HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-05-23, Page 1THE WINGli
VOL. I LI ....-NO. 2103.
The Best Moth PIT -
votive Known
Agreeable odor. Easily
removed. Sure in effects.
The most convenient. The
most cleanly. A lat'ge
package for 15c.
Waitn McKibhon
The �__ Storc
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
On the principle that far of hills
look green, a large amount of Ont-
ario money has been invested in
Western towns of doubtful possibili-
ties, while right at our door in the
city of Toronto are to be found what
are probably the best• real estate
investments in Canada.
Toronto will add to its population
this year as many people as there
are in two towns like Saskatoon.
Toronto has a population of 420,-
000 and is growing rapidly.. The
opening up of Greater Ontario, the
rapid settling of the West, the en-
largment of our canal system all
combine to make Toronto the most
favorably situated city in the Dom-
Its growth during the next five
years will surpass all past records.
We can give valuable information
to intending investors as we have
made a personal inspection of the
different parts of the city.
Ritchie & Coes
Frank Truckle
the street ai Hai
sued by the polici
soon afterwards.'
hot his wife dead on
ilton and when pur-
shot himself and died
We can only show you 1912 wall
paper atKNOX S.
Wear Qu'eer's shoes and Rubbers.
The Citizens' Ba'
to render the musid
sets at the celeb
This is the first
season and the m
pect their new
for that day. N
Winghamites w
Two firemenere seriously injured
while fighting a laze in the factory of
the Brantford R4oofing Company.
Christie's Grocery
On Wednesday and Thursday of
next week, the 29th and 30th we ex-
pect to have with us Miss McCabe,
of Toronto, who will demonstrate
and explain the various ways in
which Parowax may be used. It is
already in use in millions of homes
and its praises sing unstintingly.
You will receive a small booklet
entitled "The story of Wash Day"
containing many valuable and copy-
right receipts by Mrs. S. T, Rover.
Don't forget tike 29th and 3Qth
Will have extra supplies for
bring or phone your orders.
Eaeb and every order
will receive the most
careful attention, and
will be filled only
with the best,
t,•• ��yy//yynn�qv
to Brussel%
d has been engaged
1 program ro •ram a
tion on May 24th.
ngagementfor the
hers of the band ex-
iforms will be ready
doubt a number of
I spend the day in
FOR SALE.—A good bedroom suite.
Apply at TIMES office.
Died in
Word was rece
of the death in
last week of Mr.
Mr. J. F. Was
formerly of Blu
young man had
Mexico for some
years ago was a r
when he clerked i
11. Kerr's store.
ew Mexico.
ed in town this week
Nolan, New Mexico,
'red Wasman, son of
an, of Clinton, and
vale. The deceased
been living . in New
ven years and nine
sident of Wingham
Messrs. John & Jas.
For wall paper and window shades
go to KNox'S.
New G. T R, Agent.
.i Mr. Geo. Lemon , for some time G.
T. R. Agent her , has resigned and
handed over the o ce to is successor
on Tuesday of th' week, Mr. Lamont
has made agood facial and Wingham-
ites are sorry see him leave the
town. He purp es taking a trip West
this summer, bu has not deckled as to
where he will lo ate permanently. he
new a ent is M . Stewart You g, of
Elora nd we ar pleased to welcome
him o Wingham
Miss Houghton wis es that all ac-
coants due her fo nusic lessons be
paid at once.
Woman's Institu
The annual meet
branch of the Wd
be held in the
Thursday, May 23
attendance of me
interested in Insti
ly requested to be
tion of officers i
ments for the ne
before the meetirt
e Annual Meeting.
ing of the Wingham
van's Institute will
�'ouncil Chamber on
d, at 3 p. m. A full
fibers and all ladies
;ute work are urgent -
present as the elee-
d general arrange -
year will be brought
A. BONE, Secy.
Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8
The Second League Game.
