The Wingham Times, 1912-12-12, Page 41 THE WING.f1AM TIMES DECEMBER 12, 1912 TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changea must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. !ei'sT4riLtH1113U :Brit TUE W CNRuI M TREES. B. El.iitOTT, PUBLISHER AND paoPIETO1 THURSDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1912 EDITORIAL NOTES That the increasing attachment of Canadians to the mother country had been coincident with the development of her autonomy was the dominant note in a splendid speech delivered Friday night by N. W. Rowell, K. C., before sixty members of the Galt Club, at the first of a series of banquets arranged for the winter, at which prominent men will discuss important issues. "Two things," he said, "have been outstand- ing in our national life of recent years; the increasing assertion of Canadians of the right to manage there own affairs, with the tendency of the mother country to recognize this, and the recog- nition on our part of the advantages of closer relations with the mother coun- try." to approve the general principle of Can- adieu662 participation in Imperial defence, tlJ"L(�w Number the members all rose in a body and sang the National Anthem. The Liberal Leader, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who on ; rising was given au ovation equal to that of the Premier, had but two brief but significant comments to offer for the present. Ile declared that every Liberal in the House shared in all the expressions of log alty and devotion to the British Empire, and that the peo- ple of Canada would be glad toknow,on the authority of the Admiralty, that any danger which might threaten Bri- tain was prospective rather than im- mediate. If Mr. Borden will put the $35,000,000 into ships to be built, named and main- tained by Canada. The Globe is confi- dent he will secure an almostunanimous support in Parliament. To spend that sum on three "extra" battleships for Britain on the ground that an emergen- cy exisis, when not one word in the ad- miralty memorandum gives warrant for such an assertion, is to sacrifice the in- terests of the Canadian and British tax- payer in the effort to produce harmony in his discordant following. We shall be surprised if the Liberal party does not nail the flag of the Canadian navy to the masthead and say: ':Thirty-five millions, or fifty millions if necessary, but it shall be spent upon ships to be owned, manned and maintained by the people of Canada.—Toronto Globe. A fully -attended and absolutely unani- mous Liberal caucas was held Friday morning on the naval question. The caucas agreed that the admirality memorandum submitted to Parliament by Premier Borden yesterday clearly established what Liberals have always contended, namely, that there is no emergency. In this they find full justi- fication of the principle of a Canadian naval policy, and they will strenuously advocate in Parliament this policy of Canadian -manned and Canadian -owned and maintained ships. They are pre- pared to vote at once the full extent of the figures suggested forthe emergency contribution, namely, $35,000,000, and more if necessary, for the construction and maintainance of Canadian warships along the Iines of the resolution un- animously adopted by Parliament in March, 1909. This the caucas con- sidered to be the only true and sane Imperial policy consonant with. Can- adian pride, Canadian national autono- my, and permanent Imperial unity. Three of the most powerful Dread- noughts that money can buy and science btild, approximately, thirty-five million dollars, to be owned by Canada but maintained and manned by Britain, was the long deferred "emergency" an- nouncement made to Parliament Thurs- day afternoon by Premier Borden under spectacular circumstances. His care- fully -prepared speech, read from manu- script throughout, was heard by pack- ed galleries, by practically every mem- ber of the Commons, by their Royal Highness the Duches of Connaught and Princess Patricia seated on the floor of the House, while outside alt the world listened. The conclusion of his speech wus marked by great demonstration by his followers, white, as an evidence of the desire of both sides of the Douse CHURCH NOTES. In the Baptist Chureb next Sunday evening, the pastor, Rev. G. Victor Collins, will take for his subject, "Ten Reasons Against Local Option." Rev. D. B. McRae of Cranbxook was last week presented with a purse of gold by his congregstion prior to his leaving for his new charge in Armow, Ont. 1912, OF THE 1 A by-law for the purpose of raising a sum not to exceed the sum of Fif- teen Thousand