The Wingham Times, 1912-09-26, Page 11
O.Li. XII. NO. 2121
We are giving away a
"Cornplete Aquarium"
consisting of
I Glass Globe
2 Gold Fish
Aquarium Plant, etc.
Commencing Friday lith
inst., at 2 p.m,
FREE to every purchaser
of a 25c box of Rexall
Liver Pills.
That is you buy Rexall
Liver Pills 25c, We Give (
You. Free a Complete
J. W. McKibbon
77Foe.stAL Stora
We Fit Glasses Properly
C. N. Griffin
'IRE , 6556 .
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Malcolm's Grocery.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines. •
Canadian Northern Lines):
Ocean Steamships.
Christie's Grocery
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Purchased Plirm Property,
Mr. C. N. Griffi
this week reports
VanStone & Son of
adjonining• the tow
Hill. Mr. Hill h
property and will g
lst of October.
Smart boy wanted to learn dry goods
business. Apply King Bros,
real estate agent
the sale by W. F.
the beautiful farm
to Mr. Frank J,
s secured a good
t possession on the
Bell Ring
The Royal Engl
gave a very pleas
Wingham last M
gaged for a retur
and will be here di
will be an entire
Watch for date in
s Returning.
ah Bell Ringers, who
ng entertainment in
rch, have been • en -
visit to Wingham
ring October. There
�hange of program,
future issue.
Sewer Conti
The contract o
sewer on Frances
to Alfred streets,
from Frances to Si
awarded to Messrs
and Wm. Guest. �+
commence the wort
act Awarded.
putting the new
treet from Patrick
nd on Alfred street,
uter street has been
V. R. VanNorman
he contractors will
at once.
Buttermilk for sale at the Creamery
Kent block
The marriage to
sonage of the Onta
Church, Clinton, of
ber 14th, of Frank
of the Bank of Ha
Miss Beryl M. We
ceremony was per
Allin, The groom
known resident of
bride is one of Win
ladies. May their'
long, happy and p
best wish of numer
t Clinton.
s place at the par-
io street Methodist
Saturday, Septem-
. Sturt, manager
ilton, Blyth, and
, of Wingham. The
rmed by Rev. S. J.
is a former well-
Wingham and the
am's popular young
married life be a
osperous one is the
us Wingham friends.
select from at lowest prices.
The Last
nd Concert.'
The Wingham Citizens' Band held
the last open air and concert for the
season at the par on Friday' evening
last. The series f concerts given by
the band during e Ipast season have
been much, enjo ed by our citizens.
The Band intends holding a series of
concerts in the op ra house during the
winter months. t the close of the
concert on Pride 'evening the band
serenaded Dr. an Mrs. Hambly and
Mr, andlMrs.NHai ey Shane and re-
ceived donations.
Fort SALE. -Will sell one of my high
class Durham bulls at right price.
New Direc
A new directory
the North Huron
will go into effect
er, Owing to thel
switchboard at
the lines have bee
A copy of the dire
to every subscriber
was printed James
ed to line 617, rin
line 600, ring 31
ring on line 611 sh
13. Subscribers
mind that:the ne
1 go into effect unti
ry Issued.
as been issued by
ephone Co., which
the lst of Octob-
stalling. of a new
ngham Central all
given new numbers.
ory has been sent
!Since the directory
Boyle has been add -
5, J. H. Smith to
and Jas. Donley's
uld be 41 in place of
ill kindly bear in
directory does not
October lst.
Fair Week
Died in
The Brussels Po
of Mrs. Robinson,
This store for
good Glroceries,
give us a call.
