HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-06-20, Page 1THS WINGHAM TIMES.
VOL, XLI,—NO. 2107.
DO not miss the opporlunity
to Consult MR. MONT-
GOMERY, the Toronto Eye
Specialist who is now at my
store hi n,y new Optical Room
and n 111 remain this week only,
closing his engagement on Sat-
urday night.
MAKE no mistake if your
eyes need help, This is
the Speeialist who has had such
remarkable success throughtout
Ontario for the past seven
years. His new Seience Sys-
tem of Sight Testing is beyond
question the best know to day.
HEADACHE sufferers have
your eyes examined by a
man who knows and can and
will tell you the true condition
of your eyes. Every day and
evening this week ,only. Do
not put it off, but come it your
eyes need help. No ,charge for
examination and consultation.
Parents, bring your children.
At my store all this week only.
Walton McKihhon
?ilia S:bre
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Malcolm's Grocery.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
Christie's Grocery
This Week imported Pickles,
Patent Top Bottles
Here is a line of pickles of decid-
edly high-class quality. They are
put up by Holbrookes, England
whose name is their best guarantee.
Chow, Gherkin and Mixed. Per
bottle 20e.
- - . .• .. 4 . 4 -♦ - -4.
Holbrookes Malt Vinegar
We can strongly recommend this
Vinegar both from experience in
its use, and also by the testimony of
many of our customers.
Rep, quart bottles 20e. Have
got it also on tap.
Try Holbrookes Sardines
Cc and 15C per tin
We believe there is no better Sar-
dine on the market, we've sampled
them and find them ahead of most
kinds. They are put tip in the very
best of oil. Nothing better for
a quick lunch.
This is the Tea and
Coffee Store
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Model Farm
Annual Farmers'
to the Model Farm
day, June 22nd, S
Wingham at 7.34
fare is $1.50, Tie
on regular train 0
Institute excursion
t Guelph on Satur-
eeial train will leave
..m„ and the return
ets valid for return
Monday, June 24th,
Girls wanted at the National Hotel
at once,
The members of
pany of volunteers
on Monday for God
nual two weeks' c'
Winghant was well
diers as the member
panies were here fo
for train connectio
to Goderich.
the Wingham com-
eft via special train
ieh where the an -
ill is being held,
upplied with sol-
s of several com-
some time waiting
We can only show you 1912
paper atKNox S.
• Woma
The Wingh<m
Institute w'11 i
Chamber or Thur
p. m. Subj >,c;t fc
are we benefitted 1
to be taken by M
reading, "Roll
Discovery." Al
's Institute.
ranch of the Woman's
eet in the Council
day, June 27th, at 3
this meeting, "How
y meeting together?'
s. J, Hewer; also a
aI1 responded to by
ladies cordially invit-
-HandeI's super *Hallelujah Chor-
us"— Opera Hous June 28.
Bell Telephone} Improvements.
A number of
workmen are in \
new supply of cab
the company has
that all of the ca
ago is now in
here for several
work is complet
service for both
Choice flutter and Fresh Eggs
anted. )t
ell Telephone Co.
ngham putting up a
e. ^The business of
rown so rapidly here
ale put up afewyears
se. The men will be
peeks and when the
it will mean better
ell and North Huron
WOOL WANTED. -50,000 lbs
Highest Prices, Cash or Trade.—
Tournament at Goderich.
The annual June tournament of the
Huron County Rifl League was held
on Friday at the Point Farm range.
Ten rifle associatio s were represented,
with a total of 150 men. Some splen-
did shooting was done, nearly fifty
scores being 60 an over, out of a pos-
sible seventy, Th shooting was over
two ranges, 200 ya •ds and 500 yards.
John Scott, of the ochalsh association,
won the medal for he highest aggre-
gate, with a scor of 68, 34 at each
target. Colborne a sociation won the
cup for team shootii g with a score of
626, Dungannon w s second with 606.
