HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-05-30, Page 88 • TII1, WINGlA11 . ORANGES... A a Are now at their best, sweet and juicy. We Z,' have them in all sizes o Z. from 25c L.o 60c per 4 dozen. 0 0 0'.* 0 This week is the big week d for Pine apples. Don't miss them. •o • a • a Try 4 • a� I we, CE lftih1 GROCERY • Phone 113. Wingham. us for Teas and Coffees. All kinds of Produce Wanted. NE 4 0 w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 4 MINOR LOCALS. -Regular monthly meeting of the Town Council next Monday evening. -Mr. A. J. Walker last week sold a new scale Williams piano to Mr. Fred Carter. -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresters, on Fri- day evening of this week. -Mrs. Currie, a pioneer resident of Bruce County, died at her home in Walkerton last week in her 99th year. -The A: Y. P. A. of St. Paul's church purpose holding a garden party on Dr. Tamlyn's lawn on Thursday, June 20th. -Mr. R.J. Graham, for twenty-eight years G. T. R. agent at Ripley, has re- signed and will take a trip through the West. For wall paper and window shades go to KNOx'8. -Exeter ratepayers on Monday by a vote of 186 to 11, passed a by-law to raise $5,0(0 for improvement to the town's sewerage system. -The Bee Demonstration in the Api- ary of Mr. Carr at Blyth, will be on Saturday, June 1st, instead of Friday, May 31st, as advertised in last week's TIMES. -The Court of Revision for the Town of Wingham has been adjourned until Tuesday evening, June 4th. Lack of a quorum prevented the Court being held on Monday evening last. -A meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wingham General Hospital will be held in the Council Cha ber this (Thursday) at 4 p. m. A members are requested to attend. 1e quart Grey Granite 'ater Pail for 25 cents on sale Satu y afternoon at 2 o'clock Marshall' 0, 10, 15 and 25 et. store. -Mr. Frank Dockrell, who has been a patient in the Hospital for some time was operated upon last week. He is improving and expects to be able to leave the hospital shcrtly. --A serious operation was performed upon Mrs. John D. Parrish, of Goderich at the Hospital herr. last Monday morn- ing. She is progressing satisfactorily and it is expected that she will recover. -Mrs. Wm. Sneath underwent an operation in the Hospital on Sunday last, and we are pleased to report that she is doing nicely since the operation. We wish Mrs. Sneath a speedy recov- ery. -Severe electrical storms, accom- panied by heavy rain visited this sec- tion on Monday. On Monday evening a chimney on Mrs. Bloomfield's resi- dence wa4 hit and demolished and for- tunately no further damage was done. -'rhe Victoria Day holiday was very qui:itly observed in Wingham. All places of business were closed and a number of our townspeople spent the day at Listowel. The program of sports at Brussels and Mildniay were postponed. --A party of surveyors and engineers of the Canadian Northern Railway were through Exeter last week in con- nection with the new radial to be built through from Stratford to Grand Bend. It is stats d that work on the line will be rushed. --The weather (et Tuesday evening was very unfavourable for the first league football match between the Brus- sels and Wingham teams. '!'here was not every large attendance of spectat- ors and the game resulted in a win for the local boys by a score of 1 to 0. --Owing to the demise of Jatnes Ed- gar, one of the promoters of the Ho - wick Mutual, it became necessary for the IDirectors to fill the vacancy until the next annual meeting. This they did by the appointment of Iiugh Ed- gar, of IIowick, a son of the deceased gentleman aforementioned. -- After .Tune first all moving picture shows with a capacity of 300 and under must have two aisles running from the front to the rear and these 3 feet wide, the chairs must Le hacked together and .flailed to the floor, and only e licensed operator can handle the machine, BABY'S OWN TABLETS 1 A MOTHERS STANDBY Mrs. Wen. Kernaghan, Cartwright, Man., says: "I always use Baby's Own Tablets and find them an excellent rem- edy for little ones." Thousands of other mothers say the same thing simply be- eause they have found the Tablets the best medicine to give their little ones to make teething easy; to expel worms; relieve constipation and to snake baby plump, healthy and strong. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Party. • -In Wingham, on May 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. IL. A. Percy; a son. MCLE.AN. --In Wroxeter, on May 19th to Mr. and Mrs. Adam McLean; a son. McIDOt't1ALL.--In Kinloss, on May 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. John McDougall; a daughter. I)f El) CAMPBELL. -- In Wingham, on May 22nd, Catherine Hill Campbell, wife of Mr. Peter Campbell, in her 58th year. Lori:Itineri.-In Wingham, May 28th, Elizabeth Jones, relict of the late Samuel Lockridge, aged 76 years 28days. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is he•eby given pursuant to R. S, 0. 1s97, t hap. 12P, : ertion :is that all persons hay- ing claims against the Estate of Luninda Moors late of the J awn of Wi' ghani in (he Coun- ty of llurou,Marrie 1 Woman, eet•ased, who diad on or tibaut. the 2u day of May A. P. 1t'] 2, are required o send by post Prepaid or to deliver to J. . Morton, Solicitor for the Lxrcutors, 011 • before thel17th day .f dune, A. 11. 1" ., their names. ad- dresses and deserinti t and a full statement of particulars of 1110 Fauns and the nature of the security (if any held by them duly cer- tified, and that the said last mentioned date the, executers will pTroeet • to dist, ibute the assets of the deeeasttl among the, parties emit. led thereto having regal d only to the clans}s of which they shall then have, notice. Dated this 27111 day of May, A. D. 1012. J. A. MORTON, Wingham. P. 0. Solicitor for said Executors. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his 200 acre farm, being lot 35, concession 10, East Wawanosh. There are on the premises a good stone h se and large bank barn with stone st ling and other out buildings. There ' a good supply of pure water and v .rything about the farm is in the ver est condition. This is one of the best farms in the Town- ship. Easy terms of payment as I am giving up farming. Get particulars on the premises or at the TIMES office, Wingham, or address, GEO. '1'. ROBERTSON, Wingham, P. 0. DR. E }I. COOK, VETEPINA RI! SURGEON Successor to Dr. Wilson. Phone No. 2t0 day call or No. 30 night call. Calls promptly attended to. MEETING OFTHE HURON COUNTY OUflCIL The Council of tl Corporation of the County of Huron ill meet in the coun- cil chamber, in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, June he 4th, at 3 o'clock. Accounts against the county will be considered if plat d with the Clerk be- fore this date. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated, May 20th '1912. Canada's, Do bieTro1c King's Dir6idayo Siegle Fare for Round Trip Between all stations in Canada Good going May 31, June 1, 2, 3 Return limit June 5th, 1912 (Minimum charge 25e.) FAST 1.1UEKOKA EXPRESS -Leaves To- - onto 10 1:, a. nt. (10115 .•x Sir ndny. making direet• ee.nu, ction at Mmaok5 Wharf for Muskoka Lake pain's. Honleseeker's Excursion to &stun Can ea. June 11 and ;:n. JuIyi and and every ser -and 71:es. ny thereafter until °Sept. 17, via :arida er • bie.,g••. Winnipeg and re- turn $:14 (3'. Edmonton and return $.12.00. latot- sat.d ha• ,.;; ty days. Special train will leant s nrr.nto 1041 p. ra. tan a1 ova g 1iu sauces Coaches and Pttll- 'a i 1rrpiog l er-'. Ntk.CNANGE OF CARS* Tivl r is will also be on sale via Sarnia and NarthrrnNavigation O.eirene. Full part:cubi•s and tickets from Stewart Young. . 1 repot As;• nt, or A E. Duff, D P. A., 11'orw.te, (n t. TT IES MAT 2i1. 