HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-09-26, Page 6PILE WINGHAM TIMES SEPTEMBER 26, 1912 } Ody emits Count The one thing above all else that you want to know about the. range goat buy is this—that it will cook and broil and bake with absolute satisfaction. Other features of a range, such as convenience, economy and appearance, are, of course also indispens- able, but the prime necessity in a range is results in cooking. The Gurney -Oxford gives results—not now and then, but always. Every Gurney -Oxford is a source of continual satisfac= tion to its owner. Day after day, year after year, it enables her to produce pastry, bread, roasts that contribute to the pleasure of housekeeping. That is why the Gurney -Oxford finds its strongest support among those who have had actual and intimate experi- ence with it. You too will number your Gurney- Oil;folyd among your best friends. W. J. BOYCE, Wing am e Plumbing and 'Heating Engineer. There's a good deal of human nature in woman's inhumanity to woman. Dates stuffed with peanut butter and then rolled in sugar are a pleasant change from dates V!. MACE'S nuts. r� on. h. . MACE'S (y�ry CAME is sent direct to the disc: ,cd Darts hy the Improved Blower. Heal,the u:cers, clears the air passages, stops drop- pings in the throat and permanent- ly cures Catarrh and flay Fever. 2.5c. a box : blower free. Accept no substitutes. All dealers orEdmanson, Batey Co„ Limited, Toronto. s REST AMD HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STROP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It is ab. solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,' and take no other kind. Twent,v-five cents a bottle. Hon. J. W. Sifton, father of Premier A, L. Sifton and Hon. Clifford Sifton, is dead. L .uchlin McInnis, aged 85, walked off the wharf at Piston, N. S. He was rescued, but died of shock, Running up and down stairs, sweeping and bending over making beds will not make a woman healthy or beautiful. She must get out of doors. walk a mile or two every day and take Chamberlain's Tablets to improve digestion and regul- ate her bowels. For sale by all dealers. John White of Norwood was cut to pieces by a train at Norwood Station, on the C. P. IL Scraps of toilet soap should be saved ant c lien half a tea -cup or so is on hand it is a good plan to make the scraps into a soap jelly. Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable Fres:.% re;1.11,,t ,r; rev:r fa'.ta. These pills aro exceed:idly p,,-r:rrtul in r, gu:ating the generative porta .n of the female a; ;fern. Refuse all citeap iOitat_,s,. Dr. do VOA'S are s )ld at T5 a ,s, er Vireo f .r 119. Mfaile•i to any address. bon, acoboll Drug Co., St. catkxrinee, Ont. Work has been started on the new all itf,O(M shipbili.'iitaa plant at t'Grlrlit- lam, Y. 0. Ship ; of from 8x6 to 800 tons will be the principal output at the start, but the officials expect to enlarge the plant after the cniening of tl.: Pan- ama .. i.aria Canal. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O ALS T O R I A The ostrich, assisted by its wings, will eover the ground at the rate of 109 feet a second. Three survivors of the Civil War in the United States are, says the New York Outlook, more than one hundred years old. One of these, at the age of 102, recently walked from his home in Jersey City to the pension agency in Ytrooklyu to see why his quarterly pen- sion check had not arrived. For the entertainment of the King of Siam and his fami ly. a motion picture theatre has been installed in the royal palace at Bankok. In a banana growing country one acre will ordinarily produce 17,000 pounds of the fruit, or more than one- third times as much food substances as an acr e of corn. "Cholera I nfantu m" THE SUMMER COMPLAINT OF INFANTS Cholera infantum begins with a pro- fuse diarrhcea, the stomach becomes irritated, and in many cases vomiting and purging set in. The child rapidly loses flesh, and is soon reduced to great langour and prostration. Cholera infantum can be quickly cured by the use of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Mrs. David A. Cleve- land, Apple River, N.S., Writes:—"Last September my little boy, four years old, and little girl, two years old, were taken one afternoon with vomiting spells, and in a few hours they had cholera irdantum. I had Dr. Fowler's Extract 8f Wild Strawberry in the house, and comnienced using it. The cholera got so bad the next day, they passed nothing but blood. I kept on using the medicine, and in a few days they were cured. I always keep a bottle in the house, as I don't think there is anything better for summer complaint than Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw berry." Some dealers may try to sell you something else, but for the good of your child's health, insist on having "Dr. .howler's." It has been on the market for over sixty-five years, to you are not using a new and untried remedy. Price ab cents. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. LIFE. [S. E. Kiser.] A frightened gasp, a little wail, • And Life begins; A thousand dangers that assail, So many ventures that must fail For each that wins; The frequent aches, the many pains, So much to shun; The heavy tasks for meagre gains, So much that, after all, relnains So poorly done, So little that is understood, So much to bear; The Lack of joy in what is good, The dread of doing what we should, The griets we share; The certainty that not a star Will fade or fall When death o'ertakes us, near or far, And yet how {proudly prone we are To reach for all. Few, if any, medicines, have met with the uniform success that has attended the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The remark- able cures of colic and diarrhoea which it has effected in almost every neighbor- hood have given it a wide reputation. For sale by all dealers. The Rule of the Road. The rule of the road is, well under- stood when vehicles are meeting. There is no trouble at such times. The trou- ble occurs when the team or auto com- ing up from behind wishes to pass the team in front, It often happens that the driver of the team will turn to the left to make way for the other team or automobile to go ahead by passing on the right. This is wrong, and the turning on the left often causes con- fusion. Careful automobile drivers have learned from experience that they must first toot their horns and then wait to see which way the driver ahead i= going to turn out before deciding on which side to pass, So often the team in advance will be turned the wrong way, that if the usual law of the road were depended on by the driver of the car he would collide with the man in front and it would not be the fault of the driver of the car. Boiled down, the rule of the road is: Always turn to the right except when passing a vehicle going in the same direction, in which case the one who passes another goes to the left. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Increasing Cost of Newspapers. The Kingston Standard says the labor and material that go to make up a good newspaper have increased in cost very retch in recent years while the price of the paper to its readers has remained the same, and at least in a small com- munity. there is a limit not only to the advertising to be obtained but to the advertising rates that will be paid. Beyond this, continues the Chatham Planet, the old theory persists in many quarters that a newspaper can afford to work for nothing—that it should throw open its columns quite generous- ly to this, that and the other institution or organization—that all this costs nothing to the paper and should as a matter of fact be given gratis because "we take your paper." As though a two -cera contribution for which the reader admittedly gets the worth of his money, entitles or should entitle him to have the free use of the advertising and notice columns of the paper—for circulation itself does not pay and would not be worth the paper pripted on if accompanied by nothing else. The day of the "free readers" and the "compli- mentary notices" are slowly but none the less surely passing in all well -regu- lated newspaper offices. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A 1 Humor and Philosophy 'Y avJVCAJv hf, sa wTH LIMITATIONS. MAKE up your mind Before you start In active life To play your part, To mingle in The moll and fray You cannot always Have your way. The gentlemen On whom you watt Your worth may not Appreciate Nor to your whims Be much inclined When something different Suits their mind. So do not take it Much to heart Ir you can only Rave n part Or what you want, For it Is true That's better than The most can do. Be thankful If You have your way For just a fraction Ora day If some impression You can make. This is a world Of give and take. The Surer Way. 'C.satic raars:r Gia "Has he been to college?" "No; he is self educated." "Got books and studied them?" "Books nothing; played football." A Matter of Fact. "Hey:" "Well?" "How far Is it from Jonesboro to Cedar Point?" "Well, that depends. When your car is running all right it isn't a foot over three miles. But when yon run out of gasoline between the two places, and the mercury in the shade has va- porized, and the farmers are all busy .n the harvest field, and a thunder- ,torm has put the telephones all out of commission, it is twenty-seven miles and a half." Responsibility. Whene'er man's heartstrings quiver with grief or discontent, he blames it on his liver or on the Government. He either buys a bottle of bitters dark and sour, or says that we should the party that's in power. He never says: "The trouble that looms up so immense, has got me folded double because I have no sense. It's fitting retrihution,effect that follows cause, for making revolution against the saner laws. T loafed when others laborered, I let my credit slump, I gossiped when my neighbor'd be toil- ing at iris pump. Bad habits 1 con- tracted, my comrades all were cheap' a harvest of disaster I now am billed to reay." No fellow e'er confesses in such a wholesome strain; he tells of his distresses, his grief and mental pain as though he were a victim of fortune stern and grim; the gods came down and licked him—there's nothing wrong with him. His principles and morals are always all correct; he ne'er indulg- ed in quarrels with all things circum spect. No critic can diskiver a blemish on this gent; the trouble's with his liv- er else the Government.