HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-12-05, Page 8s T'TIE WING -BAN TAMES DECEMBER ° 5, 1912 MINOR LOCALS. --Three weeks till Christmas. Do your shopping early. For Diamond, Wedding and Engage- ment Rings go to KNox's. -Pall fair concert on evening, of Tuesday, January 14th. -Buy your G.T.R. tickets from H. B. Elliott at the TIMES Office. Apples for sale very cheap at the Wingham Creamery. -Regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board will be held next Tuesday evening. -The Wingham dance orchestra will furnish the music for a ball in Tees - water on December 6th. - Mr. Robt. Brown, of Lucknow was married last week at Shrine to Miss Hester Grace McIntosh. -The Wingham Orchestra will fur- nish music et the ball to be held in Kin- cardine on Thursday December 5, 1912. -The Cain House at Lucknow has been re -opened and will be conducted as a temperance hotel with Mr. T. F. Cain in charge. - If you purpose attending the Winter Fair at Guelph next week buy your G, T. R. ticket from H. B. Elliott, at the TIDIES Office. Take a look in S. Gracey's Furniture Store before you decide on . your Xmas Presents. We don't kety everything. But we keep a few think& Come and see what you can get for a cash deal. . -We understand that '.11r. F. J. Hill has purchased from 11Ir. John Armour, the land north of the G. T. R. tracks and adjoining the farm Mr. Hill has re- cently purchased. Call at S. Gracey's Furniture Shop and see if you will find something suitable for Xmas. and New Y r.• presents in Parlor pieces, Reed airs, Morris Chairs, some nice Rocking Chairs, Cen- tre Tables, etc. • -Mrs. Morrow met with an accident on Friday evening which will keep her indoors for some weeks. She fell on the sidewalk in front of H. E. Isard & Co's store and received severe injuries. HousE FOR SALE - House and lot on John street for sale on easy terms. Get particulars from Dudley Holmes or the owner, W. J. Neil, Bo:: 234, Orange- ville, Ont. - The Goderich Star has celebrated its fifty-third anniversary. The Star is one of Huron county's best newspapers and we wish the proprietors, Messrs. Mit- chell & Vanatter continued prosperity. A three-piece Suite $29 fdr $23. Odd pieces, $12 for $S.75, and a $16 piece for $13. Centre Tables, J rdinere Stands, Music Cabinets. Spec cut prices for cash on all Furniture till Jan. lst, 1913, at Gracey's Furniture Store. -The regular meeting of Wingham L. 0. L. will be held on Friday evening of this week. Officers for the ensuing year are to be elected and general busi- r.ess transacted, All members are re- quested to attend the meeting. PERSONALS. Mrs. Wm. Hogg, of Toronto is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Phippen. Mr. Chas. Johnston, of Toronto, is spending a few days at his home in town. Mrs. A. F. McLachlaa,of St. Thomas is visiting at the home of Mr. D. Mc- Kinlay. Reeve McDonald is in Goderich this week attending the Sessions of the County Council. ! Messrs J. J. Cunningham and N. T. Sinclair, of the Western Foundry Co. are away on a business trip to Winni- peg. Toronto Huron Old Boys. The annual meeting of the Toronto Buren Old Boys' Association was held in the Queen s Hotel at Toronto on Fri- day evening last. The annual at-home will be held in the Temple building on February 21st. The reports of the vari- ous officers were presented and were highly satisfactory. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: - Honoray Presidents, George Tate Blackstoci:, K.C'., W. K. Me - Naught, M.P.P., J. S. Willison and W. W. Sloan; President. II. Clueas; Vice -President, Robert Holmes; Secre- tary, E. bloody; Treasurer, Dr. W. E. Struthers; Financial Secretary, F. T. W. Hodgson; Executive Committee, John Robertson, Major Joseph Beck, Dr. B. J. Stanbury, R. S. Crocker, B. Sheppard, N. B. (obbledick, T. G. Seek, K. McLeod, S. L. Scott. R. A. Rastall, Dr. Belden, 0. McGillicuddy, H. G. Hirton, F. S. Hick and J. Tam- blyn; Auditors, Messrs, McTaggart, Freed and Stewart. BORN. TRENCH-Inthe Wingham General Hospital, on November 29th to Mr, and Mrs. Trench, of Gerrie; a son. MADDIGAN-In Wingham, on Nov.29th to Mr. and Mrs. John Maddigan; a daughter. TIIomsoi -- At Ilamilton on Nov. 25th, at 250 Ilerkimer street, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Thomson; a son. MARRIED. COON. -- STALICER-- At the home of the S brt C parents, d1 OY Dec. 4th by Rev. I> t I „ eine, Dr. Earl Homer Cook, of Friendship, N. Y. to Miss Luella E., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stalker, of Wingham. DIED. WATtERS—In Fordwiell on Nov. 25th, William Watters, editor of the Fordwich Record, aged 40 years and 12 days. Town of Wingham BY-LAW N0, 660, 1912. A By -Law to prohibit the sale by retail of spirituous, fermented or other manufactured liquors in the Munici- pality of the Town of Wingham. The Municipal Council of the Town of Wing - ham enacts as tollows:- 1. 