The Wingham Times, 1912-10-17, Page 1•
VOL. XLI.--NO. 21.24,
Will make most of us a
little shy.
They do not add to any-
, body's appearance.
iYou do not have to keep
No doubt your blood is
A half dollar bottle of
Nyal's Pimple Wash will
dry up the Pimples in
short order.
not. just right, and a
Dollar bottle of Nyal's
Blood Purifier would
clear up the cause.
That idea is reasonable, isn't it?
You first remove the
unsightly blemishes and
en p,event any more
by removing the cause.
"NYAL'S" is the
name -in a Golden Rod
J. W. McKibbon
Tho e.42. Store
We Fit Glasses Properly
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Maloolm's Grocery..
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
�-Christie's Grocer
There are
Degrees of Purity
In Foods
It sometimes amounts to a dif-
ference of 15% or thereabouts
in quality or Food Purity
Consider This Carefully
(A) Sells you Foed say at 81
Sells you Food say at 98%
pure. As they may both
be within the standard
law of purity which gives
the best value,
We tI• tai obtain groceries
with the hi;.•lie.4t per eentage of
We Please Others let us try
to Please You.
sere re*...*Nry r r..,
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
New Sta
Mr. H. O. Goo
acting as relieving
R. station here, le
trip through the
of Sarnia has bee
manent G. T. R.
and has taken up
on Agent,
in, who has been
gent at the G. T.
on Tuesday on a
est, and Mr. O'Neil,
appointed as per-
station agent here
s work.
Any person foun
donation boxes bel
ham Hospital will
Mr. Geo. T. Rob
cession 10, East
an unreserved au
dale horses, pure
cattle, hogs and i
nesday, October
has a fine lot of s
is to be sold wit
proprietor is movi
Purvis will be the
meddling with the
nging to the Wing -
e prosecuted.
n Sale,
rtson, of lot 35, con-
awanosh, will hold
tion sale of Clydes-
red Aberdeen -Angus
plements, on Wed -
rd. Mr. Robertson
ck and everything
ut reserve as the
g to Wingham. John
uctioneer. ,
WANTED.- An improver and an ap-
prentice fc•r ladies' tailoring. Apply to
New Adve
Hal. B. Donley,
former, in announ
advertising rates,
alternative, the c
enters into the p
paper rises conti
must be increase
grade. The latter
to avoid, and trust
able increase we
with the consent o
tieing Rates.
of the Simcoe Re-
cing a new scale of
says: -"We have no
st of everything that
oduction of a news-
ivally. Our income
or our paper retro-
ontingency we hope
hat the very reason -
e asking will meet
our patrons."
POULTRY WANTED. -Highest cash
fn�rices paid for all kinds of live poultry,
Double Lia ility Order.
Shareholders o the Farmers' Bank
are being notified his week that they
will be required u der the bank act to
pay the double flab lity on their shares.
The official referee upon application of
Mr. James W. Bai , K. C.. who is act-
ing for the liquidat r, has issued an or-
der to the share lders to pay the
amount unpaid upo their shares, the
amount of all divid nds wrongfully paid
to them by the ba , and one hundred
per cent, of the a ount due by them as
HOUSE FOR SALE -House and lot on
John street for sale on easy terms.
Get particulars from Dudley Holmes or
the owner, W. J. Neil, Box 234, Orange-
ville, Ont.
Death of Ri
Death came wi
ness to Richard Tu
the 10th con. of
Oct. 7th last. He
the barn to put his
journey to Langsi
from the buggy,
stantly. Death w
ness, with which h
in more or less sev
number of years.
year. He leaves i
ily his w ife, forme
four daughters, H
and Daisy; and thre
les and Allan; of wh
in the west and
when his demise occ
vived by four demise.
Wraith, Mrs. David
firs. George Wraith,
Mrs. John McDon
The funeral was hel
cession cemetery on
and Turner.
startling sudden-
ner at his home on
ulross, on Monday,
ad just driven into
horse away after a
e and had alighted
hen he expired in-
s due toheartweak-
had been troubled
re form for quite a
e was in his 57th
his immediate fam-
ly Edith Thompson;
ttie, Pearl, Annie
sons, John, Char-
m the latter was
ttie in Michigan
rred, He is Bur-
rs: Mrs. Robert
dear, of Culross,
of Wingham, and
d, of Michigan.
to the 10th con-
+riday afternoon.
select from at lowest prices.