Three posslbles wer made at a single
Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8
Baseball' on Friday. -
The Teeswater baseball team will vis-
it Wingham on Friday evening and play
with the local to
led for 6.30 p. m
good one as both
m. The game is cal -
sharp and it will be a
earns are playing good
No old wallpaper at Ketox's, Every-
thing new.
League Fool
Two W. F. A. le
ball have been p
since our last issue
the local players
On Friday evening,
the visitors and t
score of 2 to 0, an.
the locals won fro
score of 2 to 0. B
attended and the
nished a musical pr
WANTED.—Two bright, smart young
men to learn the upholstering. Apply
to WALKER & CLEGG, Wingham,.
Largely Atteded Funeral.
The funeral of
whose death was r
issue, took place on
from his latc reside
to the Wingham ce:
largely attended. '1'
house and grave w
Rev, Dr. Rutledge.
the Fire Bridage an
the Bell factory a
eral in a body an
was headed by the Ci
deceased having for
been a member of th
ceased father's, Mr,,
not able to reach Wi
r. John Thornton,
corded in our last
Sunday afternoon
ce, Centre street,
etery and was very
e services at the
re conducted by
The members of
the employees of
;tended the fun -
1 the procession
tizens' Band, the
number of years
band. The de -
e. Thornton, was
iighane from the
all Games.
ue games of foot-
yed in Wingham
nd in both games
were the winners.
Seaforth team were
e locals won by a
on Tuesday evening
kt Brucefield by. a
th games were well
citizen s' Bancl fur
select from at lowest prices.
West until Monday afternoon, owing to
a delay caused by a railway accident.
The deceased's mothj'r came as far as
to illness was not
Winnipea, but owin
able to continue the journey,
Huron Hous of Refuge.
At the recent me
County Council, the
Committee, reporte
committee with
throughout and th
comfortable and
assistant matron h
cured although one
for, but the work
satisfactorily by
Little expense has
thislyear for repair
The expenses for t
$3,558.33 and the re.
inmates are entitled
each from the Gove
of the volunteer ve
ments are being m
grants transferred
There are at prese
all of whom appe
contented. The la
lows:—Oats, 7 acre.
onions, 2 '4 acres;
beets, 2?4' acres;
mangolds, 13', acr
ting of the Huron
House of Refuge
satisfaction of the
the management
t the inmates are
ell cared for. An
s not yet been pro -
bas been advertised
being done very
he present help.
een required so far
on the buildings.
e half \year were
ipts $356.95. Two
to a grant of $100
nment on account
rens end arrange -
de to have these
to the county.
t ninety inmates,
comfortable and
is in crop as fol-
; barley, 43 acres;
ay, 11 acres; spgar
otatoes, 23 acres;
Summer Cottag at Kincardine for
rent by the week r month. Apply to
Mrs. John Campb 11.
% The home of M
ott, Belmore Brie
of a happy event
12th, when their el
el J., was united
Chester L. Longm
merly of Wingha
was performed by
Teeswater. The
decorated with fere
At 4 p. m. the br
away by her father, took her place un-
der an arch of evergreens, white flow-
ers and wedding b,.1ls, and looked very
dainty in a gown of white duchess satin
trimmed with crystal fringe and pearls,
veil .caught up with
and carried white
was attended by her
who wore pale blue
real lace and car -
he groom was assist-
allagh, of Belmore,
and Miss Ella El `ott played the wed-
er the ceremony a
as partaken of by
guests. The pres-
and costly, show-
) in which the bride
' among them being
s from the bride's
oom's mother, The
b'e bride was a pearl
ridesmaid, a gold band
roomsman, a gold tie
anist, a gold pendant.
left on Thursday on
it and Dayton, Ohio,
ing in a tan tailored
match, On their re-
ele at 96 London St.,
The undersigned is prepared to take
care of lots in the Wingham cemetery
during the summer months and guar-
antees to give satisfaction. Price for
season is $1 per lot. Orders left with
John F. Groves, Town Clerk, will re-
ceive prompt attention.
