HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-10-17, Page 8t a b. o1 a1 at os tfn fa :frt ov it set cut atr OVE likl WI: the eta. stir{ Cott cold the heti bill?! TI•, grow veg Gert/ g I'llE "WINGHAM TIMES OCTOBER. 17, 1912 MINOR LOCALS. —Plan of hall for Bell Ringers' con- cert is at McKibbon's drug store, -Get your letter heads, bill heads and envelopes printed at the TIMES office, WANTED. -- Two good dairy cows, jerseys preferred. Apply at TIMES office. —Get your wedding invitations and visiting cards printed at the TIME office. —Mr. John Joynt, of Lucknow in- tends starting a canning factory at Listowel. FoR SALE.—Will sell one of my high ,ass Durham bulls at right price. _�. A. KELLY. —Mrs. E. A, Hammond will receive on Friday afternoon, October 18th from :3 to 6 o'clock. —Hear the Royal English Bell Ring- ers in the opera house next Monday evening. Plan of hall at McKibbon's drug store. —The annual meeting of the East Huron Teachers' Association is being held in Wingham on Thursday and Fri- day of this week, --If you purpose spending your Thanksgiving holidays out of town, hely your G. T. R. tickets from H. B. Elliott, at the TIMES office. — Many old friends here will be pleased to learn that Mr. A.J. Malcolm, of Was - tine, Alta., has almost recovered after his serious illness with typhoid fever. — Toronto has re-engaged the Royal English Bell Ringers for Massey Hall for Thanksgiving night. Hear them in Wingham next Monday evening. —The G. T. R. town ticket office is a convenience, saves time and avoids a rush at the depot. If you intend to travel, buy your tickets from H. B. Elliott, at the TIMES office, — Messrs. Cooper & Herman of To- ronto have purchased the clothingbusi- ness of Mr. S. Robins and will take possession about the lst of November. See advt. on page 5. —Mrs, Geo. Bryce, of Turnberry left at the TIMES office on Friday last several branches of berry bushes fully loaded with black cap berries. This is unusual for the middle of October. PERSONALS. Mr. C. P. Smith was in Hamilton this week on business. Miss Rosie Brown visited friends in Blyth and Clinton last week. Miss Carrie Geddes of Lucknow is visiting with Mrs. R. S. McGee. Mr. Cecil Knox, of Toronto is visit- ing at his parental home in town. Mrs. A. C. Chapman, of 'Toronto spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. A. D. Beaton, of Clinton was calling on old friends in Wingham last week. Mr. Alva Walker, of London, was visiting at his home in town for over Sunday. Rev, G. Victor Collins is in Brant- ford this week attending the Baptist convention, Mr. D. D. Campbell, of Listowel was visiting on 'Tuesday with his old friend, D1r. Jas. Mulvey. Miss Olive Knox returned home last week after spending the past few months in Toronto. Miss Bessie Marsales, of Buffalo, is visiting at the home of her grandmoth- er, Mrs. Reynolds, Miss Laura Raby of Acton was here attendingthe funeral of her grandfather the late James Raby. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mills and piaster Harold Milts are spending a week at their old home in Essex. Misses Nellie and Grace Fowler of Teeswater spent a few days with their friend, Miss Mary Ritchie. Miss Laura Rich, of London was visit- ing for a few days with her friend, Miss Margaret VanNorman. Mr. Cooper, of Seaforth, was in town this week visiting with his daughter, Mrs. H. J. Marshall, who is seriously 01. Mr. Robt. Maguire is away to Ed- monton, Alta., visiting his father, Mr. Chas. Maguire, who has been serious- ly ill. Mr. John Coultes, who has been a member of the Canadian Bank of Com- merce staff here has been transferred to Ingersoll. —On account of the High School Board meeting, the Council, meeting, and the Harvest Thanksgiving Supper in St. Paul's, the Royal Scarlet Chapter had to be postponed on Monday evening. —His Honor, Judge Doyle will hold Voters' List Court in the Council Chamber, Wingham, on Friday of this week, commencing at 10 o'clock a, m. There are upwards of two hundred ap- peals to be dealt with. A Lincoln Story. A veteran Philadelphia soldier apro- pos of Lincoln's birthday, said at the Union League: "Lincoln used to joke me about my superstitions. I carried, you know, a rabbit's foot for luck. °" 'Look at this,' he said one day, and he took from his pocket a potato. " :What's that for?' I asked " 'For rheumatism,' he replied. 'I haven't had a twinge of rheumatism since I began carrying it.' "'Wonderful!' " -Yes,' said Lincoln, with his whim- sical smile, 'and still more wonderful s the fact that it's retroactive, too; Tor I never had a twinge before I be- gan carrying it either.' " Putting One Over. From the Detroit Free Press. "Say, Mr. Landlord, do you intend to redecorate our parlor and front bed- ?ooms this fall?" "I should say not." "I thought not. How much money do you think it will cost to do that?" "More than I can afford to spend on •that place. Great Scott, man, I almost Fbnilt that house for you in the :spring!