HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-12-05, Page 44
Notiee of changes meat be left at this'
office net Iater than saturday noon.
The eopy for changes must be left 6
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements aeeept,d up I
to noon Wednesday,of each week.
L`1i' .17.rot 1110' 1$7z
l3. R Engen IT. Pi: niFnER ANT) PRorlrTOU
THURSDAY D ."1;MMBER 5. 1912
In the present year the world's inte r -
national business will reach the enorm-
ous total of 835,0 z0,000,090, accoiding
to a repart issued by the Bureau
of Foreign an:l Domestic Commerce.
The estimate is made on official returns
of exports and imports from virtually
every commercial country in the world.
Nearly every nation reported a greater
exchange of commodities than ever be-
fore had been known.
A blue book tabled in the Commons,
giving a Iist of unclaimed balances in
Canadian banks, shows that some thous-
ands of depositors throughout Canada
have for some reason or other left with
the banks a total of $677,147, to which
no one has laid claim for years. The
unclaimed balances run from a few cents
up to several thousand dollars, over a
score being over two thousand, and se-
veral being in the neighbourhood of five
thousand dollars.
The uncertainty of the Canadian naval
policy has done much to curtail the act-
ivity of the Naval Service Department
in the last fiscal year, according to the
annual report just published. No spec-
ial effort to obtain recruits has been
made, and all told they number 349. Of
this number 111 recruits and 38 others
deserted. Many of them came from in-
land points, disliked sea -life and quit.
The appropriation in the year was $3,-
000,000 and the expenditure $1,233,455.
Considerable incidental work was done
on the dock yards, but this, too, was
curtailed because of uncertainty as to
the naval policy.
The members of the A. Y. P. A. of
St. Paul's Church had an enjoyable
meeting on INIonday evening last. After
the usual routine of business, an hour
was spent in social games, after which
a programme was rendered, consisting
of vocal solos by Mrs. J. C Smite, Miss
Alice Mann and Mr. Jas. Taylor; read-
ing by Rev. E H. Croly, and selections
by the male quartette. Two more new
members were added to the roll. Next
'Monday the topic for the evening will
be "Strangers within our gates".
The service held last Sunday in con-
nection with the anniversary of the
Methodist Church were very suc-
cessful. Large congregations gath-
ered to hear Rev. C. 0. Johnston
of Hamilton. They expected an
intellectual treat, and were not dis-
appointed. The eloquent and forcible
diseourses were listened to with much
profit and delight. The morning sermon
was based on John Ill: 10, and the topic
-"Life." The evening discourse was
founded on the conquest of David over
Goliath, and the overcoming of giants
in everyday life. Mr. Johnston will be
welcomed gladly should he return to
Wingham in the future.
A .Keppel Tp. farmer has received an
order for 12,000 Xmas trees from a
United States firm.
Wm. L. Beatty, head of the firm of
M. Beatty & Son, Welland, .manufact-
urers, died at the age of seventy-one.
Mrs. Peter Caughell of Niagara town-
ship died as the result of burns from a
gasoline explosion while cleaning clothes.
C. A. BOQgR-r, General Manager.
Capital paid up - - - $4.000,000
Reserve Fund $$,000.000
Total Matte 373,000,000
Business Men On Farms
-like business men in towns and cities -make good use of the
facilities which this Sank offers. In addition to their Savings
Accounts, they open Checking Accounts and make all payments by
Cheque. The Bank makes creeeotions promptly, Discounts Sales
Notes and transacts every kind of banking business.
Are you conducting your affairs in this business -like way?
Professor Alexander Graham Bell
claims, with Casey Baldwin, of Toron-
to, to have invented a hydrodome able
to make fifty miles an hour.