Ira Holt of huff
line Smith from
Mere, Quebec, by
upturned canoe an
his own life.
lo saved Miss Made.
gowning at Grand
lacing her on their
deliberately sacrifio-
Buttermilk for sale at the Creamery
Kent block.
and Mrs. Wm. Elli-
yard, was the scene
n Wednesday, June
test daughter, Mab-
e marriage to Mr.
in, of Windsor, for-
m, / The ceremony
ev. Mr. Bradley, of
Ouse was prettily
s and white flowers.
de,' who was given
The annual eting of the North
Huron Liberal 4sociation was held in
the Town Hall, ingham, on Tuesday
afternoon. Owi to the busy time
with the farmers the attendance was
not as large a expected, but nearly
every section of he riding was. repre-
sented, Presi ent Isbister occupied
the Abair. Ma y matters of impor-
tance to the Lf rals of North Huron
were discussed. Officers for the ensu-
ing year were elected as follows: --
President, Robt Shiell, Fordyce; 1st
Vice, Arch, And rson, St. Helens; 2nd
Vice, Sheldon B icker, Fordwich, 3rd
Vice, Abner Cos ns, Winghitm; Trea-
surer, J. A, Mor on, Wmgha ; Secre-
tary, H. B. Elliott, Wingham Munici-
pal Chairmen—shfield, Joe Dalton,
Kingsbridge; est Wawanosh, John
MeNab, Dunga non; Turuberry, Robt.
S. Muir, Glenan an; East Wawanosh,
John Shiell, Wi gham; Morris, W. J.
Henderson, Wi gham; Howick, John
Henneberg, Fo dwich; Wingham, Ab -
h, Geo. Powell, Wrox-
las. The selection of
ling sub -divisions was
iberals of the several
wearing a tulle
orange blossoms
roses. The bride
sister, Miss Etta,
satin trimmed wit
ried carnations,
ed by Mr. Arthur
ding march. Af
sumptuous repast
about onehundred
ents being numero s
ing the high estee
and groom are heti
substantial chequ
father and the
groom's gift to t
crescent; to the
bracelet; to the
pin, and to the l
The happy coup
a trip to Detr
the bride travel
suit with hat t�
turn they will r
West, Windsor,
ner Cosens; BIy.
eter, John Dou.
Chairmen for p•
left with the
The following
mously adopted:
North Huron in
heartily endorse t
W. Rowell, K. C„
session of the Le
firm and uncompr.
questions affectin
terial welfare of
Province, and hop
distant when, he
tario, will have an
ing into law the
which he and hi
ably advocating.
We desire also to express our con-
tinued confidence in the leadership of
Sir Wilfrid Laur er, who though now
universally acknow-
ada's greatest states-
dently look + forward
n the near future
e day when his policy
antly vindicated by
esolution was unani-
We, the Liberals of
onvention assembled
e leadership of N.
who during the past a Iarger number
slature has taken so
mising a stand on all
the moral and ma -
the people of this
the day is not far
as Premier of On -
opportunity of enact-
ny progressive ideas
Lieutenants are so
ing Saskatoon propertywould do well
to communicate wthth,1lox 968,Saska-
toon, Sask. We Id be glato give
you a price on sa e, or if you wish to
dispose of property, will be glad to sell
it for you.
Sir Charles Tu
$200 to the propos
George F. Cartier .--
er has subscribed
monument to Sir
Just arrived at KNOx'S new 1912 wall
papers. Phone 65.
The Minister o Justice will person-
alty make Arran ments in England for
the appeal to th Privy Connell in the
marriage law ea e.
Largely Attended Meeting at Hamilton
Last Week.
