HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-06-27, Page 1THE WINC]HAM TIMES.
VOL. XII—NO. 21u8.
Wilt remove that Tired Felling
This is the best blood purifier on
the market and if you are not
thoroughly satisfied with it
We Refund Your Money
Re$a11 Sarsaparilla Tonic
Stry cbrine
128 doses for 100 cents
We• fit glasses properly by the
ub-to-date method of
sight testing
Walton Wilton
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of 'Marriage Licenses.
Of ioe over Malcolm's Grocery.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
New Physician
Last week throu
real estate agents,
her property on Jo
R, Hambly of Napa
is very convenien
centre of the town
at once open an of
in Wingham.
Ritchie & Cosens,
rs. H. Kerr sold
street to Dr. W.
ee. This property
y situated in the
nd Dr. Hambly will
Girls wanted at
at once,
the National Hotel
The garden part
ing on Dr. Tamlyn
auspices of the A
Paul's Church wa
all present enjoy
evening. The Wi
furnished excelle
was a good progr
Croly acting as
menta were sery
proceeds amount
Christie's Grocery
NalNaokes Malt Vinegar
We can strongly recommend this
Vinegar both from experience in
its use, and also by the testimony bf
many of our customers.
Rep. quart bottles 200. Have
got it also on tap.
Try Holbrookes Sardines
!pc and 15c per tin
We believe there is no better Sar-
dine on the market, we've sampled
them and find them ahead of inost
kinds. They are put up in the very
best of oil. Nothing better for
j a quick Iunch.
This is the Tea and
Coffee Store
Choice Butter and Fresh Eggs
Garden Party.
last Thursday even-
s lawn, under the
Y. P. A. of St.
well attended and
d a very pleasant
gham Citizens' and
t music and there
m with Rev. E. H.
hairman. Refresh -
in abundance. The
to nearly $100.
WANTED.—Two bright, smart young
men to learn the upholstering. Apply
to WALKER & CLEGG, Wingham.
Mr. Row 11 at London.
The committee in charge of the Do-
minion Day Row 11 meeting at London:.
are making arra gements for a mon-
ster demonstrate: n. This meeting will
be the opening f Mr. Rowell's mid-
summer eampaie to "Abolish the
Bar," and will n. doubt ba largely at-
tended by the Li rals of Western On-
tario. Single far • will be in effect on
the railroads. T is meeting will give
many Liberals a. opportunity of hear-
ing the new lea. -•r. Full information
as to the meetin.. can be found in an-
other column of his issue.
Buttermilk:for sale at the Creamery
Kent block.
Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8
A Painful
While at work at
artesian well on
Baird, a young m
met with a painfu
leaning on one of
the drilling machi
chine started sud
was badly broke
will have several
pleasant holiday.
Beer sty. ilitary Camp.
License Inspect° Oliver J9hnson, of
Centre Huron mad a raid Thursday on
the canteens in con ection with the mil-
itary camp at Go erich and seized a
dray load df beer w ich was being freely
sold in four cantee s. On leaving the
grounds a gang of oldiers tried to int-
erfere with them nd got away with
two of the kegs. T e inspector was as-
sisted by a consta le from Goderich.
The officers of th camp, apparently,
had no control ove the men, and it was
with difficulty th t the inspector got
away with the w t goods. Crown At-
torney Seeger will prosecute the cases.
Colborne township where the camp is
held is under loca option.
WOOL WANTED. -50,000 lbs.
Highest Prices, Cash or Trade.—
Took Chairs fr.m Verandas.
On Wednesday ev ning of last week
two chairs were tak n from Mr. Abner
Cosens' veranda anon the same night
a large leather up .lstered chair was
taken from J. A. cLean's veranda.
We can hardly beli ve that any resid-
ent of;Wingham wo Id be guilty of con-
duct of this kind : nd think the steal-
ing was done by an utsider and it would
be well if the gui y party could be
caught and given •roper punishment
for his:misconduct. It is impossible for
people to take -in airs from verandas
every night and inghamites have al-
ways felt that al articles left out of
doors would be per :ectly safe. We trust
we will never h. e to again report
cases of this kind.
he drilling of the
hursday last, A.
