HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1912-05-09, Page 1THE WINS AM TIMES. VOL. XLI.--NO. 2101. FREEL1I1EE1 A Complete Aquarium con- sisting of 2 GOLD FISH 1 GLASS GLOBE AQUARIUM PLANT, Etc. WHILE THEY LAST With every 25e box of Rexall Liver Pills. '1 he above complete aquarium will be given free We have some larger Gold Fish at 10e each. Walton McKibbon THE DRU'CiST 2IQ Store Macdonald Block, Wingham. SOLD The property advertised in last week's TIMES has been sold, and this week we offer Another Bargain The McCloy house, opposite the High School. A better investment than a hundred acre farm. Double Rouse with all modern conveniences a well finished stable, large garden and a beautiful situa tion, Will be sold right. Also a nice brick property in Pleasant Valley which will be sold at a bargain as the owner is leaving town. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE The nevem King Ed�j aril memorial foun- tain at Burlingtonr,was dedicated by Lieut. -Governor Sir;John Gibson. There are still some good bargains in furniture at S. Gracey's clearing out furniture sale. Cayu ga Indians 31 the Brant reserve are pressing their hundred -year-old claim against the ;United States Gov- ernment for their 'Annuity. Christie's Grocery PHONE 59. ro Our Groceries c are Selected WE DON'T buy our stocks on the haphazard principle. Nor do we purchase them on an extra profit basis, We select them to please our customers and invari- ably THEY GIVE SUPREME SATISFACTION. Will be pleas ed to have a mail order. DOMOLCO MALASSES • Per Tin 150 Wherever used this brand of Molasses is nighty recommended, the price looks high but its worth it. The most sanitary way to ' buy Molasses is in canned form. Pickles in Bunk, Both Sour and Sweet TOMATO PLANTS They're starting to sell now and we never had plants look so well. Per box of 12 Plants 10e. WANTED—CI.OLCM; BUTTER ' AND FRESH EGGS. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1912.. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. LOOK 'HERE Young lady woul like to secure a position in a store r factory, a re- staurant preferred. State wages. Write to MISS MABEL WARNER Rosseau, Minn. New Perfecti n Stoves. A demonstration • the "New Per- ection" oil stoves 11 be held at Mr. V. J. Boyce's stove and tinware store n Wednesday, Ma 15th. The ladies f Wingham and di •riet are invited to isit Mr. Boyce's store and see the working of these st ves. Mr, Boyce is also handling elect is irons and toast- ers. See his advt.-in another column. WANTED—An app a ce to learn the arbering. Apply t , Somers. The Greyho E. H. Ayer, exci White Star Line, sistant Mr. Durhai week making prep excursion of the Mr. Ayer promises cursion the best tit ion this year will b of Minerva Encam this town. Excur ular train on morn co nnect with spe for Goderich. A run on evening of rich on arrival of d Excursion. rsion agent of the etroit, and his as- , were in town last rations for the June teamer Greyhound. patrons of this ex - ie yet. The exeurs- 3 under the auspices .ment, I. 0.0. F., of onists will take reg- Iig of June 14th and al train at Clinton �ecial train will be dune 17th from Gode- oat from Detroit. For wall paper and window shades o to KNOX's. Putting in a New Stock. Messrs. King nos. are putting in a s tock of staple d r goods in their temp- orary premises n the Griffin block. They will carry a ull line of staple dry goods, groceries, and small wares and they have made arrangements for a special order depa •tment to fill all or- ders for goods wh h they are unable to carry in stock i' their small premises. Work will be sti. ted at once on the building of the ew store at the old stand and Messr-. King Bros. expect to be in their new :tore by the lst of Sep- tember. Death of eorge A. Knox. There passed away at the Queen's hotel on Friday vening last, Mr. Geo. A. Knox, son o Mr. Arthur Knox and brother of Mrs J. E. Swarts. The deceased was in lis 63rd year and for a number of yea s had been residing in Toronto and was