HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-07-18, Page 1THS WIN(iHAM T'IMES.
VOL. XII NO. 2111.
• . • .+.. ....+. w
We have 100 Face Chamois, big
value at 10c each. Commencing
we will give away Ten Dollars
as follows: ,
To every purchaser of
a 25c box of Talcum
we give a Face
Chamois FREE
100 Tins of Talcum at 25c - $25.00
100 Face Chamois at 10c - 10.00
100 Tins of Talcum at 25c - $25.00
100 Face Chamois - - Free
Hence we give you "Ten Dollars"
absolutely free, Come early
so as to avoid being
J. W. McKibbon
Druggist and Optician
- .-- , 1 .
We Fit Glasses that will relieve
Eye Strain and cure
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE, and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Ofacie over Maloolm'e Grocery.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
Christie's Grocery
10c Per Tin
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Property ransfers.
Messrs. Ritchie Cosens, real estate
agents this week re ort the sale of Mr.
Henry N, Roadhous 's house and lot on
John street to Mr. esley Walter, of
East Wawanosh, and lso Mrs. Herron's
double house on Joh street to Mrs. R.
Pocock. Mr. Rea Ouse and family
will probably go to oronto to live.
Girls= wanted at the National Hotel
at once.
Water Per!
Two samples of
the last well drilledi
sent to Toronto to li
was received on :110
that the water tti
The samples contaii
to the million of chl
best test of any w
ectly Pure.
water taken from
by the town were
tested and word
day to the effect
s perfectly pure.
ed only four parts
!l rine. This was the
er sent from Wing-
Buttermilk'fcr sale at the Creamery
Kent block.
Auction Sa
Mr. N. C. Coutt
tion sale of cattle
tel, on Saturday a
commencing at 3
includes a number
cows, young heife
young steers. Jo
of Cattle.
will hold a big auc-
t the National ho-
ternoon, July 20th,
o'clock. The stock
of first-class milch
s and a number of
n Purvis will be the
You can get more furniture and bet-
ter furniture for less money and less
talk at WALKER'S Furniture store.
Wingham W
In a game of bas
Park last Thursday
ham boys won fron
by a score of 13 to
very one-sided o
players were not i
the locals. The g
attended and M
general satisfactio
n the Game.
ball on the Town
evening, the Wing -
the Clinton boys
The game was a
and the Clinton
the same class with
me was very well
L. Kennedy gave
as umpire.
Lon! -A lady's small sized gold
watch. Finder will be rewarded by
leaving at Knox's Jewelery Store.
As a live stock
National Exhibitic
itself. Every sta
grounds was full t
was necessary to
over -flow. This
stables are alread
the Exhibition offi
out saying that th
limited by the acc
Live Stock.
how, the Canadian
in 1911 surpassed
le and pen on the
overflowing, and it
erect tents for the
ear applications for
being received • at
e, and it goes with
display will only be
WANTED.—Two bright, smart young,
men to learn the upholstering. Apply
to WALKER & CLEGG, Wingham.
A Good
Principal Stalker
Public School made
ing with his student
recent entrance 'ex
pal Stalker recom.
students and of th
nine were successful
honours. Miss No:
Wingham school re
number of marks at
of Wingham, Wrox
The TIMES heartily
Principal and the
of the Wingham
n excellent show -
who wrote on the
mination. Princi-
ended thirty-one
s number twenty-
nd five obtained
Gracey of the
eived the highest
the three centres
ter and Fordwich.
congratulates the
iccessful students,
LOST.—A Pearl Brooch on Friday last.
Finder will be rewarded by leaving
same at the TIMES office.
Orange Celebrdtion at Blyth.
The Orange celebration held at Blyth
on Friday last was one of the largest
ever held in that plate. Both the G.T.
R. and C. P. R. carried a large number
of people to Blyth. he trains arrived
in good time and •allthe visitors were
given excellent meals The procession
started at 2 o'clock p: m. and marched
to the park. There v ere some twenty-
five lodges in the pro ssion. Address-
es were delivered by Reeve Milne, of
Blyth; Thos. Stewart of Bluevale; Rev.
