The Wingham Times, 1912-11-07, Page 66 rub,Wb ilk A 1114, ISM/TENNI 7, 1912 Only Results Count The ohne thing :above all else that you want to know about the range you buy is this—that it will cook and broil and babe with absolute satisfaction. Other features of a range, such as convenience; economy and appearance, are, of course also indispens- able, but the prime necessity in a range is results in cooking. The Gurney -Oxford gives results—not now and then, but always. Every Gurney -Oxford is a source of continual satisfac= tion to its owner. Day after day, year after year, it enables her t produce pastry, bread, roasts that contribute to the pleasure of housekeeping..: That is why the Gurney -Oxford finds its strongest support among those who have had actual and intimate experi- ence with it. You too will number your Gurney- �eraford among your best friends: Jli �o Jo YCP Plumbing and Heating Engineer. St. Lori_, police used autos in Bila. A picture and a battle are best seen at a distance. Fell In A Faint. Mrs. Edwin Martin. Ayer's Cliff. Oue., writes:"Iic•foze using l.)r. Chase's Nerve Food I was in aterribie condition. Diz- sy spells would cntc over me and I would fall to the floor. I could not sweep without fainting,. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has so Luilt up my system that I can wash and do lay housework. Your dine cured me when doctors had failed... In China, Seaa.atri ses earn sC per month. He who has a tongue in his head may find his way where he pleases. He who is always talking about him- self is bound to have a tedious subject. Is your husband cross? An irritable, fault-finding disposition 18 often due to a disordered stomach. A man with good digestion is nearly always good- natured. A great many have been per- manently cured or? stomach trouble by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. For sale by all dealers. Wasps are almost as industrious as ants. Only one man in 10,o' 0 earn.. his own living at 70. Ireland i:a.s a railway ystem having a mileage of 1,12°1. Paris ra,jecta to a 1F -;,age Sunday newspaper as teo large. , Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A London is the richest city in the world, and her slums are the most disgraceful. Female school physicians have re- cently been appointed in four German cities. The extreme northeastern corner of Siberia will soon be in wireless touch with Vladivostok. Robert Hendrickson, fourt.?en years of age, was drowned in Lake St. Clair while hunting ducks with another lad. BEST AM HEALTH TO MOTHER Aidl OHILII. MRs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYBCP bas been I;r:ed for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It iino'riHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHOA. It is ab. solutely harmless, Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,' and take no other kind. Twenty-five ceuts a bottle. The jubilee of Rev. Dr. Miiiitra's of- dination was celebrated at St. Andrew Church, Fergus. Senator Adam C. Ileal, of I'icton, N. 5., died of cancer in Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal. Mr. W. F. Garland of Ottawa, a Con- servative, was elected to Parliament for Carleton, by acclamation. The new Government building being erected at Delhi, the new capital of India will cost :;•2;,000,000. The greatest p.•riod in a male hu- man's life le ti:u year be falls in leve with his school teacher and decides to marry her, IElectric Restorer for Mein Pho.snhono1 restores every nerve in the bol,• t,i erg proper tension; resturci vile no.1-iitaiity. Premature tl'ru v and all ae. , el weaitne'se nvette3 at once. rhoephoaol c..:i make yyon s new man. Price f2 a hat, or two f .e O. Mailed to env n'idrosa. The Scola,U Drug Co., St. itatlwirinas, Ont. '1'o avoid germ catching corners a new sanitary mouthpiece for telephone:; is made flush with the tranomitter 1 emacs a.• ir "Toro Ely t a., proved! r., tTt I n" �F? y ltlr afiLiJ y t� ;}�7ii� it a trli i 1 Cl tads l e vee Ili LE.,Z@S a we br : rx't 1 r4018t.4 w,Sta>r4. Over 50 tons of tickets are issued ea'h year by one of England's rail- roads, The city council of Chicago has re- eently passed an ordinance to prevent! damage by electrolysis. The French Government has offered a prize of $80,000 for a device that will make aeroplanes safe. The boy's appetite is often the source of amazement. If you would have such an appetite take Chamberlain's Tab- lets. They nct only create a healthy appetite, but strengthen the stomach and enable it to do its work naturally. For sale by all dealers. Mrs. (Dr.) McGillivray of Hamilton died suddenly while driving a friend home in her motor -car. Wm. Simpson, pioneer furniture manufacturer of Berlin, dropped dead on the station platform. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, speaking at Sherbrooke, reaffirmed his faith in the Liberal naval policy. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Dr. Theoron Woolverton, Medical Director of the United States Navy, died at Grimsby, aged 73 years. Mrs. Mabel Green (or Potter) com- mitted suicide in Detroit in order that her little child might be taken into an orphans' home. "It is a pleasure to tell you that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best cough medicine I have ever used," mitts Mrs. Hugh Campbell, of Lavon- ia, Ga. "I have used it with all my children and the results have been high- ly satisfactory." For sale by all deal- ers. Mutual deception is a popular railway. Italy is now successfully growing hops. Beware of the silent man and the dog that does not bark. Japan is to make her own fourteen - inch guns for the three new 28,000 -ton battleships now building at native ship- yards. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro- nounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounc- ed it incurable. Science has proven ca- tarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treat- ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac- tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred ddliars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testiinon- ials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pill's for consti- pation. p �. I* Roasting Meat. No n L u iii 1 100• Always lower the temperature of the oven somewhat fifteen or twenty minutes after a roast has been placed In it. This will insure that the juices be retained. THIS WITER Thanks to GIN PILLS ON'T you want to have ONE WINTER free of Rheumatism? Don't you want to enjoy life as other men enjoy it? Don't you want Pr. work as healthy, normal to eat andsleep and men do, instead of being all crippled up with Rheumatism or Kidney Trouble? Then take GIN PILLS and conquer your old enemy for good. Mr. Beaudry did, with the help of the GIN PILLS. 597 Panet St., Montreal, P.Q. March 29th, 1912 "It affords the great pleasure to inform you that I have used GIN PILLS for about six months, and that they have done me a great deal of good. I have had Rheumatism for a couple of years, and this winter I saved myself from it by using GIN PILLS. I highly re- commend GIN PILLS to the public." A. I3EAUDRY. Thousands of boxes of GIN PILLS are sold every year through the influence of those who have been cared, and who recommend GIN PILLS to their friends and neighbors. If you are subject to Rheumatism, Kidney or Bladder Trouble, start in right now on GIN PILLS. 5oc. a box, 6 for $a.5o. If you want to try thein first, write for a free sample to National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 148 Mr. Edward Deters, one of the pro- gressive farmers of the township of Hay, had twelve acres under beans this year, and they yielded him an average of thirty bushels to the acre. DR, A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER is sent direct to the diseased' parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops drop- pings in the throat and permanent - 1y cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. 25c. a box ; blower free. Accept no substitutes. AR dealers or Edmaneon, Dates & Co., Limited, Toronto, William Behan, ten -year-old son of Fred Behan, Windsor, was fatally in- jured by being knocked down by a motor -cycle. The medical- officers of health for the several districts into which the Province has been divided have nearly completed their course of instruction under Dr. J. W. S. McCullough, Secre- tary of the Provincial Board of Health, and Professor Amyot,Provincial Bac- teriologist. It is expected that they will go out to their posts about the fifteenth of November. Maiwatchia, on the borders of Russia in Asia, is said to be the onlycityinthe world peopled by men only. Zanzibar has no amusements in the European sense, except merry-go- rounds, which charge half a cent for a ride. Don't waste your money buying strengthening plaster3. Chamberlain's Liniment is cheaper and better. Damp- en a piece of flannel with it and bind it over the affected parts and it will re- lieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all dealers. S. Ebara, for some time the floor leader of the dominant party of the House of Commons in Japan, is the first Christian in the island empire to be promoted to the House of Peers. Hank Wilson says that salesmanship has developed to such a fine art nowa- days that every time he goes into a store to buy a collar button the clerk thinks he has to throw in a lecture. Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Van's are sold at IS a box, or three for 110. Mailed to any address. Th. Scobell Drug Co., St, Catharines, Ont. Roumania reports that the price of attar of roses is 25 per cent. less than last year. To insure the owner of a private shav- ing cup kept in a barber shop that he is its only user, there has been invented a paper cap to cover it, which cannot. be removed without breaking a seal. The Supreme Court handed down judgment confirming Mr. J. A. C. Eth- ier, Liberal M. P., in his Two Moun- tains seat. We have always made claim that the editors of our Canadian papers were gentleman. We still contend that this is'the rule. 13ut there are exceptions. Of all ('anandians perhaps no one stands higher in the estimation of the people as a courteous, high-minded statesman than Sir Wilfrid Laurier. This is haw the Brockville Tinges refers to him: "It is an inspiring spectacle to behold the big � Wh to I lu,m .s- chief Old- ' Wrth- ock- i - n One'Foot-in-the-Grave' gravely har- anguing his compatriot braves in New Ontario and telling them to be Imperial- ists!' Are there not many bootblacks who would blush were they accused of uttering such language in respeet of a man who had lately been premier of the country, --- Catholic Record. ABSOLUTE SECURITYII Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Sear Signature of Seo Fac -Simile Wrapper Below. W.ory small cud as easy 'Wt** or saggar.) FOR HEADACHE, FOR DIMNESS. FOR JaILIOUSNESta FOR,ITORPID LIYER`r FOR,,CONST(PATION FOR SALLOW SKINS. FOR"THE COMPLEXION • gi "anti PurelyTegetable.,uva'jou�_runi.rr(i 0 CURE SICK HEADACHE. Alligators. Alligators not only supply valuable leather, but there are a number of