HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-06-06, Page 1THE WINCiHA1vI TIMES.
VOL. XU -NO. 2105.
We have the Swellest Goods
and best Values in Wingham
est creation in stationery since
the Egyptians first used
papyrus, all up-to•date. styles
and shades. 50e per box.
ING PAPER. --Why not use
your own individual station.
ery? Your initial in a neat
die on the corner of a beauti•
ful sheet of linen paper.
Special 35e per box -
medium weig Linen Paper.
Big value 60 + nvelopes and
50 Sheets aper only 350.
Cheapen' t an a writing pad.
CASCADE IN EN. - A fairly
heavy sheet of fine Linen
Paper 48 Envelopes and
48 Sheets Paper 35e.
BLUE BELLS.-- A good heavy
Linen Paper 25c per box,
Walton McKibbon
?1i. Stone
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
Mr. Montgomery the Toronto Eye
Specialist is coaling June l2th. Don't
fail to see him if your eyes cause
you trouble.
C. N. Griffin
1?X RE
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuor of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Malcolm's Grocery.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
Christie's Grocery
PHONE 59. ,
Best Quality Raug000
Rice 5c per Ib.
• The Rice market is high and
low grade rice is being freely
oared at shipping points to take
the place of better qualities. We
have tested this rice and have no
hesitancy in recommending the
quality as excellent. JttsT TRY
SOME Caroline Rice, genuine, per
lb. 10e.
The trade for Olives is growing
rapidly and we are pleased to
offer in this line exceptionally
fine stock, both plain and stuffed.
From 10e to 500 per bottle.
FOR 15c
Just imported a crate of beauti-
ful Pitchers, bell shaped, blue and
green tintings with scenic
picture. SEI•. Souris WINDOW.
Our $3,75 (spot cash) Toilet Sets
are suberb value.
Choice Butter and Fresh Eggs
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
The first open
Wingham Citizens
the park on Frid
large number of
the excellent prog
band. The concer
every Friday eve
on. For this wee
Thursday evenin
being here on Fri
nd Concert.
it concert by the
Band was given in
y evening last. A
r citizens enjoyed
am rendered by the
s will be continued
ng during the seas -
the concert will be on
on account of circus
Just arrived at KNOX'S new 1912 ,all
papers. Phone 65.
Card of hanks.
Vancouver, . C., May 27, 1912.
On behalf of the amity of the late
John Perdue, I am eking this oppor-
tunity of expressin my sincere appre-
ciation of the res ect, kindness and
sympathy shown b, the many relatives
and friends at th time of our late
Yours sincerely,
You can get more furniture and bet-
ter furniture for less money and less
talk at WALKER'S Furniture store.
Auction ale of Cattle.
D. E. McDonal will hold an auction
sale of fifteen urham cows, fifteen
young steers an heifers and thirty-
five calves, at the National Hotel,
Wingham, on Sa urday, June 8th, com-
mencing at 2 o'c ck. The stock is all
good and seven of the cows have calves
at foot and the others are due to calve
in less than two,weeks. John Purvis
will be the auctineer.
Indian Runner Duck eggs for hatch-
ing. $1 for 15. Apply to D. B. An-
derson, Wingham, Ont.
Seaside S mer Homes.
In connection ith the seashore re-
sorts on the C nnecticutt Coast of
Long Island Soun near New London,
Conn., on the lin of the Gr nd Trunk
Railway's New gland S .tem, a ser-
ies of attractive an c fortable cot-
tages be r nt or the summer.
Tis can is a beau ful spot and new to
Canadians. It 11 no doubt attract a
number of peopl from Canada. The
Grand Trunk are inaugurating a new
train service leav ng Montreal at 8.00
p m. daily excep Sunday, arriving at
New London 8.0 a. m., this train to
go into effect on une 24th.
WANTED. -Two bright, smart young
men to learn the upholstering. Apply
to WALKER & CLEGG, Wingham.
