HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-07-04, Page 8BM \1'1N'GOAN TZ1ES JLTLT 1912 +•404444.t• OSte4+4+4•Oeee'7G 4iTHE FRUIT Fy a <> SEASON 0, C • o The Fruit Season is c.t hand and Sugar will • o likely advance. Our t o price this week is $5.75 p per hune.recl for Red - path's Granulated. cP 4•• ,`• Try* us for Teas your I and Coffees. + b 7 All kinds of Produce 4:. Wanted. 4 oyvyw�NMMMA/WWNn YOURSOR PURE FOOD o ON y. f' Cr.0 CEti al1U GROCERY <: .. Phonu 113. Wingham. • —Mayor Spotton is making a very satisfactory recovery and his many friends hope to see him able to be a- round again in a short time. -The net law in Ontario provides that in future when Division Court cases are to be tried before a jury, the jurors must be selected from different municipalities over whit: the Court has jurisdiction. The oll law allowed the jurors to be selected from any municipality. —Mr. A. ingrain, euperiute adent of the Kincardine Water;: o Its was in town last week giving the Electric Light and Waterworks Committee in- formation as to the construction of the water main to the Western Foundry Co's works. We understand the Com- mittee has decided to lay pipes across the bridge. -Track laying on the math line of the Grand Trunk Pacific, 4v4.st of the Rocky Mountains on the Way to Fort George is now proceeding pan an aver age of over a mile per ley end the steel will reach Tete Jaune (r .re early in July. This point is 1097 m es west of Winni•• p eg and 51 miles beyond the summit of the Yellowhead Pass. —The successful candidates from Huron Co., who have passed the exami- nations of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, and are en- titled to practice in this province are:— Chas. Cleland Alexander, Seaforth; Frederick Thomas Bryans, .Jamestown; John Alexander Gardener, Walton; Ed- ward Hy. McGavin, Seaforth. —Mr C. A. Rintoul was badly shaken up in being thrown from a buggy on Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. Rintoul was driving on Josephine Street, near the rink, when the home became frightened and part of the harness breaking, Mr. Rintoul lost control of the animal. He has been confined to his home since the accident and we trust he may have a steady recovery. MINOR LOCALS. —Haying will soon be general in this section. —Wingham High and Public Schools are cicscd for the holidays. —Farmers in this section are now busy doing their road work. —A number of Winghamites attend- ed the big picnic at Donnybrook on Monday. —Fred A. Lewis, piano pelts to be in Wingham middle of July. —The postpenad regular meeting of the Town Council will be held next alouday evening. —Regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board will be held next Tuesday evening. —The Bell Telephone Co. has been granted a three year franchise in Gode- rich by the Town Council. • —The members of the Wingham Volunteer Ccmpany returned home from camp on Friday last. —The Salvation Army held a very aucce:: ful i;ienic en the Lower Wing - ham flats on Dominion Day. — Dominion day. last Monday, was a quiet day in Wingham as the day was generally observed as a holiday. —Mrs. (Dr.) Walker of Luckncw, who underwent an operation at the Hospital last is improving satisfactor- iiy. --Mrs. Wm. Sneath has so far re- covered as to be able to leave the Hospital for her home on Saturday last. —The Orangemen of Blyth have ar- ranged for a big celebration on the 12th of July. The members of Wingham Lodge will go to Blyth. -' —The Bell and Union furniture fac- tories are closed this week for stock- taking. Both factories are rushed with orders and work will be resumed next Monday. —Mrs. Alex. Smith of Lueknow, rho underwent an operation at the :Hospital here is improving rapidly and i; now able to sit up for a short time each day. • —Miss Coates of Palmerston, who has been a patient in the Hospital for the last two weeks, having undergone an operation, has fully recovered and gone home. —Work is going along nicely on Messrs. King Bros. new store. The contractor, Mr. W. H. Rintoul expects to have the building completed early in September. —Division Court will be held in Wing - ham on Friday morning of this week, lith Judge Holt presiding. Several eases are on the (locket and one will be heard before a jury. —During June no less than 67 new rostofiices were opened in Canada. the majority being in the western Provin- ces, to meet the needs of the rapid i::ilux of settlement. —Mr. Archie Robertson has been a patient in the Hospital for the last s. eek. Mr. Robertson has been ill for some time awl it is hoped that the rest in the Hospital will be a benefit to lam. --Dr. W. R. Ilambly has had his office in the Kerr residence on John street fitted up and will he very eon- veniently located. His professional card appears in another column of this !.;sues —A dividend of 15 per cent. has keen aid to creditors of the Doty Engine 1-J orks at Goderieh. The failure fol - leveed the death of Mr. Fred Doty. 