The Wingham Times, 1912-07-04, Page 1•
VOL. XLI.—NO. 2109.
Will remove that Tired Felling
This is the best blood purifier on
the market and if you are not
thoroughly satisfied with it
We Refund Your Money
Rexall Sarsaparilla Tonic
Strych rine
128 doses for 1C0 cents
We fit glasses properly by the•date method of
sight testing
Walton McKihboo�
?71:0 Store
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Ofoe over Malcolm's Grocery.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
Chrstie',s Grocery
Jacob's (Blyth)
Berries While
They Last
Holbrookes Mali Vinegar
We can strongly recommend this
Vinegar both from experience in
its use, and also by the testimony of
many of our customers.
Rep. quart bottles 2Oe. have
got it also on tap.
Try Holbrookes Sardines
I Oc and 15c per tin
We believe there is no better Sar-
dine on the market, we've sampled
them and find them ahead of most
kinds. They are put up in the very
best of oil. Nothing better for
a quick lunch.
..r..-._..-..... -e.._.e-.4.
This is the Tea and
Coffee Store
..0^.+..-•••-.-.1 .... r.......- ....-e-�..-�-.-.
Choice Batter and Fresh Eggs
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
League Basball Game.
Two good games l
Town League were �
On Wednesday eveni
won from the facto]
of 12 to 11. On F
foundry and high S
and the score stood
darkness the game
Untied. Both game
baseball in the
Syed last week.
g, the foundryteam
team by a score
iday -evening the
hoop teams played
l4 to 14e Owing to
ould not be con -
were well attended.
Girls wanted at the National Hotel
at once.
Boys into Mischief.
One day recently number of boys
caught an animal ieh was in a past-
ure field and badly ut the animal with
knives. The guilt parties will be
braught to justice i a trick of this kind
is again carried ou On Sunday last
four lads made a r id on Mr. John Ag-
new's strawberry atch in Lower Wing -
ham and besides h ]ping themselves to
the berries, did c nsiderable, damage
to property. The oys were caught by
Provincial Constabl Phippen and having
made good the dan ge were allowed
their liberty after receiving a good
WANTED.—Two bright, smart young
m en to learn the upholstering. .Apply
to WALKER & CLEGG, Wingham.
Married i Detroit.
A quiet wedding toot place in De-
troit, on Tuesday, June 25th, when
Mise Emma Pattiso +, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Pat ison, of this town,
became the bride of Mr. Thos. Leakey,
of Palmerston. e ceremony was
performed by Rev. i r. Hollinrake, at
the home of the b ide's sister, Mrs.
Falsom. The brid was very prettily
dressed in a blue su t and wore a large
picture hat. After the ceremony Mr.
and Mrs. Leakey le t Detroit to spend
a short time in Bu' alo, Belleville and
Toronto. They wi reside in Palmer-
ston. The bride w s one of Wingham's
most popular young ladies and the
TIMES heartily joi . with numerous
friends in wishing and Mrs, Leak-
ey many years of ha py and prosperous
wedded life.
WHEAT FOR FE .—A car load of
wheat for feed wi arrive Friday at
our warehouse, G. '
Choral Soci ty Concert.
The warm weath and the outdoor
attractions of differ nt kinds on Friday
evening last, made small attendance
at the Choral Soc ety concert in the
opera house. Ther was a chorus of
fifty-eignt voices a d the different sel-
ections were very much appreciated.
The solo parts were taken by
Mrs. J. C. Smith, Miss Gilchrist, Miss
Farquharson, Messrs. H. A. Percy, F.
J. Hill, J. H. Chr stie. Mr. J. W. Dun-
can rendered two ornet solos and Mrs,
Geo. C. Hanna tw piano solos. Mrs.
Geo. C. Hanna tis as the accompanist
and J. Henry ('hri tie, the conductor.
The Choral Societylhas been an excel-
lent organization far the young people
of Wingham and Mk. Christie and the
other officers are tote praised for the
interest they have t. ken in the work.
We would have li ed 'very much to
have seen the work f the Society more
appreciated by our ownspeople.
Read Willis & Co.'s Adv. on page 8
L. 0. L.
The members of
with visiting mem
vine service in St.