The second game in the local base-
ball league was played on Friday even-
ing last between the Clerks and the
High School teams. ? A good exhibition
of this popular game was played and
resulted in a win fo the High School
boys by a score of 1 to 5. There was
a good attendance and the Citizen's
Band was present and gave several
selections. On Th sday of this week
the Foundry and Banker -Brunswick
teams will play t eir game instead of
Friday the 24th s a number of the
players intend lea ing town.
Woman wanted to ta, e home aprons
to make, work all a t, • rite STANDARD
MFG. Co., London ► t.
Bee Dem
A Bee Demonstr
Apiary of Mr. Alf
Friday, May 31st
o'clock sharp.
Demonstration is
of Foul Brood and
also how to save th
by means of the w
spector of Aparies
the proceedings, a
tion is to held in the
d B. Carr, Blyth on
commencing at one
e pnrpose of this
explain the nature
how how to cure it,
Wax from the comb
press. Your In -
will take charge of
sisted by local bee -
The Aubu
Warden Stothers
Patterson met in G
afternoon and open
building the damag
bridge, injured by
None of the tender
factory and theref
awarded, and the
with again. Mean
says he has made
ordinary travel u
for keeps.
Buttermilk for sale at the Creamery,
Kent block.
1Iionours for Hig School Students.
e The lists of su essful stndents at
the recent exams ations at Queen's
University, Kings( n, include the names
of Roy Stackhouse, who completed his
first year in Me eine, and of Harry
Green, who compI ted his second year
in Arts. Harry Green won second
place in Division in Physics and Min-
eralogy and sixth lace in Division I in
Geology. The su cessful students at
the S. P. S., Toro to, include Clarence
Wilson, Earl P rter, and Richard
Lloyd, who finis ed their first year
work with Honour , and Fred Seandrett
who obtained the graduation diploma.
Apprentices wkinted to learn dress-
making. Appl to Miss i.icKenzie,
Frances street.
Inspector' Annual Report,
The Iligh Seh
of the report of
the report is ex
again been pia
The following
"Some im
have bean ma.
satisfactory d
been provided
tional storage
I ed, translueen
Luted for opa•
and ceilings h
I class rooms a
since last ins
in general is
"In my re
mented upon
1 Forms II and
latter Form b
? and a junior a
to find, has be
doubt the efl~e
and II are still
of Board is in receipt
Inspector Spotton and
client. The school has
d in the approved list.
re some brief extracts:
portant improvements
e since last inspection; a
monstrator's table has
in the laboratory, addi-
.resses have.been secur-
blinds have been substi-
e ones, and the walls
ve been renovated in two
d in the teachers' room."
editions have been made
etion and the equipment
ort of last year I com-
he excessive numbers in
II and advised that the
subdivided into a senior
etion. This, I aim glad
n dine, and there is no
will be good. Forms I
rather large and I again
urge watchful •essin the matter of ad-
mitting new 1 pits," _..
n Bridge.
and County Com.
derich on Thursday
d tenders for re-
d portion of Auburn
he spring freshet.
were deemed satis-
•e no contract was
atter will be dealt
hile, Mr. Patterson
e bridge safe for
til it is made good
Heavy Rains
This section ha
eral thunderstor
panied by heavy
the streams to
branches of th
risen several fee
the town were
Wednesday mor
and boards were
dams in order to
course and save
the fields on low
water and no dou
siderable damag
The storms appe
parts of Ontario
in many places.
cause considera
garden work.
nd.High Water.
been visited by sev-
s which were accom-
•ains which have filled
verfiowing and both
Maitland river have
. The flats south of
ompletely flooded on
ng and the standards
aken away from both
give the water a clear
ny damage. Many of
and are covered with
t there will be con -
to the growing crops.
r to be general in all
s damage is reported
he wet weather will
e delay in farm and
Sale of Au1bs
Mr. A. M. Crawford ports the fol-
lowing sales of autos tis week:—Dr.
Whitely, Gorrie; John rundo, North
Bruce; Peter Reuber, ildmay, farmer,
Mr. Crawford is unloa ing another car
load of runabouts this eek.
Just arrived at KNOX'S new 1912 wall
papers. Phone 65.