W. F. . Standing.'
, Worl Lost Dr. Goals p.c.
Wingham 1 0 0 2 1000
Brussels 1 1 0 2 500
Brucefield 1 1 0 2 500
Seaforth 0 1 0 0 000
Wingham leads aving beaten Brus-
sels 2-1 in Wingh: n, Brussels defeated
Brucefield 1-0 in s rucefield on 3rd June.
On May 31, Br • efield in Brucefield
defeated Seafort 2-0. From this we
gather that Wi gham having beaten
Brussels should beat Brucefield 3-0
and Seaforth 5 - It looks like the
silverware for o rs. It must be aw-
fully discouragin for the other teams
to play Winghai . What a useless ex-
pense. Why n, t give Wingham the
district first as 1 : st and devote expens-
es that would bincurred to Muskoka
Free Hospital. ext game Wingham
at Seaforth on une 7. Return game
played in Win am June 14. Come
and see the gam
FOR SALE.- good bedroom suite.
Apply at TIMES . fiice.
District I stitute at Blyth.
There was a Dirge turnout to the dis-
trict meeting oft the Woman's Institute
Blyth, oh Thursday held at aftern oon.
Delegates were
Wingham, Godo
ville, Belgrave
present from Clinton,
ich, Seaforth, Holmes-
nd Blyth. very A ve y in-
teresting progamme was listened to
by about a hundred ladies. Mrs. W.
Dawson, of Parkhill, spoke on the
"Hand that Reeks the Cradle," and
Miss M. Allan, of Jarvis, on "Home
Nursing." Miss Allin and Miss L.
('arr, Blyth, rendered beautiful solos.
The district officers were elected as
follows: -President, Mrs. Swanson,
Goderich; vice-president, Mrs. Geo.
Powell, of Blyth; secretary -treasurer,
Mrs. G. Young, Goderich. After the
election all sat down to a lunch prepar-
ed by the Blyth society. The delegates
in attendance from Wingham were
Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. Wm. Bone,
Read Willis & Co.'s Adv, on page 8
The annual meeting of the North
Huron Liberal Association will be held
in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Tues-
day afternoon, June 13th, commencing
at 2 o'clock. Officers are to be elected
for the ensuing year and other impor-
tant business will be brought before the
meeting. Prominent Liberals are ex-
pected to be present and deliver ad-
dresses. All Liberals are invited to
attend the meeting.
Buttermilk for sale at the Creamery,
Kent block.
Mrs. V. R.
pie, Mrs. II
son, Mrs. Vl
Wet Wea
According to
report, May, 1912
nearly twenty ye
fall of a fractio
This is more than
and is in strong cc
last year, when 1.
were precipitated
In order to find
must go back tc
shows a total of of
�anNorman, Mrs. C. Gilles -
13. Elliott, Mrs. I. David-
: J Currie and Mrs. Joseph
her of May.
ie Weather Bureau
was the wettest in
•s, with a total rain -
under six inches.
louble the average,
ntrast with May of
ss than two inches
during the month.
higher figure one
May, 1804, which
er nine inches.
Rubber -tired bug
good condition for
price. Apply -Ma
y, ball-bearing, in
ale at reasonable
ager Bank of Com -
Damage at U.per Power Dam.
An unforseen
upper pond earl
ing caused cons
Allen had visite
nesday night
that would wa
care of the d
Morning the
and cut away
in front of
flour mill. A
earth and gray
basement of
was promptly
and there was
in the water se
se in the water at the
last Thursday morn-
erable damage. Chief
the dam late on Wed-
nd could see nothing
ant him in taking extra
r but early Thursday
ater rose very rapidly
art of the embankment
wson & Brocklebank's
onsiderable quantity of
1 was carried into the
he mill. The damage
repaired on Thursday
inconvenience caused
Summer Cotta at Kincardine for
rent by the wee r month. Apply to
Mrs. John Camp ell.
The Detroit Excursion.