E. H. Croiy, Wing am; Jas. Bow-
man, M. L. A., A. H. Musgrove,
M. P. P.; Rev. Mr. Farr and Rev. Mr.
Miller. The Winghai3i Lodge was ac-
companied by the Ci izens' Band and
made an excellent howing in their
march to and from th station at Wing -
ham and also in the p oeessics►t Blyth.
The Wingham Lodg won th4410 prize
for haviug the larg st membership of
any lodge at the elcbration and the
Belgrave Lodge w the $10 prize for
the best dressed. 'he
Bel13 rave mem-
bers made a nice showing in their new
uniforms. The celebration was a suc-
cess in every way and Wingham people
speak very highly of the accommoda-
tions they received i t Blyth,
Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8
Successful tudents,
The following a e the successful
Wingham High Sch 1 students in the
Lower School exam' lotion: -• J. S. Cur-
rie, Ermin Copelaz d, Laura Holmes,
Edna James, Be le Kennedy, Lily
Pearen, Grace Sh riff, Helena Well -
wood, Maggie Willi mson, Lucy Bower,
Gordon Rintoul. T e list is not com-
plete as certificate have not yet been
received from Tor nto.
The following ormer students of
Wingham High S ool were successful
at the Normal Sc ool examinations:—
Misses J. Brock, 1 . Imlay, F. Price,
G, Kennedy, Ada sines, R. • Sherriff,.
Mildred Jewitt, M ssrs. Roy vey,
Stanley Elliott.
FOR SALE—Two Jer•ey cows and a
calf. Apply to G. S. . "ghorn, Wing -
1. 0. 0. F. Officers.
D, D. G. M. Wm. artin, of Brussels
attended the meetin . of Maitland Lodge,
I. 0. 0. F. on Th rsday evening last
and installed the following officers:—
P. G., W. G. M Reid; N. G., John
Amsbury; V. G., . Brooks; Rec. Sec.,
John F. Groves; in. -Sec., W. J. Hain-
es; Treas., H. B. ]Nott; Warden, Fred
Guest; Chap., W. J. Deyell; Con., H.
Hinscliffe; R. S. . G., P. H. Deans;
L. S. N. G., Jos. Guest; R. S. V. G.,
John Lutton; L. V. G., Elmer Cart-
wright; R. S. S., John Lamont;
L, S. S., Joh, Crandall; I. G.,
J. A. Cumming-; 0. G., J. W. Dodd,
At the close of t e meeting the mem-
bers adjourned t• Johnston's restaurant
where refreshm• is were served.
FOR RENT. —Three rooms in the
Stone Block for rental. Apply at
TIMES office.
Death of Ha old Webb.
James Harold We lb, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Webb died at the family
home on Minnie str:et on Monday even-
ing, in his 24th y ar. The deceased
young man had bee in poor health for
some months, but la.t spring was able
to be around and took a severe cold
which weakened hi and he gradually
sank until the end c me. Harold was
held in high esteem by many friends
who are sorry to he.r of his death so
early in young ma hood. He was a
member of Wingha . Council, Canad-
ian Order of Chosen Friends. Besides
his parents he is sur ived by one sister
and they will have t - sympathy of the
community in their a iction. The fun-
eral took place yeste day afternoon to
the Wingham cemet,zy.
WOOL WANTED. - 50,000 lbs.
Highest Prices, Cash or Trade.—
West Huro
The following w
candidates in Wawa
Huron Inspectorate
trance examination:
No. 1 Sep. School
497, Josie Glasgow
No. 2 -Lotus G
Washington 408.
No. 3—Della Fit
No. 4—Ernest Ga
No. 7—Ella Robi
No. 11- Ella Me
Robertson 441,
No. 12—Ellen Ch
Aitchison 393.
