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The Wingham Times, 1912-05-23, Page 4
THE WINGiJAvs MRS MAY 23, 1912 THE oiiffiuion Barl HEAD OFFICE; TORONTO Sir Edmund B. OSLER, M. P., President. W. D. MATIHEWS, - Vice -President, Capital . .. . Reserve ^ Total Assets ... ..$4,70U,000.00 45,7UU,IV0.tU .. ; 70,100,Uu0.0I1 A Branch of this Bank has been esta- blished in London, England, at 73 COIIN11ILL, E.C. This Branch ,will issue Letters of Credit and Drafts on all important i points in Canada, negotiate Bills sent for collection, make telegraphic trans- I fers, and transact every description of banking business, Information will be furnished on any Canadian matters. A special department will be provid- ed for the use of visitors and bearers' of our Letters of Credit. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. WiNGIIAM BRANCH : N. Evans, Manager. R. VANSTONE, Solicitor. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. .i;STABL1S1 J U 187; THE W!NfluAM TIMES, H. B ELLIOTT, PUBLISHER AND PROPLET0R. THURSDAY MAY 23. 1912. EDITORAL NOTES. TWO YEARS SUIIiiIINGITHNSHIP OF TURNIMIII Bro °ght on by a Severe Strain— How a Cure was Found. Mr. Joseph Stephens, Rosemount, Ont„ is one of the great host who con- tinually sound the praises of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and he has much reason to do so as they brought him from suffering to health, after he had spent much money and two years of tune experimenting with other treat- ments. Mr. Stephens tells his exper- ience as follows: "In the month of January, 19(S, while working in a log- ging camp at Creston, B. C., I got my back badly injured. I suffered a great deal of pain and was almost helpless. I tried plasters, thinking they would help me, but they were of no use. I took several medicines, equally without benefit. Then I was advised to try electrical treatment but without per- manent relief, and it began to look as though 1 was going to be permanently crippled. Then I was advised to under- go treatment with a specialist at Spok- ane, Wash. After examining me he said I was in a very bad shape and that the trouble w,.s likely to result in ,Bright's disease. However, he -told me that he felt sure 11e could co tl cure me. At a heavy expense I was under his treat- inent for three months, but did not get the least benefit. I was almost in des- pair; work was plentiful end wages good, but I could not work, as I was in this condition for about two years, when my brother, who was with me all the time, came across one of Dr. Wil- liams' phamphlets and read of the great work Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were doing. He urged me to try them, but I thought it would be useless to spend more money after all the other treatment had failed. He insisted, however, and got a dozen boxes of the Pills and I began to take them. Before I had used a half dozen boxes I felt relief, and I continued taking the Pills until every vestige of the pain was gone, and I could raise my hands above my head and then bend until I could touch my toes with my fingers, some- thing I had not been able to do for over two years. My cure was a great sur- prise to my comrades, and you may be sure I told them what brought it about. I am now as well and strong as any man in the country and I owe it all to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A flagrant piece of attempted nepo- tism on the part of supporters of the Whitney Government is reported from Cobourg. Mr. I. 0. Procter, Sheriff of the united counties of Northumberland and Durham, has resigned from a posi- tion which he has held from 1880. Three thousand and fifty dollars in fines were imposed in South Porcupine and Cochrane last week as a result of visits paid to these points by Provin- cial License Inspector George E. Morri- son of Toronto. Ten convictions for illegal liquor -selling were recorded at South Porcupine and at Cochrane Fri- day, when each defendant was assessed $100. A British Board of Trade return shows that in the ten years ending Dec. 31, 1911, the lives of only nine passeng- ers on Atlantic