Sunday evening at
mon will be preach
H. Croly. Membe
requested to meet
at 6.15 p. m.
ko Church.
Wingham L. 0. L.
]ers will attend di-
aul's Church next
7 o'clock. The ser -
el by Rev. Bro. E.
s of the Order are
t the Orange Hall
Buttermilk for sale at the Creamery
Kent block.
Prizes for
The Department
the Ontario Fruit G
have arranged to c
competition in the
For the purpose t
divided into six dis
prizes will be give
to $72, according
county is in what
trict No. 5 and th
ed to apples.
Losv.—A Pearl Brooch on Friday last.
Finder will be rewarded by leaving
same at the Tams office.
f Agriculture and
towers' Association
nduct at; orchard
rovince this year.
e province has been
ricts, each of which
, ranging from $15
he acreage. Huron
111 be known as Dis-
competition is limit -
Visiting t e Old Home.
Not alone the i
Old Boys' Assoc]
many a family ci
are looking forw
pations to the an
leaves Toronto o
urday, July 6, i
the one going fro
ston and Kincar
going on to Str
It is expected t
will reach Wingha
turning, special tr
eardine at 5 p.
9th, but tickets ar
any regular train
number of excurs'onists will make an
auto trip through he county and the
party will be in ingham for Sunday
embers of the Huron
tion of Toronto, but
cle in the old County,
rd with eager antici-
ual excursion which
the morning of Sat -
two special trains,
] Guelph to Palmer-
ine, and the other
tford and Goderich.
t the special train
about noon. Re-
n will leave Kin-
., on Tuesday, July
good to return on
up to Tuesday. A
Pretty Ju e Wedding.
A pretty weddin was solemnized at
the home of Mr. '.. II. Musgrove, M.
P. P., and Mrs. M sgrove, John street,
on Thursday las , when their eldest
daughter, Ethel, • as united in marriage
with Mr. William J. Greer. The cere-
mony was conduc ed by the Rev. W. L.
Rutledge, D. D., pastor of the Metho-
dist Church, and the wedding march
was played by M ss May Powell. The
bride was given way by her father,
and wore charm use satin with pearl
trimming, a tulle veil with orange blos-
soms and carried a boquet of bridal
roses and lily of t e valley. Miss Edna
Musgrove, the litt e sister of the bride,
was maid of hono , wearing pink and
carrying pink an white sweet peas.
At the conclusion of the ceremony a
dainty dejeuner w served, the tables
being decorated w th daisies and ferns.
bir. and Mrs. Greer left later for Mon-
treal, Quebee and New York, the bride
travelling in a br wn broadcloth suit
and tuscan hat. n their return they
will reside in Win ham. Among out-
of-town guests wer Mrs. Greer, Miss
Greer, Mr. and Mrs. A. Welch, Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Greer Mr. A. E. Greer,
Messrs. F. and S. etch, Miss Henry,
Toronto; Miss Simpson, Chicago; Miss
Kerr, Clinton.
Death of
After an illness
eral months, El
wife of Mr. John
way on Thursda
deceased lady had
January, and gre
until she passed p
Jackson was born r] Haldimand county,
near Caledonia, w ere she spent her
early life. Nearly thirty-three years
ago she was marrii to Mr. Jackson
and since her mania resided in Ham-
ilton, Leamington, Harriston and
Wingham. She was a woman of kind-
ly disposition and we. beloved by many
friends. Besides h husband she is
survived by one siste , Miss Barrington,
of Caledonia, who as been residing
here for some time. Her only brother,
who resided on the h mestead, died last
January. The rema ns were taken to
Caledonia on Saturd, y morning for in-
terment in the fami plot.
rs. Jackson.
xtending over sev-
abeth Barrington,.
Jackson, passed a -
evening last. The
een ailing since last
gradually weaker
acefully away. Mrs.
Bowlers Away
Five rinks of
spent Dominion Day
Southampton. The
five autos and was
pleasant outings the
club have had for a
party left Wingham
game was played in
morning and at So
afternoon. In both
ham players lost the
narrow margin. Th
could be desired and
trip was made in go
out a mishap of any
was composed of R.
