HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-08-15, Page 6LIFE
Life is to brief
Iletv:et e the beNing and falling loaf.
'Between n the Sol: time and the golden
Foe hate and spite.
We have no time for malice and for
Therefore, with love make beautiful
the d: t.t;
Fast speeds the night.
Life is too swift
Between the blossom and the white
snow's drift,
Between the ;:levee and the lark's up-
For bitter words.
In kindness and in gentleness our speech
Must carry messages of hope, and reach
The sweetest chords.
Life is too great
Between the infant's and the man's es -
Between the clashing of earth's strife
t.uI fate.
For petty things.
Lel we shall yet creep with cumbered
Walk glorious over heaven's
Or soar on wings!
-Margaret E. Sangster.
A vast amount of ill health is due to
impaired di,ret.tion. When the stomach
fails te pertorm its functions properly
the whole system becomes deranged.
a few doses of C•l amberlain's Tablets
is all you need. They will strengthen
your digestion, invigorate your liver,
and regulate your bowels, entirely do-
ing away with that miserable feeling
due to faulty digestion. Try it. Many
others have been permanently cured -
wily not you? For sale by all dealers.
A Fiction Number.
Publishers seem to have discovered
that August is the great month for
relaxation and its accompanying de-
mand for fiction. Canadian Home Jour-
nal is in the van with a very enjoyable
.August Fiction Number which immedi-
ately.fnvites one to a hammock under
the trees or an easy chair on the shady
side of the veranda. "The Butterfly
Etude" is a charmingly told story of a
lovable little girl who prevented
nit d very
unforunate elopement, "Exchanging
Sweethearts" is a laughable tale of the
match -makers' undoing. "James
Jamieson's Proposal" is a very true
and amusing account of a :shy Scots-
man's love affair --none of your "love
at first sight," you may be sure of that.
"Through the Lakes to Jimsag" tells
of a canoeing trip which makes one
sigh for rivers and lakes. Building a
business as a cooking expert, as told in
"A Dietition," will be interesting to
every ambitious girl. ' The Red Seal"
is an exciting serial novel of the 17th
century, full of Romance, plots and
dangers. "The Third Man" tells of
youthf•.l chivalry and twisted loves.
Summer fashions for girls' and ladies'
wear, summer menus and receipts,
porch luncheons, summer housecold
decoration, summer household hints,
ail help to make this number of practi-
cal assistance as well as entertaining.
Suffered With
Nerve Trouble
• Fell in a Paint.
Martin, Mrs. Edwin _.c t Ayer's Cf
Que., writer: "Before uhl:1g Dr.
Chase's Nerve I'uod I was iu a terrible
condition. Dizzy spells would come
over me and I would fall to the floor.
I could not sweep without fainting.
I)r. Chase'.. Nerve food has eco built up
my system that I can wash and do my
housework. Your rucdieiete cured vie
when doctor' had failed."
Mr. Chas. W. Wood, 34 Torrance St.,
Montreal, Que., a.ites:--"rob two years
I had sulTered with nerve trouble, and it
was impossible for rue to sleep. It did
not matter what time I went to bed, in
the uwrning I was even worse than the
night before. I consulted a doctor, and
be gale ane a tome to take a half hour
before going to bed. It was all right for
a time, hut the old trouble returned with
greater force than before. One of the
boys who works with ane, gave me half
a box of 14Miiburres Heart and Nerve
Pills. I took than, and I got such
satisfaction tbet I lot another box, and
before I finished it I could enjoy sleep
from 10 p.m. until 0 tem., .and now feel
Milbttrtt's Heart and Nerve Pills are
.50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25, at
all dealers, or mailed clirect on receipt of
Price by the T. milbnrn co., Limited.,
Toronto. Ont.
The Walt Mason Care.
I hate those guys who frown and
mope, and fret the livelong day, who
use all sorts of doctor's dope to chase
dull care away. I hate the fellow who
complains of every kind of ill. who toil:;
us of their cares and pains until your
blood runs chill. To such as these I
always say Walt Mason is the cure. if
you would once again feel gay and;
happy and secure. I have no use for
chaps who find this world a sorry place,
who moves amongst their human kind
with long and dreary face. I know, of
course, their troubles lie right under-
neath their nose, and that Walt Mason
will supply a tonic for their woes. If I
can find a man who says this earth's a
gay old spot, who spends his blessed
nights and days boosting his happy lot;
who .;laps his neighbor on the back and
speaks a word of cheer to those who
daily cross his track or lend to hits an
ear.- Then sure I am that 1 have found
an wan of sense and grit, who knows
Walt Mason is the truck to L. p one
well and fit. Some folks wear quite a
churlish glance, with Iooks told and
austere, others with smiling counten-
ance keep sorrow in the rear. I al-
ways know Where'c'r I meet -no matter
where the place• -in country lane or
crowded street, the true Walt Macon
Toronto, Aug. 7. G. M.