No. 14—Lila E
O'Callaghan 445.
e the successful
osh, in the West
n the recent en-
-Thomas Cummins
470, Ethel Leddy
bson 445, Walter
patrick 401.
nt 392.
on 394.
rney 525, Christina
mpion 400, James
erson 395, Willie
NOTICE.—All accounts a to the
late Gus. A. Schmidt mu be paid by
the 1st of August, they will be
inCourt for ollection Pay-
Co r .
placedents may be made at King Bros.
A Police Court Case.
On Sunday, Ju 7th, , during the
afternoon and ev ning, a number of
young men, some of them married,
held a big celebrati n on the Gth con-
cession of Morris. An eight gallon keg
of beer was procured for refreshments
and it is said ;th . young men had a
merry time. Du Ing the evening,
James Nichol, jr. S s passing the place
of celebration and h was assaulted by
certain members o the party. The
matter was placed i the hands of Pro-
vincial Constable Phippen, who, after
working a few da s en the case has
summoned Chas. orkman, Patrick
Crammsy and Alex, Connen, to appear
before Police Magistrate Morton on
Saturday afternoon t 4 o'clock on the
charge of "unlawful y assaulting James
Nichol, jr." Whil working on this
case Mr. Phippen h s secured' evidence
to show that the ber had been procur-
ed from a Brussels hotel -keeper and
he swear will out a information against
the hotel -keeper for illegally. selling
the liquor.
Miss Bugg, of Durha is visitingwith
old freinds in Wingham
Mrs. Thos. Bennett i visiting with
relatives and friends in Detroit,
Miss Mary Ritchie i spending the
holidays with friends in Brockville.
Mr, Wm. Drew, of Toronto was call-
ing on old Wingham friends this week.
Mr. E. R. Swarts, f Goderich, is
visiting with 'his bro her, Mr. J. E.
Mrs. J. C.. Smith 1 ft for Kingston
on Tuesday where she will spend the
Mrs. R, J. Dobie was visiting at her
parental home near Whitechurch for a
few days.
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Scijaefer,o£ Roches-
ter are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Schaefer.
Miss Ethel Tipling
vacation with friends
and Cleveland.
Mrs. Chas. Barber
Mason and children ar
in Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm,.
visiting at Mrs. MeP
home near Ripley.
Mr. Jas. Lawrence
visiting for a few da;
Mrs. I. J. Pattison.
Miss Phoebe Densmore has returned
home after visiting with friends in
Clinton and Brucefiel
is spending her
in Detroit and
and Mrs. R. D.
visiting friends
McPherson are
erson's parental
of Buffalo was
s with his sister,
Mrs. Homuth an daughter, Miss
Marguerite Homut have returned
home from Whitby f r the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. W. . Greer have re-
turned home after s ending two weeks
in Montreal, Quebe and New York.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Fleming of Tor-
onto are spending few days visiting
with relatives and . reinds in Wingham.
Misses Emma Pi ld, Helen Clark and
Mary Orr, of Cob rg are visiting at
the home of their ousin, Dr. H. E. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Le key, of Palmerston,
were visiting th s week with Mrs.
Leakey's parents, r. and Mrs. W. J.
Mr. Alex. Inglis nd his daughter,
Miss M. Inglis, for erly of Wingham,
left' Goderich last w ek on a trip to the
Old Land.
Mr. and Mrs. Ev ns Smith, of Wat-
son, Sask. are spending a few days at
the home of Mrs. Smith's brother, Mr.
W. G. Gray.
Mrs. Edward P Iton, of San Jose,
Cali., is visiting wi h her mother, Mrs.
McClenneghan, ear Whitechurch.
This is Mrs. Pelton s first visit to her
parental home in tt enty years.
Mayor Spotton
Dorton, John Ritel
bell left on Tuesda
onto to attend the i
meeting. They ar
Mayor Spotton's al
nd Messrs. J. A.
e and W. A. Camp -
morning for Tor-
Iasonic Grand Lodge
making the,trip in
FOR SALE.—A quantity of household
furniture and asquarC.' Heinzman Piano.
Apply to Mrs. H. Kerr, John St.
Work of L : htning.
