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The Wingham Times, 1912-05-16, Page 6
ti i► ROSTY Pr©rrnpted ariv Verairaeat To Try FJ:TY FL UR • T1I E'V ws t•rt• curious to see exactly what re- buIts would be produced by flour consisting lir 1 ti/ the high-grade porno)$ of the ( at.rl, B � J g I best We$terii hard wheat. They were curious to know more about a flour that contained none of the logy -grade portions, which are found in every wheat berry, but which are separated and excluded from the high-grade in the process of milling PURITY FLOUR.. THEY were curious to know whether an ALL HIGH - GRADE hard wheat flour w a s really superior to a mixed hard and soft wheat flour. They were curious to see and taste the kind of bread, buns, biscuits, cakes and pies PURITY FLOUR would make. Curiosity prompts you to seek the knowledge they discovered. It's urging you to try PURITY FLOUR. T) EIIIN I)EIl : On account of the extra strength .Ix- and extra quality of PURITY FLOUR it is necessary, for best pastry -results, to add more shortening than you are accustomed to use with an ordinary four. Add »tore water when mak- ing bread. Add PURITY FLOUR to your grocery list right now rise mow:- arena -r �,_... :N W 1. O E -IND KIlti IROS. 1 - .._ .� -.__ ;.... -'=:a it.Increasing ir. Bruce. • ....,. e recple .: g€irg in- `- - -• - -- - .. __..... of Texan - es es t see rt`L'='el-es .•_.. Seri the: -o Bruise e con- Not Net gr : : But right that .And trut., teas _ And smites h :L. ac.., .. ... 'Phis is a city that .: i. A light epee a. nn:i•.. q A voice that evil c Lr.Let etiil. THE WINGIIAM TILES MAI iQ;, I912 THE WARY LITTLE MOTH1:RS. Telco weary litti,' mothers who take a mother's place, To mend the bcilty'e dre'teses allyl leash the baby's filet'; n The tired Oases of girlhet'i N''(i;o gict up girit:evil shires F To take tate l•are and burden that fate thou theta l•rnr (God bless tis,1 h' mogh i$. • And rt :,t them, in d r.:i'.; :swot t t , The wit: unit t.n'. trues trate1 , On tired and welting, nee! The weary little mothers on wl. 'm the • Widen (Ole When n death beside the portal with , solemn mt s age calls; The sweeping unci the dusting:', the' keeping house for him 'hose lice has stet the shadow and has grown so very dim; tied help the little mothers, And keep them in His care, The poor dear little mother:, That have so much to bear! The weary little mothers that step in mother's shoes When she is softly sleceping where the grass is decked with dews; The poor, pale, trembling creatures to whom all joy is vain In this sad world of toiling, of trouble and of pain; God bless the little mothers, And bring them. to their own, When care and toil have ended, And grief and death have flown! 6100 REWARD, S100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con- stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct- ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. •The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists. 75e. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. DO FARMERS' WORK • HARDER IN WEST? The Thamesvilie Herald says:" Rural Depopulation of Ontario" was discussed in a thoughtful address by S. A. Cud - more. lecturer in political economy in the University of Toronto, before the Canadian Institute on Saturday May,'lth He showed by copious statistics how townships in which manufactures, fruit reicing and market gardening are tthe chief industries, there was growth rather than depletion in popul- atier-. the latter being noticeable in or- , dinars.- farming districts. Labor, the speaker thought, was more mobile in English-speaking districts than French ear German ecmmunities. Lessening of the density of population. was not al- ways to be deplored. The derar nation of rural Ontario, is a question to which a great deal of atten- a serit=on basbeengivenlately. The London r S y . Advertiserhas been conducting a "Stae t=ee' Ci in Ontario" campaign and there canbe _ _ ard ars no doubt that it is having a good effect trey . rtatie a to The treck to the west has been largely '-=:a* Vss'==it ° the cause of rural Ontario's depopuia-; !..s. ._ _ t$e nn- tion. The p•:Iesticn is bow can this be .... E: _-._ se:. however. he'evereeseee ;. s _.. _=e isse ..; of him I.:slue ` It is the opinion of many that if far- .. se_ .e •• - ted ` F' and - mets whogo west from Ontario work- . a.e9 tl.t' a.o:l ia..c I trLLlty t eej as lr ng and hard here as they do out that many reicsi.t come in L fore the west, they would meet with an equal last ieerstie went test. The Provincial : measure of success. A news item last te'Sese w'a, t rt Salt a.t!,ur.dr'1 at the, A serene. of l v .e Ile t , li_ AULCI; week from the west told of farmers "' way I,c:�ce s. ..S ;E air! the 85$''•um5, G It's strtngth no. bra:., not SEG:;•_. but �,u:t o to account fir this seem- i working `.�. seahours a day seeding, Using nor weed, powerful searchlights during the l;t,t.)u..ti. Lon. •e. tied Brotherlased. is g e .a",e'ric of it:ss_nity here vas some -t hours !of darkness. No f arm- _ tieing that le yo'4y a as beyond him.—Walker- , ors in Ontario would do this. What Apply Zara-,tsk to all viotfncls and cosrea and you willbestarprised how quickly it stop true smarting and brings ease. It covers the wound with a layer of prod tective balsa, ;tills all poison germs aleead7 is the wound, and prevents others entering. Its rich healing herbal =eases then build up from the bottom, fresh tisane; and it, a wonderfully shod time the wound is healed! 