, 18 years of age
accident. Ile was
his elbows against
ery, when the ma-
nly and the elbow
. The young man
eeks of a very un-
LosT! -A lady's
watch, Finder wil
leaving at Knox's J
srrydll sized gold
e rewarded by
elery Store.
Card of
Mr. and Mrs. C.
of the late John
Mrs, John Thornt
ceased, desire to
sincere thanks to a
pressions of sy
kindnete during
reavement. Esp
to the members
and also the Fire
their brotherly i
substantial aid s
. Thornton, parents
Thornton, and also
, wife of the de -
express their most
!1 for the many ex-
pathy and acts of
eir recent sad be-
ial thanks are due
the Citizens' Band
rigade, for not only
terest, but also for
generously given.
LOST. --A Pearl Brooch on Friday last.
Finder will be rewarded by leaving
same at the TIMES office.'
The Late s. McLennan.
The late Mrs.
died at Goderich
was a native of th
field. She was bo
year 1847 and was
of age. Her mai
McKenzie. • After
late Finlay McLe
with him in Huro
tinned to reside t
ago, when they r
Mr, McLennan di
fall. Three da
are left to mour
mother: Mrs. -
Lo;halsh; Miss
Miss Minnie, of T
Lochalsh, and Al
tending Toronto
ceased is surviv
and four'sisters, o
Mrs. Thos. Linkla
A Tri' to the C • ast, via Canadian
Pacific Railway.
At this season :f the year a great
many are plannin their summer vaca-
tion. What soul ' be more delightful
than a journey • rough the Canadian
Rockies to Vane•uver? A trip of this
nature affords t e traveller an oppor-
tunity of learni g the wonderful re-
sources and op +ortunities throughout
Western Caned:, besides enjoying the
world's greater scenery in the Cana-
dian Rocky ountains, where the
Canadian Pecifi have established pala-
tial hotels whic afford every possible
comfort to the ourist.
The Canadia Pacific is the logical
route to the We •t, affording the finest
equipment and astest train service - it
is the only A I -Canadian Route—no
change of ears all equipment is owned
and operated by the C.P. E., affording
the highest for of fiieieney—dining-
car service up -t• -date in every particu-
lar; also opera ing modern electric -
lighted compart ent library observa-
tion cars on tr : scontinental trains—
only linea aperatg through standard
and tourist sleepi g cars to Winnipeg
and Vancouver.
It would be to t e advantage of any
person contemplat ng a holiday trip of
any description to consult neatest C. P.
R. Agent for i11uettated literature and
full partieulars, or write M. G. Murphy,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
. McLennan, who
on the 12th instant
township of Ash -
at Kintail • in the
hus sixty-five years
n name was Mary
her marriage to the
an, she went to live
township, and con -
ere until eleven years
moved to Goderich.-
d five years ago last
ghters and two sons
the loss of a beloved
. A. McDonald, of
ena, at home, and
ronto; Roderick, of
x., who has been at -
University. The de -
by three brothers
e of the sisters is
er, of this town.
Summer Cottag. at Kincardine for
rent by the week . month. Apply to
Mrs. John Campbe 1.
North Huron Conservatives.
The annual me
Huron Conservat
held in the Town
Friday afternoon
tendanee from all
Officers were elec
dent, Dr. R. C.
lot Vice, F. Mete
Dr. Armstrong,
W. McKibbon,
D. Bell, Wingh
thanks was ten
President, Mr.
retiring Secretar
for their valuab
dresses were del
grove, M. L. A.,
M. Lockhart, P.
Quillin, and othe
passed showing t
of the meeting
ward, businessli
the Whitney and
and also an expre
the present abl
North Huron, Mr.
Andrew Ballagh Killed.
