HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-12-05, Page 6('11 -m I, rl s la+ 1 S J)LCEMBER 5, 1912 fR t I ill L I hill" l NYS IN CANADA A[ EMIG ICMY .. EE LESLIE IIIJNTRa. JAM2"S s. weirs/van WIL1U3 C, TULLR'. A BOY'S CHRISTMAS POCKET MONEY ANY I30Y can turn his spare time into Xmas pocket money by selling copies of the WEEKLY WITNESS and the CANADIAN Pzc rO- RIAL. You can build up a regular route in a short time which will give you a permanent weekly income We give you a Irce start in Business and besides The best boy wins a Shetland Pony, Cart and Harness or $100.00 in Gold. S '3 LY SIGN THIS COUPON AND MAIL IT TO -DAY OPEN BOJ COUPON Hifi' ' WITNESS.' Witness ' Mock, Il ontrcaf, QUO' Dote Please send mea start in business and tell roe all about bow I may win the b=ntifu1 Shetland Pony, if Ido Goad work, Stand address „ltle Town Prov Some of the charity that begins at home isn't worth making a fuss about. The honeymoon is on the wane when hubby quits taking wifie everywhere he goes. A Des Moines man had an attack of muscular rheumatism in his shoulder. A friend advised him to go to Hot Springs That meant an expense of $150.00 or more. He sought for a cheaper and a quicker way to cure it and found it in Chamberlain's Liniment. Three days after the first application of this Iinl- raaent he was well. Fce bale by all deal- ers. Clothes lines will wear much longer if they are boiled ten minutes before bin put up. The Dank of Montreal has raised the salaries of 1,11s:r employees, the increas- '.4 averaging 0IC:tI. Dr., de Van's Femak. Pills Arc','ieFreta-2!; rc . r:never £ :7 xrae:e pills are exec ' 3:.y p; t :;a in v,:;:i:atlarf tt.o generative pert t of tie featit s t It eft -se alt (help imitation.. Dr. de Vort'a aro a,.1(1 at Cie a hut, or three I, -.1-S19. Mailed to any ad 3resa.. Zito Scobdll Drug Ce., fat. Catlar~;rinea, Oat, Rev. Dr. J, Clark Murray of McGill University celebrated his fiftieth anni- versary as a teat•}aer- Jfate's L Aadevesss a St. C•atl"atirie1 fartnt r, d.Ld far frone the !sic(, of iacs I:,rse r, '.:hick G . y.. , Children Crr FOR FLETCHER'S CAST RIA van .i-2;3ce '-'.l l I. eeeee ' y :sso; to.) peaaaaeeer.esee esesis. the "Te:ezestssl rives fill ,fit, `$; t re l;',n,i Lf a X93:7°e has i Lave Leen tad in the :tatter ref set tiesoae-tit in that tsaeytiY,eee{I :Iso ri rYt-c. ment to iti n t ,<' ,sol e , 4° ti ra+, witheat i,E coasrse to Jaw, and no sail areauut (if time has been demoted this fail to ad- juating these. 'I;he old wooden bridge at the curve, the source of iaueb trouble every spring, i5 being replaced this weak by a hatldsoMe new steel struet- Ore. HEST AND REAM TO MOTHER AND CHI4.JJ. Mas. Waysr.ow's Sooxrarto SYRUP has been cased for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TI;It'THING, with PERFECT SUCCUSS. If SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS ALLAYS ail PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and ro the best remedy for DIARRHC$A. It is ab- solutely harmless, Be sure and ask for "Mrs. WVinslow's Soothing Syrup,•` and take no *Met kind, Twenty-five cents a bottle. Visitors to the Royal Scottish Musuem, Edinburgh, during one week numbered 7,382. Total from the opening 17,906,- 57,5. MAKING GOOD [MeCafls's Magazine.] In his native town Jimmy had always been popular with young and old, but when he, was sent away to boarding school, he was for a time too homesick to make friends. His first letter was a little more than a wail: "I'm away behind the other boys in everything' he wrote dolefully. Tisn't only stt dies, but its gymnasium and banjos and everything. I don't believe they'll ever have much use for me." But the second letter, written after a week in the new school, was quite different in tone. "I'm all right," he wrote to his mother. "The boys say they'll teach me a]1 they know, for they're proud to have me here. I can stretch my mouth half an inch wider than any other boy in s chool, and my feet are the longest by a full inch. So you needn't worry about me an. more. 1 be Burden of Agee The kidneys seern to be about the first organs to wear out and fail to pro- perly perform their work. The result is weak, lame, aching back, rheumatic pains and failing eyesight, Manypeople of advanced years have recovered health and comfort by using Dr. Chase's Kid- ney -Liver Pills. They ensure thehealth- ful action of liver, kidneys and bowels. Reflections of a Bachelor When a girl isn't afraid to eross a muddy street maybe you'll see why. When a man decides to begin reform work it's a sign it's not on himself. the reason a man will work so much t o teach his wife to think as he never will himself. A woman's idea of something to keep her warm in cold weather