1912 License Reduction in Goderich. The License Commissioners met on Thursday and cut off two licenses, se- lecting those held by Liberals. M. .1. Farr, who has kept a favorite house for farmers, was also given three months to sell out. He was the one who was instrumental in bringing about the recent investigation. The British Exchange was also given two weeks to make a change of proprietor- ship. The Liberals who lost their li- censes outright were J. R. Reynolds of the Huron house, and Robert King of the King Edward. R. J. Cluff, of gin - ton was elected as Chairman in place of Wm. Patterson, who recently re- signed. Mr. Thomas Rouutree, Peterboro's oldest citizen, died at the age of 94. Wingham FRIDAY, JUE 7th Air MQN, ram BIGGER, BETTER IMADER E'I�AiFi M"T.7-.em- O MENAGERIE ZAP WLm A IS` ALS INGTHE LARGEST TRAINED ELEPHANT B TNEWOLrI,D 10 TRILLING DANE -DEVIL AOTS-10 ROYAL ROMAN HIPPODROME 500 PEOPLE. 200 HORSES. 100 Leapers, Acrobats and Aerialists- 100 20 Funny Clowns. 100 Educated Animals GRAND FREE STREET PARADE DAILY AT 10 A. M. 2 Big Uniformed Concert Bands Excursions on all Lines of Travel ..2 PERFORMANCES DAILY.. FL .X1%T OZtt. I5aXX1 JE Afternoon at 2. Night at 8. Yo3 SPRIIII SUET OR OVERCOAT I have moved my tailor shop to the well known stand opposite the Bank of Hamilton and will be pleaaed to have your older for SPRING CLOTIIiNG We carry the very best lines of all kinds of material and your order will receive prompt and careful attention. L. G. WIBTh The Tailor. i GOOD GOODS IKING BROS. I PRiol [xlra Values for Economical Buyers 10111.1011 Child's Black and Tan Hose These are made from a very fine yarn and perfectly fast color, all sizes, at 25e pair. Ladies' Cotton, Lisle and Silk Hose We are showing a nice range of these at prices to suit everyone from 100 to 75e pair. Summer Vests Our assortment is complete in all sizes and sleeve lengths. See our special 2 for 25c. B C Corsets This make is noted for its good fitting and wearing qualities, Prices 50c to 51,50 per. imumes Very Neat Patterns in Dress Ginghams A very suitable fabric for sum- mer dresses, Prices 10C, 12? -e, 15c, 20e and 250 yard. Corset Cover Em- broidery Bargain About 15 pieces of regular 25c, 30e and 35c value, to clear at 19c yard, Fancy Window Curtain Scrims In plain and .colored effects. Special at 25e yard. Two Lace Curtain Bargains 50 pair 2 yd long, 50c value for 28c, 50 pair 3 yd long, $1.00 value for 63c. ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE WANTED. KING BROS. PRODUCE. WANTED WE WANT YOUR TRADE RdW i 1 I I J CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY UPPER LAKES KING'S BIRTHDAY FIA RLE NAVIGATIONBetween all stations in Canada, Port Arthur and East. Good going May 31, June 1, 2, 3, return limit, June 5. (Minimum rate of 25.) Steamers leave Port McNicoll Mon- days, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays at 4 p.m. for SAULT STE MARIE, PORT ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM The Steamer Manitoba, sailings from Port McNicoll Wednesdays will call at Owen Sound leaving that point 19.30 p.m. Steamship Express leaves Toronto 12.45 p.m. on sailing days making"direct connection with Steamers at Port McNicoll. Homeseekers' Excursions May 28, June 11, 25 and cond Tuesday until 17 inclusive WINNIPEG and RETURN EDMONTON and RETURN every Se - Sept. - •$34e0 - $42.00 Proportionate rates to other points. Return limit 60 days TPROU6B TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Aek nearest C. P. R. Agent for Bome- eeekers' Pamphlet Tickets and full information from any C.P, R. Agent. J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham. IMMININNIMENIMMINNIIMMION -0.0.000•000000000004,0001P000 •:•40044'b0000.004.