HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-10-31, Page 1THS WINGHAM TIMES.
VOL. XLI,-NO. 21.26.
Mr. John Litton s
in Toronto.
Mr. John Mitchell,
iting at his home in t
Miss Annie Griffin
relatives at Owen So
Miss Hazel Drumn,
spent a few days at h
Mr. Spence Currie o
the holidays with relat
Miss G. Taylor of L.
holidays with her fr
Miss Mabel Hallern
ited for a few days
Mr. Rich. Howson, f Toronto spent
the holidays at his arental home in
Mr Roy Mundy w
few days with Rev. i
Mies Corn Anders
home after spending
the West.
Miss Alice Wyatt, of London, was
visiting for a few day s wi th Miss Mar-
garet Tibbs.
Misses Gertie and live Cruickshank,
of Toronto Universit j , were home for
the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Bh e, of'foronto vis-
ited for the holidays with Mr. and Mrs,
E. C. White.
Miss Viola Isard bf Toroner;. 'vent
Thanksgiving Day at be', .tai
home in town.
Miss Kathlyn Lyn tt of Arthur was
the guest of Miss Mable MacDonald
for Thanksgiving.
Miss Frances Si dell, of Lucknow
was visiting with her friend, Miss
Brownie Swarts.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos Todd of St.Helens
spent Thanksgiving with their daughter,
Mrs. D. E. MacDons.ld.
Mr. Chapman, of Mount Forest, was
visiting for a few days with his daugh-
ter, Mrs. A. J. H. Walker.
Mr. E. Manuel an daughter, of Mea -
ford were visiting f a few days with
relatives and friends in town.
Mr. Walter Paterson was visiting
ent the holidays
f Toronto, is vis-
is visiting with
ond, of Toronto
e`r home in town.
, Hamilton spent
ves in Wingham,
ndon spent the
end, Miss Ethel
of Lucan, vis -
with friends in
s visiting for a
L. Steeves at
n has returned
everal months in
for a few days witl
John Paterson, of G
Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
over were visiting f
his brother, Mr.
Everett, of Han -
r a few days with
Wingham relatives and friends.
Miss Florence Wraly, of Wiarton was
visiting for a few da +s at the home of
her uncle, Rev. G. ctor Collins.
Mr. S. Bennett sp nt a few days thi."
week with our form r townsman, Mr.
Wm. Nicholson, at ew Scotland.
Exchange Hotel ■ amaged by Fire
and ater.
About eight o'clo
fire was noticed in
change Hotel. Th
ly given and the
time in reaching t
In a short time t
water were at wo
a little later a tie'
into use. In less
was under contr
building was badl
the large amount
the building con
done to the inter
ings. The fire s
chimneys, but h
headway before b
loss to Mr. Lippa
as nearly all of
house will need t
loss will be partia
ante. Thefireme
of Chief VanNorm
in getting the fire
short time. The
extra good and th
three nozzles wou
top of the highes
k on Tnesday night
he roof of the Ex -
alarm was prompt-
remen made quick
e scene of the fire.
o good streams of
k on the flames and
stream was brought
han an hour the fire
1. The roof of the
damaged and with
f water poured into
derable damage was
or and the furnish-
rted at one of the
d not made much
ing discovered. The
d will be fully $3,000
the interior of the
be repaired. The
y covered by insur-
under the direction
n did excellent work
inder control in such
ater pressure was
streams from the
have reached the
building in the town.
zie, Frances stre
Last Year the
The annual m
Hospital Comp
Council Chamb
last with the Pr
presiding. The
dent and Treas
year ending Sep
most successful
Hospital. More
last year than i
The question of
in building an add
and it was decided
in the hands of th
adopting the differ
ors for this year we
R. Clegg, John Wil
stone, Dr. A. J. Ir
mond, Dr..J. P. K
sant, J. A. McLe
Auditors -A. 11. M
ton McKibbon. T
entices to learn the
ply to Miss McKent.
est in the History of
eting of the Wingham
ny was held in the
r on Friday evening
sident, Richard Clegg,
reports of the Presi-
rer showed that the
ember 30th was the
n the history of the
atients were treated
any previous year.
oviding more room
tion, was discussed
leave the matter
Directors. After
nt reports, Direct -
e elected as follows:
on, V. S., R. Van -
in, Dr. R. C. Red -
needy, Wm, Fes -
n, H. B. Elliott. ��
sgrove and J. Wtd-
e Directors will
Mrs. Roland Beatt e and son of Allis-
ton are visiting at th home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. G o. McKenzie.