is anything in open work. People don't keep themselves nearly so busy hitting enemies from in front as friends from behind. You can always save a lot of time by letting the other fellow have the last word. Ex. We wish to call your attention to the fact that most infectious diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria and sear - let fever -are contracted when the child has a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edy will quickly cure a cold and greatly lessen the danger of contracting these diseases. This remedy is famous for for its cures of colds. It contains no o- pium or other narcotic and may be giv- en to a child with implicit confidence, Sold by all dealers. Decreasing You Own Wealth. The other day a well-known :nen sent a money order to Toronto of over y30, The list of goods sent for could all have been bought right here in Win; ham from the local merchants. However the point to be made is this. That man has decreased the wealth of his own community just that much. If he had spent the money at home there would have been a chance of someone else hav- ing received a portion of it. As it is now Toronto gets the full benefit The people who get the money don't assist in paying the taxes of this community. If the day should ever come that the home merchant is compelld to give up business, little sympathy will be express- ed for the purehasing public. It is claimed that you can buy cheaper in Toronto than at home. Give the home merchant a chance and sou will find that he can sell you good just as cheap and of better quality. You will also have the satisfaction of being able to see what you are getting. Again, why should you ask the home merchant for credit and send away the cash. Can you afford to decrease the wealth of your own community this way? DR. A. W. IIA 'S DARED POWDER I Apply. Za>n-B-17 ; to all i wounds and sores and 'You walbegutprised haw quickly it stops the smarting and brings eas It covets the wound with a layer of pro- tective talrn, kills all poison pm* t allready in the wound, and Denis others rattnng. b* rich lwifltra heriyat ssr;cuess then Intik( ftxio the bottom* fresh tiaa04i arses iia a tracderfuliy abett time the r►oarid its heakdT zset Hek•rpopolatity it basad Oft math, ladt tk:atarerworkmeet. Bo etureand rrat7Mteal Me,. ,,Zatti.lkdroyper.ted wra++rf,Tiila 4!U5(e .441" .d- .# oKe!us,e ssw•Anlc C.,, Toty,n4 is sent direct to the disc, red 1 art.; by the Improved Blower. IIcais the alum, clears the air passage.,, stops drop- pings in the throat and permanent- ly cures Catarrh and lIay Fever. 25c. a box; bloWerfree, Aecrpt no substitute;, .All denlerc or Edmonton. Sates L4 Co., Limited, Taranto. The Bell Telephone Company has tak- en its poles off a hundred and twenty- five streets in Montreal and placed the wires underground. Col. D. McLeod Vince of the New Brunswick Public Utilities ('ornmission died at Woodstock, N, 13. aged 64. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S + CASTOR1A Canadian Northern Railway officials conferred with the Board of Directors of the London & Port Stanley Ifailway with a view to purchase or lease. There is a smart little row on between Icon. Robt. Rogers and Sir Rodolphe Forget It has arisen over the pledges which Sir Kodolphe gave the electors of Richelieu in the recent contest. Pub- lic works were promised in a good deal of profusion to the constituency. Hon. Mr, Rogers, it is understood, is not wil- ling to deliver the goods now on the ground that the election is over, and the Government candidates defeated. 3 r r I.r,,l. ll,he insists that there shall Is: at least some pretense of carrying out the pledges that he gave. He was especial. ly definite iit his promise of a enar:r:e railway, and he insists that there.'o} all` be a vote in theestinlates to provide fav surveys and done preliminary work for this enterprise. CHRISTMAS APPEAL O TH} PEOPLETQP ONTARIO The Hospital for Sick Children Dear Mr. Editor: -- It would take more space than you can spare to tell of the good work done by the Hospital for Sick Chil- dren, Toronto, for the sick and de- formed children of this Province. Let me, in a few words, tell you of the steady growth of this Hospital. In the year 1875 there were only six cots and beds, one nurse, 44 in -patients and 67 out-patients. In 1912 there were 250 cots and beds, 64 nurses, 1,294 in -patients and 17,862 out- patients. During the 37 years of the Hos- pital's existence, 19,370 in -patients have been admitted, and 133,724 out- patients have been treated, a total of 163,094, or an average of 4,138 per year. Of the 19,370 in -patients, 5,49f were from places outside of Toronto 9,644 of the total In -patients Wert; cured, and 