The Wingham Times, 1912-09-19, Page 6TJIE WINC1.AM TIMES. SEPTEMBER 19, 1912 Poo The Three Guardsmen The Gurney -Oxford Range is fitted with three devices which constantly and uncompromisingly stand one guard to see that the fire is always under perfect control that the coal bills are sheared down to the lowest figure ---that the oven is always evenly and properly heated—that no clinkers obstruct the free blaming and proper ventilation of the fire. The Gurney -Economizer, fitted on the smoke pipe, is the only draft you have to attend to; a small lever peat up or down entirely regulate:, the fire. It saves one ton of coal in six. It carries little heat up the chimney—only the smoke. It feeds the gases which burn to the fire -box, and it cannot be had on any other range than the Gurney -Oxford. The Gurney -Oxford oven is surrounded by flues that carry an equal amount of heat to all sides. This almost guarantees results in cooking by providing an oven evenly heated, without cold corners or variation. The Gurney -Oxford Grate is the result of ex- haustive tests to find the proper carrying surface for the fire. The fire has abundant air to breathe, and the less amount of coal burned is all consumed. So then, the housewife who has the " Three Guardsmen " Watching over her range, will experience security and satisfaction in cooking that is not provided by any other range. NAT ei OYCE, Wingham. Plumbing and Heating Engineer. (61 Leey Bank agreed to advance China 1 Claiming t'iat he has discovered a e for forty a ears at j per cent successful method of curing nearly all inters infectious disease in animals and man, including tuberculosis, typhoid and ab- scesses, Dr. Chas. H. Duncan, an at- tending surgeon at the Volunteer Hos- pital, New York, describes the discov- ery before the American Veterinary Medical Association. The method con- sists of filtering the discharge of the disease and injecting it hypodermically. Dr. Duncan contends that he has cured patients of pulmonary tuberculosis by filtering the sputum, making the vac- cine, and then injecting it back into the patient's blood. The method is design- ed "autotherapy." The papulation of Jamaica has in- ereased thirty per cent. in the Last tv:eift• ears. Au el.icier that has real merit should in time become popular. That such is the cese with Chamberlain's Cough Pclliede has been attested by many deal- ers. Here is or. of them. H. W. Hen- driclU .on, Ohio Falls, Ind., w rites "Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy is the best for coughs,. colds and croup, and is my best seller.."' For sale by all dealers. Das, ,lames Smith was struck by lightuh.g on the veranda of her home near Cr Neville, and was seriously in- jured Cir; _. 1'. Walsh. a Curtis biplanist had ;x n ,.brow escape at Halifax Exhib- . loot, e.,iten his machine crashed down onto a cattle shed. to or MO IIEALTN TO MOTHER AND CORD. taxa vernatoves SOOTIHNG STROP Lias been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING,with PERFECT SUCCESS, It SOOTHES te CHILD. SOFTENS the GUM ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It is ab. eolately harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wisrgai 'o Soothing syrup,+' and take IIo ether fid.Twenty-five cents a bottle, Tlilt't.i announced that. Sir George Murray bas been engaged to re -organ- ize tit& a:.inhinistratise departments of the (•tat .dian Government. The C i and Trunk Pseehie estimate. of the ve. eekf at ,.L ole r- ;75.co, tfir. bl,:,,'e: ,. `,r L ! t:veers t..'• a ,l t e Dr.dyVan's F t alt Pills L I ., zA all c eap9 .a. Tyr.6e9aasa'e- 15.a i sY, b7 a r;? f' . ret ea a' "7,sns. ki E t#31I Drug co,, St. catterints, Ont. h(` ff:i'i.: Gr. f;r' eet. Leter been ovateal by the 1.ea. sL freea:a f,.a nearly u ecutuey hal levee 'ed ert lt,M10 to Joscrh I:r_a•il-.srt, Williame. Mr. Lesle, is geeing to 'f- ronto to reside. His father, the 'ate,. John Lr;die, was one of theravl.est ei tlera in Halton county. and Le s/i.s granted a deed to the farm by the f e,si-1 sainc'ty tea. years ago. About line hund- red neighbors and friends gathered at the old homestead on Saturday evening and pre:aented Mr. Leslie and his sister Mfaa hate, with an address and a silver tea eel'viee. BECAME SO \EAK FRO1 DIARRHEL Had To Quit Work Diarrhoea, especially if left to run any length of time, causes great weakness, so the only thing to prevent this is to check it an its first appearance. You will find that a few doses of Dr. Fowler's Txtract of Wild Strawberry will do this quickly and effectively. Mr. Ino, R. Childerhouse, Orillia, Ont., writes: -- "When in Port William, last summer, I wee) token sick with diarrhoea, and 'became so weak and suffered such great train, I had to quit work. Our massager advised me to try Dr. reveler's Zxtract of Wild Strawberry, So on my way home i Bought a bottle, and after taking four do:e3 i was cured. We always keep a battle ie the 'louse. We have also used it for our ohildren, and find it an excellent remedy for summer complaftit." $40,000 Rental for an Apartment. If the New'York Sun is correctly in- formed, as uauch as $49,010 a year is paid in some cases in rental for a suite of rooms in some of the big New York apartment houses. It is not many years ago that a man of great means well known for his sporting proclivities startled New York by announcing through his publicity agent that be had reuted a suite of rooms in a well-known Fifth avenue hotel, for