HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-08-01, Page 8rii r WINGHAM TIMES AUGUST 1, 1912 Sugar F, •• "ae o You wilt be using a lot of -0 0♦ sugar during the next two • months. It will pati you o •0 to buy it by the bag. 1 v am c !Tering special Inducc>- • nlents to parties buying in 0 • this way, • • • Fruit 0 1. make a specialty of handing the hest fruit + obtainable, sellin;r sonic • at lowest price possible. 4 Chibewaire If you require a Dinner Set I think I can suit yon, both as to quality and price, • a BON .d<.��/ 4 cERTRAi GROCERY • Phone 913. Wingham. 0 0 0 0 MINOR LOCALS. -The Wingham banks will be closed to -day on account of Civic Holiday. -Mr. 0. V. Hayden has purchased a beautiful piano from Mr. A. J. Walker. -Annual union Sunday school excur- sion to Kincardine to -&1Z (Thursday.) -The regular monthly meeting of Town Council will be held next Monday evening. -On account of Civic holiday to -day (Thursday) the banks in Wingham .will be closed. --To-day (Thursday) being Civic Holiday, places of business in Wingham will be closed. -Mr. Walter Wilson, o,r Lucknow has been appointed Township Clerk for West Wawanosh. -A merry-go-round did good busin- ess at the rear of the Town Hall for a few afternoons and evenings. -Ritchie d_ Cosens, real estate agents report the• sale of Mr R. J. Mutch's house and lot on Shuter street to Mr. Edward Fodor. -The Salvation Army Band visited Brussels on Sunday last and held af- tenoon and evening services in the Town Hall in that place. -"Judge Doyle has given judgment nt in the King Bros. appeal on the leaver block property. The assessment has been reduced fro;u e2,1eO to $ 1,850. Geo. IL MGs: has been ar)- p ticket agent et I:ipI.y for the Grand Trunk Railway and the Donald- son and Cunard Steamship Companies. -Mr. Geo. Harris, ?u•v::;:= .elected as Liberel member for 4.0 ', Creel: in the recent Provincial election in Saskatche- wan, is a son of Mr. Wm. Harris, of Turnberry. -Messrs. Barber and Guest have n,ade a good job of building cement steps at front e'etrances of the Tov: n Hall and have also put in cement s at the cel- lar windows. -G. G. Lee, proprietor of the sun- nier hotel at Gederieh and a well- known hardware merchant, was ser- iously injured in an automobiie acci- dent at St. Joseph on Sunday last. -The Wingharn Times has had an- other birthday and consequently conies in for congratulation. It is "sweet 16" under the guidance of Bro. Elliott and ie growing as the year: go bee -Brus- sels Post. - Two horses owned by John 3. Mc- Donald, of Lucknow were killed by a light engine on the G.T.F. tracks on Sunday. A gate in the pasture field near the track had been left open. The horses were valued at 8.4ore -Provincial or'ncial Con. -tale 1 bal,l;cn was in Whitechurch on 'Tuesday delivering a sunimnes to a party charged with as- sault which fa claire d to hare been com- mitted on Sunday last. The, case will be heard by Police Magistrate Morton on Friday afternoon. -Mr. F. Paterson, formerly of 1Vinl. Ilam has sold his prof e ty in Tor- onto and Mr. and Mrs. Paterson have moved to Whitechurch where they in- tend residing. Many old friends here will wish for improved health for Mr and Mrs. Paterson. malltcIS Mrs. 1:. Nicholson, of Wingham has been visiting relatives and friends in Morris township. The new brick veneer residence of Jas. 1D. Grasby, 5th line, is being push- ed along and will be a very comfortable home when completed. The farm .of W. H. Maunders, Shosh- one, Idaho, now tenanted by Thos. Pierce has been leased to the same person - We wish him geed returns in lieu of care- ful farming. The Regina eyelene hit the residence of Levi Beam, a former resident of Mor- ris, who is a bridge contractor in the Western metropolis. Fortunately the family was away or the story would have been a sadder one. The. Municipal Voter's list for Morris for 1912 was posted up Thursday of last week. It contains 952 names in Part I 91 in Part 11 and 33 in Part III, a total of 776. Persons qualified to serve as jurors 389. Miss Nellie McArthur, 9th line was among the successful pupils who took the Conservatory ( f Music,Toronto, exam at Goderich. She passed in primary piano. She has natural talent as a inus- ician which will greatly aid her in the advannccd courses. We wish bersuccess. 601.N. FERGUSON.