Children Cry
The narne "gazette" as applied to a
newspaper is derived from a small
Venetian coin this ,rice of the '
1 tar:;t
sheet published there.
Kingston has now only fifteen taverns
selling liquor, as ten bars closed their ,
do.,r'a for good Wednesday night last at
el.'t,eu o'clock, in accordance with the'
d etre of the people expressed at the
poll's last January that the liquor li► j
tenses be reduced to Afton,
Mars, which scientists say is drying
up, is older than our earth.
A distance of 70 miles 1238 yards
has been traversed by a motor -cycle
in one hour.
The Grand Trunk terminal, situated
in Brockville since 1855, is shortly tobe
removed to Prescott.
"Were all medicines as meritorious
as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy the world would be
much better off and the percentage of
suffering greatly decreased," Writes
Lindsay Scott, of Temple, Ind. For
sale by all dealers.
A natural gas explosion at Learning -
ton wrecked a large house being built
for Canning company employees.
During last year Great Britain bought
from Switzerland 526,609 cwt,,, of con-
densed milk, valued at £644,012.
Ciisall POWDER
is sant direct to the di' eased parts by the
I npray. d Blower. ifeatsthe ulcers,
clears the air passages, stops drop-
pings in the throat and permanent-
cures t CaBlower free. Accd ept Fevno
substitutes. All de lcrs or rdrnanecn.
nates fi Co., Limited, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Rowell and fam-
ily are spending the summer among bis
cousins at Woodstock.
Wm. Logie of Nassagaweya, for 35
years township tax collector, died at
the Guelph General hospital..
"I was cured of diarrhoea by one
dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes M. E.
Gephardt, Oriole, Pa. There is nothing
better. For sale by alt dealers.
An abnormally prolific pear tree at
Acie, Norfolk, which is now full of
fruit and blossom, has borne two crops
of fruit annually for the last thirty
Women and elergymen have so long
been in the habit of using pretty words
without troubling themselves to under-
stand them that they now revolt
from the effort as if it were impiety. -
John Ruskin.
Jv" ey is only fifteen miles from the
coast of France.
de Van's Female Ville
A reliable French regulator; never fails: These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion of the female system. Refuse
all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at
FS a l•ne. or three for *10. *ailed to any address.
Tho Soobell Drug Co,, 85. Catharines, Ont.
Householders whose houses are burn-
ed to the ground, or otherwise render-
ed uninhabitable remain Iiable for the
Russia, the United States, Roumania
Austria-Hungary and Burma are the
principal oil -fields of the world.
If you are suddenly taken with Diar-
rhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, or Pains
in the Stomach, Cholera /Aarhus, Sum-
mer Complaint, or any Looseness of the
Bowels, do not waste any time, but
immediately procure a bottle of Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and
it wilt cure you in no time. Mrs. H. L.
Steadman, Pleasant River, N.S., writes:
"A year ago this fall, my little boy like
suddenly taken ill with diarrhcea and
vomiting, and as our doctor is ten milks
distant, it seemed as if I could not get
help Soon enough, but on going to the
country store I purchased a bottle of
IDr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry,
and after the first dose could notice an
improvement, and the
next day the child
was better and regained health. Since
that time I always keep it ou hand."
Insist on being given "Dr. 11*owler'S"
when you ask for it. Price 85 cents.
Manufactured only by ",C'he'f. Milburn
Co., I,intited, ,Toronto, Ont.
.A. Chicago telephone girl has noth-
ing to do but work.
First the company prohibited peeka-
boo waists, fussy clothee'aud the like.
Now comes the ordeer that forbids
the central girl from flirting on the
wires, even just a tiny bit! The Chi-
cago Telephone Company today put
into effect a series of phrases for the
use of the operators. Nome other can
be used.
The "hello" girl is gone. Her place
has been taken by the "operator."