Former 't ingh4m Lady Weds.
A quiet wedding 1
on Wednesday after
when Miss Mary
of Mi. and Mrs.
Whitechurch was
Mr. George Leslie
of Mr. and Mrs.
Dundas St., Toron
was performed by
son, pastor of Cha
Church, in the 'p
mediate friends of
The bride was atti
blue serge with h
pied boquet of
enhair ferns. Sh
ook place in,Toronto
noon, October 9th,
11, third daughter
rank Paterson of
ited in marriage to
uschlen, eldest son
has. Buschlen of
o. The ceremony
ev. H. A. McPher-
mer's Presbyterian
esence of a few im-
the bride
andg room.
ed in a suit of navy
t to match and car-
ite roses and maid -
was attended by her
sister, Miss Fenn Paterson, while Mr.
Chester Buschlen Was bestman, After
tke ceremony Mr. and Mrs, Buschlen
left for a short trips and on their raturn
will reside at No. 7;Helen Ave., West
Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8
Auxiliary An al Meeting.
The annual meet' g of the Ladies'
Auxiliary of the Wit gham Hospital will
be held in the Coun 1 Chamber on Fri-
day afternoon of thi week, commencing
at 4 o'clock. Rep is for the year will
be read and officer for the ensuing year
will be elected. Al members and ladies
interested in hospit 1 work are cordially
invited to attend t s meeting.
WANTED -At once, ten to fifteen men
to work on sewer. Highest wages
paid. Apply to V. R. VanNorman.
Royal English
The Royal Englis
will give one of the
programmes in t
Monday evening.
pany of entertain
ing large audience
cities in Canada.
at McKibbon's dr
ell Ringers.
Hand Bell Ringers
very entertaining
opera house next
This popular com-
s have been delight -
in all the towns and
Secure your t'ckets
WANTED-Apprenti e to 'learn the
dressmaking. Apply • Miss McKen-
zie, Frances street.
Serious Thres ing Accident.
Mr. Wm. Naylor, f the 12th conces-
sion of East Wawa osh met with a
serious accident on onday afternoon.
Coulter Bros. were threshing at his
farm and Mr. Naylo had to walk on
the machine over the utting box knives.
The board gave way and Mr. Naylor's
left foot came in contact with the
knives. Medicel ai was summoned by
telephone and Mr. aylor was prompt-
ly brought to the Wi gham Hospital in
in an automobile. Tl e foot was so badly
mangled that it was necessary to am-
putate above the a le. The accident
is a very severe o e and Mr. Naylor
will have the sympa by of many friends
in his time of troub e.
Fou SALE. -Two cows, one due to
calve in January and one in April,three
spring calves and three yearling heavy
fillies. Apply to Chas. Campbell, Mar-
noch, phone 24-6244.
Arlon Ma
The Methodist 1
red concert in the
evening, October
night). They hav
securing the Ario
Toronto, who ha
considerable expe
tion is one of the
tettes in Canada,
Massey Music Hal
other Quartette
Associated with th
Charles H. Leslie
est Baritones an
Gardiner, Bass;
Brown and A. C
The church choir
al selections. Do
oir will give a sac -
church on Monday
28th (Thanksgiving
been fortunate in
. Male quartette of
e been secured at
se. This organiza-
ery best male quer-
having appeared in
oftener than any
urine last season.
Quartette are Mr.
11 e of Toronto's fin -
Mr. Hamilton H.
lessrs. James S.
Chapman, Tenor,
ill also render sever -
't miss this treat.
For Sale.
One six -horse power gasoline
engine and one 80-16 candle light
dynamo, both as good as new; a new
No. 5 Taylor fire -proof safe; also a good
stone -boat. For particulars apply to
Geo. McKenzie, Wingham, Ont.
Death of J es Raby.
There passed a ay at Neepawa,
Manitoba, on Tuesday of last week, a
former well-known resident of Wing -
ham, in the person : f James Raby, ag-
ed 73 years. The d -ceased gentleman
had been ailing fo some time. Mr.
Raby was born in C mbridgshire, Eng-
land, and came to C nada 37 years ago,
settling at New • mburg, Waterloo
county. Twenty-si years ago he mov-
ed up to Turnberry • here he lived for
a short time and th • moved to Wing -
ham. Some six y ars ago he went
West and lived .:rt of the time at
Cochrane, Alberta and at Neepawa,
Man. He was a m : n who had a large
number of friends i Wingham and dis-
trict and was be oved by all for his
sterling qualities. He was in religion
a Methodist and i politics a Liberal.
