The Wingham Times, 1912-10-31, Page 6(► I'II Ii 11 +, AM TIMES OCTOIIER 31, 1912 • • �.E. �{{11.•slisrr{{t{i 'z' Y6,viY ' '.. • {z. nv: aw•i n r., When a range is recommended by one woman to another, it has ✓net the final test. The staunchest friends of the Gurney -Oxford Range are those w,w,o>innenn who have experience with it day in and. day out. They know how dependable it is; they row that no other range gives such constant and unvarying satisfaction, not simply in management and economy, but in cooking results. The Gurnaey-®ford works constantly for. its owner's peace of mind, and it supplements her efforts to make each meal one of absolute satisfac- tion. W0L i ' rtjnY}iill i'f fi{i?ffliio• i3ii 1'1i Every woma a1 VAC, has had experience with the Gurney Economizer cannot help telling her friends the satisfaction of being able to regulate the fire by turning up or down one sneail lever. She tells about the flues that :'rake and keep the oven always evenly heated, but above all she is enthusiastic about the golden brown biscuits, the light delicious bread and pastry, the roasts and fowl done to the queen's taste, that her Gurney -Oxford tuns out. The Gurney -Oxford owes its popularity to the recommendtion of those for whom it works. • YCE, WI GHAM Plumbing and Heating Engineer ....,..:.:.;fir I'ew of us ever Buil",,r from '..oar:-e- ness when we are . singing our oc: n praises. Electli Ile lestoit'efe for Mean lE'iaosp. eerred r,terce every nerve is the bull' to its proper .ene::,n;...s:.ue- vim and vitality. Premature deeav and all =>:mal realtc _s av;rtel at once. Phosptaonol aid make vim a'lcwrnr;n. Pt leo f>;a1.,'v.s,r4^:n f - $0. e -i ti: .; 17 -s SCisoScobulDrng Co., Eat. cmt1:.v:incs. Ont. Zanzibar lx::• no amusements, in the European 24'ii'" t'3 ClsY rcuti ?: , which charge gulf a cert for a ride. if you have young chiidrt•,r you have perhaps noticed that disorders of the stomach are their most common ail- ment. To err.•=ect this: you rill find Chamberlain's Stomach and Li‘ % -r Tab- lets excellent. They are easy and plet':o. ant to take, and mild and gentle in me,;:. I'..r rale by all dealers. A typhoid fever epidemic in Troy, Pa., became sn striou.4 that all the 2:0)00 inhal7 ants were ;ar,oill;•torr in the hope of checking the further sprvad of the epid•'r...ie. Children. Cr;r FOGA GLETCHER'S CAS11°'OL1A r During the last few years the price of raw produce of farms in the United States of America has risen by 36 per cent. Glen -yea Archibald Campbell, more familiarly known as "Glen" Campbell, who sat for a number of years in the Manitoba Legislature, and during the Icst Dominion Parliament represented hauphin at Ottawa,now Chief of Indian Affairs in the West, has received a 'c'tter from a firm of solicitors in Aus- tralia saying that his uncle Archibald Sterling, a big sheep rancher, has left him sole heir to an estate of eight mil- lion dollars. Mr. Campbell has not cor- responded with his uncle for many years, aid until he has more definite information prefers to be a little skep- tical about the estate. IMALED ..1! a sore :'1' .t anp c roll en` '':..1-potri -t :Pe cf Iiiv' ftine:•;..:" d i^ r17.,,,:r'1 it be,._._ :e _:• t ..• an inch in ri;'a .ic'or end c, ry 1. I vent to .. do Ler. h::t Vie (rirs' Alt Just Ln c:aja L,•f41rr he would hay.,he. }:ave I ilii not 1:'.x.2 any celebrated his 100th birthday miniver- t;«e, t. 'l;u, - ,1e c.',a;ilr:• d ,y sary, Dr. F. It. I'itner. the oldest phy- sician in Illir.':`rt, recently died at Clay City. Ile prt_r timed riedieine for over lid years, retiring `.:then he was (41) years ! ft'e:fl it i:::l• four year✓':'! old. He served in the Illinois i:_ 1•isla-"A .tar.,t+'e of Za,I1-.i'rk wn ore day ture from 1.5.14 to hitt;, during which { given to r: •, and I r::..I it. i. i '2+tta' h ' , :...:i 23•: :int f • 1. I hi; a it ant I'i'L4 d, .L d 1 ..'1 iii:: 47; "1l tea, IAA it .1, rtnil rad I confirmed to teiii:er f Abra 1 t"e rta..'it. , ..all it ...d tune he beCallle tt close friend o of a f....t: barn Lincoln tel , f=ov. } ;e}:t:: Yt.:t4 . ..,, _r ;° • {_,t �. Ile was one of the "forty-niners," but, t:;.l ,i 1.! failing to find a fortune dat11 is two r ,. , r ill .. . t'•1 -":1:i'. ;1. a•'•t ' I years in California, returned t•, Illin',is t• t, ti,e and his professional work, ser.. €t' .• t: ,ti .,i:.:: 'a it ....as - The work of reclaiming land:t '°' .- irt::r, .o " : of the Western and SouthcYt t, n Stat -e ,� lt;a r7 s 1 ur c <. ..r es by cr iri'ip•atioll ! •,`ill far , ` <' to en from colnpltt', But ahead°' a move- '' 1 �t-‘1C'.6071,, inert is under c.a, looking oto another . • /f't. t't..r'. 