HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-08-08, Page 1THE WINCiHAM TIMES.
VOL. XLI,--NO.2114.
Vacation time is here. A Kodak
or Brownie Camera will help
you to enjoy it.
Folding Brownies
$5,00 Camea takes picture 2 x
31 inches.
$7,00 Camera takes picture 2' x
41 inches.
$10.00 Camera takes picture 3
x 57; inches.
Box Brownie Cameras
At $2.00, $3,00 and $4.00.
We develop films promptly 15e
per spool. Catalogues free to any
1 one interested.
Ji. W. McKibbon
Druggist and Optician
We Fit Glasses that will relieve
Eye Strain and cure
C. N.
Coupled with
Issuer of
Marriage Licenses.
Office over Malcolm's Grooery.
' , H. DAVIS
Agent for
Allan Line '
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
Christie's Grocery
We Specialize in Teas
Good Goods . Prices Hight
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers,
Isard's Semi-#.nnual Sale.
H. E. Isard & C
semi-annual sale an.
being offered in
clothing, furnishir
Read large advt. of
are holding their
big bargains are
eneral dry goods,
gs, groceries, etc.
page five for full
Girls wanted at the National Hotel
at once.
Old Canad
To reduce pounds
to dollars and cents,
by 400, the shilling
hings in the given
by 5-12. Reason,
cents; farthing, 5-
n Money,
shillings and pence
multiply the pounds
by 20 and the fart-
ence and farthings
ound-$4; shilling -20
of a cent.
Buttermilk for sale at the Creamery
Kent block.
The popular
Women's Institu
grove on Mr. Joh
concession of I
, Thursday, Aiigu
and ladies intere
meet at Currie's
p. m. sharp. Th
always been tho
members and f
and this year's
well attended.
stitute Picnic.
nual picnic of the
will be held at the
T. Currie's farm, 12th
ast Wawanosh, on
t 8th. All members
ted are requested to
ivery barn at 1 o'clock
s annual outing has
oughly enjoyed by the
fends of the Institute
luting promises to be
select from at lowest prices.
Death of Wi
There passed
Sunday afternoon
son, in his 2lstye
a son ofithe late
Belgrave and ha
for some time.
highly esteemed i
had resided near]
mains were taker.
funeral took place
from the resident
Harvey Watson to
ie A. Watson.
way in Wingham on
last, Willie A. Wat-
r. The deceased was
William Watson, of
been in poor health
fe was ayoungman
Belgrave where he
all his life. The re-
to-Belgrave and the
n Tuesday afternoon
of his brother, Mr.
randon cemetery.
WANTED.—Two bright, smart young
men to learn the upholstering. Apply
to WALKER & CLEGG, Wingham.
Going to I�
The School Board
services offMiss Pe
Wingham, to take 1
Davidson, who resig
be $700. Miss McPh,
recommended and wi
fications Such as 1s
Faculty, etc. We tri
hi her department an
in Brussels.—Brussel
Pherson is a•daughte
D. McPherson and ti
best wishes to the yc
cess in her work at
has engaged -the
1 McPherson, of
e place of Miss
ed. Salary will
rson comes highly
th excellent quali-
class certificate,
st she will do well
enjoy her stay
Post. Miss Mc -
of Mr. and Mrs.
TIMES extends
ng lady for suc-
WANTED.—A good kitchen girl. Ap-
ply at Queen's Hotel.
Rural School alary Grant.
In 1911 and fo er years the De-
partment of Educat on paid 40 per cent.
of rural school sal ries of Principals
over $300 and up to 600, the maximum
being.$120; and for assistance, 40 per
cent. of salary fro from $200 up to
$600, gaving a max um of $160. For
1912 the 40 per ce . will be paid on
salary of Princip s over $350 up to
$600, and for assi ants over $250 up
to $600, making th maximus $100 and
$140 respectively, eing a reduction of
$20 for every teat er in salary grant.
Well digging, cleaning, and repairing
promptly done by John McLeod and
Wm. Sheridan.