The annual meeting of the Canadian
Order of Foresters ' as held in Hamil-
ton last week. The attendance of del-
egates was very lare, and the meet-
ing was one of the ost successful in
the history of the 1 rder,
Many matters •+ interest to the
membership gener fly were dealt with
in these various re sorts, and they cover
a great deal of detail, all of which in-
dicates marked ansteady progress in
the affairs of this ational fraternal in-
surance associati.n, The officers of
this order have b•en able from year to
year to indicate conclusively, by their
reports, satisfac•.ry progress in cer-
tain directions, b t those of 1911 indi-
cate progress in very department of
the order's opera ions. The Canadian
Order of Foreste = confines its business
entirely to the ominion of Canada
and, if one may j ge, by the results
attained, the policy adopted in this re-
gard, at the incep ion of the order in
1879, would appea to have been a wise
one from a prude ial, as well as a pat-
riotic point of vie .
To deal with few of the points
brought out by th reports of the var-
ious officers, first might be mentioned
the fact that d ring 1911 9,333 new
members were initiated into the order,
an has been admit-
ted in any previo s year of the order's
existence. The n t increase in the mem-
bership for the ye r under review was
5,022, being 903 ir excess of the prev-
ious year's net a ditions to the., order.
The total memb rship at the end of
1911 was 83,126.
In respect to th insurance fund 405
death claims wer paid during the year,
amounting to $500560.08. When it is
considered that in 1910 three more death
claims were paid,' amounting to a slight-
ly larger gross total than that paid in
1911 such a favo ble showing reflects
creditably on t e physical selection
made of business taken by the order,
After paying thi sum of over half a
million for claims out of the , insurance
fund the order w able to add the very
substantial sum o $334,754.64 to its in-
surance fund on hand, being a larger
addition to this find than that made in
any previous year The total atnount
standing at the redit of this fund on
the first of Jun , 1912, was $3,740,-
In. respect to
benefit branch, t
also shown sa
in opposition, i
ledged to be Ca
man and con
to the day
look forward to
will be truimp
public opinion.
A number of pieces of furniture,
nearly new, for sale by private sale.
Apply at TIMES 'Moe.
Choral So iety Concert.
The Wingham Choral Society will
give a musical •ntertainment in the
town hall on Frida, evening, June 28.
The program prom ses to be of excep-
tionaI merit, the n mbers including:—
The Rising of th Clans, (based on
Scott's "Lady of t e Lake") by Ros-
sini; Handel's Hall lujah • chorus from
"The Messiah", w' h other selections
both Scotch and hi morons. The pro-
ceeds are to mee current expenses,
any surplus will be pplied to the rais-
ing of the musical tatus in the town.
rel a i educational
As the Society
y is p y
and ennobling insti tion and as it is
composed solely o local talent, it is
anticipated that a arge audience will
be present. Fur her announcement
next week. See programme below;
remember the dal' ; procure your re-
served seats early,
1, Piano Solo.\orwegian Bridal
Ed. Grigg.
eo. . Hanna.
2. Song. I love you more. H. Trotere.
Mrs. J. q. Smith.
3. Part song. H'i it to the Chief
Sir H. Bishop.
4. Song. Cam' Ye by Athol. Neil Gow
Miss S. Farquharson.
5. Part song. The Bells of St. Mich-
ael's Towers ... Knyv- it.
Harmonized turd arranged by Geo,
Oakey, Mils Bac.
6. Quartette. Robin Adair (Old Irish
Melody Eileen Arvon) Harmon-
ized and arrlinged by J. Henry
Christie. 1
7. Chorus. The Ting of the Clans.
1. Piano Solo Art quine Chatnitiatte
Mrs. Geo. (e. Hanna.
2. Song_ ..Sele ted.
Miss L. ilchrist.
• 3. Part Song. IV,ynheer Vangraff.
Sir II. Bishop.
4. Song Seleted . .... ... .
MrF. g. Hill.
5. Solo .. Air from Samson
Miss S. Farquharson.