By -Law No. 17,
A By -Law for the holding of a Public
Meeting of the Electors of the
Township of Turnberry in the For-
esters' Hall, Bluevale on Monday,
the 30th day of December, 1912, at
the hour of 1 o'clock p.m. For the
nomination of candidates for the
offices of Reeve and Councillors for
the year nineteen hundred and
Be it therefore enacted by the Muni-
cipal Council of the Township of
Turnberry in Council assembled and it
is hereby e' -acted that a public meet-
ing of the electors of t Township of
Turnberry shall be he in the Forest-
ers' Hall, Bluevale on Monday, the
30th day of 1 eco er, A.D., 1912, at
the hour of o, - •`'clock p.m., for the
nomination o i • • ndidates for the offices
of Reeve and Councillors to serve in
the Municipal Council of the Township
of Turnberry for the year one thousand
nine hundred and thirteen and should a
Poll he required such Poll shall be open-
ed on Monday, the 6th day of January,
one thousand nine hundred and thirteen,
at the hour of 9 o'clock a.m. and shall
remain open until 5 o'clock p.m, and no
longer in the following Polling Sub -Di-
No. 1 -In School House, Wingham
Town Plot, Wm. S. King, D.R.O., Ben-
son Cruickshank; Clerk.
No. 2 -In the Township Clerk's Office,
Bluevale, John W. King, D.R.O., Sam.
Paul, Clerk.
No. 3 -In School House, Section 9,
Alexander McPherson, D.R.O., Jas. T.
Wylie, Clerk.
No. 4 In School Rouse, School See -
tion No. 3, D. H. Wallaee, D.R.O.,
Arthur Lineoln, Clerk.
Bluevale, Dec. 2nd, 1912.
Township Clerk.
;..4.. ;
art. actually weak, run-
down -they are slowly
deteriorating --they need
d..trengtix and nourishment
.or body and brain.
Scott's Emulsion corrects
nervousness -it is essentially a
f `.:01---aconceutrated.nourish-
1 ir:g, curative food to restore the
i,raltity action of body cella,
A'.:7 the I,Ioo 1, sharpen the
-,f`fite, roi.:?tef strength.
• e erey and vigor.
.., 77 1
re, -.s 'Snd.i:. it is r€`Z.1y
, r ':e s every
• ry t ' eve r: Brent-
e. 'Pe Eeesdeiene with
.r .te.are ;n;te.
;• tatesi.
d!r, r z y+.,
I have moved my tailor shop to
the well known stand opposite
the Bank of Hamilton and
will be pleased 5o have
Sour order for
Vc carry the very beat limes of till
kinds of maMers'ial and your
finder will receive prompt
and elk attention.
Ga W
The Taller.
Do It Now.
If you want to treat yourself -to a
genuine bargain that will p " ase you
during 1913 and for all year to come,
send a dollar to The Famil Herald and
Weekly Star of Montreal, for a year's
subscription to that gr +t paper, and
you will also receive a • opy of their new
picture entitled, M. er'sTreasures,"
size 23 by 29 inch: all ready for fram-
ing. It is the best dollar's worth to be
The picture, "Mother's Treasures,"
will be a surprise to you. It is worthy
a place in the best homes. The Fam-
ily Herald and Weekly Star is knowrito
everyone as the greatest newspaper on
the Continent. One dollar cannot be
better spent. Try it and be convinced.
On Sunday, Dec. 8, Rev. J. W. Hib-
bert, of Gorrie, chairman of the Wing -
ham district, will preach in the Metho-
dist Church, morning and evening it
being temperance day in the Methodist
Andrew Troutman, aged 10, is dead
at the home of his parents here after
an illness extending over some time.
Mrs, Redburn is improving in the
local hospital and may soon come home.
The Women's Missionary Society of
the Methodist Church will meet on
Thursday afternoon at Mrs Walter
Rev. J. J. Haydock has been engaged
to give some of his readings at Win-
throp anniversary supper on Dec. 18.
Toronto, Dec. 2 -Thirteen car loads,
containing a little under three hundred
head of cattle besides light runs of
sheep and lambs, hogs and calves, were
received at the Western Cattle Market
this morning. The cattle were not up
to the usual high quality of the Monday
runs, the majority being of light, but
prices continued steady, and the major-
ity of the stuff was sold out early at
last week's quotations.
Mr, C. McCurdy sold one load of
heifers, weighing 850 lbs., at $4.70.
The receipts at the yards were 13 cars ,
containing 279 head of cattle, 50 sheep
and lambs, 82 hogs and 53 calves.