Robt. Beattie, of
Mr. Alex. Robinso
woman in Ontario,
Seaforth on Thurs
years and 5 months
confined it her be
years,but her mind
Deceased was born
1806 and her maid
Vali Stenburg. W
settled in Fingal,
ried Alex. Robinso
they moved to Tu
and settled in what
and went through a
marked the life of
district. Later the
township and here
killed when, as he
the factory, a can r
and knocked him and
was then 74 years old
with her family o
and three daught
to Seaforth where sh
Mrs, Robinson had a
memory and never ti
ies of the pioneer lif
three weeks Mrs. R
weakening and knowi
was approaching, sh
fan's in a striking m
7th Year.
t reports the death
randmother to Mr.
is town, as follows:
, possibly the oldest
ied at her home in
y, at the age of 106
Deceased had been
for the last few
as active to the last.
in Pennsylvania in
n name was Miss
en a young girl she
here she later mar-
. Soon afterwards
kersmith township
was a dense bush
1 the hardships that
e pioneers of this
moved to Hullett
r. Rebinson was
s drawing milk to
led off the wagon
rthe•wheels. He
Mrs. Robinson
three sons
s then moved
has since resided.
oat remarkable
d of telling stor-
For the past
inson had been
g that the end
directed her af-
Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8
Sale of Stock a
Mr. J. I. Scott,
10, Turnberry, will
of farm stock and i
day, October 14th.
excellent lot of ho
it will pay you t
John Purvis will b
d Implements,
lot 12, concession
old an auction sale
plements on Mon -
Mr. Scott has an
es and cattle and
attend this sale.
the auctioneer. '
FOR SALE -Several choice Oxford
lambs, both sex, for breeding purposes.
Apply to Wm. Maxwell, Wingham,
Ont. Phone 12 on line 193.
Sir Wilfrid : Mt. Forest.
Grand preparati ns are being made
at Mount Forest f r the big Liberal
meeting which will be held in that place
on Monday evenin-, October 7th. Sir
Wilfrid Laurier, on. Geo. P. Graham
and other promine t Liberals will ad-
dress the meetin y Negotiations are
now in progress f. the securing of a
special train on t C. P. R. to run from
Wingham to Mou t Forest and return,
but definite infer ation is not available
for this issue. If special train is secur-
ed full inforrnatio will be given on
posters and in ne t week's TIMES.
Prospering i South Africa.
The TIMES is th s week in receipt of
a letter from Mr. . H. Wells, renew-
ing his subscripti to this paper. Mr.
Wells is now loca ed at Arcturus, South
Rhodesia, South :. frica and is prosper-
ing in that count y. He is engaged in
the gold mining •tisiness and has been
very successful i operating the mines
as is shown by a opy of the paper we
have received frn that country. Mr.
Wells says they ave the finest climate
in the world an that the country is
developing ver rapidly. The soil
there will grow all kinds of grains,
fruits and veget:.les. Here is a para-
graph from the l-tter: "The weather
is so mild a man an sleep out of doors
the year round. hen this country is
as well known as Canada, there will be
a great rush her and land will be very
valuable, as it is ery rich in gold, dia-
monds, tin, coal a d other precious met-
als." Mr, Wells . •ports his father, Mr.
Patrick Wells, being in fair health
for one of his a e.
For Sale.
One six -horse power gas 01 i n e
engine and one 80-16 candle light
dynamo, both as good as new; a new
No. 5 Taylor fire -proof safe; also a good
stone -boat. For particulars apply to
Geo. McKenzie, Wingham, Ont:
Prof. Clin in Hamilton.
Prof. Geo. Clin returned last week
after a three -wee s' holiday which he
spent in Hamilto , Toronto, Oakville
and Leamington. he Hamilton Times
of September 9th, ekes the following
pleasant reference to Mr. Cline's visit
to Hamilton:- P of. Geo. Cline, for
many years a resi ent of this city, and
at one time leader of the choir of Zion
Tabernacle, and ther church choirs
here, and who con ucted a large glee
club, is in the city or a few days. Itis
16 years since Pro . Cline left Hamilton.
He now resides in Pro,
he has
a fine choir of 40 voices in the Presby-
terian Church. Y sterday he sang at
the evening servie in Emerald Street
Methodist Church "I Have Heard of a
Land" with beautiful effect. He still
has the same fine robust voice and ex-
cellent expression. While here he is
the guest of his brother, W. H. Cline,
West avenue north.
WANTED. - Young men with some
knowledge of carpenter work, wishing
job for winter. Write D. Lougheed,
Pretty Toro to Wedding.