Mrs. Jas. Hamilto fend children were
visiting for a few da •s with relatives
and friends in Toron o and Oshawa.
Mrs. Smith and d ughter, Josephine
of Milton were visit tg for a few days
at the home of Mr. `. R. VanNorman.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Groves were
visiting for a few days with Mr. and
3lrs, Thos. A. Nettetlfield at Monkton.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam
dren spent the holida
and friends in Milve;
Schaefer and chil-
.s with relatives
ton and Palmer -
Mrs. Philip Dawscn, of Turnberry
was visiting for a few days with her
daughter, Mrs. R. A Cruickshank at
Miss Margaret Ti bs, accompanied
by her friend, Miss Alice Wyatt, spent
Sunday with Mrs. LI N. Crowston, at
Langside. I'
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maxwell and Miss
Jean Maxwell, of t 'e Bluevale road,
spent the holidayswith relatives at
Miss Mabe] Shiell, !of Toron to, spent
the holidays at the hbme of her uncle,
Mr. Geo. M. Robertshn, 12th con., East
Wawanosh. '
Mr. and Mrs. W'lm. Anderson and
daughter, of East wanosh, returned
home last week afte • spending several
weeks in the West.
Mr. Murphy, who has been visiting
with his uncles, Me. srs. P. and John
Gibbons in East Wa leanosh, left for his
home in Chicago on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Maxwell, of
Leamington, were 1 visiting for the
Thanksgiving holid ys with relatives
and friends in Wing am and district.
A. H. Musgrove, !1M. P. P., was in
East Middlesex lastlweek speaking at
political meetings an the interest of
Mr. Neely, the Conservative candi-
Miss Jennie Wei , B. A., of Talbot
street school, London, spent Thanks-
giving at the home of Wm. S. Linklater,
Town Piot. Miss (Weir Is a sister of
Mrs. Linklater. 1 -
Miss Maggie V nNorman;' who has
been acting as st ographer and book-
keeper in the TI 'S office for the past
year, left on Tues ay for Southampton
to accept a positio i in the office of the
Bell Furniture Co The TIMES heartily
wishes Liss Van orman every success
in her new positio
M"_Robt. Ma ire, of the 8rd line
of Morris, retie d home from Edmon-
ton en Thursday venin last where he
had been attending the f\ ieral of his
mother. Mr. ire wa accompan-
ied ,home by hi ^ ther, Mr. Chas. Ala-
guire,aformer i sid�t'•iof the lst lino
of Morris, whe. 'll vikii. "'re for some
Do Yogi Suffer Frcin Corns
or Bunions ?
Shoes that do not fit
properly and adapt thcrn-
selves to the shape of your feet
cause painful corns, bunions
and callouses, Thousands of wearers of
r o'911
sa,ore: ata0 .3i
testify that their eons hr..: dis-
scient li alis' coo- 6
struc..cd she
moved t::e (a:tse r
-:•dprevc:st.:;; err- p
tiler frail .i ;:e c.; r-
--Loa at Ince ^ �•.�
tt;• cr a n::ir
Dr. A. : seri:si
Cut:Mon5h.scat-: ,'
yuan::f�,/r,: .
4 -Cit: gales
This style "Empress" Button Shoe is
made on the new stage French last, with
high arch and short vamp.
We have other styles on this last.
RUBBERS -All sizes that will keep
the fee; dry,
meet on Friday evel'ing of this week
and elect the officer . Following is the
financial report fo the year ending
September 30th:-•
Balance on hand...
Government grant ..........
Town grant
County grant
Municipal grant
From patients ...
Cash subscriptions
Donations, goods
Other sources
Bequests, stook, et ....
., .. ,. 10.00
..... .... 3313.40
. 723.0['
Total .!
Butchers' meat........... 170.27
Butter and eggs... . 21'5.83
Flour, bread and me 1 98.30
Milk .. .. 108.20
Tea and coffee 25.81
Vegetables 27.20
Groceries and provisi 306.10
Drugs and medicines 135.11
Surgical appliances 248.60
Bedding and furnishii gs 87.31
Brooms, brushes, etc .. 30.40
Light..... ... 137.14
Water supply .. 18.52
Ice supply. ••... .... 20.00
Salaries and wages. 1412.40
Taxes and insuran e •, . 12.54
Advertising and st tionery 25.63
Contingencies .... .. 316.84
Repairs, ordinary 202.79
Repairs, extraord' ary .... 83.61
New furnishings. ......... 78.17
Mortgage ... 1500.00
Interest 98.38
Deficit 64.50
Total.,, .. $5290.65
For Sale.