Export Cattle, choice $6 00 to $6 25
do medium ...................... 5 50 6 00
do light 4 50 6 20
do buns . . , 4 50 5 00
do cows 3 i5 5 50
Butchers choice ........... 5 50 6 00
do medium.... 3 50 4 25
do cows ............ ... 4 75 5 00
do common.....,..., 3 75 4 2a.
do canners 1 75 2 50
Short -keep. ... ..... .... 5 60 5 55
Feeders steers 5 00 5 50
do bulla . 3 75 4 25
Stockers choiee .. . .. . 4 50 5 25
do light ..... ... , ... 3 50 4 00
SMiilch cows, choice, each....40 00 80 00
t emanon and medium 40 00 60 00
Sheep, ewes.... 4 00 4 40
do bucks 250 3 50
Latrabs. yealings, ..... 5 00 5 90
Spring lambs, each... 5 00 6 25
Hogs, f. o. b. . 8 00
do fed and watered .... . 8 40 8 50
Calves ... 350 850
ti`1tiGIJAM MARKET isic2'oERTB.
Wingham, Dec. 5th, 1912
Flour per 100 lbs .... .,,...260 to 3 15
Fail *beat .... ... 090 to 0 91
Oats.-- ...... . 0 37 to 0 37
Barley.. . .... 55 to 0 55
Butter dairy.......... 020 to 0 7
Eggs per doe ... 0 20 to 9 20
Wood per cord 2 75 to 280
Hay per ton 12 00 toll" 00
Potatoes per bushel, new, 75 to 89
Lard 4 18 to 6 18
Live Hogs per cwt,,,7 50 to 764
..arms:, ti,47.S1.4,,' 40
Get busy and get your choice
at Patterson's J e weliery
Store. We are here with the
goods, We have the new-
est and swellest line of
goods this year ever
shown in town,
Diamond Rings a large stock
to choose from.
Pearl Rings
Pearl Necklets
Pearl Sun Bursts
Pearl Pins
Genes' Pearl Tie Pins
Watch Fobs
Locket and Chains
Cut Glass
Leather Bags
Pearl Handle Goods
Beaded Bags
Work Bags .
Jewel Cases
Sterling Silver and Ebony Toilet Sets
Gold and Silver Headed Umbrellas
W. G. Patterson
The Great Watch Doctor. Wingham.
"rte �elfger i vS S
,saes 0.4+0!!* bi!!!!4!!O-; 4 » c
4 4,1,4444,44ci,404./4444e4444*
That our prices for goods are so low, that it is a
real surprise for anybody, and though the season is on
now, but we will continue selling to you everything in our
lines at very reasonable prices. This is because we need 4.
the cash now, therefore come in and give us a trial. We
guarantee you the best satisfaction- in the quality as in
the quantity.•
-,_,_ .. 0
Fleece Lined Underwear, all sizes, regular 50c at - 39c
Pure Wool Underwear, regular $1 00 at - - 69c o
Fur Lined Overcoats at only - - $15.00 and $ 1$.00 •
Overcoats, regular $1o.oc and $12.00, for only - $7,5o
Everybody Knows
A few of Our Special Prlces:
i' 15 o " $t7.oa, , $12.25 a
Men's Sweaters, guaranteed pure• wool, regular $
$3.25, for only - - - - $2.5o 2
Boys' Sweatets, regular $1.00 and $1,25, for Only - 75c
Heavy Socks, pure wool, 2 pair for- - 45c ;
Men's Top Shirts at 49c and 59c, regular 75c and $1.00 0
Men's Suits, regular $13.00 and $15.0o at $g.25 and $7,25 e
Also Men's Underwear, Boots, Rubbers, etc at cut prices,
come now, don't delay it.
Don't forget to ask for a coupon which is worth
5 per cent to you, and it means 5 cents less on
every dollar you are paying.
Cooper be Herman
!yr****40 4110.*!•'l•ft•NNNA♦ ,4.+44.# wl..4 *,Milli...;
The People's Popular Store, Winghamn, Out.
Agents -Home Journal
Agents --Ladies'
Patterns Horne Journal.
