HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-12-19, Page 1THE
VOL. XLI,--N(. 2113.
We have the largest variety and
best assortment of articles
suitable for Christmas Gifts
ever shown in a Drug
Store in Wingham.
Leather Goods -We have put
in a stock of Julian Sale Leath-
er Goods including Dressing
Cases, Hand Bags, Wallets, etc,
Toilet Cases -A variety of 50
cases to choose from at prices
from $t 50 to $10.00 each, con-
sisting of writing Sets, Mani-
cure Sets, Brush and Comb
Sets, Hat and Cloth Brush
Sets, Shaving, etc., in Ivory,
Sterling Silver and Ebony.
Ebony Goods- Mirrors, Brushes
of all kinds, and Manicure
Articles. Ebony Hair Brushes
from ?5c to $5.00.
Por!umes - We have Soverign.
Seelys, Roger & Gallet and
other makes in nice packages,
from 25c to $6.00 each.
Chocolates --Dales and Lowneys
in plain and fancy boxes from
25c to $8.50.
Stationery - Symphony Lawn,
"The best made" in 1, 2 or 5
quire boxes, at 50c to $3.00 per
box, Fountain Pens $L50 to
$4.50 each.
Sundries --The largest stock of
Amber Pipes in Wingham,
Cigars, Kodaks, Thermos Bot
eles Puff Boxes, Soap Boxes,
Fancy Soaps, Sponge Bags,
Jewel ewe Cases,d th an many o er
suitab a artic es.
Everything at right prices. ' Any
article reserved until Ohristmas week
on payment of 2559 of its value"
1 ]
J. W. McKibbon
The iJ Store
"Eyesight Tested Free" and
glasses supplied when needed at
reasonable prices.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Of ee over Malcolm's Grocery.
Christie's Grocery
Now For
Xmas Buying
In choice and fancy groceries
we've almost everything here to
tempt the palate. This season
only comes once a year. HAVE
BEST. Anyway, give us a visit.
The best obtainable, from 20e to
60e per dozen.
Large and Beautifully tinted, per
Ib. 26e,
Extra nice, large and sappy, per
lb. 20.
The best in the land.
Prunes and Apricots
Fancy stock. Never sold better,
per lb. 15c and 25e.
Immense qualities to choose from,
all prices from l0c to 503.
All fresh new Stock, No. 1 e:ualiby
WE'RE Llirlll' IN MINA -
Wear Greer's Shoes
and Rubbers.
The Holi
The Grand Tru!
will sell tickets fol
lows: Single fare,
and 25th, good for
Dec. 31st and Jan.
January 2nd. Fa
21st to Jan. lst,
Jan 3rd. If you
your tickets fro
Agent. The Ti
evenings for th
who wish to sec
ay Rates.
s Railway System
the holidays as fol-
ood going Dec. 24th
eturn Dee 26th; also
lst, good for return
and one-third Dec.
ood for return up to
urpose travelling buy
H. B. Elliott, Town
tES office will be open
convenience of those
re tickets.
GIRLS W.ANTEn-Apply at National
Local Opti
Next Sunday, R
Toronto will pre
Church rch in the mor
ist Church in the e
noon in the Town
mass meeting for
when addresses wile
Spence and others.
Donald, of Torolit
the meetngs. The
interests of local o
is cordially invited
h Meetings,
v, B. H. Spence, of
ch in the Baptist
ripgn and the Method-
ening. In the after
Hall, at 4 o'clock a
men will be held,
be delivered by Mr.
Mr. H. Ruth enM-
v Mc
will sings solos at all
meetings are in the
tion and the public
o attend.
select from at lowest prices.
. Sons of S
The followinj
Caledonia, Sons
on Tuesday ev,
McDonald; Chiel
and Fin. Secy.
Wm. Holmes; C]
Mr. Jas. Fowler:
ald; S. G., W.
D. W. Campbell;
and D. W. Ci
McDonald. ((
otland Officers.
e the officers of Camp
of Scotland, elected
ning:-Chief, D. E.
tain, D. Currie; Rec.
. B. Elliott; Treas.,
ap., Alex. Campbell;
S. B., J. A. McDon.
. Henderson; J. G.,
auditors, Alex. Ross
npbell; piper, D. E.
Toilet and Manicure Sets from $1 to
$15 at,KNox's.
APPLES FOR SALE. -Any quantity at
25c per bushel; delivered free.