1'_ ' '..r J to ti 1 'ae hl t, s r, � S' r`. tl: :,t parent, reclamation Werk titer olraiiiing; i ;, a of the swamplands of the South. One r., c::'n ill I.s•'11- of the chief champions of this polio.., •r • who was also among the lc .der t in ir- , rigation. i:2 i t,b:,i'velt. In a recent • speech the En -President declared if he t :'"-"` c:., 1 1 ,.7 ,.: , had power, he would, as soon as C's;}, - , `. ,• • 4 _ " Goetha}s Las finicl;t ti tlt1. Pitrra .t t (at3a1, place that officer in eft a.g 7i of dr,.,r ^. ;e• works in Florida and Alal:amu2 that would snake a new area n.; large; as the whole of Illinois available for settle- ment to do I,ic . _.:: ; d, : o I p irc:1; . ed The Scarecrow. The scarecrow, all swelled up with pride. was boasting of its worth. "I do more good each day," it sighed, than any man on earth. I guard the grang- er's corn and wheat from hungry birds of prey; they come. the whole blamtd crop to eat, see me and fly away. I stand out hero in rain and sun, all soak- ed in honest sweat; and though my work is never done, small credit do I get. I wildly wave my wooden arms, and kick my jointless shanks, to chase the buzzards from the farms, and no one gives me thanks. If I should loaf around in town and thus neglect'my trust, the flouring mills would all close down, the bakeries would bust. The banks and factories would fail; you'd soon hear Famine's tread; you'd hear the hungry housewife's wail, while children cried for bread. Prosperity is holding sway, and peace beyond all words, because I stay here day by day and scare the doggone birds. But people don't appreciate the good I do, old chap; they really ought to nominate me for some public snap." Just then the far- mer came and threw the scarecrow on its nose, "This effigy," he said, "will do for kindling, I suppose," No scare- crow's so important here that when deprived of power the world will be thrown out of gear for more than half an hour.—Walt Mason. SPARKS FROM THE ANVIL. Promises are chaff; fulfillment is grain. There's irany a rosy apple rotten at the core. A man needs "sand in as well as does the hen. An empty bead is likely to partnership with idle hands. The man with an axe to grind have a foJl to turn the handle. Perhaps the reason some men are like snails is because they never have a "backbone." The shoe that "fits your feet" the best is likely to be the shoe you like the least. "A chip of the old block" may be the reason for so many blockheads. You may heat the iron until it glows, but if you want the sparks to fly you must use the hammer. Spendthrift—a man who buys a pock- et book with his last coin and has noth- ing to put in it. the that is his gizzard" go into must • :; 3. 111 t' ,9 o. f o '-its t;i:::A 1tlfq gall -Duk Boalt, 25e. tablet, ---� •�-- z REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. Mas. WINSLOW's SOOTHING SYRIIP has bCCn used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHIILDREN' WHILE TEETHING With PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRII(EA. It is ab. solutely harmless. Be sure a d Lake no"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Seven serials at least will be publish- ed by The Companion in 1913, and nearly 200 other complete stories in addition to some 40 special contributions, and a treasure box of sketches, anecdotes, expert advice as to athletic sports, ideas for handy devices round the house and so forth—long hours of companship with the wise, the adventurous and the entertaining. Announcement for 1913 will be sent with sample copies of the pater to any address on request. Every new subscriber who sends $2.25 for the fifty-two weekly issues of 1913 will receive as a gift The Companion Window Transparency and Calendar for 1913, the most exquisite novelty ever offered to Companion readers; also, all the issues of The Companion for the re- maining weeks of 1912, free. THI'1 YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Berkley St, Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions Received at this Office A Genuine Service. "I believe," says an old subscriber, "that every time The Youth's Com- panion enters a home it does that home Ia genuineserviee." Thatdescribes the purpose of the publishers exactly. The paper is not filled with mischievous or idle thoughts to fill an idlehour. It pro- vides healthy pastime, recreation that builds up. It is to the minds of eager and impressionable young people what sound athletics are to the bodies. At a cost of less than four cents a weak 'rhe Youth's (companion opens the door to a company of the most dis• tiuguished men and women of Europe and America. Whether they are re- vealing the latest discoveries in science or describing great industrial achiev- ments, or telling of their wanderings in strange corners of the world, orfeed- inr; thri imagination with rare stories =sire giving ('ompa tion readers the but f themselves.; - CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS. CURE Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Incl• dent to a bilious state of the system, oath as Dizziness, Nausea, DrowalnesS Distress after eatin{', Wain the Side rte. 