—Walt Mason. Good Advice. "Have you seen Marie's new photo- graphs? You wouldn't believe such a plain person could be made to look so beautiful." "How lovely! You should go to that photographer, dear." Not a Bit. "Are you nervous in a thunderstorm?'t "No. Indeed, when a storm comes up it puts me in such a peaceful frame of mind tbat I turn on all the lights, dress and read my Bible till the storm passes." Quarrelsome. ?{h}k;;.f "Are those two engaged?" "Not today, I think. They were yes- terday, and they probably will be to- morrow." "I see. sort of an off day today." Concrete water barrels used for fire protection on a railroad in the south show no loss of water, except by eva- poration. How He Looked, "See that shabby gent?" "Yes." "He is my second cousin." "Looks more like a sectaadhand cousin." Her Placa), "I Just cannot learn to spell. t "Nature must have designed yon for a stenographer." One Reform. Where women have the ballot, I judge from what I hear, The men don't smoke in meeting When candidates appear. PERT PARAGRAPHS. It is almost as easy to say wise things as it is to do foolish things. "Because" Is a reason sufficient for a woman to change her mind. It also serves If she refuses to make the change. if some men were born to be presi- dent there appear to be no others who setae to have been born to beat them 0111 of it. Von r'an't always tell a man's ca - peens by his ability to walk straight. ." .ny an irrigation scheme is "bust- wl' when the tow» goes dry. 'I 'ie greatest good to the smallest nilt:.t,er is really what every thrifty h•t'ividunl Is after, no matter how he ph. ::yes it. privately or publicly. I! 1rmony is that state that is brought alt, ;t by man being too much cloyed ttl 1 one thing to start trouble about an, .Iter. l ne reason why some men don't hors th"ir own row is because they em - p1 a a steam plow to work that game Ill'• r cad. A man may attain 'a quiet sort o! popularity by minding his own aut. nests. The above is a picture of " Chief Little Bow," who was probably the first inhabitant of CARMANGAY, where once the savage roamed at will, NOW the farmer tills the lamb Railways, Wheat, Coal and Water 9: CARMANGAY is a NATURAL RAILWAY CENTRL on account of the topography of the countii': • It is situated on the Little Bow River, and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PURE WATER. It hail VAST QUANTITIES OF COAL close to the town. OUR PROPERTY is WITHIN the TOWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO BLOCKS from the centre of i t34ULcM Send for our illustrated booklet describing the property we have to sell int ar ansa — Work for your Money in the East, but invest it in the West , CUT OUT THE COUPON NOW !!! AND SEND IT TO US Western Canada Real Estate Company Head Office .--502 TEMPLE BUILDING, Toronto, Out: • MONTREAL, QUE. 15 sin Life Anna BRANCHES:, HAMILTON, ONT. LONDON. ONE: 302 Lister Chambers 11 Dominion Bank Chamber. WESTERN CANADA REAL ESTATE CO. 502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. Please send me without obligation on my, part, literature containing facts,. figures anfj views of CAIMANOAY, Name Address .. a. -...k..... ,,.....t... THE WINGHAM TIMES If you knew of the real value of Cham- berlain's Liniment for lame back, sore- ness of the muscles, sprains and rheum- atic pains, you would never wish to be without it. For sale by all dealers. . F Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live, as well as strong to think. A. M. MacKinnon of Guelph, Local Master and Registrar of the Iligh Court, died at the age of 60. WHEN THE LIVER IS INACTIVE CONSTIPATION SOON FOLLOWS The duty of the liver is to prepare and secrete bile, and serve as a filter to the blood, cleansing it of all impurities and poisons. Healthy bile in sufficient quantity is Nature's provision to secure regular action of the bowels, and therefore when the liver is inactive, failing to secrete bile in sufficient quantity, constipation soon follows. Mr. Henry Pearce, Owen Sound, Ont., writes:—" Having been troubled for years with constipation, and trying many so- called remedies, which did me no good whatever, I was persuaded to try Mil - burn's Laxa-Liver Pills. I have found them most beneficial; they are, indeed, a splendid pill, and I can heartily recom- mend them to all suffering from constipa- tion." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 c nta per vial, or 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price bit The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. WANTED A live representative for WINGHAM and surroundirng District to sell high-class stock for INE FORINIII NURSERIES More fruit trees will be planted in the Fall of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than ever before in the history of Ontario The orchard of the future will be the best paying part of the farm. We teach our men Salesmanship, Tree Culture and how big profits in fruit•growing can be made. Pay weekly, permanent employ ment, exclusive territory Write for particulars, STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO. PRINTINCl 'AND • STATION ERY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS 'BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK° TOILET PA PER PLAYING CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require:in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wingham, Ont.