Minerva Encampment, I. 0. 0. P.,
Wingham, has arranged with the G.
T. R. for the rail part of the Greyhound
excursion, Goderich to Detroit, Friday
June 14.
A special train will leave Stratford,
Friday, 7.30 a. m., stopping at all stat-
ions. From Wingham, Belgrave, Blyth
etc., take morning train June 14th, con-
necting at Clinton at 8.35 a. m. with
special train for Goderich.
Returning special train will leave
Goderich on Monday, June 17 tb, at 11.
30 p. m., after arrival of Greyhound
from Detroit running through to Wing -
ham and Stratford.
WOOL WAN .-50,000 lbs
Highest Prices ash or Trade. -
With Dublin !Prize Horses.
Court of
At the meetin
Court of Revision
the assessment on I%
two houses on Edw
duced $150 and the
house owned by th
estate on Francis s1
$150. Messrs T. C.
were assessed as ow
block property.
of the Wingham
Tuesday evening,
r. W. Johnston's
rd street was re-
assessment on the
Annie Robinson
reet was reduced
and R. H. King
iers of the Beaver
No old wall paper at KNox'S. Every-
thing new.
A street parade, hich will be a ver-
itable horse fair is p •omised by the Sang-
ers Greater Euro can Shows, which
exhibit at Win ha Friday,June 7.
The pageant wi Ileave e grounds
promptly at 10 o'cl ck day of show, and
follow a line of ma •ch to be announced
later. First will c me the World Fam-
ous Dublin Gray , the $25,000 prize
The band wagon , floats, and other
paraphernalia will e drawn by 400 well
groomed, well m tched dapple gray
horses. The stoc is all in the pink of
condition. The ra rs are of undisputed
lineage, the steeds attached to the Rom-
an chariots are p rticularly beautiful,
the Kentucky hi h school horses are
the greatest aqui es on earth, and half
a hundred Shetland ponies will delight
the children.
When the show comes to this town
the work of unloading will be well un-
der way with the rising of the sun and
there is little cha ce of the street par-
ade being late in leaving the grounds.
Already choice 1.' cations are in demand
and the chances are that the streets
along which the parade will go will be
lined with admi ngthousands, cheering
handsomest pa ado ever seen with a
circus and th Great Dublin $25,000
Prize Team wi be an unusual feature
to view.
New High Sc of Trustee.
At the meeting o t the Huron County
Council at Goderic this week Mr. R.
Vanstone was sele . ed as a member of
the Wingham Hig School Board in
place of Mr. Wm. N cholson,who recent-
ly moved from t• n. Mr. Vanstone
will make an excel •nt member of the
Board and Reeve cDonald made a good
selection in recom ending him for the
A Seriou Accident.
While at work 0 the Wingham salt
works on Saturday afternoon last, Mr.
W. B. Reid met w h a serious accident.
Mr. Reid was mak ng some repairs to
the pan and a sma + piece of steel went
into the ball of one of his eyes. The in-
jury is a very serio s one and Mr. Reid
left on the afterno• train for London
for treatment, and • p to Tuesday even-
ing the physicians .d not been able to
locate the steel. I. is feared that Mr.
Reid will lose the ght of the one eye.
Albert. Tho pson was killed by a
train at New . rket.
John P. R sie was accidentally kill -
in the Corda gold mine in Belmont
select from at lowest prices.
Improved Train Servs
to, Sarnia, Por
Commencing We
the Grand Trunk Ra
inaugurate a Pullma
first-class coach sere
onto and Sarnia
Toronto 8.00 a. m., H
arriving Sarnia Whar
days, Wednesdays a
ing connection with
tion Company's s ea
3.30 p. in. on abo
Marie, Port A
Eastbound -Leave S
a. m. Tuesdays an
Hamilton 11.10 a. m.
p.m., also leave Sar
Sundays only, arriv
and Toronto 8.17 p.
full particulars, an
Grand Trunk Agei
Duff, District Passe
Station, Toronto, 0
e Between Toron-
Arthur and
esday, June 5th,
way System will
Parlor Car and
ce between Tor -
Wharf leaving
milton 9.08 a. m.
