HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-10-24, Page 3TIIE TIMESA OCTOBER The above is a picture of " Chief Little Bow," who was probably the first inhabitant of CARMANGAY, where once the savage roamed at will, NOW the larmer tills the land Railways, Wheat, Coal and Water !! CARMANGAY is a NATURAL RAILWAY CENTRL on account of the topography of the country. It is situated on the Little Bow River, and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PURE WATER. It has VAST QUANTITIES OF COAL close to the town. • OUR PROPERTY is WITHIN the TOWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO BLOCKS from the centre of 11Iiginess Send for our illustrated booklet describing the property we have to sell int armangay Work for your Money in the East, but invest it in the Wesi CUT OUT THE COUPON 1in�,)W' mAND SEND IT TO US A " " Western Canada Re.a! Estate Company Head Office .-502 TEMPLE BUILDING„ Toronto, Ont: MONTREAL. CUE. 25 Sus Life Anna BRANCHES: HAMILTON, ONT. LONDON. ONT, 302 Lister Cbambor. 11 Dominion Bank Clumbw'e WESTERN CANADA REAL ESTATE CO. 502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. Please send me without obligation on my part, literature containing facts,, figures and views of CAAMANOAY. Name........................:......r.....,».........,...:...». Address ......:..........-..,....,.---. ................: THE WINGHAM TIMES ,r. "17 Cents a Day" Offer Stirs all Canada! Whole Country Applauds: the "Penny Purchase Plan' From a thousand different directions comes a mighty chorus of approval, voicing the popular- ity of The Oliver Typewriter "17 Cents a Day" Purchase Plan. fits(liberal terms of this offer being the bene- of the best modern typewriter within easy reach of all. The simple, convenient "Plenny Plan" has assumed international importance. It opened the floodgates of demand and has almost engulfed us.with orders. Individuals, firms and corporations- all classes of people- are taking advantage of the attractive plan and endorsing the great idea which led us to take this radical step - To make typewriting the univeral medium of written communication! Speeds Univeral Typewriting The trend of events is toward the general adoption of beautiful, legible, speedy typewriting in place of slow, laborio reintj?p illegible handwriting. ` The great business inter- ests are a unit in usifig type- writers. It is just as important to the general public to substi- tute typewriting for long Typewriter, and you have an overwhelming total of tangible reasons for its wonderful success. A Business Builder The Oliver Typewriter is a powerful creative force in business -a veritable wealth producer. Its use multiplies business opportunities, widens business influence, promotes business success. m Thus the aggressive merchant or manufacturer can reach out for more business with trade win- ning letters and price lists. By means of a "mailing list" -and The Oliver Typewriter -you can annex new trade territory. Lira Get this greatest of business aids -for 17 Cents a Day. Keep it busy. It will make your business grow. Aids Professional Men To the professional man the typewriter is an hand." For every private citizen's personal affairs are his business. Our popular "Penny Plan" speeds the day of Universal Typewriting. A Mechanical Marvel The Oliver Typewriter is unlike all others. With several hundred less parts than ordinary typewriters, its efficiency is proportionately greater. Add to such basic advantages the many time- saving conveniences found only on The Oliver ndisdensab e assistant. Barristers, Cler gymen, Physicians, Journalists. Ar- chitects, Engineers and Pub- lic Accountants have learned to depend on the typewriter. /p�►�1 Q�Q, You can master The Oliver typewriter in a few min - utes' practice. It will pay big daily dividends of satisfaction on the small investment of 17 Cents a Day. A Stepping -Stone to Success For young people, the Oliver Typewriter is a stepping -stone to good positions and an advance- ment in business life. The ability to operate a typewriter counts for more than letters of recommendation, Start now, when you can own The Oliver Typewriter for pennies. Join the National Association of a Penny Savers! Every purchaser of The Oliver