Dollars for the pur- pose of paving and grading a cer- tain portion of Josephine Street under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act. A pretty wedding took place at the home of Jacob and Mrs. Cathers, How - ick township, on Wednesday Nov. 27th, at noon when their daughter, Miss Mary was united in marriage with Frederick J. Lewis of Turnberry. The bride look- ed charming in a gown of marquisette cloth trimmed with silk insertion, app- lique and beaded trimming and wore in her hair a beautiful pearl bandeau, Rev. R. S. Lackland, pastor of the Methodist Whereas it ie expedient to grade that part of Josephine Street in the Town of Wingham South of the Grand Trunk Railway Company's tracks to tits South side of Victoria Street and pave acme with either Macadam, Cement or Asphalt. And whereas it is neces ,ry to borrov a sum or sums of Fifteen thousand Dollars on the credit of the 0 .rporseton, for sr.id purpos. a only and to issue debentures therefor as auth- orized under the Local Improv.metit Aot. And whereas the amount of the whole rate• able property of the Municipality acco•dingto the last revised assessment roll is $80+,098, ad whereas the amount of the,existing de- benture debt of the Corporation (exolusivs of local improvement debt+ secured by special rates or assessments) is 8147,268.04, end no pa, t Of the principal or interest is in arrear. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration orporation of the Town of Wingliam enaests as follows: - 1. That Jo,ephlne Street in the said Town of Wingham from the South side of the Grand Trunk Railway Company's tracks to the Smith side of Victoria Street shall be graded and paved with either macadam, cement or asphalt Fifteen ovement i Improve - church at Wroxeter, performed the ceremony under a beautiful floral arch. The bridal couple were attended by the bride's brother, Charles Cathers, and ;Miss Eva McMichael, the latter dressed in pink satin made a charming flower girl. Wedding march was played by Mrs. W. A. Cathers. Bride carried a boquet of pink and white carnations. The grooms gift to the bride was a fur lined coat and to the flower girl he gave a jewel case. A large number of useful and costly presents were received and a cheque from the bride's father. After a dainty wedding dinner Mr. and Mrs. Lewis left for Toronto and other points, the bride travelling in a hand- some costume of navy blue cloth, cream silk plush hat with white plume and pink roses. The Apple Business. To the Editor of the TIMES: I do not know what to think of the apple business, Mr. T. Moore has not shipped his apples yet and Mr. Steepe near Clinton who has rented bis 5 acre orchard of good quality apples to a Company who took great care of it and grew tomatoes in between the trees and kept it thoroughly tilled and there was a spleneid crop of fruit, mostly Spies, and not an apple packed. A lady says I was driving on the 6th concession and "assed Mr. Sloan's orchard he packed 1609 barrels of apples and yet there is many trees loaded with beautiful Spies. That is 5 miles from Clinton on the Bayfield Road. How about the people who are continually telling us the busi- ness could not be overdone? I am feed- ing mine to the cattle, a few every day; it seems to suit them. Yours truly, WnrrnonURCH FARMER. STOCK FOR SALE. The undersigned offers the following stock for sale:—One Cow, 7 years old; four Heifers rising 2 years; one Heifer rising 3 years; four Spring Calves; one Filly, driving class, rising 2 years. Terms to suit purchaser. A. FOX, Whitechurch, Ont. LIVE STOOK MARKETS. Toronto,. Dec. 9th —City Cattle Mar- ket—Receipts today were 13 cars, with 265 head of cattle, 117 sheep and Iambs, and 52 calves. Trade was fair, with an active de- mand for good to choice butter cattle, but slow for the common qualities. Prices were steady to firm, several small lots of choice butcher heifers selling from 55.60 up to $6.10. Cows were steady and in good demand, from 54 to 56; common, $3 to 53.75, and can- ners and cutters at 52.50 to 52.60. Lambs were firm at $7, the top price for last week. Hogs are easier, and for this week are quoted another 25e, lower, at $8 fed and watered and57.65 f.o.b. Export cattle, choice 56 00 to 56 25 do medium 5 50 o 75 do light 450 620 do bulls. ,. ....... 4 50 5 00 do cows . 3 75 550 Butchers choice . 5 75 6 25 do medium .... 5 25 5 75 do cow's.... ..., 4 75 500 do common.... 2 75 3 75 do canners ..,. 1 75 250 Short -keep , 5 60 5 55 Feeders steers 5 00 5 50 do bulls 375 425 Stockers Choice....., 4 25 5 50 do light 350 4 00 Milch cows, choice, each... 60 00 85 00 Springers 40 00 80 00 Common and Medium ...... 