Wm. Davies Co. Ltd.
Canadian Fore ters Officers.
At the regular eeting of Court
Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresters
on Friday evening ast, the following
officers for next ye r were elected: C.
R., J. W. Dodd; . C. R., Gordon
Brown; Rec.-Sec., l . H. Mitchell; Fin, -
Sec., H. B. Elliott; Treas., Geo. Olver;
Chap., R. Dunlop; S. W., Fred Guest;
J. W., L. A. Grisdale; S. B., F. F. S.
W. Millor•; J. B., F. H. Roderus; Audi-
tor, Jas. Hamilton; Trustees, F. H.
Roderus, Jas. Adams, John A. Mann.
All kinds of Fancy Stationery for
Christmas at •KNOx's.
Daniel Mc
Daniel McGillic
'radian newspaper
'727 Dovercourt ro
nesday night of la
ness extending o
half. He was in
the past two year
going there fro
was publisher of
giving it up on a
He is survived by
and two daughters
McGillicuddy was
land, and came to
young, settling in
father was conne
garrison. When a
paper work. Man
fished the Goderic
sels Post, and lat
Telegram. His fir
Guelph Mercury.
he was connected
the time the late
itor, and when t
tablished by Joh
30 years ago. He
dent of the Cana
He was a vetera
going to the iron
Torento continge
ecutive committ
Wheelman's Ass
was one of the fi
roads movement,
on County for the
meat. He took
politics, and had e
paigns in the e
yearn ago he was
'Ilicuddy Dead.
dy, a prominent Ca-
en, died at his home,
d, Toronto, on Wed -
t week after an fill-
er two years and a
is 68rd year and for
had lived in Toronto,
Calgary, where he
he News -Telegram,
count of ill -health.
a widow, two sons
all of Toronto. Mr.
rn in Carlisle, Eng -
Canada when quite
Halifax, where his
ted with the British
oy he entered news -
years ago he estab-
Signal and the Brus-
• the Calgary News -
t position was on the
When a young man
with the Globe during
eorge Brown eras ed -
e Telegram was es -
Ross Robertson, over
as also a past J?resi-
ian Press Association.
of the Fenian raid,
in 1866 with the first
t. When on the ex-
e of the Canadian
ation years ago, he
t to begin the good
nd he organized Mir -
old Liberal Govern-
n active interest in•
gaged in many can-
t aad west. Seven
editor of Hansard.
Call at S. Gra ey's Furniture Shop and
see if you will find something suitable
for Xmas. and New Year presents in
Parlor pieees,Reed Chairs, Morris
Chairs some niee Rocking Chairs, Cen-
tre Tables, etc.
Read Wlilis & Co.'s adv. on page 8
Woman's nstitute.
The regular mont y meeting of the
Wingham branch of the Woman's In-
stitute will be held the home of Mrs.
Peter H. Deans, ^ranges street, on
Thursday afternoo December 26th,
commencing at 3 o clock. Mrs. C. E.
Young, of Goderich District Secretary
will be present and •_ive a report of the
Provincial conventi, n and there will be
a talk on "Cooking with paper bags."
All ladies cordially i vited.
The High School
at eight o'clock sh
closed during the n
concert will begin
rp. Doors will be
Showing of C
The finest show
at T. Fells' this Chi
been offered for sal
of these cattle, one
old and two baby
months old were b
W. Hardisty, Spri
field, one of the
nt io. Also ar one
two years, bred an
derson, Bluevaie
cordially invited to
ristmas Beef.
f beef will be seen
stmas that has ever
in Wingham. Three
19 months
eef, eight and nine
ed and fed by A. C.
gfield Farm, West-
st cattle feeders in
urham steer under
fed by James Hen-
oad. The public is
isit T. Fells'butcher
Go to KNox's for your Christmas and
New Year's Post Cards.
L. T. 13
Fern Lodge, No
Association electe
suing term on Fr
follows: -W. M.,
D. M., Mrs. W. C
Sec., Miss Lizzie
Wm. Cassells; Tr
Chap., Mrs. W.
Miss Louie Fleut
sells; Tyler, Mrs
Mrs. Mason, Mrs.
Mrs. Haines, W.
lation will take
special meeting
27th for initiation
19, Loyal True Blues
their officers for en -
ay evening last, as
rs. W. B. Elliott;
sells; Cor. and Rec.