Typewriter for 17 cents made an Honorary Member of the National Association Savors. A small first payment brings the magnificent new Oliver Typewriter, the regular $125 machine. .Then save 17 Cents a Day and pay monthly. The Oliver Type- writer Catalog and full details of "17 Cents a Day" Purchase Plan sent on request, by cou- pon or letter. Address Sales Department The Oliver Typewriter Co. Oliver Typewriting Bldg. CHICAGO. a Day is of Penny COUPON THE OLIVERTYPEWE1TERCe Oliver Typewriting Bldg., Otntirm Fil : YI(sfe Fft d t.4 Art Catalog nmi dciails of 17- Cents•a-nay" offer on the Oliver 7 ypewi iter. Name Address 666666666 •Apply zain-Buk to an) wounds and sores and you will be surprised how quickly it stops the smarting said brings ease. It covers the wound with s, layer of pro- tective baba, kills all poison germs already In the. wound, and wants others entering. Its rich healing herbal essences then build up from the bottom, fresh tissues and in a wonderfully short time the wound Is healed! Zam•Bak's popularity Limed on merit. rmitatIonsneverwork cures. Be aura and E02 tha reel thing. "Zam-Buk",e printed on ever, packet of the ggenuine. Behave sheers, 5 aro �ggists and stores or k THE UNDER DOG. Pretty geed jokes you've made on me - The under dog, Funny, too, as such jokes could be. You've shown the sleeping out in the park On a cold, hard bench, in the starless dark; You've shown me, gaunt, at the kitchen door, Where the housewife gave her tooth- some store -- And you've twisted jokes of a man's distress. Funny? Lord! Yes! Pretty good jokes -and all on me - The under dog. Each one pitched in a merry key; You've sketched me fair iii my rags and • grime; You've caught my grin when I'm doing time; You've shown ne clutching the car's brake -beam, Or trudging ties in the sun's hot gleam And you made me funny; I must con- fess - Funny? Lord! Yes! Pretty fair jok>s you've hal on me - The en ler dog. Hardly a wee.: but I would see - My battered phi% in a comic skit That had no line that was care of wit. That time the deg to my leg hung tight You made me a sine -splitting sight. It made you some money -more or less - Funny' Lord! Yes! Pretty good jokes you've made on me - The under dog. Yours is a fenny that must run free.' And I am a tramp that need only roam. While you are the fellow that's got a home And wife and kids and an easy chair - Me? I'm the fellow that lives Nowhere! And humor, you know, is a thing to bless - Funny? Lord! Yes! - Wilbur D. Nesbit, in Canada Monthly, Urie Acid tinfferiug Uric acid is an accumulation of pois- on which finds lodgment in the system when the kidneys fail to remove it from the blood. In the kidneys and bladder it forms stones, in the joints and mus- cles it causes rheumatism. In any case the pain and suffering is almost beyond human endurance. Uric acid is prompt- ly removed from the system when the kidneys are kept healthy and active by using Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Thomas Leishman of Iron Bridge ac- cidentally killed his wife, who was hunt- ing with him in the bush near Sault Ste. Marie, and then in grief committed sui- cide. The annual report of Jailor Nichol, of Stratford, was presented to Sheriff Magwood on Thursday of last week. The report shows that it costs 9.67 cents to feed one prisoner during one day It the Perth County jail. Was Confined To Bed FOR FOUR RIOf1TNS RHEUMATISM THE CAUSE DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIM i 1912 Humor and Philosophy 15, 011/01C 05./11 r!. SAT ITIN PERT PARAGRAPHS. 1,15 a general thing the uian who en - Joys a vacation is the gleeful imp who gloats over the sunburn and brier scratches and poison ivy of the man wlio has just returned from his yearly jamboree. The nerve strain that they don't have is what gives lots of women nervous prostration. The trouble Is that so many people who can't come back do so. Mr. W. H. Riley, Ruddell, Sask., writes: -"It is with the greatest of pleasure that I can recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to all suffering with rheum- atism. I was se bad with this terrible dis_ase, I was unable to fret up from my hed for four months, and nothing seemed to relieve me until a friend recommended Down's Kidney Pills. I had my doubts moat then, but was i••) desperate I vonid try anything se •sted to me. 