'there is a branch at Winnipeg. The liabilities are 4110,000, —The regular monthly meeting of thin W. C. T. U. will be held Tuesday .afternoon, July 9th, in the C.O.F. hall, meeting to commence at 3 o'clock. Will all who are interested in temperance ;please except this intimatil.. tuner. about ex - the CHURCH NOTES The report of the executive commit- tee at the Anglican Synod of Huron diocese at London showed that the total receipts, exclusive of collections for special objects, were 813,726,69, as compared with $12,(147,4S for the year 1911, making an increase of $1,079,21. This is the largest increase in many years. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The undersigned will let on the ground, the contract of nutting in a tile drain, known as the McKenzie -Colvin drain, about two miles in length, com- mencing at lot 22 and ending on lot 17, cons. 4 and 5, Culross, on Tuesday, July 10th, at 2 o'clock p. m., construct- ed under the Drainage Act. Contract- or to furnish all material. Plans and specifications can be seen at the Clerk's office in Teeswater at any time. KENNETH MCKENZIE, Inspector. GEOR(:n FALCONER, Reeve. BORN. SINCLAIR.—In Wingham Hospital, on June SOth, to Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Sin- clair; a daughter. SCOTT. --In Teeswater, on June 25th, to Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Scott, of Culross; a daughter. EDGAR.—In IIowiek, on June 24th, to Mr and Mrs. Robt. Edgar; a daught- er. MARRIED) GREER.-1'1USGRovE.—At the home of the bride's parents, on June 27th, by Rev. Dr. Rutledge, Mr. W. J. Greer to Miss Ethel musgrove, eldest daughter of A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P. and Mrs. Musgrove. HEL1u. —STEINACHER. —At the Metho- dist parsonage, on June 29th, by Rev. Dr. Rutledge, Mr. John Helm to Miss Ida Steinacher, both of Wingham. LEAKEY—PATTISON. —In Detroit, on June 25th, by Rev. ,Mr. Hollinrake, Mr. Thos. Leakey. of Palmerston to Miss Emma Pattison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pattison, of Wingham. CocHRANE—SHlRY. --On June 22nd, at the bride's father's, Waterloo town- ship, by Rev. Wm. Walker, Mr. Allan H. Cochrane, of Waterloo, Ont., to Miss Elma, youngest (laughter of Mr. Noah Shiry, of Waterloo township. MOD JACKSON.— In Wingham, on June 27, Elizabeth Barrington, wife of Mr. John Jackson. Richelieu and Ontario !Navigation Corn any Steamers "Toronto" and "Kingston" 2.30 p.m. daily from Toronto. 1000 Islands and return.... $13,00 Montreal and return 24.50 Quebec and return 33 50 Saguenay River, 46 50 Including meals and berth. "Steamer Belleville" Leaves :Hamilton 1100 a.m. and Toronto 6.00 p.m, every Tuesday for Bay of Quiute, Montreal and intermediate ports. Very low rates on this eteamer in. eluding meals and berth, For rates, illustrated folders, ete, or write W. R. Hambly, B.Sc.,M.U., 0 M. Wingham, ntario. Special attention paid f i ewes of women and children, having t. (•n pot graduate work in Surgery, Barteriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, beteeen the Q u.con',z hotel and the Baptist Church. All businees given careful attention. Phone 54. P. O. Box 116. Salesman WanIe To represent us in your district for the sale of lots acreage in and adjoining the Canadian Northern Paci- fic Townsite, Port Mann, Liberal commission and a big money maker for your friends to whom you sell. Apply with references to DAVID B. H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, A. G. P. A,, Toronto, Ont. BOYD 6 Winch Building Vancouver, B.C. TENDERS WANTED. YOUR SPRINO SUIT OA OVERCOAT I have moved my tailor shop to the well known stand opposite the Bank of Hamilton and will be pleased to have your order for SPRING CL illi% We carry the very best lines of all kinds