by- products. Tho skin scrapings can be used for making glue; the teeth, a per- fectly white ivory of medium hard- ness, can be worked into an endless variety of small articles; the grease gives a fine yellow oil, which is used by the natives for lung diseases, while the flesh and bones can be used for fertilizer. WANTED A live representative for WINGHAM Maltese Cats. The Maltese cat does not exist in Halts. At least not one has been seen there of the color called Maltese to the United States. Births In Holland. in some parts of Holland a birth is announced by fastening a silk pin- cushion on the doorknob. If the pin- cushion is red the baby is a boy and If white a girl. and surrounding District to st11 high-class stock for THE FONTHILL NURSERIES More fruit trees will be planted in the Fall of 1911. and Spring of 1912 than ever before in the history of Ontario. the orchard of the future will be ti tl best paying part of the farm. We teach our men Salesmanship, Trae Culture and how big profits in fruit -growing can be made. Pay weekly, permanent employ hent, excltisive territory. Write f'nr particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON TofdW@l'DO. Prices In Seville. Roses are 18 cents a dozen in mid- winter In Seville. The cost of theater tickets Is not usually more than 42 cents. But railway travel for short distances costs nearly 4 cents a mile. Snake Bite. Snake bite as a cure for consump- tion is mentioned In Sanskrit writings as having been practiced for five or six thousand years. Danish Postage Stamps. Denmark has used postage stamps for sixty years. Early alterations were caused by changes of currency. It was net till 1004 that the portrait of the Danish king was introduced. The French Tricolor. The well known tricolor of France dates from the revolution of 1789. Long Courtships. In no country in the world are court- ships so abnormally long as in Bo- hemia, where .engagements commonly last from fifteen to twenty years. In fact, there recently died there, at the age of ninety-nine, an old man who had been courting for seventy-five years and who was married on his deathbed. Whalebone. The whalebone is not bone, strictly speaking, but bristles found in the mouth of the whale by which the an- imals are enabled to entrap small fish for food. Holland's Flag. Holland's flag is also the emblem of liberty, but nobody knows bow during the long centuries the orange became changed to red. Shoes For Geese. To protect their feet geese reared at Buipham, Essex, England, when driven to the various markets are made to walk through sand and tar, thus form- ing "shoes." Penzance. Penzance is the westernmost sea- port and watering place in England. The Biggest Bell. The largest bell in the world is the great bell of Moscow, cast in 1733, it being twenty-one feet high, twenty-one feet in diameter and weighing 432,000 pounds. The Canary's Bath. • If you have difficulty in inducing your canary to take his daily bath, says Good Housekeeping, sprinkle a few seeds upon the water. You will find that this added attraction will make the bath become a habit with the little fellow. People and Land. Taking the entire population of the world into consideration, there are al- most exactly twenty-eight inhabitants to each square mile. Hate and Snail. The hare when running at full speed travels sista feet a second, while all that a snail can travel in the sometime Is five one -hundredths of an inch. Sunshine. In one year 4,472 hours of sunshine are possible, but there are not many places where the maximum is experi- enced. Queer Collateral, There is an establishment in the east end of London where women can bor- row 35 cents.on their marriatb licenses and their solemn promise deem them. 00.44t000Q00000+000J003.O0♦ a4.304 -334K4+4.....44'.4") 43+4. 0 a i 0 R L 4. it 0 $3.00 WILL RENT A 4. • 0 P !OUCHT MONARCH �, LIGHT • a 4' 4. 0 A• 4 - Lagniappe. qr It is the custom in New Orliq a : for shopkeepers to present their .:. pa with a gratuity in the shape of a • nd- ful of confectionery or other'ttifling delicacy, This Is termed "lagniappe" (Ian -yap). "You've forgotten the lag- niappe," one Often hears a bay at girl say to shopkeepers when baying family Eiupplies. Gall Chains. CO clean gold chains put thein in a Small glass bottle with warm soapsuds NId a little prepared chalk. Shalee uu. u !ii clean and then rinse thoroughly. Creaking Shoes. Creaking shoes can be mntle noiseless by soaking the soles in linseed oil. 9'11ru a small quantity into n pan or ,plate and let the soles stand to it for twenty tour hours, This treatment will alio ponder them waterproof. FOR ONE MONTH $15.00 WILL RENT A TOUCH MONARCH" !U6H1 0• • •FOR SIX MONTHS •• • b Paymout-Sold Easy Plan 4 0 'Illustrated Literature mailed 0 upon Request 4 1' Monarch Department 0 4 H g Remin ton Typewriter C• . Cofflpauy, LIMITED d gL 18-20 Victoria Spuare, Montreal, Que. 4 ***,;,486040@06444*40449®.t-5• 4-✓^:000.3444mva0.0a4.44,444^4$ • 4 4 0 4 4 4. 4 A A 4.4. 4 4 4 0 0 r 4 4' 4.4 O 0 m Children Cry I Fon SALE—Several . choice Oxfords, FOR FLETCHER'S 11 lambs, both sex, for breeding purpoose. C A S 'T O R 1 A I Apply to Wm. M. Wingham, Ont. Phone 12 on linene 193. PRINTING AND STATION ERY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS . BUTTER PAPER PAPETELtIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. .10 Mk JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLI'TG CARDS CIRCrJLiVIS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require:in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wingham, Ont.