HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-12-12, Page 1THE WINGHAM TIMES.
VOL. XLI.-'--NO, 2112
We have the largest variety and
best assortment of articles
suitable for Christmas Gifts
ever shown in a Drug
Store in Wingham.
Leather Goods -We have put
in a stock of Julian Sale Leath-
er Goods including Dressing
Cases, Hand Bags. Wallets, etc.
Toilet Gases -A variety of 50
cases to choose from at prices
from $1 50 to $10.00 each, con-
sisting of writing Sets, Mani-
cure Sets, Brush and Comb
Sets, Hat and Cloth Brush
Sets, Shaving, ete., in Ivory,
Sterling Silver and Ebony.
Ebony Goods -Mirrors, Brushes
of all kinds, and Manicure
Articles. Ebony Hair Brushes
from 75c to $5, 00.
Perfumes - We have Soverign,
Seelys, Roger & Gallet and
other makes in niee packages,
from 25c to $G.00 each.
Chocolates -Dales and Lowneys
in plain and fancy boxes from
25c to $3.50.
Stationery - Symphony Lawn,
"The best matte in 1, 2 or 5
quire boxes, at 50c to $3.00 per
box, Fountain Pens $1.50 to
$4.50 each.
Sundries --The largest stock of
Amber Pipes in Wingham.
Cigars, Kodaks, Thermos Bot-
eles, Puff Boxes, Soap Boxes,
Fancy Soaps, Sponge Bags,
Jewel Cases, and many other
suitable articles.
Everything at right prices. "Any
article reserved until Christmas week
on payment of 255, of its va1ee"
W. Mckibbon
The J.....^ �r Store
"Eyesight Tested Free"and
glasses supplied when needed at
reasonable prices.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a BEAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Maloolm's Grocery.
Christie's Grocery
New Almonds
Per Ib. 50c, See them.
Sultanna Raisins
Per lb. Ts. Extra choice.
Good quality, per ?b. lot.
Special 2 Ib for 25C.
Per lb. 25c. Very tempting.
Grape Fruit
3 for 25c. Beautiful fruit.
Per quart i 5c. Long
Cluster Raisins
Only the best qualities kept
fIl stock. We do not
touch the cheaper
Candies Galore.
Wear cheer's Shoes and Rutbcrs,
L. O. LI Officers.
At the regular
L. 0. L. on Frid
following officers
P. M., J. W. 14I�
Fralick; D. M., J
W. B. Elliott; Fi
Treas., John F.
H. Croly; Lectur
C., Roy Stephe
G. Salter, W. J.
Mason, Wm. Stu
eeting of Wingham
evening last, the
ere elected for 1913;
:Kibbon; M., A. M.
C. Smith; Rec.-Sec ,
.-Sec., W. J. Deyell;
roves; Chap., Rev, E.
r, Wm. Guest; D. of
on; Committee, W.
reer, A. Young, Robt.
All kinds of Fancy Stationery for
Christmas at KNox's.
Big Mone in Poultry.
Alex. McKinn
horse -buyer, is so
man. One day la
a wagon load of po
and sold them to S:
went home with a
He had 22 geese a
is said the turkeys i
have been brought
Next week he expe
dred dollar's wort
will make at least ,
try.- Ripley Expr
the well-known
ewhat of a poultry
week he .brought
�ltry to the village,
muel Seiden. Alex:
heque for $176.10,
d 70 turkeys. It
ere the best that
Ripley this fall.
is to sell two hun-
i and this season
00 out of his poul-
APPLES ICOR SALE. -Any quantity at
25c per bushel; delivered free.
Wm. Davies Co. Ltd.
Increase in
Mr. F. IC. Wilso
Canadian Order of
very successful ca
Friday evening lass
son's two weeks
twenty-six new m
for Court Maitland
ing of the Court w
evening of this we
officers and trans:
ness. All member
i, organizer for the
?oresters closed up a
as in Wingham on
During Mr. Wil -
stay in Wingham
tubers were secured
The regular meet-
] be held on Friday
for the election of
tion of general busi-
are requested to be
select from at lowest prices.
Grant fc
At the session c
Council on Wed
last week, the
Huron County 1
was heard, Messr
Spotton, of Wing]
Goderich, addres ng the council,
Messrs. Lecke and Cantelon moved
that the council •ant, the sum of $1,-
500 to aid in star ing a publicity cam-
paign for the cou ty of Huron, as out-
lined by the co mittee appointed for
that purpose, an that the said amount
shall remain in he treasury and shall
be paid out by th treasurer only on the
certificate of the resident, vice-presi-
dent or treasurer f the Association; the
accounts for the ame to be placed be-
fore the council each session.