Christmas Groceries
New fruits, New Peels, New Shelled Nuts
Choice Sultana Seedless Raisins, new fruit 10c to 15c Ib,
" i' " in 1 lh packages, for only 10e.
Choice California Seeded Raisins in packages, 8e, 10e, 121,e, 15c.
No. I. Selected Valencia Raisins, very choice, 2 lbs, for 25e.
New Re Cleaned Currants, toe per ib,, also 1 lb. paek�iges, only 10e.
New Dates, the very best quality 10e lb., 3 lbs for 25e
Frseh Mincemeat 10e lb., also packages at 10e.
New Peel, good quality, Lemon, Orange and Citron.
New Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, Pure Spices, ete,
In order to snake December a Record Month, we will
continue each week to offer some very Special Bargains
in each department. See the matchless bargains we offer.
Clearing Sale of Tweed Suitings and
all Fall and Winter Dress Goods
2 pieces Tweed Suitings, regular 81,25 for 84e, yd; 1 piece reg. 81.25
for 74c yd.
1 piece reg. 8100 for 63e yd; 1 reg. 51.00 for 59e yd; 1 piece reg.
$1,00 for 68e yd.
1 piece reg. 75e for 49e yd; 2 pieces reg, 75e for 44e yd; 2 pieces reg.
60e for 39e yd.
15 Pair Damask Curtains at Cut Prices
86.50 Damask Curtains for $5.19; 86 Damask Curtains for $4.79;
$4.50 Damask Curtains for 83.60; 83 50 Damask Curtains for $2.79
Special Sale of Lace Curtains
85 00 Lace Curtains for $3.98; $4.50 Curtains for 83.55; $3.00 Cur-
tains for 82.40; $2 50 Curtains tor 82; 82 Curtains for $1.60;' $1.50
Curt•iins for 81.20; $1.25 Curtains for 99e; $1 Curtains for 80c; 75e.
Curtains for 60e.
Bargains in Sweaters for Men, Women, Boys & Girls
$4.00 Sweater for 83.20; 83 Sweater for 82,40; 82.50 Sweater for $2;
82 Sweater for $1,60; $1.85 Sweater for $1.48; $t,75 Sweater for
81.40; 81.50 Sweater for $1.20; 1.25 Sweater for 1.00; 1.00 Sweater
for 80c.
To meet the needs
of every SANTA CLAUS
• r"t 1" -
The Presents You
Want at the
Prices you like.
We want you to come and rest
your wistful eye upon oar Beauti-
ful Holiday Display. It will sug-
gest to you at once the proper
present and afford the lowest
prices ever made. To Look
Through Our Splendid Stock is a
Pastime. Corrie early and satis-
fy your needs from onr fine stock,
which was bought to save you
time and money.
It will be to your interest to ca. , and inspect our charming
new selections in
Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass, Diamond and
Pearl Rings, Jewellery of every description, Fancy
Chinaware, Ebony Manicure and Toilet Setts,
Jewel Cases, Xmas Booklets and Post
Cards, Ladies' Hand Bags, Combs
and Barretts, Fancy Stationery,etc.
Something for Every Person Something for Eery Purse.
Our stook is replete with Sig•Hearted Bargains at Biq•iearted
Prices. We have sufficient variety to insure an easy choice of de•
sirable gifts for old and young.
Popular Selections --Plenty of Variety --New Attractions
We will *ate you, we will satisfy you, we will meet your wants, be
they Iarge or small, with the most Suitable Presents at the
Fairest Prices.
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Phone 65. Opposite Nam Hotel
Capital Paid Up.... $3,000,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits$3,500,1)00
Total Assets $45,000,000
r.. irRANCE is Europ,'s Banker. For a
k'., xis„ '. country to acquire that position, her
i:Ebf22.;i; " people must be remarkably thrifty. The
l:Pb6 '., gal people of France are exceptionally so-
0fi;; they begin to save in their youth. No
ORE L'■ $Q isil smallmatter how regularly setapart income,
nfutur portion need.
�1' ■ �,�. In old age they enjoy the fruits of their
: r thrift. They are a happy nation.