Fight Agains
According to sta
the Provincial Reg
progress is being
against tuberculosi
were 2,353 deaths fi
Ontario, which is in
100,000 of population
ber of deaths for the1
84,235, making the c
of death in 6 per cent.
is the lowest ratio in
the exception of 1910
2,291 deaths from th
years ago the numb
consumption was 2,
the ratio of 127 per
tion and about 10 p
number of deaths
istics compiled by
itrar-General some
made• in the fight
In 1911 there
m tuberculosis in
he ratio of 93 per
The total num-
same period was
ntributory cause
of the total. This
hirty years with
when there were
s disease. Thirty
r of deaths from
46, which was in
100,000 of popula-
r cent, of the total
or the year.
One dining room girl fid one upstair
girl wanted at one ; g d wages; steady
employment. Ap at King Edward
Hotel, Wingham, nt.
Read W11110 & Co.'s adv. on 'page 8
The annual unio Sunday School ex-
cursion to Kincard ne on Thursday last
was well attended At Wingham there
were 883 tickets s id and there was a
good crowd from he different stations
along the line be ween Mitchell and
Kincardine. The eather at the lake
town was ideal a d the excursionists
enjoyed a very p1 • asant day. The Citi-
zens' Band acco panied the excursion-
ists and gave a ood musical program
during the day, A number of small
boats did a gootrade in giving ex-
cursions out o lake. Mitchell and
Kincardine boy • played a game of la-
crosse in which the home players won
by a score of 4 o 2. There was a good
program of foo races for which prizes
were awarded : s follows:—
Girls under 6 H. Lynet, A. Brown,
S. Orr.
Boys under 6 F. Saint, B. Brick, H.
Girls under 8 B. Campbell, C. Ella-
Boys under 8 E. Smith, M. Fem-
Girls under 1 —B. Campbeii; E. Ma-
theson, D. Find
Boys under 1
Girls under 1
A. McGill.
Boys under 15
F. Sturdy.
Special race
Won by F. Ker
Girls under 1
can, B. Murchi
Young men,
Fat boys' rac=-H. Hemplin.
Fat Girls' rac• —B. Jackson, L. Young.
Necktie race, between boys and girls
—Winners for .irls were Miss A. Dun-
can, Miss B. E. die, Miss L. Young.
The boy winner • were F. Groves, F.
Buchanan, F. o. die.
Married woma 's race—Mrs. F. Ful-
ler, Mrs. L. Aw. e.
The fat man's ace was won by Mr.
— D. McPhail, H. Flatt.
M. Hardy, A. Wilson,
F. Brown, E. Switzer,
r boys, 15, running—
by asmall margin.
— B. Eddie, A: Dun -
nder 20—W. Pocock, F.
At the close of
School on Sunda
former teachers
Tents of beautifu
of the officers an.
Mr. F. Buchana
presented Mrs.
half a dozen sil
Mrs. John Hel
knives and forks.
n to Teachers,
the Methodist Sunday
afternoon last, two
ere made the recip-
presents. On behalf
teachers of the school,
, the Superintendent,
lliott Fleming with
er teaspoons and to
half a dozen silver
Death of E zabeth Wilson.
On August 1st,
one of Wingham'
women, Elizabet
Mr. and Mrs.
Street. For seve
in Wingham Publ
past year had bee
lington Public Sc
of the last term
feeling unwell, an
forced to go to
never arose but sl
to day in spite of
could do for her.
days of her illness s
work here below w
she calmly resigned
with that faith and
one of the mark
Christian characte
peacefully at 4.30
1st, surrounded by
to her to whom sh
sages of Christian
life had been spen
endeavour to help
was privileged to
sence will be mar
day by a silent p
the Sunday Schoo
in all of which sh
but energetic wo
the truer and
life's duties and
fastness of purp
lure and to d
place from her
Saturday at 3.30
ing conducted b,
the parting hou •
witness the m
and esteem tha
seen -the many
and, old alike, of
and the silent fi
of the great vac
filled again here
last messages w
and heal the wo
hind and who
though the bo
pain yet the en.
tiara --which pas
launching out o
er in perfect pe
there passed to rest
most esteemed young
Wilson, daughter of
hos. Wilson, Shuter
•al years she taught,
c School, but for the
teaching in the Bur-
ool. Upon the close.
she returned home
in a few days, was
ed from which she
ly sank from day
that medical aid
uring the last few
e realized that her
s about to end and
to await the end
atience which was
features of her
The end came
m. Thursday, Aug.