Messrs. `Bailie and Winter moved to
refer this motion to the executive com-
mittee, but this as lost and the motion
of Messrs. LecI e and Cantelon was
carried on the fol owing division:
Yea-Ament, ntelon, Clark, Gov-
enlock, Gillespie, Glen, Neaman, Hun -
kin, Leckie, Lind ay, Livingston, Milne,
Munnings, McK , Petty -15.
Nay -Brown, ailie, Hunter, Kerning -
hen, Kaldfleisch, Leiper, McClure, Pow-
ell, Shortreed, Underwood, Winter,
Yearley -12.
The TIMES is p ased to learn that the
County Council as made this grant.
Huron county is ne of the best in the
Province and this movement will help to
hold the population we have and will
be the means of inducing new residents.
Other counties h ve found campaigns
of this kind work ut very satisfactory
and we are lookin for goodresultsfrom
the Huron County ampaign.
the Huron County
esday afternoon of
eputation from the
ublicity Association
. Greig, of Seaforth,
am, and Mitchell. of
GIRLS WANTED -Apply at National
Read Willis & Go.'s adv. on page 8
A Box
On Friday evenin
at Zetland school 1
will be given, after
auctioned. Admiss
Ladies are requeste
boxes. — I
, December 2Uth,
use, a box social
Which boxes will be
n, gentlemen 15c,
to bring well filled
Go to KNOT'S for your Christmas and
New Year's Post Cards.
Pilgrim's Progress.
At the Picture H. use on M day and
Tuesday evenings .f next eek, "Pil-
grim's Progress," : massi production
in four parts will e oduced. The
picture shows sten scribed in Bun-
yan's beautiful d eam and is highly
praised by pulpit and press. The ad-
mission is 20 cent and the house will
be sold by plan, hich op ns at Ken-
nedy's on Thursda, , Dec her 12th.
Visit the new t y nd novelty store
in Mooney's old st before selecting
our Christmas gi s.
POULTRY WANTED.—Highest cash
prices paid for all kinds of live poultry,
GUNNs' LIMITED, Phone 10.
Local Option Meetings,
The Wingham Lo al Option Associa-
tion held a very su cessful and well at -
he C. 0. F. hall on
Mr. J. G. Murdoch
e speaker of the ev-
evening, Dec.l7th,
public meeting will
sts of local option.
e evening will be ex-
Strathroy and Aub -
market, and Mr. C.J
11 render solos. The
nvited to attend this
tended meeting in
Tuesday evening.
of Lucknow was tr
ening. On Tuesda
in the town hall, a
be held in the inter
The speakers for tl
Mayor Cameron o
rey Davis, of Ne
Pink, of London
public is cordially
Heart, !lead, Hand,
Educate the hart to feel, train the
hand to think, )aecustom the hand to
act. Tens of Tho, sand of young people
holding foremost ositionsin Canada and
United States, a salaries ranging from
($1000)to 10,000 and more per year,
ceivd their training and their first
position from tli.e Spotton Chain of
Seven Colleges. undreds of colleges
in Canada and U ted States have en-
gaged our gradu: tes as teachers. Am-
bitious young m and women can learn
of the success of former students in
their locality fo the asking. The Home
Study Depart nt assists those who
cannot attend f r a time. It pass to
attend the largest organization in Can-
ada with thir
way can be op
what your obs
tions from this
be sent to Wit
or to the fam
lege, London.
years experience. A
red for you no matter
tiles may be. Applk e-
ici ti should
The World's greatest
Co., The CanadianP�ci
your tickets from
Town Agents.
c Railway. Buy
tchie & Cosens,
Statement of
The followingis
ment of the Wing
the year 1912:-
39 members at $
34 "
Curling Stones fo
John Stephenson
Ontario Curling sn
Telephone Rent
Prize for Local C• m .......
A.Reid for Drawi . g Stones
Express & Phone.
urling Club.
he financial state -
am Curling Club for
the Club ....$ 16.85
1 20,
$ 187.65
nessof .... $2.65
Deficit on the yea 's
Mrs. Rockett of D reit was visiting
for a few days wit Mr. and Mrs. D.