of material and your order will receive prompt and careful attention. S. G. WHITE The Tailor. Separate tenders 6111 be received by the undersigned up to Friday, July 5th, 1912 for the following works, viz: lst. Putting in Cer�rent steps and other cement repairs around the Town Hall. 2nd. Eavetroughihjg front and back of Town Hall, Tenders to state ,r ie e per foo for trough and con- ducting pipes ; rd. Painting out 'de of Town Hall, glazing and epairing windows, and repairing ack steps. The lowest or any tender not nee essarily accepted. JOHN F. :GROVES, Town Clerk. Wingham, Julie 24th, 912. SMD Gpu K •SY` M Line) Only line reaching all Summer Re- sorts in Highlands of Ontario, including MUSKOKA LAKES LAKE OF BAYS ALGONQUIN PARK MAGAN ETA\ AN RIVER FRENCH. RIVER TEMAGIMI KAWARTI1A LAKES Full Summer Service now in effect to all of above resorts. Write for full particulars and illustrated • fold- ers to any Grand Trunk Agent. Cain da's Double�Trac1 dmmammosnalLonn Homeseekers' Excursions 1 Cr00D KING B OS• PRICES GOODS RIGHT Extra Values for Economical Buyers Child's Black and Tan Hose These are made from a very fine 1, am and perfectly fast color, all sizes, at 25c pair. Ladies' Cotton, Lisle and Silk Hose Wo are showing a nice range of these at prices to suit everyone from 10c to 75e pair. Summer Vests Our assortment .s complete in all sizes and sleeve lengths. See our special 2 for 25c. B & C Corsets This make is noted for Its good fitting and wearing qualities, Prices 50c to $1,50 per, Very Neat Patterns in Dress Ginghams A very suitable fabric for sum- mer dresses. Prices 10e, 121,e, 15e, 20e and 25c yard. Corset Cover Em- broidery Bargain About 15. pieces of regular 25c, 30e and 35e value, to clear at 19e yard. Fancy Window Curtain Scrims In plain and colored effects. Special at 25c yard. Two lace Curtain Bargains 50 pair 2 yd long, 50e value for 28c. 50 pair 3 yd long, $1,00 value for 63c. ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE WANTED, I G PRODUCE WANTED IROS. 'AIIIMSEIMMIEWIRMIE9111SEERIENJ MINIM WE WANT YOUR TRADE July 9 and 23 August 6 and 30 September 3 and 17 Via Sarnia or Chicago Winnipeg and Return - $34.0U Edmonton and Return - $42,00 Tickets good for 00 days. NO CHANGE OF CARS. Special train will leave 'Toronto 10.30 p. m. on above dates. Chicago and St. Paul, carrying through coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleep- ing Cars. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg—Saskatoon—Ed- mouton. The Fast Express Service between Winnipeg and Regina. Smooth roadbed, Electric lighted Sleeping Cars, Superb Dining Oar Service. Leave Winnipeg, 6.00 p.m. Arrive Regina, 7.00 a.m. " Saskatoon, 8.30 a.m. " Edmonton, 9.00 p.m. Pun particutars and tickets even Atewart Young, Depot Agent, or A E. Duff, t) 1'. A., Toronto, (ant. 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY MIR LAKES NAVIGATION Steamers leave Port McNicoll Mon- days, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays at 4 p.m. for SAITLT STE MARIE, PORT ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM The Ste: refl. Manitoba, sailings from Port I lelNicoll Wednesdays will call at Owen Sound leaving that point D.00 p.m. St niship Express leaves Toronto 12.45 p.m. on sailing days making direct connection with Steamers at Port McNicoll. Dominion Day SINGLE FARE Between all stations in Canada, Port Arthur and East. Good going June 28. 29, 30, July 1, return limit, July 3rd. (Minimum Rate of 25c) Homeseekers' Excursions June 25, July 9 and 23, and every' second Tuesday until Sept 17th incusive. Winnipeg and Return, $34.00 Edmonton : nd Return, $42.00 Proportionate rates to other points. Return limit 60 days TPROLiOR TOURIST SLEEPING carts Ask nearert C. Is. R. Agent for 1fonw- seekers' Pamphlet Winnipeg Exhibition July 10th to 20th, 1912. Tickets and full information from any C.P, R. Agent. J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham. When Going to Montreal, Detroit, Chi- cago, Buffalo, Philadelphia or Now York Travel via Grand Trunk Railway Sy: tr m, the • *Only Double Track Route." Thcceleut trai service and • smooth rmelb -d. Eiectr• • 1' ted Pull- man Sleeping ears on n trains, Full information. Tickets, Berth Reserva- tions rosy he obtained from any Grand Trunk Agent, or write A. E. Duff, District Passenger Agent, Union Sta- tion, Toeonto, Ont. SOLONIMINIMINAMMINIMMONINIMI