Andrew Ballagh, well-known to many
of our readers and who resided with
his parents on what is known as the
half -way farm on the Teeswater road
in Turnberry, was killed early Sunday
morning by engine No. 1007 in charge
of Engineer McAteer and Conductor
Whitmore of London r Hing light to
Glencoe, between the westerly city
limits and the Cove Bri : e, his mangl-
ed and decapitated rema ns being dis-
covered by J, Erye, a : ectionman of
Hyde park after dayli: ht. Mr. Bal-
lagh was employed by r. Dickie at
Hyde Park and had bee in London at-
tending the Ringling ircus. He re-
mained in London all da Saturday and
started for home in t e evening. It
is not known exaetly ho the accident
ting of the North
e Association was
Hall, Wingham, on
ast with a large at -
parts of the riding.
d as follows:—Presi-
edmond, Wingham;
If, Blyth; 2nd Vice,
orrie; Secretary, J.
ingham; Treasurer,
m. A -resolution of
ered to the retiring
ohn Joynt and the
, Mr. Dudley Holmes,
services. Able ad-
vered by A. H. Mus -
Jas. Bowman, M. P.,
W. Scott, Wm. Mc-
. Resolutions were
e entire satisfaction
ith the straightfor-
e administration of
Orden Governments
sion of confidence in
representative of
A. H. Musgrove.
Rubber -tired buggy,
good condition for sal
price. Apply—Manage
Death of Miss
After a short illness,
Cooper, died on Saturd
home of her brother -in
Marshall, Josepeine st,
The deceased young lad
of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Co
and had resided in Win
a year, being employed
Pringle's glove works.
in high esteem by a
friends she bad made si
Wingham. Besides h
mother she is survived b
ers and six sisters—Joh
William, all of Seafort
Marshall, of Wingham;
ridge, of Toronto; Ger
Elise and Edna at home
took place on Monday a
Brussels cemetery. A
ful floral tributes were
the employees of th
Mrs. Morton's Sunday
the Methodist Sunday
all -bearing, in
at reasonable
Bank of Com-
Miss Eva May
y last at the
aw, Mr. H. J.
aged 18 years.
was a daughter
er of Seaforth
am for about
t Mr. W. D.
She was held
rge circle of
ce coming to
father and
three broth-
, James and
; Mrs. H. J.
rs. W. Locke-
ude, Bernice;
The funeral
ternoon to the
ong the beauti-
wreaths from
glove works,
chool class and
TRUNKS AND VALIsEs:—Big stock of
select from at lowest prices.
Mr. Hartley
The Ontario Go
to establish rev:
schools for the
teachers for tea
French schools o
of these schools i•
Vankleek Hill an
who has been pri
public school for
and principal of t
its re-establishrne
to take charge :
school. Mr. Hart
being born in Tar
received his educe
Owen Sound. Celle
to Normal and
leges, He taug
school for five ye
ation school for
Clinton model so
is a prominent w
church, Mr. Ha
in the county wil
ing him on his se
tent a position.
rnment has decided
al bi-lingual model
urpose of training
ung in the English -
the province. One,
to be established at
Mr, Jolla Hartley,
cipal of the Clihton
the past five years,
e Model school since
t has been selected
the Vankleek Hill
y is a Huron boy,
berry township, and
ion at Harriston and
'ates, and at Toron-
milten Normal Col-
t at Exeter public
rs, at Blyth continu-
aif a year, and at
1 for five years.. He
rker in • the Anglican
ley's fellow- teachers
unite in eongratuldt-
eetion for . so impor-
Death of Charl s Mooney.
