' Mens Heavy, Woolen Socks at - - - - - 19c Z s, Overcoats with 2 -way collars, good tweed, reg. $10.00 for - $7.50 v 4 Men's Tweed Pants, reg. $3.00 and $2.75 for - - - $1 59 4 4 " " reg. $2.25 for - - $1.29 o +-, Fine Shirts, reg. $1.00 and 75e, for - - - 49e and 59e 0 o Men's Suits, well made, tweeds and worsteds, at cut prices. 0 c Also Caps, "Underwear, Shoes, Rubbers, etc., at cut prices.4. • Don't forget to ask us for a free coupon which is worth 6 to you a on your purchase. • Cooper O. HH�erm► eux WE WANT YOUR PRODUCE, 44004040004444404044044040 444+4444444044444444044400 amiloon Christ- mas 1912 lfk,atn�it Christ- mas 1912 Only Five More Days in Which to Finish your Christmas 6 -hopping! What is more acceptable as a Christmas Gift than a pair of Good Shoes, or Cosy Slippers, or Warm Moccasins.—Below are some suggestions. FOR .THE LADIES, Queen Quality Shoes Warm Felt Slippers Cosy Boudoir Slippers Spats in all colors Moccasins Cardigans Hockey Shoes FOR THE GIRLS High Top Button Boots Comfy Slippers Warm Moccasins Corduroy Leggings Cardigans • Hockey Shoes FOH THE GENTLEMEN Derby Shoos Hockey Shoes Comfortable Slippers (; vershoes Shoe Trees New Leather Slippers. Spats in all the new styles FOR THE BOYS Patent Button Boots Hockey Boots Buck Skin Moccasins Leggins 'House Slippers FOR THE WEE TOTS Booties Colored Slippers Button & Lace Shoes Cardigans Red Overstocicings Soft Soled Slippers Any of the above can be seen in our windows during the holiday season. WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. 101111.111, for Ladies, 1111!1, 1111' II17 111 ,1111 r«Mlr :lll.r 1111 E�� s iunii7 fi :61ll:,i :1Mr ,I: : i :IJiiiC. 711. EI'I� �{7i! -,_ 3-y;....._;,l, _sS_ei..-- _s.-3..'.airrrii ,9.t7 1912 Never has our stock presented a better assortment of goods for:Xmas than it does this year; below are will be found a few suggestions for suitable presents. For The Men We have Overcoats all kinds, Sweaters, Mufflers, Shirts, Handkerchief, etc. For The Ladies What would be nicer for a present than a nice Rug or Mat for the Floor, we have a splendid selec- tion at 15 per cent. discount for cash. Sweater Coats in the leading styles, Fancy Towels, Table Covers, Nice Warm Slippers, Silk and Net Waists, Shawls, ,Motor Hoods, Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, Japanese Boxes, etc. Then For The Children Lovely Overcoats for the Boys, Bear Cloth Coats for the Children, Tops, Barking Dogs, and a lovely selection of Dolls. Be sure and see our selec- tions of these, the best in town, - . wn. Ila Our Grocery Department is thoroughly stock- ' ""I ed with fresh groceries, New Valencia Raisins zoo, ill Selected Currants 1oc' Peels of all kinds, . Good, well fattened Poultry wanted;dry picked in large quantities. Also any quantity Btitter and Fresh Eggs. I SI kg al A MILLS Successor to T. A. Milli Pt/ONE 89. WINGfANI, ONT. UIWII 111111111I1:/. liii!i!t' 11111111 6i11; a1. 7 5