- In Teeswater, on July 25th, to Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Ferguson; a daughter. MAL:RIri1) KAY-JtltnELL. • At the Methodist parsonage, Wingham, by the Rev. Dr. Rutledge, on Thursday, July 18th, Sadie, second daughter of Mr. E. Jar- rell. Armow, to Harry R. ICay, son of Mrs. Alex. Kay, Kincardine. tidiest RcTHFr.Forn.-In Ashfield, on July 24th, Elizabeth Rutherford, aged 76 years. --The Itfount Forest Sun line ceased to shine. This is only another case where an overcrowded condition is no conducive to the life of a newspaper. Three newspapers in Mount Forest is too many, even under more favorable circumstances, and all could not live. The great surprise to us is that the three of them hung t,ut as r lire as the diel. The young man lintel art Magrath, Alta., several days ago wilco a charge of dynamite exploded, has been identi- fied as Fred Knost, wle,se people reside in Dunham,. Que. Don't forget that ice cream and cu- cumbers simply will not dwell in peace and harmony in the average stomach. Daniel Tolman, the money lender is under arrest in New York, charged with breaking banking laws. Mayor Waugh of Winnipeg has re- ceived a latter signed "Black Hand," demanding $1,000, an threatening death if he failed to respond. Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company Steamers "Toronto" and "Kingston" 2.30 p.m. daily from Toronto. 1000 Islands and return$13.00 Montreal and return 24.50 Quebec and return 33 50 Saguenay River. 46 50 _including meals and berth. "Stearier Belleville" Leaves Hamilton 11 00' a.m. and Toronto 6.00 p.m. every Tuesday for Bay of Quiute, Montreal and intermediate ports. Very low rates on this steamer in- cluding meals and berth. For rates, illustrated folders, etc. or write H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, A. G. P. A., Toronto, Ont. ... YOUR SPRING SUIT OR OVERCOAT I have moved my tailor shop to the well known stand opposite the Bank of Hamilton and will be pleased to have your order for SPRING CLOTHING We carry the very best lines of all kinds of material and your order will receive prompt and careful attention. • L. G. CITE The Tailor. - 'rill •Hj, ..) '1.1 Si WAN Dealers to handle Cadil new car will be the best any machine in the wor powerful motor, equip} cranking and starting d lights throughout, ad tained Tower plant. A territory they could con ber of ears that could b and whether they are a other make of automobil pair shop is conducted i business. I,or puttee BROS.. Limited, t;ene11l1 Victoria streets, Toront$t, 6 ac aloe 1. d 'lee, crated )plicants smiently disposed present s ; also connection ars Agents, Oat. t,),,,Oge- ED automobiles. The for the money of null] have a more with electric self - as well as electric from self-cOn- should state handle, num- of m a year, handling any if garage and re- with their address HYSLOP Shuter and GR N Ce' ala�da' R 4 Doale,Trec-k .Rpft��M v - Line Superfluous Hair and Moles, Etc. ['affluently Removed. Painless ADDRESS : Specialist, Times, Wingham osimmornsammomme Only line reaching all Sumner Re- sorts in Highlands of Ontario, including MITSKOIIA LAKES LAKE OF BAYS AL(GONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER FRENCH. RIVER TEMAGA1Il KAWARTl1A LAKES Full Summer Service now in effect to all of above resorts. Write for full particulars and illustrated fold- ers to any Grand Trunk Agent. Honleseekers' Excursions , July 23 August 6 and 30 September 3 and 17 Via Sarnia or Chicago Winnipeg and Return - $$34.00 Edmonton and Return - 342.00 Tickets good for 60 days. NO CHANGE OI CARS. Special train will leave 'Toronto 10.30 p. rn. on above dates. Chicago and St. Paul, carrying through coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleep- ing Cars. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg -Saskatoon- Ed- monton. New Fast Express Service bet- weRn Winnipeg, Yorlcton, Canora and Regina. Smooth roadbed, Elec- tric Lighted Sleeping Cars, Superb Dining Car service. Lv. Winnipeg, 8.45 a.m. 6.00 p.m. Ar. Yorkton, 7.10 p.m. 9.30 a.m. Ar. Canova, 8.30 p.m. 11.45 a.m. Ar. Regina, 9.00 p:m. 7.00 a.tn. Ar. Saskatoon 8.18 a.m. Ar. Edmonton 9.00 p.m. Upper Lake Sailing. Sailings from Sarnia for Sault Ste Marie and Port Arthur 3.30 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. IFull particulars anis ttelcets from Stewart Yours[., Depot Agent, or A E. Duff, 1) P. A.,Toronto, Ont. HOTEL FOR The Royal hotel. Bluevale, or exchange. V), ill be sold as the proprietor is going ply on premises or address. J. C. JOHNSTON, Bo:; 52 13luevale, t y SALE. for sale at a bargain West. Ap- Ont. ... BUSENESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expcit instructors at the 24411eligagr, Y. 16. C. A. BLDG.. 