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The Wingham Times, 1912-05-23, Page 8
TIME WINGIIAM TIMES MAY 23, 1912 • e fit LAV 13" • Are now at their best, sweet and juicy. We have them in all sines from 25c to 60c per • dozen. v a • • • • ................�,,,.,.., a�.,ti,,.�...,. Try us for Teas and Coffees. c°• Next week t'ili be the big week for Pine apples. Don't miss them. 4 y All kinds of Produce Wanted. svw..v.e...s....+.-......wvv..v.r4. 0 e 171 CrWina P110112 a 8 3. MINOR LOCALS. --The Farmers' binder twine factory at Brantford was destroyed by fire on Monday eight. The lolls will be in the ueig;lthortood of $0,000. • •Work has b.'en (tarted en the build- ing of the new store for Messrs. King Lime. With favorable weather it is expected that the building will be eom- pl•.'ted by th,• let of September. -The second football match in the Haugh Cup series was played at List- owel on Saturday afternoon last be- tween the teams of Listowel and Wing - hare I ig;h Scheele. The local boys met defeat by a ecor' of 1 to 0. - On Tueeda3, 'lath inst., the annual meeting of the Liberal Association for the Centre Riding of Iluron (as consti- tuted for the Provincial Legislature) will convene at Cardno's Hall, Sea - forth, at 2 o'clock. M. Murdie is the President and Barrister Killoran, of Uoderich, the Secretary. ---The Boy Scouts are preparing to take a trip to Brussels on Friday, 24th to take part in the celebration there. There are about thirty members in the Wingham Troop and any new members are invited to join but must be twelve years or older. The summer camp will be here in less than two months. PERSONALS. r Mr. Abner Cosens was in Toronto for a few days last week. Mr. W. J. Greer was visiting in Toronto for over Sunday. Rev. Wm. Lowe, of Lucan was calling -Friday of this week will be Victoria 'on old friends in Wingham last week. Day and is a I:us,IiC holiday.Mr. L. Pearen left this week for Ow -Huron County C;oueeii v,ill meet in osso City, Mich., where he will visit Goderich on Tuesday, June 4th. with his son. --Wait for the big; excursion to God- Mr. A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P. return- erieh on Wednesday, shine !lath. ed home on Thursday last after spend- -Stratford's tax rate for this year ing a few weeks in the West. ` will be 36 1-2 mills on the dollar. 111r. and Mrs. Robt Arbuckle, of Sask. -Court of Revision for the Town of atoon, Sask., are visiting with relatives Wingham will Le Lehi ne:.t Monday ev and friends in Wingham and vicinity. ening. b/ Miss Ina Rich, of London, formerly of -The heavy rains for the past few#1 Wingham is visiting for a few days this days have greatly interferred with the ! week with her frierd,Miss Eva Patter - work on the farms. son. ;. -The Directors are making arrange- ments for a good list of attractions at Wingham fall fair on September 26th and 27th. -Mr. S. M. Robinson, formerly of the Wingham branch of the Dominion Bank has been transferred from Toron- to the Montreal brant)) of the bank. Don'ts For Children. Don't feed a child between meals because he did not eat at the regular time. Wait until the next meal hour comes. Don't give a child ice water to drink. -Turnbery Council will meet in the ! Give him, however, plenty of cooled Clerk's office at Bluevale next Monday. boiled water, two or three ounces, The Court of Revisien will he held in either from a cup, a bottle or a spoon the afternoen, commencing at 2 o'clock. between heals. -Mary Ross, wife of Dr. Ross, died at her home in Clifford on Monday, May 13th in her Gard year. The deceased lady had been a resident of Clifford for 34 years. -C. N. Griffin, real estate agent, re- ports the sale of Miss Houghton's beau- tiful re s denc•, north-west corner John and Frances streets. to Mr. J. Henry Christie. ,f --Mr. Arch Paterson has a hen that can beat the record for large eggs. This particular hen has a record in lay- ing an egg that measures 7 inches he mall war and 7 7-8 the long way. -Mr. J. II. Tigert has resigned as princieal :•f Victoria school at I nt.c•i'ich to become principal of a public school in 'laminae:. :. Mr. H. R. Long has been appointed his successor at Gederieh. -Mr. Archy Paterson will race his horse at a number of places during; the next few wee).: and left on Friday for Oshawa :.t which place he will start in his first race on May 24th...- -The annual Ineetil;g of the Wingham Woman's In locate will bk• held in the Council Chamber this 1.Thursday) after- nooty v. i:en the ufileers fr,r the oi;duin g year will Le elected and other business B1tICiiL•'I:-In lfowicic, on May 13, trans;.eted Isaac B. Bricker, aged 62 years, J months, 11 (lays. In til t4 -U.' of May ltth. in the ` KonmANN.