HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-06-13, Page 8IIE WINGIIAM TIMES JUNE 11'•444.44•44.4.4644441440 .3 i'4, O 4 d 4 4 '4 • 4 e a •4- 4 0 :i. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 0 • 4 4' 0 O 4 4 4) 4 eAre now at their best, sweet and juicy. We have them in all sues from 25c to 60c per 4> dozen. ORANGES O This week is the big week for Pine apples. Don't miss them. •4 • r............+.'. 4 4 Try us for Teas and Coffees. All kinds of Produce Wanted. W. BONE CENTRAL GROCERY • Phone 113. Wingham. -Mrs. John D Parrish, of Goderich left the Hospital here on Monday for her home fully recovered, after having undergone a very serious operation. -The Wingham and Brussels foot - hall teams played a league game on the Brussels park on Monday evening when Brussels won by a score of 1-0. -In a runaway accident which oeeur- ed on Tuesday evening, Miss Flarity had the misfortune to have her collar bone broken and three other young ladies received slight injuries. -The A. Y. P. A. of St. Paul's Church intend holding a garden party on Dr. Tamlyn's lawn on Thursday, June 20th. There will be a splendid programme and refreshments will be served. -Mr. Geo. Shaw has purchased from Mr. Alex McLaughlin, of Howiek a beautiful team of grey geldings 4 and 5 years old which weigh 4000 lbs, the price being $1000- Mr. Shaw intends shipping them West and showing them at the Winnipeg exhibition. MINOR LOCALS. St. Vitus Dance In Young Children A striking Example of its Cure By the Tonic Treatment -Mr. Geo. Shaw shipped a carload' of horses to Winnipeg on Tuesday. -Workmen are now busy, repairing the embankment at the lower pond. -Patronize the merchants who ad- vertise in the columns of the TIMES. -The TIMES to any address in Cana- da to January lst, 1913, for 50 cents. -Get your visiting cards and wed- ding invitations printed at the TIMES office. -There was a heavy frost in this locality on Friday night, but not much damage is reported. -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresters on Friday evening of this week. -The members of the Wingham Vol- unteer Company will go to camp at Goderich on Monday next. --Benjamin Connon, license inspector for South Bruce, died of pneumonia at, his home in Walkerton last week, aged 72 years. -The Royal Scarlet Chapter will meet in the Orange Hall on Friday, June 14th, at 8 p. m. Business of im- portance. -The annual meeting pf the East Huron Conservative Association will be held in Brussels on Friday afternoon of this week. -Regular monthly meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland, will be held next Monday evening. All mem- bers are requested to attend. -The annual Union Sunday School excursion to Kincardine will be held this year on Tuesday, July 16th. Bills will be issued in a few days giving full particulars. Du. i{. J. ADAMS Late Member Hou p Stair Toronto General hospital. Post Qredugte't0ndon and Dublin. Succtssor to Dr. T. H. Agne Chico Macdonald Mock. DR. E. M. COOS, VETERINARY BURGEON Successor to Dr. Wilson. Phone No. 210 day call or No. 99 night call. Calls promptly attended to. NOTICE TQ CREDITORS. _____.7 ;, Notice is hereby give' pursuant to t. S. O. 1697, ('hap. 129, Section 8 that all persons hav- ing claims against the tate of Lucinda Moore late of the Town 02 iegham in the Coun- ty of Ruron,l)tarried Woman, deceased, who died ou or about the 2nd day of May A. D. 1012, are requ,cd to send by post prepaid or to deliver to.J. A. Morton, Solicitor for the Executors, o or before thel 17th day , f June, A. D. 191'2, their names, ad- dresses and desel'iutiortF,t and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) 1`eld by them duly cer- tified, and that the said last mentioned slate the executers will proyl,eo• to dist,ibute the assets of the deceased among the parties entit- led thereto having regard:only to the