Popular St
The three weil-k
stallions, "Mascot",
and "Goldlink", owner
King, of Bluevale will
section for the season.
issued this 'week givin
popular horses and th
of them are published
umn of this issue.
own Clydesdale
rumburle Chief"
by Mr. J. W.
again be in this
Bills have been
routes of these
routes for two
in another col -
No old wall paper at KNox's.
thing new.
Died in Mani
Many old friends her
to learn of the death
Oakmer,Manitoba, on M.
of William Hanna, form
line of Morris. The r
about 16 years of age a
for only a short time wi
Three other children o
Hanna are ill with sea
will have thesympat
friends in their time o
Newest and latest designs in wall
paper at KNOX'S.
The Detr it Excursion.
Minerva Encan pment, I. 0. 0. F.,
has completed ar .ngements with the
G. T. R. for the r it part of the Grey-
hound excursion, oderich to Detroit
on Friday, June 14th. People from
this section will le
regular train at 7.
with special at
The excursion rat
rich, is $1.20 and
$1.50. Returnin
leave Goderieh on
at 11.30 p. m.,
Wingham. This gi
unity ounit y to spend
troit and the sail f
troit on the beau
hound, and is alone
the trip. Advt. in
large and small bill
The undersigned is prepared to take
care of lots in the Wingham cemetery
during the summer months and guar-
antees to give satisfaction. Price for
season is 1 per lot. Orders left with
John F. Groves, Town Clerk, will re-
ceive prompt attention.
will he sorry
at his home in
nday May 13th,
erly of the 3rd
ung man was
d had been ill
h scarlet fever.
Mr. and Mrs.
et fever. They
y of numerous
FOUND.— A gold bracelet found on
Josephine street on Saturday afternoon.
Owner can have same by proving prop-
erty and paying for this advt. at TIiei:s
Sacramental service i11 be held in
St. Andrew's Presbyte an Church next
Sunday morning.
General Booth, head f the Salvation
Army is making arran, ements for an
extensive tour through anada and the
United States.
Presbytery of Maitla d and the Wom-
an's Presbyterial hel meetings in
Wroxeter on Tuesday of this week.
Reports will be given 1 our next issue.
Rev. Dr. Oaten, Me hodist minister
at Brussels, stated to is board at its
last meeting. that th coming confer-
ence year would lik ly conclude his
regular pastorate ter , as he proposed
entering the evange stic field toward
which he has looked 'or some thi.
The annual meeti
of the East Riding
held in the Town
Friday, May 31st, a
purpose of electing
the annual report
other business of
Short speeches are
Liberals and it is
prominence may be
address the gathe
be a good rally. R
ick, Turnberry, Mo
Wawanosh towns
Wingham and the
ter, BIyth and Brie
g of the Liberals
of Huron will be
all, Brussels, on
2 p. m., for the
officers, receiving
and attending to
the Association.
xpeeted from local
ed an outsider of
hie to attend and
ng. There should
ing includes How-
ris, Grey and East
fps, the town of
villages of Wroxe-
Indian Runner D ck eggs for hatch-
ing. $1 for 15. ply to D. B. An-
derson, Wingham, Ont.
Ladies' figured white. wn dressing
sacks this week at 2 each at Marsh-
all's 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c store.
W. C. T. U.
The Young Men
ham Methodist C
cessful banquet o
last in honor of
Dr. W. J. Price,
Orangeville. The
Dr. Price with an
ful electric reading
of the banquet ther
program, consistin
the orchestra and sol+
Hill, A. H. Wilford
and addresses by M
Price, Smith and Mo 'ton. Dr: Price
s Class of the Wing-
reh held a very suc-
Thursday evening
the retiring teacher,
who has moved to
oung men present-
ddress and a beauti-
lamp. At the close
was an excellent
of selections by
s by Messrs, F.J.
nd R. G. Willis
ssrs. Buchanan,
heartily thanked the
tokens of esteem to
some good advice to
of the class. The ban
the most successful g
kind ever held in Wing
is a copy of the addr
Wingham, 0
Dr. W. J. Price:
Dear I3rotber,--Th
friends of the Youn
Wingham Methodist
sembled here this e
our deepest regret ai
count of your recent
young men for
him and offered
the young men
uet was one of
therings of the
am. Following
., May 16, 1912.