here on a visit to his father and siste He had been in fail- ing health for so e time, In addition to his father an sister here he is sur- vived by his wi .w and seven children as well as ano her sister residing in Toronto. The uneral took place on Sunday afternc on from the Queen's hotel to the Vv hgham. cemetery, the services at the ouse and grave being conducted by R v. E. H. Croly. Indian Runner Duck eggs for hatch- ing. $1 for 15. Apply to D. B. An- derson, Wingham. Ont. Death of lfr. Justice Jam man of the Domi way Commission chael's Hospital, afternoon. Shorn suffered a severe failure and grad was peaceful. I without sufferin udge Mabee. s P. Mabee, Chair - tion Board of Rail- s, died in St. Mi- oronto, on Monday y after 1 o'clock he collapse from heart lly sank. The end •s last hours were , and he retained consciousness unt 1 within a few mo- ments of the final archer still loves the death of Judge of a notable caree service, Canada le one who had in a the esteem and afft from the Atlantic passing. The grim shining mark. By Mabee, in the prime of splendid public s a great citizen, arked degree won ction of her people o the Pacific. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, wl o appointed Judge the Railway Com - s one of his admir- Judge Mabee had Mabee Chairman o mission, and who vv ers, declared that , Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8 Moved to r Mr. J. Walton 11 gist is busy this w to his new premis of the Macdonald Mr. McKibbon a f nicely settled, b completed he will drug stores in W w Premises. [cKibbon, the drug- ek moving his stock s in the double store lock. It will take w days before he is when the work is have one of the best tern Ontario, LOST.—In Wingham, on April 28th, fancy gold bracelet. Finder will re - c eive reward by leaving at TIMES office. Turr.berry B At a meeting of cil in Bluevale on to provide for the, debentures to pro ing, was given it. ratepayers will v the 8th of June. lished in this iss ratepayers of Tu been a great example of capacity, tact and fairness, and that it would be difficult to repair t . e loss Canada had sustained. Fidge 13y -Law. he Turnberry Coun- [onday, the by-law raising of $10,000 by ide for bridge build - first reading. The e on this by-law on The by-law is pub - e of the TIMES and nberry should read it. You can get more furniture and bet- ter furniture for less money and less talk at WALKER'S Furniture store. Fourteenth:A nual Greeting. The Big Stea leave Goderich F 9.30 a. m. and re Monday, June 17 fare for the round The Trip of Trips, erica's Picturesqu+ of the:St. Clair day Saturday an noon Monday, to ably occupy you friends and the m and beauty in De Worth Living. The undersigned is prepared to take care of lots in the Wingham cemetery during the summer months and guar- antees to give satisfaction. Price for season is $1 per lot. Orders left with John F. Groves, Town Clerk, will re- ceive prompt attention. ROBERT DXiYELL,, er Greyhound will iday, June 14th, at urning leave Detroit h, at 1 p. m. The rip will be only $1.50. which reveals Am - Venice, the charms ].ver, and gives all Sunday, and until recreate and agree - time visiting your ny points of interest oit "Where Life is FOR SALE.— A good bedroom suite. Apply at TIMES oce.y-- Honour for Wing Miss Marjorie scholarship in Scie she graduated fro School, has done w search in connectio for the Arts degree, vestigated "Ray T Sempervirens." researches has re recognition and ha "The New Phyt British botanical School staff and s Miss Gordon on he will be an incenti students at the v to those who in a enter upon a univ am High School, •'don, who won a ce in 1908, when Wingham High rk in original re - with her studies Miss Gordon in- cheids in Sequoia he result of her eived distinguished been published in logist," a leading journal. The High udents congratulate success. Her work e to the Wingham Mous universities and hort time expect to rsity course. TRUNKS AND VALISES: --Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. The