HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-08-15, Page 1THE- WINGHAM TIMES.
VOL, XLx.--NO, 2115.
Demonstration of
The Celebrated
Durham Duplex
While they last. Don't
miss this chance
• - ».• +-•
J. W. McKibbon
Druggist and Optician
Eyesight Tested Free
C. N. Griffin
J nsurance
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
OMoe over Maleolm's Grocery.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Odd Fellows in Hamilton.
The annual mee ing of the Grand
Encampment and tl e Grand Lodge of
the Independent Or er of Odcl Fellows
are being held in H milton this week.
Mr. John F. Grov s is representing
Minerva Encampme t and Messrs Jos.
Guest and H. B. El ott are represent-
ing Maitland Lodge
Girls wanted at the National Hotel
at once.
Indian Poe
Miss Pauline Jot
poetess, is dying at,
Vancouver, and an a
for funds to "keel
Copies of her latest
graph signature, ma
from the hospital ad
make a deserving
good Canadian, wh
ess Dying.
nston, the Indian
ute St. Hospital,
peal is being made
the wolf away".
book, with auto-
s be obtained for $2
ress, and this would
tribute to a Loyal,
is in need.
Buttermilk for sale at the Creamery
Kent block.
Christie's Grocery
White Wine, Cider and Malt
Every drop of Vinegar we sell is of
the Highest Test. .Our White
Wine and Cider are Canada's
best production, and our Malt
Vinegar is imported. White
Wine and Cider per
gallon 40e.
See South Window for the latest
in Stock Pattelrns
It pays to use good spice. As in
previous years we've bought noth-
ing but the very choicest. In
several lines the grade of Spice
is much above the usual
Whole Mixed Spice
Celery Seed
Mustard Seed
Wh, and Gr. Mace
Wh. and Gr. Pepper
Wh. and Gr. All Spice
Wh. and Gr. Ginger
Wh. and Gr. Clover
And also the 13I ST of ENGLISH
MUSTARD in 13ulk.
Spent Ple
The Lord Cho
scouts, of Winghat111ll11
R. E. N. Barron, k
ing here for the p
Mr. Robert Frase
beach, returned ho
were a well behav
boys, and report h
ing. -Kincardine
sant Times.
les Beresford boy
i, in charge of Mr.
o have been eamp-
t two weeks below
's property on the
e on Monday. They
d and manly set of
ving a splendid out-
WANTED. --A good kitchen girl. Ap-
ply at Queen's Hotel.
Presentation( to Dr. Sloan.
Dr. Wm. Sloa
surgeon at the Ce
sented with a Mor
ciates there. The
tirement from the
entation was ma
successor to Dr. Si
Webb, hospital and. surgery assistant.
Warden, in an ad -
ed to Dr. Sloan's
his fifteen years
ill continue hie pri-
is a former well-
uron county, hav-
•ofession for many
for fifteen years
tral Prison was pre -
is chair by his asso-
ecasion was his re-
position. The pres-
by Dr. Jas. Algie,
an, and Mr. Isaac
Dr. J. T. Gilmour,
dress briefly refe
good work durin
there. Dr. Sloan
vote practice. H
known resident of
ing practiced his
years at Blyth.
Well digging, cl
promptly done by
Wm. Sheridan.
Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8
Brother D ed in Wed.
Mr. Albert Fle ing has received
word of the death 1 Winnipeg General
Hospital on July th, of his brother,
Mr. Alexander Fle ing, aged 57 years.
The deceased bac a large farm near
Adair, Sask. and hen he was taken ill
was removed to t Hospital at Winni-
peg. He was a n tive of Smith Falls
and went West prior to 1885. Mr.
Fleming is survi ed by his wife, one
son and one daug ter.
select from at lowest prices.
Moving P cture Show.
The moving pic ure show has been
thoroughly renno ated and will open in
a few days unde good management.