30 00 45 00 Sha llekgs•••••••• 2 5 00 0 350 Lambs, peelings, 5 00 5 90 Spring lambs, each. 5 00 6 25 Hogs, f. O. b .. 7 65 do fed sold watered . 800 Calves 8 00 8 50 Many growing girls in school or business are frail—delicate-- anemic—lack energy and am- bition and have thin blood. It is ail unnatural and unless checked leads- to serious and chronic ills. Nourishment, not drugs, is the law of reason to build strength —but when appetite is poor and digestion weak, ordinary foods. (1-' not nourish—then SCO1T'S iz'-ULSIO,Y is necessary. SCOTT'S tIWUILSIONover- .ne`. ]t'at Stint COndltions; it9 tis:=.te material enters tate b!iic.t without rii- 8 ge>t:. e'c!gurt ani iaakes it rich. It tones the x!tote system and starts the healthy action of c lit throughout the faeitetia:eir crit Jager . r/iriar t t 5 to f.a r.tckr i'.+e midst ..a 5COl7's. Siatt do Sumac. Taranto.Outgrio maw/6A .. at a cost not to exceed the sum o thou+aud Dollars as a Local 1m under the provisions of the Lo ment Act. 2. That the Corporation sh pay 1181• per cent. of such grading and par g and that the balance of said cost shall be argeable equal- ly upon the lands abutting n both sides of the said street. 8. The work shall be c ried on and execut- ed. under the super ten nee and according to the directions sl d o ars of the engineer of the said Corporatio d shall be let and finish- ed in one contract or more as the council of the said. Corporation shall see fit. 4. That all necessary debentures for the purpose of raising money to defray the cost o! the said improvements and all other regulations in connection with same to be ander the pro- vlelons of the Local Improvement Act. 6. The voting on this By-law by the electors of the said Town of wingbam shall take place at the same time by the same Deputy Return- ing Officers and at the same places as the annual election for municipal officers, on the Sixth day of January,A. D. 1918. b. On Saturday, thFourth day of January. ♦. D. 1918, the Mayor of the said Town of Wingham shall attend as the Town Ran at 11 o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at the various polling places and at the final enmming up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of persons interested in promoting or opposing the passing of this by-law, respective- ly. . The Clerk for the said Town of Wing - ham shall attend at the said Town Hall at 11 o'clock m the forenoon of 'tnesda v,the seventh ber of votes given for and to alnm thus bylaw. Dated at the Town Hall in the Town of W Ing- ham, this Dtinth day of December, A. D 1912. Mayor. Clerk. TODAY. [Detroit Free Press.] Supposing you have faltered, Supposing you have failed, Supposing that you have weakened When by temptation hailed, All that was left behind you When died grim yesterday, You now possess this morning To start anew the fray. You may have shirked a duty, You may have turned aside, You may have lost your battle Though hard to win you tried. Astray you may have wondered, But don't remain astray, If you've the wish to do it You can get it back today. NOTICE. Take notice that the above le a true copy of a proposed by-law, which has been taken into consideration, and which will be finally passed by the council of the mnnioipality tin the event of the ascent of the electors being obtained shereto) atter one month from the drat publi- cation in The Wingham Timea, the date of which first publication was Thursday, the 12th day of December, A. D. I912, and that the votes of the electors of said municipality will be taken thereon on the day and at the hours and placcea set for the election of municipal officers And also take notice that every tenant who desires to vote must deliver to the Cl.rk, not Iater than the 7th day before the day appoint- ed for taking votes. the declaration provided for by the Conaolidoted Municipal Act. JOHN F. GROVES, Clerk. The Government may purchase G. T. P. 3 per cent. bonds at par. North Gosfield farmers and fruit grow- ers will erect a cold -storage plant at Ruthven. Bonnie Burn Herd OF BERKSHIRES Hugh C. Thompson, a well-known lumberman of Orillia, died of pneumonia after two day's illness. "CANADA'S BANNER HERD" SOWS AND BOARS OF ALL AGES FOR SALE WINOIIAsiStAlt»LCstairo Te. Wingharn, Dec. lith, 1912 Flour per 100 lbs 2 60 to 3 15 Fall wheat ........ , 0 90 to 0 91 Oats . 0 37 to 087 Barley.. 55 to 0 56 Pees ..100 to 1 10 Butter dairy ..... 026 to 0 27 Eggs per doz.... .... 0 30 to 080 Wood per cord 2 75 to 280 Hay per ton + 31 00 to 12 00 Y Potatoes per bushel, nett. 0 158 two 0 8080 Live MOS per cwt+•. 