Fleuty; Fin. Sec.,
s., Mrs. R. Mason;
. Haines; D; of C.,
; Conductor, W. Cas-
Joynt; Committee,
Beckwith, L. Fleuty,
Cassells. The instal -
lace on Jan. 10th. A
ill be held on Dec.
All kinds of Watches, Clocks and
Silverware for the Christmas trade at
Auxilia Officers
At the annual m eting of St. Paul's
branch of the Wo on's Auxiliary of
the Missionary So iety, held recently,
the following offi rs were appointed
for the coming ye r: -
Hon. Pres. -Mr . Croly.
Pres. -Mrs. C. . Walker.
1st Vice Pres.- rs. W. F. VanStone.
Treas.-Mrs. W ite.
Rec. Sec'y.-M s. Deyell.
Cor. Sec'y.-M s. Robt. Johnston.
Sewing Commi tee -Mrs. W. G. Gray
and Mrs. Alex. P rter.
POULTRY WANTED. -Highest cash
prices paid for all kinds of live poultry,
Gums' LIMITED, Phone 10.
A High- ass Concert,
The Directors o theTurnberry Agri-
cultural Society ave made arrange-
ments for a hig -class concert which
will be held in th operahouse on Tues-
day evening, Jan ary 14th, 1913. The
following well -k own artists will fur-
nish the progra :-George Neil, Scot-
tish Vocalist; Fl a Mclvor Craig, con-
cert soprano; W s B. May Rance, elo-
cutionist; Eddie igott, singing come-
dian. To furthe improve the Wingham
fall fair funds a needed and the direct-
ors are taking t •s means of increasing
the funds of th society. The concert
will be a good o e as all the artists are
the best procur le. Keep the date in
OATS FOR SALE -I have received two
car loads of Ontario oats, good enough
for seed, 40c per bushel off the car.
Sample can be seen at livery office.
Bonspiel R k Defeated.
A rink of Wing am curlers purpose
attending the innipeg bonspiel in
February and for some weeks members
of the rink havi g been making the
boast that a rink ould not be picked to
play against the and it would be ne-
cessary to go to eighboring towns to
get practice. L t Friday the ice was
in good conditio and, the "would-be
champions" met their Waterloo, The
game was a very interesting one. Mr.
Crawford, the cfp for the bonspiel
rink with his pia rs, claim they did not
wish to win the fi st game as it would
have discourage the other players.
The other players ill not stand for an
argument of this kind and are ready
for another game tany time. Follow -
ng are the players nd score ---
The Winners Bonspiel Rink
T. Hardie C. Mitchell
L. F. Binkley D. Fortune
K. 1l.ae A. Hardie
A. E. Porter. 16 A. M. Crawford 5.
Owing to the Christm
on Wednesday of next
day) and in order to th
of our staff may en
the Tarns will next we
Tuesday evening Adv
respondents will kindly
and have copy for advt
reach this office not la
Municipal politics in
taking definite shape.
Bone and C. G. VanSto
field for the Mayor's ch
Reeveship, Couns. Mit
and Elliott have annou
as candidates. For the
not yet heard any pers
clare themsel es except
will seek re-elecion. M
Reeve McDonald may b
the Council. Nominati
on Monday evening, De
The Jackson by-law a
with reference to impr
street have been publi
payers are asked to c
them before casting th
Visit the new toy
in Mooney's old stand
your Christmas gifts.
s holiday falling
eek (our press
t the members
y the holiday
k be printed on
rtizers and cor-
bear this in mind
. and news items
r than Monday
Wingliam are
Couns. Wm.
e are in the
ir and for the
hell, McKibbon
ced themselves
ouncil we have
definately de.
that Coun. Mills
or Spotton and
candidates for
s will be held
ember 30th.
d the by-law
ving Josephine
hed and rate-
efully consider
ir ballets.
d novelty store
efore selecting
The thanks of the Li
tendered to those girls
J. C. Smith's on Satu
the costumes for the c
The public are notifie
of the length of the
concert will begin sha
Thursday and the doo
during the various nu
We also wish to tha
the local papers for
opening their columns
notes throughout the t
erary Society is
ho met at Mrs.
day to work on
that, on account
programme the
p at 8 p. m. on
s will be closed
k the editors of
heir courtesy in
or the W. H. S.