One six -horse power g as cline
engine and one 80-16 candle light
dynamo, both as good as new; a new
No. 5 Taylor fire -proof safe; also a good
stone -boat. For particulars apply to
Geo. McKenzie, Wingham, Ont.
Thanksgiv g Concert.
The sacred co cert given in the
Methodist Church on Monday evening
by the Church c it was well attend-
ed and the con rt was one of the
best sacred conte is ever held in Wing -
ham. The seve 1 selections by the
choir were well endered. This choir
has made excelle t progress under the
leadership of Mr F. J. Hill. The solos,
due= and quart ttes by the members
of the Arion Mal Quartette of Toronto
were of a very igh order and were
rendered in a ery pleasing manner.
The quartette is a good ono and was
well received the audience. The
program throng out was a good one.
Sole Agent.
Js iRbI R
ofi'ifd'�liidf<"e^aoicu4lG� d�i:�'iC�'+o(E+�ti+t:,i
Mr. A. Kelly offers for sale his
fine 162 acre farm adjoining the
town of Wingham. 1 his farm is
in the very highest state of cul.
tioatiorl, has good but dlegs and
orchard, and is all seeded down
except about twenty acres.
Also 36 acres in Town Plot
with house and barn. This will
be sold with the large farm or
A number of utter smaller
places in Town Plot.
All these will be sold at right
prices as Mr. Kelly is going
Ritchie 86 4Cosens
And Authorized teacher Fletcher
Music Method, Simplex and Kinder-
Pupils prepared in Piano and Theory
for Conservatory examinations.
Studio, Minnie St.
Thousands Of ambitious young people
are being instructed in their homooby
our Borne Stn'v liept. Yen may finish
at College if you clear.• 1 a v
over you wis:i. Thirty Yearw 18xpe r-
i'nce. Largu,t trainers in t_•anercla.
Plater any day. Positions guaaanteed.
Ii you wish to save board and learn
while you earn, write for particulars.
Wingham Business Colley
GPO. SPOTTON, President
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8
Mr. W. 3. Howson
on Saturday.
Miss Mabel Sw:rts
ing Day in Clint, n,
Mrs. Robt.x
K .
few days in Tor nto.
Mr. J. F. Br
at his home in • eaforth.
Mr. Thos. Ro.inson
Toronto for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. 1 .
in Toronto for few
Mrs. M. Hu' an
with relatives i : Brantford.
Councillors .nStone
were in Toron •this
Mr. M. 'Pelf: r was
days at his ho e in
Mr. E. H. t rd
with his paren s in
Mr. D. McKi ley
few days with riends
Miss Alice M. nn
few days with ' •fends
Miss Minnie .. alliday
holidays with f ends
Mrs. Lawren.e
few days with fiends
Misses Mabel nd
the holiday at th
Messrs. Thos,
spent last Saturd
Miss Margaret
days at her hom
Mrs. Chas. Kn
a few days with
Mr. Joseph S
was visiting in
Mr. David R
was visiting for
Miss Mae Moo •e
with relatives an
Mrs. A. A. FI
visiting at her pa
Mrs. J Jo ynt s
friends in Det of
Mr. and Mrs.
with their son at
Lexie 11
friends in George
Mrs. Percy, of
for a few days w41.11
Mr. Fred Scan
the holidays at hi
iting with friend
Miss Florence
spent the holiday
in town.
Mr. Andrew Hut
spent the holiday
Mr. and Mrs, WG.
Monday and Tuesd
Mr. John Oram,
spent the Thanksgiving
Mr. W. A. Britton,
was visiting with
a few days, •
Miss M. Macdonald,
visiting for few
in Wingham.
Mr. W. P. Grier
visiting for a few
ham friends.
Mr. A. McDou
spent the Thanksgiving
friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs.
children, of Ripley,
day in Wingham.
Mrs. Jas. Burges
visiting with her
tin, at Glanford,
D. B. Anders¢n,
road visited with
for over Sunday.
Mr, Everett Glen>
the holidays with
Mrs. John Glenn,
Mrs, •McCreight,
ing for a few days
Richard Anderson.
Mrs. Peter Deans
Carr and children
during the holidays
The Misses Ander
Were visiting for
home of Mr. T. Hal
Miss Ada Haines,
the holidays with
Mrs, Arthur Haines
Mr. and Mrs. W.
ren were visiting
• relatives and friend
Mr. and Mrs.
were visiting fora
and Mrs. Richard
was in Woodstock
spent Thanksgiv-
was visiting for a
n spent the holidays
was home from
B. Hart were visiting
spent the holidays
and 3IcKibbon
visitingfor a few
spent the holidays
was visiting for a
in Glencoe.
was visiting for a
at Guelph.
is spending the
in Toronto.
was visiting for a
in Listowel.