7 50 to 760 James Henderson WX1 GI[AM. By4aw No. 17, 192. A By -Law for the holding of a Public Meeting of he Electors of the Township of 'ernberry in the For- esters' Hall, luevale on Monday, the 30th day . December, 1912, at the hour of 1 clock p.m. For the nomination of candidates for the offices of Reev : and Councillors for the year nin:teen hundred and thirteen. YOUR FAIL SUIT OR OVERCOAT I have moved my tailor Bbop to the well known stated opposite the Bank of $aMilton and will be pleased to have your order for CALL CLOTHING WO carry the veru best lines o€all kinds of material and your order will receive prompt Lt pay lipt attention. Co. G. WHITE The Timor, Be it therefore en cted by the Muni- cipal Council of he Township of Turnberry in Counci assembled and it is hereby enacted th t a public meet- ing of the electors o the Township of Turnberry shall be h Id in the Forest- ers' Hall, Bluevale, on Monday, the 30th day of Decemb r, A.D., 1012, at the hour of one o'clo k p.m., for the nomination of candid: es for the offices of Reeve and Counci lors to serve in the Municipal Counci of the Township of Turnberry for the . ear one thousand nine hundred and tin teen and should a Poll be required such Poll shall be open- ed on Monday, the 6 h day of January, one thousand nine h • dred and thirteen, at the hour of 9 o'cI, k a.m. and shalt remain open until 5 'clock p.m, and no longer in the follow' g Polling Sub -Di- visions: No. 1—In School House, Wingham Town Plot, Wm. S. Ring, D.R.O., Ben- son Cruickshank, f erk. No. 2—In the To nship Clerk's Office, Bluevale, John W. King, D.R.O., Sam, Paul, Clerk. No. 3—In Soho ' I House, Section 9, Alexander McPhe son, D.R.Q., Jas. T. Wylie, Clerk. No. 4—In Scho,l House; Sehool Sec- tion No. 3, D. H. Wallace, D.R.O., Arthur Lincoln, lerk. Bluevale, Dec. 2nd, 1912. JOHN' BURGESS, TowhshipNClerk. milimensoesomeneemeeseensineissie Dissolution of Partnership Sale Everything in the Store except Grocer- ies will be offered at SPECIAL CLEARING SALE PRICES We have not time to quote prices. But come and see the bargains we offer. SALE COMMENCES ON MONDAY, DEC. 16, 1912, AND CONTINUES UP TO DEC. 3 , 1912 There will be some two weeks. Co hi doing here for the next ;•- e early for first choice. All Accounts Must be Paid at Once. Every account on our books must be settled by Cash, Farm Produce or Note before the end of this year. Farm Produce taken as cash during this sale Terms of Sale SPOT CASH or PRODUCE Goods will not be given out on approval during this sale. KERR rat BIRD otemressessentosserseweemmemmoroms 21 i AST L>S6V.7t.s.'SSSSSSMSS exa 6..mssssrls.. CHRISTMAS GIFTS Get busy and get your choice at Patterson's J e w e l l e r y Store. We are here with the goods. We have the new- est and swellest line of goods this year ever shown in town. Diamond Rings a large stock to choose from. Pearl Rings Pearl Necklets Pearl Sun Bursts Pearl Pins Genas' Pearl Tie Pins Cut Glass Silverware Leather Bags Pearl Handle Goods Beaded Bags Bracelet* Work Bags Watch Fobs Jewel Cases Locket and Chains Watches Sterling Silver and Ebony Toilet Sets Gold and Silver Headed Umbrellas A LARGE STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. W. Go Patterson The Orett Watch Doctor. Wham. el i C KVA 111 ttnSiC KVA Ci tit Ci. Sntacv.)ezou `Js- �S S i s J3K J Jct f'� r` rJ� e c.Ai •J v.] ✓Gr.JV1tl COMING To meet the needs of every SANTA CLAUS The Presents You Want at the Prices you like. We want you to come and rest your wistful eye upon ottr Beauti- ful Holiday Display-. It will sug- gest to you at once the proper present and afford the lowest prices ever made. To Look Through Oar Splendid Stock is a Pastime. Cottle early and satis- fy your needs from our fine stock, which was bought to save yon time and money. It will be to your interest to call and inspect our champing new selections in Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass, Diamond and Pearl Rings, Jewellery of every description, Fancy Chinaware, Ebony Manicure and, Toilet Setts, Jewel Cases, Xmas Booklets and Post Cards, Ladies' Hanel Bags, Corneas and Barretts, Fancy Stationery,etc. Something for Every Pierson Something for Every Purse. Our stock is replete with Big hearted Bargains at Big.11earted Prices. We have sufficient variety to insure an easy choice of de. sirable gifts for old aihd young. Popular Selections --Plenty of Variety --New Attractions We will please you, we will satisfy you, we will meet your wants, be they large or small, with the most Suitable Present,.• at the Fairest Prices. tiliMMISTOL A. M. KNOX'S Watch Repairing a Specialty. Phone 65. Opposite liatleaml Hotel