members and
Men's Class of
hurch have as -
ening to express
d sorrow on ac-
emoval from our
midst and also to ext ress in a feeble
manner ouriogratefu
your services as teach
Men's Bible Class i,
We regret that
circumstances you 11.
cate elsewhere, Is}pd
you take up yot'!1-
receive there a w:
welcome among the
your church and co
We are indeed v
for your Christian
fluence while you w
us, the recollection
very inspiring to all
to be striving tow
We are sincere in
constantly lived a c
life, ever praying t
ing prayerfully to 1
and nobler life, wo
knowledge of Him
and who died that
to Him. We are
that your efforts w
that many of us at
spired by your livin
This column has bet i reserved for the by your words of l
use of the Win 'ham W. C. T. U. eel.
and will be edit d by the members In recognition o
of that Society. vices as teacher o
The regular montl ly meeting of the ('lass and also as
Wingham W. C. T. '. was held Tues- erly love andfri
ve Wingham on the 1 day afternoon, May
5 a. m., connecting hall, The devotiona
Linton for Goderich. ed by the President,
, Wingham to Godes which the Superinte
oderich to Detroit, erent departments
special train will } The Superintendent
londay, June I7th,
tinning through to
es an excellent op -
few days in De-
m Goderich to De-
iful steamer Grey -
worth the cost of
nother column and
will give full par -
4, in the C. O. F. askyou to accept
LOST.--Keyring with keys; finder
please leave at Post Office and receive
Forgoer Res dent Dead.
Word was receiv in town last week
of the death in W`lkerton on Friday
last of Ferdinand Is. s rmann, a former
well-known ,residen of 'Wingham, fn
his 63rd year, • Mr. ormann had been
in poor health for so e years, but late-
ly had been grc?atly proved in health
and was able to be ; ound up to within
a short time of his . ath. He resided
in "Wingham for a number of years,
being landlord of t e National hotel
and also was engage ` in the butcher-
ing business. Since eaving Wingham,
he has, in company ith his son, John,
been running the antral hotel at
Walkerton. Mr. K+'rnann was a good
citizen, and many el friends here will
regret to hear of
mains were taken
Monday, for interrn
part was conduct -
Mrs. Ross, after
dents of the diff -
ave their reports.
f the sailor's and
lumberman's depart/ lent reported send-
ing comfort bags an literature to the
Goderich sailors. ie society donated
of the
: ingfund
to the furni
Frances 'Willard ho e of Toronto.
The Workman's Temperance Coes-
mittec in Dublin, I
temperance demons
ber 3rd. The para.
was led by one tho
followed by represe
ante societies in D
members of .differei
Hibernian and
Beginning at the b
memorial of Father
ended in a great
ten and fifteen
Father Aloysues
working men woul
of the community.
The saying used
a lord"; it was gi
as an Irish worki
never build up a
happy and virtu()
of the drunkard .
which to build
It seems that
of Great Britain
upon intoxicatini
education of hi:
cents on ehristia
Canadian la '
his death. The reS
New. Ger manyon eating
drink, $1
eleven cents upoi
land had a gr• •.:t
ration on Sept•en-
of abstainers only,
and girls and boys,
tatives of temper-
blin and suburbs,
t trade unions, the
ational Foresters.
autiful new marble
Matthew the parade
acting of between
thousand persons.
rophesied that the
lead other sections
V> be "As drunk as
ng to be "As sober
;man." They could
nation except upon
s homes. The home
as no foundation upon
self-government for
ie average inhabitant
pends $17"64 annually
liquor, $1.57 on the
children and fifteen
missions. The aver -
out $t3.33 en lutoxi-
77 on eelueation and
appreciation of
r of our Young
or the past five
hrough unforseen
e decided to lo -
e trust that as
ew home you will
rm and heartfelt
oung manhood of
ry truly grateful
character and in -
re associated with
f which is indeed
of us who profess
rd ideal manhood.
r belief that you
ean, godly, useful
tat you were seek -
ad up to a better
Id all be led to a
vhom we all serve,
•e all might live un -
lad to assure you
re not in vain and
least have been in -
example and also
ve and godly coup
your faithful ser -
the Young Men's
token of our broth-
ndship for you we
his Electric vctric Reading
tamp on behalf of he Class.