claims of which they shall thea }'�have notice. Dated this 27th day ofl;May, A. D. 1912. J. A. MORTON, Wingham. P. O. Solicitor for said Executors. St. Vitus dance is the commonest form of nervous trouble that afflicts young children, because of the great demand made on the body by growth and development, and there is an added strain caused by study. It is when these demands become so great that they impoverish the blood, and the nerves fail to receive their full supply of nourishment, that the nervous debil- ity which leads to St Vitus dance be- gins. The remarkable success of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills in curing St Vitus dance should lead parents to .give this great blood -building medicine to their children at the first signs of the ap- proach of the disease. Pallor, listless- ness, inattention, restlessness and irri- tability are all symptoms which early show that the blood and] nerves are failing to meet the demand upon them. Here is proof of thepower of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills to cure this trouble. Mrs. J. W. Towns, Oshawa, Ont., says: -"At the age of eleven my daughter was attacked with St. Vitus dance, and despite all we did for her the trouble grew rapidly worse. Soon she was scarcely able to walk, her body and limbs jerked and trembled so, and she was quite unable to feed herself. When she would lie down she would be unable to rise without assistance. As nothing was helping her I wrote a friend whose daughter had been similarly affected, and she advised the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, which had cured her child. I at once got a supply of the Pills, and even the use of the first box seemed to show an improvement. By the time five boxes were used she was complete- ly cured and has had no return of the trouble since." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -North Huron telephones were' in- stalled last week as follows: Rev. W. J. West, ring 32, line 197; Peter Fow- ler, ring 14, line 197, W. A. Reid. ring 21, line 171. -Don't forget the Excursion to De- troit on the steamer Greyhound from Goderich Saturday of this week, re- turning on Monday. See advertise- ment in this issue. -Mr. D. E. McDonald held a very successful sale of stock at the National hotel on Saturday last. Milch cows sold as high as $80 and the young stock brought high prices. --Mr. Montgomery, eye specialist of Toronto is at J. Walton McKihbon's drug store for the next ten days, All persons troubled with their eyes will do well to see Mr. Montgomery. -Dr. A.T. Ford has moved his house- hold effects to his farm near Neaustadt and Mrs. Ford left last week for new home. Dr. Ford will eontinue his veterinary practice in Wingham. -A 'Wingham baseball nine, con. posed largely of the Banker -Brunswick Club went to Clinton on Thursday last and played a game with the, club of that town. The Wingham boys lost by a score of 8-7. 11 chelieu and Ontario Navigation Comaany Steamers "Toronto" and. "Kingston" Leave Toronto daily exceptceSunday 2.30 P. Ilia susv. LUDWIG.-In Wingham,on Jule 1st to Mr. and Mrs. 0. Ludwig; a daughter. • FITCH.-At Vilianova, Ont., on June Sth, to Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Fitch; a daughter. KINDER. -In Gorrie. on June 2nd, to Rev. and Mrs. B. A. Kinder; a daugh- ter. Commencing June 1st; after June 24th daily, Rochester, 1000 Islands, Rapids, St. Lawrence, Montreal, Quebec, Murray Bay, Tadousac, Saguenay River. "Steamer Belleville" Leaves Hamilton 1100 a.m. and Toronto 6.00 p.m. every Tuesday for Bay of Quiute, Montreal and intermediate ports. For rates, illustrated folders, etc. or write H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, A. G. P. A., Toronto, Ont. SIAKPIELI'� SNIDER-IRWIN.-At the manse, Blue - vale, on June Sth,by. Rev. W. J. West, M. A., Mr. A. S. Snider, of New Lis- keard to Miss Alice Elizabeth. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irwin, of Wroxeter. MALCOLM-BISSETT-0n June 5, at the home of the bride's parents, Kin- cardine, Ont., by the Rev. J. L. Mur- ray, D. D., of Toronto, assisted by the Rev. Malcolm McArthur of Knox Church, Kincardine. Helen Mary Isabel, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Bissett, to Andrew Ebenezer, Malcolmyoungest son of Mr. dAndrew of Kincardine, MED THORNTON-In Wingham, on June 12th, John Thornton. ('ONNON.-In Morris township on May 31st, Alexander Connell. aged 72 years, 11 months and 11 days. HUNTER --In Brussels, on June lst, Elizabeth Elliott, beloved wife of John Hunter, John street, aged 74 years and 14 days. MCLeme-At Eibow, Sask., on May 29th, James, son of Archie and Sarah J. McLean, of Grey township, aged 28 years. COOPER. -In Howick, on June 4th, Edward Cooper. in his 78th year. BLAcI.-- In London, on June 4th, Thomas Black, formerly of Wingham, aged 53 years. pert Coutts, who was arrested last week on a charge of bigamy, was taken to Goderich last Thursday and appear- ed before Judge Doyle. Ile was bailed in the sunt of $500 and the trial was set for Thursday, June 27th. --Provincial Inspector Morrison was in Clinton on friday condueting a case against the hotelkeeper at Kintail for aching liquor without a license in the local option Township of Ashfield. One hundred dollars and costs were recorded by Police Magistrate Andrews. -Annual E3te1rsi011 to the Experi- mental Partin at Guelph will be run from Kincardine to Ilenfryn inclusive on Saturday, 2''nd inst. Tickets are good to return the following Monday, thereby enabling excursionists rslonlsts tavisit 1f they points further East Fast desire.re. This is the popular outing of the season and is educative as well, AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. Pursuant to tin -Power or sr.&contained in a certain Mortgage Wh1 11 will be produced at the time of sale thele. will l,e offered sale sal by Public. Auction at the 1lruu5wich Ilot.l in the Torun of Wingbn:n in the County of Irur' n on Saturday, the lath day of Tune A. D. 1912, at two o'clock p n1 .the following valuable property, namely Tito_ South e.0•t hail of 1,ot number 9*.0 on t rd. West st 'ale of Minnie Street in the (9overni.,ent Stan( e y in the said Town of Wingham. There, are on the property _ a two storFy' brick dwelling,12x 1!, with kitchen 16 n and a large frame lin -n. The dwelling is fitta;1 with .lath room, fur- nace and all modem ', "onvrnleneen and tho apropertyi, one of themast dai .c resident, ' in '�n 1 0,11 fel prole i tit . ti r ,, '1 East . 11 :lilt. ,-n 1>t r ct nt of the } welts e S ,,n Py on the day of M,aile and the a,,ilanee in twenty days tiv'rcaftelr. The property will he r'aold sut,cet to a re- served rice. utheri;3rtlenlatr; add ee,t.d:taer.s of sale will be made kn<wn at time of sena or may n rn er a reel. a n1 11 t d d 1fr t had o g Dates: this 25th day of May, 1012 Ii. VA19ST0171.1, Winglaanm, Vcactar't Solicitor. YOUR SPRING SUIT OR OVERCOAT I have moved . my tailor shop to the well known stand opposite the Bank of Hamilton and will be pleased to have your order for SPRING CLOTIlING We carry the very best lines of all kinds of material and your order will receive prompt and careful attention. E. G. WHITE The Tailor. 