Ethel Walsh spent
it home in town.
ew and W. B. Elliott
y in Shelbourne.
Steele spent the holi-
near Teeswater,
chtel was visiting for
riends in London.
int, of Wallaceburg
ingham this week.
bertson, of Toronto,
few days in town.
spent the holidays
friends in Toronto.
ming of Toronto is
ental home in town.
ent the holidays
Petrolia and Sarni with.
N. Griffin visited
yen Sound fora few
Innen visited with
own during the holi-
Alliston, was visiting
her son, Mr. H. A.
rete, of Ottawa spent
parental home in Bel-
. J. Haines were over
in Holyrood for over
anNorman, of Milton
at her parental home
ganand Miss Huggan
with relatives in
Patterson spent
y with friends in
of Whitechurch
holidays at
of Owen Sound
W;inghnm friends for
of London was
dpys with old friends
on, of Parkhill, was
d ys with old Wing -
all, of Hamilton,
holidays with
Geo. H. Mooney c• d
• spentThanksgi•....g
the holidays
da ghter, Mrs. Mar -
of the Bluevale
re)atives in Centralia
of Tiverton spent
hid parents, Mr, and
glf Berlin was visit -
With Mr. and Mrs,
and Mrs. A. F.
isited at Goderich
on of Owen Sound,
a few days at the
of Tiverton spent
he pa:ants, Mr. and
. Boyce and -child -
fo the holidays with
in Paris.
J Int Tiit, of Doon
ew days with Mr.
The Ladies' Auxiliaryal
regular mont ly meeting of the
Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wingham
Hospital will be eld in the Council
Chamber next Moi day afternoon coin-
mencing at 4 o'clo k. All members are
requested to atter the meeting•
Successful En rtainment.
The .Salvation A myvery
held a
successful entertai ent and sale of
work in the Army all on Thursday
evening last. Ther wasan excellent
Program of solos an musical selections
after which there w s the sale of use -
ful articles. The roceeds amounted
to $32, which will used in making
necessary repairs t the officers' guar-
That is what one corn
cripple called it. Might p
just as well have two good
feet to walk on.
Two ways
A liquid
Both are equally good and
soon loosens the hardened
tissue so that the corn
can be easily removed.
Rexall Corn Solvent is
a quarter and the
Salve ten cents.
We always try to have
something TO SUIT EVERY
ora -
for as soonF.ARMERaswe will close apple our prop-
ply. Small apples not worth anything.
WANTED -A young lady to learn type
setting. Apply at the Trees office.
The Brid Gave Way.
Mr. Weir Elliot had a close call on
Sunday afternoon In company with a
young loci he w• s crossing the bridge
Y g y+
at the head of th 'mill race in- Lower
Wingham, when the bridge gave way
and the two yo ng people went into
the water, whit is several feet deep
at this point. F rtunately, Mr. Robt.
Lockeridge hasp ned to be nearby and
with the aid of p e poles, Mr. Elliott
and his compani were rescued.
Houses are dly Needed.
During the past eek several people
from outside •point have been in Wing-
ham with a view to ocatin in the town,
but have not been ble to get dwelling
houses. All Nous s and rooms that
are suitable ford ellings have been
taken upand in so a cases two fami-
lies are living in on house. Wingham
needs several more wettings and some
of our townspeopl will have to get
bu;;y and erect som houses. Mr. John
A. McLean purposes uilding twohouses
yet this fall on his roperty near the
Western Foundry. a would like to
see some more of ou townspeople fol -
low Mr. McLean's . ample.
WANTBD. -- Two good dairy cows,
Jerseys preferred. Apply at TIMES
Death of mes Scott.
Mr. Jas. Scott, a yell -known resident
of Culross died in ingham on Satur-
day last after a bi of illness. The de-
ceased gentleman as sixty years of
age and -for some me had been making
his home with 'Mr Robt. Moritgomery
in Turnberry. H was for many years
a resident of Culr ss. His wife died a
few years ago an he ;s survived by a
grown-up family f 'sons and daughters.
The remains wer taken to Teeswater
for interment, r. W. J. Scott, of
Sarnia, a former esident of Wingham,
is a son and w here attending the
We are still giving away
a complete Aquarium of
Gold Fish with a 25c
Rexall purchase. Larger
Gold Fish for sale at lOc
and 15c each. r...�-
FOR SALE. -Will sell one of my high
class Durham bulls at right price.
