HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-05-09, Page 4THE WINGIIAM rum MAY 9, 1912 THE Dominion dank HEAD l7PP ICE; TORONTO Sir Edmund B. OSLI•:r., M. P., President. W. D. MATHEWS, - Vice -President. Capital .. ,.$4,700,000.00 Reserve .. . ri;,i,700,ttoo. is) Total Assets ... .. .. $70,1,00,0110.00 A Branch of this Bank has been esta- blished in London, England, at 7:: COI NHILL, B.C. This Branch will issue Letters of Credit and Drafts on all important points in Canada, negotiate Bills sent forcollection, make telegraphic trans•fers, and transact every description of banking business. Information will be furnished On any Canadian matters. A special department will be provid- ed for the use of visitors and bearers of our Letters of Credit. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. \'VINGIIAM BRANCH : N. Evans, Manager. S., who says: --"Dr. Pills have been of in R. VANSTONE, Solicitor. to me. I was so b !I could hardly go a AN iNVITATION TO SICKNESS Thin, Wately Blood Le Cs to a Brealciown in Health. Thin, impure blood is an invitation to sickness. The blood is at work day andnightre health and tomaintain tl ea h any lak of trength or purity in the blood is a weakness in the defense against disease. Anaemia is the (loc- tor's name for lack of blood -watery blood. There may be an actual loss in the quantity of the blood, or one or I more of its constituents may be lack- ; ing. The surest symptom of anaemia is pallor. The trouble is particularly common among young girls between r but the ages of fourteen and eighteen, E, ` is also found in women of all ages, and quite frequently attacks men. It is nearly always present and prevents recovery after grippe, fevers, malaria, and operations and for this reason a !tonic medicine is required in all these cases to enrich the blood, build up the nerves and restore health and strength. , And there' is no other tonic as good as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as has been ,proved in thousands and thousands of ' cases, among them that of Miss Annie 1 Turner, Marie Joseph Pppst Office, N. Williams' Pink tunable benefit run down that tit, was not able to help in the worn about the house. As my health grew worse the trouble brought on some species of fit, and when these attacks would come on I would sometimes remain unconscious • for half an hour. After many other ' medicines had failed to help Ine, my brother got me a supply of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills and I began taking these. In the course of a few weeks I felt much better, and after taking the Pills for a tune longer I was again in full enjoyment of good health. 1 feel that I cannot praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too highly and 1 recommend them to all weak girls." You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes mutt be left at this office not later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. sSTAHLINHEI' 187: TIlE WINOI1AM TIMES. H. B. ELLIOTT, PraLI@HER AND PROPIETOR. THURSDAY MAY 9. 1912. • CHURCH NOTES Anniversary services in connection with the Wingham Methodist Sunday School will be held next Sunday. Rev. Geo. Barker, of Woodstock, will preach special sermons at both serv- ices. The Epworth League meeting on Monday evening next, will be addressed by Miss Wellwood returned, missionary from China. Come and hear an inter- esting address from one who has labor- ed among the Chinese. Special missionary sermons are being preached in all the Anglican Churches in the Diocese of Huron and next Sund- ay, Rev. D. W. Collins will take the services in St. Paul's Church and will preach sermons bearing on the question of missions. The vote on church union in the Methodist Church, as recorded in the Christian Guardian, is as follows: In 301 congregations 37,176 members 18 years and over voted for, and 33,105 voted against; under 18, 3,516 voted for and 409 against. The total vote thus far in favor is 48,491 and a ainst 6,516. The vote of Wingham Methodist Church on Union was as follows: - Official Board, 10 for and 13 against; members over 18- 118 for and 103 against; under 18 years - 23 for; 13 against; adherents over 18 •13 for, 12 against; total -164 for and 144 against; total membership, 