which he had agreed to pay $20,000 a year, the cost to include all services, and indeed every- thing except food. That was within the last ten years. He actually paid nearer $10,000 than $20,000, but even se the amount was one which immediately established the man as a Croesu; in the minds of many people, That was about ten years ago. To cause a sensation to -day one would have to more than double the figures of then, for $25,000 a year for one's apartment is coming to be so common that one might be pardoned for not remembering all those who pay about that amount. Few, if any, medicines, have met with the uniform success that has attended the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The remark- able cures of colic and diarrhoea which it has effected in almost every neighbor- hood have given it a wide reputation. For sale by all dealers. Leipsic's oldest theatre, builtin 1766, is shortly to be torn down. The greatest depth of the sea yet discovered is 32,089 feet. Good health depends more upon peace of mind, than upon powders or pills. Pi Do not suffer another daYBleed- ing, 1 It Itching, J3 ing, or Protrud- ing Piles. No surgical oper. ation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and as certainly cure you. tide. a box • all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sample box free if you mention this paper and enoloso 2c, stamp to pay postage. From the top of the Malvern hills views of no fewer than eleven counties are afforded. Meats may,be sliced evenly in rester - ants by a machine that an Indiana man has patented. The woman that interests a man most is the one who will make him talk about himself. If you knew of the real value of Cham- berlain's Liniment for lame back, sore- ness of the muscles, sprains and rheum- atic pains, you would; never wish to be without it. For sale by all dealers.. Orange fritters are as delicious as accompaniment to broiled or fried ham as applesauce to sparerib. Receptacles for matches are included in a new cigarette box on which a New Yorker has obtained a patent. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Pastor R. M. Gordon will place com- plete •bowling alleys in a new Christian Church to be erected in Flatbush,N. Y. And just remember that the prisons of the country are full of men who thqught they could get away with it. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Mast, used by the British army for anchoring dirigible balloons carry at their tops cones into which the noses of the balloons fit. Any woman will fall in love when the right man comes along, but tbat does- n't prevent her from wishing that the right man will have money. A handy electric heater for thawing frozen water pipes which can be used in any house equipped with electric lights bas been patented. Running up and down stairs, sweeping and bending over making beds will not make a woman healthy or beautiful. She must get out of doors, walk a mile or two every day and take Chamberlain's Tablets to improve digestion and regul- ate her bowels. For sale by all dealers. In 35 years England has lost 6,640 acres by erosion, but this has been • more than made up by the new land which has formed during that time. The railways of the United Kingdom killed 106 passengers and injured 2,725 during 1911. The total number of deaths of passenger, employees and trespassers through railroad operation was 1,070, and of the injured 8,345. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA I. Fifty thousand dollars' loss was caus- ed by the destruction of the Patterson's Manufacturing Company's plant and stock by fire at St. Boniface, Man. Humor and Philosophy a' VI/RCAJV H. SMITH' PERT PARAGRAPHS. THE way of the transgressor may be hard because it is paved with. gold and lined with steel mills and oil tanks. It takes a clever man to sell out ad- vantageously when he Is pretty near all in. Thereason why some people seem to be such poor listeners may be because they don't bear what they like. It is often hard to have the matter of keeping down family expenses co- existent with that other matter of keeping up family pride. As for us, we simply can't lose money, and It you'd look at us you'd see the reason why. Opla You don't have to be entirely frank to be sincere, but you can't make a pachyderm believe it. There may be satisfaction In it, but getting back at the other fellow won't help you forward much. The tiling that you tell your friend for his own good is generally really done for your satisfaction. Being a philosopher may be a man's sized job, but a great many small wo- men are taking care of that same job. Hopeful. The country will come out all right In spite of all our fussing, And some solution will appear From all this wide discussing. The country is not going down In spite of all this flurry. It's going Just the other way. .And going In a hurry. We've weathered many storms before, We've pulled through many a ruction When men were trembling lest the land Zvere going to destruction. We've had our wars at home, abroad, We'vo heard the cannot rattle And in the final taking stock Were stronger for each battle. We've had our wars in days of peace, Some tough old tariff fighting, And very often congress had. Discussions quite exciting, But when the jaws were given a rest And alt the verbal gunning Was silenced for at least a time The country. kept on running. Now other questions fill the air And other issues coming Along with different modes of life Piave set discussion humming, But we will settle all of them By common sense applying, And when the verdict is returned Old Glory will be dying. Bills Determination. "I'm goin' to lick ole Jones when I get big enough." "That so, Billy, lad. What for?" "He said if I'd work in his garden' this summer I could have the surplus vegetables to sell an' buy myself a bi- cycle." "Well, didn't he let you?" ".