*••••o-Aoo+J r� 0 G e 00 s • ••• 4 4 a 0 • • • 0 • 4 •• • a • • • BREAD! BREAD! BREAD! FIVE ROSES FLOUR 4 a 0 It is the simplest thing conceivable to make the a very choicest of Home Made Bread when you use Five Roses Flour. It remains sweet and wholesome when other bread is not palatable. Remember you don't need to bake every day to have good Home Made Bread. `a When you use Five Roses Flour it remains moist and <> nutritous for a week. Try it and be convinced. .e A BIG SAVING. ' One 24 ib bag Five Roses Flour costing 85c produces 22- I.2 loaves bread. One 49 lb bag Five Roses Flour costing $1.65 produces 45 loaves bread. o One 98 ib bag Five Roses Flour costing $3,25 produces o go loaves bread. • • �y Start right now. Get a bag. Save money. Have a j • • • 0 change. Be convinced. J. L. AWDE 0 0 • +++++•+•+4+•+•+••4++•+•••• 4+++9•54++++•+++40.44••••• TAN BOOTS FOR MEN ARE VERY FASHIONABLE 4AANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA In Our South Window we are Showing Several of THE VERY LATEST. Short stub shape are the fashionable styles just like cut shown. We have sever- al new and natty lines to which we invite the inspec- tion of every man who de- sires to see the nicest and best shoes. Two lines in particular to which we direct your attention. BRIGHT TAN BLUCHER BOUT MODEL BRAND The very best Willow Calf Tops and Oak Tan Sole, high solid leather box toes. A very swell shoe. Price 55,00 per pair. BRIGHT TAN BUTTONED BOOTS MODEL BRAND The very same boot as the blucher boot only in buttoned style. Price $5.00 per pair. We have several cheaper lines of Men's Tan Boots but these two are extra good. WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. for Ladies. +++++++++4+4+04+0++++4+4++ •♦••••,,,•••♦•••••♦♦•••••• •• ♦ SEED • FOR 1912• • • CORN: ♦ 2 ♦ e' • Owin•g to the very wet fall t ♦ e • •of•1911 and the extremely cold winter a great deal of • :' ■s • •• corn d not ve proper , , , . • care and is therefore unfit for seed and farmers should exercise more care than us- ual in selecting their seed as replanting is never so good. • Having a practical man ° in Essex, I have been able to secure corn from some of a the very best farms and can offer you the very choicest of seed either on or off the cob. 1 , . I have 90 Day, Leaming, Bailey or White Cap Dent. These are the best silo corns; also Compton's Early. These corns have all been tested 1 for germination and are No. 1. Get your seed corn from I J. A. Mills and secure a good crop for the coming season. r 1111. A. MILL • ♦ • Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. ; 44Mi404,444-*Ns.444b+4•s i4.4,4444ottm is 4 it i i 1 ♦, • •• • • •2 Z x _ = BANKIWHAM = € ®A . 1. • CAPITAL PAIn UP $ 2,870,000 V Reserve and Undivided Profits 3,600,000 ,. !Total Assets 44,000,000 r Ir? : Pa )- y,.1i, E incentive to thrift that a savings Pa lip' THEgives you is even more valu- 0''W , .<:ti able than the actual interest that accumu- t t+z :,.e,_ * s aa: lates upon the deposit. The habit of say- wTfftl .. ,.. g5; ing--assuring comfort in old age --.-is as , "' t ,• easily acquired as the habit of spending. Banking service in the Saving Depart - rl-1il .4.,,, of the Bank of Hamilton is as sin- •' • r1,=";; eerely offered to the man who deposits a - ri°xy,, M' few dollars a month as to those who de - t posit thousands. Heald Office C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingham, HAMILTON .. i GOOD GOODS IKING BROS. I PRiol [xlra Values for Economical Buyers 10111.1011 Child's Black and Tan Hose These are made from a very fine yarn and perfectly fast color, all sizes, at 25e pair. Ladies' Cotton, Lisle and Silk Hose We are showing a nice range of these at prices to suit everyone from 100 to 75e pair. Summer Vests Our assortment is complete in all sizes and sleeve lengths. See our special 2 for 25c. B C Corsets This make is noted for its good fitting and wearing qualities, Prices 50c to 51,50 per. imumes Very Neat Patterns in Dress Ginghams A very suitable fabric for sum- mer dresses, Prices 10C, 12? -e, 15c, 20e and 250 yard. Corset Cover Em- broidery Bargain About 15 pieces of regular 25c, 30e and 35c value, to clear at 19c yard, Fancy Window Curtain Scrims In plain and .colored effects. Special at 25e yard. Two Lace Curtain Bargains 50 pair 2 yd long, 50c value for 28c, 50 pair 3 yd long, $1.00 value for 63c. ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE WANTED. KING BROS. PRODUCE. WANTED WE WANT YOUR TRADE RdW i 1 I I J CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY UPPER LAKES KING'S BIRTHDAY FIA RLE NAVIGATIONBetween all stations in Canada, Port Arthur and East. Good going May 31, June 1, 2, 3, return limit, June 5. (Minimum rate of 25.) Steamers leave Port McNicoll Mon- days, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays at 4 p.m. for SAULT STE MARIE, PORT ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM The Steamer Manitoba, sailings from Port McNicoll Wednesdays will call at Owen Sound leaving that point 19.30 p.m. Steamship Express leaves Toronto 12.45 p.m. on sailing days making"direct connection with Steamers at Port McNicoll. Homeseekers' Excursions May 28, June 11, 25 and cond Tuesday until 17 inclusive WINNIPEG and RETURN EDMONTON and RETURN every Se - Sept. - •$34e0 - $42.00 Proportionate rates to other points. Return limit 60 days TPROU6B TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Aek nearest C. P. R. Agent for Bome- eeekers' Pamphlet Tickets and full information from any C.P, R. Agent. J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham. IMMININNIMENIMMINNIIMMION -0.0.000•000000000004,0001P000 •:•40044'b0000.004.*••••o-Aoo+J r� 0 G e 00 s • ••• 4 4 a 0 • • • 0 • 4 •• • a • • • BREAD! BREAD! BREAD! FIVE ROSES FLOUR 4 a 0 It is the simplest thing conceivable to make the a very choicest of Home Made Bread when you use Five Roses Flour. It remains sweet and wholesome when other bread is not palatable. Remember you don't need to bake every day to have good Home Made Bread. `a When you use Five Roses Flour it remains moist and <> nutritous for a week. Try it and be convinced. .e A BIG SAVING. ' One 24 ib bag Five Roses Flour costing 85c produces 22- I.2 loaves bread. One 49 lb bag Five Roses Flour costing $1.65 produces 45 loaves bread. o One 98 ib bag Five Roses Flour costing $3,25 produces o go loaves bread. • • �y Start right now. Get a bag. Save money. Have a j • • • 0 change. Be convinced. J. L. AWDE 0 0 • +++++•+•+4+•+•+••4++•+•••• 4+++9•54++++•+++40.44••••• TAN BOOTS FOR MEN ARE VERY FASHIONABLE 4AANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA In Our South Window we are Showing Several of THE VERY LATEST. Short stub shape are the fashionable styles just like cut shown. We have sever- al new and natty lines to which we invite the inspec- tion of every man who de- sires to see the nicest and best shoes. Two lines in particular to which we direct your attention. BRIGHT TAN BLUCHER BOUT MODEL BRAND The very best Willow Calf Tops and Oak Tan Sole, high solid leather box toes. A very swell shoe. Price 55,00 per pair. BRIGHT TAN BUTTONED BOOTS MODEL BRAND The very same boot as the blucher boot only in buttoned style. Price $5.00 per pair. We have several cheaper lines of Men's Tan Boots but these two are extra good. WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. for Ladies. +++++++++4+4+04+0++++4+4++ •♦••••,,,•••♦•••••♦♦•••••• •• ♦ SEED • FOR 1912• • • CORN: ♦ 2 ♦ e' • Owin•g to the very wet fall t ♦ e • •of•1911 and the extremely cold winter a great deal of • :' ■s • •• corn d not ve proper , , , . • care and is therefore unfit for seed and farmers should exercise more care than us- ual in selecting their seed as replanting is never so good. • Having a practical man ° in Essex, I have been able to secure corn from some of a the very best farms and can offer you the very choicest of seed either on or off the cob. 1 , . I have 90 Day, Leaming, Bailey or White Cap Dent. These are the best silo corns; also Compton's Early. These corns have all been tested 1 for germination and are No. 1. Get your seed corn from I J. A. Mills and secure a good crop for the coming season. r 1111. A. MILL • ♦ • Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. ; 44Mi404,444-*Ns.444b+4•s i4.4,4444ottm is 4 it i i 1 ♦, • •• • • •2 Z x