'LONDON, ONT. Stedents assisted to positions. College. in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.11/. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Priasipal Chartered Accountant 1, Vice -Principal _ __ - 'rill •Hj, ..) '1.1 Si WAN Dealers to handle Cadil new car will be the best any machine in the wor powerful motor, equip} cranking and starting d lights throughout, ad tained Tower plant. A territory they could con ber of ears that could b and whether they are a other make of automobil pair shop is conducted i business. I,or puttee BROS.. Limited, t;ene11l1 Victoria streets, Toront$t, 6 ac aloe 1. d 'lee, crated )plicants smiently disposed present s ; also connection ars Agents, Oat. t,),,,Oge- ED automobiles. The for the money of null] have a more with electric self - as well as electric from self-cOn- should state handle, num- of m a year, handling any if garage and re- with their address HYSLOP Shuter and " Elecidylis" (ELECTRIC NEE 4 LE) Superfluous Hair and Moles, Etc. ['affluently Removed. Painless ADDRESS : Specialist, Times, Wingham 7 i-� _ New T lephone 11 Dire tory 1 The Bell Telepl, of > Company of Can- ada is soon to print new issue of its Official Telephone Directory for the District of Wester' Ontario including WIN HAM Parties who cent 'nlplate becoming Subscribers. or trio( who wish changes in their prrsLflt e .try should place orders with the Loei Manager at once t0 insure insertion in this issue Connecting;ompanies Should also repos additions and ehaages in tilde lis of subscribers, either to the Local M6 nager•, or direct to the special Agen't's Department, Montreal. The Bell Teleph a Company of Canada GOODD KING BROS. 1 RIGHT • 1 Extra Values for 1 Economical Buyers Child's Black and Tan Hose These are made from a very fine yarn and perfectly fast color, all sizes, at 25e pair. 1 Ladies' Cotton, Lisle and Silk Hose We are showing a nice range of these at prices to suit everyone from 10e to 75e pair. Summer Vests Our assortment i; complete in all sizes and sleeve lengths. See our special 2 for 25c. B C Corsets This make is noted for its good fitting and wearing qualities. Prices 50c to 51.50 per. Very Neat Patterns in Dress Ginghams A very suitable fabric for sum- mer dresses. Prices 10e, 12 e, 15c, 20e and 25c yard. Corset Cover Em- broidery Bargain About 15 pieces of regular 30e and 35e value, to clear at 19c yard. Fancy Window Curtain Scrims In plain and colored effects. Special at 25e yard. Two Lace Curtain Bargains 50 pair 2 yd long, 50e value for 28e, 50 pair 3 yd long, 31.00 value for 63c. ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE WANTED. .01.1.11111•1111 Witl.1111.1MM••• KINO BROS. PRODUCE WANTED WE WANT YOUR TRADE llellealiteelleillIVEMISMINMI I 'CANADIAN PACIFIC BAILWAY UPPER LAKES Homos8ekors' NAVIGATION Excorsions Steamers leave Port McNicoll Mon- days, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays at 4 p.m. for SAULT STE MARIE, PORT ARTHUR U and FORT WILLIAM The Steamer Manitoba, sailings from Port McNicoll Wednesdays will call at Owen Sound leaving that point 10,30 p.m. Steamship " Express leaves Toronto 12.45 p.m, on sailing days making direct connection with teamers at ort cNio . July 9 and 23, and every second Tuesday until Sept 17th ineusive. Winnipeg and Return, $34.00 Edmonton vnd Return, $42.00 Proportionate rates to other points. Return limit 60 days TPROUGB TOURIST SLEEPING OAKS Asic neare,t C. P. R. Agent for Rome- seekers'Pamphlet alleelneneinlankane WINNIPEG EXDIBITION July 10th to 20th, 1912 S P M N' 11 Winnipeg Exhibition July 10th to 20th, 1912. Tickets and full information from any C.P, R. Agent. J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham. A twelve -year -o shall of Rosanna fatal injuries in a a loft in a barn a Canada has invi Churchill and othe visit the Dominic. naval debate. The death of th and the accession took place in Tok boy, Emery Mar- received probably orty-foot fall from Culloden. ed Rt. Ho n. Winston British Ministers to l next fall during the