Word was receiv
of the death in Ott
Mr. Chas M. Mooney
of this town. The
boyhood days in W'
telegraph operating
Williams. Nearly
left Wingham and
fession at different
Ottawa a number
fifteen years he had
Ian View, where he
ted a vegetable far
poor health since 1
news of his death w
his aged mother an
the family. Beside
children, he leaves
his mother Mrs. A. M
Mrs. T. L, Jobb, Wi
Sparling, Saginaw;
Meaford; also three
Mooney, Wingham;
Ripley and Frank M
The funeral took plat
Saturday and Robt. M
tendance from Wingha
here on Thursday
a on that day of
son of Mrs Mooney
eceased spent his
gham and learned
ere with Mr. C. E.
thirty years ago he
as followed his pro -
places, moving to
of , ears ago. For
esided at Laurent-
uccessfully conduc-
He had been in
st February. The
s a severe blow to
other members of
his wife and four
mourn his death,
ney; three sisters,
ham; Mrs. Thos.
rs. Jas. Sparling,
brothers, Robt.
o. H. Mooney,
ney; Hespeler.
at Ottawa on
oney was in at -
Choral Socie
Keep in mind the
in the opera house
of this week by th
Society. - This prom
best entertainments
we hope to see a la
neert to be given
Friday evening
Wingham Choral
ses to be one of
of the season and
ge attendance.
A Much Declinin
During the past
market has been in
Another drop is list
is only what could
ordinary conditions.
ahead of last year'
by some that this
holding. It is figur
salers that the pric
ial does not warren
refined. The opini
expressed this wa
other drop. Of
A number of piec: - of furniture,
nearly new, for sale sy private sale.
Apply at TistEs office
Sugar Market,
onths the sugar
peculiar condition.
d this week. This
e expected under
The price is away
and it is claimed
is the outcome of
d by many whole -
of the raw mater -
the high cost of
n of one firm was
Look out for an-
ourse this is mere
The undersigned is prepared to take
care of lots in the Wingham cemetery
during the summer months and guar-
antees to give satisfaction. Price for
season is $1 per lot. Orders left with
John F. Groves, Town Clerk, will re-
ceive>prompt attention.
Death of Mr
There passed a
Thursday last Eliza
the late John Hall, f
in her 74th year. M
girlhood days in G
and was married ab
After spending a f
burg, U. S., the fa
more and Mrs. Hall
in that village un
when,"on account o
went to reside with
troit. The deceas
cheerful, kindly dis
loved by a large ci
is survived by one
sons, viz: -Mrs. G.
Dr. J. S. Hall, D
New Liskeard; Jos
W. A. Hall, Sudb
were brought to
evening and the fu
Saturday morning
of Mr. Joseph Hal
cemetery at Belmor
John Hall.
ay in Detroit on
reenaway,relict of
rmerly of Belmore
s. Hall spent her
afraaca Township
ut fifty years ago.
w years in Pitts-
ily moved to Bel -
continued to reside
1 four years ago,
failing health she
er daughter in De -
d lady was of a
osition and was be -
ale of friends. 'She
daughter and four
=merman, Detroit;
troit; James Hall,
h Hall, Winnipeg;
ry. The remains
Ingham on Friday
eral took place on
rom the resiaenca
to the McIntosh
Wedding a Mitchell.
On Tuesday after oon, June 18th at
3 o'clock the ho e of Mrs. Pugh,
Water street, Mi hell, formerly of
Brussels, was the s ene of an unusually
bright June weddin -, when their only
daughter, Edna M a , was married to
George Larkworth in the presence cf
the immediate rel tives of the easy
tracting parties. " ev. A. C. Wishart,
B. A., of Brussels, performed the cere-
mony, the weddin: march being played
by Miss Muriel i urgess. The bride,
in the absence of •r father, who is in
the West, was :even away by her
uncle, Joseph Pug , of Wingham. The
bride was attired i a beautiful gown
of Swiss embroi.•ry and carried a
boquet of cream re -:es. Presents came
from many quarte s in numerous and
:handsome variety, among them several
substantial chequ:-. After the usual
congratulations, t e company sat down
to a dainty marri ge feast served in
the diningroom, ze tables were taste-
fully trimmed in bridal decorations.
After the dinner • as over the young
couple were driven to Stratford
R. Pollakowsky's auto, where they
took the train fe. Toronto, Niagara
Falls -and Buffalo On their return
they will take up h•usekeeping on St.