533, contributing adherents, 47; total voting power, 580; total votes cast, 308. A handsome new Roman Catholic church, at the corner of Duchess aven- ue and Cathcart street, in South Lon- don, was dedicated Sunday morning to St Martin of Tours. Right Rev. Bish- op Fallon dedicated the church and cel- ebrated Pontifical High Mass, at the conclusion of which he congratulated the parish and the pastor, Rev. Father Laurendeau, who is a former pastor of Wingham and St. Augustine. Homeseekers' and Settlers' Special Trains to Western Canada. Via Chicago and St. Paul, April 16th, 23rd and 30th, and every second Tues- day thereafter until Sf pt. 17th, inclus- ive. Tickets will also be on sale on certain dates via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company. Special train will leave Toronto 10.30 p. m. on above dates for Edmonton and points in Mani- toba and Saskatchewan, stopping at all points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway west of Winnipeg. Through coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleepers will be carried fully equipped with bedding and porter in charge. Berths may be secur- ed in sleepers at a low rate. This is an exceptional opportunity for those wish- ing to take advantage of the remark- ably low one-way Settlers' rates or round trip Homeseekers' excursions through the American Cities. No change of cars. Secure tickets and berth reservations from env Grand Trunk Agent, er write A. ;✓ Duff, District. Passenger Agent, Union Sta- tion, Toronto. YOUR efficiency depends upon your condition. Scott's Emulsion builds, strengthens and sustains robust health. AN Drsrggisa, Scott h 13owne, Toronto, Ont. 12-s HARRISTON. Far from the scene of the Titanic disaster the remains of the late George E. Graham, one of the victims reclaim- ed from an ocean grave, were on Satur- day, amid every evidence of respect for the departed and deepest sympathy for the bereaved widow and friends, laid to rest in the Harriston cemetery beside the grave of his only child, who died in Harriston fifteen months ago. The body arrived by special train from Toronto, and was accompanied by Mrs. Graham and other relatives, also Mr. J. C. Eaton and some sixty heads of the departments of the firm from Tor- onto and Winnipeg. A large number of citizens joined the funeral procession from the station to the Methodist Church. The organist played the Dead March in Saul while the casket was being placed at the altar. An impres- sive service was conducted by the pas- tor, Rev. C. L. Bennett, assisted by Professor C. P. Bowles and Dr. J. A. Rankin of Toronto; Rev. Wm. Jamie- son of Palmerston and Rev. Wm. Mc- Ii;ay of Harriston. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, May 6 -Union Stock Yards - Receipts, 121 cars with 2,415 head of cattle, 23 calves, 387 hogs and 30 sheep and lambs. The heavy receipts of cattle for to- day's market led some of the local wholesale butchers to look for a little easing off in prices from the recent high levels. In this expectation they were soon undeceived, for an unexpect- ed very active demand for export and for inter -Provincial trade created quite a hot market, and though top prices were not higher than last week's best, the general run of medium to good light butcher cattle were from ten to fifteen cents higher, this being a very conser- vative estimate. The top for export cattle was $7.60, and for choice butch- er, strong at $7.30; good medium loads of butcher steers, strong at $6.50 to $7. There was a very light run of sheep and lambs, hardly enough to make a market. Sheep quotations unchanged. Hogs Light run and market steady and unchanged at last week's prices. Export cattle, choice $7 00 to $7 60 do medium 5 75 6 00 do light 5 80 6 00 do bulls.... ....... 4 50 5 50 do cows.. , .. 3 75 5 00 Butchers choice 7 00 7 30 do medium ... 6 40 6 75 do cows.... ........... 6 00 650 do common.... 4 00 4 70 do canners 2 00 3 00 Short -keep. ... .......... 5 60 5 55 Feeders steers 5 75 6 25 do bulls 3 25 425 Stockers choice 5 00 6 00 do light .... 3 75 4 25 Milch cows, choice, each40 00 70 00 Springers 40 00 60 00 Common and medium ... 25 00 45 00 Sheep, ewes...... 5 00 6 50 do bucks 400 5 00 Lambs, yearlings. 