Emperor of Japan of the Crown Prince Coal and ore the dock strike The Governm the position o general by th Fred Torrance, Harry Gilmo assault on his f mitted suicide ' Court. orkers have joined in t Duluth. nt has decided to fill veterinary director - appointment of Dr. of Winnipeg. re, awaiting trial for fur weeks' bride, corn - the Hamilton Police Wingham's Civic Holiday Thursday This Week, Aug. Ist This Store will be closed all day` Union Sunday School Excur- sion to Kincardine. Tickets On Sale . At This Store on Wednesday all day, and on Thursday Morning from 7.30 to 8.30 WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. zeeeeb. sweet for Ladies, 4++++♦+•+++1+++♦•+4++44+#Cr ♦••••O•••••••••••0•••••••4 • • • • • • • 2 • •• • •♦ • • • • • • • 0 i i 10•• • • • 0,' + i • • • • • w i-_----- Z Trade of all kinds wanted. Best grades of •1 Great Cledring Sale ofz all e� BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE ARTICLES ON SALE t, • ♦ • • Summer Goods Dur- inij August. Ladies' Waists Regular $1.25 reduced to 9oc 1.5o to $1, 10 to ee of cc CC CC 1.75 " t0 I.30 2.25 2.50 3.25 3.50 4.00 " to I.50 to 1.75 to 2.5o a Ct to 2.65 to 3.10 Ladies' Wash Skirts and Dresses Regular $1.75 reduced to $ I.35 2.00 " I.55 Dress Goods. All Muslins from 14-c to 17c to clear at loc. Ladies' Fine Silk Hose, regular 4oc, to clear at 25c. l000 yds Print was 121c now i rc. Ginghams, Cham - brays, Foulards, Reps, etc., to clear at cost, Harvest Shoes Men's Harvest Shoes, 14 pair, was $r.4o, now 27 pair, was $1,75, now These are extra good value and must be sold to room for new stock; come and secure some of these bargain. tt t, to ) • $I,Io' $1.40 snake s r i Flour r Zl, 1 always in stock, 1 car of Shorts just to hand. igal, AN MILLS • »Successor to T. A. Mills 2 PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. ) •••••eeeeN•N••*••••b•••* ..-efleItta Lail_•04FJ 33 _ ... _ __ _ _ 7 i-� _ rye - m BA _x __.., _____ .m_4 -r..----------- _ }-0: 9 ...t_i1 w,..7.7_.__,..__ _____:„...-7,i_________--.7-_____ ____=__:-.7.:_,- -7.7_4 ---1-' • CAPITAL PAiD Un $ 2,870,000 Reserve and Undivided Proflts 8,600,000 Total Asset a 44,000,000 1 1, �;''''' RANGE is Europe's Banker. For a ,5 �, li country to acquire that position, her t arD ' : ; people must be remarkably thrifty. The SE e, people of France are exceptionally so-- SE s= ¢ they begin to save in their youth. No , ,, , n „ matter how small their income, a portion is regularly set apart for future need. In (j old age they enjoy the fruits of their I; thrift. Th9t are a happy nation. a ' The opening of a saving ateount is the best way to acquire that habit of saving ---,_without which no ability to earn can insure Alia you against possible misfortune. Head Office HAMILTON C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingham. i.4ean. Wingham's Civic Holiday Thursday This Week, Aug. Ist This Store will be closed all day` Union Sunday School Excur- sion to Kincardine. Tickets On Sale . At This Store on Wednesday all day, and on Thursday Morning from 7.30 to 8.30 WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. zeeeeb. sweet for Ladies, 4++++♦+•+++1+++♦•+4++44+#Cr ♦••••O•••••••••••0•••••••4 • • • • • • • 2 • •• • •♦ • • • • • • • 0 i i 10•• • • • 0,' + i • • • • • w i-_----- Z Trade of all kinds wanted. Best grades of •1 Great Cledring Sale ofz all e� BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE ARTICLES ON SALE t, • ♦ • • Summer Goods Dur- inij August. Ladies' Waists Regular $1.25 reduced to 9oc 1.5o to $1, 10 to ee of cc CC CC 1.75 " t0 I.30 2.25 2.50 3.25 3.50 4.00 " to I.50 to 1.75 to 2.5o a Ct to 2.65 to 3.10 Ladies' Wash Skirts and Dresses Regular $1.75 reduced to $ I.35 2.00 " I.55 Dress Goods. All Muslins from 14-c to 17c to clear at loc. Ladies' Fine Silk Hose, regular 4oc, to clear at 25c. l000 yds Print was 121c now i rc. Ginghams, Cham - brays, Foulards, Reps, etc., to clear at cost, Harvest Shoes Men's Harvest Shoes, 14 pair, was $r.4o, now 27 pair, was $1,75, now These are extra good value and must be sold to room for new stock; come and secure some of these bargain. tt t, to ) • $I,Io' $1.40 snake s r i Flour r Zl, 1 always in stock, 1 car of Shorts just to hand. igal, AN MILLS • »Successor to T. A. Mills 2 PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. ) •••••eeeeN•N••*••••b•••* ..-efleItta Lail_•04FJ 33