4i�. ; s f ' The opening of a savings account is the
F# f best way to acquire that habit of saving
without which no ability to earn can insure
you against possible misfortune.
Mead office C. P. SMITH, Agent, \inghani.
Professor Alexander Graham Bell
claims, with Casey Baldwin, of Toron-
to, to have invented a hydrodome able
to make fifty miles an hour.
By -Law No. 17,
A By -Law for the holding of a Public
Meeting of the Electors of the
Township of Turnberry in the For-
esters' Hall, Bluevale on Monday,
the 30th day of December, 1912, at
the hour of 1 o'clock p.m. For the
nomination of candidates for the
offices of Reeve and Councillors for
the year nineteen hundred and
Be it therefore enacted by the Muni-
cipal Council of the Township of
Turnberry in Council assembled and it
is hereby e' -acted that a public meet-
ing of the electors of t Township of
Turnberry shall be he in the Forest-
ers' Hall, Bluevale on Monday, the
30th day of 1 eco er, A.D., 1912, at
the hour of o, - •`'clock p.m., for the
nomination o i • • ndidates for the offices
of Reeve and Councillors to serve in
the Municipal Council of the Township
of Turnberry for the year one thousand
nine hundred and thirteen and should a
Poll he required such Poll shall be open-
ed on Monday, the 6th day of January,
one thousand nine hundred and thirteen,
at the hour of 9 o'clock a.m. and shall
remain open until 5 o'clock p.m, and no
longer in the following Polling Sub -Di-
No. 1 -In School House, Wingham
Town Plot, Wm. S. King, D.R.O., Ben-
son Cruickshank; Clerk.
No. 2 -In the Township Clerk's Office,
Bluevale, John W. King, D.R.O., Sam.
Paul, Clerk.
No. 3 -In School House, Section 9,
Alexander McPherson, D.R.O., Jas. T.
Wylie, Clerk.
No. 4 In School Rouse, School See -
tion No. 3, D. H. Wallaee, D.R.O.,
Arthur Lineoln, Clerk.
Bluevale, Dec. 2nd, 1912.
Township Clerk.
;..4.. ;
art. actually weak, run-
down -they are slowly
deteriorating --they need
d..trengtix and nourishment
.or body and brain.
Scott's Emulsion corrects
nervousness -it is essentially a
f `.:01---aconceutrated.nourish-
1 ir:g, curative food to restore the
i,raltity action of body cella,
A'.:7 the I,Ioo 1, sharpen the
-,f`fite, roi.:?tef strength.
• e erey and vigor.
.., 77 1
re, -.s 'Snd.i:. it is r€`Z.1y
, r ':e s every
• ry t ' eve r: Brent-
e. 'Pe Eeesdeiene with
.r .te.are ;n;te.
;• tatesi.
d!r, r z y+.,
I have moved my tailor shop to
the well known stand opposite
the Bank of Hamilton and
will be pleased 5o have
Sour order for
Vc carry the very beat limes of till
kinds of maMers'ial and your
finder will receive prompt
and elk attention.
Ga W
The Taller.
Do It Now.
If you want to treat yourself -to a
genuine bargain that will p " ase you
during 1913 and for all year to come,
send a dollar to The Famil Herald and
Weekly Star of Montreal, for a year's
subscription to that gr +t paper, and
you will also receive a • opy of their new
picture entitled, M. er'sTreasures,"
size 23 by 29 inch: all ready for fram-
ing. It is the best dollar's worth to be
The picture, "Mother's Treasures,"
will be a surprise to you. It is worthy
a place in the best homes. The Fam-
ily Herald and Weekly Star is knowrito
everyone as the greatest newspaper on
the Continent. One dollar cannot be
better spent. Try it and be convinced.
On Sunday, Dec. 8, Rev. J. W. Hib-
bert, of Gorrie, chairman of the Wing -
ham district, will preach in the Metho-
dist Church, morning and evening it
being temperance day in the Methodist
Andrew Troutman, aged 10, is dead
at the home of his parents here after
an illness extending over some time.
Mrs, Redburn is improving in the
local hospital and may soon come home.