School will re -open on Jan 6, 1913,
and all students .are re nested to be in
their places on above da e.
As the present execut e of the Liter-
ary Society finish thei term of office
this week we take t s opportunity to
wish all our friends t • compliments of
the season_ -- _ -
Electric Needle Sp cialist will be
here next week, r- ate engagements
made for the rem al of moles, super-
fluous hair, etc. Pupils taught the
work. Write for information at once.
Mr. Yemen, 26 Daly Ave., Stratford
A Successf{
A well attended rrI
terests of local opti
opera house on Tue.
Cameron, of Stra
Davis, of Newmark
ers and explained tl
option in their tow
iI Meeting.
eting in the in-
n was held in the
day evening,Mayor
roy, and Aubrey
t were the speak-
s working of local
s, ,
NOTICE -Having purchased a hard-
ware business in another town, all ac-
counts owing us must be paid at once,
-Richardson and Rae.
L. 0. Y. R. Officers.
A large meeting f the L. 0. Y. B.
was held on Thurs ay last week. The
following officers w re elected: -Master,
Bro. W. Cassels; eputy Master, Bro.
Robert Golley; Re .-Sec., Bro. Abram;
Fin. -Sec., Bro. J ck Mann; Treasurer,
Bro. W. Gould; l Committeeman, Neil
Robb; 2nd Committeeman, Fred Jo',n-
ston; 3rd Commillteeman, William k• d;
Director of C remonies, Bro. R Jg-
ram; Chaplaim, Bro. W. Calvert; In-
side Tyler, Bro Howard Guest; Outside
Tyler, Bro. A. f asetnore; Lecturre, Bro.
J. Robertson, This lodge is in a very
flourishing con ition,
The statutary meets g of the Town
Council was held on onday evening
with all the members p esent and Mayor
Spotton presiding. inutes of last
regular and special m etings were read
and approved.
A communication , was read from
Town Solicitor Holmeis in which he gave
it as his opinion that parties who had
paid both poll and income tax that they
should not•be so charged. On motion
of Couns. McKibborf and Mills, it was
ordered that parties who had paid both
taxes be refunded $i. each out of income
A communication' from Ritchie &
Cosens asking for a share of new insur-
ance which is to beL placed on Town
Hall. Matter left with Property Com-
W. D. Pringle asked for his usual
rebate of taxes. 0 n',motion of Couns.
Elliott and Mills, it vias ordered that
Mr. Pringle be refunded the same
amount as last year.
The report of Fire nspector Wilson,
who visited Wingham on the 10th of
October last was rea , and a number of
suggestions were ma e for the better-
ing of conditions in c nnection with our
waterworks system, and IMIr. Wilson
also commented on he very unsatis-
factory conditions a they existed on
the day of his visit Ito Wingham.
It was moved by ayor Spotton, sec-
onded by Coun. Mi hel, that Mr. Van-
norman, Chief of le Fire Brigade be
removed from office forthwith.
After discussion the motion was car-
ried on the following division: Yeas -
Mayor Spotton, Couns. Bone, Mitchell
and Elliott. Nays{ -Reeve McDonald,
Couns. VanStone and McKibbon. Coun.
Mills asked to be ex used from voting
as he was out of to*n on day test was
The Finance Com ittee recommend-
ed the payment of number of accounts
belonging to the di erent departments
and on motion of ouns. Elliott and
Mills, the report w s adopted.
Mayor Sotton an Reeve McDonald
reported that they ad interviewed Dr.
Hambly and that be had consented to
make tests of mills.
On motion of Cluns. Elliott and Van -
Stone, Dr. Hambly was engaged to test
the milk supplied our citizens by the
milk dealers an that Chief Allen take
samples at his di,§cretion. ,
The various Committees reported on
the year's busin ss as follows:-
Coun. Mitchel as Chairman of the
Street Committe reported an expendi-
ture of $1134.88 and of this amount
$284.00 was unfoiseen expenditure when
estimate was ma e, so that the esti-
mated expendit re was $149.12 less
than the $1000 w ich had been placed
in the estimates•
Mayor Spotton as Chairman of the
Sewer Committee reported that his com-
mittee had placd $100.00 in the esti-
mates for maintaining the sewers and
of this amount $34.77 had been expend-
Coon. Bone, . as Chairman of the
Property and F re Committee reported
that the estimated expenditure on the
Town Hall had been placed at $675.00
and of this amo nt $498.06 had been ex-
pended, loaving
x-pended,loaving • balance of $176.91.