steamers carrying the British flag were lost, out of 6,053,392 carried. An ocean passenger steam- ship is one of the safest places in the world. in spite of the Titanic disaster. And it will be even safer in the future because of that disaster. Hon. George E. Foster thinks Cana- dian manufacturers should do more to build up a foreign trade. The nearest foreign ma'ket for Canadian manufac- turers is close to their factory doors, but they very evidently prefer to hold to the Canadian market, where they have nothing to fear from competition, and Hon. Geo. E. Foster concurred in that preference a few months ago. If he was sincere then, what is he now?— Saskatoon Phoenix. During the month of April, according to official returns furnished to the Fi- nance Department. the chartered banks of Canada increased their liabilities by $22,440,712, and their assets by $24,- 566,935. The reserves of the banks on April 3') totalled $100,638,290, an in- crease of $1,403,709. Notes in circula- tion are returned at $95,145,371, a de- crease of $673,033. The average amount of Dominion notes in circulation, how- ever, show an increase of $994,047, as compared with the figures for the pre- vious month. Why net send us the underpaid Bri- tish farm laborers, under conditions which will see that their inexperience I with our methods and their marvellous indisposition to learn do not too severe- ly handicap their usefulness. We can- not expect to get agricultural experts from a class who have been working for fifty cents a day; but it ought to be possible to Hain men willing to work, and inured to toil on the land, to be ex- ceedingly useful to our farmers who are chronically short of "help." This would increase the output in Canada, enable the Canadian farmer to make more money, and getrid of much drudg- ery, and, in the most effective fashion, raise the wages in England by relaxing the pressure of competition for farm jobs. - Montreal Star. a THINNESS is often a sign of poor health. Loss of weight generally shows something wrong. Scott's Emulsion corrects this condition and builds up the whole body. All druggists. Srett & Butane. Toi ato, Oat. 1'-10 Mix Fertilizers at Home. So widely do the requirments of differ- ent soils vary in their fertilizer require- ments that farmers must mix their own fertilizers if we would get thebest and most profitable results from their use. And yet there is no other departement of farm work that we are so inclined to leave to the other fellow as the mix- ing of our fertilizers. We usually tell the fertilizer agent what crop we intend to use the fertilizer on and allow him to select the fertilizer and set the price. Did we experiment with the needs of our soils for various crops we would be in aposition to buy the pure chemical fer- tilizers and ourselves mix them to good advantage. We would save money and buy only the fertilizer actually needed by the crop and we would save money in the mixing. The increased profit would be more than enough to repay us for studying the fertilizer problem well enough to mix fertilizers intelligently at home.—Farm and Dairy, LIVE STOOK MARKETS. Toronto, May 20—Union Stock Yards —Receipts, 186 cars, with 3,476 head of cattle, 1,359 hogs, 615 sheep and lambs, and 119 calves. Trade was good and active at this market to -day, and but for there being a heavy run of cattle offering, it is probable prices would have gone a notch or two higher. As it was they held steady to firm at last week's quo- tations, the tendency, if anything, be- ing firmer. Maybee and Wilson topped the market with a couple of loads of the best fed farmers' cattle seen in the market this season, steers weighing 1,300 to 1,350 lbs., and selling at $8 for export. Choice butcher loads sold firm at $7 to $7.50, and medium mixed butcher at 36.40 to $6.75. Sheep and lambs steady but inclined a little easier. Hogs, steady to firm, at $8.90 to $9, fed and watered. Export cattle, choice $7 60 to $8 00 do medium 5 75 6 00 do light 4 50 5 50 do bulls ............ 4 50 5 50 do cows 3 75 5 00 Butchers choice 7 00 7 50 do medium .... 