J. W. McKibbon
Me ®Ston
Sudden Deat at Neepawa.
Tragedy and glee m visited Neepawa
on Tuesday morni g, Oct. 15th, and
again it is demo strated that in the
midst of life we a e in death. While
at her work about he house Miss Liz-
Robertson, .; ydon St., suddenl Y
face downwa.. to the floor and was
dead almost im ediately. The event
.wasentirely wi bout warning. Her
alone wa- with her in the house
but no number .f people. could have
rendered aid as m•dical help, soon on
hand, testified. e late Miss Robert -
son was well kno� n to the whole dis-
trict having been :mployed in the post
office for some ti a while Mr. HarrisMiss
was postmaster, a d at her work there
won many friend: by courtesy and
kindness of marine , She was a con-
seienttous and fait ful member of the
Baptist Church in hich she was an un-
tiring worker, not •. be readily replac-
ed. To the grief s,, icken mother, the
surviving sister, rs. Lorne McCall
and two brothers, 1 omas and James,
tate sympathy of t • whole communityMr.gand
goes out in full � easure.- Neepawa,
Man., Press, Oct 18. The deceased
lady was a dais ter of Mrs. Alex.
Robertson, forme y of Wingham, and
she spent her earl, life on the farm on
the Bluevale roa and in Wingham.
The bereaved fa. ily will have the
sympathy of many old friends in this
-.. •-----"-
HOUSE FOR SALE -House and lot on
John street for sale on easy terms.
Get particulars from Dudley Holmes or
the owner, W. J. Neil, Box 234, Orange -
ville, Ont.
We Fit Glasses Prop�lyzie
■ ■
POULTRY WANTED.-I3ighest cash
ricesuNNs'paid ntf or all kind l0,of hve poultry,
Married at ork Mills.
On October the e hteenth at seven-
thirty p. in., a qui t but very pretty
wedding took place t the home of the
bride's mother, Mr . Henry Sylvester.
York:Mills, Ont., en her daughter,
Viola was united i marriage to Mr.
Frank Earnest 0 lum, son of Mr.
AlberttOdlum, of oronto. The bride
was given away b . her only brother,
Charles Sylvester, nd was attended by
her sister, hiss L da Sylvester. Mr.
Bervill Odium ac d as groomsman.
The weddingmarcl was played bythe
groom's sister, Mi s 'Eats Odlum and
Rev. Mr. McEwen of Clarence. Ont.,
officiated. .The ho se was very prettily
decorated with c rysanthemums and
autumn foliage. Immediately after
the wedding supp the happy couple
left for a short ho eymoon before tak-
ing up residence i York Mills. •
Coupled with
Issner of Marriage
10:1Lv vw
Office over Maloolm's Grocery.
A �%
H• �� ♦ IS
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Line>i.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
CELERY AND ONIONS. -We offer cel-
lery, roots on, suitable for winter stor-
age, at three dollars per hundred to
be delivered the last week of October,
We offer onions at 70c bushel, thick
necks at 1Oc per peck.
Market Grocery.
Pretty Thanks_,
At eleven o'cloc
ing, the 28th inst,
Mrs. John Kerr
very pretty weddin.,
daughter, Lillian
holy bonds of matr
Cruickshank of Tu
was unattended
by her father.
was played by Miss
The marriage cere
by Rev. Dr. W. L.
the Methodist Churc
of a large number
The `house was
with ferns and flower•,
parlor, where the
formed, a pretty
ranged leading up
flowers. The bride
cream roses and lily
was prettily gowneo
entrain and bridal
tulations the guests
a buffet luncheon.
to the bride was
pearls and peridots
Collar set with pe
each of the young
hat pin. Numero
ful gifts to the b
esteem and frie
travelled in a snit
tan hat and gl.ves.
Cruikshank will s
friends in London
they will take up
farm of Mr. Crui
Among the out -.f
Mrs. Benson, Mr
H. Kerr, Mr, P.
0. Kerr, all of Toronto,
ving Wedding.
on Monday morn-
he home of Mr, and
• as the scene of a
when their eldest
0 , was united in the
ony to Mr. Benson
nberry. The bride
a d was given away
T e wedding march
M. R. Hammond.
ony was conducted
' utledge, pastor of
, in the presence
.f invited guests.
bea. tifully decorated
and in the large
ce mouy was per -
ribb.n aisle was ar-
to : large bank of
ea ried a boquet of
o' the valley and
in white satin
ve 1. After congra-
ere served with
he groom's gift
a , eeklace set with
: nd to the pianist a t
rl settings and to
ady waiters a silver
s handsome and use-
ide were tokens of
dship. The bride
of navy blue with
Mr. and Mrs.