11 those most dear
left parting mes-
beer and hope. Her
in a long, useful
hose with whom she
associate. Her ab-
ed for many a long
ce in the day school,
and the church choir,
was a faithful, quiet
ker, one gifted with
eeper conceptions of
bligatians and a stead -
se and patience to en -
The funeral took
father's residence on
p. in., the service be -
Rev. D. Perrie. As
came one had but to
ny evidences of love
were but too plainly
dim eyes both in young
friends and relations,
ral tributes all spoke
nay never to be fully
below. Yet her own
11 do much to console
ods of those left be-
Ioved her moat, for
y was torn in mortal
was that of a Chris-
eth all understanding,
er the great dark wat-
The regular month , meeting of the
Town Council was he d on Monday ev-
ening with all the m mbers present and
Mayor Spotton presi ing. Minutes of
previous meeting we eread and approv-
The Executive C, mmittee reported
progress in the matt r of increase of
salary to Wm. Stoke.
The Finance Com ittee recommend-
ed the payment of a number of ac-
counts for the diff rent departments
and on motion of i ouns. Elliott and
Mins; the report of t e Committee was
An account from Wm Guest for
cleaning drain was p esented and on
motion of Couns. Mite ell and Mills it
was ordered that the ccount be paid
when the work is c. pleted to the
satisfaction of the Stre t Committee.
Moved by Couns. Mi . hell and Mills,
that this Council pay t e balance of D.
C. McDonald's wage ac ount for June
and also Wm. Guest's a count of $2 for
work on Charles stree drain. After
discussion the motion w s withdrawn.
Mr. J. L. Awde w : s present and
wished to purchase fro the town a lot
50x60 to the West o the Fire Hall.
The members of Counc i did not think
it wise to dispose of the land.
The matter of a Co .mittee visiting
the Western Foundry' before paying
over amount of loan, was discussed and
it was decided that t e Council as a
whole visit the foun f ry on Tuesday
morning at 9 o'clock a d on motion of
Couns. Ellllott and M Kibbon an ad-
journment was made until Tuesday
The Council met on esday morning
as per motion of adjou nment and the
members went over the works of
the Western Foundry o.. and inspect-
ed the new buildings. Returning to
the Council Chamber it as decided on
motion to have a valuation made on
the new buildings.
On motion of Couns, VanStone and
Bone, Mr. Joseph Hall as appointed
as poundkeeper for the .alance of the
WANTED.—A young woman, and a
young man to learn the dry goods bus-
iness. Send applicajpns in own hand
writing, stating salarSy' wanted, to Box
207, Wingham Post Office.
Marriages at
The marriage ind
continues to show a
thy growth, the ret
Clerk Lusted for th
1912 showing a tota
121 births and 75
proportion of couple
came from the othe
novelty of being ma •
and others for reas
stry in Windsor
exceedingly heal -
ns made by City
second quarter of
of 872 marriages,
aths. The great
united in wedlock
side, some for the
ried."in Canada"
s best known to
To RENT. — Good sev fi-roomed brick
house in good cond. •n, hard and soft
water. Opposite ohn Agnew's in
Town Plot. Apply to
Rev. H. B. Ashb
received the appo
Bishop of Huron to
Rev. Dr. Boyle,
merly of Wingham
Vicar of the An
bourg. Canon Spr
Rev. Mr. Dobso
ducted the servic
Church on Sunda
Rev. D. Perrie wil
next Sunday.