During the seven electrical storm
which passed over is section on Mon-
day morning, the ome of Mr. Fred
'McDonald, on the boundary line, near
Luckuow, was stru k by lightning and
a chimney and a iortion of the iron
sheeting was tak n from the roof.
Seven poles on the i orth Huron Tele-
phone Co's line i front of Mr. Mc-
Donald's place we shattered and the
lines put out of usiness for a few
hours. The Nort Huron Telephone
Co. has been very I.rtunate in loss from
electrical storms. The company has
been doing busines . since the summer
of 1909 and has no yet had an/instru-
ment damaged.
Applications for !the position of Li-
brarian of the Wing am Public Libra y
will be received by r. Morton, Sec, .:-
tart', up to 6 p. m. aturday, 20th i,..t.
A typist preferred.i
Pretty Ho:
A pretty home
at the home of Mr
Victoria street on
when Mrs. Field'
Kew became the
e Wedding.
edding took place
and Mrs, W. Field,
Wednesday morning
sister, Miss Lydia
ride of Mr. C. Elliott
Fleming, G. T. R. agent at Fergus, a
former well-known Wingham young
man. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Dr. Rutledge in the presence
of the relatives and friends of the
young couple. the Elizabeth Kew,
of Niagara )Falls, • niece of the bride,
acted as • flower irl and little Jackie
Field, nephew of the bride was ring -
bearer. The we ing mOrch was play -
by Miss May Llo d, The bride wore a
very becoming t lored suit of cream
serge, with blous of Duchess satin, and
black hat with os rey. After luncheon
had been served 1r, and Mrs. Flem-
ing 1elft on the 1 a. In. G. T. R. train
for Owen Sound wherethey will take
the boat for a trip up the lakes. The
Tlrii;s joins with many friends in ex-
tending best '¢rishes to Mr. and Mrs.
A larger number! wrote this year
than last and a large* per cent, passed.
To pass each candid a is required to
take 40 per cent. on ach subject and
GO per cent.on the tot 1 or an aggregate
of 390 marks. Hono s 487.
Armour Verna
Deans Gertrude
Godkin Alice No
Gracey Nora
Henry W. J.
Inglis Barbara
Maxwell Scott
McGregor Wilfred
Robinson Greta
Turvey Freda
Wightman Bessie
Wightman Norm.
Simpson Della
Adair Gordon W.
Allan Irene
Anderson Alex D.
Appleby Reuben
Armstrong Greta N
Breen Willie
Chandler Ethel E.
Currie Annie N
Currie Jas. Earl
Currie Jessie
Currie Leah N
Davidson Annie
Deacon Florence N
Gibson Ina
Gillespie Paul E.
Gould Harold •
Gray Howard C.
Groves Milton
Harrison Marjorie
Hines Zella
Hinscliffe Willie
Holmes Jessie M.
Jewitt Ethel
Kennedy Nora C.
Kerr Janet
Lockridge Frances
Mercer Mindred
Moffatt Clarice
Muir Norman
Murch Florence
Murch Maggie
McDonald Verna
McCool Willie
McDonald Theo
Niergarth Harvey
Patterson Eva
Patton Louie
Powell Robbie
Proctor Stewart
Raby Mabel
Richardson Joe
Roth Dorothy
Rush Nelson
Scott Irene
Sheriff Susie
Taylor Wilmer
Weiler Nettie
Wightman Geo.
Wilson Garrie
Wingham P. S.
.1 it
7, Turnberry and
E. Wawanosh
I Wingham P. S.
No. 10, Kinloss
" 1, Howick
Wingham P. S.
No. 11, Turnberry
Wingham P. S.
No. 8, Morris
. 17, E. Wawanosh
/. 14
1. "
Wingham P. S.
No. 5, Morris
No. 3, Turnberry
.17, E Wawanosh
No. 9, Turnberry
./ 6 ./
9, E. Wawanosh
No. 7, Turnberry
" 11, "
. 7, E. Wawanosh
No. 8, Morris
16 E Wawanosh
Wingham P. S.