6. Chorus. Halle ujah from llandel's
7. Song..+1* . Se ected
S. J, C. . Smith.
8. Chorus. 0 lap Your
God Sa a the Ring,
Rubber -tired bn
good condition fo
price. Apply --Ml
sale atbreasonable
nager Bank of Com -
he sick and funeral
is department has Miss Matthews, uperintendent td
'sfactory progress. the Wingham Hospit 1 left this week
There was a net increase in member- for Europe and will e away for sever -
ship in this department for the year al weeks. We wish er a pleasant trip
of 4120, showing a total membership on and a safe return to Wingham.
December 31, 1911, enrolled in this de-
partment of 53,44 . The net amount
added to the funds of this department,
after paying 6638 laims, amounting to
$161,485.95, was $, 8,460.23. The posi-
tion of this fund on the first day of
June, 1912, showe a credit balance of
$251,769.36. Inte est earned by this At this season of the year a great
department on its ends in 1911 amount- many are planning their summer vaca-
ed to $9,710.16. I will be seen from tion. What could be more delightful
than a journey through the Canadian
this fact that inter st earned is becom- Rockies to Vancouver? A trip of this
ing an important f ctor in this depart- nature affords the traveller an oppor-
tunitythe order' work. tunity of learning the wond'e'rful re-
ment of sources and opportunities throughout
The general fun of the order is also Western Canada, besides enjoying the
in a good position, and on the first day world's greatest snery in the Cana -
of June, 1912, sho ed a credit balance dian Rocky Me ntains, where the
on hand of $24,127. 8. The funds of the Canadian Pacific h e established pala-
order are all love ted in the best se- tial hotels which afford every possible
comfort to the tourist.
eurities procurab e, being almost en- The Canadian Pacific is the logical
tirely in municip l and school•deben- route to the West, affording the finest
tures of the Domi ion of Canada. The equipment and fastest train service - it
Brest realized from is the only Ail -Canadian Route—no
change of cars—all equipment is owned
1911 was 4.62 per and operated by the CP. R., affording
the highest form of efficiencye dining -
car service up-to-date in every particu-
lar; also operating modern electric -
lighted compartment library observa-
tion cars on transcontinental trains—
only lines operating through standard
and tourist sleeping cars to Winnipeg
and Vancouver.
It would be to the advantage of any
person contemplating a holiday trip of
any description to consult nearest C. P.
R. Agent for illustrated literature and
full particulars, or write M. G. Murphy,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
ial progress. It is g atifying to note
that in this society which has never
attempted to enlar its scope of oper-
tions outside of t e Dominion, such
splendid and eneou aging results have
been attained from the conduct of its
business, and at o time in its history
would it appear o have been in as
strong a position a it is to -day.
The ofee^•s of last year were re-
elected who includ Rev, W. J. West,
of Bluevale, wh is High Chaplain.
Loudon was selec ed as the place Of
meeting for next ear.
For wall paper and window shades
go to KNox's.
Forms I and II re writing on the
annual promotion aminations.
Parents are req ested to see that all
books belonging o the High School
Library are retur ed to the teachers at
Breakage fees ill be refunded on
application at the office.
You can get more furniture and bet-
ter furniture for less money and less
talk at WALKER'S Furniture store.
Miss Rena Gor
visiting with Mis
Miss Bessie M
visiting at the h
Miss Jean Ross
ing a few days w
Miss L. Rich, o London was visiting
for a few days with Miss Margaret
Mr. Harrison o s Holyrood was visit-
ing for a few da s last week with his
son, Mr. E. Harri-on.
Mrs. Mann and hildren of Toronto is
spending a few ays at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Joh Nichol.
Mr. George M. 1 lliott, of Goderich,
Executive officer Huron County Chil-
pren's Aid Society was in. Wingham for
a few days last we l:.
Mr. Clarence M well of Winnipeg
is visiting for a w days with his
grand parents, Mr and Mrs. Robt.
Mavweli, Bluevale r ad.
on, of Lucknow is
Ethel Ring.
rsales, of Buffalo is
e of Mrs. Reynolds.
of Clinton is spend-
th friends in Wing -
Mr. and' Mrs. Arb kle have return-
ed to their home in askatoon, Sask.,
after spending a few weeks with rela-
tives and friends in
WANTED.—A young lady for office
work, easy hours. /Apply post office
box 278, Wingham.