The pictures will be of an interesting
and instructive nature. The town
power will be u which will give a
much -more stea y and brighter picture
than before, T e admission will be 5c
except special fi s. The show will
probably open wi , the Titanic Disaster.
ning, and repairing
John McLeod and
• Immigrati
During the mor-
30, of the curre
immigrants arrive
number 121,998 ar
and 63,343 from
These figures sho
teen per cent. as c
for the correspon
fiscal year, which
ports and 43,802 f
making a total for
to June 30, 1911
the month of Jun
n Figures.
s, April 1 to June
fiscal year 175,341
in Canada, Of this
ived at ocean ports
the United States.
an increase of fif-
mpared with those
ing months of last
ere 109,316 at ocean
m the United States
the months, April 1
of 153,118. During
this year there were
45,888 arrivals, 32, 40 of them having
been at ocean poi s and 13,748 from
the United States, s against 40,008 for
June last year, 27, 3 of whom were at
ocean ports and 12 35 from the United
Woman's stitute Picnic.
The TIMES in s
error last week i
an's Institute pic
be held in the gr
Currie's farm, 1
Wawanosh, this
August 1611. A
stitute and ladie
are requested to
livery office not
The picnic this y
me manner made an
the date of the Wom-
ic, The picnic will
ve on Mr. John T.
h concession of East
Thursday) afternoon,
members of the In -
interested in the work
eet at Currie Bros.
ater than 1 o'clock.
.ar promises to be well
WANTED. -Two bright, smart young
men to learn the upholstering. Apply
to WALKER & CLEGG, Wingham.
One dining room
girl wanted at once
employment. App
Hotel, Wingham,
iri and one upstair
good wages; steady
at King Edward
Has ball Match.
On Saturda afternoon last the
Bankers and t Foundry teams played
a game of bas all on the park which
was won by th Bankers by a score of
9 to 8.
Postage Sta s in Rolls.
Word was receive last week by the
Canadian Manufact firers' Association
that the Post Office Department has
agreed to issue stem in one and two
cent denominations hi the rolls as well
as in sheet form, There will be five
hundred in a roll and an extra charge
of six cents per roll will be made to
anufaeture. This
oom to industrial
s the saving of time
f pilfering. The
ment is due to re -
ions made by the
urers' Association
e available about
cover the cost of n
will prove a great 1
firms both as regari
and the prevention
action of the Depar
peated representa
Canadian Manufac
The new rolls will
the first of Septem er.
WANTED. -A yo g man as Porter.
Apply at the Q n's Hoteh
Auction ale of Furniture,
Mr. John Ja
sale of househ
sidence, Minn
Methodist. Chu
ust 24th comm
furniture is al
of it is nearly
be the auetio
cson will hold an auction
d furniture at his re -
street, opposite the
eh, on Saturday, Aug-
ncing at 2 o'clock, The
high-class and a portion
ew. F. McConnell will
To RENT. -
house in goo
water. Opp
Town Plot.
ood seven -roomed brick
condition, hard and soft
site John Agnew's in
pply to
There is a
terests of We
expected will
course of sev
will involue s
combined capi
at $2,50,000,
ger is to plac
basis which w
pete with the
'ling Merger,
erger of the milling in-
tern Ontario, which it is
be consummated in the
al months. The merger
me fifty concerns, the
al of which is estimated
The object of the mer -
the Ontario millers on a
i enable them to com-
arge companies of Can -
Prominent ouple Wed.
At Very Low Rates --Aug. 11, 12,13, 14
From rill stations in Canada east of
and including Port Arthur, to Carouna,
Que., Charlottetown, P. E. L, Halifax,
N. S., Murray Bay, Que, Old Orchard,
Me., Portland, Me., St. John, N. B.,
Sydney, N. S., etc. Return limit Aug.
31st, 1912.