111 i Canada's Doak iTirael< Line, Homeseekers Excursions TO Western Canada June 11th and 25th and every se- cond Tuesday thereafter until Sept. 17th; via Sarnia and Chicago. Winnipeg and Return - 884.00 Edmonton and Return - $42.00 Tickets good for 60 days. (Special train will leave Toronto 10.30 p. in. on above dates. carrying through coaches and Pullman Tour- ist Sleeping Care. No CHANGE OP CARS. losommoodowoom. Most Popular Route to Muskoka Lake, Lake of Bays, Kawartha Lakes, I+reneh .sliver, Lake Superior and Georgian Bay,. Tenlagami and Maganetawan River, is via Grand Trunk, 11 o particulars ul'irs and tickets from Stewart t(tv rt Sfotxng, Depot .Agent, et 1;. Dot, I? L A., Toronto, Ont. 1912 1 KING S. PRICES RIGHT Extra Values for Economical Buyers cnua•s a�a�k and ray xose These are made from a very fine ;yarn and perfectly fast color, all sizes, at 25e pair. Ladies' Cotton, Lisle and Silk Hose We are showing a nice range of these at prices to suit everyone from 10e to 75e pair, Summer Vests Onr assortment is complete in all sizes and sleeve lengths. See our special 2 for 25e. B & C Corsets This make is noted for its good fitting and wearing qualities, Prices 50c to $1.50 per, Very Neat Patterns in Dress Ginghams A very suitable fabric for sum- mer dresses. Prices 10c, 121c, 15e, 20c and 25e yard. Corset Cover Em- broidery Bargain About 15 pieces of regular 25e, 30e and 35e value, to clear at 19e yard. Fancy Window Curtain Scrims In plain and colored effects. Special at 25c yard. ' Two Lace Curtain Bargains 50 pair 2 yd long, 50e value for 28c. 50 pair 3 yd long, $1,00 value for 63e. ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE WANTED. KING BROS. PRODUCE WANTED WE WANT YOUR TRADE .. prixtretrximarzawasaiMule1=12MMIONIMIIIMINIKI0151100111111111.1111111/1 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY llomeseekers' Excursions June 11 and 25 and every Second Tuesday until Sept. 17 inclusive Winnipeg and Return, $34.00 Edmonton and Return, $42.00 Proportionate rates to other points. Return limit GO days TPII OL'C D TOURIST SLEEPJ1Yt1 CARS Ask neare, t C. P. R. Agent for Home - seekers' Pamphlet UPPER LAKES NAVIGATION Steamers leave Port McNicoll Mon- days, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays at 4 p.m. for SAULT STE MARIE, PORT ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM The Steamer Manitoba, sailings from Port MeNicoll Wednesdays will call at Owen Sound leaving that point I0.30 p.m. Steamship Express leaves Toronto 12,45 p.m, on sailing days making direct connection with Steamers at Port McNicoll. Tickets and full information frcm any C.P, R. Agent. J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham. i .Tames Belanger was found exhaust- ed in the woods near French River. He had wandered for seven days without food. Ira Ilolt of Iinfi'alo saved Mils Made- line Smith from drowning at Grand Mere Quebec, by placing her on their upturn• ed canoe and deliberately sacrificing his own life. -The Grand Trunk station at Hen- sall was completely destroyed by fire on Thursday night. About $500 worth of freight was also burned. ' -Edward Cooper, a pioneer of the Township of Howick, died suddenly of heart failure on Tuesday of last week, The deceased had attained his 78th year, COOL SHOES FOR THE KIDDIES We are to have from 2 to 3 months of warm weather and "Lest we forget' permit us to draw your attention that the children feel the oppresive heat of summer just as much as do adults. Therefore Cool Shoes or Slippers for the Children at this season of the year are al- most an necessity. We are showing an excellent variety, in fact we specialize in Children's Footwear and our selection is equal .to that of the big city stores. This illustration shows the po_pu-. lar "COLONIAL SLIPPER." It is a beautiful shoe lull of class and beauty and are the newest summer style in Children's Footwear. WE HAVE THEM IN EITHER PATENT OR TAN CALF. sizes from 5 Infants to Young Ladies' size 2. We are anxious to show them to you. Take a look in our N ,rth Window. WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. 1/ for Ladies. } +444444444484+4444444♦4 ♦444•Nri(1•`44••4e•4i4.44Np i 4 a 0 a 04 1 tWool wanted in large quantities. I am prepared to buy III t any quantity of Wool and will give the highest price •• • cash or trade. Our store is full of bargains in • all lines. I have Wroxeter Yarn and Blank- Z sets and Sheetings which is superior to the ordinary make of yarn. Also • r. • Men's and Boys' Suits in the 2 latest cuts and weaves. '+; • 4; i. Dress. Goods , • • • • 2 • • • • W061 -WOOL IDress Goods of all kinds, Ginghams, Muslins, and all Wash Materials. Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Wash Skirts, House Dresses, White Waists,etc. • • M,. Boots and Shoes .t Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children made of good strong material and will stand lots of wear. i • • • I have a large stock of Linoleums, twelve patterns select from. Oilcloths and Borders. Linoleums i s; to t and t Rugs •2 • •• ••• Rugs of all kinds Tapestry, Velvets, Wilton's Axministers, in Orential and other styles. Come and see what we have before buying elsewhere. Produce of all kinds wanted. A. MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills Pflaigt 89. WINGEAM', ONT. t „ i44i+4�li�+�:�'►+�1A1+11H►i` `A1osoro%%#+hotawocom (' il+ fl. t'; rA g „ ?._r g �' r l h . 1 T ,,` 0s ' i • 3. 1� r -: '-;--314b Head Office HAMILTON • ' +a "'`I': ©� ; LI flu'. f - • CAPITAL PAM UP $ 2,870,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 8,500,400 Total Assets 44,040,000 'UST as a successful merchant makes ei every effort to give his customers courteous, efficient attention, so do the officers of the Bank of Hamilton endeav- to render to depositors every service ' eonsistant with conservative banking prac- No deposit is to shall to assure the de- positorconsideratetreatnlent^- the savings i cum tan- nts of those moderate circumstan- accountsu ces are welcomed with courtesy, and with ces that absence of undue formality which makes banking a convenience and a pleas - ore C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingham, COOL SHOES FOR THE KIDDIES We are to have from 2 to 3 months of warm weather and "Lest we forget' permit us to draw your attention that the children feel the oppresive heat of summer just as much as do adults. Therefore Cool Shoes or Slippers for the Children at this season of the year are al- most an necessity. We are showing an excellent variety, in fact we specialize in Children's Footwear and our selection is equal .to that of the big city stores. This illustration shows the po_pu-. lar "COLONIAL SLIPPER." It is a beautiful shoe lull of class and beauty and are the newest summer style in Children's Footwear. WE HAVE THEM IN EITHER PATENT OR TAN CALF. sizes from 5 Infants to Young Ladies' size 2. We are anxious to show them to you. Take a look in our N ,rth Window. WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. 1/ for Ladies. } +444444444484+4444444♦4 ♦444•Nri(1•`44••4e•4i4.44Np i 4 a 0 a 04 1 tWool wanted in large quantities. I am prepared to buy III t any quantity of Wool and will give the highest price •• • cash or trade. Our store is full of bargains in • all lines. I have Wroxeter Yarn and Blank- Z sets and Sheetings which is superior to the ordinary make of yarn. Also • r. • Men's and Boys' Suits in the 2 latest cuts and weaves. '+; • 4; i. Dress. Goods , • • • • 2 • • • • W061 -WOOL IDress Goods of all kinds, Ginghams, Muslins, and all Wash Materials. Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Wash Skirts, House Dresses, White Waists,etc. • • M,. Boots and Shoes .t Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children made of good strong material and will stand lots of wear. i • • • I have a large stock of Linoleums, twelve patterns select from. Oilcloths and Borders. Linoleums i s; to t and t Rugs •2 • •• ••• Rugs of all kinds Tapestry, Velvets, Wilton's Axministers, in Orential and other styles. Come and see what we have before buying elsewhere. Produce of all kinds wanted. A. MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills Pflaigt 89. WINGEAM', ONT. t „ i44i+4�li�+�:�'►+�1A1+11H►i` `A1osoro%%#+hotawocom