E. McDonald.
Mrs. Thos, Bowers 's in Guelph this
week and is exhibitin poultry at the
Winter Fair.
Mies Annie McLea of Ripley, is vis-
iting her sisters, Mrs. Alex. Reid and
Mrs. Bert. 'Vansiekle,
Mr. Robt. Davidso , of Winnipeg is
visiting for few day with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs: J. Davids n.
Mr. E. H. Bird was t Woodstock for
a few days fast week isiting with his
mother, who is seriou ly ill.
Mr. L. Dewyer, of he C. P. R., has
been moved to Bexet r. He is succeed-
ed here by Mr. S. M lough, of Berlin.
Mr, Alex, Ross and Mrs. James Max-
well were at Hensall n Wednesday at-
tending the funeral f their brother,
the late James Ross.
FUEL ECoNOMI • ER -Saves money for
coal users. Red ces waste by decreas-
ing ashes and el kers. It makes the
coal last longer and saves much hard
work. For sale by H. E. ISARD & Co.
Death of J • seph Higgins.
There passed a •
Saturday last, aft
illness, Mr. Josepl
older residents of
deceased gentlem:•
ley Township, on t
1849. About forty
to lot 7, concession
he resided up to th
Mr, Higgins was f
Superintendent of t
Sunday School and
the Trustee Board
Salem church, He
esteemed in the co
6th of February, 18
Jane Ballagh, of Tu
a family of three d
sons are left to mo
band and father.
Mrs. J. W. Lennex
J. Gallaher, Howie
Chester and Edgar
gins is also survive
and one sister, viz:
ert, of North Dako
eter; Elijah of Mo
Grey, of Howick.
a number of years
Court Maitland, C
esters and a numb
of the Order atte
'the Wroxeter ce
ternoon and the s
was rendered at
y in Turnberry on
r several months of
Higgins, one of the
e township. The
was born in Stan -
e Bayfield road, in
years ago he moved
7, Turnberry,where
time of his death.
a number of years
e Salem Methodist
as a member of
nd a Steward in
as $ man highly
munity. On the
4, he married Mary
nberry, who, with
ughters and two
n the loss of ahus-
he children are-
Wingham; Mrs.W.
Miss Maud and
t home. Mr. nig-
by four brothers
William and Rob -
a; Thomas of Wrox-
ris and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. Higgins hadfor
been a member of
nadian Order of Far-
r of of the members
• ed the funeral to
etary on Tuesday af-
rvice of the Order
he grave. The re-
ligious service a . the house and grave
was Conducted . y Rev. Mr, Lackland,
of Wroxeter. • mong those from a
distance who at • nded the funeral were
Robt. Higgins a d son, John, of Han-
nah, North Dok , ta; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Crawford, Geer
Higgins, Exet
family and fri
the sympathy o
Mr. Thos. Jones lel
visit to his home i
Wednesday evening M
sented with an umbrel,
hers of St. Paul's Ch
this week on a
England. Last
. Jones was Are-
a by the mem-
eh Choir.
Mr: and Mrs, W. H. Kerr, of Brussels
were visitors in Wingham on Monday
while on their way home from Clinton,
where they had been pending Sunday
with their son, Mr. J. eslie Kerr.
Mrs. Wm. Hogg, w o has been visit-
ing at the home of M . Geo. A Phippen
has gone to reside ne r Toronto. Miss
May Hogg, her dau ter, who is now
teaching in the Gle arrow school has
secured a school nea Toronto for next
year at a salary of $ 00.
Mrs. Haslam and iss Maud Haslam
left on Wednesda for Devils Lake,
North Dakota, to isit with relatives
and friends, and wil later go to Cal-
ifornia, Many frien s will wish them
a pleasant trip and ope both ay re-
turn greatly improv d in heal
Farmers having Poul r or sale would
do well to call at THOS ELLS, Butcher.
A special meetin of the Town Council
was held on Mond y evening with all
the members prose t and Mayor Spot -
ton presiding.
Mayor Spotton a d Couns. Elliott re-
ported that they ha visited Clinton dur-
ing the afternoon . nd had arranged a
satisfactory agree ent with. the Jack-
son Manufacturin Co.
By -Law No. 661 as then given two
readings and on m
and Mills was ord
in the Wingham
by law.