VanStone, Robt. Al
ford, D. B. Porter,
L. F. Binkley, W. J.
ardson, IC. Rae, Rob
tel, C. M. Walker,
Smith, C. P. Smi
Dudley Holmes,
Hanna and 11. 13. E
for Holiday.
ingham bowlers
'n Kincardine and
rip was made in
one of the most
members of the
long time. The
7 a. m. and a
incardine in the
hainpton in the
laces the Wing-
ames by a very
day was all that
he very pleasant
time and with -
kind. The party
Vanstone, C. G.
en, A. M. Craw -
Dr. A. J. Irwin,
Boyce, N. Rich-
. Towle, C. Iinech-
C. Dallas, A. E.
li, Wm. Holmes,
. E. Porter, John
The annual meetin; of the West
Huron Farmers' Instit to was held in
Dungannon, on Saturlay, June 22nd.
Directors for the en uing year were
elected as follows:
Thos. Stothers, D ngannon; John
Long, Kintail; Jas. H. yden, Port Al-
bert; Donald McLean, I othian; J. A.
Mallough, Dungannon. Wm. Bailie,
Dungannon; D. B. Mur ay, St. Helens;
R. C. McGowan, F. M tcalf, R. Sloan,
James Tunney, all o Blyth; W. G.
Parks, Westfield; J. eillespie, White-
church; J. T. Currie, J A. Morton, D.
McDonald, all of Wing am; Wm. Lyon,
J. W. Cartwright, H. H. Hill, all of
Londesboro'; J. Fingl. d, Witmer; R.
E. Manning, Wm. Ti lady, Jas. Cor-
nish, all of Clinton; J. W. Salkeld, W.
H. Robertson, J. E. .m, H. J. Morris,
all of Goderieh; S. turdy, Holmes-
ville; Geo. Tebbutt, olmesville; Hugh
Hill, Benmiller; E. V Lawson, Dunlop;
R. M. Young, Carlow
J. A. Mallough, of Dungannon, who
has filled the office o president during
the past year, was •e -elected to that
position, and Win. B:ilie,ofDungannon,
was re-elected seer;tary and treasurer.
J. W. Cartwright, •f Londesboro'. was
elected vice-presid nt. Chas. Girvin
and John Dustow of Nile, are the
It was decide to hold the regular
meetings next inter at Holmesville
and Londesboro', and the supplement-
ary meetings at Kintail, Dungannon,
St. Helens, Nile, Blyth and Wingham.
New Five -
On Dominion D
the new five dollar
new note has bee
siderable number
given to the pub
The new bill is a
of workmanship.
it has an extremel
dian scene—the
Nova Scotia, wi
train coming (low
on the Fo]leigh M
verse side the num
the bill is repeated
It is a remarka
paper money, the
evident at a glanc
pitted being at on
and thoroughly C.
ollar Bill.
y there was issued
Dominion bill. The
prepared and con -
were 'ready to be
c on Monday last.
rticularly fine piece
n the obverse side
well executed Cana-
entworth Valley in
h an intereolonial
the famous grade
ntain. On the re-
ral represented by
over and over again.
y good specimen of
denomination being
FOR RENT. —Three rooms in the
Stone Block for rental. Apply at
TIMES office.
Baseball Boys at Wroxeter.
The Wingham b seball boys spent
the Dominion Day oliday in attending
the celebration a Wroxeter where
they played a frien ly game with the
Brussels players. he game was the
best played by th boys this season.
At the end of the ninth innings the
score was 5-5. Two more innings were
played and in the ; eventh innings the
Wingham boys male the winning run.
The Wingham bat ery was composed of
Messrs. Telfer an Sturt and Pitcher
Telfer struck out .eventeen men.
Wingha Man Praised.
The following
ley Express refe
ley, the popular 1
Bell Telephone
trouble on the Ru
4th con. for some
called experts we,
to make the ne
they all failed
The Directors dee
rom last week's Rip-
s to Mr. L. F. Bink -
cal manager for the
:—"There has been
•al Telephone on the
weeks. Several so -
e brought to Ripley
essary repairs, but
o locate the trouble.
ded to call Mr. Bink -
ley, who is manager of the Bell Com-
pany's office at ingham. This gen-
tleman very kindly consented to give
inloss company the
ience and if possible
e difficulty. It took
iours to locate the
ry few minutes to
y repairs. Mr. Bink -
n one thousand as a
He has the thanks
he courtsey he has
that is in opposition
the Huron and 1
benefit of his expe
help them out of t
him a very few
trouble and a v.
make the necessa
ley is one man
telephone exper
of the public for
shown a compel)
to him.