The mushy person is switched to the
chief operator. She is the official chill
of the company.
Its her business to be a frost.
The new rules are the result of the
constant effort toward increased ef-
ficiency. Time elements in switch-
board work are figured in fractions of
a second.
The telephone phrase and rule book
"prohibits personal conversation) be-
tween employees over the wires."
"You must give yisur time to the
"If your friends attempt to take up
your time in trivial conversional switch
them to the chief operator."
"You must dress plainly but neat-
ly in dark or blue colors. No puffs,
rouge or perfumery."
"Jewelry and ornament$ art not in
good taste."
The phrase book contains set phrases
such as "Number please."
"Keep your temper and cio your best
to obtain the service asked. Answer
'Number, please,.' to alt questions not
strictly business."
A druggist was boasting, in company
of friends, of his well assorted stock.
"There isn't a drug missing," he said.
"not even one of the most uncommon
sort." "Come, now," said a bystaud-
er by way of a jtke. "I'in quite sure
you don't keep any spirit of contradict-
ion, well stocked as you pretend to be."
"Why not?" replied the chemist, not
in the least embarred at_the unexpect-
ed sally. "You shall see for your -
elf." So saying he left the room, and
returned in a few minutes leading by
the hand - his wife.
Is the best, r'ei r edy
known for st burn,l
beat. '•rashes, 'eczema'
.,_:'sore feet, stings'"at
t diasters, A Skill food l .
411 Drugslats and , teras Zb0`.,
A party of explorers now at Moose
Factory report having found gold,
rubies, garnets, and at least one dia-
mond in the river while on their way
to that point. "I feel satisfied," says
one of these explorers, "that within
the next two years the Missanabie
River (commonly known as the Moose
River) will be lined with mining men.
There are some good reports of the
Whale and East Bain River districts.
One report is that a diamond wasfound
in the East Main River valued at $76,-
0!o and many smaller ones of less
value. Another report is that two men
on the Whale River panned out ';;60 of
gold in half a day, and so on.
Mxs.Wrxstow's SooT$ING Sfaun bas been
used for over SIXTY YEARS by MII,I,IONS of
is the best remedy for DIARRII EA. It is ab.
solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for"Mrs.
Winstow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
Every hearth or fireplace in England
was taked in the reign of Charles
Oats contain a larger amount of flesh
and bone forming substances than any
their cereal.
Children Cry
CA S -i” 0 R.I .A
Whistles and His Door Open*.
There is in London a man who sure.,
iy must combine the two charaeteris-.
tics of Iaziness and invention to a Te,,
markable degree. It is his enatom to'
have lals breakfast in bed, anti, burs.;
derma with the trouble of getting out
of bed for the ptupose of unlocking hie'
bedroom door, he has invented a door
which opens to his whistle. He has ark..
complished this somewhat remarkable
feat by means of a simple electromag-
net which draws the bolt when a cur.
rent passes through ib, a platinum point
and a piano 'wire attuned to a certain
note. When this note or one of its dc.;
tared is hounded the wire vibrates in:
response, and this vibration brings it
fit contact with the platinum 'point,
The circuit id thus completes, and s
sensitive relay is brought into opera.
tion.,.-Chice$'6 Tribune. -
• 4, •
imperial Year
Imperial Cadet Review
Cadets from ail the Overseas Dominions.
Exhibits by the Provinces
Dominion Exhibits
Band of Scots Guards
From Buckingham Palace
Paintings of the Year from Europe
Paintings by best Canadian and
American Artists
Imperial Cadet Competition$
Boy Scouts Review
Everythisig in Educational Exhibits
Siege of Delhi
Besses 0' Th' Barn Band
Britain's Best Brass Band
Dragoons' Musical Ride
Industries in Operation
Butter Making Competitions
America's Greatest Live Stock Show
Canada's Biggest Dog Show
America's Prettiest Pussies
Japanese Day Fireworks
Motor Boat Races
Hippodrome and Circus
Four Stages and Arena all going
Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
Athletic Sports
Ten Band Concerts Daily
Acres of Manufactures
Imperial Fireworks --60 Numbers
Aug. 24 1912 Sept. 9
[Somerville Journal.)
He's big, and strong, and manly
As any man could be,
His heart is full of courage,
As anyone can see.
If fate should be against him,
He'd battle unto death,
And never give up fighting
Until his final breath.