FirstSall Game. A meeting was h Id on Friday night and the schedule fo the Town League was drafted. The pening game will take place on Frid night, May 10, and the first ball ill be pitchedby Mayor Spotton and a members of the Town Council will p eside at the official opening also. The pening game is be- tween the High Sc of and the Banker - Brunswick and it p omises to be very interesting. A sit r collection will be taken up at the ga e and this should have your hearty s pport as the boys are going to a lot of expense to get some sport started in the town. See handhelpit are all n to thatyou along. The game will start at 7.45 p.m. sharp. The sc edule for the sea- son is as follows:— May 10 High School s. Banker -Bruns. 15 Foundry Factory 17 Clerks High School 22 Factory Clerks t4 Foundry Danker -Bruns. 29 Banker-Brui s. High School 31 High School Factory June 5 Clerks . Banker -Bruns. 7 Factory Foundry 12 Foundry Clerks 14 High School Clerks 19 Banker-Bru s. Foundry 21 Clerks Factory 26 Factory High School 28 Foundry High Sc000l July 3 High School Banker -Bruns. 5 Banker -Brun . Clerks 10 Clerks Foundry 12 Factory Banker -Bruns 17 Foundry Factory 19 High School Foundry 24 Banker -Brun . Factory 26 Clerks High School 31 Factory Clerks Aug. 2 Foundry Banker -Bruns. •7 High School Factory 9 Banker-Bru . High School 14 Clerks Banker -Bruns. 16 Factory Foundry 21 Foundry Clerks Board of Trad A meeting of the Trade will be held in ber, on Friday eveni 8 o'clock. It is im members of the Bo our citizens general). this meeting as officer ed and other importan brought before the m: Accident at Readers of the Ti to learn that Reev with an accident at day afternoon last cattle sale. Mr. Mc ing a cow when in sprained one of his a and has since been co Many friends hope to soon able to be aro business. WANTED. --Two Bright, smart young men to learn 'the upholstering. Apply to WALKER & CLEGG, Wingham. Meeting. ingham Board of he Council Cham- , 17th inst, at ortant that all d of Trade and should attend are to be elect - matters will be ting. ucknow. s will be sorry McDonald met cknow on Satur- hen attending a Donald was lead- ome manner he ikles very baldy fined to his home. see Mr. McDonald nd attending to Saturday Nigh Accident. On Josephine str:et last Saturday evening last there was a runaway which might have ea ily been followed with serious results Mr. and Mrs. W. H: Fraser, of th. 1st line of Morris were driving up to 4err & Bird's store when a horse and bu gy run into their buggy which was overturned and both Mr. and Mrs. Frase were thrown to the ground. Fortu ately they escaped serious injury. Th practice of fast driving on Josephin street, especially on Saturday night, hould be discontin- ued or some time a accident more ser- ious than the one of Saturday night will have to be reco ded. Did you ever use the Vacuum Carpet Cleaner. They are said to be just the thing for cleaning carpets. S. Gracey has one for rent. Successful Salo of Work. The Sale of Work Ladies' Aid of the B; which was held in th projected by the ptist Church and Council Chamb- er on the afternoon) and evening of Thursday, April 25th, resulted most successfully. The la•ge number of use- ful and fancy article , as well as home- made baking and can ly, were very at- tractively displayed d many favorable comments thereupon were to be heard. The ladies themsely are much to be congratulated upon he success of their efforts and they in rn wish to thank all those 'who by th .ir attendance and patronage not only ncreased the pleas- ure of the occasio but also assisted in accomplishing th gratifying result. The net returns fr m the sale amount to a little in exces of $100.00. LOST In Wingham, on Wednesday, a cameo brooch, between Queen's hotel and Johnston's restaurant. Finder kindly leave at MM.: office. HIGH SCH OL NOTES. Inspector Spott/n recently visited the school. Form III A are test examination Owing to the has been decided organization of tI tion until next Sera vriting on