David street, Sout -They carry with
them.. the best Ivisbe .of all their friends
for a happy wedded ' ire. -.�-
Miss Lina Barber has returned home
from London.
Mr. Abner Cosen • was in Seaforth on
Monday on business
Miss Hylee, of K
with her friend, Mi
Miss Brownie Sw
mg Saskatoon property would do well
to communicate with Box 968, Saska-
toon, Sask. We would be glad to give
you a price on same, or if you wish to
dispose of property, will be glad tc sell
it for you.
You can get mo • furniture and bet-
ter furniture for less money and less
talk at WALI{l;lt'S Furniture store,
Life Problems
Mr. W. L. Clark,
successful business
much study to the
boys and young me
country and among
ty, will conduct t
Methodist Church
morning and eve
afternoon at 3.30 o'
a meeting will be
and Mr. Clark will
on "Life's Problem
win will be chairm
and all men, young
to attend the me
day, July 3rd, aft
meetings will be he d in St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Chur
meeting will coin
and will be for ladle
ject will be "The M
The public is invit
meeting and the su
address will be "T
Mr. Clark has been
his work among yo
and during 1910 tr
miles and address
and young men.
ham and district s
of this opportunit
Young Men.
Havergal Ladies'
Mrs. McIntyre,
ing with her sister,
Miss Maud Davi
days with Mrs, F,
one of Canada's
en, who has given
life problems of
in city, town and
11 classes of socie-
e services in the
on Sunday next,
ing. On Sunday
lock in Town Hall
eld for men only,
eliver an address
." Dr. A. J. Ir -
at this meeting
nd old, are invited
ing. On Wednes-
noon and evening
neardine is visiting
s May Lloyd.
its is home from
liege, Toronto.
Winnipeg is visit -
Mrs. Thos. Gregory.
is visiting for a few
H. Walley at Sea -
Mr. E. H. Haley eft last week for
Acton where he ha accepted a good
Mrs. H. B. Elliott was visiting for a
few days with relati es and freinds at
Mrs. John Rich, of London was visit-
ing for a few days wi h Mrs. (Dr,) H.
E. W. Tamlyn. .
Mr. John F. Grove was visiting for
over Sunday with his sister, Mrs. J. A.
Mowat, at Acton.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson, of Sask-
atoon are visiting with relatives and old
friends in Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Jenkins, of Blue -
vale road are visiting with relatives
and friends in Toronto.
Mrs. Joseph Bowman and family left
this week for Cobalt where they intend
residing in the futur
Miss Mae Mason h s returned home
from Guelph, where he had been at-
tending the Macdona d Institute,
Mr. and Mrs. Ricrd Anderson have
returned home afte spending a month
visiting in Galt, Berrriin and Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. M. I!amont left here on
Thursday to visit t other points in
Ontario before retuning to their home
in Calory.
Mrs. Burns and aughter, Florence,
of Detroit and Mis Winnie Long, of
Brussels were visiti g at the home of
Mr. H. B. E,liott.
Mr. and Mrs. 01
a few weeks trip t
them a pleasant t:
to the home tow
Mr. and Mrs J
Mitchell on Tues
tending the wed
Miss Edna Pugh t
The afternoon
nce at 3 o'clock
only, and the sub-
ther of the Boy."
d to the evening
ect of Mr. Clark's
Future Home."
ery successful in
ng men and boys
veiled over 50,000
over 100,000 boys
e people of Wing-
ould take advantage
to hear Mr. Clark.
The members of
together with vi
attend divine servi
Church on Sunday
A special meeti
of Maitland was h
Church on Tuesda
call by the Wrexe
gregation to Rev.
Sunderland was su
arrangements wer
ingham L. 0. L.