•end a few days with
and on their return
heir residence on the
shank in Turnberry.
-town guests were
Roberts, Mrs. Jas.
. Kerr and Miss Ruby
h ri■
C 111
t■ p
I e'S Grocery
Died a Arthur.
A former resider of Morris township
passed away Monday, Oct. 21st, at Ar-
thur, Ont., in th. person of Rebecca
Raynard, beloved , ife of Irwin Jack-
son, in her §1st y • ar. Deceased had
been poorly for the past few months
with paralysis of he nerves but she
was only seriously 11 for a few weeks.
Born in Blanshard ownship, Perth Co.,
and moved to Gre when her parents
located on the 4th on. She was united
in marriage to he now bereft partner
over 35 years ago Mr. Jackson moved
from Grey to Kin oss township, Bruce
Co., and engage. in sawmilling, after-
ward to Luther ownship, Bruce Co.,
where he followe. the same business
and later bought '00 acres of land near
In additi .n to her husband Mrs.
Jackson is surviv • d by 5 children: -Jas.
of Parry Sound; eorge and Thomas,
Mrs. Wilkie and Irs. Mitchell, all of
Arthur locality, • o hold in loving re-
membrance the lit of a good wife and
devoted mother. hristopher Raynard
of Ethel, is a brot er to deceased and
Mrs. Cook, of Luc now, a sister. The
subject of this not ce was a member of
the Methodist C reh and was most
highly esteemed • y a wide circle of
friends. Funeral took place at Brus-
sels cemetery The sday afternoon from
the Cr. P. R. de ot. Deceased lady
was a sister-in-law to Mr. W. J. Patti-
son, of this town nd an aunt of Mr.
Jas. Walker. Mr . W. J. Pattison,
Mr. L J. Pattison, Mr. Jas. Walker and
Mr. Elisha Welke , of East Wawanosh,
attended the fu eral at Brussels on
As far as
crop is short
in all probability
Since opening
That is the
We have
asking our
in their
They'll keep,
sure to get
quality of
be questionable.
we Can judge this
and prices willgspenty
be high.
figures were
prices have goneMr.
and with further
will continue to
present situation.
no hesitation in
easterners to put
raisin supply.
and you'll be
this best. The
later supplies may
,,-,, .
Mr. John Litton s
in Toronto.
Mr. John Mitchell,
iting at his home in t
Miss Annie Griffin
relatives at Owen So
Miss Hazel Drumn,
spent a few days at h
Mr. Spence Currie o
the holidays with relat
Miss G. Taylor of L.
holidays with her fr
Miss Mabel Hallern
ited for a few days
Mr. Rich. Howson, f Toronto spent
the holidays at his arental home in
Mr Roy Mundy w
few days with Rev. i
Mies Corn Anders
home after spending
the West.
Miss Alice Wyatt, of London, was
visiting for a few day s wi th Miss Mar-
garet Tibbs.
Misses Gertie and live Cruickshank,
of Toronto Universit j , were home for
the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Bh e, of'foronto vis-
ited for the holidays with Mr. and Mrs,
E. C. White.
Miss Viola Isard bf Toroner;. 'vent
Thanksgiving Day at be', .tai
home in town.
Miss Kathlyn Lyn tt of Arthur was
the guest of Miss Mable MacDonald
for Thanksgiving.
Miss Frances Si dell, of Lucknow
was visiting with her friend, Miss
Brownie Swarts.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos Todd of St.Helens
spent Thanksgiving with their daughter,
Mrs. D. E. MacDons.ld.
Mr. Chapman, of Mount Forest, was
visiting for a few days with his daugh-
ter, Mrs. A. J. H. Walker.
Mr. E. Manuel an daughter, of Mea -
ford were visiting f a few days with
relatives and friends in town.
Mr. Walter Paterson was visiting
ent the holidays
f Toronto, is vis-
is visiting with
ond, of Toronto
e`r home in town.
, Hamilton spent
ves in Wingham,
ndon spent the
end, Miss Ethel
of Lucan, vis -
with friends in
s visiting for a
L. Steeves at
n has returned
everal months in
for a few days witl
John Paterson, of G
Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
over were visiting f
his brother, Mr.