The Women's Missionary Society of
the Methodist Church will meet on
Thursday afternoon at Mrs Walter
Rev. J. J. Haydock has been engaged
to give some of his readings at Win-
throp anniversary supper on Dec. 18.
Toronto, Dec. 2 -Thirteen car loads,
containing a little under three hundred
head of cattle besides light runs of
sheep and lambs, hogs and calves, were
received at the Western Cattle Market
this morning. The cattle were not up
to the usual high quality of the Monday
runs, the majority being of light, but
prices continued steady, and the major-
ity of the stuff was sold out early at
last week's quotations.
Mr, C. McCurdy sold one load of
heifers, weighing 850 lbs., at $4.70.
The receipts at the yards were 13 cars ,
containing 279 head of cattle, 50 sheep
and lambs, 82 hogs and 53 calves.
Export Cattle, choice $6 00 to $6 25
do medium ...................... 5 50 6 00
do light 4 50 6 20
do buns . . , 4 50 5 00
do cows 3 i5 5 50
Butchers choice ........... 5 50 6 00
do medium.... 3 50 4 25
do cows ............ ... 4 75 5 00
do common.....,..., 3 75 4 2a.
do canners 1 75 2 50
Short -keep. ... ..... .... 5 60 5 55
Feeders steers 5 00 5 50
do bulla . 3 75 4 25
Stockers choiee .. . .. . 4 50 5 25
do light ..... ... , ... 3 50 4 00
SMiilch cows, choice, each....40 00 80 00
t emanon and medium 40 00 60 00
Sheep, ewes.... 4 00 4 40
do bucks 250 3 50
Latrabs. yealings, ..... 5 00 5 90
Spring lambs, each... 5 00 6 25
Hogs, f. o. b. . 8 00
do fed and watered .... . 8 40 8 50
Calves ... 350 850
ti`1tiGIJAM MARKET isic2'oERTB.
Wingham, Dec. 5th, 1912
Flour per 100 lbs .... .,,...260 to 3 15
Fail *beat .... ... 090 to 0 91
Oats.-- ...... . 0 37 to 0 37
Barley.. . .... 55 to 0 55
Butter dairy.......... 020 to 0 7
Eggs per doe ... 0 20 to 9 20
Wood per cord 2 75 to 280
Hay per ton 12 00 toll" 00
Potatoes per bushel, new, 75 to 89
Lard 4 18 to 6 18
Live Hogs per cwt,,,7 50 to 764
..arms:, ti,47.S1.4,,' 40
Get busy and get your choice
at Patterson's J e weliery
Store. We are here with the
goods, We have the new-
est and swellest line of
goods this year ever
shown in town,
Diamond Rings a large stock
to choose from.
Pearl Rings
Pearl Necklets
Pearl Sun Bursts
Pearl Pins
Genes' Pearl Tie Pins
Watch Fobs
Locket and Chains
Cut Glass
Leather Bags
Pearl Handle Goods
Beaded Bags
Work Bags .
Jewel Cases
Sterling Silver and Ebony Toilet Sets
Gold and Silver Headed Umbrellas
W. G. Patterson
The Great Watch Doctor. Wingham.
"rte �elfger i vS S
,saes 0.4+0!!* bi!!!!4!!O-; 4 » c
4 4,1,4444,44ci,404./4444e4444*
That our prices for goods are so low, that it is a
real surprise for anybody, and though the season is on
now, but we will continue selling to you everything in our
lines at very reasonable prices. This is because we need 4.
the cash now, therefore come in and give us a trial. We
guarantee you the best satisfaction- in the quality as in
the quantity.•
-,_,_ .. 0
Fleece Lined Underwear, all sizes, regular 50c at - 39c
Pure Wool Underwear, regular $1 00 at - - 69c o
Fur Lined Overcoats at only - - $15.00 and $ 1$.00 •
Overcoats, regular $1o.oc and $12.00, for only - $7,5o
Everybody Knows
A few of Our Special Prlces:
i' 15 o " $t7.oa, , $12.25 a
Men's Sweaters, guaranteed pure• wool, regular $
$3.25, for only - - - - $2.5o 2
Boys' Sweatets, regular $1.00 and $1,25, for Only - 75c
Heavy Socks, pure wool, 2 pair for- - 45c ;
Men's Top Shirts at 49c and 59c, regular 75c and $1.00 0
Men's Suits, regular $13.00 and $15.0o at $g.25 and $7,25 e
Also Men's Underwear, Boots, Rubbers, etc at cut prices,
come now, don't delay it.