He was married before leaving the
Old Land and shop after coming
y to
Turnberry his wif died. A few years
later he married A re. Sheppard, who
passed away some six years ago. In
Mr, Raby's famil there were nine
children, all of whim survive him as
follows: -Geo. Raby, Cochrane, Alta.;
Mrs. Robt. Kehsey, Moosomin, Man.;
Mrs. David Kellsey, Lipton, Sask.;
Mrs. Elijah Rush, Neepawa, Man.;
Mrs. Thos. Roe, Barrie; Mrs. D. Small,
Grand Rapids, M'ch.; Miss Alice and
Fred Raby, NeepOwa, Man., and John
Raby, Wingham.The remains arbived
here on Saturday vening Sunday n and the fun-
eral took place bafternoon
from the residence of his son, Mr. John
.ltaby, Victoria stlt.eet, to the Wingham
cemetery. \1
Social Evening,
The young people
Church intend holding
on Hallowe'en Nigh
Everybody is cordially
at the Baptist
a social evening
:, October 31st.
invited to attend.
WANTED -A young lady to learn type
setting. Apply at the Tates office.
Sale of
On the evening of
24th, there will be a
concert in the Salvat
der the auspices of t]
League. A first-cla
being arrangbd. Adi
Chursday, October
Sale of Work and
on Army Hall un -
e Ladies' Sewing
.s programme is
L. rssion 10c. r
FARMERS -We will close o
tor as soon as we finish our/
ply. Small apples not
apple sup-
pfth anything.
Dominion Allian e Meetings.
The Dominion Al 'mice are having
their Field Day in Huron County on
Sunday next. Rev. R. D. Hamilton,
Field Secretary, wit preach in the
Presbyterian Churc in the morning
and in the Metho st Church in the
evening. Rev. D. . McDermit will
preach in the Bap ist Church in the
evening. There wil be a mass meeting
in the Town Hall, commencing at 4
o'clock in the aft rnoon. Addresses
will be delivered b the above-named
gentlemen and Mr. Norris, of the Sher-
lock Male Quartet e, of Toronto, will
sing. The public i invited to all the
The good old reliable firm, i'he Mer-
rill Medical Co. is represented by Hec-
tor MacLean, Glenan a in the follow-
ing towns, villages an'ti townships, viz:
Wingham, Walkerton, Formosa, Bel -
more, Carrick, Culross, Turnberry and
Howick. eat
Harvest Thanksgiv ng in St. Paul's.
The Haryest Th ksgiving Festival
in St. Paul's Churn was very success-
ful. The church w s tastefully decor-
ated and the speci music prepared by
the choir was exellent. Large con-
gregations listene with pleasure to
the preacher, Rev Wm. Lowe, of Lu -
can, a former rec or. In the morning
Mr. Lowe preachdd from St. Luke 17:
17-19 and the key. ote of his message
was that thanks giving was thanks
giving. In the vening he preached
from the comparis n between the har-
vest as the end •f the year and the
great harvest, the resurrection, as the
end of time. T le bountiful supper
prepared by the ladies of the congre-
gation attracted . large number of peo-
ple on Monday ev ning. This was fol-
lowed by a well ordered programme
consisting of solo • by Mrs. Willis, Miss
Griffin, Miss Man , Messrs. Hill, Cline
and Willis, sel • tions by the Male
Double Quartett• and addresses by
Capt. Pugmire a d Lieut. Ward of the
Salvation Army, ley. D. Perrie, Rev.
Dr. Rutledge, R . Wm. Lowe and the
rector, Rev. E. I. Croly.
CELERY AND ONIONS. -We offer cel-
lery, roots on, suitable for winter stor-
age, at three dollars per hundred to
be delivered the last week of October.
We offer onions at 70e bushel, thick
necks at 10c per peck.
Market Grocery.
The Fo dry Loan.
A special meeti g of the Town Coun-
cil was held on Mo day evenig to con-
sider the Wes rn Foundry Co.'s
loan. All memb:rs present except
Reeve McDonald a d Couns. Mills.