'V Drowsiness,_ their most remarkable silences has been shown In curing Deafness cannot no Cured 0`00• •o.0os00000.`•••o•4+ memo-a+ao to+aoosoa••0a ¢•®®p• • • °o $3.00 ' 8 4 U 0 MONARCH1 LIGHT TOUCH .0 0 40 • FOR ONE MONTH• * 4. 0 $15.00 • o• • • • WILL RENT A •• • o �I MONARCHLIGnT TOUCII O WILL RENT A • by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- tachian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when It is en- tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition' hearing will be des- troyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the muc- ous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot,be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. SICK Headache, yet Carter's Ltttle Liver Pi11s are equally vntuSSle in Conatipatton, curingand pre• venting this annoying complaintttwhncthey also correct :,ll dtserders of 1t s tomae% at{nu,latethe liver and regulate tin bowels. Even if theyonly cured EA Ache they wonldboalmostprlcelcesto thesowbo mailer from this distressing complaint; butfortu. natelytheir goodncisdocsnot end herc,andtheee who onto try them will lindthcca little pills vale - ling to do withoutmathe . that they all not head gem. Sick headaches is caused by a disor- dered stomach. Take Chamberlain's Tablets and correct that and the head- aches will disappear. For sale by all dealers. 9 FOR SIX MONTHS • o n _w t �� nA �..� r11 n o s P a.0 Locating the Garden of Eden. According to tradition the garden of Eden stood near the union of the Tigris and Euphrates, and many legends have been built about that theory. Doctor Banks, who spent some months in ex- ploring the country about Babylon, de- clares that if the point of land between the rivers were not the garden it ought to have been since, it is one of the most beautiful spots of the earth, for primitiye, defenceless man. But as a matter of fact, the point where the two rivers now meet is not at all where they met some centuries ago, for each of them is, constantly changing its course and carrying down alluvial de- posits into the Persian gulf, which is growing shorter at the rate of a mile in every 30 years. At the beginning of the Christian era the gulf reached as far as the present confluence of the rivers and at some earlier time it reach- ed even as far north as Bagdad, and the rivers emptied into the sea by wide- ly separated mouths, Dr. Banks there- fore concludes that if "the garden of Eden was near the present confluence of the rivers at Kurna, our ancestors must have been aquatic creatures, for 6,000 years ago the waters of the gulf rolled over the spot." J. W. Copeland, ayton, Ohio, purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for his boy who had a cold, and before the bottle was all used the boy's cold was gone. Is that not better than to pay a five dollar doctor's bill? For sale by all dealers. ACHE Ts the bane Of so many lives that here le where we melte our great boast. Our pills eurett while Gthers do not. Carlcr'e Ltttle /Aver This are very small and very easy to take. Oneor tn'e t1lismake a dose. Theyaro etriCtIY VCgctabio and do not gripe or puree, bat by their gentle action prase au who use them. CAI= IBatcmn O., an !OItr. Iket Azalt Prigs Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO FR IA WAN.TED A live representative for WINGHAM Illustrated Literature mailed upon Request Monarch Department Remington Typewriter Company, LIMITED 18-20 Victoria Spuare, Montreal, Que. 0®0.0800444•04.04+00040004.40 4..0 0004000009,.714,00004000 0* Children Cry I Fon SALE—Several choice Oxfords,. FOR FLETCHER'S lambs, both sex, for breeding purpoose. Apply to Wm. Maxwell, Wingham, CASTOR! I Ont. Phone 12 on line 193. and surrounding District to sell ' high-class stuck for THE FONTHILL NURSERIES More fruit trees will be planted in the Fall of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than ever before in the history of Ontario, The orchard of the future will be the best paying part of the farm. We teach our men Salesmanship, Tree Culture and how big profits in fruit•growing can be made. Pay weekly, permanent employ- ment, exclusive territory W rite for ,particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON PRINTING 'AND STATIONERY We have put in our office Stationery and can WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PA PER PAPETERIES, We will keep the best and sell at a complete stock of Staple supply your wants in WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc stock in the respective lines reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE, HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require:in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading. Newspapers and Magazines. The Times. Office STONE BLOCK. Wingiam, To ofer°. .. •--•••11*