He's .bold and lion-hearted,
He's ignorant of fear,
He has no dread of danger,
Although it may be near.
And still, for what I tell you
Perhaps you are prepared;
He knows a five-foot maiden,
And she has got him scared!
The Egyptian Government has begun
one of toe most costly and comprehen-
sive drainage projects for the reclama-
tion df lands ever attempted by any
government in the world.. Its object is
I to make cultivable 1,000,000 acres of
fertile land in the delta of lower Egypt.
It is estimated that the work will re-
quire four years and $15,000,000 will be
required for drainage, a like
q g ,and amount
for irrigation. Ninety per cent. of the
land redeemed will be owned by the
Government. The principal object of the
project is to redeem a fertile, but now
worthless region of the delta under dot -
ton cultivation.
One of the common ailments that
hard-working people are afflicted with
is lame back. Apply Chamberlain's
Liniment twice a day and massage the
parts thoroughly at each application,
and you will get quick relief. For sale
by all druggists.
A recent supreme court decision will
no doubt, as an exchange remarks, re-
sult in the death of many vicious dogs.
The„decision was in a case where action
had been brought to recover damages
from the owner of a dog that barked
and frightened the plaf tiff's . horse.
The plaintiff was thrown and injured,
and brought suit for $1,500 damages.
The jury gave him a verdict for that
amount,•and the owner of the dog ap-
pealed to the supreme court. The su-
preme court confirmed the verdict, and
says in strong words that the owners
of barking and vicious dogs are respon-
sible for all damage caused by such
dugs, and that the owners keep them
at their own peril.
A live representative for
and surrounding District to sell
high-class stock for
More fruit trees will be planted
in the Vali Of 1911 and Spring of
1:112 than ever before in the history
of Ontario,
Che orchard of the future will be
the best paying part of the farm,
We teach our men Salesmanship,
Tree Culture and how big profits in
fruit growing can be made.
Pay weekly, permanent employ.
nlent, exclusive territory. Write
for particulars.
General Gassaway Saw the Great Man
In a Comic; Situation.
A correspondent favors as with this
unpublished anecdote about George
Washington, obtained from a manu-
seript nutobtograpby:
"In the spriug of 1814 I fell in corrm
pany with General Louis Gassaway at
Anuapolls, Md., then clerk of the dig -
Wet court, by whom a was informed
that to the Revolutionary war be was
an aid•de-camp to Washiugteth 1 will
!et General tiassaway relate the anec-
dote himself:
"'In the winter of 1779 and 1780,
ealted the "bard winter," the American
army went into winter quarters at
Morristown, N. .1. General Washing-
ton and Ills staff had their 'headquar-
ters at the fart.•ahouse of one Gabriel
Ford, a targe and convenient estab-
lishment, One severely cold night,
about 2 o'clock, there was an unusual
bustle at headquarters. 1 lodged be•
low on the first floor and soon learned
the CAUS0 of the stir. General Wash-
ington ran to the bead of the stairs In
Ills night dress with a pistol in each
hand and called to ane to know the
cause of the uproar.
" "A soldier on guard, sir, has been
frozen at his post and brought into
" "See that the poor fellow is well
eared for and change the guard every
hour," was the humane reply.
"'To see a man six feet high in bis
night clothes with a pistol in each
hand for a slight alarm of the night
+guard bordered so near on the ludicrous•
that 1 could not easily keep my equa-
nimity to answer the great general of
the American army with becoming re-
spect.' "-Army and Navy Journal.
It Will Help to Fortify Your System
Against Serious illness.
There is a saying, much wiser and
cheaper than It seems at first glance,
to the effect that "you won't get sick
if you keep well." it is a bait jesting
way of setting forth a profound truth.
The rises and exposures or life are
$o many and so insidious that they
cannot be escaped. The only hope of
passing through them unharmed Is to
keep the body so strong and sound
that It can defend itself against the
diseases which are constantly lying in
wait for the unguarded and the weak.
It is a mere commonplace to say
that one man will take exactly the
same course and -face precisely the
same risks that another man finds
fatal and go 'entirely unscathed. Some-
times It is a difference born in the two
orguuisms, but often it is the result
of different living and different condi-
tions In respect to strength and health.