A Trip to the Coast, via Canadian
Pacific Railway.
average rate of ir.
the investments i
cent., a rate w . ich, taking into con-
sideration the gil edge nature of the
investments, is very advantageous
one, and it is'interesting to note
that interest ear d on the insurance
funds of the or er for the year 1911
amounted to $149,'55,60, and paid 29.9
per cent. of the oath claims on the
order. This is elsthe largest return,
in respect to int rest, in the order's
experience, and t e largest percentage
of death claims t at it was able to pay
from this source of income. The im-
portant bearing is revenue has on the
stability of the o der may be illustrat-
ed by the fact t a t ten years ago the
amount realized from interest on in-
vestments was $:'8,283.34, showing an
increase in those ten years in revenue
from this source rf $111,472.26.
A feature of i; neral interest to the Rev, ID: E. Cam
insuring public, indicating as it does preach at both ser
the careful sele tion of risks is the Church on Sunday
death rate of thi • order. tor the year Eov E. 71. Croly +
1911 it was 5.95 r thousand, and, in eels,
this regard the o 'er shows, for its ex- Capt. and Mrs.
perienee of near], thirty-three years, been in charge of
the very low aver ge death rate of 5.24 Army Corpa for t
per thousand of t e membership. have received ma
The above fa is indicate that the therefor be faree
Canadian Order of Foresters during andleaving Wing
the time of C nada's prosperity has Their farewell m
been obtaining i s full share of mater- 7 p. rn. Sunday n
At a meeting hel
tan Church at Wrt
week, a unanimous
to the Rev. T. M.
land, Presbytery of
Maybe you've provided a special
Opting Suit or Dress and an Out-
ing Hat and overlooked the
Shoes. With everything
else cool, are you going
to wear your ordin-
ary hot, stiff shoes?
Let Your Feet En-
joy Your Outing
Try it and see how much better
you'll feel,
Women's White Nu -Button Boots
and Pumps, also the same
styles in White Canvas.
Prices $1.50, $2 50, $2.75, 64.00
Men's White Duck Oxfords or
Lace Shoes - - $2 50
Barefoot Sandals for .Boys and
Girls, more comfortable
than bare feet - 69e and 89e
See us for Trunks and
in the Presbyter-
eter one day last
nail was extended
esley, of Sunder -
on, of Brussels will
ices in St. Paul's
ext and the rector,
ill preach at Brus-
Sole Agent.
On the principle that far of hills
look green, a Iarge amount of Ont-
ario money has been invested in
Western towns of doubtful possibili-
ties, while right at our door in the
city of Toronto are to be found what
are probably the best real estate
investments in Canada.
Toronto will add to its population
this year as many people as there
are in two towns like Saskatoon. t}:
Toronto has a population of 420,-
000 and is growing rapidly. The
opening up of Greater Ontario, the
rapid settling of the West, the en-
largment of our canal system all
combine to make Toronto the most
favorably situated city in the Dom-
Its growth during the next five
years will surpass all past records.
We can give valuable information
to intending investors as we have
made a personal inspection of the
different parts of the city.
Ritchie 86 Cosens
FOR RENT. —Three rooms in the
Stone Block for rental. Apply at
TIMES office.
m®.eeesmai.sossess mitrmsiorsn..M...,�.w
Boynton who have
the local Salvation
e past eight months
eking orders and will
'ling on Sunday next
sin for pastures new.
eting will be held at
Thousands of ambitious young people
are tieing instructed 3n their homes b5
our name Study Dept. Yon:nayfinish
at College If you desire Pay when-
ever you wish. Thirty Years' Exper-
ience. Largest tralrers n (Canada.
Eater any day. Posllione guaranteed.
If you wish to save board and learn
while you earn, write. for particulars.
Wingham Businass Colleg
at10. sl"OTTON, President