Signed on beha] ' of the Young Men's
(.'lass. R. A. ('o'rTS.
The ministerial
ham District of L
held in the Teesw
Wednesday and TI
The meeting open
Hibbert, of Gorxie
Rev. Selby Jef!erson, of Lucknow,
was elected secretary, with Rev. R. E.
Collis, B, A., of Wroxeter, as assitant
The followingm were pres-
ent: nisters
Revs, G. Riv rs, B, D., Ripley;
W. L. Rutledge, V. D,, Wingham;
George McKinley, B. D., Lucknow; F.
J. Oaten, Ph. D., Beussels; W. J. Ford,
L L. B., J. Joseph Iaylock,Teeswater;
D. Wren, M. A., Ethel; John W. An-
drews; Fordwich; A. L. Russell, B. D.;
Wroxeter; Joseph E. Cook, Bluevale;
Selby Jefferson, Lueknow; W. E. Dar-
ling, Bervie; John J. Durrant, Bel -
Rev. 11. F. Ball,who has spent a
year at Salem, and ho was formerly
a probationer in t e New Brunswick
and P. E. I. Confer nee, and a deacon
in the East Main Conference, was
recommended to b received and or-
dained at the comin conference.
Rev. J. Archibald Walker completed
his two years of tirobation, and was
recommended for co lege.
W. J. Huston, of Fine River, and J.
A. Bassett, of Bervie, who have spent
a successful year upon their respective
fields, were both relived as probation -
ren were continu-
ed list: Revs. J.
ater; Alfred L.
ession of the Wing-
ndon Conference was
ter Methodist Church
lursday of last weer.
d with Rev, 3. W
, in the chair.
The following brat
ed in the superannua
Joseph Haylock, Tees
Russell, B. D., Wtox ter; Webster W,
Leech, Trowbridge. 1
The report of the Sunday schools
states that there were 3263 scholars
e Sunday sehools
and 422 teachers in
of the district.
The (Church memb rship report show-
ed a slight increase over last year,
being 4521. There -vas also an increase
in the missionary offerings, some $5763
being contributed td that fund.
The question of hurch Union was
carried by a vote of 3107 for to 746
Rev. J. W. An
was elected to the
tee and the folio
were elected to att
which meets in
6th:—Jno. Kerr,
Hemline, J. Button
Hiscoeks, J. Bryar
R. Harding, W. H.
W. Reid, A. Hayne
Collins, W. H. Routledge, G. Ritsy, W.
Taylor, II. Hopper.
The delegates we•e splendidly enter-
Wednesday evenieg a public meeting
in connection with the district meeting
was held in the Metho:iist Church.
The church had been tastefully dec-
orated with flowers. The choir ren-
dered splendid mnsie. The chafrinan
of the district, Iljev. J. W. Hibbert,
presided. Two spllendid addresses were
given, The first en the "Young Man
Problem," by Rev. Wren, M. A., Sun-
day school secretary for the district.
In an earnest manner he revealed the
possibilities of organizing young hien
for church work
churches. Rev.
tel tie1i • iv
"The Church's
Spri . g Poetry.
It is indeed a
of words will rhe
wing and king a
fifty-seven mor
we've written
our choice of tr
aad sneeze an
sundry other es
when we speak
have a stock of
and sighs and in
the sweet atllet
many words th
an easy time; t
and crime and
perhaps a dime
ring in babblint
us round to twi
an inspiration
themes and se
must refer to s
liver would the
up to noble pin
twines and shit es. Oli thunder! Any
Id loaf around in his
rite spring poems by
ie old accustomed style,
;dant woodland nooks,
g -house babbling brooks!
'rds on joyous wing, the
the sante old strings ---
fI I/,Ar I nt
RapGov a
o t'
° t
What others think and say about
you is of vital importance.