Mr, R. Lane visi
a few days.
Miss Chrissie
friends in Galt.
Miss Ryan, of
with friends in tow
Mr. John Coultes
at his home in bore
Mr. Wesley Ev
home from Goderi
Mr. Harvey W,
relatives in Seafo;
Mr. R. Lloyd, o'
day at his home it
Mr. C. Knox, o1
his holidays in Wi
Miss Florence V.
ed home from Chi
Mr. Allen, of T
day with friends
Miss Jennie M.
her parental hom
Miss E. Porter,
holidays at her h
Mr. E. H. Bi]
visiting with his
Mr. Geo. Tees,
holidays at his par
Dr. W. J. Price,
visiting old Wingha,
Mr. Ed. Small
spent the holidays a
Los'r! -A lady's small sized gold
watch. Finder will be rewarded by
leaving at Knox's Jewelery Store.
Wedding • t Lucknow.
The home of Mr
Lucknow, was th
event on Wedn
when, in the prese
vited guests, her
Lees, was united
Charles F. Riche
the hour of ele
strains of Loheng
played by Miss Doi
party entered the
took their place be
ers. Rev. J. S.
formed the ceremo
given away by h
She was dressedirt
with pearl trimmi
and carried a bo
and Lily of the V
Jean and Marger
embroidery dresse
carnations, were
groom's gift to th
d in Toronto for
intoul is visiting
Velland is visiting
spent the holidays
rett has returned
His is visiting with
Galt, spent the hell -
Toronto, is spending
nNorman has return-
fronto spent the holi-
n Wingham.
theson is visiting at
in Tiverton.
of Toronto, spent the
me in town.
d spent the holidays
arents at Woodstock
f Sarnia spent the
ntal home in town.
f Orangeville, was
n friends last week.
�f St. Catharines,
his home in town.
Miss Gladys Bra dt, of Walkerton
visited at the home f Mrs, J. J. El-
Miss Gretta Kenn dy returned home
from the Normal Se ool in London last
Miss May Dru mond, of Toronto
spent the holidays t her parental home
in town,
Miss Fay Morton of Toronto, is vis-
iting at the home o her uncle, Mr. J.
A. Morton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ship ington, of Windsor,
were visitors at the Pasonage for over
the holiday.
Mr. F. J. Mooney, of Hespeler was
visiting at his home n town for over
the holiday.
•Mr. and Mrs. Wilinore Scott spent
the holidays with relatives and friends
in Seaforth.
Messrs. C. G. Vai
McKibbon were in
days this week.
Herbert Bond, of
the holidays with h
rold Drummond.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Disney, of
Berlin spent the holihays with Mr.
Disney's mother.
. Dorothy Douglas,
scene of a pretty
sday, June 26'':,
ce of about fifty '.i-
dest daughter, A.ina
n marriage to Mr.
dson. Promptly at
n o'clock, to the
n's wedding march
Lees, the wedding
drawing room and
.re a bank of flow -
uncap, B. D., eer-
y. The bride was
✓ brother William.
cream duchess satin,
gs and allover lace,
uet of cream roses
]ley. Little Misses
Douglas, in white
and carrying white
aids of honor. The
bride was a pend-
ant sot with amethysts, to the maids of
honor a gold necklace and gold bracelet
respectively, and to the organist a
pearl crescent. Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Gray and Howard Gray, of Wingham;`
attended the wedding.
, and the scone de- You can get more furniture And bet-
e Beautiful, artistic ter furniture for less money and less
nadian. talk at WALKER'S Furniture store.
Stone and J. W.
oronto for a few
Toronto is spending
s sister, Mrs. Er-
Mr. Wm. Britton of Owen Sound,
was visiting for a few days with old
friends in Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. 1Jas. G. Stewart. o€,
ling on old friends in' Matey People Kil`ne,
ys. fir' ll Exceed
Mr Geo. Srigl.v, of Toronto was . w,•
]e in Lower W1rghene
i : a:...- c:.