-In Walkerton, on May minutee of the Turnberry Council, Mr. ' 17th, Ferdinand Kornlann, formerly of John aaaellerney lea., en. diced with re- Wingham, aged 113 years. ceiving , for insi.. titing a job. Through BARNInI.I..--At Newcastle. Washing - an erre: : en our ',art ti:i. amount : h•Ja1d tot:, U. S.. Charles M. Barnhill, son of have Ilea: only �1. l the late John Barnhill, formerly of -The :Avila? amuipr. the; Brussele. aged ;S years. antaraeite 9 . coal miuers has hal bl.A1 ';ettil d and ; the, mel; returned to work on Wednes-�, day. Supplies of coat will soon be corn- off wired- .C, � e ing forward and no doubt the consumer • will be forced to pay morefur his sup- Y. M. C. A. BLDG., ONDON. ONT. ply of cowl. I ' 37J INE3S and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. -High ellor•l entrance Examination l I'2 gklents and p laced evert seaeon y graduate. duate.. of will bei 1 ,-•'•• held this .,ea_ on Wednesday, � Gi,2uially qualified regular teachers. One Thursday and Friday, .Tune 19, 20 and i hundred and fifty London firms employ 21, corium:ming at 1 p. ^:1. on the first iour trained help. College in session from day and thereafter at t1 a. ni. Candi-1Sept. 5 to June 3a. Enter any time. Catalogue Free. dates are required to brings certificatesMaui Business j"° in each case :;ig t;'i.l by t,_ticlier and ap-1 �' Shorthand College proved by Inspector of having passed ; J. W. WR$iERVET:r, Jr. J. W. WESTERVELT, Part 1 of the exanstt Don't let babies or little cnildren come to the table with older people to. be fed. If, after babies or little children are allowed to sit near the table in a high -chair during meal time, don't let any one give them a bit of grown- up peoples food. a lump of sugar, a sip of tea, a spoonful of jelly, a bit of cake or anything that will cause them to expect to be fed at the table. Don't think a baby's cry is always from hunger. It is likely to be from thirst in summer time. Don't hurry a child at his meals. 41(821:7. COUTTS.-In Wingham, on May 16th, to 141r. and Mrs. R. A. Coutts; a son. McCI:Acxu:N. --In Morris, on May Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCracken; a son. PAGE.- In East Wawanosh, on May loth, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Page; twin sons. Hoon. -At Pontiac. Mich.. on May th, to Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hood. for- merly of Morris township; a daughter. nil V. ,. Chartered Accountant, Principal. laaatL Vice PriacipaL i3 '(MIC Ars NT .. t "+. ps ft i og ddickkus Elie Du. E R. COOK, VETERINARY SURGEON Succemm to Dr. Wilson. Phone No. 2ta day call or No. 45 night call. Cally promptly attemird to. NOTICE. The Court of Revision the Assess- ment Roll of the '1'ownsl 'o of Turnberry will be held in th Cle :'s office, Blue - vale on Monday, 1 ..7th clay of May next, at 2 o'clock, .m. All patties in- terested will please take notice and gov- ern themselves accordingly. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk, Township of Turnberry. Turnberry, May ld, 1912. --- MEETING OF THE E f!RN COUNTY COO`"IL The Council of e ' orporation of the County of Huron 1 meet in the coun- cil chamber, in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, June the 4th, at 3 o'clock. Accounts against the county will be considered if placed with the Clerk be- fore this date. W. LANE, Cleric. Dated, May 20th, 1912. TOWN OF WINGHAM COURT OF REVISION of Re- Assess- for held in the the 27th p. m. All take accord- Clerk. The first sitting of the Court vision for the Revision of the ment Roll of the Town of Wingham the year 1912, will be Council Chamber, on Monday, day of May, at 8 o'clock parties interesiied will please notice and govern themselves ingly. By Order, JOHN F GROVES, Wingham, May 15th, 1912. Tenders, Wanted by the p. in. on for the re- the lower to state Corporation Work 1912. The necessarily can be Electric TOWN OF WINGHAM Sealed tenders will be received undersigned up to 4 o'clock Tuesday, May 28th, 1912 pairing of the washout in mill pond and race. Tenderers price per cubic yard. The will furnish gravel close to work. to be completed by July 1st, lowest or any tender not accepted. Further particulars obtained from the undersigned. JOAN F. GROVES, Sec'y of Waterworks and Light Committee. YON SPRi evErooAT . OR shop oppo.•ite and have [JUNG your to of all 1 have moved my tailor the well-known stand the Bank of Hamilton will be pleated to your order for SFJ RO CIL° p Wo carry the very best lines kinds of material and order will receive prompt and careful attention. E. G.W€r The Taller. GP!k C o 'Y?