The Canadian Pacific has inaugurated
fast train service with through sleeping
cars between Montreal, Portland, Old
Orchard Beach, Kennebunkport, Me.,
also' between Montreal and St. Andrew -
by -the -See, affording every comfort to
the most fastidious traveler. Connect-
ions with these trains can be made by
leaving Toronto at 9.00 a.m. and 10.80
p.m. from Union Depot and 10.00 p.m.
daily from North Toronto. Full partic-
ulars, tickets, reservations, etc., at any
C. P. R. ticket ofli.ce.` 4 -Y
The following is
Wis. Herald: -"A
was solemnized at
day, August 6th, a
and Mrs. J. L. He
daughter, Miss Z.
marriage to Mr. T
Both of the con'
well known and hi
people of this vill
whose father is o
chants, having be -
schools, while the
pastor of a iota
twelve o'clock, to
delssohn's weddin
the violin by Miss
panted by Mrs. Ro
piano, the bride
on the arm of hei
ceded by the m
Clarissa Heffern:
by the groom and
Clark Householde
arch, where, bef•
the wedding sery
A. F. Fredericks
vice being used,
very dainty gow
ehene over Ines
shower bouquet
maid of honor wa
carried a sheaf of
nations. After t
ding breakfast wa
roam which had be
the pink and white
carried out. Two
pupils, Sadie Vog:
acted as waiting m
tion of Mrs. Wrigh
tied couple were h•
from the town ban
left on the afternoc
ham, the groom's
other Canadian poii
a travelling gown c
to match. Mr, a
will be at home afj
Verge, Wis. wher
been engaged as
School for nex
matrimonial care
happy and prospe
of a host of friends.
WANTED, --A young woman, and a
young man to learn the dry goods bus-
iness. Send appllcations in own hand
writing, stating salary wanted, to Box
207, Wingham Post Office.
The death o
of her son, Mr
street, of Mar
the late Magn
other of the of
Mrs. Louttit A
was born in th
early life cam
husband and'
many years o
East Wawan
Wingham for
was held in
large circle of
took place on T
Wingham ceme
from Wilton,
ery pretty wedding
igh noon on Tues -
the home of Mr.
ernan, when their
11a, was united in
Edgar Henderson.
ratting parties are
hly esteemed young
ge, Miss Heffernan
e of our leading mer -
n a teacher in our
groom was a former
church. At exactly
he strains of Men
march played on
nez Cutland accom-
s F, Wright on the
escended the stairs
father, being pre -
id of honor, Miss
. They were met
groomsman, Mr. J.
at the wide library
re a bank of ferns,
ce was read by Rev.
the double ring ser -
The bride wore a
of lavender crepe de
aline and carried a
of bridal roses; the
gowned in white and
pink and white car -
ceremony a wed -
served in the dining
n daintily decorated
color scheme being
f the bride's former
and Pearl Krantz
ids under the diree-
The newly mar-
ored by a serenade
after which they
n train for Wing -
farmer home, and
ts. The bride wore
tan silk with hat
d Mrs. Henderson
er Sept, lot in La
Mr. Henderson has
rrneipal of the High
year. That their
r may prove a most
ous one is the wish
of Mrs. Louttit.
Sunday last at the home
John Louttit, Josephine
aret Garrick, relict of
s Louttit, removes an -
pioneers of this section.
as in her 82nd year and
Orkney Islands and in
to Canada. With her
amily she resided far
the 10th concession of
h. She has resided in
number of years. She
ry high esteem by a
friends. The funeral
esday afternoon to the
Dr. J. P. Kenn y was in Toronto on
business last wee
Miss Kathleen lackhall is visiting
her uncle, Mr. L. ennedy.
Miss Emily Man returned home this
week after spend ng her holidays in
Thos. Evans, V. ., of Ottawa spent
a few days this w ek with Wingham
Miss Agnes W lker has returned
home after spendipg her holidays in
Mr. E. W. Orvis
spending a few day
near. W hitby.
Miss Neta Huffm
Toronto where she
linery openings,
Miss Irene VanN
her holidays with
Buffalo and Milton.
Miss Margaret St
week after spendin
Wing I jsIn Fall Fair.
The Director , are completing ar-
rangements for the Wingham fall fair
which will be helck on September 2Gth
and 27th. Mr. Chlis. Knechtel is this
year giving speciallprizes for the best
yearling colts in heavy draught, agri-
cultural and general purpose classes.
r will be judged ae-
hat a heavy draught
The colts this ye
cording to class so
will have no advankage over a general
purpose colt. There will be three priz-
es. Mr. Knechtel, will also give a spe-
best halter -broken
three heavy classes.
n reference to above
en on large and small
meantime get your
er special prizes and
be announced in the
tial prize for t
colt in any of th
Full particulars
prizes will be gi'
bills, but in th.
colts ready. 0
attractions will
near future.