Don't forget to ask for a coupon which is worth
5 per cent to you, and it means 5 cents less on
every dollar you are paying.
Cooper be Herman
!yr****40 4110.*!•'l•ft•NNNA♦ ,4.+44.# wl..4 *,Milli...;
The People's Popular Store, Winghamn, Out.
Agents -Home Journal
Agents --Ladies'
Patterns Horne Journal.
Christmas Groceries
New fruits, New Peels, New Shelled Nuts
Choice Sultana Seedless Raisins, new fruit 10c to 15c Ib,
" i' " in 1 lh packages, for only 10e.
Choice California Seeded Raisins in packages, 8e, 10e, 121,e, 15c.
No. I. Selected Valencia Raisins, very choice, 2 lbs, for 25e.
New Re Cleaned Currants, toe per ib,, also 1 lb. paek�iges, only 10e.
New Dates, the very best quality 10e lb., 3 lbs for 25e
Frseh Mincemeat 10e lb., also packages at 10e.
New Peel, good quality, Lemon, Orange and Citron.
New Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, Pure Spices, ete,
In order to snake December a Record Month, we will
continue each week to offer some very Special Bargains
in each department. See the matchless bargains we offer.
Clearing Sale of Tweed Suitings and
all Fall and Winter Dress Goods
2 pieces Tweed Suitings, regular 81,25 for 84e, yd; 1 piece reg. 81.25
for 74c yd.
1 piece reg. 8100 for 63e yd; 1 reg. 51.00 for 59e yd; 1 piece reg.
$1,00 for 68e yd.
1 piece reg. 75e for 49e yd; 2 pieces reg, 75e for 44e yd; 2 pieces reg.
60e for 39e yd.
15 Pair Damask Curtains at Cut Prices
86.50 Damask Curtains for $5.19; 86 Damask Curtains for $4.79;
$4.50 Damask Curtains for 83.60; 83 50 Damask Curtains for $2.79
Special Sale of Lace Curtains
85 00 Lace Curtains for $3.98; $4.50 Curtains for 83.55; $3.00 Cur-
tains for 82.40; $2 50 Curtains tor 82; 82 Curtains for $1.60;' $1.50
Curt•iins for 81.20; $1.25 Curtains for 99e; $1 Curtains for 80c; 75e.
Curtains for 60e.
Bargains in Sweaters for Men, Women, Boys & Girls
$4.00 Sweater for 83.20; 83 Sweater for 82,40; 82.50 Sweater for $2;
82 Sweater for $1,60; $1.85 Sweater for $1.48; $t,75 Sweater for
81.40; 81.50 Sweater for $1.20; 1.25 Sweater for 1.00; 1.00 Sweater
for 80c.
To meet the needs
of every SANTA CLAUS
• r"t 1" -
The Presents You
Want at the
Prices you like.
We want you to come and rest
your wistful eye upon oar Beauti-
ful Holiday Display. It will sug-
gest to you at once the proper
present and afford the lowest
prices ever made. To Look
Through Our Splendid Stock is a
Pastime. Corrie early and satis-
fy your needs from onr fine stock,
which was bought to save you
time and money.
It will be to your interest to ca. , and inspect our charming
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Cards, Ladies' Hand Bags, Combs
and Barretts, Fancy Stationery,etc.
Something for Every Person Something for Eery Purse.
Our stook is replete with Sig•Hearted Bargains at Biq•iearted
Prices. We have sufficient variety to insure an easy choice of de•
sirable gifts for old and young.
Popular Selections --Plenty of Variety --New Attractions
We will *ate you, we will satisfy you, we will meet your wants, be
they Iarge or small, with the most Suitable Presents at the
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Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Phone 65. Opposite Nam Hotel