'ifter taking half a box 1 i..., able to get .ip, and after taking two 1 , es could get around quite well. ;,f,.: taking six :>r4: I was completely i::+ 1, and able to ,.ror'k for the first time i "ve months, .i:ul have not had a tout ; rheumatism Any• ne who saw I . then would not know me now, as I as -. strong and active since taking your ..(:.•able medi- cine." ,.;oar's Kidlrey fills at ..i cents per hfix, or ;i boxeq for 81.25.:• •11 dealers, r trailed (!:rest on rccei; t (,; t rice by 't'i:e T. Milburn Co, Lit. i:c d, T aronto, Out. In ordeting direct, specify "Dean's." Perhaps your breakfast did disagree with you, but don't take it out on the public. A holiday is an invention by means of which the public may incapacitate itself for a ,onsiderable length of time. Getting acquainted with necessity is ( social process that none of us enjoy. Some people are so sensitive you can hardly get a good joke on them at all without offending them, especially if it costs them much. Agreeable people are those who al- ways want to do what we want to do, and the more they insist.on doing It our way the more agreeable they are. The man who spends his time trying to tjifferentlate himself from other people generally succeeds -without pleasing anybody. A Liberal Education. Kings in stately, long procession, Queens in splendid motorcars, IIorses on the race track running; The procession of the stars, Waters that across Niagara In a raging tumult flow - For a nickel you can get it At the moving picture show. Elephants performing labor, Indians pursuing game, FIremen in haste to rescue Some young woman from the flame, Cannons belching forth their thunder, Monkeys sporting in a tree And a lot of other wonders When the film is running free. Liners coming into harbor, Swimmers divifig from the dock, Suffragettes who seek the ballot Walking bravely round the block, Merry little tilts of lovers, "Villains stalking through the plot Or man erecting buildings On a busy corner lot. Every nook and every cranny, Every corner of the land, Made to pass for those who watoh it From the grand reviewing stand, Travel made a thing of comfort, Up and down the land you go, P Seeing all for just a nickel At the moving picture show. He'll Change His Mind. "Why don't you go to the thea' er oc- casionally?" I don't care anything about it." "You are sure it isn't because you don't want to spend the money?" "Oh, no! That hasn't anything to do with it. I just don't care for that sort of amusement." "I would advise you to remove that chair between us." „Why?" "I am about to offer you a free ticket, and I don't want you to hurt your- self falling over it to accept" s! a Just In His Line. "What is he do- ing?' '!Selling rubber plantations." "He has had no experience in that line." "No, but he has in stretching the truth." tt Things Worth Remembering. When pay day comes. That Washington wore a wig. That brown eyes are darker than blue. That every dog has his day. Where your wife's folks live on Thanksgiving day. A Common Weakness. "Does he like to talk politics?" "He doesn't know a thing aboul them." "Then he doesn't talk about them?" "Yes, all the time." do a Bet. "Will you marry me?" "No, I won't "I win. I thought you wouldn't. Thank you." •4444444444444440440404'04+4 *********00•44404,a4+4444+4* W AN OPPORTUNITY Y 4. For a Live Man in Wingham 4 0 a to make some clean, honest rncney, giving ir.fotn tion to those IAho have requested it, regarding an original West- ern townsite-not a subdivision. This is a gentle man's 44 oproposition, and we want only mtn of gcod st;Iruir.g vaio o will not misrepresent. Address o o • Western Canada Real Estate Co. 4. 