their final lis week. pressure of work, it o postpone the re- te Athletic Associa- tember. Through the enrgy of Mr. F. Buch- anan, chairman f the High School Board, a number of pictures and maps have been procured for the school. We have much pleasure in announc- ing that through the generosity of Mr. A. Cosens, Treas firer of the High School Board, and if Mr. J. G. Work- man, a former p ncipal, two prizes have been offered to the school for competition next ne. Mr. Cosens' prize is $5 and is gi n for general pro- ficiency in Form III s a result of the annual departmental xaminations. Mr. Workman's prize is $ and is given for general proficiency in Form II as a re- sult of th'e annual pi motion examina- tions. With Dr. I%w n's general pro- ficiency prize in For IV and Mr. D. Holmes' prize for Ma hematics in Form 111, the only Form le t unprovided for in the way of an annu 1 prize is Form I. The thanks of the students are due these gentlemen for t eir kind interest in their welfare. A few days ago rof. Robt. Laird, M. A., of Queen's niversity, King- ston, visited Principal Smith at the High School and gav> a brief address to the students on "E i ucation." Among other things he said hat it was a deplor- able fact that Cana fan students did not have patience whi characterized the students of the old vorld and were in a feverish haste to prsh on to the higher classes before the ork of the junior classes was th roughly mastered. While the avera • e Canadian student was brighter th n the average old- world student, th • former lacked the thorough prepay: ion which the latter possessed and w ich meant so much in the attainment o ultimate success in their chosen vocaltions. Death of Mrs. IL. Pearen, Death came verb s tddenly to Mary Coultes, beloved wife of Mr. Lawrence Pearen, of East Waw nosh. Mrs. Pear - en was in her usual eaith on Monday i morning and perfor ed her usual house- hold work that mor ing and about 10 1 o'clock walked to neighbor's home where she was tak suddenly ill, be- coming unconsciou and passed away early Tuesday mor ing. The deceased lady was born in assagaweya Town- ship, Halton Coun y and was a. daugh-I ter of the late Joh Coultes and came with her parents, hen in girlhood, to East Wawanosh. About thirty-five years ago she vas married to Mr. Pearen and for so le fifteen years twenty re- sided in Belgrav ,, and yea!•, moved to Wingm and three year's ago moved to the farm in East Wn'. a - nosh. Mrs. Pear n was not in the best of health for som months, but her ill- ness was not con idered serious. She had for many yea s been a member of the Methodist Ch rch and had a large circle of friends ho will hear of her sudden death wit) deep regret. She is survived by her husband and three sons, viz:—Joshu H. I., Owassa ('ity, Mich.; John W. nd Matthew, Wing - ham. Also four brothers and three sisters, viz: --•Jon T. Coultes, East Wawanosh; Base E. Coultes, Buffalo; Chas. H. and Ge rge W. Coultes in the United States; rs. Garton, Michigan; Mrs. - Smith, A berta; Mrs. Waugh, London. In the r sudden bereavement the relatives wil have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. The funeral takes place thi (Thursday) afternoon at 1.30 o'clock ronl the residence of Mr, John. T. Co ites, concession 6, East Wawanosh, to t ie Wingham cemetery. The late Dr. arroll left land to the town of Ingers 11 for a park, and his residence as Protestant Children's Hospital'. Loss.