6 40 6 75 do cows..., ..., 6 00 6 50 do common.,... 4 00 5 65 do canners .... 2 00 3 00 Short -keep. , 5 60 5 65 Feeders steers 5 00 6 50 do bulls 5 00 6 2.5 Stockers choice 5 50 6 35 do light 5 04) 5 25 Milch cows, choice, each41) 00 60 00 Springers 40 00 45 00 Common and medium 25 00 45 00 Sheep, ewes,.".., 5 00 6 00 do bucks 4 00 5 00 I1 ,ambs, year Ings .... .... 6 00 7 00 Spring lambs, each... ..... 4 00 7 00 Hogs, f, o. b. ... .. .., 8 90 9 00 do fed and watered .......8 60 8 65 Calves . . 3 0n 7 50 WING RAM r MARIKET REPORTS. Wingham, May, 15, 1912. Flour per 100 lbs .... 2 75 to 3 25 Fall wheat .... .,.. 0 98 to 100 Oats Barley.. Peas .. Butter dairy . ... Eggs per doz .... 8 48 to 050 65 to 080 .. ... l 00 to 1 60 022 to 023 021 to 022 Wood per cord .... 2 715 to 2 80 Hay per ton ... _ . .... 12 00 to 13 00 Potatoes per bushel, ., 1 00 to 1 25 Lard 0 17 to 0 17 Live Hogs per cwt 7 35 to 7 85 BY-LAW NO. 15, 1912 A By -Law for the construction of Bridges in the Township of Turn - berry in the County of Huron; and to provide for the issue of Deben- tures of the said Municipality to t the amount of Ten Thousand Dol- lars to run Twenty Years at a rate of interest bearing five per cont. per annum. Whereas it is necessary that the Muni.,! Council of the Toil n hip of Turnberry shall construct a number of Bridges over the Liver Maitland in the Township of Turnberry and whereas in order to provide for the construct- ion of the said works 11 will be neees• sary to issue debentures of the sa.d mt•nicipality for the sum of Teu Thou, and Iollars bearing interest at t rate of five per cent per annum as hereinafter provided, which ii the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By Lev The proceeds of the said DebeLtures to be applied for the purpose aforeva'd and to no other pur- pose.and whereas it is desirable to issue the said Debentures at the same time, and matte the principal and interest of the said debt repayable by yearly paymentsduring the period of twenty years. that beingthe cur• rent y of the said llebentures, the said yearly pa) meats being of such rerpectivc amounts that the aggregate mnaunt payable in each year for principal ant inters -t in respect of said debt shell be as nearly as possible equal to the amount payable for principal and inter- est during each of the other nineteen years of the said period. And Whereas the total amount required by the Municipal Act to be raised annually by epeoinlrate for the payment rf the said debt is he and interest as hei•eluxfter provided.L sum of Eight Hundred and Two Dollars and forty-two cents. And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the Township of 'Turnberry according to the last revised assessment roll is One Million three hundred and tweuty one thousand three hundred and tixty Dollars. And whereas the total Deben. sure debt of the Municipality of Turnberry is six hundred and forty-two 62.100 Dollars and no sum of either principal or interest is in arrears, And Whereas the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Turnberry enacts as follows: 1st. That the said. Municipal Council shall expend the money, raised from the sale of the said Debentures in Building Bridges in the said Township of Turnberry; and for tliopur- pose of raising the necessary sum required for the conatructiou of the said. Works Deben- tures for the rum of Ten Thousand Dollars, in sums of not less than one hundred dollars each, shall be issued within five mouths of the final passing of this By Law. 2nd. The said Debentures shall be issued bearing interest at five per cent. per annum and each of the Debentu•es shall be dated on the date of the issue thereof and shall be. payable equal satnty years next succeeding the id da , such amount being made up of the aggregate sum due each year on account of principal and interest, as shown in schedule "B" hereto annexed. 