HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-10-24, Page 81 8 MINOR LOCALS —Next Monday will bo a public holi- day --Thanksgiving Day. —The Toronto Exhibition directors have decided to abandon the "Midway." —Reeve McDonald shipped two car loads of sheep to the West on Wednes- day. —Mrs. John Elder has improved so far that she expects to be able to leave the Ilospital in a week or two. — Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Webster, of Lucknow celebrated their golden wed- ding last week. —Hallowe'en Social in the Baptist Church on Thursday evening, October 81st. Admission 15 cents. TRUNKS AND Varasns.--Bigg stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. —Mr. A. Baird, of the Wingham chop- ping mill, bad a valuable cow killed by a C. P. R. train last Thursday morning. —The regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresters will be held on Friday evening of this week. —There will be a special matinee at the Picture House on the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day, commencing at 3.30 o'clock. —Come, everyone, to the Hallowe'en Social in the Baptist Church on Hallow- e'en night. Good program. Admission 15 cents. —The annual meeting of the Wing - ham Hospital Company will be held in the Council Chamber on Friday evening of this week. —Mr. Robt. Tennant is offering for sale his property on the corner of John and Edward streets. See adyt. in an- other column. —Mrs. Robt. Deyell's many friends will be pleased to hear she is recover- ing from her serious illness. — Miss Iinlay, who was acting super- intendent of the Hospital during the summer, has recovered from her re- cent illness, and was able to return to her home on Saturday last. —Mr. Robt. Thomson, of West Wa- wanosh has a goose that is doing double duty this year. The goose laid four- teen eggs in the spring and raised her young and is now busy laying again. —The many friends of Mr. Wm. Naylor, who was operated upon at the Hospital last week, will be pleased to Earn that his condition is favorable, and that he is doing as well as can be expected. —A sale of work and an entertain- ment will be held in the Salvation Army Barracks to -night (Thursday). A good programme has been arranged, the price of admission will be 10 cents. Everybody come. —Provincial Constable Phippen re- ceived on Tuesday a number of singing birds direct from Germany. In the i.hipment were warblers and rollers. Mr. Phippen now has one of the best collection of singers to be found in Western Ontario. —J. L. Scott of the Listowel Bazaar spent last Friday in Wingham as the guest of the venerable George Mason of that town. Mr. Mason, who is a venerable figure in the life of the com- munity in which he lives, has been in business for half a century and posses- ses one of the finest stores in Canada in his line of business.—Listowel Ban- ner. — A farm paper whose editor an active farmer must of necessity e near the farmer and know his nee s. This is one of the reasons for the .opularity of The Weekly Sun, Toron ., which for over twenty-two years, te Ontario far- mer has considered i usiness paper. Then, again, The 's market reports are of such value to those who take ad- vantage of the information given that they will not do without it. Sun sub- scribers are active farmers, who farm for profit. If you are not a subscriber to The Sun you should be. The Sun can help you make the farm pay all it can pay. When renewing your sub- scription for the TIME;, order The Sun. Imported Horses for Sale. T. H. Hassard, of Markham will offer for private sale at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham. from October 31st to Nov- ember 2nd, a number of imported Clydesdale mares and fillies. They are a first-class lot of mares, bred to some of the best horses in Scotland. Farm- ers should not miss this opportunity of seeing something good. WANTED.—An improver and an ap- prentice for ladies' tailoring. Apply to E. C. WHITE. Municipal Politics. There is already talk of probable can- didates for positions in next year's . municipal council. We have heard a number of rumors as to possible candi- dates. Couneillor }lone has signified his intention of being a candidate for the Mayor's chair for next year. Other names have been mentioned. Coun. Bone has served in the Connell for near- ly four years. For the Reeveship the only person we have heard as being definitely in the field is Councillor Mit- chell. We have also heard the names of several as probable candidates for the Council. Nomination day is sti'l two months in the future and before that time the pot will likely commence to boil. I'HE WIN GILAM TUI .ES OCTOBER 24, 1912 PERSONALS. F. A. Miller of Bruce Mines is visit- ing friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. R. C, Copeland were visiting in Toronto last week. Mr. Herb. Dore is spending a few days at his parental home in town. Rev. Fr. Dean, of St. Augustine, was visiting- with Rev. Fr. Blair this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bird, of Paisley spent a few days with friends in Wing - ham. Mrs. E. 13, Walker, John Street will receive on second and fourth Thursdays of every month. Miss Ola and Vine Casner of Strat- f ord and Miss Neta Casner of Sebring- ville are the guests of Miss Mae Mason. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dobie were in Teeswater last week attending the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Geo. McCleneghan, Mr. C. A. Campbell, of East Wawa - nosh left on Thursday last for Sudbury where he has taken a position on the Mining News. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ramsay, of Washington, D. C. were visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B one, Mr. Ramsay being a brother of Mrs. Bone. Mr, Hugh Clark, M. P., editor of the Kincardine Review was in town on Monday and gave the Tunas a call. Mr. Clark was on his way to Lambeth, where he addressed a meeting in the interests of Mr. Neely, the Conserva- tive candidate in East Middlesex. nORN. PIPE. —In Morris township, on Oct. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pipe; a son. CORNETT.—In Calgary, Alta., on October 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cornett, (nee Miss Ida Bone, Wing - ham); a son. mARRI]D JONES—WATSON. At Seven Persons, Alta., on October 2nd, by Rev. Mr. Young, Mr. Lewellyn Sylvester Jones, of Medicine Hat to Miss Edna Earle, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Watson, Morris township. BRIDE -SPENCE—At the home of the bride's brother-in-law, Mr. B. J. Millis, Newbridge, by the Rev. Mr. Andrews, on Oct. 15th, Miss Harriet Ida Spence, of Newbridge, to Mr. Wm. J. Bride, of Colgate, Sask. DIED CARRUTH.—In West Toronto, on Oct. Dth, John Carruth, formerly of Wing - ham, in his 73rd year. CARRUTH.—In West Toronto, on Oct. 16th, Martha Hunter, widow of the late John Carruth, formerly of Wing - ham, in her 72nd year. GRAHAM.—In Kamloops, B. C., on October lst, Mrs. W. E. Graham. daughter of Mrs. Anderson, formerly of Glennanan, aged 41 years. MACDONALD—In Kinloss on Oct. 16th, Adam McDonald, aged 82 years, 1 month and 16 days. FALCONER—In Kinloss on Oct. 9th, James Falconer, aged 88 years,3 months and 18 days. KELLY - In Morris Tp., on Oct. 13th, George Kelly, aged 81 years. COOPER.—In Seaforth, on October 9th, Amelia Jane Bird, beloved. wife of James Cooper. formerly of Brussels, aged 49 years, 9 months and I4 days. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Su:.j. cis taught by expert instructors at the ..AeW Y• M. C. A. BLDG., L.OLl)ON. ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W.Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. . Principal enartned Accountant Vi^e-Principal PROPERTY FOR ALE. The undersigned offe s for sale his property on the or er of John and Edward streets. ere are three good lots. Double dw ing house in excel- lent repair and a large frame barn. Abundance of good hard and soft water. Will be sold at a bargain. Get parti- culars on the premises. R. TENNANT. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Brick house with poet office attached. Small barn and hen house. Three acres of land and a never -failing well. For further information apply to MRS. JNO. BELL. Glenannan, Ont. Hunters and—�-- Trappers WILL GET THE Best Market Price, Honest Treatment, Correct Assortment, Quick Returns. by shipping their Raw Furs and Skins TO REVILLON FRERES T1 ADR t3 COMPANY, LIMITLD ESTABLISHED ! 'Z the old reliable Firm of the Fur Trade 134 and 136 21sGi:1 St„ Montreal Ask for our Free Price Lid WE PAY FXrness CHANGES FARM FOR SALE. 150 acre farm about 21. miles from Wingham, 100 acres of good farming land, 50 acres bush and pasture, good barn and driving shed, good stoned well at barn, running stream on farm, (new) up-to-date house, hard and soft water in house, rural mail delivery and tele- phone. We invite inspection. Good property in good going order, will be sold right as the proprietor is quitting farming. Further information on ap- plication to C. N, GR11+1f IN, Wingham. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY IN THE VILLAGE OF BELGRAVE The executors of the Estate of William Wat- son, deceased, will offer for sale by Public Auction at the Dotes in the Village of Belgrave on Saturday the 2nd day of November, A. D. 1912, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the following valuable property, viz ;—The South -cast corner of Lot number 42 in the Oth Concession of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, containing three-fourths of en acre of land more or less. On this property is situate a new brick ven- eered dwelling 1$x25 and 18x19 with cement foundation and cellar and containg nine rooms. The property is centrally situated on the main street in the Village of Belgrave, within a few feet of the Post Office and convenient to the school. TERMS 08' SALE. Ten per cent of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within 20 days thereafter. The property will be offered sub- ject to a reserve bid. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale or may be had on application to the undersigned. Dated Oct. 12th, 1912. R. VANSTONE, Wingham, P. O. Solicitor for the Executors. DO IT NOW. NEWSPAPER BARGAINS The Wingham Times and The Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent to new sub- scribers to the Ist of Janu- ary, 1914 for $1.60. Sub- scribe now and get fall benefit of this good offer. Leave all orders at the TIMES OFFIGE, WINGtIAM CANADIAN° PAC.I S E I E E FARE FOR HUNTERS Oct. 7 to Nov. 9 to al I stations Chalk River to Schrieber in- clusive, and to best hunting points in Quebec and New Brunet+ick. Oct. 17 to Nov. 9 to all stations Sudbury to the Soo, Have- lock to Sharbot Lake, Coldwater to Sudbury,, and on the Lindsay and Bobcaygeon Branch. Return Limit Dec. 12th, 1912 A sk for free copies of "Sportsman's Map" and "Open Seasons for Game and Fish." G' AND .TllH-It' SYSTEM; THANKSGIVING DAY Single Fare for Round Trip Between ALL STATIONS IN CANADA GOOD GOING October 25, 26, 27, 28 Return Limit October 3Oth 3.linimum charge 25c. Full particulars, tickets, etc., from any Grand Trunk Agent, or write A. E. Duff, D. P. A.. Toronto, Ont., or H Goodman, Depot Agent, Phone .0. H. B. Elliott, town agent, phones 4 and i4. Stallion Inspection Under Ontario Stall Act, Inspectors under the stallion Enrol. ment Act will vis' the follow- ing plates for 'e purpose a inspectin , allions Which the owners desire have inspected. Wingham, 1 p.m., Friday November 1st. Brussels, 8.30 a.m., Friday, November 1st. Blyth, 9. a.m., Saturday, Nov- ember 2nd. Londesboro, 1 p.m„ Saturday, November 2nd. Dungannon, 9 a.m., Tuesday, November 5th. Lucknow 2.30 p.m., Tuesday, November 5th. to GOOD KING BROS. PRICES GOODS RIGHT Latest Styles in Men's and Boys' Wear TGaRBR^fno. (ANIMATION 11 UNDERWEAR., UNSNRINICAOLra . This season we have in stock the celebrated C. N. R. Brand Clothing which is noted for its style, quality and workmanship and price saving. We carry these in all sizes and a nice range of patterns in Tweed and Worsteds as well as Navy Blue and Black. Prices from $10.00 to $20.00. p We also4 have the Tigar Brand Unshrinkable Underwear f o r Men.11,These are made from pure all wool Canadian yarns and guar- anteed to give satisfaction. Shirts and Drawers and Combination Suits. Prices $1.00 and $1 25 per garment and $3,00 per combination suit. We also have the newest in Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Collars, Ties, Boot, Shoes and Rubbers. All Kinds Produce Wanted KING. BROS. PRODUCE WANTED WE WANT YOUR TRADE LEAVING TOWN Ten Thousand Dollars worth of Goods to be Sold. Only 15 Pays to do it in AT ROBINS, WINGHAM You know our goods and it will be your last chance to buy from us, an avalanche of wonderful bargains with the last chance, thrown in a complete upheaval of the whole stock and a mountain slide of extraordinary values. Everything to go at breakneck speed. No reins of steel can hold it back. SALE OPENS Saturday, Oct. 12 and ends Saturday Night, Oct. 26. Don't be surprised it the whole stock is cleaned upquicker than the time allowed by ourselves. It's our Inst. It's our 1 AT SHOEING CHILDREI:�1 ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ITEMS IN THE SHOE BUSINESS is the proper fitting of Children's Shoes. IMPORTANT for the reason that many of the foot deformities, also corns, bunions, ingrown toenails. etc., start in childhood by ill-fitting shoes. We measure every child's foot (providing you bring the child to our store) and you are thus assured of shoes that will fit. We have an excellent selection of Children's Foot- wear—in fact you cannot find a larger variety in any of the city stores, and our prices as fully as low, and in many kinds lower—and do not forget—we sew all rips and tack the soles free of charge on every pair of shoes bought from us. WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. • sWool for Ladies. 1 +++444♦44++N+++++++4++++4 ••••••••••f 4••••••••••••••! • ♦• • • • Fall si• • SuiIs 1i;..and .0vercoaist • ••O 2 • • • • • • ••o ••A • • • • • i • •e EOR MEN AND • We have a full line of Men's Z and Boys' Winter Overcoats j including Diagonal Weaves in grey, brown and black with the best three way collars on the 'market. Also Fur Coats for Men in Korean Beaver, Siber- ian Dog, China Dog, Astrican Lined Coat with Otter, Mar- mot or Persian Lamb Collars. You will find our stock com- plete and prices moderate. BOYS UNDERWEAR Our Underwear Department is also especially well stocked with the best the mills can produce, including a full range of Standfields Unshrinkable, fully guaranteed, Lined, all -wool, etc., in all sizes. Ialso Turnbulls Fleece We cordially invitee you to call and inspect our stock : and get our prices • . • greatest, JRS. ROBINS �i• OPP. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, WINGHAM t PRODUCE ALWAYS TAKEN. A. MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. •••••44••••••••••••••••••• 0.••i9.M:Nib••*rr411••.€0r 0