=DouloiciiTraclk S•v' nadas Lane/ i !Victoria B Day Siogio FaroLL for Hound Trip Between all stations in Canada Going going May 23rd and 24th Re- turn liinit May 27th I ()Minimum charge 25e.) Homskr9 Excursiii3 MAY 28th, JUNE 11th and 25tH and every Second Tuesday there- after until September 17th. Via Chicago and it. Paul. Winnipeg and Return $3W.H0 Edmonton and Return $42. Tickets good fcr CO days. The Grana Trunk Pacific I.aliway is the P1iori est and I1uielre't rout,' between Win. nipeg-Saskatoon-14dmonton, with smooth roadbed, electric lighted sleeping( oars an d superb dining cur nrvice, through the newest, most ptctnr, , ue and most rapidly developing section of Western Canada. Through tickets sold 'and reservations mode by all Grand Trunk AE;entq. Coats no more than by otiu•r routes. Train now in operation Winnipeg to Regina, Yorkton and Canora, Sask., al o to c morose, Mirror and Edson, Alta )full particulars and tickets from any, Grand Trunk A,tent or write A. U. Duff, D.14'. A., Toronto, Ont. , mow. • "aHN« .; - ..,., : . C. (Ma KING BR OS • RIG PRICES NEW P;tEMISES' This week we have commenced work on our new store, and expect to be back in the Old Stand by Sept. ist. In the meantime we will carry in stock all kinds of Sfaple Dry Goods and a full line of Groceries, Prints, Ginghams, Flanelettes, Flannels, Shirtings, Cottonades, Derry, Hosiery, and Underwear, Oilcloths and Linoleums, Small Wares of all kinds. Spcial Order Arrangements 1 On account of our small premises we find we are unable to stock a good many general lines, and have made arrangements to take Special Orders for Goods we have not in stock, any orders left with us will have our careful attention. All kinds Farm Produce Wanted, Highest Prices, Cash or Trade. PRODUCE WANTED Ci WE WANT YOUR TRADE 1 J CANA Ali PACIFIC RAILWAY UPPER LAKES I AVINToORI Steamers leave Port McNicoll Mon- days, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays at 4 p.ln. for SAULT STE MARIE, PORT ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM The Steamer Manitoba, sailings from Port McNicoll Wednesdays will call at Owen Sound leaving that point U0.30 p.m. Steamship Express leaves Toronto 12.45 p.m. on sailing days making direct connection with Steamers at Port McNicoll. VICTORIA DAY FARE Between all stations in Canada, Port Arthur and East. Good going May 23-24, return limit, May 27. (Minimum rate of 25.) Homeseekers' Excursions May 28, June 11, 25 and every Se- cond Tuesday until Sept. 17 inclusive WINNIPEG and RETURN $34110 EDMONTON and RETURN $42.00 Proportionate rates to other points. Return limit 60 days TPBOUQR TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Ask nearest C. I'. It. Agent for Rome - seekers' Pamphlet Tickets and full information from any C.P, R. Agent. J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham. C• 0,04:-,*03fd0004er4O6 ,0G.4•:'?0494o**00•000'u0044Cat,:.4•G EAD! BREAD! BREAD!`i FIVE ROSES FLOUR • e. • • • • • •• v 4) v O 0 0 •Q • • 4 4 4sv©00.04'44•••0.0.044•4).“,. 44)44$4444)+$4.,4,,s,, 0 • a It is the simplest thing conceivable to make the o very choicest of Home Made Bread when you use Five Roses Flour. It remains sweet and wholesome when',' other bread is not palatable. Remember yoti don't need to bake every day to have good Home Made Bread. a. When you use Five Roses Flour it remains moist and c+ nutritous for a week. Try it and he convinced. `'' A BIG SAVING. One 24 ib bag Five Roses Flour costing 85c produces 22- 1.2 loaves bread. One 49 lb bag Five Roses Flour costing $1.65 produces 45 loaves bread. One 98 lb bag Five Roses Flour costing $3.25 produces g 90 loaves bread. Start right now, Get a bag. Save money, Have a change. Be convinced. ,• 4) • • • J. L. AWDE Baseball Players We have just placed into stock McPherson's Baseball Boots ALSO Toe and HeeI Plates for Basehall foots Next riday May 24th being a public holiday This Stor will be Case all Day Open Thursday until 10 p.m. WILLIS Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE. CO. for Ladies. 44.04•••4.4+0•44•0+••♦•••• • • • •• C • 0 • • FOR 1912 • •A • • •• • • • ;A e, 4 e> • • • • 400••00®**a000444004•••.S•* o' N•' • • •ti• • •• • 4t+ • •P •• •' • •. Z •• •41 • • • • • • • • • • 2 ; I •• SilN A. MILLS • Successor to T. A. Mills Z PHONE 89. WINQHA , ONT. * s••••4•••.1.•••1••E••••••••V 410.14***• L1l •3A•EEt.ttli' Owing to the very wet fall of 1911 and the extremely cold winter a great deal of corn did not receive proper care and is therefore unfit for seed and farmers should exercise more care than us- ual in selecting their seed as replanting is never so good. Having a practical man in Essex, I have been able to secure corn from some of the very best farms and can offer you the very choicest of seed either on or off the cob. I have 90 Day, Learning, Bailey or White Cap Dent. These are the best silo corns; also Compton's Early. These corns have all been tested for germination and are No. 1. Get your seed corn from 3. A. Mills and secure a good crop for the coming season.