'hat the sale by retail, of spirituous, fermented. or c ther manutaoturetl liquors is and shall he prebibi ed in every tavern, inn or other house ar place of public entertain - rat et in the said Munn ipality. and the rale thereof, except by wholesale, is and shalt be prohibited in evei y shop or place other than a house of public ecu rt.innient in the said 2!Municippality. . *Shut the votes of the electors of the said Town of Wingham will be teken on this by- law by the deputy -returning o!Seers herein- after named on Monday the sixth day of Janu- ary, ono thousand mac hundred and thirteen, comm. ncingat nine o'clock in the morning and continuing uivil fire o'clock in the after- noon at the undermentioned plact8:-- ln Ward 1, ut Wm. Johnston's Tailor Shop, Josephine St. by W. J. Baines, Deputy -Return- ing 011ie r and E. A. Hammond, Poll Clerk In Ward 2, at Wm. Oa, nett's Implement Shop, Josephine St. by A. J. Alderson, Deputy - Returning Officer and P. H. Deans Poll Clerk. In Ward ;, at the Town Hall, by C. N. Grif- fin, Deputy -Returning Officer and A. t osens, Poll Clerk in Polling Sub -Division 1 of Ward 4 at the Insurance Office of ltitelue & ('osens by J. W. Dodd. Deputy-heturning tflieer and John Ritchie, Poll Clerk. In Pollirg tubPivisicn 2 of Ward 4, at Albert Sell's house,Jot.ephine St. by T. J. Mc- Lean, Deputy-Retur ng Officer and John Clo akey, Poll Clerk. 3. 'plat on the Fou t day of January, 1013, at the (Aeries Office ii he Town of INingham, at the hour of olevt n o'clock in the forenoon the Mayor shall appoint in•writing, signed by himself, two persons to attend at the final 84ni ming up of the votes by the Clerk, and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous o promoting the paesir g of this by-law. and a like number on heba,f of the pet sons interest- ed it and desirous of opposing the passing of this By-law. 4. That the Clerk of the said Municipal Council of the Town of Wtitghicroshell setend at the Clerk's Office at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon on the Seventh day of the January A. D. 1913, to sum up the num- ber of.votes given for or against this By-law 1. This by-law shall come into force and take effeet as frc in the First day of May next after the final passing thereof. C cuncil Chamber December and, 1912. Mayor Clerk. NOTICE. Take notice that the obove is a true copy of a proposed bylaw which has been taken into consideration by the tsumeipal Council of the Town of Winglacm and which will be finally passed by the said Council (in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, as provided by "'l he Lvquor License Act," and amendments thereto) atter one month from the first publics tion t) eroof in the Wingham Times, the date of which first publica,ion w, s Thursday, the Frith day of December,A D 1012, and th at at the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking the votes of the electors the polls will be held. JOHN F GROVES, Clerk. LOCAL OPTION BY-LAW NO. 16, 1912 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOW SHIP Of TUBNBEBBY A By -Law to prohibit the sale of Liquor in the Township of Turn - berry. The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Turnberry hereby enacts as follows : lst -That the sale by retail of Spirit- ious, fermented or other manufactured Liquors is and shall be prohibited in every tavern, inn or other place of pub- lic entertainment in the said municipal- ity, and the sale thereof, e cept by wholesale, is, and shall be p iibited in every shop or place in the aid Munici- pality, other than a housie of public en- tertainment. 2nd -That the vote of the Electors of the said Townshi of Turnberry will be taken on this I3 -lay by, the Deputy Returning Offfc hereinafter named on the Sixth Da ofJanuary, one thous- and, nine hundred and thirteen; com- mencing at nine o'clock in the morning and continuing open till five o'clock in the afternoon at the undermentioneel, places, that is to say : Polling Division No. 1, at the School House, W. T. Plot, Wm. S. King, D.R.O. Polling Division No. 2, at the Clerk's Office, Bluevale, John W. King, D.R.O. Polling Division No. 3, at the School House, Section 9, Alex. McPherson, D. R.O. Polling Division No. 4. at the School House, Section3, D. H. Wallace, D.R.O. 3rd -That on the 30th Day of Decem- ber, A.D., 1912, the Reeve of the said Township shall attend at Town Hall of the said Township at 10 o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at the various Polling places aforesaid, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested in, and desirous of promoting or opposing the passage of this By-law respectively. 