1.45,�pp m. Mon -
S turdays, mak-
onthern Naviga-
r leaving Sarnia
e : ays, for Sault Ste
• and Winnipeg.
rnia Wharf 6.35
Fridays, arrive
and Toronto 12.18
is Wharf 1.30 p.m.
Ilamilton 6.53 p.m.
m. Reservations,
tickets from any
or address A. E.
ger Agent, Union
We can only show you 1912 ' wall
paper atKNox s.
Some Gdod Cattle.
William Yeo of
Turnberry has sol
Fergus, three D
aged 2 years 5
months, and 2 yea.
tively and weighin
and 1530 lbs. Thes
of their kind, sm
evenly fleshed and a •e a credit to Mr
stock feeder. We
r. Black bought
eo. Pritchard, of
fitting them for
ion and later for
Show. The price
ound. Well done
e 2nd concession of
to John Black of
•ham grade steers,
nonths, 2 years 2
3 months respec-
1510 lbs., 1340 lbs.
cattle are models
oth, straight and
Yeo•as a farmer an.
understand that
these cattle for
Guelph, who intend
the Toronto Exhibi
Guelph Fat Stock
was 8 cents per
FOUND. -A bunch of keys with chain
attached was left at TIMES office c 1
Saturday. Owner can have same 1 ,'
proving property -and paying for t;.is
Publicity Campal
At the meeting o
this th s week a
ted for the inaugur
campaign for this
that so successfully
time by the County,
resentatives from di
county were in Godf
proposition before tl
have'not yetlearnec
taken. Huron Cou
best in the Province
dorse any movemen
object the retains
residents and induct
locate in the diffe
gn for Huron.
the County Coun-
posal was submit -
tion of a publicity
county similar to
arried on for some
f Lambton. Rep-
erent parts of the
rich to support the
e Council, but we
what action was
ty is one of the
nd we heartily en -
that has for its
of our present
g other people to
ent parts of the
Report of Wing
for the month of M
Total marks 570.
N. Rush 467, W. cCool 422, T. Mc-
Donald 441, F. Moo a 127, E. Pocock
354, C. Wilson 330, . Gillespie 361, J.
Angus 347, M. Br wn 365, H. Gould
373, B. Isard 333,Stapleton 311, G.
Adair 347, L. Manu.l 260, S. Reading
269, W. Hinscliffe 139, J. Richardson
437, H. Gray 469, Niergarth 413, W.
Morden 332, C. Cra ford 225, S. Max-
well 455, M. Grov s 442, V. Armour
448, B. Blackhall 1 3, N. Weiler 443,
F. Lockridge 426, I. Gibson 431,, M.
Harrison 386, M. M rch 455, F. Murch
434, A. Robertson : 0, I: Allen 455, N.
Kennedy 427, E. Patterson 418, Z.
Hines 400, N. Grac 470, E. Hastings
284, P. Bloomfield 321, V. McDonald
407, G. Deans 473, . Newman 388, C.
Moffatt 342, G. Rob nson 501, K. Pringle
Examined in geography, arithmetic,
spelling and literature. Total 544.
Senior section. -J. Maxwell 401, F.
Walker 490, F. Ca ruth 485, K. Disney
480, K. Smith 476, P. Holmes 476, 0.
Rintoul 454, S. H milton 453, M. Cas-
sells 450, I. Dore 42, M. Reading 442,
H. Kennedy 436, . Hingston 431, D.
Hines 431, T. Bot rell 430, G. Cantelon
430, W. Schaefer 28, F. Moffatt 402,
N. McRitchie 3 9, V. Patterson 391,
E. Hart 382, N. ennett 379, C. Isard
379, N. Christie 310, S. McLean 353, H.