5,711 were improved, Thi, is a great record. Of the 1,294 in -patients last year, 343 came from 218 places outside of Tor ch.'o, so that the Hospital is not I. Meal, but a Provincial Institution, In the Orthopedic Department in 37 years, nearly 700 boys and girls have been treated for clubfeet, and about 600 were corrected. Half of these came from places outside of Toronto, so surely we have a fair claim for help from the people of this Province. The Corporation of Toronto grants $25,000, not only for the city children. but towards the maintenance of all patients in the Hospital, and the citi- zens of Toronto donate an average of $15,000 annually to the funds of the Hospital. Will you, kind reader, think of what your money will do? It helps to re- store health and strength, and gives sound limbs and straight feet to crippled boys and girls. Remember that your pocket-bools must be the Hospital's friend, if the Hospital is to be the children's friend. Remember that Christmas calls you to open the purse of your kindness to thq Hospital, so that the Hospital may opeO, the heart of its help to the children. Remember that your money can help the Hospital build a bridge over which the feet of little children may travel on the journey from sorrow to joy, from sickness to health—aye, from death tc lifa. Please send a dollar, or more if you can spare it, to Douglas Davidson, the Secretary -Treasurer of the Hospital, or J. Rosi; Robertson, Chairman of the T.•ustees, Toronto. When you have a bilious attack give Chamberlain's Tablets a trial- They are exedient. For sole by alt dealers. Some Holiday Season Dont's The National Fire Protection Associa- tion of the United States has issued a Holiday Fire Bulletin that should save a good many lives there during the Christmas festivities, and may be of some benefit even in Canada, where we are not yet so reckless of human life as our neighbors. Among the holiday "dent's", are :— "Do not decorate your Christmas tree with paper, cotton, or any other inflam- mable material. Use metallic tinsel and other non -inflammable decorations only, and set the tree securely so that the children in reaching for things cannot tip it over. "Do not use:cotton to represent snow, If you must have snow use asheston fiblre. "Do not permit children to light or relight:the candles while parents are not present. They frequently set fire to their clothing instead. The tree it- self will burn when needles become dry. "Do not leave matches within reach of children at holiday time. Candles are meet to be lighted, and if the children can get matches they will experiment with them. They imitate their elders, "A house of merriment is better than a house of mourning." The infant daughter of Capt. Green of the schooner Britton at Ganonodue fell face downward and smothered before being discovered. ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Cenuine Cart -e r'5' Little Liver pills,. Must BOW' Signature SW ltke raceShnlls Wrapper below. Vital to tall and as Otat 14 teke ea wagers CARTERS PI FON REAUACNE. FOR OIZZINE S $r FOR IILIOUSNEiti FOR,7ORPIO L1YER`. FOtraCONST1PATIO$ FOR,#ALLOW tKIN: FON THE COMPL€XI ON , eb+ri7II+rt'XPtYiMGfy,tWt*{eNAY(fllii Ar (h -nt,13 alp'i ef ets1bl64, :<:.rr,/;;;/: CURS $1011 HIZMC Aottia. BATHING iN AGRA JAIL. Just Like "'You Scratch My Back and I'll Scratch Yours:" One of the humorous sights of India, says a contributor to the Wide World Magazine, is rho daily bathing parade in a native prison. In the one we wit- nessed were youthful habitual crimi• uals, varying in age from tithe to fif- teen years, taking their daisy dip at Agra jail. While the governor watches pruc'eedings from the shade of a tree the prisoners, each Ilan fettered and carrying a bowl of beaten brass or steel, are lett out in double file to a stone pavement, on cacti side of whlek runs rr shallow trough of water. At the eommnr,rl of a native warder bawls ;ire filled and walsteloths are washed. At n second order the prison- ers scoop water over themselves and then sink smartly to their (launches, one behind another, in parallel lines. Again comes a snappy order front the warder. and each man begins vigorous. ly to rub the back of the fellow in front of him. When the warder judges the "massnge" is complete his voice brings the two lines to a smart right about face, still on their haunches, and the vigorous rubbing begins again, each rnnu doing for his fellow what his fel- low did fur him. The process. while comical, is a genu- ine illustration of the saying, "You sc•rateh my back and I'll scratch yours," except, of course, to the pris- oners whose fate brings them to the head or tail of the line, where they re- ceive only half the "treatment" of their fellows. COSTLY COLLARS. They Cost $300 Apiece In the Days of Queen Elizabeth. Starch was never heard of In Eng- land until after Queen Elizabeth came to the throne, This statement may sound a little startling, but it Is quite true nevertheless. Elizabeth's father, bluff King Hal, was the first English monarch to wear any sort of neck- band, That was very plain, about an inch in depth, and made of lace, Yet only fifty .ears later an author of the times, henry Peacham, writes: "Iie is not a gentleman nor in the fnshion whose band of Italian work standeth him not nt least three to four, pounds. Yes, a seamstress in !Holborn told me that there are some of .threescore pound price apiece!" i'-aua-y pa:vita such a stun as $3,1100 a dozen for one's collars! The original of the present starched collar was the ruli'. In the year 1504 Queen Elizabeth first used a coach. tier coachman carne from Iioilaud. Ile was a man named Boeuen, and his wife brought with her from that coun- try the art of clean starching. Soon afterward a eertallr Mme. Ding - ben came from the Netherlands and started a laundry with clear starch- ing to Loudon. A very good thing she made of it, for the daughters of worthy citizens crowded to her to learn the art, and she charged them C5 apiece. Five pounds was a lot of money in those days—equal to at least $f00 of modern money,—London An- swers. Vegetable Gluttons. Sundeu common iu English marsh- es, are sulfleiently knowing to distin- guish between various substances pre- seated to thein. Offer them a nice scrap of tender beef, and in a couple of hours they will have concealed it front sight, Try there with a piece of chant or a tiny pebltte, and they re - wain stolidly Immovable. Wet the chalit and offer it again, and the plant apparently mistakes it for meat, the bristles gradually closing round It; then, discovering the deception, they gradually relax and return the chalk without thanks. These vegetable glut- - tons will absorb morsels of poached eggs and mutton chops, but cheese turns the leaves suite black and final- ly kills theta. His Prescription. Boerhaave, the greatest doctor of his time, was anxious that it should go forth that even the most eminent doc- tor Is somewhat of a "humbug." He earefully (sanded the key of a small diary to his executor, bade him Open it immediately after his decease and let the contents go forth to the world at targe. When the notebook was opened all its pages but the last were blank, and on that dna( one there was written in large letters "Directions to Patients: Keep your feet warm and your head cool and trust for the rest to Provi- dence." Did She? "Do you know anything about hyp- notism?" asked the fluffy haired girt of her friend in the pink gown. "Well," replied the fluffy haired one as she held up her left hank b tlisppay u sparkling solitaire to better advan- tage, "yon can judge for yourself."— Judge. Wanted a Lower Key. Spatts—My love, 1 wish you Would alter the key of your voice. Mrs. Spatts—What's the matter with it? Spatts—Oh, nothing; only (Tom the ex- pression of Eliza vane's face itftet our recent argument I'm certain it fits - ev ery keyhole in the house. An Apt Illustration. F "Pa, what's an inscrutable smiles" "It'd the bind, my eon, your !nether' bad on het face this meriting when I told her business might keep me out tats tonight.",A3altitnorci American, Mekind the Laws, "'Don't you think we have laws enough already, senator's' "Oh, yes, but if i don't iet (.. Km,•w what I'm here for 1'11 never 4;t•t bete egairil`--,Atlanta Constitution. 04004 440004404444.4,404,004 ;,a44404,044444044444444,*4944 • • 4 3.00 • y WILL $ DENT' • A 4 • LIGHT TOUCH MARNOCHI FOR ONE MONTH ° • • 9 •n 6 4 t+ o• 4 o• 4 $1'55.09 • 4 Q.. WILL RENT A 0 4 0 LIGHT TOUCH MONARCHI O O FOR SIX MONTHS SoId Easy Payment Plan Illustrated Literature mailed upon Request s d 0 d• A Monarch Department Remington Typewriter 4, Crnioanv. UMITED 18-20 kVictoria Spuare, Montreal, Que. • 4.4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,44.oo4•000?A,9 4,-4,04,4,4,aP4,4,4,4,4,4,4, 0 MIIMINYMPONO 1111.00116.001001 Children C r y A great number of cases of injury to FOR FLETCHER'S the eye caused by persons watching the O S .. . eclipse without proper protection were reported in Berlin recently. PRINTING AND STATIONERY We have put in our office Stationery and can WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, a complete stock of Staple supply your wants in WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require:in the printing line. Srbsoisiptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers- and ewspapersand Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK NVinotthatn,