A pretty weddin was solemnized at
the home of the b 'de's mother, Mrs.
Peter McGill, Str hcona avenue, Tor-
onto, when her eld•st daughter, Edna
Christina, was married to Dr. W. R.
Hambly of Wingh m, only son of Mr.
George R. Hamb'i , of Napanee, Ont.
The ceremony wa conducted by Rev.
J. McP. Scott, B, A., in the presence
of near relatives. Mendelssohn's Wed-
ding March was endered by Miss Ila
Hambly. The b entered the room
with her brother Mr. Geo. W. McGill,
and wore ivory • chess satin with veil
arranged with orange blossoms and
carried a showr of cream roses and
lily of the vall:i . The bride's sister,
Miss Eva, wear ng a mauve silk dress,
was bridesmai Mr. R. R. Waddell
was best man. The decorations were
of smilax, whit roses and white asters.
The groom and bride stood under an
archway of pur white flowers. After
the wedding br•ekfast, Dr. and Mrs.
Hambly left fo Ottawa, the bride trav-
elling in a tau e whipcord suit, with
hat to match. Toronto Globe, Sept:
19th. Dr, and rs. Hambly have tak-
en up their res ence in the home on
John street. r ently purchased from
Airs. H. Kerr. The TiMES joins with
numerous frith 's in extending hearty
The Secretary ha already received a
large number of en Ties.
The fall fair will .e held on Thursday
and Friday of this eek.
Friday afternoo . weather favorable,
will see a large mber of people in
Wingham to atten the fair.
Horse racing on Friday afternoon.
Wingham Citiz: ns' Band will furnish
music on Frida afternoon and will
head the process '.n of school children
to the grounds.
Tickets for F day evening's concert
are selling fast Secure your tickets
early and avoi the rush on Friday
evening at the all.
The annual
on Teachers'
in the Town I
day and Frid
The program
eeting of the. East Hur-
ssociation will be held
all, Wingham, on Thurs-
y, October 17th and 18th.
is as follows:-
Opening Exe cises.
Reading Min tes.
Appointing Committees.
Mr. A. Posli ' -"School Sports."
Miss Blyth - "Art"
Mr. Scott - bject to be Chosen.
Mr. S. Pick •s -"Manual Training."
Miss B. H. ' eynolds-"Chorus" (Class
of girls)
Mr, G. R. S ith-"Methods in Arith-
Mr. E. E. Lagan, Teacher of Writing,
Peterbo ough Normal School -
"Penm. ship."
Address -A . A. H. Musgrove, M.L.A.
Mr. Holmo -"My Ideal School."
A concert by Miss B. May Rance,
assiste i by Mr. C. J. Pink, leader
of Lo don quartette.
Election o. Officers.
Financial . tatement.
Miss B. ay Rance -"Golden Silence
and S Iver Speech."
Mr. H. A. Percy -"Nature Study".
Song -Mi McKenzie.
Mrs. S. Pic les -"Manual Training".
President's ' ddress.
Dr. J. M. Fi ld -"Odds and Ends"
HOUSE FOR SALE -House and lot on
John street for sale on easy terms.
Get particulars from Dudley Holmes or
the owner, W. J. Neil, Box 234, Orange-
ville, Ont.
The Presbytery of Maitland met in
St. Andrew's chur h, Wingham on 17th
Sept. and trans cted much routine
business. The Co mittee on Systema-
tic Beneficience w re given authority
to make arrangem nts with Dr. McRae
for the furtheranc of the Budget for
1913. It was agre 'd to notify all Con-
gregations within the bounds, to the
effect that the As embly had fixed the
minimum stipend f ministers in On-
tario at $1000 and . house and urge all
congregations to . Ise the salaries of
their minister in roportion to the in-
creased cost of li ng for the past 15
years, which is 45 per cent. Mr. Brad-
ley and Mr. Shor •eed were appointed
Auditors. Mr. est gave notice of
motion asking Sesionto present their
records for exa ination at the Sep-
tember meeting. The Commissioners
to the General As embly reported their
diligence, severs stating that they
disapproved of th introduction of poli-
tical methods o carrying . matters
through the Ass bly, which is not
be, oming a Church court. Mr. Hardie
presented very for ibly the Assembl; 's
scheme for Travel ing Expenses. 1. r,
Gomm and Mr. Ma hieson were appo:., t-
ed on the Executi a of Y. P. Associa-
tion. Mr. McEa hern was appointed
Moderator for the ensuing six months.