The .Executive ommittee report.d
that the Commit ee had visited 1 ,e
Company's office : d were shown tat
almost the requir d $30,000 had been
expended in new uildings and equip-
ment, but they w re not assured that
the new plant wo Id be operated this
season. Mr. Sin ' air was present and
he assured the C• ncil that it was the
intention of the • ompanytooperate the
new plant at one After fully discus-
sing the matter i was moved by Couns.
Elliott and Bon , that the Western
Foundry Compan . having expended the
required amount n new buildings and
equipment, that he Mayor and Clerk
be autkorized to ay over the amount
of the loan, on ce ificate from the Town
Solicitor to the e ` ect that all papers are
Motion carried nd Council adjourned.
AUCTION SALE, -John Purvis will sell
at the National Hotel, Wingham, on
October 19th, commencing at 2 o'clock,
the following: • Mascot Colts, young
cattle, Shropshire ram, lambs, youug
pigs ready to wean, Plymou tli'Rock and
Rhode Island Red Cockrels, also hand cut-
ting box. Twelve months credit on
approved joint notes. All sums of $8
and under, cash.
A. K, CorlLANn,
The following are a results of the
field day sports held t the High School
on Friday and Monde last.
Hurdle Race (jr.) N.Rush, distance,
260 yds, time, 46;: s c.; N. Radford, J.
Holmes, A. Shaw.
Hurdle Race (sr.) J. Campbell, 260
yds., 41 2-5 sec. ; W Buchanan, E. Tay-
lor, P. Muir, f
Stilt Race. -W. WcCool, 260 yds.; J.
Half -mile run (r.). -A. Shaw, 3 min.
48 2-5 sec.; N. Butcher, G. Buchanan.
Half -mile run (sr.) -W. Haines, 2
min. 40 sec.; W. Elliott, P. Muir, W.
Standing broad jump (jr.)-E. Helps,
8 ft. 2 in.; N. R dford, 8 ft. 1 1-2 in.;
E. Johns, 8 ft.; F. Galbraith.
Standing bro d jump. -E. Taylor,
9 ft. 4 in.; S. D naldson 8 ft. 2 in.; J.
Campbell, G. R tout.
Running broa jump (jr.) -N. Rad-
ford, 13 ft. 6 in.; C. Gillespie, 13 ft. 1
in.; J. Holmes, 1 ft. 934, in.; E. Johns,
12 ft. 8 in.
Running high ump (jr.)-F. Gal-
braith, 4 ft.. 2 in. ; . Helps, E. Wilkin-
son, E. Johns.
Running broad lump (sr.) -G. Rin-
toul, 15 ft. 4 in.; I.\Ferguson, 15 ft.; J.
Dickson, 14 ft.; E. Taylor, 13 ft.
10 in.
Running hop step and jump (jr.) -F.
Galbraith, 28 ft. 9 i...; J. Holmes, 28ft.
9 in.; J. Holmes, 28 t. 8 in.; E. Johns,
27 ft. 11 1-2 in.; E. : elps, 27 ft. SM in.
Running hop step :nd jump (sr.) J.
Dickson 35 ft. 11 in. E. Taylor 32 ft. 9
in.; W. Haines, 31 f , 7 in.; I. Ferguson,
31 ft. 6 in.
Running high jum. (sr.) -W. Haines,
4 ft. 9 in.; A. McBur ey, 4 ft. 7 in.; E.
Taylor, 4 feet, 7 in.; 1 . Ferguson, 4 ft.
6 in.
Pole vault -E. Ta lor, 7 ft. 6 in. ; E.
Johns, 7 ft; I. Fergu•on; 6 ft. 11 in.;F.
Galbraith, 6 ft. 3 in.
Boot race. -H. Gray, N. Foran, W.
One mile walk (jr. -F. Butcher, 10
min.sec.; A. haN • G. Fowler.
15 S ,G
Two mile walk (sr. -W. Haines, 21
min. 40 sec.; I Ferguson, G. Rintoul.
Sack race. H?D: , G. Buchanan,
G. Rintoul.
Throwing shoulder •tone (sr.) -G. M.
Young, 32 ft 9 in.; . Buchanan, E
Hundred yard dash jr.) - N. Radford,
12 4-5 sec.; G. Joynt, . Rush.
Hundred yard dash sr.) -W. Haines,
11 4-5 sec.; W. Bucha an, J. Campbell.