Denis 350, M. P cock 328, N. Haugh
323, J. Currie 317 L. Hoffman 288, A.
Taylor 247, R. W Toler 244, E. Rogers
217, N. Vanalstin 186.
Junior section. -1•N. McLean 306, V.
Schaefer 302, A.1 Williamson 284, J.
Nichol 285, H. Angus 250, L. Currie
218, N Drummond 208, C. Angus 202,
P. Johns 171, E. Cook 165
Senior section. 1iarks obtainable 825.
am Public School
Pass 342. Honours
The undersigned is prepared to take
care of lots in the Wingham cemetery
during the summer months and guar-
antees to givo satisfaction. Price for
season is $1 per lot. Orders left with
John I+'. Groves, Town Clerk, will re-
ceive nv .rtpt attention.
V. Stricker 767,
Dear 762, J. Seli
140, M. Loughee
C. Hinscliffe 124,
Williams 106, H.
91, N. Clark 86,
72, Z. Dickson 62,
can 36.
Junior section.
136, E. Irvine 134,
C. Hingston 119, H.
Moffatt 97, A. Brown
. Piper 74, N. Isard
I. Bell 52, G. Dun -
K Donaldson 1
Robertson 120, L
110, S Harrison 1
M Dennis 94, A Fc
G Fixter 74, 0 Ca
62, M Pilon 62, J 1!
42, A Williams
Sanderson 10, 0 C:
Marks obtainable 160.
5, A Irwin 120, S
ell 110, L Campbell
6, M Vanstone 98,
rgie 85, T Pocock 74,
emore 73, E Rogers
ann 60, D Cloakey
G Simmons 34, L
Fourths. -A. Cwruth 155, E. Gibson
147, V. Amsbury 1
C. Dobie 133, M.
for 121, M. Angus l
C. Mason 99, G. Bis
C. Lockman 89, E.
ington 45.
Thirds. -E. Lutto
170, A. Cloakey 113,
L. Zurbrigg 104, I
Hayles 76, W Clark
H Olington 74, J C
67, C Coutts 62, 0
ston 57, M Schaefer
Cruikshank 24.
Seconds. -E Curri , B Joynt, J Carr,
G McTavish, E Rich rdson, G Jenkins.
D Levis, N Holler, 17 Bell, C Pattison,
C Tennant, M Hilll M Holloway, K.
Cruikshank, N Merkley, E Forgie, N
Sturdy, E. Lynett, T Saint.
6, M. Dennis 146,
sens 127, E. Tay -
1, M. Redmond 104,
1ee.96, G. Bower 90,
Stevens 79. F. 01-
i 212, H. Acheson
G. Simmons 109,
Holloway 93, J
75, J Casemore 75,
ok 67, V Robinson
ardy 61, J John -
47, G Arde 38, C
WANTED. -A goad smart boy to drive
delivery wagon. Apply at Hanna & Co's
749, V. Davidson 748, K. Milts 704, R.
Hewer 703, L. Bell 700, 0. Newman
695, C. Smith 689, G. Allen 678, E.
Huffman 673, F. Sturdy 671, J. Christie
670, F. Robinson 04, W. Walker 660,
M. Piper 650, L. gtevens 653, L. Zur-
brigg 641, T. Mur h 624, C. McTavish
618, C. Isard 601, M. Austin 594, II.
Aitcheson 571, . Forsythe 542, M.
Allen 486, L. Mc eod 485, O. Merkley
IWilliams4 3
na 469,B. W
483,H. McDonal,
C. Wild 461, L. Sturdy 454, II. Mann
435, A. Imlay 350, W. Austin 337.
Junior section.! Marks obtainable 550.
E. Hamilton 474, J. Dobie 473, M.
Coulter 447, M, Walker 446, G. Fry
445, E. Musgrove 442, P. Joynt 440, H.
Mutch 394, R. Anderson 393, H. Angus
338, S. Bell 301,.