By-law No. 662
penditure of $15,0
ing a portion of
given two readin
Couns. VanStone
to be published i
as required by las
ion of Couns. Elliott
ed to be published
DVANCE as required
roviding for the ex -
0 in paving and grad-
osephine street was
s and on motion of
nd Bone was ordered
the Wingham TIMES
A farewell social as held in Knox
church on Friday ev ning, Dec. 6th, on
the eve of the depar re of Rev. W, J.
West and family to h s new sphere of
labour, Port Perry. he congregation
of Knox church and E. dies turned out
en masse to do honor .. Mr. and Mrs.
West, who are held in ery high esteem
as seen by the followin address :
To Ray. W. J. WEST,
From Knox Church, Bluevale, Ont„
Dec. 6th, 12.
On the occasion of your resignation
from thepastorate of nox Church. we
the members and adh rents of the con-
gregation have met o say farewell,
and express our kindl regards for you
and Mrs. West.
We have natural f : elings of attach-
ment to • one who b an his ministry !,
amongst us and has been pastor for
over fifteen years, 'i uring these years
you have shared in t e sacred Joys and
sorrows of every fa ily, and in time of
trouble as well as r jolting your part
was never a merely ormal one, but one
of real help and self forgetfulness.
Your influence i the lives of the
people cannot be easured, but what
you have done for the Church is at-
tested by the large increase in itsmem-
bership, the wide ng of its activities
and the more gen ral part taken by
the people in its ife and work. Its
material progress i shown by the new
church edifice and i provements to the
church property to hich you gave the
labor of your handas well as your
judgment and ent usiasm. In yourre-
lations with the . oung people of the
congregation you • on their loyalty by
your ever -ready ympathy with their
ideas and your : idance was always
softened by patie ce and pleasantness
while you went o tside the sphere of
your own work in aiding those in search
of self improve nt.
Your genlalit and your interest in
the every -day liv s of your people won
their friendship, the hospitality of your
home enriched • the kindliness of your-
self and Mrs. est was generously ex-
tended to all. s a tangible expression
of regard, we eg you to accept this
purse of gold. You take with you to
your new field •f labor the good will of
your people he e who wish you happi-
ness and peat- and that spiritual re-
ward that is b:•towed upon the life of
christian servie
Signed on beha of the congregation
of Knox Church: Robt. Black, Chair -
of Managing Co .; John Burgess, Sec-
On Sabbath th: Church edifice was
At a special
Council on Mond
which will be vo
ers of Wingham
next were given
No. 661 provides
more than $300,0
ory premises an
(except school
ten years to the
Co. of Clinton.
favors the corn
branch of their
business in Win
the first year ha
the remaining ni
less than forty
will also use ele
town and pay fo
The Jackson pe
ness for over to
dealing with a v
Their business h
extent that they
the proper help i
Exeter, to tur
enough to mee
editor of the
on Monday and
Jackson factory
busy place with
and young Judie
outthe well-kno
ing," A factory
a great help to t
The by-law and a
lfished in full in t
and may also be
office. We would
eeting of the Town
yevening two by-laws
edon by the ratepay-
n the 6th of January
wo readings. By -Law
for the payment of not
per annum for fact -
exemption of taxes
ates) for a period of
ackson Manufacturing
In return for these
any will establish a
othing manufacturing
am and by the end of
thirty employees and
e years to employ not
ands. The comp: .y
trie power from ,.,e
ame at regular rites
le have been in busi-
years and the town is
ry reliable company.
s grown to such an
are not able to secure
Clinton, Goderich and
out the goods fast
the demands. The
MES visited Clinton
s shown through the
and it is certainly a
pwards of fifty men
employed in turning
brand of "Lion Cloth`
f this kind would be
Town of Wingham.
reenient will be pub-
o Wingham Advance
seen at the Clerk's
advise the ratepayers
des for the making
ovement c n Josephine
ns are agreed that
should Le improved
heartily support the
ce to these by-laws
urther issues of the
etown, Mich.; Roberti to carefully read
To the bererved BY -law 862 t,roi
ds will be extended st permanent
Alt tett z
the community. Josephine street
and will no doubt
- by law.
Further refer
, will be made in
} TIMEii .
town andv n .y NoT1cE--Having �iurchased a hard
gham Business College ware business jun other town, all ac
us Spotton Business Col- counts owing uE ust be paid at once
--Richardson and Rae.
filled with people t: hear the last mes-
sages of a bel'ved pastor, who
had ministered t. them for nearly
sisxteen years. H. exhorted all to re-
member the mes- : ges given during
these years, and to •ve one another, and
wished God's bless' g to rest upon all.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes and family left for
Port Perry on Mo ay.