3rd. Each of tits Debentures shall be signed by the Reeve of the said Municipality or his authorized Substitute and shall be counter- signed by the Treasurer of said Municipality and the Clerk of said binnicipality shall attach the seals . ` the said Municipality to each of ahe said Debentures 4th. ;The said Debentures shall be payable on the fifteenth day of December in each and every year during the said Twenty years at the Bank of Hamilton in the town of Wingham, in the county of Huron, during the litetin,e of tee aforesaid Debentures. 5th. There`shall be raised` annually by special rate, ou all rateable property in the said Township of Turnberry the sum of eight hundred and two dollars and forty-two cents for t' e purpose of pal ing the amount of the Debentures in each of the said years respec- tively, 6th. This By Law shall take effect on the el.y of the final passing thereof. 1th. Votes of the Electors of the said Town- ship of Turnberry shall be taken on this By Law on the Eighth Day of ,lune next by the Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks named by the Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Turnberry as shown in schedule "A" attached by this By Law. 8th, The Reeve of the said Township of Turnberry shall attend at the Clerk's office in Bluevale on the 27th day of May or sooner and appoint in writing two persons to atton t at each of the different polling places in behalf of the persons interested in promoting or op- posing the passage of this By Law, and also at the final summing up of the Votes for or against the passageof this By Law. by the Township Clerk at his office 00 the Tenth day of June next at two o'clock p. m. Provisit pally adopted this the Sixth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and twel: e. REEVE. CLERK. TAKE NOTICE. That the above is a true copy o1 a proposed By Law which has been taken into considera- tion by the Counch of the Township of Turn - berry, and which will in the event of the as- sent of the Electors being obtained thereto will be finally pas -ed after Two n onths from the first publication in the Wingham Times, the date of which first publication was the 9th day. of May, 1912. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. SCHEDULE "A" The following Deputy Returning Officers and Yell Olerlta were appointed by the Council of Turnberry to take the Vote of the Eli -eters on this By Lew on the Eighth day of Jane next, polls to open at 011.0 o'clock a. m. and to close at five o'clock p. m. Division No. 1.—W. B. King, D. R. 0.; Ben- son Cruickshank, Poll Clerk. Division No. 2.—John W King, D. R. O.; Samways Paul. Poll Clerk. Divisi•,n No. 3 —Alex. McPherson, D. R. 0.; .Jas. T. Wylie, Pc1lClerk. Division No. 4.—D. H. Wallace, D. R. 0,; Arthur Lincoln, Poll Llerk. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. SCHEDULE "B" Showing in respect to each instal- ment of .the debt to be thereby created how much of the amount to be annual- ly raised is for principal and how much is for interest. Interest Principal Total 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 $500 00 484 87 469 00 452 32 434 82 416 44 397 14 376 88 355 60 333 26 309 80 285 17 259 31 232 15 203 64 173 70 142 26 109 25 74 60 38 20 $6048 40 $302 42 317 55 333 42 350 09 367 60 385 98 405 28 425 54 446 32 469 16 492 62 517 25 543 11 570 27 598 78 628 72 660:15 693 )16 727:82 764 22 $10000 00 $802 42 802 42 802 42 802 42 802 42 802 42 802 42 802 42 802 42 802 42 802 42 802 42 802 42 802 42 802 42 802 42 802 42 802 42 •802 42 802 42 $16048 40 STRAY COLT. Strayed from tl a premises of the undersigned, lot 19, con. 11, Turnberry, on or about the 10th of May, a bay filly rising 2 years old, heavy. Parties giving information that will lead to the recovery of the colt will be rewarded. THOS. P. JAMES, Wingham P. 0. •:t4 40.4+GG4 4464®®�<+74 G�;. WANTS Our cream wagons are now on the road. If you have not been called up- on, let us know and we will place you on one of our routes. We are pay- ing 26c per lb. fat for this week. For further parti- culars apply at Creamery r0dr•.00905•'** 00.00 0,3®C^Q•6^9 WM. 9AVI[S CO., UMIE[D WINGHAM ONTARIO. ��. ; : a 0.-..,.y y� :^nroVn.a©: ©•`x'00"04 ‚0>" .