Senior section.! Marks obtainable 965. _
S. Brown 825, E. Angus 795, V. Ham-
ilton 778, L. Duncan 769, V. Johnson
759, L. Jarvis 730, F. Hinscliffe 725, R.
Smith 721, C. Lloyd 717, E. Dobie 700,
T. Sanderson 697„ J. Saint 693, M. Pass-
more 689, A. Kenhedy 674, C. Adams
(168, S. Robinson d 7, C. Hardy 611, C.
Pocock 594, W. A tcheson 593, W. Mc -
Nevin 593, A. Blo mfield 589, L. Case -
more 545, C. Bell 42, II. Hamilton 512,
K. Nicol 507, E. Johnston 504, L. Mc-
Lean 406, C. Showers 398, C. Dickson
370. •
Junior section. Marks obtainable 777.
M. Duncan 664,, E. Hayles 619, H.
Gannett 619, 0. Hu ton 618, A. William-
son 607, W. Carr e 603, J. Davidson
506, G. Holmes 584 R. Sanderson 558,
A. Taylor 558, K. Wilkinson 557, S.
Donaldson 554, A. Galbraith 510, E.
Rintoul 430, P. Mc can 408.
Senior section. Marks obtainable 500.
H. Huffman 432, IC. Pocock 420, A.
Blackhall 406, B Stevens 376, C.
Stapleton 361, M. eid 352, I. Reid 348,
M. Walker 340, La ra Ellacott 338, J.
Lutton 324, I. Rid 320, I. Simmons
3I0, D. Lynett 310, V. Hill 309, C. Ar -
1 e' 2
mour 80.., M. Da Ish 96> J. Allen
284, Lillian Ellacot 269, C. Robertson
266, A. Sturdy 2 2, G. Cruickshank
214, E. Hart 212.
Junior section. C. Hutton 400, C.
Zurbrigg 482, G. Boyd 470, A. Mills
468, F. Melson 45 , J. Vanstone 457,
D. Fells 452, H. Ca ruth 450, R. Clark
431, .1. Ard 433, F Sparling 430, R.
Williams 420, M. Seli 415, V. Joynt
415, M. Johns 392, W. Angus 372, V.
Forler 410, A. A derson 292, R. Me-
Creight 281, H. ilson 244, E. Kew
242, D Perrie 232, R. Madigan 178, A.
Gould 176.
Senior section. . arks obtainable 250.
L. Johnson 214, A. Baird 201, W.
Ellacott 192, F. Sel 176, G. McRitchie
170, F. Piper 166 M. Shiell 163, C.
Henderson 153, S.
The June meeting of the Town Coun-
cil was held on Monday evening with
all the members, present, and Mayor
Spotton presiding. Minutes of last
regular meeting were read and con-
The Finance Committee recommend-
ed payment of the following accounts:
John Davidson, work ....... .$ 7 30
Bell Telephone Clo., messages.... 80
John Amsbury, Thatching at fire 2 00
H. Collar, work," 4 30
H. B. Elliott, printing .... 7 50
W. J. Boyce, supplies,...... 4 15
awyer. & Massey Co., repairs1 25
Municipal Word, supplies 15 75
R. Rankin, salary .... ... 10 00
Ed. Lewis, salary 35 00
Wm. Stokes, salary 40 00
Geo. Allen, salary 32 50
John F. Groves, €salary and pos-
tage.......1 .... .... 55 50
Jas, Baird, world 4 50
Edwin Baird, work 3 50
A. Boyer, work . 3 50
A. Sanderson, street watering... 21 00
J. A. McDonald, work on grader 13 50
Public School Board, levy ... 300 00
D. C. McDonald„ work .. .. 40 77
R. 1I. Seine, tea'ming 75
Thos. Groves, man hole .. .... 24 45
Alex. Ross, express charges 90
A number of riccounts in connection
with the Electrpc Light and Water-
works departmelts were also recom-
mended for payment.