To Mrs. West.
This thrifty town o
Is known far and w
Owing to the fact t
A College doth abid
A systematic schoo
Where students atr
And there, are trai
By Mr. C. E. Burns
The alphabet of
Which has'been pu
With scientific prin
That were all term
Has won its way in
And taught as othe
Yea, and further le
By Miss Macpherso
at in it
it is
e to learn,
d for business life
egg's shorthand
on test,
d the best;
this fair day
me say
in our college.
The youths to -day
The business men o
So hence let all prec
To ward off failure,
Which soon will co
The opportunities t
And life will failure
The twig was bent,
Systematic trainin
Must go hand in ha d together
Till harmoniously tl ey bind.
who did sever,
nd knowledge,
they received
s College.
ill soon become
ution take
orry fears;
e to those who
y find,
mean, for as,
the tree inclined.
cultivation of the
Regarding students
No doubt they all b
Their fame, success
Was due the traini
At Spotton's Busin
M. Faust, W. B. C.
We have some Parlor Suites to clear
at wholesale cost price. Call in and see
them. A. nice three piece Suite (Silk
coverings) $25 for $19.-S. Gracey.
On every farm t
three classes of Co
pay for their feed a
ing care of them, Se
pay their way and 1
profitable cows, and
expenses, thus givin
agement for keepin
'farmers point of vi
be one class of cow
dividend over expe
that produces thre
gutter per year.
pound this would
Let this sixty delta
outlay at six per
would be one thous
the cow producing
of butter per year,
be double that of tl
production is doubl
dollars per year.
questions honestly.
first cow is a poor c
a good cow. Dees
much to feed the g
the poor one? Ever
that the opposite 1
Again, does it tak
to attend to the go
one? Everything
"No." What is
the difference in t
profit. How are
whether your cow
Get them tested
The Wingham Cr
you if you will se
from each of you
so that we can
Remember it is a
not cream.
We are going t
all winter and n
can get. Send
trial, and see if
not better than
are now paying
pound butter -fat
twenty-six cents
If our wagon i
write or telepho
arrangements t
The Wingham
From the women o Knox Church,Blue-
vale, De 6t 1912.
Dear Mrs. West;
At this time of • : rtx i'g, we your wo-
men friends and fe ow workers of Knox
Church feel that w cannot say farewell
without trying to : press by more than
words the regar we feel for you
personally and a s se of how we valued
your faithful co-.peration for many
years in the wo en's work of the
church. We ther fore, beg you to ac-
cept this gift of tlery. In the work
of your husband ou were a true help-
meet, you freely ,Tiered the hospitality
of your home bot for the pleasure of
your friends an the projects of the
church, and both nside and outside the
church you took leading part in fur-
thering the highe interests of life. It
can truly be said you leave no one be-
hind who is not y r friend. That the
future years of y urself and your child-
ren may be crow d with blessings and
guided by Divine aver in ways of joy
and peace is the ish of the Women of
Knox Church.
Signed on ben if of the Women of
Knox Church: Mrs. Wm. Maxwell,
Mary Collie.
All kinds of Watches, Clocks and
Silverware for the Christmas trade at
Death of mes Ross.
There passed aw. , suddenly in Hen-
sel] on Sunday one of the pioneer re-
sidents of Huron co my in the person
of Mr. James Ross, • -other of Mr, Alex.
Ross and Mrs. Jame. Maxwell of this
town. The decease • gentleman was
born in Stanley tow ship nearly sixty-
three years ago and spent practically
all his life on the horn stead taken up by
his father, the late J: mes Ross. A few
weeks ago Mr. Ross eft the farm and
moved to Il:ensall here he proposed.
spending his declini g years, but sud-
den illness resulted n his death. The
deceased ivas highl esteemed in the
community in whic he had so long re-
sided. His first wi e was a sister of
Dr. P. Macdonald, of London, and
formerly of Wingh , and passed away
twenty years ago, : nd later he married
Miss Agnes Burges , who, with a fam-
ily of three sons an four daughters are
left to mourn the 1 s of a husband and
father. Mr. Ross ad been a life-long
member of the resbyterian church
and hi politics Was Liberal. Thefun-
eral took place We nesday afternoon to
Raird's cemetery i Stanley township.