Relay race.: -Form III, Form II,
Form IV.
Kicking football ( r)- N. Radford
109 ft., E. Johns, N. ' ush.
Kicking football (s ..) - J. Dickson 145
ft, 5 in., E. Taylor, . Haines.
Two mile run (jr -N. Butcher 14
min. 33 sec., E. Help •, G. Buchanan.
Two mile run (sr.) W. Haines 13 min.
22'.. sec., W. Elliott, P. Muir.
Fatigue race. -E. ohns and F. Gal-
braith, J. Holmes an W. Geddes, J.
Richardson and W.3, c0ool.
Four legged race. E. Johns, N. Rush
and F. Galbraith; N.'.. Stonehouse, W.
Haines and J. Holme ; J. Richardson,
W. M'eCool and H. ' illis.
Tug of war. For IV vs. School. -
School pulled Form I
Senior Champions ip.- W. Haines,
26 points.
Junior Champions ip.-N. Radford,
21. points.
Hundred yard das (jr.)-F. Barber
15 sec., A. Wilson. . Scott, N. Gracey.
Hundred yard das (sr.) -M. McBur-
ney 15 sec., J. Web H. Buchanan, M.
*Throwing and atching ball. - L.
Bower and F. Barb r 178 catches in 5
minutes, C. Mille and J. Webb, M.
Currie and H. M ore, M. Robertson
and E. Smith.
Fast walk ?:b mil (jr) -H. Noble 23
min., 1?. Barber, Hines, A. Wilson.
Fast Walk ?4 ife (sr.) -J. Webb
3 min.,T. Freebo . M. Allen, B. Ken-
Throwing ball (r.). -F. Barber 126
ft., J. Johnston 9 ft. 5 in., R. Weiler
94 ft., D. Millar 2 ft.
Throwing ball r.). -M. Currie 133
ft., J. Webb 121 t., E. Walters 102 ft.
3 in., D. Watson 6 ft.
Championship basketball game. -
Seniors. L. Bow rs, Captain ---M. Al-
len, M. Smith, H. Buchanan, M. Hain-
Juniors. D. illar, Captain - F.
Haines, J. Kerr, . McRitchie, I. Scott,
N. Kennedy.
Score 20 to 11 i favor of seniors.
The Tennis Tou nament will be com-
pleted later.
Archery contest. -Mary Robertson,
Eva Linklater, Jear
Potato race (jr.).
Annie Wilson, Haz
Potato. race (sr.).
McBurney, Effie Be
*Relay Race, F
Time 1 min. 8 2-5
Frances Lockridge,
*Three-legged rat
G. Deans, Flora
Smith, Mary Roberj
son, Nora Gracey a
Hop race. - Fl<
Deans, Hilda Bnc
Sack race. -Anni
Barber, Millie Nich
*Tug -of -War. -C
Girls' Champions
Recorders. -J. C.
C. E. Brewster, B.
Directors. -G. R.
B. E. Anderson.
Starters. -H. A.
Time -keeper. --J.
Markers and Jud
G. Muir, A. Henry,
land, H. Hall, H.
Assistants. -M.
Maxwell, J. Conn,
Webb, Alice Read-
-Florence Barber,
1 Noble.
-Jean Webb, Mary
wer, Margaret Alt-
rm I (winners).
ec.-Nora Gracey,
Zella Hines, Rose
. -A. McGill and
.annett and Edna
son and Annie Wil-
d Zella Hines.
pence Barber, G.
anan, Annie Wil -
Wilson, Florence
tain, Dean Geddes.
ip -p'. Barber, 26
Smith, B. A.; Miss
mith, B. A.; Miss
ercy, R. Harrison.
. Allen.
es.- E. Linklater,
H. Kerr, E. Cope-
eddes, W. McGre-
roves, H. Gray, S.
. Rush, L. Cante-
Important to Ladies.
Prof. lDorenwend, of Toronto begs to
announce that he will be at the Bruns-
wick Hotel, on Friday, October 18th,
with a complete display of the newest
London, Paris and New York creations
in hair goods. You are invited to call
and inspect his goods.
Bogus Bi Is Afloat.
An Ottawa des atch of last week
said: The police a d banking authori-
ties fear that a hu h counterfeiting in-
dustry is located so ewhere in Canada.
For some months p st fraudulent notes
have been turning p at banks all over
the country, and th it circulation seems
to be growing. Hu dreds of them are
being presented at anks in good faith.