You are judged first of all by your
That includes your footwear.
Therefore your footwear should
receive careful attention.
With "INVICTCIS" shoes you not
only get comfort and quality, but
that distinctive style so much desir-
ed by particular dressers.
rews, of Fordwieh'
stationing Commit-
ting lay delegates
nd the Conference
. Thomas on June
Buchanan, T. F.
J. F. Wood, R. J.
s, James Downey,
Lowery, A. Shaw,
, G. H. Roy, J. F.
essed thing that lots
o with spring; there's
d sing and bring, and
And by jing! 'in An ]
unlit leas," we have
s and bees, and breeze
fleas and cheese, and
•rds like these. And
f "azure skies," we
les and pies, and stye
+idens' eyes --oh, watch
s rise! There are so
t rhyme, the poet has
ere's clime and thyme
rime, and now and then
Of course we have to
streams, which bring
ight dreams; and then,
steams, we reach for
roes and beams. We
king woods if we de -
goods, and this leads
s, suggesting vines and
healthy bard co
back yard and
the mile along
The same old v
the same old
The sante old
same old harp
Walt Mason.
You can get more furniture d bet-
ter furn;tere for less money and less
talk at WALET:tb'S Furniture stoke,
espaS 11•in rural
Selby Jefferson, of
an able address on
Need in These New
C. N. Griffin
WANTED.--Twbright, smart young
men to Iearn the upholstering. Apply
to WALItEK & CLEGG. Wingham.
An Opportunity for hose Going West.
On Tuesday, Mae 38th; Juno 11 or
a special Grand Trt ik Train will leave
Toronto at 10.30 p. , via Chicago and
St. Paul, carrying rough coaches and
Pullman Tourist S epers for Edmon-
ton and points Eas ' in Manitoba, Sask-
atchewan and Alber a in connection with
Homeseekers' excu sions. The rates to
Western Canada arvery low: --Winni-
peg and return, $3I. til; Edmonton and
return, $42,00. Tic is good for sixty
days. Proportiona • rates to other
points in Manitoba, : askatchewan and
Alberta. Tickets wi 1 also be on sale
on above dates via S.rnia and Northern
Navigation Company Pullman Tourist
Sleeping cars will .e equipped with
bedding and Porter in charge. Berth
may be secured in tl se cars at a low
rate. This is an ex ptional opportun-
ity for those wishin» to take advantage
o2 the remarkably lo round trip Home -
seekers' excursions No change of
ears. The Grand unk Pacific Rail-
way is the shortest nd quickest route*
between Winnipeg Saskatoon — Ed-
monton, with smoo roadbed, electric
lighted sleeping ear and superb dining
car service, throng the newest, most
picturesque and m •:t rapidly develop -
mg sectio.i of West, rn Canada. 'Through
tickets sold and re.ervations made by
all Grand Trunk Agents. Costs no
more than by o ier routes. Trains
now in operation ' innipeg to Regina,
Yorkton and Can.ra, Sask., also to
Canrose, Mirror a d Edson, Alta.
Ask and Grand'► link Agent for "full
particulars re Ifo seekers' ''xeurstons,
or write A. E. Du , District Passenger
Agent, Toronto, •nt.
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Malcoim's Grocery.
1 A v Jam'° Y if iS
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
[John Gal
Once of a hazy
that southern
I watched a shoal o
swimming el.
Each was a whited
ering in air;
Each was a silver d
be there;
Each was a diving
brightness co
And each a little n+
on the wave.
And while I sat, an
beside that su
There came the fair
that ever ca
The tiny lives of
they seemed
Than one of those
sown on that
No more they se
seemed tha
sky —
The little sunny
glisten forth
afternoon, beside
sunny beams come
e to Inc.
andle flame a-flick-
ffcdil astonished to
summer star, its
e to lave:
rite leaping
ted " s p p g
while I drearnt:d.
mer sea,
st thought of all
to me:
tiny men, no more
o mean
veet seedy of light
water green;
ped, no less they
shimmerings of
niles of God that
nd die.
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