Some philanthropist should offer a re _ yard for a college that doesn't need the money. Children who have been brought upas pets may never get over being disagree- able. Hon. J. D. Hazen, Acting Minister of Trade and Commerce, announced the ratification of the trade agreement with the West Indies. , Going to Take a Trip? if so you will need a Trunk ur a Suit Case BORROWING IS POOR BUSINESS Especially when you can buy so cheap. For instance, WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH A SUIT CASE OF GOOD APPEARANCE FOR $1.35. BETTER ONES ALL THE WAY UP TO $6.50. EXCELLENT VALUES IN TRUNKS WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. for Ladies. 1 •• +++++++++++.04+4++++++++++++ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •■�■■■■■■ WOOL • • • • • • am • • •• • ♦ WOOL" • "1 = Wool wanted in large quantities. I ani prepared to buy any quantity of Wool and will give the highest price P cash or trade. Our store is full of bargains in• • •• s ♦ e' •, • s • •A 4, a ♦ e •• 1 Dress Goods of all kinds, Ginghams, Muslins, and sWash Materials. Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Wash • Skirts, House Dresses, White Waists,etc. • all lines. I have Wroxeter Yarn and Blank- ets and Sheetings which is superior to the ordinary make of yarn. Also Men's and Boys' Suits in the latest cuts and weaves. • Dress . Goods a s • + Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children madeof + good strong material and will stand lots of wear. 4111111101.10 all Boots and Shoes .• • • • •' I have a large stock of Linoleums, twelve Linoleums NNW select from. Oilcloths and Borders. O • ♦, • patterns to i and ' ;i Rugs Rugs of all kinds Tapestry, Velvets, Wilton's 2 Axministers, in Orential and other • Come and see what we have ♦ • • • • buying elsewhere. styles. before IN PHONE 89. ♦ •••44�••••H•43E•N••••4• +01 .04€•- E 0..!'$_ ` 4 ♦' Produce of all kinds wanted. A. MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills WINGHAM, ONT. it.t< . ' v -.., , ° j.EFi t `<: s.;1� IC CEl ter;, r.::. < . : ; p 7�v .F":' '1t�''�'faa. Heed Office HAMILTON CAPITAL PAM UP ■ 0 2,870,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 3,500,000 Total Assets 44,000,000 , T is not your earning power that -will • . 1 measure your happineas in the later years, Your saving power alone can as- cam- sure you against the time when your earn- ing power will be reduced. A savings account at the Bank of Ham- :' ilton would be a help toward acquiring the ilton habit of saving. The same Courteous, efficient, attention is given to all deposit- ors whethor the account be large or small. C. P, SMITH, Agent, Wingham. ` Going to Take a Trip? if so you will need a Trunk ur a Suit Case BORROWING IS POOR BUSINESS Especially when you can buy so cheap. For instance, WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH A SUIT CASE OF GOOD APPEARANCE FOR $1.35. BETTER ONES ALL THE WAY UP TO $6.50. EXCELLENT VALUES IN TRUNKS WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. for Ladies. 1 •• +++++++++++.04+4++++++++++++ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •■�■■■■■■ WOOL • • • • • • am • • •• • ♦ WOOL" • "1 = Wool wanted in large quantities. I ani prepared to buy any quantity of Wool and will give the highest price P cash or trade. Our store is full of bargains in• • •• s ♦ e' •, • s • •A 4, a ♦ e •• 1 Dress Goods of all kinds, Ginghams, Muslins, and sWash Materials. Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Wash • Skirts, House Dresses, White Waists,etc. • all lines. I have Wroxeter Yarn and Blank- ets and Sheetings which is superior to the ordinary make of yarn. Also Men's and Boys' Suits in the latest cuts and weaves. • Dress . Goods a s • + Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children madeof + good strong material and will stand lots of wear. 4111111101.10 all Boots and Shoes .• • • • •' I have a large stock of Linoleums, twelve Linoleums NNW select from. Oilcloths and Borders. O • ♦, • patterns to i and ' ;i Rugs Rugs of all kinds Tapestry, Velvets, Wilton's 2 Axministers, in Orential and other • Come and see what we have ♦ • • • • buying elsewhere. styles. before IN PHONE 89. ♦ •••44�••••H•43E•N••••4• +01 .04€•- E 0..!'$_ ` 4 ♦' Produce of all kinds wanted. A. MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills WINGHAM, ONT.