If the body Is maintained at a high
state of efficiency and if care istaken
to overcome and correct the little dis-
orders and signs of trouble as soon as
they appear there is not much danger
of n serious illness. The small pre-
cautions and the constant toning up of
the body by exercise, fresh air, sen-
sible eating and drinking and absten-
tion from all excesses and follies ward
off prolonged and often desperate
struggles against disease.
It Is the principle of the old adage,
"A stitch in time saves nine." The
same rule applies to the care of health.
-Cleveland Leader.
The House of Lords.
The house of lords was composed
chiefly of clerics until the time •of Ed-
ward II1. Thus in 1205 the peers were
ninety spiritual and forty-nine lay
members, including twenty archbish-
ops and bishops, sixty-seven abbots
and priors and three master's of or-
ders. Many clerical dignitaries sum-
moned did not attend at Westminster,
refusing to recognize the authority of
parliament over their own convoca-
tions of Canterbury and York. It was
partly from this cause that the lords
spiritual decreased in number until
early in the reign of Edward III, the
upper house consisted of eighty-six lay
and only forty-five clerical peers, while
during 'Elizabeth's parliament there
were forty-three and twenty-six respec-
tively. --London Standard.
Smallest Books.
The smallest book in the world teas
made In Italy. It Is not mach larger
than a man's thumb nail. It is four -
tenths of an inch in length; a quarter
of an inch in width and contains 208
pages, each with nine lines and from
05 to 100 letters. The text consists of
a letter written by the Inventor of the
pendulum clock to time. Christine of
Lorraine in 1615.
The next smallest book is au edition
of the "Divine Comedy" o2 Dante. This
Is selnething Iess than an Inch wide,
with type so small theft a microscope
le needed to read it.
bars to Happiness.
"Now that you've made your pile I
suppose you're happy'!"
"No. Mother won't lame see any
Show I wanter, daughter won't leinnie
'wear anything 1,wanter, and Mae doc-
tor 'won't lemne eat anything 1
`wanter."--Washington Herald.
Looking Ahad,
Village Policeman (who has looked
up his quarrelsome wife) -here, I
shall have a Tittle pewee nowt Bet
how about tomorrow, when I let ber
out? -'Pi lfegende Blatter.
Same $ Old Story.
She --Bost did they ever coma to
marry? Yie--Oil, it's the same old
story. Started out to be good friend,!,
eou know, tend utter on changed their
minds. --Puck.
Ile igiiol ante thy enoteb Where 'Ilydot tl•
edge leads to was jlleAttie, _ '
+•++.+'r�++0a+++o++o41PO+4o�av,4 >e 0044Z.10ua�t400+4.0+4dso.0*.
• • SEPTEMBER 6th TO 14th, 1912 2e
♦ +.
London's Great Exhibition t
vLiberal Prizes Instructive Exhibits o
o° Speed Events each Day
t New Art Building filled with Magnificent Paintir• gs. e
+ — a
p Programme Twice Daily. Live Stock Parade Daily e
' of Cheltenham, Bngiand. One of the greatest Brass Bands in o
p the World, and several others. P
The Midway better than ever.
Fireworks eaeli evening.
SINGLE FARE _ RATES over all railroads
from Kingston to Detroit. e
e Spceial Excursion Days, Sept. 10th, 12th, 13th. . e
• Prize Lists and all information from g
4, 40
W. J. REID, President. A. M, HUNT, Secretary.
,: 9O: ,.. dy/O/b4•14./400<'+4.eP.!3••4'®/m/
Mr. W. S. Gunsalus, a farmer living
near Fleming, Pa., says he has used
Chamberlain's Cholic, Cholera, and
Diarrhoea Remedy in his family for
fourteen years, and that he has found
it to be an excellent remedy, and takes
pleasure in recommending it. For sale
by all dealers.
It's easy to get along with some people
if you can conceal ycur opinion of them.
"A machine for cleaning banknotes
has, after a long trial, been finall adopt-
ed in the United States, and is now in
active use. By its means the bank-
notes are washed and re -rolled," says
Westminster. "Thus the Government
avoids continually replacing old notes
by net: ones. The innovation is said to
result in a net saving of half a million
dollars a year. The machine has a ca-
pacity of 25,000 banknotes per diens.
Subscribe For The
Times $1,00
a Year
We have put -in our office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and can supply your wants in
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices.
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
when in need of
Or anything you may recquire:in the printing Iine.
Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
The Tinies Office
Winghain, - Ont.