2sm news porularity is taped on mertb. Imitation raoverwode runes. Be aura and get the rens thine; "7,am•Iiuk" is printed on every p:shet of the taonuine. Iteiuee all others, 505/411 druggists and litotes et zees- uk Co., Toronto, ten Bruce herald tied Tianes. 3 HEST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER Atfl CHILD. Mas.WXNszow's Soor,IINo Svattp has been t+sed for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN as-1mM E1tTimee, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It t•OOTIIF,S the CHILI), SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and as yte best remedy for DIARRHO;A. It is ab• rs:::tely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. inslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind, Twenty-five Bente a bottle. Mistakes of Life. To fat,:..g+t to set up our own stand - of i g bt and :wrong, and expect -soreneely tr, conform them. +' to n.eeasu s, the enjoyment of ,pe:...la r:..rown. Ti, eepe,c:t unifeli'Y.,ity of opinion in Sas To loos for judgement and experience in youth;. To er:r;e aver to r_.ouid all disposition alike. tiot to yield in unimportant trifles. To look for perfection in our own actions. To worry ourselves end others about . what cannot be remedied. Not to alleviate if we can all that needs alleviation. • Not to nialte allowances for the weaknessess of others. To consider anything impossible. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R IA Western Ontario needs is a scientific understanding on the part of the differ- ent kinds of soil, crops, and fertilizers. Authorities tell us that there are hund- reds of acres of light land in Kent County at present bringing in comparatively returns as pasture, which would grow excellent fruit and bring the owners in bountiful returns. There is a move- ment on foot to put more people on land in Essex and Kent Counties. spa Warnad Headache It tells of Serious Derangements of the Liver and Kidneys—Tey Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. You can star, a head:toiie with pow- rful drags. But it is I.ot generally Ise to tlo so. 1 h•':ldache altn'est always warns you of derangements of t:.e .lir*e.stive ey .tt'm. the liver, kidneys or .Awaken the liver to to althfnl action hy the use of Dr. Chase's Iiidneey- Liver Pills and you net only free r a :self of heatlach"•, but remove the —vase which will slam lead to more d.a.iterons results than headache. Pains ore the rt'-ult of p..iruu in t':e system and wh•th r you have ed.i.'he, barks. he "r 1l ming Iinibu, • e. trsn ha almost anre .f relief :nil cure by the use of Dr. Chase's Kid- ney -Liver Pills. They are wonelerfully prompt, as well as definite and thorough in ac- tino. You ran depend upon them, no natter how long-: tandin(t or conspli- ''ate.l your case. Ono pill a dose; it e'ents a box; all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. ,` OAR 244;419r PACKAGES SOLI/ WEEKLY `I P t 4M HEALTH EPIGRAMS. 1 An open window is betty: than l n open grave. Warta rooms have killed more people than ever froze to death. A "stiff drink" makes the stomach warm but the skin cold. A stitch in the underwear may save a stitch in the side. A mustard bath for the feet will do far more to ward off pneumonia than a gallon jug. A dirty well is more dangerous than a dirty kitchen. The farmer who locks his doors and uncovers his well gives entrance to a more hostile enemy than any thief, If your roof and your w.11 both leak, fix the well first. A good iron pump costs less than a case of typhoid. Good water is one of the best insur- ance policies a family can carry. It takes time to boil a baby's bottle, but it saves sorrow and sleepless nights. Flies in the kitchen may be almost as dangerous as Rough -on -Rats in the pantry. If some people were as much afraid of flies as they are of bad water, there would be less typhoid. Good water is more to be prized than rubies, and clean hands are better than much fine gold. The fly has small feet, but a million typhoid germs can ride comfortably on one of them. • A light overcoat is better than a heavy cold. Many a cough ends in a coffin. A stuffy room is the germ's best ally. A little ventilation is more effective than much quinine. There never was so cold a day, but that a little fresh air was healthful. A fly in the milk often means a mem- ber of the family in the grave. Wire screens in the window may keep crepe from the door. Keep flies from the house and you will help keep the doctor from the gate. Lame back is usually caused by rheum- atism of the msueles of the back for which you wil find nothing better than Chamberlain's ,Liniment. For sale by all dealers. _----.24122-2--• HOUSECLEANING DETAILS. Use insect powder or borax freely in , the kitchen, pantry, on the shelves and in drawers. Fill the wash boiler with a good solu- tion of salsoda, and boil the cooking utensils. Thoroughly wash, rinse and dry. Dust all books in the library before the cleaning day. Never spread rugs or carpets until the floors are perfectly dry. Wipe off fly -specked chandeliers or picture frames with a cloth dipped in kerosene. Take d .wn every picture. thoroughly brush the back, wipe the frame and wash the glass. When washing windows with kero- sene wipe and polish each pane as soon as cleaned.