502 TEMPLE BUILDING - TORONTO p 4 2' 4.44<7,44:, 3* 04)4006ver.)404,4',7 be; a .D .. t. +t:4 a'•': n,, i..,r.,, 0 sn, •- . i Uniformity in Canadian Dairy Products. A few months ago there was held at Ottawa a Conference of dairy experts and official from all parts of the Dom- inion. ' The meeting was called by the Honourable, the Minister of Agriculture for the purpose of endeavoring to perp- etuate the uniformity in quality and character of Canadian cheese and butter that has been responsible for the suc- cess of Canadian dairying. As pointed out by the Dairy and Cold Storage com- missioner, who presided over the Con- ference, many things come up in the practice of dairying over which slight difference of opinion may arise so that it seems desirable to bring together from time to time those in charge of dairy schools, and the chief instructors, in the various provinces, to discuss methods The Mean Thing. "He says he's very fond of cited" "I notice he generally has a flock of you girls purring around him." They Chin Stand It. "l The person who is savixg And luxury forbears Cau't take his money with hire, But that don't peeve his lasit'K, and practices, in order to arrive at some agreement as a body of dairy advisors. The Conference lasted two days dur- ing which time many matters of import- ance were taken up and freely discussed - Some of these were the pasteurization of whey, factory refuse in relation to tuberculosis in hogs, testing and grad- ing cream at cream gathering creamer- ies, whey butter, methods of payingpat- rons of cheese factories, and other subjects relating to the production of butter and cheese. For the information of buttermakers and cheesemakers, and others interested in dairying, there has been printed a verbatum report of the proceedings of this Conference. Copies may be procured by applying to the Publications Branch of the Department Agriculture, at Ottawa. ++++4411141.14W+444.+++++ . +4.: +:it Wa33311F55+.44*.z•+++4.4'X 4 4' ' +� !The Times .i, 4, ... Clubbing ListI: 4.4. d• + 4 4. + Times and Weekly Globe . 1,60 4.Times and Daily Globe 4.50 444 0 ar Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star.... , 1.85 4. + Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1,75 'r'Times and Toronto Daily Star 2,30 .I, 44.. Times and Toronto Daily News.. 2.30 'l' Times and Daily Mail and Empire. 4.50 i.. 4'Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.60 4'Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 .+ Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) 1,60414. 's Times and Farm and Dairy 1.80 Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press, 1.60 q. Times and Daily Advertiser 2.85 ;j 4' Times and London Advertiser (weekly).........1.60 f Times and Loudon Daily Free Press 1llerr.irg Edition 4. Evening Editicn.... i' Times and Montreal Daily Witness � Times and Montreal Weekly Witness � Times and World Wide Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg.,... 4. Times and Presbyterian . .1.Times and Westminster M Times, Presbyterian and Westminster 4. Times and 'Toronto Saturday Night . ti Times and Busy Man's Magazine Times and Home Journal, Toronto + Times and Youth's Companion .... 4. Times and Northern Messenger.. .4 Times and Daily World ..... ..... . Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly)....... I' Times and Canadian Pictorial 4 Times and Lippincott's Magazine Times and Woman's Home Companion Times and Delineator .. 4 Times and Cosmopolitan 4. Times and Strand .t, Times and Success Times and McClure's Magazine 4. Times and Munsey's Magazine Times and Designer Times and Everybody's 4' These prices are for addresses 1.4 Britain. 4. The above publications may be obtained by Times t subscribers in any combination, the price for any publica- . 1 tion being the figure given above less $I.00 representing $ in Canada 3.50 2 90 3.50 1.b5 2.25 1.60 2.25 2.25 3,2'5 3 40 2.50 1.75 2.90 1.35 3.10 2.90 1,60 3.15 `2 60 2.40 2.30 2.50 2.45 2.60 2,55 1.85 2.40 4 4. 4, 4 d• 4 a a w. or Great ÷ the price of The Times. For instance : 'r' The Times and Weekly Globe The Farmer's Advocate ($2.35 less $1,00). 4. $1.60 1.35 $2.95 making the price of the three papers $2.95. 4. The Times and the Weekly Sun.... $1.80 The Toronto Daily Star (8,2.30 less $1,00).. 1,30 q. The Week13 Globe ($1.60 less $1.00) 60 4. + $3.70 the four papers for $3.70. , 4. 4. 4. e• If the pibaicat on you want is not in above lists let * + us know. We '.•n supply almost any well-known Cana- dian or American publication. These prices are strictly cash in advance Send subscriptions by post office or express order to e• ille Tirnes ffice Stone Block 4. WINGHAM ONTARIO 4. f3s+.+' ' :4T'L'F,4t4:+:4iitg!d•'l td:+++4.+ 11++++.44:1* 'li :1 ' '+3:4