� *** •4094c 49@G34+ '0'0 `0'0 R chelieu and Ontario . Navigation Comiany NAVR AT!ON OPEN Between Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte, Montreal and inter- mediste ports Steamer "Belleville" Leaves Hamilton 1100 a.m. and Toronto 6,00 p.m. every Tuesday. Low rates in effect including meals and berth. Tourist Steamers "Toronto" and "Kingston" Commence running Jane 1st daily except Sunday, after June 24111 d lily. For rates, illustrated folders, etc., apply to local agents or write H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, A. G. P. A., Toronto, Ont. Toronto Chinamen contributed $1, 000 to help faminine sufferers in their own country. - WANTED A live representative for WINGHAM and surrounding District to sell high-class stock for THE FONTHILL NURSERIES More fruit trees will be planted in the Fall of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than ever before in the history of Ontario, The orchard of the future will be the best paying part of the farm. We teach our men Salesmanship Tree Culture and how big profits in fruit growing can be made. Pay weekly, permanent employ ment, exe}ueive territory Write for particulars. SfONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO. Archie McKechnie, a small boy, was drowned at Brampton. The Militia Department is organizing a wireless telegraphy department in connection with the work of signalling corps. c c c c c c ••sa••••••c•••0•••••••••••• LET US MEASURE YOU 1 FOR A NEW SPRING SUIT to be made from the:Inew exclu• sive cloths we are:showing. YOU KNOW OUR TAILORING by reputation. Here is a chance to know it personally. We are making considerable price con- cessions to those who order at once. W. J. IThNNING THE TAILOR +.+3.+.$t +4?44149+14+1++++++ te4+4444s+4e+4.64$4+4,41444.• 1 THE PROFIT SHARING STORE, WINGHAM KURR & BIRD The Ladies' Home Journal Now on Sale Is The `Bridal Number" with a "Harrison Fisher Cover" from a Painting "A Beautiful June Bride." for June Weddings. For the Trousseau—Silks, new and up to•dtte, Paillette, Jas- quard, Talnallne, Peau De Cyne. Fancy Silks, etc. Also Fancy Voiles All-over Embroidery for Waists, White Embroidery for Dresses, Fancy Trimmings, Ball Fringe in White, Brown and Paris. New White Erubroidered Bags. New long gloves in Silk or Lisle. New Fancy Hosiery. Excellent value in fashionable long hip corsets at $1.00, $$1.25, $1.50. You'll want new shues. See our very latest Patent Pumps, Fancy Button Oxfords and best quality Patent Button Boots, all new shapes, excellent quality and perfect fitting. For Wedding Presents. We have a fine assortment of Real Cut Glass, Berry Sets, Water Sets, Bowls, Cream and Sugar Sets. Also fine Table Linen and Luncheon Sets, Table Covers, Cur- tains etc. If you prefer Fancy China, visit our Chinaware department here you will find a splendid assortment of new shapes and decorat- ions from the best Potteries in the , world. Grocery Department. Choice Evaporated Peaches regular 20e lb for 15e. Another shipment of Canned Fresh Herring received reg. 15e for IOe. Secure a supply of Pare Maple Syrup before it's all sold, We have Peanut Butter and fine quality Cream Cheese. Farm Produce Wanted.—Highest market prices paid fo r Bat- ter, Eggs, Potatoes, etc. 11111111111111111111111111111111111 TO BE HANGED' 1 BEFORE JULY Isi, 1912 +.1.4.i'q•'F+•f'3«f •f'ii'3'+4.++.i•i•d•' -14•b+ 20 Thousand kofls 1 — OF — WALL PAPER ALL NEW STOCK Just Received the Largest Stock of Wall Papal" .ever shown in Wingham. From 5c to $I Per Roll A. M. KNOX'S JEWELLERY STORE In the Wilson Block Opposite National Hotel ___ ..._. _ SANK= ___. NSA _._ L'... ..._,.•- CAPITAL PAID UP $ 2,870,000 A Reserve and Undivided Profits 3,600,000 i .;� Total Assets 44,000,000 i�,,t ; L` is not your earning power that will r'" e t L,`'7.7.,,".::!•i ' f,31i +a measure your happiness in the later • 0, -,—,•' g$ ; years. Your saving power alone can as- s-1'g ,—`�• °" t9% sure you against the time when your --k g EEEE, " 33� earning power will be reduced. ,, • • " A savings account at the Bank of Ham- 4iE T 1 !. a ;i14 ilton would be a help toward acquiring th e lig , '1< T _;,ff habit of saving. The same courteous, -zVre.---7M,; .