The Moderator appointed Messrs. West,
Hardie and Dr. Ir, in a committee to
revise the Commis ioners' roll to Pres-
bytery. Authorit was given the Mod-
erator and Clerk t proceed with the
sale of Enniskill n church property
after advertising he same. Messrs.
Perrie, McLean d McArthur, with
their Elders, wer appointed 6n the
Board of Home ssions. The salary
of the Clark wa increased $50, Mr.
Wishart was ap ointed Presbytery's
representative b fore W. I1. M. S.
meeting at Br is on the 16th Oct.
W. J. WEs'r, Clerk.
FOR SALI4 OR RENT. -About two and
a half acres of land and small house,
opposite Western Foundry. Possession
at once. Apply to D. McCormick,
Wingham or phone line 194, ring 11.
Premier Bord n at tho banquet in his
honor at Monti al announced a Novem-
ber session of t e' Parliament to settle
the navy quest n.
Mr. J. J. Mitche ; is away on a trip
to the West,
• Mr. and Mrs. G:o. C. Manners, of
Brussels were vi iting in town last
Mr. W. S. Bell, . f Spokane, Wash. is
visiting with his . ' others, Messrs. D.
and A. Bell.
Mrs. C. P. Ca . lisle, of Toronto, is
visiting with her . rents, Mr, and Mrs.
Jas. Walker.
Miss Eva Greer of Gagetown, Mich.,
is visiting at the home of her uncle,
Mr. H. B. Elliott
Mr. Jas. P. Rit hie, of Geneva, N.Y.,
was visiting for . few days with his
brother, Mr. Jo Ritchie.
Mr. and Mrs. 7 hos. Watt, of Clinton
were visiting for a few days.last week
with friends in ' Ingham and Bluevale.
Mr. and Mrs.
turned home of
with friends in
the State Fair.
Mrs, Griffith,
with her brother,
and sister, Mrs.
line of Morris.
Mr. Charles M
of Smith & Mac
chants, Dundee,
a couple of d
Menzies, East
Mr. and Mrs.
ley; Dr. Mitchel
and Mr. John In
prey, were visiti
cousins, Mr. and
Turnberry. The
trip through the
. A. Rintoul have re-
er spending a week
etroit and attending
Huntsville is visiting
Mr. J. D. McEwen
. W. Campbell, 1st
cdonald, of the firm
onaid, wholesale mer -
Scotland, visited for
s last week at John
m. Mitchell of Srig-
, V. S., Owen Sound,
lss, South Line, Os -
g last week with their
Mrs. Gavin Wilson in
party is making a
ountry by auto.
WANTED -Two young ladies to work
at type setting. Apply at TIMES office.
Voters' List Court Adjourned.
Owing to fall fa
of this week, His
has consented to a
Voters' List Cour
now be held on Fri
in the Town Hall.
make a note of the
r coming on Friday
onor, Judge Doyle,
adjournment of the
The Court will
lay, October 18th,
All interested should
Change in date.
Shingles and Roofing. •:''
I have a complete stock of New Bruns-
wick and British Col ppmb�ia Shingles; al-
so Ruberoid and /iakfestos Roofings.
Your order will ret we careful atten-
Harold H. s Dead.
A despatch from
Harold H., Canada'
died Saturday of pa
was R. J. Mackenz
Joe Patchen II., no
cuit. Harold H. h
and held Canadian
cord of 2.07. He
years ago by Mack
sand dollars from
Wingham, Ontario
good a piece of ho
hitched up and ma
his owners. Mr.
for a very nominal
being unknown to
outside of small loc
Winnipeg says: -
champion pacer,
alysis. His owner
who also owns
on the Grand Cir -
d a mark of 2.03 3;i
alf-mile track re -
as purchased eight
nzie for eight thou -
no. E. Swarts, of
Harold H. was as
eflesh as was ever
e many a dollar for
'warts bought him
figure, the equine
me up to that time
1 events.