To let for the
a nieely situated1
Kincardine beach
ply to Mrs. Bisho
of Turnberry, is
at his old home
left this week for
11 attend the mil-
rman is spending
lends in Toronto,
ele returned this
her holidays at
her home near Tees ater.
Mrs. W. J. Greer will receive for the
first time on the afternoon and evening
of Thursday, August 13th.
Misses Edythe Irving and Jean Mac-
Kenzie visited with friends in Wingham
this week.-Lucknow Sentinel.
Miss Ethel Tipling who has been
visiting with relatives in Cleveland,
Ohio, returned hom this week.
Miss Jean Stewa t has returned to
Toronto after spe ding the past few
weeks with friends in Wingham.
alance of the season,
ottage, furnished, at
• For particulars ap-
, Kincardine P. 0.
Mrs. James Cow
Miss Cowan of Ed
ited with Dr, M. C.
Mr. J. W. Pattis.
was visiting for a
parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Kenne
returned home fro
they have been spe
Junior M triculation.
The list below c ntains the names of
Huron county candidates who were suc-
cessful in whole or in part on the pass
junior matriculation examination. Nor-
mal entrance candidates who were also
candidates for matriculation have been
considered in the results.
Group A -J. M. A
W.P. Buchanan, G.
H,S, Campbell, R. Dewar, E.M. D .:
on, T. H. Dick, V.B. burmin, IVI,M,
er, R.R. Forbes, J. Gillespie, 3. Gowen
ock, M. Habkirk, E. Hammett, R. 3,
Irwin, A. F. King, IsI. A. Knight, E. M.
Lyon, M.M. Mair, J.1 McClinton, M. Mc-
Gregor, M.E. 3leKiriley, V.J. McLaugh-
lin, H. Middleton, G. Muir, P. Muir, H.
M. Nichols, S. Fettle, F.A. Ross, E,H.
. G. Sloman, G. E.
enson, H. C. Turn-
eir, R. J. Wiggins,
E. R. Case, J, I -I.
nd, E. B. Harris,
hns, C. I. Kennedy
eKay, J. A. Me -
am, A, E. Shaw,
:ills, D. V. Tiernay
rrie, I3. C, Dore,
ggarth, C Holmes,
Linklater, W.W.
, A. R. Wells,
kenhead, 3. C. Bell,
. Case, C.M. Clarke
n of Seaforth and
onton, Alberta vis -
'alder over Sunday.
n, of Port Elgin
w days with his
s, W. J. Pattison.
y and family have
Kincardine, where
ding the summer,
Mr. and Mrs. T.
Wilton, Wis., are s
with relatives and fr
gar Henderson of
nding a few days
fids in Wingham.
Students who i tend to proceed to
the Normal school are earnestly re-
quested to review their junior work.
Special attention wi 1 be paid at Norm-
al to their proficien y in this work.
Students who we required to take
the High School Su plementary Exam-
ation for promotion re again remind-
ed that time should e taken for prep-
aration. These exa inations will be
held in the first weel in September. ,
The Departments Certificates for
Forms III and IV a expected to ar-
rive this week.
Students who inte d to enter Form
IV aro requested to otify the Princi-
pal as soon as possib e so.that arrange-
ments may be ma e for text -books,
classes, etc.
All who intend o enter the High
School are urged to e present on the
opening day. The early work in all
the classes is most mportant and ow-
ing to the amount o work to be cover-
ed in the term, classes missed at the
cannot as a rule be
Mrs, Alex. Young and son Gordon,
are spending a mont s vacation with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Young, of Toron-
Miss Eva Greer, w
ing for a few weeks
Mr. H. 13. Elliott, le.
for Toronto.
Mr. Paul Pugh, of
ilton, Lucknow, spe
holidays with his pa
Joseph Pugh.