7 00 9 25 Spring lambs, each 8 00 5 00 Hogs, f. o. b. 8 40 8 35 do fed and watered ..8 85 Calves 4 0A 700 WINGRAM MARKET REPORTS. Wingham, May, 8, 1912. Floor per 100 lbs .... 2 76 to 3 25 Fall wheat .... 0 98 to 100 Oats .. .... 0 48 to 050 Barley.. .. 65 to 0 80 Peas .. 100 to 100 Butter dairy,,. ... 023 to 025 Eggs per doz.... 020 to 0 22 Wood per cord .... 2 76 to 2 80 !lay per ton ... 12 00 to 13 00 Potatoes per bushel, .. ... 1 10 to 1 11 Lard 0 17 to 0 17 Liveiiogs per cwt .. 7 35 to 7 35 TOWNSHIP QF ► UHBBEBHY BY-LAW NO. 15, 1912 A By -Law for the construction of Bridges in the Township of Turn - berry in the County of Huron; and to provide for the issue of Deben- tures of the said Municipality to the amount of Ten Thousand Dol- lars to run Twenty Years at a rate of interest bearing five per cent. per annum. Whereas it is necessary that, the Municioal Council of the Tim n lup of Turnberry shall construct anumber of Bridges over the River Maitland in the Township of Turnberry and whereas in order to provide for the constrant- ion or the said works It will re neces- sary to issue debentures of the sa.d municipality for the sum of Ten Thous- and Dollars bearing interest at t h e rate of live per cent per annum as hereinafter provided, which i, the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By Law. alio Proceeds of the said Debentures to be applied for the purpose aforesaid and to no other pur- pose. and whereas it is desirable to issue the said Drbentures at the Sa,ue time, and make the principa: and interest of the said debt repayable by yearly payments during the period of twenty years. that being the cur - retie), of the said Debentures, the said yearly payments being of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each vear for prineieat aite inters -t ul re;peot of said debt shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount payable for principal and inter- est during each of the other nineteen years of the said period. And Whereas the total amount required by the Municipal Act to be raised annually by special rate tor the payment cf the said debt and interest ns hereinafter provided is the sum of Eight Hundred and Two Dollars and forty-two cents. And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the Township of Turnberry according to the last revised assessment roll is One Million three hundred and. twenty one thousand three hundred and tixty Dollars. And whereas the total Deben- sure debt of the Municipality of Turnberry is six hundred and forty-two 02.100 Dollars and no sum of either principal or interest is in arrears. Aud Whereas the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Turnberry enacts as follows: 1st. That the said Municipal Council shall expend the money, raised from the sale of the said Debentures in Building Bridges in the said Township of Turnberry; and for the pur- pose of raising the necessary sum required for the construction of the said Work Deben- tures for the cum of Ten Thousand Dollars to sums of not less than one hundred dollars each, shall be issued within flue motths of the final passing of this By Law. 2nd. The said Debentures shall be issued bearing interest at five per cent. per annum and each of the Debentu• es shell be dated on the dateof the issue thereof and shall be payable in equal amounts In each rf the twenty years next succeeding the said date, such amount being made up of the aggregate cum due each year on account of principal end interest, as shown in schedule "B" hereto annexed. 9rd. Each of the Debentures shall be_signed by the Reeve of the said Municrpa 'tor his authorized Substitute and shall a counter- slgntd by the Treasurer of said unicipality and the @lark of said Municipal y shall attach the seals of the said Municip ity to each of the ;d Debentures' 9th. ;The said Debe tture the fifteenth day of D .ce sh t11 be payable on er in each and every year during the said enty years at the Bank of Hamilton in the town of Wingham, in the county of Huron, during the llfetiate of the aforesaid Debentures. 5th. There shall be raised annually by special rate, on all rateable property in the said,Township of Turnberry the sum of eight hundred and two dollars and forty-two cents for t e purpose of pal ing the amount of the Debentures in each of the said years respec- tively. 