Rev. Dr. Cornish
eral Conference st
that there was a n
the past twelve mo
total membership
Church in Canada i
At a recent mee
tery of Maitland h
call from Alma
Thomas to Rev. W
Ripley, was sustaii
preached his farew
ley on Sunday last.
, of Atwood, has
ntment from the
the parish of Ches-
f Toronto, and for -
has been appointed
ican parish at Co-
gge remains as rec-
, of Fordwich, con-
s in St. Andre' 's
last. The past, r,
take up his v ork
Rev. Early R. M
home is in Palmer
been employed as
ganiaer for the Pr
Saskatchewan, A
Columbia, has rec
ship of $130 from
cal Seminary of
standing at Knox
year. He will
Course in New Yo
Mr. McLean prea
Church, Wingha
the Methodist Gen-
tistician, announces
t increase during
the of 6,62.2. The
of the Methodist
placed at 352,710.
ng of the Presby -
id at Ripley, the
treet Church, St.
A. Bremner, of
ed, Mr. Bremner
11 sermons at Rip;
Lean, B. A., whose
Ston, and who has
Sunday School or-
sbyterian Church in
ierta and British
dived a merit scholar -
he Inion Theologi-
New York for bis
ollege, Toronto, last
oke a post -graduate
k next session. Rev.
hed in St. Andrew's
n, on Sunday, July
Miss Annie Ged4es is visiting with
friends in town.
Miss Mabel Butch r is visiting with
friends in Blyth.
Mr. L. Rush, of oronto, is spending
a Lew days in town.
Mrs. Brock is aw y on a visit with
relatives near St. T omas.
Mr. P. T. Kerr re urned on Tuesday
from a week's visit to Toronto.
Miss Janette Br ek is visiting with
friends in Zurich nd Centralia.
Mr. E. H. Kaise , of Stratford is vis-
ing with old frien s in Wingham.
Miss H. Rose, o Guelph, is visiting
with her friend, iss Ethel King.
Mr. James Day,, of London, is spend-
ing a few days in town this week.
Mr. John Quirk °pnd his son, Mr. John
Quirk are spendink, a week in Cobalt.
Mr. Arnott Bro k of London is spend-
ing his holidays at his parental home.
Miss Jean Blac all was the guest of
Miss Laura Curri$, Willowdale farm.
Mrs. R. B. Moihry, of Toronto is vis-
iting with her friend, Miss M. E. Fish-
Miss Jamima cKenzie was visiting
for a few days ith friends in Harris -
Mrs. Lewis Hi scliffe, of Stratford,
is visiting with er son, Mr. H. Hins-
Mr. Clare A. ams, of Toronto, is
spending his ho *days at his home in
Mr. Jno. Ker visited London, St.
Thomas, Highga a and Ridgetown last
Mr. Thos. Bell, of Southampton was
calling on old ingham friends last
Ms Hazel Jakson, of Clinton, is
visiting with hey friend, Miss Annie
Mr. M. R. Becl with, of Lucknow was
visiting for over unday with his family
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. ash, of Sarnia, are
visiting with old riends in Wingham
this week.
Miss Mabel Mc onald is spending a
few weeks with rflatives and friends
in Detroit.
Rev. G. W. Riv_ifers, of Ripley, called
on some of his Wingham friends the
other evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnston, of
Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
T. J. McLean.
Miss Barber of Listowel, is visiting
at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Brock,
Diagonal street.
Mr. Chas. Quik, of Cobalt, was vis-
iting at his par ntal home in town dur-
ing the past w ek.
Mr. Frank turt has returned to
town after sp nding his holidays at his
home in Hami ton.
Mr. and s. Elliott Fleming, of
Fergus were isiting with relatives dur-
ing the past eek.
Misses Ma garet M. and Florence
Tcabell Pococ are visiting friends in
Lucknow and Ashfield.
Mr. and M
ton are spendi
idson's parent
Ben Davidson of Dray -
g a few days at Mr. Dav-
1 home.
Mr. W. J. •il, of Orangeville was
calling on old friends in Wingham on
Wednesday of ast week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. White of Toronto
are visiting wi Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
White, Josephi e Street.