The directors of he Social Union of
the Methodist Ch ch are considering
the purchase of five new sites for
churches in Toron o.
The Women's
the Methodist ch
trict) will hold a
dine on Wednes
which Miss Well
will be an aftern
sion, and all inter
invited to attend.
issionary Society of
.rch (Wingham dis-
onvention at Kincar-
ay, October 2nd, at
od will speak. There
on and an evening ses-
sted in missions are
March 19th nex•
tennial of the bir
stone, and churc
Dominion are alre
it an event of wi
eral denominations
lars to send out t.
the Laymen's Mo
the men of the
the day as a specie
will mark the cen-
of David Living -
es throughout the
.y planning to make
e celebration. Sev-
are preparing circu-
the churches, and
ment has requested
ominion to observe
1 missionary day.
Rev. Neil Shaw B. A., for twenty
years pastor of th Egmondvi]le Pres-
byterian Church, ed last week after
several weeks' ill ess. Mr, Shaw was
in his fifty-fourt year. He was an
indefatigable won er in behalf of every
work calculated fo the uplift of human-
ity. He was bele ed in his own con-
gregation, esteem in the community,
and his memory wi I be long and affec-
tionately cherished by many. -He was
a native of Rodney in the County of
Esse;:. s .
Sir Richard Cart right, one of Can-
ada's foremost puis men passed away
at Kingston on Tuesday morning,
Heart failure was e immediate cause
of death, although air Rich• rd under-
went an operation ecently for hernia,
The late Sir Rich: rd Cartwright was
the oldest son of th late Rev. R. D.
Cartwright, chapla to the forces at
Kingston, Ontario His grandfather
was Hon. Richard 1 artwright, a United
Empire Loyalist, . d a former judge
of the Common Ple s in Upper Canada,
and afterwards a ember of the Legis-
lative Council.
Sir Richard was •orn in Kingston on
Dec. 4, 1835. H • was educated at
Trinity College, Dublin. In 1859 he
was married to rances, the eldest
daughter of Col. lex. Lawe, of Cork,
Ireland, He sat f r Lennox and Add-
ington from 1863 1867, for Lennox
from 1867 to 1878, hen he was defeat-
ed. He was the member for Centre
Huron from Nove ber, 1878, to May,
1882, and for Sou • Huron from Decem-
ber, 1883, to 18'7. He represented
South Oxford fro 1887 until 1904. In
September of 190 he was called to the
Senate by Earl G ey.
Sir Richard be .nged to one of the
oldest Conservati -e families in Upper
Canada, and in t e early days of his
public life gave ndividual support to
Sir John A. Macdonald. Since the
Pacific scandal i 1873 he acted with
and was a memb r of the Liberal par-
ty, first under 1 . ckenzie, next under
Blake, and lat- under Sir Wilfrid
County Rifl Shoot Sept. 30.
The Huron 1 ounty Rifle League
match committe met at Dungannon
on September 6 h to make arrange-
ments for the f.11 shoot. The next
match will be hel. at St. Augustine on
September 30th. The ranges will be
200 yards and 10 yards; number of
shots, five to and one sighter.
Position, prone, s i ooting off the elbows.
Shooting to com ence at 9 a. m. The
prize list has been revised and enlarg-
ed. The range offi ers appointed are:
John Webster, G: o. Youngblut, A.
Boyd and Robt. cAllister. Register
keepers appointed re: -F. D. MacLen-
nan, C. Asquith, I. Miller, D. Glen, W.
Bisset and D. Beec oft. The manage-
ment will endeavor to obtain two mark-
ers from divisiona headquarters for
use on the range t • day of the shoot.
Score cards will • e used as at Point
WANTED. - General servant girl,
good wages; no washing. Apply to
Rutledge -Mac rlane Wedding.