6th, This By Law shall take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. 7th. Votes of the Electors of the said Town- ship of Turnberry shall be taken on this 13 r Law on the Eighth Day of Juue next by tee Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks named by the Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Turnberry as shown in Schedule "A" attached by this 13y Law. 8th. The Reeve of the said Township of Turnberry shall attend at the Clerk's office in Bluevale on the 27th day of May or sooner and appoint in writing two persons to atten t at each of the different polling placesin behalf of the persons interested in promoting or op- posing the passage of this 13y Law, and also at the final summing up of the Votes for or against the passage of this By Law, by the Township Clerk at his office oe, the Tenth day of June next at two o'clock p. m. Provisionally adopted this the Sixth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and twelve. REEVE. "CLERK. TAKE NOTICE. That the above is a true copy of a proposed By Law which has been taken into considera- tion by the Counci, of the Township of Turn - berry, and which will in the event of the as- sent of the Electors being obtained thereto will be finally passed after Two months from the first publication in the Wingham Times, the date of which first publication was the 9th day of May, 1912. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. SCHEDULE "A" The following Deputy Returning Officers and Votl Clerks were appointed by the Council of Turnberry to take the Vote of the El.'ctors on this By Law on the Eighth day of .Tune next, polls to open at nir.e o'clock 8. m. and to close at flue o'clock p. nt. Division No. 1.-W. b. King, D. R. O.; Ben- son Cruickshank, Poli Clerk. Division No. 2. -John W King, D. R. 0.; Samways Paul, Poll Clerk. Division No. 8 -Alex. McPherson, D. R. 0.; Jas. T, Wylie, Poll Clerk. Div stop No. 4.-D. H. Wallace, D. R. 0,; Arthur Lincoln, Poll Clerk. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. SCHEDULE "B" Showing in respect to each instal- ment of the debt to be thereby created how much of the amount to be annual- ly raised is for principal and how much is for interest. Interest Principal Total 1912 $500 00 $302 42 $802 42 1913 484 87 317 55 802 42 1914 469 00 333 42 802 42 1915 452 32 350 09 802 42 1916 423 82 367 60 802 42 1917 416 44 385 98 802 32 1918 397 14 405 28 802 42 1819 376 88 425 54 802 42 182i) 355 60 446 82 802 42 1821 338 26 409 16 802 42 1822 309 80 492 62 802 42 1823 285 17 517 25 802 42 1824 259 41 543 11 802 42 1825 232 15 570 27 802 42 1828 203 64 598 78 802 42 1827 173 70 628 72 802 42 1828 142 26 660 16 802 42 1829 109 25 693 16 802 42 1830 7' 60 727 82 802 42 1831 38 20 764 22 802 42 $10000 00 $6048 40 $6048 40 Italian workmen are, as a rule, not fond of strikes; they usually resort to other means to get what they want. A company of Italian navies engaged in the construction of a railway in Ger- many had their wages reduced. They said nothing, but during the night each of the men cut an inch sir the end of his shovel. In reply to the engineer who took them to task about it, one of them said: "Not so much pay, no lift so much earth. So much longer last work. Italian no fool like German. Italian no strike." [AM WANTS Our cream wagons are now on the road. If you have not been called up- on, let us kn e ' and we will place " o u on one of our routes. We are pay- ing 25c per lb. fat for this week. For further parti- culars apply at Creamery 4..494S*009;1'..•b+C,4Q404006^',*>40Ss WM. DAVI[S WINGHAM, CO., LIMNED; ONTARIO. e• m O • **A*W*,•aA*47'!:•er o•^.•A4a*o04'41.