The revenue fr m the Town Hall was
placed at $275.01 and the revenue from
rents amounted • $380.00. The esti-
mated expenditu e on the cemetery was
placed at $335 an the actual expendi-
ture was $261.96, leaving a balance of
$73,04. The rece pts from the cemetery
were estimated : t $175.00 and they
amounted to $283. i0making $108 00 over
the estimate. In the Fire department
including new hos•, Firemens salaries,.
etc., the estima ed expenditure was
placed at $925 50 . nd the amount " ex-
pended was $865.11, leaving a balance
of $59.84.
Coon. VanStone as Chairman of the
Electric Light and Waterworks departs
ment reported tha' the waterworks de-
partment comment d the year with a bal-
ance on hand of $8 ..10 and the reciepts
from all sources h d been $10,054.65,
this included an ad ance from the town
of $3,500 and from he savings bank on
capital account of $',043.63. The ex-
peniture up to Dece ber 14th had been
$10,601.23. This in, odes an expendi-
ture of $4,200 an •:pital account for
wells, new pump ho se, pipe, plans, etc.
The balance on (ian • was $309 52. The
advance of $3,500 om the Council will
be repaid when de entures are issued
to cover new mai s laid during the
past season. The lectric light depart-
ment showed ear . ng of $12,200.88,
with a balance on and at the first of
of $1206,00. The otal expenditure had
been $13,363.43, le ving a balance of
$43.51. Town hal lighting and unpaid
accounts of $200.11. and residence meter
rates for past three months ate not
taken into account in the report. The
value of supplies on hand was $2149.42.
Brighten •ur Home For 1913.
What will Ix ghten your home •et -
ter than a bea tiful, pleasing eture
on the wall. ' Mother's trea:.res" is
just the pictur; you want. is fit for
any home in Ca ada a , can be had
free by subscri •'ng to e Family Her-
ald and Weekly .tar of Montreal, the
greatest and bes family paper printed.
It costs only one dollar a year, and no
home can afford to be withoutit, Every
present subscrib, r to that paper should
send his renewal; now and get a copy
of the beautiful picture. Any one not
a subscriber sh uld order the paper and
picture at once. They will help to make
the New Year brighter for you.
FEED CORN --A carload of the very
choicest Amercan eed corn will arrive
this week. This 4r is the best quality
of dry corn. See us for prices. J.L.
An account from R R. 2looney,$9.67
and The Jas. Ro . rtson Co., $22.89
were read and on otion of Couns.
Elliott and Mills w're ordered to be
},aid when properly ertified to.
On motion of C uns. Elliott and
Mitchell, a Commi ' ee composed. of
Mayor Stratton, Ree e McDonald and
Coups. Bone, Mills nd VanStone be
impowered to engag: a new Chief for
the Fire Brigade.
Moved by Couns. one and Elliott,
that in future the basement of the
Town Hall be not eased for storage
purposes and that ti e present tenants
be given one week' notice to vacate.
The motion was c rried in the fol-
lowing division: Ye s -Mayor Spotton,
Couns. Bone, Mite 11, Mills and Elliott.
Nays -Reeve Mc 'maid and Couns.
VanStone and Mc gibbon.
Council then adj • urned.
We have some • . rlor Suites to clear
at wholesale cost price. G
uli in and
them. A nice three piece Suite (Silk
coverings) $25 for $19,-S. Gracey.
Mrs. Alex. Ross a d Miss Minnie Ross
spenta few days in Ietroit.
Mrs. Amos Tipli is visiting with
friends in Detroit a • Cleveland.
Miss Cummings •f Lucknow was
spending a few day in Wingham this
Miss Nellie Wade eturned home on
Friday after spendi g a few weeks in
Mr. and Mrs. Je ery of Toronto spent
a few bays at the omeof Mr, andMrs.
Amos Tipling.
Mr: and Mrs. ' . Kerr, of British
Columbia have be•n visiting for a few
days with Mr. an. Mrs. A. J. Alderson.
Mr. John Hasla , of Devil's Lake,
North Dakota, is visiting for a few
days with Win:; ham relatives and
Rev. Mr. You • , of Clifford, was
visiting Wingham friends for over Sun-
day and conducted the services in St.
Andrew's Church , n Sunday morning.