41 ,
11 /1
1t 11
.. ./
o. 6, Turnberry
Wingham P, S.
No. 7, Morris
Wingham P. S.
N4. 11, Turnberry
Wingham P. S.
I' .o. 3, Turnberry
Wingham P. S.
No. 4, Turnberry
,, p 1(
" 7, Morris
" 4, Turnberry
Wingham P. S.
'No. 6, Turnberry
I Wingham P. S.
No. 7, Morris
o. 11, Turnberry
N . 9, E. Wawanosh
Wingham P. S.
No! 13, E. Wawanosh
No. 8, Morris
Allan Frank
Dickson Noel
Hibbert Norma
Lovell Lawrence
Jennie 1
Andrew Geo, E; I
Lathers Alma
Doubledee Winnie ; " 13, "
Griffith Beatrice ; No. 1, Turnberry
Irwin Wilfred ; No. 7, Howick
McDonald Robt. No. 16, Howick & Grey
Rutherford Kathleen Wroxeter P. S.
Strong Alfredo ; No. 4, IIowick
Vanvelsor Hazel !! Wroxeter P. S.
Fehr) wIeft.
Wroxeter P. S.
f< li
No. 7, Howick
,1 18, .1
Giddins Sadie
Holt Robt.
Johnston Earl
Newton Samuel
Spence Ella M. `
Wade Clarence
Winter Charlotte
390 marks to plass. 487 marks for
No. 10, Howick and
No. 17, Howick
" 9,
" 12,
" 12,
" 17.
" 9,
Gertrude Armstrog 425.
Jack Ballantyne ( onours) 521.
Pearl Bateman 469.E
Lillian Burgess (Hbnours) 332.
Mamie Cameron 40,,
W. L. Campbell 411 .
Andrew Coutts 399
Ina Cunningham 41.
Henrietta Denman152.
Roy Dunbar 438. ,
George Edwards (Ijonours) 562.
Harry Fox (Honou ) 542.
Lorenzo Frain 450.
Roy Gray 462.
Della Harris 426.
Lloyd Jackson (Hon urs) 562.
Albert Lott (Honou) writing not. in-
cluded 501.
Leslie Lowry 463. ,
Katie McDonald 44.
Elmer McKay 410.
John McLauchlin ( onours) 564.
Ernest illichie 417.
James Oliver (Hon urs) 495.
Wm. John Passmo : 445.
Pearl Payn 433.
Earl W. Rathwell • 12.
Noble Schnock 464.
Jennie Scott 436.
Ruth Sinclair 455.
Gordon Whitfield 45
select from at lowest prices.
Highest Mar s Obtained.
The highest marl s taken in each sub-
ject at the recent Entrance Examina-
tion held at Wing am, Wroxeter and
and Fordwich wer as follows:
Composition — fora Gracey, Wing -
ham P, S.; W. J. enry, No. 10, Kin-
loss; equal.
Spelling—Norm n Muir, No. 3, Turn -
Arithmetic—Be ie Wightman, No.
17, East Wawano .
Literature Flo ence Murch, Wing -
ham P.S; Gerrie ilson, No. 8, Morris.
Grammar—Del a Simpson, U. S. S.
No. 17, East Wa anosh; Frank Allan,
Wroxeter P. S.
Writing—Jessi Currie No. 1I, Turn -
berry; Hazel Va velsor, Wroxeter P.S.
Geography—L: rence Lovell, No. 18,
Howick; Fioren e Murch, Wingham
P, S.; Frank All n, Wroxeter P. S.
Oral Reading - erna Armour, Wing -
ham P. S., Sadie Giddins, No. 10, How -
ick and Wallace.
Army t arden Party.
The Wingha
hold a garden pa
on Thursday ev
Army band will
of music and the
supply of refr
Salvation Army will
ty on the Town Park
ning, July 18th. The
urnish a good program
•e will be an abundant
shments. A splendid
programme of B 'ass, String and Vocal
music will be •endered, Everybody
NOTICE—Any accounts due by the
late Gus. A. Schmidt, should be pre-
sented by August 1st to the under-
Meeting of Distr ct Committee.