Mr. Chas. Mo re. of ferect.2
visiting for overiilte he::da ^.
wigs '--
father, Mr. Win & M.,oe�re. v:s t, dt . e:En3.
� c
•The following are
recent promotion e
Wingham Public Se
Total 590. Pass
O. Rintoul 547,
Kennedy 528, J.
Holmes 517, K. S
ron 516, D. Hines 5
K. Disney 506,
Webb 498, C. Isar
G. Cantolon 489, E
Ritchie 482, W. Se
ing 473, T. Bottr
461, M. Cassels 45
Hart 446, S. McLe
434, L. Hoffman
N. B ennett 418,
the results of the
aminations at the
F. Walker 537, H.
Maxwell 523, P.
ith 510, S. Hamil-
6, F. Carruth 512,
Patterson 502, V.
494, M. Smith 489,
Dore 483, N. Mc-
aefer 475, M. Read -
11 464, C. Hingston
3. Currie 448, E.
n 439, N. Christie
432, F. Moffatt 420,
H. Dennis 415", N.
Haugh 410, M. Po tock 399, N. Vanal-
stine 397'', E. Rogers 387", A. Taylor
344*, R. Walker 301=,.
5 pupils, with (5
very low on Arith
Cameron Mae.
Fred Sturdy, Jas.
Chris Newman, K.
Davidson, Vera Sti
Mary Austin, Ro
Christie, Winnie
Smith, Frank Rol
man, Charlie Isard,
Lila Bell, Bert Wil iams, Harold Mann,
Margaret Piper, illie Dear; Linda
McLeod, Lottie Zu brigg, Lottie Stev-
after names, came
sh, George Allen,
Sell, Ruby Hewer,
thleen Mills, Vera
cker, Teddy Murch,
Forsythe, Jean
Walker; Charlie
inson, Earls Huff -
Howard McDonald,
Laurie Duncan,
Smith, Catharine
more, Aileen Kenn:
Charlie Lloyd, Stan
ma Sanderson, Lily
Johnston, Evelyn A
vis, Viola Hamilton,
neth Nicol, Florenc
Johnson, Albert
Gordon Cruicksh
cock, Mentie Reid,
vis Lutton, Madelin
I-Iuffman, Isabelle
oe Saint, Reggie
dams, May Pass-
dy, Sarah Brown,
ey Robinson, Thel-
Casemore, Ernest
gus, Leonard Jar -
Ella Dobie, Ken-
: Hinsclifte, Velma
oomfield, Charlie
nk, Clarence Po-
ertie Stevens, Jar -
Walker, Howaru
Simmons, Annie
Blackhall, Isabelle ' eid, James Alien,
Chester Stapleton, Vietta Hill, Irene
Day, Marguerite Dalgleish, Clifford
Robertson, Downs y Lynett.
Nellie Boardman
Alex. Baird, Fred
chie, Norman Shiel
Sydney Holmes,
Earl Wild, Wilfr
Piper, Charlie Hen
Lizetta Johnstone,
eli, Gordon McRit-
, Carrie Hingston,
Harriett Williams,
l Ellacott, Freddie
erson, Ivan Bell.
WOOL WANTED. • 50,000 ,lbs
Highest Prices, Cash or Trade.—
--- — --._r -
Toronto, were ca
town for a few d
visiting at his ho:
for over the holii
Mrs. Pertly l:a
in Alliston after
ret.arm,d !4' '".. 3 $0 4':
c tv vrt e.s ..... r.... i c:x: tie debri
her son. Mr. 11. 1. i'c':" Y. for whidh Regina
Mr. and Mr:. W1:fred > ryfag:e a_e other bodies. for
visiting fer .a fe :ink Pyre. Mr. and r'efore the det,
Mrs. Axe x : auithn °n1'; .re°.. away.
John Pend.Toren .:as teen Three of the fi
s iendirg'i'e ;i:* two fin:.. ruins, the Y. M.
sister, Airs. "erre' ��n arfra:.�a. Public Library.