4th -That the Clerk of the saki Town - shin of Turnberry shall attend at the said Township Clerk's Office at the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 7th Day of January, A.D., 1913, to sum up the number of the votes given for and against this By-law. 5th -This By-law shall come into op- eration and full force and effect on and after the First Day of May, 1913, after the final passing thereof. Dated at the Township Clerk's Office, Bluevale, in the Township of Turnberry this the 18th Day of November, 1912. NOTICE Take Notice, that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law which has been taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the Township of Turnbery and which will be finally pass- ] ed by the said Council in the event of the assent of the Electors being obtained thereto after a lei one month from the pub- lication thereof in the Wingham TIMES and ADVANCE newspapers, the date of which was the 5th day of December, A.D.,1912, and at the liour,day and places therein fixed for taking the votes of the Electors, the polls will be held, By Order, JOHN BURGESS, Clerk, BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the r.4(-2, Y. 1t1- C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Stuients assisted to positions. College in cession from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. T1. Westervelt J.W. Westervelt, Jr. :ittele;,l .i;rt,,zedACCcctant 1: V,:e-P:i,.cipal FARM FOR S, LE. In the Township of . nloss, a good one hundred acre ar • in good state of cultivation and go •uildings. Gement floor in stable. Possession may be had at once. Apply to ROBT. HENDERSON, Wingham P.O. The annual ers and Patrons and Butter held in the on Wednesday, at 1.30 o'clock a Board of ion of any before the dollar per shareholders er's office, the close of Bluevale, NOTICE. meeting of the sharehold- of the Bluevale Cheese Company, Limited, will be Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, December 18th, 1912, p.m. for the election of Directors and the transact- other business that may come meeting. A dividend of one share will be paid to all on record at the Treasur- Bluevale, immediately after this meeting. JOHN BURGESS, Sec'y. Nov. 25th, 1912. HONEY I wish to have a quantity 12 1-2c per at 10c per can see a shop. Leave post card and of street is wheat honey all for your JAMES FOR SALE say to my customers that I of Clover honey at lb. Some fall Clover Honey lb. This is good honey. You sample at R. Mooney's tin orders there or drop a I will deliver it if name given. I have no buck- this season. Thanks to patronage. H. CASEMORE, Wingham P. 0. FARM The undersigned 210 acre farm concession are a gooa and other good water. first-class wood land. School and Convenient particulars FOR SALE. offers for sale his being lots No. 29 and 30, 6, Kinloss. On the premises frame house and bank barn out buildings. Plenty of 175 acres cleared and in shape, balance in Ira miles from Church and 2 1-2 miles from post office. to market towns. Get on the premises or address JOHN McBURNEY Teeswater P.O. TEACHER Teacher No, 9, Turnberry. and salary mence 2nd WANTED. wanted for School Section State qualifications expected. Duties to com- January, 1913. JOHN WRAY, Glenfarrow P.O. 0 IT N i W. The Wingbara Times and The Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent to new sub- cribers to the Ist of Janu- ary, 1914 for ti 1.60. Sub- scribe now and get full benefit of this gcod offer. Leave all orders at the TIMES OFFICE, WINGIMM I]j . e1 y TRAIN SERVICE Time to SASKATOON: REGINA CALGARY ROSSLAND VANCOUVER SEATTLE PORTLAND Tourist Sleeping, Observation Greatest High- 44y UNE1CCE1 ED Fast WINNIPEG EDMONTON BRANDON NELSON SPOKANE VICTORIA TACOMA Standard and also Compartment Cars, via Canada's way General Ghange of Time October 27th, 1912. - J. H. BREMER, Agent, Wingham. TRUNKUna U AND TORONTO RETURN $3.65 FROM WINGHAM Tickets good going P.M. trains Dec. 9, all trains Dec. 10 and 11. Return limit Dec. 12. Account "Fat Stock Show" Dec. 10- 11. Proportionate rates from other points. GUELPH AN RETURN $2.20 FROM WINGHAM Tioitots gacd going Dee. 9, 10, 11, 1'1 Returnm Li it Dec. 14 e Ontario Provincial Fair, Dec. 9 to 11 Proportionate rates from other point- in Canada. tiecure tiei:otq and full particulars from nc-Arcot Grand Trutt% Agent. 