>04073,44a*eeoe0o0o R chelieu and Ontario Navigation Com laity NAVIGATION OPEN Between Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte, Montreal and inter• mediste ports Steamer "Belleville" Leaves Hamilton 1100 a.m. and Toron to 6.00 p m. every Tuesday. Lqw rates in effect inelading meals and berth. Tourist Steamers "Toronto" and "Kingston" Commen ce running Jane 1st daily except Sunday, after Jane 24th daily. For rates, illustrated folders, etc., apply to local agents or write H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, A. G. P. A,, Toronto, Ont. The Canadian Northern is considering a new electric line between Montreal and Gttawa WANTED A live representative for WINGHAM and surrounding District to sell high-class stock for THE FONTHiLL NURSERIES More fruit trees will be planted in the Fall of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than ever before in the history of Ontario, The orchard of the future will be the best paying part of the farm. We teach our men Salesmanship Tree Culture and how big profits in fruit growing can be made. Pay weekly, permanent employ- ment, exclusive territory Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO. -From the Assessor's Roll of the Township of Carrick, we glean the following statistics: -The total acreage of Carrick is 5950; total assessment $2,778,008; population 3832; number between 5 and 21 years 1407; between 5 and 16 years 1027; number of males from 21 to 60 years 810; Business assessment $39,658; Income assessment $1900; Dogs assessed 432. ��4,�.........•�..... •..••• •...•.�����iNt•N�����s4,• l LET US. MEASURE YOU 1 SPRING FOR A NEW SUIT ..:tom � ✓r..'.: � to be made from the:Inew exclu- sive cloths we are:showing. YOU KNOW OUR TAILORING by reputation. Here is a chance to know it personally, We are making considerable price con- cessions to those who order at once. W. J. I1tNN1N6 THE TAILOR iiittflattkOdittidettik tAI.tNI.NN/1t.44'.ltNNiN0 THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE, WINGHAM Journal -Home KERR BIRD Agents Ladies Journn al Pat- terns IIome Journal Every Day Is Bargain Day At Thts Store 1 MOW We have not room in this limited space to enumerate more than jest a few of the bargains that we are coatinu•tlly offering. Watch tbis space and you wil find some very interesting store news each week. A SPECIAL PRICE ON FRUIT. We secured a large quansity of California Oranges, choice sweet juicy fruit. We offer them while they last at very low prices, California Oranges at only 20c dozen, Choice Lemons " 20e dozen. Lemons are first class, the same quality usually sold at 25e to 30e doz Quaker Corn Flakes, none better, all fresh crisp stock 3 packages for 25c, NEW PURE MAPLE SYRUP. We have secured a quantity of Quebec Maple Syrup, we guarantee it to be New Pare Maple Syrup. Try it and be covinced that it's the best yet. Your money refunded if it is not perfectly satisfactorily • LIPTON'S DELICIOUS JELLY TABLETS, SOLIDIFIED JELLY. Costs a little more than cheap Jelly Powders, but just try a package and you'll never use Jelly Powders again. This is so superior to all others, that the wonder is, we hadnot pat this line into stock long ago. 10,i package, 3 for 25c. Strawberry, Raspberry, Lemon, Orange, Port. Sherry, and Vanilla. BARGAIN IN MEN'S OVERALLS A quantity of Men's Black Denim Overalls with bib, good material, well made, regular 81.00 overalls for 75c. We are going oat of this line and reduce the price to clear. Have you tried Lax and Panshine? We have them instock. A cake of Coral Toilet Soap free, with a package of Lax and Panshine. Tre them. „...... ........, I TO BE HANGED 1 1 BEFORE JULY Ist, 1912 rler4.444'44443.4441.3>44+4.44444! 20 Thousand kolis - OF - WALL PAPER ALL NEW STOCK Just Received the Largest Stock of Wall Paper ever shown in Wingham. From 5c to $ I Per Roll I A. M. KNOX'S JEWELLERY STORE In the Wilson Block Opposite National Hotel ____, B A _ N __.�_. _ F __ HAMT11IOI1 _ _ _ '►'- Pi t£ fpr £No E6$ n . ll t „p -=t,, +a.9t- ~=^�= HAMILTON V • CAPITAL PAID UP 2,870,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 3,600,000 -"..•. Total Assets 44,000,000 fll: +Z.,,z, , t�� , RANGE is Europe's banker. For a ' sie 1 A country to acquire that position, her f, �# 1181 people must be remarkably thrifty. The ' • t11;, people of France are exceptionally so -- ;8 intheir youth. l, . A,+ fill;; they begin to to save e 13: matter how small their income, a portion 4 'i is regularly set apaat for future need, In '?.,• .'.'� old age they enjoy the fruits of their thrift. ' �`i,ra Theyare a happynation. 'te4.ale"?:%1`. f ;-�„i' The opening of a savings account is the , bestwayto acquire that habit of savin g q -, without which no ability to earn can in- =" - sure you against possible misfortune. Office C. P. SMITH, Agent, Wingham. [AM WANTS Our cream wagons are now on the road. If you have not been called up- on, let us kn e ' and we will place " o u on one of our routes. We are pay- ing 25c per lb. fat for this week. For further parti- culars apply at Creamery 4..494S*009;1'..