` R- roundhouse,'
Mr. a::e? 3:1':. I'.tt Iltaraidt.*:a. of tine office buildi
Oshawa were visi leg for a few days residences are
with Mr. Ilamiite mother. Mrs. H. - Everything on L
Hamilton for a distance of
Postmaster ant ed. The southern
way on a pleasanwas filled with fi
lakes and will buildings, the hom
firs..(DDrr,.))Ke .
Fort William.citizens. All these
on Wednesday
Kincardine and e
six or eight weel
The choir of Sl
on Monday for B
have rented a co
a week at the lap
Claude and
Leamington, we
days with relati
Wingham and dist let,
Rev. D. Perrie
from the West, h•
ton attending the
byterian General A
Mrs. Fisher are a -
holiday trip up
Stylish new effr-cts in Out-
ing Shoes for Men and for
Women. The smartest Out-
ing Shoes are here.
Shoes for Te nnis, Yachting,
Camping, • Rowing and for
every other sport.
White and black canvas and
cooley cloth. Some with rub-
ber soles --some leather trim-
med. High and low cuts, 75c,
$l.00, $1.25 to $ [.5o. The
variety of std les, prices and
sizes is complete.
I and Property Less
v -four of whom
a. and n property
t1 million dollars—
:atest news of the!
y the cyclone which
o'clock Sunday
as is known, but
of the hugb blocks
was famous lie many -
it will. be days yet
is have been moved
See us for Trunks and
lest churches are in
A., Y. W. C. A.,
ictoria School, ('. P.
freight sheds, many
igs and hundreds of
mass of wreckage.
ne and Smith streets
o miles is demolish-
alf of these streets
e brick and stone
of the wealthiest
were swept away
rd and the debris
pend a few days at
Hedy and family left
for their cottage at .as if made of cardb
jtpect to be away for scattered for ]Hiles.
s• Sweeping on, the
Paul's Church left way tracks, where
incardine where they
tage and will spend grain, with iron
e. machinery, were
laytMwell, of thhad been t
l visitingonaxfor 'a few Hugh ey elevatorstoy fi
es and friends in machinery and hous
as returned home
ving been at Edmon-
ieetings of the Pres-
Mrs. Newton Hil
Rev. Newton Hill,
ing her sister, Mrs
the past few we
her home in Toron
Mr. Peter Camp
for Alsask, Saslc.,
daughter, Mrs. W
has been here fo
Campbell will sp,
months in the We
here will wish him
in the West but al
him become a pep
, widow of the late
who has been visit -
R. Lockhart, for
ks has returned to
yell left. on Monday
accompanied by his
D. Bentley, who
r some time. Mr.
and the next few
t. Many old friends
a pleasant sojourn
hope to again see
Imanent resident of
yclone hit the rail-
cars loaded with
irders and heavy
ppled over as if
ed with grain and
s loaded with im-
plements went cr Shing down before
the furious rush of he wind; even con-
crete and steel bu ldings standing in
the path of the sto m were crumpled
up and demolished.
As far as we have been able to learn
no former residents .f this section were
killed in the disaste Mrs. Benj. Jen-
kins and Miss Edna Jenkins left here
last Wednesday to visit with Mr. Jen-
kins, who has been het Regina for some
Sole Agent.
select from at lowest prices.
There are a hundred reasons why you
should live in Wingham. A
few of them are: --
It is a wide awake town.
Has large manufacturing industries.
Good railway facilities,
All day electric light power at low
Splendid schools!
Good boating and fishing.
A well developed sewer system.
Abuudance ofpurewater.
Beautiful maple lined avenues.
Fine churches.
A well equipped hospital.
Banks, stores, hotels and offices,
second to noi:.e.
Real Estate values firm.
Special This We61{,
The residence of Mr. Mutch on
er Street will be sold right as
the owner has gone to Leamington.
Ritchie & Conn
ing Saskatoon property would do well
to communicate with Box 068, Saska-
toon, Sask. We would be glad to give
you a price on same, or if you wish to
dispose of property, will be glad to sell
it for you.
Thousands of ambitious young people
aro being instructed in their homes Iip
our Home Study Dept. You may iiinish
at College if you delire Pay when-
ever you wish. shirty Years` Exper-
ienee. Largest trainers in Canada.
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