The marriage w s quietly celebrated
at the residence the bride's father,
432 Metcalf avenu Montreal on Sept.
20th, of Miss 11 arjorie Macfarlane,
daughter of Mr. obert Ferrier Mac-
farlane, to Mr. Jo ph Lister Rutledge,
son of Rev. Dr. a Mrs. Rutledge, of
Wingham. The h use was artistically
decorated for the ccasion with a pro-
fusion of yellow c rysanthemums, and
smilax. The offici ting clergymen were
Rev. Dr. Sperling assisted by Rev. Dr.
Rutledge, father of the bridegroom.
The Wedding Mar h was played by Mr.
Leonard Dyer. he bride, who was
given away by he father, wore a white
satin gown, ma.e with square train,
decorated with range blossoms and
panniers of chiffo , the bodice decora-
ted with orange r1 ossoms and panniers
of chiffon, the bodice decorated with
rose point lace in fichu effect. She
wore also a Bruss•]s net veil and a dia-
mond and opal ing, the gift of the
bridegroom, and arried a shower bou-
quet of roses : nd lily -of -the -valley.
Miss Marvel And•rson was bridesmaid
and wore a pin satin gown trimmed
with carrickmac oss lace and a gold
bracelet, the gi of the bridegroom,
and carried ' illarney roses. The
bride was also • tended by four little
ribbon -bearers, wo dressed in pale blue
and two in pal • yellow, and wearing
mob caps tri med with lace. They
were Miss Phyl is Hadrilll, Miss Evelyn
Waters, Mildre Matthewson and Miss
Edith Baridon To them the bride-
groom's gift were gold and pearl pin,
and to the best man, Mr. Alec. Mac-
farlane, brother of the bride, he gave
a diamond and emerald scarf pin. Mrs.
W. E. L. Dyer, the bride's eldest sis-
ter, was gowned in black and gold over
white satin. rs, W. L. Rutledge,
mother of the bridegroom, wore a
black eolienne, t 'mined with bioniton
Lace, and carried ink roses. Mr, Rat -
ledge and his brid left for a trip to
:the United Stats, the bride going
away in a costum of taupe gray with
trimmings of pre -colored velvet and
black hat with un tied ostrich feath-
ers. On there ret rn they will reside
in the King Edwa apartments, Old-
field avenue, Mon eal.
4'CUS:Ua( NUS 1101.190 0,0165
HILE you may not
have serious foot
trouble—yet your feet are
not comfortable if they
perspire excessively.
It is this excessive per-
spiration that causes your
feet to chill quickly in
cold weather—or the
soles become dry, parched and
crack when theweather is warm_
got , ,ion
Re6d CLQ.
will prevent these troubles by
preserving an all -the -year-round
healthy circulation of the blood.
When you stand or walk on a
Dr. A. Reed Cushion Insole
there is no compression of the
veins and nerves because there
is no hugging of the uppers, as
the pressure is taken up by the
soft fibre Cushion Insole.
Your first pair will convince you -
come in and slip them on. Foot com-
fort, durability and style combined.
See us for Trunks and
Sole Agent.
Mr, A. Kelly offers for sale bis
fine 162 acre farm adjoining the
town of Wingham. This farm is
in the very highest state of cul-
tivation, has good buildings and
orchard, and is all seeded down
except about twenty acres.
Also 36 acres in Town Plot
withihouse and barn. This will
be sold with the large farm or
A number of other smaller
places in Town Plot
All these will be sold at right
prices as Mr. Kelly is going
Ritchie & Covens
And Authorized teacher Fletcher
Music Method, Simplex and Kinder-
Pupils prepared in Piano and Theory
for Conservatory examinations.
Studio, Minnie St.
John Hummel was sentenced at Ber-
lin to five years in the penitentiary for
three horse -the in 1910.
Thousands of ambitious young people
are being instructed in their ironies by
our Home Studv Dept. Yon may finish
at College if you desire Pay when-
ever you wish. Thirty Years' Exper-
ience. Largest trainers in Canada.
Eater any day. Positions gnat•anteed.
If you wish to save board and learn
while you earn, write for particulars.
Wingham Busines$ Cotleg
GEO. SPOTTON, President