On Tuesday forenon of this week,
members of three .ommittees of the
Methodist Church o ' the Wingham Dis-
trict, met forthetra section of business
in the Methodist Church here. The
District Officers m at 7.47 and arrang-
ed for the Financi 1 District Meeting
and Annual Sunda, School Convention
to be held in Luc ' ow, on Sep. 18, 19.
The District Epw. th League Executive
met at 8.45. Ow g to the removal of
Rev. R. E. Collis rom the District, he
vacated the Pres dent's Chair. Rev. G.
W. Rivers, B. A , B. D., was elected
President for th; balance of the term.
A district E. L. ampaigu was planned.
Members of the ixecutive C'Ommittee
and other minis rs 'and laymen will
visit all the Lea ues in the district dur-
ing the second an third weeks in Septem
ber. The ann al Distict Epworth
League Conven on will be held about
the middle of O'tober. The District
Missionary ('om ittee convened at I1.30
and arranged f r a Missionary Cam-
paign to be co ducted by all the mini-
sters in the dist ict on the third and
fourth Sundays November.
Uncle ed Money.
In a report on 1 an corporations issued
by the Governor nt last week it was
shown that there is $28,000 on deposit
in certain loancompanies in Ontario
which has nevetr been claimed. The
amounts vary from 25 cents up to
amounts over $1000. Persons who can
prove to the sat sfaction of the govern-
ment that the oney is theirs undoubt-
edly can get it. Some of the money
has piled up from savings accounts
deposited by people who have forgotten
them or by people who have since died.
Others are due to unpaid dividends
where shareholders have not been lo-
Maitland Presbytery will meet at
Ripley on Thursday, July25th to dispose
of a call from Alma Street Church, St.
Thomas in favor of Rev. Mr. Bremner,
of Ripley.
Confirmation of the story in regard
to the proposed Catholic seminary for
London was made on Sunday by Rev.
Father Tobin, in St. Mary's Church at
London. lie announced that while
building operations were in progress
accommodationould be provided for
students at th Bishop's palace. The
classes will be
o September.
coed in
WE put the best
of leathers and
most skilful work-
manship into Hartt
Shoes. That's, why
they retain their smart
shape during their long
Fredericton - N.B.
"Canada's Best
Shoemakers" 8
See us for Trunks and
Sole Agent.
There are ahundrrd reasons why you
should live in Wingham. A
few of them are: _-
It is a wide. awake town.
Has large manufacturing industries.
Good railway facilities.
All day electric light power at low
Splendidices schools.
Good boating and fishing.
A well developed sewer system.
Abuudanee of pure water.
Beautiful maple lined avenues.
Fine churches.
A well equipped hospital.
Banks, stores, hotels and offices,
second to none.
Real Estate values firm.
Spccicl This Mg,
The residence of Mr. Mutch on
Shuter Street will be sold right as
the owner has gone to Leamington.
Ritchie & Co&ens
W. R. Hambly, B.Sc., M.D., C M.
Wingham, Ontario.
Special attention paid to diseases of women
and children, having taken post grieli ate
work in Surgery, Bartcriology and Scientific
Office in tho Kerr residence, between Chu
Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118.
WHEAT FOR FEEL.—A car load of
wheat for feed wit arrive Friday at
our warehouse, G. T. R.
mg Saskatoon prop
to communicate wit
toon, Sask. We w
you a price on samt;
dispose of property
it for you.
tTY.—Parties hay-
ty would do well
Box 968, Saska-
ild be glad to give
or if you wish to
will be glad to sell
Thousands of ambitious young people
are being instructed in their homes by
our Hume Studs Dept. Yen may finish
at College if con dt ',tr., Yat when-
ever you wish. Thirty Years` Bxpor"
ienee. Largest trairors n Canada.
Doter ang day. Positions guaranteed.
If you wish to save board and loarn
while you earn, write for particulars.
Wingham Biisin•ss Colleg
0E0. SPOTTON., President