--Keyring please leave at Post reward. f keys; finder ce and receive Death of Mrs Wm. Moore. It is with deep r gret that the TIMES this week records he death of Lucinda McDonald, belove wife of Mr. William Moore, who pass away at her home on Shuter street o Thursday morning last. The decease lady wa<, born in the city of Belle ille and in girlhood moved with her p rents to Hay town- ship where she pent her early life. She was married o William Blatchford, who died many •ears ago and thirty- six years ago she was married to her now bereaved hu band and since that time has reside in Wingham. She was a kindly disp osed woman and was fond of her hem and during her long residence here h d made a large circle of friends. and h r death is deeply re- gretted. Mrs. I\ oore had been ill for only a few spay: with pneumonia and her death came 'ery unexpectedly. She was one of a fa ily of eleven children and hers was he first death in the family. Beside her husband. who will feel the loss of • kind and loving wife, there are titre sons and two daugh- ters, v iz: -Wm.1 Blatchford, Wingham: W. Elmer Moire, Saskatoon, Sask.; ('has. E. Moore Toronto, and Misses Pearl and May, at home; also one step- son, John Monte, of Grand Rapids, Mich. The br{tthers and sisters are Geo. McDonald Port Huron; Joseph Tp.; John McDonald, • Chas. " s. McDonald William McDonald, Eacrett, Brantford; Port Huron; Mrs. Tp.; Mrs. Robt. Camp- rs. L. Allsworth, Bay- eaved will be extend - sympathy of many neral took place on n to the Wingham services at the house McDonald, Ha V\ awato, Sas Moosejaw, Sasl Detroit; Mrs. II, Mrs. Puffington John Goold, Hay bell, Ingersoll; Di field. To the be ed the sincere friends. The f Monday afterno cemetery and th and grave were conducted by Rev. G. Victor Collins, astor of the Baptist Church and the pallbearers were Messrs. F. Buchman, Joseph Stalker, John Galbraith, 'F. H. Roderus, H. E. Isard and Jos. E. Bradwin. Among those from a dis ante who attended the funeral were W Elmer Moore, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. C s. E. Moore, Toronto; John Moore„ Gr d Rapids; Joseph Mc- Donald, Hay; W Mrs. Goold, H gersoll; Mrs. Al and William Mo West Toronto; ich. MAY MEETING OF COUNCIL. The May meetin, cil was held on M all the members p McDonald and Cr of the Town Coun- nday evening with esent except Reeve un, Mills. Minutes of last meeting we •e read and approv- ed. Communication as read from the Cartier Centenary ommittee, soliciting a subscription. —F• ed. The Salvation Ai my made a request for a rebate of /hall rent.—No action taken. Mayor reports that he had received a communicatio from Scott M. Gordon requesting a r bate of business tax. Clerk was instr cted to write Mr. Gor- don to the effect that the Council can- not give rebate. The matter of he Council joining the Ontario Municip 1 Association was left over until the J e meeting. The petition let over from last meet- ing, asking that a street be opened from the west end1 of Bristol Terrace to Water street, as again taken up and on motion of Bone the Street C powered to arrange this street by the 11 Couns. Elliott and rmmittee was em - for the opening of t of October. Messrs. Wm. Mbxwell and W. J. Greer addressed the Council, asking for a grant in aid of the Turnberry Agri- cultural Society. On motion of Couns. Bone and McKibbdn, the Society was granted $35. j The Finance Committee recommend- ed payment of the following accounts: Bell Telephone Co.1 rentals... $ 35 00 Elee. Lt. Dept., band hall lights .... . . 4 70 John F. Groves, i salary and postage ., i... ..., 55 50 Geo. Allen, salary ; ... 32 50 E. Lewis, salary ., .. 35 00 W. Stokes, salary 40 00 R. Rankin, salary 10 00 R. H. Saint, wort: ..... .... , L ry L W. Levis, wag n.... 45 00 Public School Board, levy 350 On High School Boarig, levy 1000 00 Richardson & Rae' supplies 4 35 D. C. McDonald, ikvork.... 33 60 Robt Deyell, wo].20 50 E. Dennis, work . ..... 3 00 J. A. McLean, gr vel..,, 19 00 Theo. Hall, printf g 7 50 Thos. Deans, host to fire ... 2 00 J. A. McLean, lumber and teaming .. 5 15 Wm. Guest, world/ orld 5 90 Miss McLeod, w rk 2 OO Wm. Holmes, re Lairs .... 