Everett, of Han -
r a few days with
Wingham relatives and friends.
Miss Florence Wraly, of Wiarton was
visiting for a few da +s at the home of
her uncle, Rev. G. ctor Collins.
Mr. S. Bennett sp nt a few days thi."
week with our form r townsman, Mr.
Wm. Nicholson, at ew Scotland.
Exchange Hotel ■ amaged by Fire
and ater.
About eight o'clo
fire was noticed in
change Hotel. Th
ly given and the
time in reaching t
In a short time t
water were at wo
a little later a tie'
into use. In less
was under contr
building was badl
the large amount
the building con
done to the inter
ings. The fire s
chimneys, but h
headway before b
loss to Mr. Lippa
as nearly all of
house will need t
loss will be partia
ante. Thefireme
of Chief VanNorm
in getting the fire
short time. The
extra good and th
three nozzles wou
top of the highes
k on Tnesday night
he roof of the Ex -
alarm was prompt-
remen made quick
e scene of the fire.
o good streams of
k on the flames and
stream was brought
han an hour the fire
1. The roof of the
damaged and with
f water poured into
derable damage was
or and the furnish-
rted at one of the
d not made much
ing discovered. The
d will be fully $3,000
the interior of the
be repaired. The
y covered by insur-
under the direction
n did excellent work
inder control in such
ater pressure was
streams from the
have reached the
building in the town.
zie, Frances stre
Last Year the
The annual m
Hospital Comp
Council Chamb
last with the Pr
presiding. The
dent and Treas
year ending Sep
most successful
Hospital. More
last year than i
The question of
in building an add
and it was decided
in the hands of th
adopting the differ
ors for this year we
R. Clegg, John Wil
stone, Dr. A. J. Ir
mond, Dr..J. P. K
sant, J. A. McLe
Auditors -A. 11. M
ton McKibbon. T
entices to learn the
ply to Miss McKent.
est in the History of
eting of the Wingham
ny was held in the
r on Friday evening
sident, Richard Clegg,
reports of the Presi-
rer showed that the
ember 30th was the
n the history of the
atients were treated
any previous year.
oviding more room
tion, was discussed
leave the matter
Directors. After
nt reports, Direct -
e elected as follows:
on, V. S., R. Van -
in, Dr. R. C. Red -
needy, Wm, Fes -
n, H. B. Elliott. ��
sgrove and J. Wtd-
e Directors will
Mrs. Roland Beatt e and son of Allis-
ton are visiting at th home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. G o. McKenzie.
Mrs. Jas. Hamilto fend children were
visiting for a few da •s with relatives
and friends in Toron o and Oshawa.
Mrs. Smith and d ughter, Josephine
of Milton were visit tg for a few days
at the home of Mr. `. R. VanNorman.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Groves were
visiting for a few days with Mr. and
3lrs, Thos. A. Nettetlfield at Monkton.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam
dren spent the holida
and friends in Milve;
Schaefer and chil-
.s with relatives
ton and Palmer -
Mrs. Philip Dawscn, of Turnberry
was visiting for a few days with her
daughter, Mrs. R. A Cruickshank at
Miss Margaret Ti bs, accompanied
by her friend, Miss Alice Wyatt, spent
Sunday with Mrs. LI N. Crowston, at
Langside. I'
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maxwell and Miss
Jean Maxwell, of t 'e Bluevale road,
spent the holidayswith relatives at
Miss Mabe] Shiell, !of Toron to, spent
the holidays at the hbme of her uncle,
Mr. Geo. M. Robertshn, 12th con., East
Wawanosh. '
Mr. and Mrs. W'lm. Anderson and
daughter, of East wanosh, returned
home last week afte • spending several
weeks in the West.
Mr. Murphy, who has been visiting
with his uncles, Me. srs. P. and John
Gibbons in East Wa leanosh, left for his
home in Chicago on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Maxwell, of
Leamington, were 1 visiting for the
Thanksgiving holid ys with relatives
and friends in Wing am and district.
A. H. Musgrove, !1M. P. P., was in
East Middlesex lastlweek speaking at
political meetings an the interest of
Mr. Neely, the Conservative candi-
Miss Jennie Wei , B. A., of Talbot
street school, London, spent Thanks-
giving at the home of Wm. S. Linklater,
Town Piot. Miss (Weir Is a sister of
Mrs. Linklater. 1 -
Miss Maggie V nNorman;' who has
been acting as st ographer and book-
keeper in the TI 'S office for the past
year, left on Tues ay for Southampton
to accept a positio i in the office of the
Bell Furniture Co The TIMES heartily
wishes Liss Van orman every success
in her new positio
M"_Robt. Ma ire, of the 8rd line
of Morris, retie d home from Edmon-
ton en Thursday venin last where he
had been attending the f\ ieral of his
mother. Mr. ire wa accompan-
ied ,home by hi ^ ther, Mr. Chas. Ala-
guire,aformer i sid�t'•iof the lst lino
of Morris, whe. 'll vikii. "'re for some
Do Yogi Suffer Frcin Corns
or Bunions ?