•b+C,4Q404006^',*>40Ss WM. DAVI[S WINGHAM, CO., LIMNED; ONTARIO. e• m O • **A*W*,•aA*47'!:•er o•^.•A4a*o04'41.>04073,44a*eeoe0o0o R chelieu and Ontario Navigation Com laity NAVIGATION OPEN Between Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte, Montreal and inter• mediste ports Steamer "Belleville" Leaves Hamilton 1100 a.m. and Toron to 6.00 p m. every Tuesday. Lqw rates in effect inelading meals and berth. Tourist Steamers "Toronto" and "Kingston" Commen ce running Jane 1st daily except Sunday, after Jane 24th daily. For rates, illustrated folders, etc., apply to local agents or write H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, A. G. P. A,, Toronto, Ont. The Canadian Northern is considering a new electric line between Montreal and Gttawa WANTED A live representative for WINGHAM and surrounding District to sell high-class stock for THE FONTHiLL NURSERIES More fruit trees will be planted in the Fall of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than ever before in the history of Ontario, The orchard of the future will be the best paying part of the farm. We teach our men Salesmanship Tree Culture and how big profits in fruit growing can be made. Pay weekly, permanent employ- ment, exclusive territory Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO. -From the Assessor's Roll of the Township of Carrick, we glean the following statistics: -The total acreage of Carrick is 5950; total assessment $2,778,008; population 3832; number between 5 and 21 years 1407; between 5 and 16 years 1027; number of males from 21 to 60 years 810; Business assessment $39,658; Income assessment $1900; Dogs assessed 432. ��4,�.........•�..... •..••• •...•.�����iNt•N�����s4,• l LET US. MEASURE YOU 1 SPRING FOR A NEW SUIT ..:tom � ✓r..'.: � to be made from the:Inew exclu- sive cloths we are:showing. YOU KNOW OUR TAILORING by reputation. Here is a chance to know it personally, We are making considerable price con- cessions to those who order at once. W. J. I1tNN1N6 THE TAILOR iiittflattkOdittidettik tAI.tNI.NN/1t.44'.ltNNiN0 THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE, WINGHAM Journal -Home KERR BIRD Agents Ladies Journn al Pat- terns IIome Journal Every Day Is Bargain Day At Thts Store 1 MOW We have not room in this limited space to enumerate more than jest a few of the bargains that we are coatinu•tlly offering. Watch tbis space and you wil find some very interesting store news each week. A SPECIAL PRICE ON FRUIT. We secured a large quansity of California Oranges, choice sweet juicy fruit. We offer them while they last at very low prices, California Oranges at only 20c dozen, Choice Lemons " 20e dozen. Lemons are first class, the same quality usually sold at 25e to 30e doz Quaker Corn Flakes, none better, all fresh crisp stock 3 packages for 25c, NEW PURE MAPLE SYRUP. We have secured a quantity of Quebec Maple Syrup, we guarantee it to be New Pare Maple Syrup. Try it and be covinced that it's the best yet. Your money refunded if it is not perfectly satisfactorily • LIPTON'S DELICIOUS JELLY TABLETS, SOLIDIFIED JELLY. Costs a little more than cheap Jelly Powders, but just try a package and you'll never use Jelly Powders again. This is so superior to all others, that the wonder is, we hadnot pat this line into stock long ago. 10,i package, 3 for 25c. Strawberry, Raspberry, Lemon, Orange, Port. Sherry, and Vanilla. BARGAIN IN MEN'S OVERALLS A quantity of Men's Black Denim Overalls with bib, good material, well made, regular 81.00 overalls for 75c. We are going oat of this line and reduce the price to clear. Have you tried Lax and Panshine? We have them instock. A cake of Coral Toilet Soap free, with a package of Lax and Panshine. Tre them. „...... ........, I TO BE HANGED 1 1 BEFORE JULY Ist, 1912 rler4.444'44443.4441.3>44+4.44444! 20 Thousand kolis - OF - WALL PAPER ALL NEW STOCK Just Received the Largest Stock of Wall Paper ever shown in Wingham. From 5c to $ I Per Roll I A. M. KNOX'S JEWELLERY STORE In the Wilson Block Opposite National Hotel