^ - efficient, attention is given to all deposi- ��-� tors whether the account be large or `-- 9-='` small. Head Office C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingham. . HAMILTON •:t4 40.4+GG4 4464®®�<+74 G�;. WANTS Our cream wagons are now on the road. If you have not been called up- on, let us know and we will place you on one of our routes. We are pay- ing 26c per lb. fat for this week. For further parti- culars apply at Creamery r0dr•.00905•'** 00.00 0,3®C^Q•6^9 WM. 9AVI[S CO., UMIE[D WINGHAM ONTARIO. ��. ; : a 0.-..,.y y� :^nroVn.a©: ©•`x'00"04 ‚0>" .� *** •4094c 49@G34+ '0'0 `0'0 R chelieu and Ontario . Navigation Comiany NAVR AT!ON OPEN Between Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte, Montreal and inter- mediste ports Steamer "Belleville" Leaves Hamilton 1100 a.m. and Toronto 6,00 p.m. every Tuesday. Low rates in effect including meals and berth. Tourist Steamers "Toronto" and "Kingston" Commence running Jane 1st daily except Sunday, after June 24111 d lily. For rates, illustrated folders, etc., apply to local agents or write H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, A. G. P. A., Toronto, Ont. Toronto Chinamen contributed $1, 000 to help faminine sufferers in their own country. - WANTED A live representative for WINGHAM and surrounding District to sell high-class stock for THE FONTHILL NURSERIES More fruit trees will be planted in the Fall of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than ever before in the history of Ontario, The orchard of the future will be the best paying part of the farm. We teach our men Salesmanship Tree Culture and how big profits in fruit growing can be made. Pay weekly, permanent employ ment, exe}ueive territory Write for particulars. SfONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO. Archie McKechnie, a small boy, was drowned at Brampton. The Militia Department is organizing a wireless telegraphy department in connection with the work of signalling corps. c c c c c c ••sa••••••c•••0•••••••••••• LET US MEASURE YOU 1 FOR A NEW SPRING SUIT to be made from the:Inew exclu• sive cloths we are:showing. YOU KNOW OUR TAILORING by reputation. Here is a chance to know it personally. We are making considerable price con- cessions to those who order at once. W. J. IThNNING THE TAILOR +.+3.+.$t +4?44149+14+1++++++ te4+4444s+4e+4.64$4+4,41444.• 1 THE PROFIT SHARING STORE, WINGHAM KURR & BIRD The Ladies' Home Journal Now on Sale Is The `Bridal Number" with a "Harrison Fisher Cover" from a Painting "A Beautiful June Bride." for June Weddings. For the Trousseau—Silks, new and up to•dtte, Paillette, Jas- quard, Talnallne, Peau De Cyne. Fancy Silks, etc. Also Fancy Voiles All-over Embroidery for Waists, White Embroidery for Dresses, Fancy Trimmings, Ball Fringe in White, Brown and Paris. New White Erubroidered Bags. New long gloves in Silk or Lisle. New Fancy Hosiery. Excellent value in fashionable long hip corsets at $1.00, $$1.25, $1.50. You'll want new shues. See our very latest Patent Pumps, Fancy Button Oxfords and best quality Patent Button Boots, all new shapes, excellent quality and perfect fitting. For Wedding Presents. We have a fine assortment of Real Cut Glass, Berry Sets, Water Sets, Bowls, Cream and Sugar Sets. Also fine Table Linen and Luncheon Sets, Table Covers, Cur- tains etc. If you prefer Fancy China, visit our Chinaware department here you will find a splendid assortment of new shapes and decorat- ions from the best Potteries in the , world. Grocery Department. Choice Evaporated Peaches regular 20e lb for 15e. Another shipment of Canned Fresh Herring received reg. 15e for IOe. Secure a supply of Pare Maple Syrup before it's all sold, We have Peanut Butter and fine quality Cream Cheese. Farm Produce Wanted.—Highest market prices paid fo r Bat- ter, Eggs, Potatoes, etc. 11111111111111111111111111111111111 TO BE HANGED' 1 BEFORE JULY Isi, 1912 +.1.4.i'q•'F+•f'3«f •f'ii'3'+4.++.i•i•d•' -14•b+ 20 Thousand kofls 1 — OF — WALL PAPER ALL NEW STOCK Just Received the Largest Stock of Wall Papal" .ever shown in Wingham. From 5c to $I Per Roll A. M. KNOX'S JEWELLERY STORE In the Wilson Block Opposite National Hotel