&w, he let me work, all right." "Then what are you kicking about?" "'Bout the surplus." "What about that?" "Say, where'd you think any anrplus comes in- after all them pigs Jones be -got is done eatln', huh?" The Clifford Express gives a record of a prolific cow, Mr. Albert C. Tuck, of Minto, has a holstein and Shorthorn cross cow which gave birth to a calf en Price air cents, When you go to get a last Dominion election day, 21st Sept., bottle of "Dr. p`owler's," insist on being II f 1911 shea W sdeli delivered of twin calves given vita you ask for, as we know of a our are alive and doing well. The many cases where imscrttpulous dealers mother cow only ceased milking three 'rave handed out some other preparation. weeks. Three calves in less than eleven The genuine is manufactured only by months is going some, and Mr. Tuck is proud of the cow and her progeny, be 11. Milbutn Co., Limited, Toronto, Needless to say none of them is for Sale. a 1r. Felt Chilly. "It was a cold day when I took my examina- tions." "But it was in July." "Sure thing." "How could it be a cold day?" "I got zero in everything." See Through Him. "I'll never deceive you." "I know It." "Flatters me awfully -the faith you have In mo." "faith nothing!" "What do you mean?" "It is simply your txanspar'enoyP Down and Out;. .,wily has Brown such a grouch?" "1 le has discovered he can't keep up with his past." -what was his erten" "A bent halt a million!" Name of No Consequence. ''Who did Jane marry?" "illi, I have forgotten the Hanle, but It was a tack factory and rolling mils." Curious. "1 tell yon It takes a map to run tl job tike mine." "'Then how do you Manage to *fold itr. The above is a picture of " Chief Little Bow," who was probably the first inhabitant of CARMANGAY, where once the savage roamed at will, NOW the 'farmer tills the land. it s, Wheat, Coal an er CARMANGAY is a NATURAL RAILWAY CENTRL on account of the topography of the country: It is situated on the Little Bow River, and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PUn WATER. it has VAST QUANTITIES OF COAL close to the town. OUR PROPERTY is WITHIN the TOWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO BLOCKS from the centre of business, Send for our illustrated booklet describing the property we have to sell in; nga Work for your Money in the East, but invest it in the West CUT OUT THE COUPON AND SEND IT TO US NOW !!! Western Canada Real Estate Company Head Office .. —502 TEMPLE BUILDING, Toronto, Ont. 'w. BRANCHES: MONTREAL, QUE. HAMILTON. ONT. LONDON, ONT. 16 Sun Life Ana.: 302 Lister Chamber* 11 Dominion anis Chamber* WESTERN CANADA REAL ESTATE Co. 502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. Please send me without obligation on my part, literature containing facts, figures and views of CARMANGAY, Name.............,00000000.....r.,...,.,r. W,..r..-•tiro..... ,. Address ... +„t,,..,-.- ......,....s.eer "... ...... .. ,...r., Two thousand dollars an acre has been made off grape fruit culture in the Isle of Pines. It is estimated that the present area of arable land in Korea might be in- creased 20 to 30 per cent. To help a person to write a legible hand by holding a pen or pencil correct- ly is the purpose of a wire harness for the fingers and wrist that a New Jersey man has patented. THERE IS NOTHING FOR THE LIVER SO GOOD AS MILI3URN'S LAXA'LIVER PILLS They will regulate the flow of bile to act properly on the bowels, and will tone, renovate, and purify the liver, removing every result of liver trouble from the temporary, but disagreeable, bilious head- ache to the severest forms of liver com- plaint. Mrs. John R. Barton, Mill Cove, N.B., writes —" I suffered, more than tongue can tell, from liver troubles. I tried several kinds of medicine, but got no relief until I got Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. They are a wonderful remedy." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 26 cents per vial, or 5 vials for $1,00, at aft dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. WAN TED A live representative for WINGHAM and surrounding District to sell high-rlass stock for THE FUNTHILI NURSERIES More fruit trees will be planted in the Fall of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than ever before in the history Of Ontario. The orchard of the future will be the best paying part of the farm. We teach our men Salesmanship, it Tree Culture and how big in fruit -growing can be made. Pay weekly, permanent employ. 'Ment,, exclusive territory, Write Go Hungry. for particulars. Prince distress It say, throughout eat the auto Prsn eaveea,"" ' 1 They ut the land. 'They ea . i7Vhet1 it i. ]leconehaadc a...Eara STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO. PRINTING AND STATIONERY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PA PER PLAYING CARDS, etc We will- keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may requirein the printing line. Subscriptions taken' for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Vingham, Ont.