1i. D. Er.rto rT, Town Passenger & Ticket Agent,Piioae 4. A. C. O'Nxrr., fitetien Tick(:t Agent, Phone G0. GOODS GO'ID 1 KING BROS. PRICES RIGHT New Styles in fur Stoles, Ties and Muffs. American Fox, Alaska Sable, Persian Lam -b, Black Wolf, Blue Wolf, Can idiam Mink, Mink Marmot, Grey Larnb, White Thibet and Canadian Coon. FUR -LINED COATS Made of Fine Broadcloth, semi•fitting, matched muskrat. lining, Alaska Sable Collar and Revers, Prices $50.00, 65.00 and 75.0o. 171.0711117111.1111•MIS- 1711•••• FUR TRIMMED COATS Made of fine Broadcloth, Western Sable Collar and Revers. Prices $22 50, $25.00 and $35.00. All kinds Ni en's Furs, Fur Trimmed and Fur Lined Coats, Canadian Coon, China Dog, Alaska Beaver, Russian Calf. PRODUCE WANTED.—Butter, Eggs, Fowl, Dried Apples and Raw Furs. Phone 71. KONG BROS. PRODUCE WANTED i WE WANT YOUR TRADE Many a man stands in front of a bar and swallows his pride. It is pleasanter to admit that you have been sold than bought. Hugh Watters, a well-known resident of Amherstburg, fell dead of heart dis- ease while trying to drive an unruly calf into the barnyard. Hunters and Trappers WILL GET Best Market Price, Honest Treatment, Co rest Assortment, Quick Returns, by shipping their Raw Furs and Skins To REVILLON FRERES TkADINO COMPANY, LI11ITttl1 ESTAet.teHeb ,/2S the o l re'lirbls Firm of the Fur Trade 134 and 133 IIIeG1It St., Montreal Ask for our Free Price Lid WS PAY EXPRESSCHAIR(3E5 Rev. W. H. Shaw, of Watford, known as the "The Irish Orator," died, in his 86th year. Maurice T. Bailey of Forest fell into a vat of hot water in the basket factory and was fatally scalded. New Telephone Directory: The Bell Telephone Coopany Of Can- ada is soon to pri t a n issue of its Official Telepho c 'rectory for the District of West Ontario including WINGHAM Parties who contemplate becoming Subscribers, or those who wish chan- ges in their present entry should place their orders with the Local Manager at once to insure insertion in this issue Connecting Companies Should also report additions and changes in their list of subscribers eithr eito the Local manager. or direct to the Special Agent's Department, 145bntreal. The Bell Telephone Gompany of Ganada iiiremeammiesiremememommassimmetwa Cold Weather Suggestions in Footwear FOR WOMEN Low cut black felt house boots with fine tops, very comfortable. Flexible soles. Price $1.10 per pair, all sizes 3 to 8. Black Felt Juliets, elastic sides, fur around top, flex- ible soles. Price $1.25 per pair. FOR MEN Black felt laced boots with fine leather soles. Price $1.50 per pair. Black - felt gaiters, with fine leather sole. Price $1.50 per pair. 7.111701111177. • Black felt laced boots Black all felt laced boots, with very fine foxing and felt soles. Price $1.50 per soft flexible soles. Price pair. $2.50 per pair. Black felt laced boots or gaiters, with fine dongola. Black all felt laced boots, kid foxing. Price $1.50 felt soles. Price $1.65 per per pair. pair. Another List in the Advance WILLIS & CO. Stfte Agents THE SHOE STORE. for Ladies. 1111 6i TIC tri! E!iiu1pp 'Ili: , III il1: ::8 11!11',10 GCC 6 E rir: Fr", 111111 C11 UN I ,• _.....yrs... . ., . iii:5...:. - ,_ • :ate:,i...., C RISTM 1912 n..d:oi.wai.. 1.1116 earl 1 :fl;Hi E II6 I rq: :IIIc; 61liii :11'1: Never has our stock presented a better assortment 1„!!!" 1 u!i :IIaII: of goods for:Xmas than it does this year; below are will be found a few suggestions for suitable presents. 111111111111. VIM For The Men We have Overcoats all kinds, Sweaters, Mufflers, Shirts, Handkerchief, etc. For The Ladies 111 : 6„E iiI 11,1 11 Illi6 CIlp6 What would be nicer for a present than a nice 1,1f!i1: Rug or Mat for the Floor, we have a splendid selec-i? - tion at 15 per cent. discount for cash. Sweater Coats iii in the leading styles, Fancy Towels, Table Covers, ejII 6 Nice Warm Slippers, Silk and Net Waists, Shawls, :ESTI: Motor Hoods, Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, Japanese ill Boxes, etc. "I ti6 Then For The Children Lovely Overcoats for the Boys, Bear Cloth Coats for the Children, Tops, Barking Dogs, and a lovely selection of Dolls. Be sure and see our selec- tions of these, the best in town, Our Grocery Department is thoroughly stock- ed with fresh groceries, New Valencia Raisins roc, Selected Currants roti, Peels of all kinds. Good, well fattened Poultry wanted;dry picked in large quantities. Also any quantity Butter and Fresh Eggs. J. A, MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PRONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. 1172111111111111ENSIONIMMENIIIMMOINIMINUMNININI V/