- Never use any strong alkali soap or scouring powder on paint or varnish. Never use soapsuds on cut glass. Wash in ammonia water - not so hot as to erack the glass—scrub with a fine brush in the facets, rinse in fresh am- monia water, and dry for an hour or more in clean, fine sawdust. This brushes out quickly and your pieces shine like new. When cleaning the china closet do not content yourself with just dusting off unused sets with a damp cloth. China should be well scrubbed at least once a year or it may stain. Soak for half an hour in lukewarm soapsuds and rinse in clear water, not too hot, or it will crack delicate porcelain. . Stains on china can be removed with a lithe dry salt or by rubbing well with wood ashes moistened with kero- sene. If you do not superintend the wash- ing of your own fine china insist upon the maid using a rubber pad, in bottom of dishpan and not putting in too many pieces at a time. .111022.22.222.2. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C .eQSS T° M I A New Light on Cancer. An investigation carried on by the United States Department of Agricul- ture has shown that the disease called "crown gall," which affects roses, peaches, grapes and other plants, pre- sents ;, striking resemblance to the can- cerous growth in animal tissue. Efforts have been made time and again ° to locate the particular germ which causes cancer in the human family but without avail. Success has, however. attended the effort to discover the source of crown gall and to cultivate the organ- ism which produces it. Not only this but the organism has been actually transferred to a brook trout and has there developed leers of a cancerous nature. It is believed that the infor- mation so obtained may assist in learn- ing the source of cancer and consequent- ly prepare the way for successfully combating that most frightful disease. BACK WAS SO LAME LIFE WAS A BURDEN FOR TWO YEARS. Mrs. Joseph 'rhroop, Upper Point de Bute, N.B., writes:—"I cannot speak too well of Doan's Kidney Pills. For two years I was so tired life was a burden and I got up more tired than when I went to bed, and my back was so lame 1 could hardly straighten up. I took dif• ferent kinds of medicine, but none of them did me any good until a friend advised me to try Doan's Kidney Pills, I did so, and to -day I don't know what it is to be tired, and my lame back is all gone. I can recommend them to any. person suffering with lame back, and that% terrible tired feeling." Doan's Kidney Pills are a purely vege- table medicine, realizing quick, perma• nent relief, without any ill after effects, Doan's Kidney Pills are 60 cents pct box, or 3 boxes for S1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price, by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, If ordering direct specify "Doan's." The Supreme Court decided to post- pone the hearing of the marriage law reference on a question of jurisdiction raised by Quebec. It was stated that the companies case now before the Privy Council, contains the same principle, and the idea is to wait until it has been decided. ppg man CATA 11Rll POWDER tom' is sent direct to the diseased I arts by the improved lit nv.•r. heals the ulcers, clears the air a -•e'e'..stopsdrop- pings in the throat and rennanent- ly cures Catarrh and Ilav Feer. 211c. a box; blower free. Acre; t no sabstitutes. All deal . or pe;n:ancon. Dates & co., Waited, 'krauts. The late Judge Mabee's funeral took place at Port Rowan. It is proposed at Ottawa to erect a memorial to him. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You can do it by apply- ing Chamberlain's Liniment and massag- ing the parts freely at each application. For sale by all dealers. 'leitIGHT HEA VY COLD. Left Throat and Lungs Very Sore. - There is no better cure for a cough or cold than Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. It is rich in the lung -healing virtues of the Norway pine tree, and is a pleasant, safe and effectual medicine that may be confidentially relied upon as a specific for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarse- ness, Sore Throat, Quinsy, and all Throat and Lung ''roubles. Mr. S. Monaghan, Charlottetown, writes; --- "1 certify that IDl. Wood's Norwtty Pico Syru is alt wet., lent medicine or cottgha nit colds. st winter I contracted a heavy cold which left my Icings and throat very sort;. Y had to give UP Work and stay in the house for two weeks. I used several cough mixtures, but got no relief until a friend advised me t� ttse Dr. Wood's Norwal Vine Syrup. Three bottles entirely cur me„ and I can recommend It as the best medicine for coughs." hs. g Don't be imposed upon by taking anyl thing but "Dr. Wood's" as there are many imitations of this sterling remedy on the market. "Dr. Wood's" is put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade ra tiii price 25 cents. Manufactured onlq by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,' Ont. e<lte. Gflupiexion a FAIRY Y ?� You owe it to your skin to give FAIRY SOAP a test it keeps the complexion fresh, clear, bright and healthful. FAIRY SOAP is white; and, being made from edible products, it is just as pure and good as it looks, difit AIM! S comes in a handy oval cake; it floats. It is dainty, refined, delicate in perfume. It has the appearance, odor and performance of a high class product. The price— 5c— is the only cheap thing about FAIRY SOAP. Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY Montreal "Have you a little 'Fairy' in your home?" 1111i =eat llili1111 Subscribe For The Times $1.0 a Year PRINTING AND STATION CRY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYII•G CARDS; etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES g, CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require:in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wingham, NI