Mr. A. E. Brad' in, of the North
Star, Parry Sound v as visiting for over i JL'N1c+I: SSATF.ICi L
Sunday with his pa nts, Mr. and Mrs. ! Complete Junior 3
J. E. Bradwin. ( Buchanan, Edna D
Mr. Hey, of In •rsoll, is relieving g Laughlin. Geo. Muir 31r. L.F. Binkley, 1 cal+manager of the Nicholls.
Bell Telephone Co., who is off on two The following pa
weeks' holidays.
Scott, J.R. Scott,
Sloman. G. E. Step
er, M.I. Tom, G. C,
Group C --•N. Am ,
Finleon, G. R. Hari
M. 0. Irwin, L. V. J
R. W. Levy, H. H.
Burney, H. E. Pri
M. A. Shipley, G. J.
T. E. Torrarice, 0,
Group D -C. G.
G. W Geddes, B.C.
P.A. Kneehtel, )J.
Moffatt, A. Wallac
Dr. David Rob
Halton, and some
sentative in the L
denly at Nelson, 13
to has been visit -
at the home of
t on Friday last
he Bank of Ham -
t a portion of his
ents, Mr. and Mrs.
opening of the term
overtaken during tsession and may
mean failure in the end.
The Principal, Mr. J.C. Smith, B,A.,
left this week for a short holiday.
Communication may be addressed to
him at 42 Main Stcl, Kingston.
The High Scho I Board have begun
the decoration of the interior of the
school and the class -rooms and halls'
will be very attr 'ctive.
The following prizes have been
awarded on the i+esults of the recent
Departmental Examinations: -
Form II -A prize of $5 given by Mr,
J. G. Workman far the highest aggre-
gate -Miss Helena Welwood.
Form III -A prize of $5 given by Mr.
A. Cosens for the \highest aggregate -
Miss Vernal. McLaughlin.
Fenn 1II-A prize of $5 given by
Mr. D. Holmes for the highest aggre-
gate in Mathematics -Miss Verna J.
Form IV -A prize
A. J. Irwin for the
in either Part I or P
These prizes will be distributed at a
public meeting of t ° Literary Society
early next term.
Stewart McKerch r who wrote on
the Honor Matricul tion Examination
captured the Leitch Memorial Scholar-
ship, No. 1, Queen's University, value
$165, with the Ho or of Williamson
Schoolarship. Ne. ', value $I60, which
was awarded by rev r§ion to Miss Mar-
garet M. O'Neill, V nkleek Hill.
ekson, Verna Mc -
Peter Muir, Nellie
of $10 given by Dr.
Ighest aggregate
rt II -Ernest W.
Mr. Jas. Stein,
Sask. was visiting
his father, Mr. Jo
relatives and friends
Messrs. J. E. Swa
B. Doyle and A. M.
Kincardine on Thurs
funeral of the late
of Yellow Grass,
r a few days with
Stein and other obtain complete 3
standing: -Harry ]pore, Ernest Link-
ts, John Putland,
rawford were in
ay attending the
m. Brick.
Mrs. E. H. Kaiser
and Della Kaiser, of
A. J. M. Helm, of
visiting with Wingh.
tson, Registrar of
ears ago its repre-
islature, died sud-
obtain complete Ju
standing: -Cora Curie, Wilson Geddes,
Andrew Wallace.
The following pa
Our Clearing Sale of Summer Foot-
wear is a Family Affair, because
its of interest to every um mber
of every family. It's time for
you to BUY and it's also the
time for us to sell.
Men's, Women's, Boys',
Girls' and Infants' Shoes,
Oxfords, Pomps, and
Footwear of all kinds.
sed in French to
for Matriculation
sed in German to
nior Matriculation
later, Will Moffat.,
Pharmacy Mat•iculation: - Allan
Partial Matricu ation:-Oneidalrwin,
and Misses Orra Lizzie Johns, Ir ma Kennedy, Adam
tratford and Mrs. McBurney, Arth r Shaw.
Cranbrook, were --- - - ---------
friends for over
This is a shoe opportunity that does
not come your way every day,
Mr. Brechin, of the Bank of Montreal,
Toronto, with Mrs. Brechin and Mr.
and Mrs. Howitt and amfly, of Hullett,
are visiting with 14 r. and 31rs. Geo.