10 A. Sanderson, w rk . • • 23 1. uts in connection A number of ccou with the Elect]. c Light and Water- works departme its were also recom- mended for payn est. On motion of ouns. Elliott and Bone, the report of th Finance Committee was adopted. A petition was presented by Joseph Hall, signed by , number of ratepayers, asking that Carl* rig Terrace be graded between Victorit street and the Blue - vale road. , On motion of 'owns. Elliott and Bone. the Street Coni iittee was empowered to proceed wit the work of grading Carling Terrace the cost not to exceed 5n. F. S. Sturt, o!1 behalf of the Town Baseball Leagu , was present and ask- ed the Council o have the sod removed from the baseb 11 diamond on the park. The matter w s left in the hands of the Property Ccfnin,ittee on motion of Couns. VanStoi+e and Mitchell. Messrs. Tho.. Gregory mil R. A. Graham addres ed the Council r • the cleaning out of he drain at the south end of Josephinstreet, If the Coun- cil would do nota int, in the matter they . McDonald, Detroit y; Mrs. Campbell, In sworth, Bayfield; Geo. re and Mrs. E. Burge, oho McDonald, Goder re - . •r purposed bringii The members o the opinion that t the matter settle`I was to have an En- gineer go ov, r ti' .. round. Mr. John Rogel addressed the Coun- cil in reference t water from lower pond going over his property. The matter was •• i1.._ left vv t,i the Waterworks o and Electric LightkC'oni nittee. On invitation from the Mayor. Mr, F. G. Sparliug was present and ex- plained a difference In reference to an account for use of Ms drilling machin- ery and the use of a Leigh. The ].natter of account for use of machinery was left! with the Water- works and ElectricLight Committee and the $3.25 for use f sleigh was or- dered to be paid on i lotion of Couns. Elliott and Bone. Coun. Bone brought up the natter of citizens using stub encs of streets and lanes in the town a d on motion of Couns. Bone and Melfi bon, it was or- dered that citizens wing streets and lanes be notified to discontinue the same at once and t e Clerk was in- . structed to send prop r notices. I Council then adjou led. — :g en an Engineer. the Council were _ o[ ie best way to have i i The Shot That Stands Every Test If a shoe is weak r,r faulty in a single point, it is not a good shoe, and most assuredly, it is not "TOE BEST GOOD SHOE" which is built to stand every test— for comfort, durability and style. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE GLASS WEATHER Newest and latest designs in wall - paper at KNox'S. We can only show you 1912 wall paper at KNOx S, A good strong spring waggon, with pole and whtfdletrees for sale cheap at S. Gracey's. Insrance Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Malcolm's Grocery. H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTRRIO Agent for Allan Line Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. Lucknow(Goes Dry. The following item dated from Luck - now appeared in the e:ity papers on Wednesday of last week: -• Last night saw the rinse of L cknow's barrooms. The town filled u pretty well with to have the last ry. The two hotels people who wante drink before going' a i ,. did a roaring } d.i ie, till o'clock. and then the t.ov'n vas enlivened with whooping and sin 'ing till an early morning hour. The Cain House k e',ost:i up today! but the McGarry Hous` has got in a stock of local op- tion tlriuks, and is doing business as hereto ore. What; s going to be done with the lain Huse is at present problematical. as the present pro- prietor's lease h. run out and she quits on Saturday turdav ext., Two persons wt injured by the eoi William Neilson, Toronto. The ca has not been lear Were I to pra should stand me variety of circu source of happin to me during life ills, however th and the world fro', be a taste for re schel. re killed and fifteen pse of a wall at the Limited, factory at se of the accident ed. for a taste which instead under every stances and be a 'ss and cheerfulness nd a shield against gs mihht so amiss vn upon me, it would ding,—Sir John Her - €"JA NOME STUDY Thousands of ambitions young people are being instructed in their homes by our Home Study Rept. You may fini9li at College if you desire Day when- ever you wish, Thirty Years' Exper- ience. Largest trairt.rs n Canada. Eater any day. Positions guaranteed. If you wish to save board and learn while you earn, write for particulars. NO VACATION Wingham Ousinues Colleg GEO. SPOTTON, President