'ting members will
e in the St. Paul's
July 7th.
of the Presbytery
id in St. Andrew's
morning when the
r Presbyterian eon -
T. W. Wesley, of
dined. Provisional
made for the in -
L. G. Coloman he
intendent of the Ot
G. T. R. Mr, Mo
been appointed Vic
eral Manitoba of th
Fort William.
gg left last week on
Europe. We wish
p and a safe return
seph Puph were in
ay of last week st-
ing of their neice,
Mr, Geo Larkworthy
Miss Mabel S iell, of Toronto was
here this week at ending the wedding
in East Wawano of her brother, Mr.
Herb. Shiell to iss Tessa May Ander-
Mr. W. N. utchison, of Clifford
visited with hi- brother, Mr. R. A.
Hutchison last eek. Mr. Hutchison
has a busy sum er ahead of him as he
has the contract of building schools at
Clifford and Ha over.
Mr. and Mrs.
Tena Isbister,
Miss Edna Jenk
Bluevale left on
weeks' visit to
trt.vel by boat
Fo.t William.
'seen made Super-
awa division of the
ey Donaldson has
President and Gen -
G. T. P, west of
m. Isbister and Miss
rs. Benj. Jenkins and
ns, and Mrs. Scott, of
Wednesday for a few
the West. They will
rom Owen Sound to
New Inspectorate Proposed.
The formation
spectorate, incl
county of Huron
county of Bruce
Department of
was presented to the Huron county
council at it rece t sitting by Mr. Cow-
ley, representin the Department of
Education. The jproposal is that the
townships of Ho ick, Turnberry, East
Wawanosh and Morris, the town of
Wingham and the; village of Wroxeter,
all in the county of Huron, be included
with a number oflmunicipalities in the
southern part of the county of Bruce to
eetorate. The mat-
een laid before the
cil, which declined to
matter, as the pre -
of inspectorates was
satisfactory. The
ussed the proposition
postponed further
e December session.
the time available
n has been consider -
e extension of the
term in the rural
holding of the en -
earlier than before,
king up the work
is means that the
cover the same
during the school
of both counties,
to incurring the
volved in provid-
dditional inspector.
f Education insists
on the change, the councils will have
to pay the ealaty.—Proderich .Signal.
of a new school in-
ing a portion of the
with a portion of the
is proposed by the
education. The matter
Yon can't be down right comfort-
able on the First unless your feet
are in comfortable quarters. We
have just the styles for
Summer Shoe
Shoes, Oxfords and Pimps in Patent
Kid, Patent Colt Stain, Tan
or Canvas for
Men, Women and
form the new ins
ter had already
Bruce county cou
do anything in th
sent arrangement
considered quite
Huron council dis
at some length a
consideration to t
It is claimed tha
for school inspeeti
ably curtailed by t
midsummer holida
sections and by the
trance examination
to some extent bre
of the school$. 'T
inspectors cannot
ground as formerly
term. The council
however, are ave
addditienal expense 1
ing a salary for an
If the Department
Moderate and reasonable prices for
everybody, You'll enjoy Dom-
inion Day if WE DRESS
See us for Trunks and
Sole Agent.
On the principle that far of hills;
look green, a large amount of Ont-
ario money has been invested in
Western towns of doubtful possibili-,
ties, while right at our door in the
city of Toronto are to be found what
are probably the best real estate
investments in Canada.
Toronto will add to its population',
this year as many people as there
are in two towns like Saskatoon. .t►
Toronto has a population of 420,-
000 and is growing rapidly. The
opening up of Greater Ontario, the
rapid settling of the West, the en-
largment of our canal system all
combine to make Toronto the most
favorably situated city in the Dom-
Its growth during the next five
years will surpass all past records.
We can give valuable information
to intending investors as we have
made a personal inspection of the
different parts of the city.
Ritchie & Cosens
FOR RENT. —Three rooms in the
Stone Block for rental. Apply at
TI\IES office.
Thousands of Ambitious young people
arelming instructed in their homes by
Mir Home Stud* Dept. Tau may finish
Dollege if you desire Pay when-
swor you wish. Thirty Years' Exper-
ience. Largest trainers in Canada.
Enter any day. Positions guaranteed.
If you Wish to gave board and learn
while you earn, write -10t partieetere.