Mr. H. F. Constabl , who is working
in the interests of th Canadian Order
of Foresters in the 4 est, is spending a
portion of his holidaywith old friends
in Wingham.
Mrs. Calder of Cal ary, Alberta who
has been visiting w th her daughter
Dr. M. C. Calder, le t for the West
on Wednesday after oon. Mrs. Cald-
er will visit with rel tives in Iowa and
Minnesota before ret ening home,
Mr, Percy Kerr 1
Toronto where he is
with the Robt. Simp
is a bright young ma
experience in the dry
should do well inhis
TIMES joins with ni
ing him success in h
ft this week for
taking a position
on Co. Mr. Kerr
with several years
goods business and
ew position. The
ny friends in wish -
s new home.
Miss Mary L. C+wan of Seaforth,
who has been visiti g with her cousin
Dr. Margaret C. Calder during the
holidays was succe sful in securing the
Edward Blake S • iolarship in Math-
ematics and Scie ce, at the recent
Junior Matriculat' n Examination at
Toronto Univers- . Miss Cowan in-
tbnds entering To •onto University this
fall, and taking t a combined course in
Arts and Medicin
Two former B
and heart at the
July 30th, whe
pronounced the If
Hingston, of Oul
Airlie, daughter
McMillan. of 1
wife. The yo
attended and wil
Outlook. The
operator at Moo
the initial steps
resulting in the
is a brother of 1
this town.
See us for Trunks and
Sole Agent.
in Saskatoon.
usselites joined hand
manse, Saskatoon, on
Rev. C. W. Clark,
ords that made Chas.
look, Sask., and Miss
of George and Mrs.
ussels, husband and
ng couple were un-
make their home at
ide was a telephone
e Jaw but years ago
ere taken at Brussels
arriage. The groom
r. A. J. Hingston of
Prices 0
The following
show how the cos
Article Ju
Creamery prints
Fall wheat
It will thus be
farm produce is s
the farmer is eon
cost of food stuff
the mechanics an
Living Soar.
•hedule of prices will
of living soars:
y 1911 July 1912
12 131-0
2231 25
19 23
44 50
83 $1.06
X1.80 8.25
7.00 10.00
6.05 7.130
en that the price of
tisfactory so far as
rued, but this high
is telling hard upon
day laborers.
Tommy Blues,
at Seaforth rifle
1y shot dead,
The re -action has already begun,
and the farms of Old Ontario are
more in demand than for some years,
shrewd investors from Britain and
the United States are seeing the
advantages of the settled portions
of this Province over the somewhat
doubtful circumstances of the West.
We offer this week one of the
finest farms in Huron County, only
a mile from a good market, school,
churches, stores, blacksmith shop,
etc. The farm contains 100 acres
with up-to-date buildings, good
fences, fine orchard and in a high
state of cultivation. Will be sold
or exchanged for a Iarger farm in a
good Ioeality. Particulars to men
meaning business.
Rtchie 86 Covens
W. R. Hambly, B.Sc., M.D., C B1.
Winghann, Ontario.
Sneeial attention paid to diseases of n•emen
and children, having taken post gradt ate
work in Surgery, Barteriology and .ricientitie
Ot31ee in the herr residence. between the
Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church.
1.11 business given careful attention.
Phone 54 P. 0. Box Ile.
boy who was scoring
utts, was accidental -
Brussels October 3-4
Blyth .......... .... Octocer 1-2
Fordwich ............... October
London , September 0-14
Seaforth ,.September 19-20
Toronto , . Aug. 24 -Sept. 9
Wingham.. .September 20-27
Zurich........... September 18-19
Atwood ... ......September 19-20
Ripley . September 24-25
Teaswater October 3-4
Thousands at ambitious young people
are instructed in their homes b
College if you desire. Pad when•
ever you wish. Thirty Years Exper-
ience. Largest trainers in Canada.
Enter any day. Positions guaranteed.
If yen
t wish to save hoard and barn
while you earn, Write for particulars.
Winghetn Business Calleg
GEO. SPOTTON, President