On motion of Couns. Elliott and Mills,
the report of the Finance Committee
was adopted. ;
By -Law No. 652, fixing the rate of
taxation at 26 mills, (the same as last
year) was given three readings and on
motion of Reeve 4dcDonald and (bun.
Bone was adopted as read
The different ;expenditures are as
follows: -County rate, $1196, 112 mills;
general town rate $13266, 161.1' mills;
Public School, $4422, 51, mills; High
School, $2010, 2,k; 'mills.
An account of $30.75 for the Western
Foundry Co. for Work at upper dam
was ordered to be ,charged up to the
waterworks depart;nent on motion of
Coun. Elliott and Reeve McDonald.
An account from Y1. Young for $8.18
was ordered to be paid when properly
certified to, on motion of Couns. Mc-
Kibbon and Mitchell'
The matter of placing advertisements
in the city papers,] pointing out the
advantages of the t wn for manufac-
turers to locate here was left with the
Executive Committe .
Under the new M dical Health Act,
which h came
into f ce on the lst of
June, the Boards of Health of the
different towns are nnulled and the new
Board of Health lslto be composed of
the Mayor, Medicql Health Officer and
one member appoihted by the Council,
and on motion of Couns. VanStone and
Mills, Mr. A. E. Porter was appointed
as a member of the Board of Health.
The Council decided to take no action
in the matter of joining the Ontario
Municipal Association.
Mr. Wm. Caslick and others were
present and askdd that a water main
be placed on Catherine street between
John and Victoria streets. The platter
was left with the Electric Light and
Waterworks Committee and the Coun-
cil adjourned. 1
For wall paper
and window shades
go to KNOx'S.
olmes 145, E. Wild
pUT on a
L Hartt
Shoe and you'll be
delighted with the
smart appearance
of your foot.
There's real visible
style to The Hartt
Shoe -and utmost
Fredericton, N.B.
"Canada's Best
See us for Trunks and
W J. ORttR
Sole Agent.
On the principle that far of hills
look green, a large amount of Ont-
ario money has been invested in
Western towns of doubtful possibili-
ties, while right at our door in the
city of Toronto are to be found what
are probably the best real estate
investments in Canada.
Toronto will add to its population
this year as many people as there
are in two towns like Saskatoon.
Toronto has a population of 420,-
000 and is growing rapidly. The
opening up of Greater Ontario, the
rapid settling of the West, the en-
largment of our canal system all
combine to make Toronto the most
favorably situated city in the Dom-
Its growth during the next five
years will surpass all past records.
We can give valuable information
to intending investors as we have
made a personal inspection of the
different parts of the city.
Ritchie 86 Covens
Rev. Dr. McKa of Seaforth con-
ducted the servi .s in St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church on Sunday last in
the absence of the pastor, Rev. D.
Perrie. who is attending the Gencrai
Assembly in Edmonton.
Y'h at General i[t,YY
Tread of the Salva ion Army, who re-
cently underwen an operation for the
removal of a cat ract from his left eye,
will henceforth b . totally blind, is the
opinion reached 1 • the doctors.
A special meet ig of the Presbytery
of Huron on Frid. •, May 24th, released
Rev. J. L. Sm 1, B. A., from his
charge at Blytl The representation
• i and hearty
•s strong
from Hespe t w 1,
and the great at, actions of that field
were well presen ed. The large depu-
tation from Blytl pled most
for the retention .f their minister, but
when the call wa put into the hands of
Mr. Small his chce was to enter the
new sphere.
Thousands of ambitiou;a young people
aro being instructed in Rhear homes by
our Homo Study Dept. Yen may finish
College 1f you tit .
yi,+ pay la
ever you wish. Thirty Years' Exper-
ience. Carseat trair+•rs n Canada.
Enter any day. Positions i;ttnrant i
If you ted.
vis h to save board and learn
while you earn, write for particulars.
Wingham Business Colleg
OI:O. SPOTTON, President