Mr. Clarenc• Blackhall has returned
to Toronto aft•r spending a few days
with his parent: in town.
Mrs. W. J. G eer will receive for the
first time on th afternoon and evening
of Thursday, A gust 15th.
Mr. and Mrs. J
sons, of Winnipe
Mrs. Belden's par
Richard Anderson.
Miss Hazel Ro
spending the past
home of her uncle,
has returned to he
Misses Mary P
Christ, Eve Gree
Mrs. N. Fry were
last with Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. II.
home to attend the
and who has been s
with her mother, M
on Wednesday for h
Mr. and Mrs. Ro
called to Goderich o
to the serious illnes•
mother, Mrs. Porter
ed away on Satur
was a sister -in -la
Porter, of this town
Dr. Ard and IN ife and son, of Phila-
delphia are visiti g with Mr. and Mrs.
A. Hughes at th. Junction.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hamilton and
family have retu ed home after spend-
ing a month at B uce Beach.
Mr. and .lirs.
es Pearl and Iren
iting with friends
. G. Paton and Miss-
, of Toronto, are vis -
in Wingham.
s. Belden and four
, are visiting with
nts, Mr. and Mrs.
c, who has been
our weeks at the
Reeve McDonald,
home in Detroit.
ttison, Lizzie Gil-
, Grace Greer and
isiting on Thursday
rs. Thos. Leaky at
ishman, who came
uneral of her father
ending a few weeks
s E. Bosman, left
r home in Pense,
t. Marshall were
Friday last owing
of Mrs. Marshall's
Mrs. Porter pass -
ay evening. She
of Mr. Richard
Health of rovince.
Incomplete figur
ial Board of Healt
a remarkable incre
July just passed o
from communicab
undertakers' repor
deaths in July, an.
from communicabl
ber last year bein
time there is a cor
in the number of c
chiefly to the typh
tawa. In July, 19
municable disease•
month there were
in the Province, o
Mrs. E. B. Wal er, John Street, will
receive for the fi :t time on Friday,
August 9th, and of again till Septem-
Mrs.J. W. K. V Norman and children
left on Tuesday orning for Hamiota,
Man., where the will spend a few
Mrs. M. Huff
Georgetown on
the funeral of Mr
died on Tuesday
Mrs, Adlum an
Toronto, were vi
a few days ago
resident of this to
from the Provine-
office Friday show
se of mortality for
r that of last year
e diseases. From
s there were 1,524
of these 182 were
diseases, the num-
120. At the same
esponding increase
ses reported owing
.id epidemic at Ot-
1, 720 cases of com-
were reported. Last
,173 cases reported
which 550 came from
Miss Ida Cleghdrn is holidaying at her
home on the Blue'ale road.
Miss Agnes Japipe, of Bosanquet, is
visiting with Miss
Drs. Jack and Ed
adelphia, are visiti
Miss Nellie Bur
Toronto after spen
her home here.
an was called to
ednesday to attend
. John Huffman who
daughter, Reta, of
ting friends in town
Mrs. Odium was a
n about thirty years
Alice Paul.
and Coultes, of Phil -
g at their home here.
ess has returned to
ing several weeks at
Miss Florence Aitchison, Mr. James
McHardy and some friends motored to
Southampton recen y.
Masters Harold an Ralph Burges', of
Woodstock, are visi. ng their grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. ohn Burgess.
Mrs. John Nichols
Maxwell of Chicago
parents, Mr. and M
on the Bluevale roa.
Mr. Jas. Carberry
Toronto has purch
Mason's residence i
will get possession o
tember. The sale
J. J. Wesley Sim.
brother of Mrs. Mas
berry and Simpson
on Saturday last.