re are practically
s, First, that do not
d the labour of tak-
ond, those that just
st those that are
ay more than their
you some encour-
them, From the
their should only
, the ones that pay
ses. Take the cow
hundred pounds of
twenty cents per
ring sixty dollars.
s be interest on your
cent. The outlay
d dollars. Then take
ix hundred pounds
the outlay should
e first cow as the
or two thousand
ow answer a few
We will say the
w, and the latter
it take twice as
od cow as it does
thing goes to prove
more often the case.
twice as much time
d cow as the poor
nd everybody says
e result? Only that
e production is clear
ou going to know
are poor or good?
We will test them.
mery will do it for
d us a sample of milk
cows. Number them
fid a report to you.
ample of the MILK
run our Creamery
ed all the cream we
yours. Give us a
e do not do as well if
u are now doing. We
thirty-one cents per
or a trifle better than
er pound butter.
not in your District,
e us and we will make
collect your cream.-
Christmas Slippers
It matters not how many other
Christmas rememberances •you may
provide for flim—He must have a
pair of Christmas Slippers
No Man's Christmas is complete
without a pair of Slippers. They
are always right and are always
OATS FOR SALE—I have received two
car Loads of Ontario oats, good enough
for seed, 40e per bushel off the car.
Sample can be seen at livery office.
We have chosen all the best Slipper
productions of the Best Makers.
Kid Slippers -black or colors -Tan
Slippers, Seal Skin, Alligators, Calf, etc.
Everett and Opera Styles.
Then, there are Nullifiers, Romeos,
Fausts, Cavaliers, Bed and Bath Slip-
Felt Slippers, etc., etc.
50c, 75c to $1.00, $1.25 or $L75.
Our Slipper display is worth
while coming to see, for you'll not
find another such a Slipper spread
anywhere, hereabouts.
Thr Wingham H . h Sc000l concert
will be given in the own Hall on Thurs-
day evening, Dec. : th. As this is their
first appearance be ore the public, the
students may feel • omewhat diffident,
but a good enterta ment is promised
The plan of the •:11 will be opened
at McKibben's Dr _ store on Friday,
Dec. 13. Reserve seats 35e, ordinary
seats 25e.
There will be a ; eeting of the Liter-
ary Society, on Er day of this week.
"Twenty Ye • s in Sing Sing"
The Story of t sensational escape
from prison of an innocent man. The
first three reel pi ture we have shown.
All We can say a out this picture is--
Don't miss it. 0 Ing to some mistake
this picture did not reach Wingham
for last week, • t will be put on the
Picture House on liursday and Friday,
Dec. 12th and 13t
Fine Farms
For Sale
Toilet and Manicure Sets from
$15 at KNos'S.
$1 to
Mr. A. C. W. Hardisty is offering
his fine farms near Westfield for sale
at right prices. These farms are in
200 and 100 acre blocks and will be
sold separately or together.
Both have good soil, fine buildings,
are well watered, fenced and culti-
vated and are convenient to mar-
kets, schools, churches and post
office with daily mail.
farm Near Bluevale
Mr. Robert Messer has listed with
us for immediate sale his 100 acre
farm two miles east of Bluevale.
This is good buying at the price we
are asking.
Don't miss these opportunities, as
the general opinion is that farm
lands in Huron Co. are due to take
a sudden jump in prices.
Further particulars of any of
above places on the premises, or
Ritchie & Conn
TIMING & MILLS are prepared to buy
all kinds of first-class grain, also a
market for any quantity of first-class
hay and straw at their warehouse G.T.
R. station.
A three-piece Suite $29 for $2:3. Odd
pieces, $12 for $8.75, and a $16 piece for
$13. ('entre Tables, Jardinere Stands,
Music Cabinets. Special cut prices for
cash on all Furniture till Jan. lst, 1913,
at Gracey's Furniture Store.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
Bra it nta infhekM
Dile $Aho Sba:0Y Dept. You tow Sit
atOolloge If you dewire lay when -
it• . htr 1, sirs' Exper-
ience. w i T 1tr app
ie•nce. Lbrkp st 'recross n I'r+uaria.
Ester any day. Po! tions pMiorraktf,ll+.
Hwin wish to esope board atxi ioarn
WWSLio you earn, write for partieWare.
wingli+ecei Business Colteg
O£0.5POTTOt3; President