Shoes that do not fit
properly and adapt thcrn-
selves to the shape of your feet
cause painful corns, bunions
and callouses, Thousands of wearers of
r o'911
sa,ore: ata0 .3i
testify that their eons hr..: dis-
scient li alis' coo- 6
struc..cd she
moved t::e (a:tse r
-:•dprevc:st.:;; err- p
tiler frail .i ;:e c.; r-
--Loa at Ince ^ �•.�
tt;• cr a n::ir
Dr. A. : seri:si
Cut:Mon5h.scat-: ,'
yuan::f�,/r,: .
4 -Cit: gales
This style "Empress" Button Shoe is
made on the new stage French last, with
high arch and short vamp.
We have other styles on this last.
RUBBERS -All sizes that will keep
the fee; dry,
meet on Friday evel'ing of this week
and elect the officer . Following is the
financial report fo the year ending
September 30th:-•
Balance on hand...
Government grant ..........
Town grant
County grant
Municipal grant
From patients ...
Cash subscriptions
Donations, goods
Other sources
Bequests, stook, et ....
., .. ,. 10.00
..... .... 3313.40
. 723.0['
Total .!
Butchers' meat........... 170.27
Butter and eggs... . 21'5.83
Flour, bread and me 1 98.30
Milk .. .. 108.20
Tea and coffee 25.81
Vegetables 27.20
Groceries and provisi 306.10
Drugs and medicines 135.11
Surgical appliances 248.60
Bedding and furnishii gs 87.31
Brooms, brushes, etc .. 30.40
Light..... ... 137.14
Water supply .. 18.52
Ice supply. ••... .... 20.00
Salaries and wages. 1412.40
Taxes and insuran e •, . 12.54
Advertising and st tionery 25.63
Contingencies .... .. 316.84
Repairs, ordinary 202.79
Repairs, extraord' ary .... 83.61
New furnishings. ......... 78.17
Mortgage ... 1500.00
Interest 98.38
Deficit 64.50
Total.,, .. $5290.65
For Sale.
One six -horse power g as cline
engine and one 80-16 candle light
dynamo, both as good as new; a new
No. 5 Taylor fire -proof safe; also a good
stone -boat. For particulars apply to
Geo. McKenzie, Wingham, Ont.
Thanksgiv g Concert.
The sacred co cert given in the
Methodist Church on Monday evening
by the Church c it was well attend-
ed and the con rt was one of the
best sacred conte is ever held in Wing -
ham. The seve 1 selections by the
choir were well endered. This choir
has made excelle t progress under the
leadership of Mr F. J. Hill. The solos,
due= and quart ttes by the members
of the Arion Mal Quartette of Toronto
were of a very igh order and were
rendered in a ery pleasing manner.
The quartette is a good ono and was
well received the audience. The
program throng out was a good one.
Sole Agent.
Js iRbI R
ofi'ifd'�liidf<"e^aoicu4lG� d�i:�'iC�'+o(E+�ti+t:,i
Mr. A. Kelly offers for sale his
fine 162 acre farm adjoining the
town of Wingham. 1 his farm is
in the very highest state of cul.
tioatiorl, has good but dlegs and
orchard, and is all seeded down
except about twenty acres.
Also 36 acres in Town Plot
with house and barn. This will
be sold with the large farm or
A number of utter smaller
places in Town Plot.
All these will be sold at right
prices as Mr. Kelly is going
Ritchie 86 4Cosens
And Authorized teacher Fletcher
Music Method, Simplex and Kinder-
Pupils prepared in Piano and Theory
for Conservatory examinations.
Studio, Minnie St.
Thousands Of ambitious young people
are being instructed in their homooby
our Borne Stn'v liept. Yen may finish
at College if you clear.• 1 a v
over you wis:i. Thirty Yearw 18xpe r-
i'nce. Largu,t trainers in t_•anercla.
Plater any day. Positions guaaanteed.
Ii you wish to save board and learn
while you earn, write for particulars.
Wingham Business Colley
GPO. SPOTTON, President