Most of the frandul nt notes seem to
be Dominion ones sad twos and Bank
of Nova Scotia and ;Bank of Montreal
five dollar notes. Secret service men
throughout the Dominion are working
on the case.
Cannot Enforc4 New Rates.
Mr. Justice Ridde\l has granted an
injunction until the trial of the action
restraining the A. 0.11J. W. from en-
forcing the advanced{rates fixed at a
recent meeting of t e Grand Lodge.
Nine members of the order are suing
to prevent the increa e, and his Lord-
ship's decision is an i terim one, unless
the parties consent to a motion for
judgment, in which e ent the plaintiffs
get judgment. His Lordship holds that
the proposed raise in ates should have
been submitted to the subordinate
lodges prior to the Grand Lodge meet-
ing. "Were it the I case of an incor-
porated company acid were it certain
that the proper number of votes would
be secured to carr the amendment,
the court might no , probably would
not, interfere," says the judge. "I do
not lose sight of he principle laid
down in many cases, that the court will
not interfere unless and until all the
domestic remedie are exhausted.
There are many previsions for appeal
in the constitution
none of an appeal
the Grand Lodge
what the plaintiffs
of this order, but
rom the action of
tself, and that is
omplain of."
The Garde of Dreams.
In the garden of reams let, me rest,
far, far from the la oring throng, from
the moans of the ti ed and distressed,
from the strains f the conqueror's
song. As a native f Bagdad, or Turk,
I'd live in Arabian ights, away from
the regions of work from troubles and
hollow delights. n the garden of
dreams I would stra , and bother my
fat head no more -wondering how I
shall pay for grocer es bought at the
store. Ah, there i that garden I'd
sit, communing in p ace with my soul,
and never again hav a fit when hand-
ed the bill for the co 1. In the garden
of dreams I'd reclin and soar on the
wings of romance, rgetting this old
hat of mine, the patches all over my
pants, the clamor olf children for shoes,
the hausfrau's de ands for a gown
the lodge's exorbi nt dues, the poll
tax to work in th town. Alas! it is as
I supposed - there+ is no escaping my
fate, for the garden of dreams has
been closed, a padlock is fixed on the
gate, The yourig, who are buoyant
and glad, may :enter that garden, it
seems; but the old, who are weary and
sad. are warned from the garden of
dreams! --Walt Mason,
It is important to know that you are
in good style as to your footwear.
"INVICTUS" footwear leads in
style as well as fit and durability.
"•INVICTUS" shoes are strictly up-
to-date, but dignity and style have not
been sacrificed to freakishness.
The result is you will always find in
"The Best Good Shoe" the qualities
which are so essential to fill the foot-
wear requirements of particular dress-
See us for all the new styles
of Rubbers.
Sole Agent.
ttetnt utbh hod ebtlez9ot&tolordrdo
Mr. A. Kelly offers for sale his
fine 162 acre farm adjoining the
town of Wingham. this farm is
in the very highest state of cul-
tivation, has good buildings and
orchard, and is all seeded down
except about twenty acres.
Also 36 acres in Town Plot
with house and barn, This will
be sold with the large farm or
A number of other smaller
places in Town Plot.
All these will be sold at right
prices as Mr. Kelly is going
Ritchie & CosensI
And Authorized teacher Fletcher
Music Method, Simplex and Kinder-
Pupils prepared in Piano and Theory
for Conservatory examinations.
Studio, Minnie St.
o —
The Salvation Army wishes to thank
the people of Wingham for their liberal
support in connection with their annual
Harvest Festival Effort. The amout
raised this year was $150. This is much
larger than the amount raised last year.
Shingles and Roofing.
I have a complete stock of New Bruns-
wick and British Columbia Shingles; al-
so Ruberoid and Asbestos Roofings.
Your order will receive careful atten-
J. A McL1,4N.
Wm. Anson Lawrence, Registrar and
County Court Clerk of Halton, died at
Milton, aged sixty-nine.
Thousands of ambitious young people
aro being instructed 10 rh'tr homes by
aur Home Study Dept. Youmay finish
at Cam; if yon desire Pay tvher.•
ever yon wish. Thirty Years' Exper-
ienee. Lars st trainers in Canada.
Eater any day. Positions guaranteed.
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(ICO. SPOTTON, President