The marriage of
Duff, daughter of M
N. Duff, of Blueval
n and Miss Nettie
are visiting their
s. Robt. Maxwell,
of Swansea, near
sed Mrs. Robert
this village and
the 1st of Sep -
as made by Mr.
son, of Toronto,
n. Messrs. Car -
ere in the village
iss Martha Alice
. and Mrs. Robert
, to Mr. Malcolm
Our Clearing Sale of Summer Foot-
wear is a Fam:iy Affair, because
its of interest to every nu mher
of every family. It's time for
you to BUY and it's also the
time for us to sell.
Men's, Women's, Boys',
Girls' and Infants' Shoes,
Oxfords, Pomps, and
Footwear of all kinds.
This is a shoe opportunity that does
not come your way every day.
See us for Trunks and
W. x1: GREER
Sole Agent.
Louis Aitken, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Aitken, of Beton, took place at
the residence of the bride's parents, on
Thursday last. he ceremony was
conducted by Rev. . J. West, M.A.,
of Knox Church. The Bridal March
from "Lohengrin" was played by Miss
Edna Aitken, sist r of the groom, and
Miss Eva Duff sag "Constancy." The
bridal party sto d before a back-
ground of vines a d golden rod. The
bride was dresse in white duches satin
with trimmings of rose point lace,
crystal fringe nd clusters of satin
rosebuds. Her eil was of tulle, with
orange blossoms. She carried a boquet
of white roses, a d wore the groom's
gift, a pearl an amethyst pendent.
The goom was su ported by his brother,
Mr. Henry M. Aitken, of Calgary,
while the bride as attended by her
sister, Miss RubylDuff, of Utica, N.Y.,
who was dressed Maize satin trim-
med with Irish l ce and touches of
black. She wore a black picture hat,
faced with yellodv and timmed with
black tulle and ye low roses, and car-
ried white swee peas. The flower
girl, Miss Isabel earns, niece of the
groom, was dress d in pale blue silk
mull, and earri a basket of pink
sweet peas. Aft r the ceremony the
wedding breakfas was served in the
diningroom, whic was decorated with
pink and white s eet peas. The bride
and groom left in the afternoon for the
Thousand Islands the bride wearing a
tailored suit of a eh fawn broadcloth,
and hat of white tagel trimmed with
black velvet an white wings. Mr.
and Mrs. Jame Aitken and Miss
Ella Aitken of Becton, the Misses
Elizabeth and A nie Aitken of Hamil-
ton, Mr. and Mr . Louis Blake Duff of
Welland, were ft a guests from a dist-
ance, Mr. and :l s. Aitken will reside
in Beeton.
The re -action has already begun,
and the farms of Old Ontario are
more in demand than for some years,
shrewd investors from Britain and
the United States are seeing the
advantages of the settled portions
of this Province over the somewhat
doubtful circumstances of the West.
We offer this week one of the
finest farms in Huron County, only
a mile from a good market, school,
churches, stores, blacksmith shop,
etc. The farm contains 100 acres
with up-to-date buildings, good
fences, fine orchard and in a high
state of cultivation. Will be sold
or exchanged for a larger farm in a
stood locality. Particulars to men
meaning business.
Ritchie 8a Covens
W. R. Hambly, B.Sc., M.D., C.M.
Wingham, Ontario.
Special attention paid to diseases of women
and children, having taken post grad, ate
work in Surgery, Bartcriology and Scientific
Office in the Kerr residence. between the
Queens hotel and the Baptist Church.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54. P. O. Box Ills.
Brussels October 3-4
Blyth .......... .... Octocer 1-2
Fordwich ...............October 5
London . . September t1-14
Seaforth ..September 19-20
Toronto' Aug. 24-ept. 9
Wingham .. September 2t1-27
Zurich........... September 18-19
Atwood .... September 19-20
Ripley September 24-25
Teaswater .....October 3-4
Thousands of ambitious young people
are being instructed in their homes by
oar Homo Study Dept. Von may finish
at College if yc.0 desire Priv when-
ever you wish. Thirty Tears' Eeper•
la rac e. Largt at. trait ere n Canada.
Enter any day. Positions guaranteed.
If you wish to Savo beard and learn
while you earn, write for particulars.
Wingham Busin+ss Conte
GElO. SPOTTON, President