„ "I know you did, and I'm not kick- ing. All I want to know is what the expense of doing what my wife wants done will be." "I tell you I'm not going to decorate this fall." "I'm not asking you to. All I want to know is the cost. Tell me that, will von?" "Well, it would cost about $50 to do all the work you've mentioned' "Well, here's the fifty. Now, my wife is coming down here to -morrow to threaten to move if you don't decorate. You just consent to do the work. It's worth fifty to me not to have to move." BELGRAVE. llfr. Jas. Nicholson, a brother of Mr. Garner Nicholson, of Belgrave, died in Toronto this week and the remains were brought to Belgrave, the funeral , taking plase on Wedneaday afternoon. The deceased was for many years a r csident of Kelso, British Columbia and lisil been ill for some time, Ile was brought to 'Toronto a few weeks ago yrl:ire an operation was performed. Henry Johnston, who died at Atkin - ..on, l'rontenac county, was reported to have' been one hundred and five years of age. Sir Charles l\loss, Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals, died in his seven- ty-third year. Mrs. Roe, of Barrie and Mrs. D. Small, of Grand Rapids, Mich., were here attending the funeral of their fath- er, the late James Raby. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Sturthave return- ed to Blyth. Mr. Sturt was here re- lieving for Mr. C. P. Smith, manager of the Bank of Hamilton for two weeks. Mr. Frank Dinsley, is home from the West on a visit with his mother. Mr. Dinsley left Wingham twenty-two years ago and this is his first visit home in that time. John Davis of Windsor, former Chief Inspector of Internal Revenue, died at the age of seventy-six. xas;r. JAMIESON. —In Whitechurch, en Oc- tober 8th, to Dr. and Mrs. Jamieson; a son. BUSCHLEN—PATERSON. —In Toronto, Wednesday, October 9th, by Rev. H. A. MacPherson, pastor of Chalmer's Presbyterian Church, George Leslie Buschlen, eldest son of Charles Busch - len, 331 Dundas street, to Mary Bell, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paterson of Whitechurch and formerly of Wingham. FARM FOR SALE. 150 acre farm about 2e4 miles from Wingham, 100 acres of good farming land, 50 acres bush and pasture, good barn and driving shed, good stoned well at barn, running stream on farm, (new) up-to-date house, hard and soft water in house, rural mail delivery and tele- phone, We invite inspection. Good property in good going order, will be sold right as the proprietor is quitting farming. Further information on ap- plication to C. N. GRIFFIN, Winghrm. DIED RABY.—At Neepawa, Man., on Oct. 8th, James Raby, formerly of Wing - ham, aged 73 years. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the -t/Ige/Yes/ -‘941 YMChBLDG. s CI:'IfON, 0141% St: :ants a,:steu to positions. Cc lege iu session i.e:n Sept. 3rd: Catalogue • free. Enter any tore.. J. r. !lest' 9 eft J. 7 'ss c5ter vett, Jr. C1J.E i:d,lcc,'aat^a i l trice-Prin:lpal PROPERTY FOR SALE. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY IN THE VILLAGE Or BELGRAVE The executors of the Estate of William Wat- son, deceased, will offer for sale by Public Auction at the B otel in the Village of Belgrave on Saturday the 2nd day of Nova er, A. D. 1012, at 2 o'clock in the afternoo he following valuable property, viz ;—TheS th-east corner of Lot number 42 in the 9th C ncession of the Township of East Wawano in the County of rths of an acre of Huron, containing three - land iuore or less. On this property is f ate a new brick ven- eered dwelling 173x25 nd 18x19 with cement foundation and cellar and containg nine rooms. The property is centrally situated on the main street in the Village of Belgrave, within a few feet of the Post Office and convenient to the school. TEEMS Olf SALE. Ten per cent of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within 20 days thereafter. The property will be offered sub^ ttreserve bid. particulars and of ale will Further adknownathe time of sale or may bo had on application to the undersigned. Dated Oct. 12th, 1012. R. VANSTONE, wingham, P. O. Solicitor for the Executors. Brick house with OA office attached. Small barn and hen house. Three acres of land and a never -failing well. For further information apply to MRS. JNO. BELL, Glenannan, Ont. Hunters and Trappers WILL GET THE Best Market Price, Honest Treatment, Correct Assortment, Quick Returns. by shipping their Rawf'ursand Skins To REVILLON FRERES TRADING COMPANY, LIMITED Ee1'ABLIolan 1,29 the old relicble Firm of the Fur Trade 134 and ISO McG11i St„ Montreal Ask for ow Fred Price List WE PAY EXPRESS CHANGES THEY WANT GIN PILLS IN ENGLAND To Cure Their Rheumatism New Westminster, B.C. Nov. 3rd. "I have suffered from Lumbago in the back—also from Rheumatism in the whole of my body. I took GIN PILLS and they cured me. My sister in England states slie is keeping her bed through Sciatica and Rheumatism—also hear that many others in the sante neighborhood are suffering from the same trouble. I enclose one dollar and ask you to send to her address in hent, England as many as you can for the money, and have asked my sister to try GIN PILLS and distribute them". W. $. BRENCIILEY. If you can't get the genuine GIN PILLS in your neighborhood, write us and we will see that you are supplied promptly. Every box is sold with a positive guarantee of satisfaction or money back. 5oc. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 14.0 DO IT NOW. NEWSPAPER BARGAINS The Wingham Times and The Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent to new sub- scribers to the Ist of Janu- ary, 1914 for $1.60. Sub- scribe now and get full benefit of this good offer. Leave all orders at the TIMES OFFIGE, WINGHAM • CANAD'i N PA,CIF'ic SINGLE FARE FOR HUNTERS Oct. 7 to Nov. 9 to all stations Chalk River to Schrieber in- clusive, and to best hunting points in Quebec and New Brunswick. Oct. 17 to Nov. 9 to all stations Sudbury to the Soo, HEM - lock to Sharbot Lake, Coldwater to Sudbury, and on the Lindsay and Bobcaygeon Branch. Return Limit Dec. 12th, 1912 Ask for free copies of "Sportsman's Map" and "Open Seasons for Game and Fish." i 1 am I KING BROS. 1 I'm Latest Styles in Men's and Boys' Wear ra�!I�B ti... COMBINATION UNDERWEAR., UNSHRINKAa660. This season we bav:e in stock the celebrated C. N. R. Brand Clothing which is noted for its style, quality and workmanship and price saving, We carry these in all sizes and a nice range of patterns in Tweed and Worsteds as well as Navy Blue and Black. Prices front $10.00 to $20.00. We alsoill have the Tigar Brand Unshrinkable Underwear f o r Men. Q lThese are made from pure all wool Canadian yarns and guar, anteed to give satisfaction. Shirts and Dram ers and Combination Suits. Prices $1.00 and $1 25 per garment and $3.00 per combination suit. We also have the newest in Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Collars, Ties, Boot, Shoes and Rubbers. All Kinds Produce Wanted KING BROS. PRODUCE WANTED WE WANT YOUR TRADE GAND TRUNK 'WNW ``Only Double Track Railway between Toronto and Montreal, and Toronto and other principal cities in Canada. Also Double Track and Solid Trains between Montreal and Chicago; also bet- ween Ontario points, New York and Philadelphia, via Niagara Falls." SMOOTH ROADBED FINEST EQUIPMENT ELEc'ritiC LIGHTED PULLMAN SLEEPERS noireirouort web $u11 partienlars, tickets; etc., from any Grand Trunk Agent, or write A. E. MS', DpAToronto, 5' Goodman, 0.R. Elliott,Ell town agent, phones 4 and 74. i 1 LEAVING TOWN Ten T housand Dollars worth of Goods to be Sold. Only 15 Days to do it in AT ROBINS, WINGHAM You know our goods and it will be your last chance to buy from vs, an avalanche of wonderful bargains with the last chance, thrown in a complete upheaval of the whole stock and a mountain slide of extraordinary values. Everything to go at breakneck speed. No reins of steel can hold it back. SALE OPENS Saturday, Oct. 12 and ends Saturday Night, Oct. 26. Don't be surprised if the whole stock is cleaned up quicker than the time allowed by ourselves. It's our last. It's our greatest, S. ROBINS OPP. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, WINCHAM RUBBERS After all you have heard about the high prices you would have to pay for your rubber footwear this fall and winter, you will be greatly surprised with our low prices, in fact:you will notice . little if any difference from last year. THIS RUBBER FOR WOMEN. MEN'S RUBBERS. With double toes and heels, every pair perfect; sizes 2; to 7 ;1for15O cts. per pair. DIV.,Lt The same for girls; sizes 11, 12, 13,11 and 2; 45 cts. per pair. Children's, sizes 3 to 1034 ; 35 cts. per pair. Women's fine rubbers, 6.5 cts. per pair. Credit price -5e per pair more each kind. a Good heavy plain, with double toe and heels ; '75c per pair. Boys', sizes 1 to 5; 65 cts. per pair. Small boys', sizes 10 to 13; 55 cts. per pair. Credit price --10 cts. each kind. per pair more WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. sfJoEi for Ladies. +++++++++++'.♦4+++++++++++++ ••••••••••••••••e••i•••••• aII Snits and Overcoats FOR MEN AND • • • • • • •• • •• Z • 2 • • • • • • •: ••• •• • o' •• • • • BOYS tePif • We have a full line of Men's and Boys' Winter Overcoats including Diagonal Weaves in grey, brown and black with the best three way collars on the market, Also Fur Coats for Men in Korean Beaver, Siber- ian Dog, China Dog, Astrican Lined Coat with Otter, Mar- mot or Persian Lamb Collars. f, You will find our stock com- plete and prices moderate, t UNDERWEAR Our Underwear Department is also especially well stocked with the best the mills can produce, including a full range of Standfields Unshrinkable, fully guaranteed, also Turnbulls Fleece Lined, all -wool, etc., in all sizes, • We cordially invite you to call and inspect our stock and get our prices mawrimmomorimmenow PRODUCE ALWAYS TAKEN. J. A. MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PRONE 89. WINGHAM, ONE T. •••••4•••••••••”••••••••• •.•••••••` 0.. M7MriE411F... t•