Rev. Dr. and M. s. Rutledge were in
Hamilton this wee attending the mar-
riage of their niec , Miss Lazier, daugh-
ter of S. F. Lazie , K. C. to Mr. Dun-
can Bull, of Bram ton and London. Eng-
Farmers having Poultry for sale would
do well to call at Trios FELLS, Butcher.
-May your Christmas Joy he as
brigbt as the berries on the holy
W r e a t h -and your Christmas
Memories like the Christmas Tree -
Ever green 1 "
This is a question that has troubled
a good many people, especially the
farmers. For years different prominent
men have studied the question with
varying results. Some give one reason
and some another but so far non e have
succeeded in overcoming the difficulty.
How many times have you heard the
farmer say he cannot get his seeding
done till it is almost too late because he
could not get a man? He has ,arman
one summer and lets him go it he fall
because he has not e ough \yrsk to keep
him busy all winte , th as the same
trouble next sprin his is to a great
extent the farmer's own fault. You:ask
why? The answer is because he can get
enough work to keep his man busy all
winter, but does not do it. Now, you
want to know how. The answer is by
keeping cows. The next trouble to face
is the churning. Well, you do not need
to churn. Send your cream to the Wing -
ham Creamery. Itis running all winter
and needs your help. We are not get-
ting enough this winter and did not ex-
pect a great deal but we will expect more
next. Do not disappoint us. Now is
the time to get your cows for next win-
ter. But do not wait till then, give us
what you have now and help along the
good work of helping the farmer. Write
or phone us if yon would care to send
and we will make arrangements to col-
tect your cream.
By the way, what's so suit-
able for Christmis Gifts as
good Footwear?
Practical. u'st ful and alw•i.ys
Our Christmas Footwear is
on display and the showing is
fine. It's well worth seeing.
We'll snake any exchanges
desired after Christmas. Come,
see our Christmas pre
Owing to the len th of the program
the High School C cert will begin at
p.m. sharp. Th doors will be closed
during the numb s.
Lebanon C
The following
for Lebanon Ch
-Ex. Comp., W
Ex. Comp, E, A
Comp., E. B. W
C. G. VanStone,
J. E. Tamlyn, T
H. E. Tamlyn, S
Carr, S. N.; Ex.
P. S.; Ex. Comp.,
Ex. Comp., Josep
apter Officers.
are the new officers
ter, No, 84, G.R,C.:
A. Campbell, I. P.Z.;
Hammond, Z.; Ea.
lker, H.; Ex. Comp.,
J.; Ri. Ex. Comp„
eas.; Lc'. Ex. Comp.,
E.; Ex. Comp., Geo.
omp., Fred A.Morris
W. H. Hayes, S. S.;
Gibson, J. S.
Come to the Il
Thursday, Dec. 19
mission 25c. Res
igh School Concert,
at 8 o'clock. Ad-
rved Seats 35e.
W. J. OkMMk
The Best Costs
No More.
When going on your Christmas
Holidays, buy > our tickets
over the 0 P.R. The worlds
greatest transportation Co.
Special reduced rates.
Sold Again
The Hardesty farm ath ertised
in this column for the past two
or three weeks has found a pur-
chaser, but we have othee bar-
gains. Don't forget the Messer
farm east cf Bluevale or the
Kelly farm adjoining t wn,
The best Christmas present fur
your wife is a good Insurance
Ritchie 86 Colons
TIPLING & MILLS are prepared to buy
all kinds of first-class grain, also a
market for any quantity of first-class
hay and straw at their warehouse G.T.
R. station.
A three-piece Suite $29 for $2:1. Odd
pieces, $12 for $8.75, and a $16 piece for
t313. Centre Tables, Jardinere Stands,
Music Cabinets. Special cut prices for
cash on all Furniture till Jan. 1st, 1913,
at Gracey's Furniture Store.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
Thousands of ambitious young people
are bring instructed in their homer- a by
ear Some Ctu,ty Dept. You nine iiel�7i
atCallei a if y ,n d, sire Flip when•
ever yon wish. Thirty 'S:•ars' ESIrr-
iciiee. Lamy est trainers •a, Canada.
Eater any slay. Fusiliers Quail nte e,15.
H goti wish to ease board spa Isaac
tivh2le you earn, write for parbiehtiara.
Wingham Business Colteg
GOO. SPOTTON, President